mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:22:51 +01:00
on ExUtilLoadWebP() failure no allocated memory will be returned, so it's safe to exit immediately. additionally, any webp specific problems will already have been reported as part of the call to WebPGetFeatures(). broken since: 4a0e739 dwebp: move webp decoding to example_util Change-Id: Ibc632015a1f52bae7f96d063252624123fa7c2da
745 lines
25 KiB
745 lines
25 KiB
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Command-line tool for decoding a WebP image.
// Author: Skal (pascal.massimino@gmail.com)
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
#include <png.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define INITGUID // Without this GUIDs are declared extern and fail to link
#define _WIN32_IE 0x500 // Workaround bug in shlwapi.h when compiling C++
// code with COBJMACROS.
#include <ole2.h> // CreateStreamOnHGlobal()
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincodec.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <fcntl.h> // for _O_BINARY
#include <io.h> // for _setmode()
#include "webp/decode.h"
#include "./example_util.h"
#include "./stopwatch.h"
static int verbose = 0;
#ifndef WEBP_DLL
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern void* VP8GetCPUInfo; // opaque forward declaration.
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // WEBP_DLL
// Output types
typedef enum {
PNG = 0,
ALPHA_PLANE_ONLY // this is for experimenting only
} OutputFileFormat;
#define IFS(fn) \
do { \
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { \
hr = (fn); \
if (FAILED(hr)) fprintf(stderr, #fn " failed %08lx\n", hr); \
} \
} while (0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define MAKE_REFGUID(x) (x)
#define MAKE_REFGUID(x) &(x)
static HRESULT CreateOutputStream(const char* out_file_name,
int write_to_mem, IStream** stream) {
if (write_to_mem) {
// Output to a memory buffer. This is freed when 'stream' is released.
IFS(CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, stream));
} else {
IFS(SHCreateStreamOnFileA(out_file_name, STGM_WRITE | STGM_CREATE, stream));
if (FAILED(hr)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file %s (%08lx)\n",
out_file_name, hr);
return hr;
static HRESULT WriteUsingWIC(const char* out_file_name, int use_stdout,
REFGUID container_guid,
uint8_t* rgb, int stride,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int has_alpha) {
IWICImagingFactory* factory = NULL;
IWICBitmapFrameEncode* frame = NULL;
IWICBitmapEncoder* encoder = NULL;
IStream* stream = NULL;
WICPixelFormatGUID pixel_format = has_alpha ? GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGRA
: GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR;
IFS(CoCreateInstance(MAKE_REFGUID(CLSID_WICImagingFactory), NULL,
"Couldn't access Windows Imaging Component (are you running "
"Windows XP SP3 or newer?). PNG support not available. "
"Use -ppm or -pgm for available PPM and PGM formats.\n");
IFS(CreateOutputStream(out_file_name, use_stdout, &stream));
IFS(IWICImagingFactory_CreateEncoder(factory, container_guid, NULL,
IFS(IWICBitmapEncoder_Initialize(encoder, stream,
IFS(IWICBitmapEncoder_CreateNewFrame(encoder, &frame, NULL));
IFS(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_Initialize(frame, NULL));
IFS(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetSize(frame, width, height));
IFS(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetPixelFormat(frame, &pixel_format));
IFS(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_WritePixels(frame, height, stride,
height * stride, rgb));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && use_stdout) {
HGLOBAL image;
IFS(GetHGlobalFromStream(stream, &image));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
HANDLE std_output = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
DWORD mode;
const BOOL update_mode = GetConsoleMode(std_output, &mode);
const void* const image_mem = GlobalLock(image);
DWORD bytes_written = 0;
// Clear output processing if necessary, then output the image.
