-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.4.1 ------------ - SSL options updated --- based on OpenSSL 1.0.0d. - Activate SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS by default if it is available. (thanks Prosody project) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.4 ------------ - Add option 'no_ticket' (included in OpenSSL 0.9.8f). - Add HTTPS module. (thanks Tomas Guisasola and Pablo Musa) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.3.3 ------------ - BUG: Clear the error queue before call I/O functions (see SSL_get_error manual). (thanks Matthew Wild) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.3.2 ------------ - BUG: Windows uses a different way to report socket error. (thanks Sebastien Perin) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.3.1 ------------ - BUG: receive("a") returns 'closed' error instead of the content when the SSL/TLS connection is shut down cleanly. (thanks Matthias Diener) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.3 ---------- - Add functions ssl.rawcontext() and ssl.rawconnection() - Add support to encrypted key password. (thanks Norbert Kiesel) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.2.1 ------------ - 'key' and 'certificate' configurations become optional. (thanks René Rebe) - Add '_VERSION' variable to module. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LuaSec 0.2 ---------- Initial version