.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*- .TH WEBPMUX 1 "October 23, 2012" .SH NAME webpmux \- command line tool to create WebP Mux/container file. .SH SYNOPSIS .B webpmux \-get .I GET_OPTIONS .I INPUT .B \-o .I OUTPUT .br .B webpmux \-set .I SET_OPTIONS .I INPUT .B \-o .I OUTPUT .br .B webpmux \-strip .I STRIP_OPTIONS .I INPUT .B \-o .I OUTPUT .br .B webpmux \-frgm .I FRAGMENT_OPTIONS .B [ \-frgm ... ] \-o .I OUTPUT .br .B webpmux \-frame .I FRAME_OPTIONS .B [ \-frame ... ] [ \-loop .I LOOP_COUNT .B ] .br .RS 8 .B [ \-bgcolor .I BACKGROUND_COLOR .B ] \-o .I OUTPUT .RE .br .B webpmux \-info .I INPUT .br .B webpmux [\-h|\-help] .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the .B webpmux command. .PP \fBwebpmux\fP can be used to create a WebP container file and extract/strip relevant data from the container file. .SH OPTIONS .SS GET_OPTIONS (\-get): .TP .B icc Get ICC profile. .TP .B exif Get EXIF metadata. .TP .B xmp Get XMP metadata. .TP .B frgm n Get nth fragment. .TP .B frame n Get nth frame. .SS SET_OPTIONS (\-set) .TP .B icc file.icc Set ICC profile. .P Where: 'file.icc' contains the ICC profile to be set. .TP .B exif file.exif Set EXIF metadata. .P Where: 'file.exif' contains the EXIF metadata to be set. .TP .B xmp file.xmp Set XMP metadata. .P Where: 'file.xmp' contains the XMP metadata to be set. .SS STRIP_OPTIONS (\-strip) .TP .B icc Strip ICC profile. .TP .B exif Strip EXIF metadata. .TP .B xmp Strip XMP metadata. .SS FRAGMENT_OPTIONS (\-frgm) .TP .B file_i +xi+yi Where: 'file_i' is the i'th fragment (WebP format) and 'xi','yi' specify the image offset for this fragment. .SS FRAME_OPTIONS (\-frame) .TP .B file_i +di[+xi+yi[+mi]] Where: 'file_i' is the i'th frame (WebP format), 'xi','yi' specify the image offset for this frame, 'di' is the pause duration before next frame and 'mi' is the dispose method for this frame (0 for NONE or 1 for BACKGROUND). 'mi' can be omitted and will default to 0 (NONE). Additionally, if 'mi' is ommitted then'xi' and 'yi' can be omitted and will default to +0+0. .TP .B \-loop n Loop the frames n number of times. 0 indicates the frames should loop forever. Valid range is 0 to 65535 [Default: 0 (infinite)]. .TP .B \-bgcolor A,R,G,B Background color of the canvas. .br where: 'A', 'R', 'G' and 'B' are integers in the range 0 to 255 specifying the Alpha, Red, Green and Blue component values respectively [Default: 255,255,255,255]. .SS INPUT .TP Input file in WebP format. .SS OUTPUT (\-o) .TP Output file in WebP format. .SS Note: .TP The nature of EXIF, XMP and ICC data is not checked and is assumed to be valid. .SH BUGS Please report all bugs to our issue tracker: http://code.google.com/p/webp/issues .br Patches welcome! See this page to get started: http://www.webmproject.org/code/contribute/submitting-patches/ .SH EXAMPLES webpmux \-set icc image_profile.icc in.webp \-o icc_container.webp .br webpmux \-get icc icc_container.webp \-o image_profile.icc .br webpmux \-strip icc icc_container.webp \-o without_icc.webp .br webpmux \-set xmp image_metadata.xmp in.webp \-o xmp_container.webp .br webpmux \-get xmp xmp_container.webp \-o image_metadata.xmp .br webpmux \-strip xmp xmp_container.webp \-o without_xmp.webp .br webpmux \-set exif image_metadata.exif in.webp \-o exif_container.webp .br webpmux \-get exif exif_container.webp \-o image_metadata.exif .br webpmux \-strip exif exif_container.webp \-o without_exif.webp .br webpmux \-frame anim_1.webp +0+0+0 \-frame anim_2.webp +50+50+0 \-loop 10 .br .RS 8 \-bgcolor 255,255,255,255 \-o anim_container.webp .RE .br webpmux \-get frame 2 anim_container.webp \-o frame_2.webp .br webpmux \-tile tile_1.webp +0+0 \-tile tile_2.webp +960+0 \-tile tile_3.webp +0+576 \-tile tile_4.webp +960+576 \-o tile_container.webp .br webpmux \-get tile 2 tile_container.webp \-o tile_2.webp .SH AUTHORS \fBwebpmux\fP is written by the WebP team. .br The latest source tree is available at http://www.webmproject.org/code .PP This manual page was written by Vikas Arora , for the Debian project (and may be used by others). .SH SEE ALSO .BR dwebp (1), .BR cwebp (1), .BR gif2webp (1). .br Please refer to http://developers.google.com/speed/webp/ for additional information.