if (update_mode) SetConsoleMode(std_output, 0);
if (!WriteFile(std_output, image_mem, (DWORD)GlobalSize(image),
&bytes_written, NULL) ||
bytes_written != GlobalSize(image)) {
hr = E_FAIL;
if (update_mode) SetConsoleMode(std_output, mode);
if (frame != NULL) IUnknown_Release(frame);
if (encoder != NULL) IUnknown_Release(encoder);
if (factory != NULL) IUnknown_Release(factory);
if (stream != NULL) IUnknown_Release(stream);
return hr;
static int WritePNG(const char* out_file_name, int use_stdout,
const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
const uint32_t width = buffer->width;
const uint32_t height = buffer->height;
uint8_t* const rgb = buffer->u.RGBA.rgba;
const int stride = buffer->u.RGBA.stride;
const int has_alpha = (buffer->colorspace == MODE_BGRA);
return SUCCEEDED(WriteUsingWIC(out_file_name, use_stdout,
rgb, stride, width, height, has_alpha));
#elif defined(WEBP_HAVE_PNG) // !HAVE_WINCODEC_H
static void PNGAPI PNGErrorFunction(png_structp png, png_const_charp dummy) {
(void)dummy; // remove variable-unused warning
longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png), 1);
static int WritePNG(FILE* out_file, const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
const uint32_t width = buffer->width;
const uint32_t height = buffer->height;
uint8_t* const rgb = buffer->u.RGBA.rgba;
const int stride = buffer->u.RGBA.stride;
const int has_alpha = (buffer->colorspace == MODE_RGBA);
png_structp png;
png_infop info;
png_uint_32 y;
png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
NULL, PNGErrorFunction, NULL);
if (png == NULL) {
return 0;
info = png_create_info_struct(png);
if (info == NULL) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, NULL);
return 0;
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) {
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info);
return 0;
png_init_io(png, out_file);
png_set_IHDR(png, info, width, height, 8,
png_write_info(png, info);
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
png_bytep row = rgb + y * stride;
png_write_rows(png, &row, 1);
png_write_end(png, info);
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info);
return 1;
static int WritePNG(FILE* out_file, const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
fprintf(stderr, "PNG support not compiled. Please install the libpng "
"development package before building.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "You can run with -ppm flag to decode in PPM format.\n");
return 0;
static int WritePPM(FILE* fout, const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer, int alpha) {
const uint32_t width = buffer->width;
const uint32_t height = buffer->height;
const uint8_t* const rgb = buffer->u.RGBA.rgba;
const int stride = buffer->u.RGBA.stride;
const size_t bytes_per_px = alpha ? 4 : 3;
uint32_t y;
if (alpha) {
fprintf(fout, "P7\nWIDTH %d\nHEIGHT %d\nDEPTH 4\nMAXVAL 255\n"
"TUPLTYPE RGB_ALPHA\nENDHDR\n", width, height);
} else {
fprintf(fout, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
if (fwrite(rgb + y * stride, width, bytes_per_px, fout) != bytes_per_px) {
return 0;
return 1;
static void PutLE16(uint8_t* const dst, uint32_t value) {
dst[0] = (value >> 0) & 0xff;
dst[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
static void PutLE32(uint8_t* const dst, uint32_t value) {
PutLE16(dst + 0, (value >> 0) & 0xffff);
PutLE16(dst + 2, (value >> 16) & 0xffff);
#define BMP_HEADER_SIZE 54
static int WriteBMP(FILE* fout, const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
const int has_alpha = (buffer->colorspace != MODE_BGR);
const uint32_t width = buffer->width;
const uint32_t height = buffer->height;
const uint8_t* const rgba = buffer->u.RGBA.rgba;
const int stride = buffer->u.RGBA.stride;
const uint32_t bytes_per_px = has_alpha ? 4 : 3;
uint32_t y;
const uint32_t line_size = bytes_per_px * width;
const uint32_t bmp_stride = (line_size + 3) & ~3; // pad to 4
const uint32_t total_size = bmp_stride * height + BMP_HEADER_SIZE;
uint8_t bmp_header[BMP_HEADER_SIZE] = { 0 };
// bitmap file header
PutLE16(bmp_header + 0, 0x4d42); // signature 'BM'
PutLE32(bmp_header + 2, total_size); // size including header
PutLE32(bmp_header + 6, 0); // reserved
PutLE32(bmp_header + 10, BMP_HEADER_SIZE); // offset to pixel array
// bitmap info header
PutLE32(bmp_header + 14, 40); // DIB header size
PutLE32(bmp_header + 18, width); // dimensions
PutLE32(bmp_header + 22, -(int)height); // vertical flip!
