LuaSec ====== LuaSec is a binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication. It takes an already established TCP connection and creates a secure session between the peers. Functions --------- ### ssl.newcontext ### cfg = { protocol = "sslv23" | "sslv3" | "tlsv1" | "tlsv1_1" | "tlsv1_2", mode = "server" | "client", key = nil | filename, password = nil | string | function() -> string, certificate = nil | filename, cafile = nil | filename, capath = nil | path, ciphers = ciphers, verify = {"none" | "peer" | "client_once" | "fail_if_no_peer_cert", ...}, options = options, depth = number, dhparam = function(is_export, keylength) -> dh_params_string, curve = curve, verifyext = {"lsec_continue" | "lsec_ignore_purpose" | "crl_check" | "crl_check_chain", ...}, } context = ssl.newcontext(cfg) Creates a new context based on the settings in the `cfg` table. See OpenSSL documentation on specifics on these settings, and see the `openssl ciphers` command for the list of supported ciphers and its format specifically. For a list of options, see `context.setoptions`. For a list of curves, see `context.setcurve`. ### ssl.loadcertificate ### Alias for `cert.load`. ### ssl.wrap ### conn = ssl.wrap(socket, cfg) `ssl.wrap` wraps an existing luasocket socket into a luasec connection object. `cfg` is defined as for `ssl.newcontext`. ### ssl.checkhostname ### valid = ssl.checkhostname(cert, hostname) Check if the certificate is valid for the given hostname. Deals with wildcards and alternative names. **NOTE**: It is crucial the hostname is checked to verify the certificate is not only valid, but belonging to the host connected to. ### ssl.connect ### conn, socket = ssl.connect(hostname, port, [flags]) Creates a tcp socket, connects it to the specified hostname and port, wraps it in an ssl object, does the handshake and verifies the hostname. It makes sure the mode flag is set to `client`, and defaults verify to `none`, and protocol to `tlsv1_2`. Can fail, in which case it returns nil, followed by an error. See `ssl.wrap` and `ssl.checkhostname` for details. **WARNING**: Peer verification is off by default. It is highly recommended to specify either a `capath` or a `cafile` in the flags, and turn peer verification on.