-- -- Test the conn:want() function -- -- Public domain -- local socket = require("socket") local ssl = require("ssl") local params = { mode = "client", protocol = "sslv3", key = "../certs/clientAkey.pem", certificate = "../certs/clientA.pem", cafile = "../certs/rootA.pem", verify = {"peer", "fail_if_no_peer_cert"}, options = {"all", "no_sslv2"}, } -- Wait until socket is ready (for reading or writing) local function wait(peer) -- What event blocked us? local err if peer.want then -- Is it an SSL connection? err = peer:want() print("Want? ", err) else -- No, it's a normal TCP connection... err = "timeout" end if err == "read" or err == "timeout" then socket.select({peer}, nil) elseif err == "write" then socket.select(nil, {peer}) else peer:close() os.exit(1) end end -- Start the TCP connection local peer = socket.tcp() assert( peer:connect("", 8888) ) -- [[ SSL wrapper peer = assert( ssl.wrap(peer, params) ) peer:settimeout(0.3) local succ = peer:dohandshake() while not succ do wait(peer) succ = peer:dohandshake() end print("** Handshake done") --]] -- If the section above is commented, the timeout is not set. -- We set it again for safetiness. peer:settimeout(0.3) -- Try to receive a line local str = peer:receive("*l") while not str do wait(peer) str = peer:receive("*l") end peer:close()