PutLE16(bmp_header + 26, 1); // number of planes
PutLE16(bmp_header + 28, bytes_per_px * 8); // bits per pixel
PutLE32(bmp_header + 30, 0); // no compression (BI_RGB)
PutLE32(bmp_header + 34, 0); // image size (dummy)
PutLE32(bmp_header + 38, 2400); // x pixels/meter
PutLE32(bmp_header + 42, 2400); // y pixels/meter
PutLE32(bmp_header + 46, 0); // number of palette colors
PutLE32(bmp_header + 50, 0); // important color count
// TODO(skal): color profile
// write header
if (fwrite(bmp_header, sizeof(bmp_header), 1, fout) != 1) {
return 0;
// write pixel array
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
if (fwrite(rgba + y * stride, line_size, 1, fout) != 1) {
return 0;
// write padding zeroes
if (bmp_stride != line_size) {
const uint8_t zeroes[3] = { 0 };
if (fwrite(zeroes, bmp_stride - line_size, 1, fout) != 1) {
return 0;
return 1;
#define NUM_IFD_ENTRIES 15
#define EXTRA_DATA_SIZE 16
// 10b for signature/header + n * 12b entries + 4b for IFD terminator:
#define EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET (10 + 12 * NUM_IFD_ENTRIES + 4)
static int WriteTIFF(FILE* fout, const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
const int has_alpha = (buffer->colorspace != MODE_RGB);
const uint32_t width = buffer->width;
const uint32_t height = buffer->height;
const uint8_t* const rgba = buffer->u.RGBA.rgba;
const int stride = buffer->u.RGBA.stride;
const uint8_t bytes_per_px = has_alpha ? 4 : 3;
// For non-alpha case, we omit tag 0x152 (ExtraSamples).
const uint8_t num_ifd_entries = has_alpha ? NUM_IFD_ENTRIES
uint8_t tiff_header[TIFF_HEADER_SIZE] = {
0x49, 0x49, 0x2a, 0x00, // little endian signature
8, 0, 0, 0, // offset to the unique IFD that follows
// IFD (offset = 8). Entries must be written in increasing tag order.
num_ifd_entries, 0, // Number of entries in the IFD (12 bytes each).
0x00, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 10: Width (TBD)
0x01, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 22: Height (TBD)
0x02, 0x01, 3, 0, bytes_per_px, 0, 0, 0, // 34: BitsPerSample: 8888
EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET + 0, 0, 0, 0,
0x03, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 46: Compression: none
0x06, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, // 58: Photometric: RGB
0x11, 0x01, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 70: Strips offset:
TIFF_HEADER_SIZE, 0, 0, 0, // data follows header
0x12, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 82: Orientation: topleft
0x15, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 94: SamplesPerPixels
bytes_per_px, 0, 0, 0,
0x16, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 106: Rows per strip (TBD)
0x17, 0x01, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 118: StripByteCount (TBD)
0x1a, 0x01, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 130: X-resolution
EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET + 8, 0, 0, 0,
0x1b, 0x01, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 142: Y-resolution
EXTRA_DATA_OFFSET + 8, 0, 0, 0,
0x1c, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 154: PlanarConfiguration
0x28, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, // 166: ResolutionUnit (inch)
0x52, 0x01, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, // 178: ExtraSamples: rgbA
0, 0, 0, 0, // 190: IFD terminator
8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0, // BitsPerSample
72, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 // 72 pixels/inch, for X/Y-resolution
uint32_t y;
// Fill placeholders in IFD:
PutLE32(tiff_header + 10 + 8, width);
PutLE32(tiff_header + 22 + 8, height);
PutLE32(tiff_header + 106 + 8, height);
PutLE32(tiff_header + 118 + 8, width * bytes_per_px * height);
if (!has_alpha) PutLE32(tiff_header + 178, 0); // IFD terminator
// write header
if (fwrite(tiff_header, sizeof(tiff_header), 1, fout) != 1) {
return 0;
// write pixel values
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
if (fwrite(rgba + y * stride, bytes_per_px, width, fout) != width) {
return 0;
return 1;
static int WriteAlphaPlane(FILE* fout, const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer) {
const uint32_t width = buffer->width;
const uint32_t height = buffer->height;
const uint8_t* const a = buffer->u.YUVA.a;
const int a_stride = buffer->u.YUVA.a_stride;
uint32_t y;
assert(a != NULL);
fprintf(fout, "P5\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
if (fwrite(a + y * a_stride, width, 1, fout) != 1) {
return 0;
return 1;
// format=PGM: save a grayscale PGM file using the IMC4 layout
// (http://www.fourcc.org/yuv.php#IMC4). This is a very convenient format for
// viewing the samples, esp. for odd dimensions.
