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2023-01-26 20:15:45 +01:00
def build_luad() {
2023-01-26 21:21:47 +01:00
sh '''#!/bin/bash
2023-01-26 20:23:48 +01:00
set -e
2023-01-26 21:40:45 +01:00
export RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rust/rustup
export CARGO_HOME=/opt/rust/cargo
. /opt/rust/cargo/env
2023-01-26 20:23:48 +01:00
mkdir -p build/$arch/opt/www/bin
2023-01-26 21:17:06 +01:00
cargo build --release
2023-01-26 21:54:56 +01:00
cp target/release/luad $DESTDIR
2023-01-26 21:17:06 +01:00
2023-01-26 20:15:45 +01:00
pipeline {
2023-01-26 21:17:06 +01:00
agent { node { label'master' } }
2023-01-26 20:15:45 +01:00
options {
// Limit build history with buildDiscarder option:
// daysToKeepStr: history is only kept up to this many days.
// numToKeepStr: only this many build logs are kept.
// artifactDaysToKeepStr: artifacts are only kept up to this many days.
// artifactNumToKeepStr: only this many builds have their artifacts kept.
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '1'))
// Enable timestamps in build log console
// Maximum time to run the whole pipeline before canceling it
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
// Use Jenkins ANSI Color Plugin for log console
// Limit build concurrency to 1 per branch
stage('Prepare dependencies')
steps {
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'gitea-sync/ant-http/master', target: 'antd')
stage('Build AMD64') {
2023-01-26 21:17:06 +01:00
agent {
docker {
image 'xsangle/ci-tools:bionic-amd64'
// Run the container on the node specified at the
// top-level of the Pipeline, in the same workspace,
// rather than on a new node entirely:
reuseNode true
registryUrl 'http://workstation:5000/'
2023-01-26 20:15:45 +01:00
steps {
script {
env.arch = 'amd64'
stage('Build ARM64') {
2023-01-26 21:17:06 +01:00
agent {
docker {
image 'xsangle/ci-tools:bionic-arm64'
// Run the container on the node specified at the
// top-level of the Pipeline, in the same workspace,
// rather than on a new node entirely:
reuseNode true
registryUrl 'http://workstation:5000/'
2023-01-26 20:15:45 +01:00
steps {
script {
env.arch = 'arm64'
stage('Build ARM') {
2023-01-26 21:17:06 +01:00
agent {
docker {
image 'xsangle/ci-tools:bionic-arm'
// Run the container on the node specified at the
// top-level of the Pipeline, in the same workspace,
// rather than on a new node entirely:
reuseNode true
registryUrl 'http://workstation:5000/'
2023-01-26 20:15:45 +01:00
steps {
script {
env.arch = 'arm'
stage('Archive') {
steps {
script {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/', fingerprint: true