// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source // tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found // in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may // be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // GIF decode. #include "./gifdec.h" #include <stdio.h> #ifdef WEBP_HAVE_GIF #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "webp/encode.h" #include "webp/mux_types.h" #define GIF_TRANSPARENT_COLOR 0x00000000u #define GIF_WHITE_COLOR 0xffffffffu #define GIF_TRANSPARENT_MASK 0x01 #define GIF_DISPOSE_MASK 0x07 #define GIF_DISPOSE_SHIFT 2 // from utils/utils.h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern void WebPCopyPlane(const uint8_t* src, int src_stride, uint8_t* dst, int dst_stride, int width, int height); extern void WebPCopyPixels(const WebPPicture* const src, WebPPicture* const dst); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif void GIFGetBackgroundColor(const ColorMapObject* const color_map, int bgcolor_index, int transparent_index, uint32_t* const bgcolor) { if (transparent_index != GIF_INDEX_INVALID && bgcolor_index == transparent_index) { *bgcolor = GIF_TRANSPARENT_COLOR; // Special case. } else if (color_map == NULL || color_map->Colors == NULL || bgcolor_index >= color_map->ColorCount) { *bgcolor = GIF_WHITE_COLOR; fprintf(stderr, "GIF decode warning: invalid background color index. Assuming " "white background.\n"); } else { const GifColorType color = color_map->Colors[bgcolor_index]; *bgcolor = (0xffu << 24) | (color.Red << 16) | (color.Green << 8) | (color.Blue << 0); } } int GIFReadGraphicsExtension(const GifByteType* const buf, int* const duration, GIFDisposeMethod* const dispose, int* const transparent_index) { const int flags = buf[1]; const int dispose_raw = (flags >> GIF_DISPOSE_SHIFT) & GIF_DISPOSE_MASK; const int duration_raw = buf[2] | (buf[3] << 8); // In 10 ms units. if (buf[0] != 4) return 0; *duration = duration_raw * 10; // Duration is in 1 ms units. switch (dispose_raw) { case 3: *dispose = GIF_DISPOSE_RESTORE_PREVIOUS; break; case 2: *dispose = GIF_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND; break; case 1: case 0: default: *dispose = GIF_DISPOSE_NONE; break; } *transparent_index = (flags & GIF_TRANSPARENT_MASK) ? buf[4] : GIF_INDEX_INVALID; return 1; } static int Remap(const GifFileType* const gif, const uint8_t* const src, int len, int transparent_index, uint32_t* dst) { int i; const GifColorType* colors; const ColorMapObject* const cmap = gif->Image.ColorMap ? gif->Image.ColorMap : gif->SColorMap; if (cmap == NULL) return 1; if (cmap->Colors == NULL || cmap->ColorCount <= 0) return 0; colors = cmap->Colors; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (src[i] == transparent_index) { dst[i] = GIF_TRANSPARENT_COLOR; } else if (src[i] < cmap->ColorCount) { const GifColorType c = colors[src[i]]; dst[i] = c.Blue | (c.Green << 8) | (c.Red << 16) | (0xffu << 24); } else { return 0; } } return 1; } int GIFReadFrame(GifFileType* const gif, int transparent_index, GIFFrameRect* const gif_rect, WebPPicture* const picture) { WebPPicture sub_image; const GifImageDesc* const image_desc = &gif->Image; uint32_t* dst = NULL; uint8_t* tmp = NULL; const GIFFrameRect rect = { image_desc->Left, image_desc->Top, image_desc->Width, image_desc->Height }; const uint64_t memory_needed = 4 * rect.width * (uint64_t)rect.height; int ok = 0; *gif_rect = rect; if (memory_needed != (size_t)memory_needed || memory_needed > (4ULL << 32)) { fprintf(stderr, "Image is too large (%d x %d).", rect.width, rect.height); return 0; } // Use a view for the sub-picture: if (!WebPPictureView(picture, rect.x_offset, rect.y_offset, rect.width, rect.height, &sub_image)) { fprintf(stderr, "Sub-image %dx%d at position %d,%d is invalid!