mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:12:51 +01:00
WebPAnimEncoder lossy: ignore small pixel differences for frame rectangles.
This way we can ignore some noisy pixels and get tighter frame rectangles. Some results: - Correctness: Tested that anim_diff reports all images are identical for lossless, and similar min_psnr value for lossy and mixed modes. Also checked output images visually to make sure there weren't any obvious kinks. - Compression: A very tiny improvement for 6000 image GIF set we have (0.03%) for lossy and mixed mode. For some of these images, frames get dropped automatically as they have a very small diff from previous frame. 10 images from test_video_frames_png show a clear improvement in compression though. This CL leads to 7 out of 9 lossy WebPs getting smaller -- for one of them, this leads to a higher quality being picked (as that’s still < 150 KB). Change-Id: If539b9e77e1375aa15edc8f926933593a9865f1c
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for abs()
#include "../utils/utils.h"
#include "../webp/decode.h"
@ -339,11 +340,16 @@ static EncodedFrame* GetFrame(const WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
return &enc->encoded_frames_[enc->start_ + position];
// Returns true if 'length' number of pixels in 'src' and 'dst' are identical,
typedef int (*ComparePixelsFunc)(const uint32_t*, int, const uint32_t*, int,
int, int);
// Returns true if 'length' number of pixels in 'src' and 'dst' are equal,
// assuming the given step sizes between pixels.
static WEBP_INLINE int ComparePixels(const uint32_t* src, int src_step,
const uint32_t* dst, int dst_step,
int length) {
// 'max_allowed_diff' is unused and only there to allow function pointer use.
static WEBP_INLINE int ComparePixelsLossless(const uint32_t* src, int src_step,
const uint32_t* dst, int dst_step,
int length, int max_allowed_diff) {
assert(length > 0);
while (length-- > 0) {
if (*src != *dst) {
@ -355,6 +361,41 @@ static WEBP_INLINE int ComparePixels(const uint32_t* src, int src_step,
return 1;
// Helper to check if each channel in 'src' and 'dst' is at most off by
// 'max_allowed_diff'.
static WEBP_INLINE int PixelsAreSimilar(uint32_t src, uint32_t dst,
int max_allowed_diff) {
const int src_a = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
const int src_r = (src >> 16) & 0xff;
const int src_g = (src >> 8) & 0xff;
const int src_b = (src >> 0) & 0xff;
const int dst_a = (dst >> 24) & 0xff;
const int dst_r = (dst >> 16) & 0xff;
const int dst_g = (dst >> 8) & 0xff;
const int dst_b = (dst >> 0) & 0xff;
return (abs(src_r * src_a - dst_r * dst_a) <= (max_allowed_diff * 255)) &&
(abs(src_g * src_a - dst_g * dst_a) <= (max_allowed_diff * 255)) &&
(abs(src_b * src_a - dst_b * dst_a) <= (max_allowed_diff * 255)) &&
(abs(src_a - dst_a) <= max_allowed_diff);
// Returns true if 'length' number of pixels in 'src' and 'dst' are within an
// error bound, assuming the given step sizes between pixels.
static WEBP_INLINE int ComparePixelsLossy(const uint32_t* src, int src_step,
const uint32_t* dst, int dst_step,
int length, int max_allowed_diff) {
assert(length > 0);
while (length-- > 0) {
if (!PixelsAreSimilar(*src, *dst, max_allowed_diff)) {
return 0;
src += src_step;
dst += dst_step;
return 1;
static int IsEmptyRect(const FrameRect* const rect) {
return (rect->width_ == 0) || (rect->height_ == 0);
@ -362,8 +403,16 @@ static int IsEmptyRect(const FrameRect* const rect) {
// Assumes that an initial valid guess of change rectangle 'rect' is passed.
static void MinimizeChangeRectangle(const WebPPicture* const src,
const WebPPicture* const dst,
FrameRect* const rect) {
FrameRect* const rect,
int is_lossless, float quality) {
int i, j;
const ComparePixelsFunc compare_pixels =
is_lossless ? ComparePixelsLossless : ComparePixelsLossy;
// TODO(urvang): For lossy, pick max_allowed_diff based on quality.
const int max_allowed_diff_lossy = 0;
const int max_allowed_diff = is_lossless ? 0 : max_allowed_diff_lossy;
// Sanity checks.
assert(src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height);
assert(rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_ <= dst->width);
@ -375,8 +424,8 @@ static void MinimizeChangeRectangle(const WebPPicture* const src,
&src->argb[rect->y_offset_ * src->argb_stride + i];
const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
&dst->argb[rect->y_offset_ * dst->argb_stride + i];
if (ComparePixels(src_argb, src->argb_stride, dst_argb, dst->argb_stride,
rect->height_)) {
if (compare_pixels(src_argb, src->argb_stride, dst_argb, dst->argb_stride,
rect->height_, max_allowed_diff)) {
--rect->width_; // Redundant column.
