package = "LuaSec" version = "0.6alpha-3" source = { url = "git://", tag = "luasec-0.6alpha" } description = { summary = "A binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication over LuaSocket.", detailed = "This version delegates to LuaSocket the TCP connection establishment between the client and server. Then LuaSec uses this connection to start a secure TLS/SSL session.", homepage = "", license = "MIT" } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1", "luasocket" } external_dependencies = { platforms = { unix = { OPENSSL = { header = "openssl/ssl.h", library = "ssl" } }, windows = { OPENSSL = { header = "openssl/ssl.h", } }, } } build = { type = "builtin", copy_directories = { "samples" }, platforms = { unix = { install = { lib = { "" }, lua = { "src/ssl.lua", ['ssl.https'] = "src/https.lua" } }, modules = { ssl = { incdirs = { "$(OPENSSL_INCDIR)", "src/", "src/luasocket", }, libdirs = { "$(OPENSSL_LIBDIR)" }, libraries = { "ssl", "crypto" }, sources = { "src/x509.c", "src/context.c", "src/ssl.c", "src/luasocket/buffer.c", "src/luasocket/io.c", "src/luasocket/timeout.c", "src/luasocket/usocket.c" } } } }, windows = { install = { lib = { "ssl.dll" }, lua = { "src/ssl.lua", ['ssl.https'] = "src/https.lua" } }, modules = { ssl = { defines = { "WIN32", "NDEBUG", "_WINDOWS", "_USRDLL", "LSEC_EXPORTS", "BUFFER_DEBUG", "LSEC_API=__declspec(dllexport)", "LUASEC_INET_NTOP", "WINVER=0x0501", "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501", "NTDDI_VERSION=0x05010300" }, libdirs = { "$(OPENSSL_LIBDIR)", "$(OPENSSL_BINDIR)", }, libraries = { "libeay32", "ssleay32", "ws2_32" }, incdirs = { "$(OPENSSL_INCDIR)", "src/", "src/luasocket" }, sources = { "src/x509.c", "src/context.c", "src/ssl.c", "src/luasocket/buffer.c", "src/luasocket/io.c", "src/luasocket/timeout.c", "src/luasocket/wsocket.c" } } }, patches = { ["luarocks_vs_compiler.patch"] = [[ --- a/src/ssl.c.orig +++ b/src/ssl.c @@ -844,3 +844,8 @@ LSEC_API int luaopen_ssl_core(lua_State *L) return 1; } + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +/* Empty implementation to allow building with LuaRocks and MS compilers */ +LSEC_API int luaopen_ssl(lua_State *L) { return 0; } +#endif ]] } } } }