and use it with calls to _mm_cvtsi32_si128 and _mm_set_epi32; this calls
WebPMemToUint32, but corrects the type to avoid runtime warnings with
clang -fsanitize=integer of the form:
implicit conversion from type 'uint32_t' (aka 'unsigned int') of value
2155905152 (32-bit, unsigned) to type 'int' changed the value to
-2139062144 (32-bit, signed)
Bug: b/229626362
Change-Id: I50101ba2b46dfaa852f02d46830f3511c80b02d9
this avoids duplicates between these trees and dsp/, e.g., enc/tree.c,
dec/tree.c, making pulling the whole library source tree into one target
Change-Id: I060a614833c7c24ddd37bf641702ae6a5eef1775
include utils.h directly where needed to allow utils.h to rely on
defines from dsp.h in a follow-up.
Change-Id: I32e26aaeb0b04ba60b3332f685f9a2be5a0a8d3d
generates a stub function when the specific architecture is not enabled,
exposing a symbol in the module, avoiding a compiler warning
Change-Id: Ia9336e57466a9b5241b85c1c95838e91c9283147