} else {
@ -391,8 +440,8 @@ static void MinimizeChangeRectangle(const WebPPicture* const src,
&src->argb[rect->y_offset_ * src->argb_stride + i];
const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
&dst->argb[rect->y_offset_ * dst->argb_stride + i];
if (ComparePixels(src_argb, src->argb_stride, dst_argb, dst->argb_stride,
rect->height_)) {
if (compare_pixels(src_argb, src->argb_stride, dst_argb, dst->argb_stride,
rect->height_, max_allowed_diff)) {
--rect->width_; // Redundant column.
} else {
@ -406,7 +455,8 @@ static void MinimizeChangeRectangle(const WebPPicture* const src,
&src->argb[j * src->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
&dst->argb[j * dst->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
if (ComparePixels(src_argb, 1, dst_argb, 1, rect->width_)) {
if (compare_pixels(src_argb, 1, dst_argb, 1, rect->width_,
max_allowed_diff)) {
--rect->height_; // Redundant row.
} else {
@ -421,7 +471,8 @@ static void MinimizeChangeRectangle(const WebPPicture* const src,
&src->argb[j * src->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
&dst->argb[j * dst->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
if (ComparePixels(src_argb, 1, dst_argb, 1, rect->width_)) {
if (compare_pixels(src_argb, 1, dst_argb, 1, rect->width_,
max_allowed_diff)) {
--rect->height_; // Redundant row.
} else {
@ -446,20 +497,46 @@ static WEBP_INLINE void SnapToEvenOffsets(FrameRect* const rect) {
rect->y_offset_ &= ~1;
typedef struct {
int should_try_; // Should try this set of parameters.
int empty_rect_allowed_; // Frame with empty rectangle can be skipped.
FrameRect rect_ll_; // Frame rectangle for lossless compression.
WebPPicture sub_frame_ll_; // Sub-frame pic for lossless compression.
FrameRect rect_lossy_; // Frame rectangle for lossy compression.
// Could be smaller than rect_ll_ as pixels
// with small diffs can be ignored.
WebPPicture sub_frame_lossy_; // Sub-frame pic for lossless compression.
} SubFrameParams;
static int SubFrameParamsInit(SubFrameParams* const params,
int should_try, int empty_rect_allowed) {
params->should_try_ = should_try;
params->empty_rect_allowed_ = empty_rect_allowed;
if (!WebPPictureInit(¶ms->sub_frame_ll_) ||
!WebPPictureInit(¶ms->sub_frame_lossy_)) {
return 0;
return 1;
static void SubFrameParamsFree(SubFrameParams* const params) {
// Given previous and current canvas, picks the optimal rectangle for the
// current frame. The initial guess for 'rect' will be the full canvas.
// current frame based on 'is_lossless' and other parameters. Assumes that the
// initial guess 'rect' is valid.
static int GetSubRect(const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas,
const WebPPicture* const curr_canvas, int is_key_frame,
int is_first_frame, int empty_rect_allowed,
FrameRect* const rect, WebPPicture* const sub_frame) {
rect->x_offset_ = 0;
rect->y_offset_ = 0;
rect->width_ = curr_canvas->width;
rect->height_ = curr_canvas->height;
int is_lossless, float quality, FrameRect* const rect,
WebPPicture* const sub_frame) {
if (!is_key_frame || is_first_frame) { // Optimize frame rectangle.
// Note: This behaves as expected for first frame, as 'prev_canvas' is
// initialized to a fully transparent canvas in the beginning.