// format=YUV: just save the Y/U/V/A planes sequentially without header.
static int WritePGMOrYUV(FILE* fout, const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer,
OutputFileFormat format) {
const int width = buffer->width;
const int height = buffer->height;
const WebPYUVABuffer* const yuv = &buffer->u.YUVA;
int ok = 1;
int y;
const int pad = (format == YUV) ? 0 : 1;
const int uv_width = (width + 1) / 2;
const int uv_height = (height + 1) / 2;
const int out_stride = (width + pad) & ~pad;
const int a_height = yuv->a ? height : 0;
if (format == PGM) {
fprintf(fout, "P5\n%d %d\n255\n",
out_stride, height + uv_height + a_height);
for (y = 0; ok && y < height; ++y) {
ok &= (fwrite(yuv->y + y * yuv->y_stride, width, 1, fout) == 1);
if (format == PGM) {
if (width & 1) fputc(0, fout); // padding byte
if (format == PGM) { // IMC4 layout
for (y = 0; ok && y < uv_height; ++y) {
ok &= (fwrite(yuv->u + y * yuv->u_stride, uv_width, 1, fout) == 1);
ok &= (fwrite(yuv->v + y * yuv->v_stride, uv_width, 1, fout) == 1);
} else {
for (y = 0; ok && y < uv_height; ++y) {
ok &= (fwrite(yuv->u + y * yuv->u_stride, uv_width, 1, fout) == 1);
for (y = 0; ok && y < uv_height; ++y) {
ok &= (fwrite(yuv->v + y * yuv->v_stride, uv_width, 1, fout) == 1);
for (y = 0; ok && y < a_height; ++y) {
ok &= (fwrite(yuv->a + y * yuv->a_stride, width, 1, fout) == 1);
if (format == PGM) {
if (width & 1) fputc(0, fout); // padding byte
return ok;
static int SaveOutput(const WebPDecBuffer* const buffer,
OutputFileFormat format, const char* const out_file) {
FILE* fout = NULL;
int needs_open_file = 1;
const int use_stdout = !strcmp(out_file, "-");
int ok = 1;
Stopwatch stop_watch;
if (verbose) {
needs_open_file = (format != PNG);
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (use_stdout && _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reopen stdout in O_BINARY mode.\n");
return -1;
if (needs_open_file) {
fout = use_stdout ? stdout : fopen(out_file, "wb");
if (fout == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file %s\n", out_file);
return 0;
if (format == PNG) {
ok &= WritePNG(out_file, use_stdout, buffer);
ok &= WritePNG(fout, buffer);
} else if (format == PAM) {
ok &= WritePPM(fout, buffer, 1);
} else if (format == PPM) {
ok &= WritePPM(fout, buffer, 0);
} else if (format == BMP) {
ok &= WriteBMP(fout, buffer);
} else if (format == TIFF) {
ok &= WriteTIFF(fout, buffer);
} else if (format == PGM || format == YUV) {
ok &= WritePGMOrYUV(fout, buffer, format);
} else if (format == ALPHA_PLANE_ONLY) {
ok &= WriteAlphaPlane(fout, buffer);
if (fout != NULL && fout != stdout) {
if (ok) {
if (use_stdout) {
fprintf(stderr, "Saved to stdout\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Saved file %s\n", out_file);
if (verbose) {
const double write_time = StopwatchReadAndReset(&stop_watch);
fprintf(stderr, "Time to write output: %.3fs\n", write_time);
} else {
if (use_stdout) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to stdout !!\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing file %s !!\n", out_file);
return ok;
static void Help(void) {
printf("Usage: dwebp in_file [options] [-o out_file]\n\n"
"Decodes the WebP image file to PNG format [Default]\n"
"Use following options to convert into alternate image formats:\n"
" -pam ......... save the raw RGBA samples as a color PAM\n"
" -ppm ......... save the raw RGB samples as a color PPM\n"
" -bmp ......... save as uncompressed BMP format\n"
" -tiff ........ save as uncompressed TIFF format\n"
" -pgm ......... save the raw YUV samples as a grayscale PGM\n"
" file with IMC4 layout\n"
" -yuv ......... save the raw YUV samples in flat layout\n"
" Other options are:\n"
" -version .... print version number and exit\n"
" -nofancy ..... don't use the fancy YUV420 upscaler\n"
" -nofilter .... disable in-loop filtering\n"
" -nodither .... disable dithering\n"
" -dither <d> .. dithering strength (in 0..100)\n"
" -mt .......... use multi-threading\n"
" -crop <x> <y> <w> <h> ... crop output with the given rectangle\n"
" -scale <w> <h> .......... scale the output (*after* any cropping)\n"
" -flip ........ flip the output vertically\n"
" -alpha ....... only save the alpha plane\n"
" -incremental . use incremental decoding (useful for tests)\n"
" -h ....... this help message\n"
" -v ....... verbose (e.g. print encoding/decoding times)\n"
#ifndef WEBP_DLL
" -noasm ....... disable all assembly optimizations\n"
static const char* const kFormatType[] = {
"unspecified", "lossy", "lossless"
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
int ok = 0;
const char *in_file = NULL;
const char *out_file = NULL;
WebPDecoderConfig config;