\n", rect.width, rect.height, rect.x_offset, rect.y_offset); return 0; } dst = sub_image.argb; tmp = (uint8_t*)malloc(rect.width * sizeof(*tmp)); if (tmp == NULL) goto End; if (image_desc->Interlace) { // Interlaced image. // We need 4 passes, with the following offsets and jumps. const int interlace_offsets[] = { 0, 4, 2, 1 }; const int interlace_jumps[] = { 8, 8, 4, 2 }; int pass; for (pass = 0; pass < 4; ++pass) { const size_t stride = (size_t)sub_image.argb_stride; int y = interlace_offsets[pass]; uint32_t* row = dst + y * stride; const size_t jump = interlace_jumps[pass] * stride; for (; y < rect.height; y += interlace_jumps[pass], row += jump) { if (DGifGetLine(gif, tmp, rect.width) == GIF_ERROR) goto End; if (!Remap(gif, tmp, rect.width, transparent_index, row)) goto End; } } } else { // Non-interlaced image. int y; uint32_t* ptr = dst; for (y = 0; y < rect.height; ++y, ptr += sub_image.argb_stride) { if (DGifGetLine(gif, tmp, rect.width) == GIF_ERROR) goto End; if (!Remap(gif, tmp, rect.width, transparent_index, ptr)) goto End; } } ok = 1; End: if (!ok) picture->error_code = sub_image.error_code; WebPPictureFree(&sub_image); free(tmp); return ok; } int GIFReadLoopCount(GifFileType* const gif, GifByteType** const buf, int* const loop_count) { assert(!memcmp(*buf + 1, "NETSCAPE2.0", 11) || !memcmp(*buf + 1, "ANIMEXTS1.0", 11)); if (DGifGetExtensionNext(gif, buf) == GIF_ERROR) { return 0; } if (*buf == NULL) { return 0; // Loop count sub-block missing. } if ((*buf)[0] < 3 || (*buf)[1] != 1) { return 0; // wrong size/marker } *loop_count = (*buf)[2] | ((*buf)[3] << 8); return 1; } int GIFReadMetadata(GifFileType* const gif, GifByteType** const buf, WebPData* const metadata) { const int is_xmp = !memcmp(*buf + 1, "XMP DataXMP", 11); const int is_icc = !memcmp(*buf + 1, "ICCRGBG1012", 11); assert(is_xmp || is_icc); (void)is_icc; // silence unused warning. // Construct metadata from sub-blocks. // Usual case (including ICC profile): In each sub-block, the // first byte specifies its size in bytes (0 to 255) and the // rest of the bytes contain the data. // Special case for XMP data: In each sub-block, the first byte // is also part of the XMP payload. XMP in GIF also has a 257 // byte padding data. See the XMP specification for details. while (1) { WebPData subblock; const uint8_t* tmp; if (DGifGetExtensionNext(gif, buf) == GIF_ERROR) { return 0; } if (*buf == NULL) break; // Finished. subblock.size = is_xmp ? (*buf)[0] + 1 : (*buf)[0]; assert(subblock.size > 0); subblock.bytes = is_xmp ? *buf : *buf + 1; // Note: We store returned value in 'tmp' first, to avoid // leaking old memory in metadata->bytes on error. tmp = (uint8_t*)realloc((void*)metadata->bytes, metadata->size + subblock.size); if (tmp == NULL) { return 0; } memcpy((void*)(tmp + metadata->size), subblock.bytes, subblock.size); metadata->bytes = tmp; metadata->size += subblock.size; } if (is_xmp) { // XMP padding data is 0x01, 0xff, 0xfe ... 0x01, 0x00. const size_t xmp_pading_size = 257; if (metadata->size > xmp_pading_size) { metadata->size -= xmp_pading_size; } } return 1; } static void ClearRectangle(WebPPicture* const picture, int left, int top, int width, int height) { int i, j; const size_t stride = picture->argb_stride; uint32_t* dst = picture->argb + top * stride + left; for (j = 0; j < height; ++j, dst += stride) { for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) dst[i] = GIF_TRANSPARENT_COLOR; } } void GIFClearPic(WebPPicture* const pic, const GIFFrameRect* const rect) { if (rect != NULL) { ClearRectangle(pic, rect->x_offset, rect->y_offset, rect->width, rect->height); } else { ClearRectangle(pic, 0, 0, pic->width, pic->height); } } void GIFCopyPixels(const WebPPicture* const src, WebPPicture* const dst) { WebPCopyPixels(src, dst); } void GIFDisposeFrame(GIFDisposeMethod dispose, const GIFFrameRect* const rect, const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas, WebPPicture* const curr_canvas) { assert(rect != NULL); if (dispose == GIF_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND) { GIFClearPic(curr_canvas, rect); } else if (dispose == GIF_DISPOSE_RESTORE_PREVIOUS) { const size_t src_stride = prev_canvas->argb_stride; const uint32_t* const src = prev_canvas->argb + rect->x_offset + rect->y_offset * src_stride; const size_t dst_stride = curr_canvas->argb_stride; uint32_t* const dst = curr_canvas->argb + rect->x_offset + rect->y_offset * dst_stride; assert(prev_canvas != NULL); WebPCopyPlane((uint8_t*)src, (int)(4 * src_stride), (uint8_t*)dst, (int)(4 * dst_stride), 4 * rect->width, rect->height); } } void GIFBlendFrames(const WebPPicture* const src, const GIFFrameRect* const rect, WebPPicture* const dst) { int i, j; const size_t src_stride = src->argb_stride; const size_t dst_stride = dst->argb_stride; assert(src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height); for (j = rect->y_offset; j < rect->y_offset + rect->height; ++j) { for (i = rect->x_offset; i < rect->x_offset + rect->width; ++i) { const uint32_t src_pixel = src->argb[j * src_stride + i]; const int src_alpha = src_pixel >> 24; if (src_alpha != 0) { dst->argb[j * dst_stride + i] = src_pixel; } } } } void GIFDisplayError(const GifFileType* const gif, int gif_error) { // libgif 4.2.0 has retired PrintGifError() and added GifErrorString(). #if LOCAL_GIF_PREREQ(4,2) #if LOCAL_GIF_PREREQ(5,0) // Static string actually, hence the const char* cast. const char* error_str = (const char*)GifErrorString( (gif == NULL) ? gif_error : gif->Error); #else const char* error_str = (const char*)GifErrorString(); (void)gif; #endif if (error_str == NULL) error_str = "Unknown error"; fprintf(stderr, "GIFLib Error %d: %s\n", gif_error, error_str); #else (void)gif; fprintf(stderr, "GIFLib Error %d: ", gif_error); PrintGifError(); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif } #else // !WEBP_HAVE_GIF static void ErrorGIFNotAvailable() { fprintf(stderr, "GIF support not compiled. Please install the libgif-dev " "package before building.\n"); } void GIFGetBackgroundColor(const struct ColorMapObject* const color_map, int bgcolor_index, int transparent_index, uint32_t* const bgcolor) { (void)color_map; (void)bgcolor_index; (void)transparent_index; (void)bgcolor; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); } int GIFReadGraphicsExtension(const GifByteType* const data, int* const duration, GIFDisposeMethod* const dispose, int* const transparent_index) { (void)data; (void)duration; (void)dispose; (void)transparent_index; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); return 0; } int GIFReadFrame(struct GifFileType* const gif, int transparent_index, GIFFrameRect* const gif_rect, struct WebPPicture* const picture) { (void)gif; (void)transparent_index; (void)gif_rect; (void)picture; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); return 0; } int GIFReadLoopCount(struct GifFileType* const gif, GifByteType** const buf, int* const loop_count) { (void)gif; (void)buf; (void)loop_count; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); return 0; } int GIFReadMetadata(struct GifFileType* const gif, GifByteType** const buf, struct WebPData* const metadata) { (void)gif; (void)buf; (void)metadata; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); return 0; } void GIFDisposeFrame(GIFDisposeMethod dispose, const GIFFrameRect* const rect, const struct WebPPicture* const prev_canvas, struct WebPPicture* const curr_canvas) { (void)dispose; (void)rect; (void)prev_canvas; (void)curr_canvas; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); } void GIFBlendFrames(const struct WebPPicture* const src, const GIFFrameRect* const rect, struct WebPPicture* const dst) { (void)src; (void)rect; (void)dst; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); } void GIFDisplayError(const struct GifFileType* const gif, int gif_error) { (void)gif; (void)gif_error; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); } void GIFClearPic(struct WebPPicture* const pic, const GIFFrameRect* const rect) { (void)pic; (void)rect; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); } void GIFCopyPixels(const struct WebPPicture* const src, struct WebPPicture* const dst) { (void)src; (void)dst; ErrorGIFNotAvailable(); } #endif // WEBP_HAVE_GIF // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------