-- -- Public domain -- local socket = require("socket") local ssl = require("ssl") -- -- Callback that selects one protocol from client's list. -- local function alpncb01(protocols) print("--- ALPN protocols from client") for k, v in ipairs(protocols) do print(k, v) end print("--- Selecting:", protocols[1]) return protocols[1] end -- -- Callback that returns a fixed list, ignoring the client's list. -- local function alpncb02(protocols) print("--- ALPN protocols from client") for k, v in ipairs(protocols) do print(k, v) end print("--- Returning a fixed list") return {"bar", "foo"} end -- -- Callback that generates a list as it whishes. -- local function alpncb03(protocols) local resp = {} print("--- ALPN protocols from client") for k, v in ipairs(protocols) do print(k, v) if k%2 ~= 0 then resp[#resp+1] = v end end print("--- Returning an odd list") return resp end local params = { mode = "server", protocol = "any", key = "../certs/serverAkey.pem", certificate = "../certs/serverA.pem", cafile = "../certs/rootA.pem", verify = {"peer", "fail_if_no_peer_cert"}, options = "all", --alpn = alpncb01, --alpn = alpncb02, --alpn = alpncb03, alpn = {"bar", "baz", "foo"}, } -- [[ SSL context local ctx = assert(ssl.newcontext(params)) --]] local server = socket.tcp() server:setoption('reuseaddr', true) assert( server:bind("", 8888) ) server:listen() local peer = server:accept() peer = assert( ssl.wrap(peer, ctx) ) assert( peer:dohandshake() ) print("ALPN", peer:getalpn()) peer:close() server:close()