LuaSec 0.5

* OpenSSL options:

    By default, LuaSec 0.5 includes options for OpenSSL 1.0.1e.

    If you need to generate the options for a different version of OpenSSL:

      $ cd src
      $ lua options.lua -g /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h > options.h


* On Linux, BSD, and Mac OS X:

  - Edit 'Makefile'
    * Inform the path to where install the Lua modules (LUAPATH) and binaries 
      modules (LUACPATH)
    * If Lua or OpenSSL are not in the default path, set the 
      variables INCDIR and LIBDIR.
    * For Mac OS X, set the variable MACOSX_VERSION.

  - Use 'make <platform>' to compile
    * Platforms: linux, bsd, or macosx

  - Use 'make install' to install the modules.


* On Windows:
  - Use the Visual C++ project to compile the library.

  - Copy the 'ssl.lua' file to some place in your LUA_PATH.

  - Copy the 'ssl.dll' file to some place in your LUA_CPATH.

  - Create a directory 'ssl' in your LUA_PATH and copy 'https.lua' to it.