MinimizeChangeRectangle(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, rect);
MinimizeChangeRectangle(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, rect,
is_lossless, quality);
if (IsEmptyRect(rect)) {
@ -478,6 +555,29 @@ static int GetSubRect(const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas,
rect->width_, rect->height_, sub_frame);
// Picks optimal frame rectangle for both lossless and lossy compression. The
// initial guess for frame rectangles will be the full canvas.
static int GetSubRects(const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas,
const WebPPicture* const curr_canvas, int is_key_frame,
int is_first_frame, float quality,
SubFrameParams* const params) {
// Lossless frame rectangle.
params->rect_ll_.x_offset_ = 0;
params->rect_ll_.y_offset_ = 0;
params->rect_ll_.width_ = curr_canvas->width;
params->rect_ll_.height_ = curr_canvas->height;
if (!GetSubRect(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
params->empty_rect_allowed_, 1, quality,
¶ms->rect_ll_, ¶ms->sub_frame_ll_)) {
return 0;
// Lossy frame rectangle.
params->rect_lossy_ = params->rect_ll_; // seed with lossless rect.
return GetSubRect(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
params->empty_rect_allowed_, 0, quality,
¶ms->rect_lossy_, ¶ms->sub_frame_lossy_);
static void DisposeFrameRectangle(int dispose_method,
const FrameRect* const rect,
WebPPicture* const curr_canvas) {
@ -713,12 +813,12 @@ enum {
// Generates candidates for a given dispose method given pre-filled 'rect'
// and 'sub_frame'.
// Generates candidates for a given dispose method given pre-filled sub-frame
// 'params'.
static WebPEncodingError GenerateCandidates(
WebPAnimEncoder* const enc, Candidate candidates[CANDIDATE_COUNT],
WebPMuxAnimDispose dispose_method, int is_lossless, int is_key_frame,
const FrameRect* const rect, WebPPicture* sub_frame,
SubFrameParams* const params,
const WebPConfig* const config_ll, const WebPConfig* const config_lossy) {
WebPEncodingError error_code = VP8_ENC_OK;
const int is_dispose_none = (dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE);
@ -730,16 +830,19 @@ static WebPEncodingError GenerateCandidates(
WebPPicture* const curr_canvas = &enc->curr_canvas_copy_;
const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas =
is_dispose_none ? &enc->prev_canvas_ : &enc->prev_canvas_disposed_;
const int use_blending =
const int use_blending_ll =
!is_key_frame &&
IsBlendingPossible(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, rect);
IsBlendingPossible(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, ¶ms->rect_ll_);
const int use_blending_lossy =
!is_key_frame &&
IsBlendingPossible(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, ¶ms->rect_lossy_);
// Pick candidates to be tried.
if (!enc->options_.allow_mixed) {
candidate_ll->evaluate_ = is_lossless;
candidate_lossy->evaluate_ = !is_lossless;
} else { // Use a heuristic for trying lossless and/or lossy compression.
const int num_colors = GetColorCount(sub_frame);
const int num_colors = GetColorCount(¶ms->sub_frame_ll_);
candidate_ll->evaluate_ = (num_colors < MAX_COLORS_LOSSLESS);
candidate_lossy->evaluate_ = (num_colors >= MIN_COLORS_LOSSY);
@ -747,22 +850,23 @@ static WebPEncodingError GenerateCandidates(
// Generate candidates.
if (candidate_ll->evaluate_) {
if (use_blending) {
IncreaseTransparency(prev_canvas, rect, curr_canvas);
if (use_blending_ll) {
IncreaseTransparency(prev_canvas, ¶ms->rect_ll_, curr_canvas);
enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ = 1;
error_code = EncodeCandidate(sub_frame, rect, config_ll, use_blending,
error_code = EncodeCandidate(¶ms->sub_frame_ll_, ¶ms->rect_ll_,
config_ll, use_blending_ll, candidate_ll);
if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) return error_code;
if (candidate_lossy->evaluate_) {
if (use_blending) {
FlattenSimilarBlocks(prev_canvas, rect, curr_canvas);
if (use_blending_lossy) {
FlattenSimilarBlocks(prev_canvas, ¶ms->rect_lossy_, curr_canvas);
enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ = 1;
error_code = EncodeCandidate(sub_frame, rect, config_lossy, use_blending,
error_code =
EncodeCandidate(¶ms->sub_frame_lossy_, ¶ms->rect_lossy_,
config_lossy, use_blending_lossy, candidate_lossy);
if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) return error_code;
return error_code;
@ -921,13 +1025,16 @@ static WebPEncodingError SetFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
const int is_lossless = config->lossless;
const int is_first_frame = enc->is_first_frame_;
int try_dispose_none = 1; // Default.