WebPDecBuffer* const output_buffer = &config.output;
WebPBitstreamFeatures* const bitstream = &config.input;
OutputFileFormat format = PNG;
int incremental = 0;
int c;
if (!WebPInitDecoderConfig(&config)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Library version mismatch!\n");
return -1;
for (c = 1; c < argc; ++c) {
if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[c], "-help")) {
return 0;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-o") && c < argc - 1) {
out_file = argv[++c];
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-alpha")) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-nofancy")) {
config.options.no_fancy_upsampling = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-nofilter")) {
config.options.bypass_filtering = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-pam")) {
format = PAM;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-ppm")) {
format = PPM;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-bmp")) {
format = BMP;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-tiff")) {
format = TIFF;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-version")) {
const int version = WebPGetDecoderVersion();
(version >> 16) & 0xff, (version >> 8) & 0xff, version & 0xff);
return 0;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-pgm")) {
format = PGM;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-yuv")) {
format = YUV;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-mt")) {
config.options.use_threads = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-nodither")) {
config.options.dithering_strength = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-dither") && c < argc - 1) {
config.options.dithering_strength = strtol(argv[++c], NULL, 0);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-crop") && c < argc - 4) {
config.options.use_cropping = 1;
config.options.crop_left = strtol(argv[++c], NULL, 0);
config.options.crop_top = strtol(argv[++c], NULL, 0);
config.options.crop_width = strtol(argv[++c], NULL, 0);
config.options.crop_height = strtol(argv[++c], NULL, 0);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-scale") && c < argc - 2) {
config.options.use_scaling = 1;
config.options.scaled_width = strtol(argv[++c], NULL, 0);
config.options.scaled_height = strtol(argv[++c], NULL, 0);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-flip")) {
config.options.flip = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-v")) {
verbose = 1;
#ifndef WEBP_DLL
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-noasm")) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "-incremental")) {
incremental = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[c], "--")) {
if (c < argc - 1) in_file = argv[++c];
} else if (argv[c][0] == '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[c]);
return -1;
} else {
in_file = argv[c];
if (in_file == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "missing input file!!\n");
return -1;
VP8StatusCode status = VP8_STATUS_OK;
size_t data_size = 0;
const uint8_t* data = NULL;
if (!ExUtilLoadWebP(in_file, &data, &data_size, bitstream)) {
return -1;
switch (format) {
case PNG:
output_buffer->colorspace = bitstream->has_alpha ? MODE_BGRA : MODE_BGR;
output_buffer->colorspace = bitstream->has_alpha ? MODE_RGBA : MODE_RGB;
case PAM:
output_buffer->colorspace = MODE_RGBA;
case PPM:
output_buffer->colorspace = MODE_RGB; // drops alpha for PPM
case BMP:
output_buffer->colorspace = bitstream->has_alpha ? MODE_BGRA : MODE_BGR;
case TIFF: // note: force pre-multiplied alpha
output_buffer->colorspace =
bitstream->has_alpha ? MODE_rgbA : MODE_RGB;
case PGM:
case YUV:
output_buffer->colorspace = bitstream->has_alpha ? MODE_YUVA : MODE_YUV;
output_buffer->colorspace = MODE_YUVA;
return -1;
if (incremental) {
status = ExUtilDecodeWebPIncremental(data, data_size, verbose, &config);
} else {
status = ExUtilDecodeWebP(data, data_size, verbose, &config);
ok = (status == VP8_STATUS_OK);
if (!ok) {
ExUtilPrintWebPError(in_file, status);
goto Exit;
if (out_file != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Decoded %s. Dimensions: %d x %d %s. Format: %s. "
"Now saving...\n",
in_file, output_buffer->width, output_buffer->height,
bitstream->has_alpha ? " (with alpha)" : "",
ok = SaveOutput(output_buffer, format, out_file);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "File %s can be decoded "
"(dimensions: %d x %d %s. Format: %s).\n",
in_file, output_buffer->width, output_buffer->height,
bitstream->has_alpha ? " (with alpha)" : "",
fprintf(stderr, "Nothing written; "
"use -o flag to save the result as e.g. PNG.\n");
return ok ? 0 : -1;