FrameRect rect_none;
WebPPicture sub_frame_none;
// First frame cannot be skipped as there is no 'previous frame' to merge it
// to. So, empty rectangle is not allowed for the first frame.
const int empty_rect_allowed_none = !is_first_frame;
// Even if there is exact pixel match between 'disposed previous canvas' and
// 'current canvas', we can't skip current frame, as there may not be exact
// pixel match between 'previous canvas' and 'current canvas'. So, we don't
// allow empty rectangle in this case.
const int empty_rect_allowed_bg = 0;
// If current frame is a key-frame, dispose method of previous frame doesn't
// matter, so we don't try dispose to background.
// Also, if key-frame insertion is on, and previous frame could be picked as
@ -936,9 +1043,9 @@ static WebPEncodingError SetFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
// background.
const int dispose_bg_possible =
!is_key_frame && !enc->prev_candidate_undecided_;
int try_dispose_bg = 0; // Default.
FrameRect rect_bg;
WebPPicture sub_frame_bg;
SubFrameParams dispose_none_params;
SubFrameParams dispose_bg_params;
WebPConfig config_ll = *config;
WebPConfig config_lossy = *config;
@ -948,7 +1055,8 @@ static WebPEncodingError SetFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
enc->last_config2_ = config->lossless ? config_lossy : config_ll;
*frame_skipped = 0;
if (!WebPPictureInit(&sub_frame_none) || !WebPPictureInit(&sub_frame_bg)) {
if (!SubFrameParamsInit(&dispose_none_params, 1, empty_rect_allowed_none) ||
!SubFrameParamsInit(&dispose_bg_params, 0, empty_rect_allowed_bg)) {
@ -957,10 +1065,14 @@ static WebPEncodingError SetFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
// Change-rectangle assuming previous frame was DISPOSE_NONE.
GetSubRect(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
empty_rect_allowed_none, &rect_none, &sub_frame_none);
if (!GetSubRects(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
config_lossy.quality, &dispose_none_params)) {
goto Err;
if (IsEmptyRect(&rect_none)) {
if ((is_lossless && IsEmptyRect(&dispose_none_params.rect_ll_)) ||
(!is_lossless && IsEmptyRect(&dispose_none_params.rect_lossy_))) {
// Don't encode the frame at all. Instead, the duration of the previous
// frame will be increased later.
@ -974,36 +1086,43 @@ static WebPEncodingError SetFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
WebPCopyPixels(prev_canvas, prev_canvas_disposed);
DisposeFrameRectangle(WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND, &enc->prev_rect_,
// Even if there is exact pixel match between 'disposed previous canvas' and
// 'current canvas', we can't skip current frame, as there may not be exact
// pixel match between 'previous canvas' and 'current canvas'. So, we don't
// allow empty rectangle in this case.
GetSubRect(prev_canvas_disposed, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
0 /* empty_rect_allowed */, &rect_bg, &sub_frame_bg);
if (!GetSubRects(prev_canvas_disposed, curr_canvas, is_key_frame,
is_first_frame, config_lossy.quality,
&dispose_bg_params)) {
goto Err;
if (enc->options_.minimize_size) { // Try both dispose methods.
try_dispose_bg = 1;
try_dispose_none = 1;
} else if (RectArea(&rect_bg) < RectArea(&rect_none)) {
try_dispose_bg = 1; // Pick DISPOSE_BACKGROUND.
try_dispose_none = 0;
dispose_bg_params.should_try_ = 1;
dispose_none_params.should_try_ = 1;
} else if ((is_lossless &&
RectArea(&dispose_bg_params.rect_ll_) <
RectArea(&dispose_none_params.rect_ll_)) ||
(!is_lossless &&
RectArea(&dispose_bg_params.rect_lossy_) <
RectArea(&dispose_none_params.rect_lossy_))) {
dispose_bg_params.should_try_ = 1; // Pick DISPOSE_BACKGROUND.
dispose_none_params.should_try_ = 0;
if (try_dispose_none) {
if (dispose_none_params.should_try_) {
error_code = GenerateCandidates(
enc, candidates, WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE, is_lossless, is_key_frame,
&rect_none, &sub_frame_none, &config_ll, &config_lossy);
&dispose_none_params, &config_ll, &config_lossy);
if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Err;
if (try_dispose_bg) {
if (dispose_bg_params.should_try_) {
error_code = GenerateCandidates(
enc, candidates, WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND, is_lossless, is_key_frame,
&rect_bg, &sub_frame_bg, &config_ll, &config_lossy);
&dispose_bg_params, &config_ll, &config_lossy);
if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Err;
@ -1019,8 +1138,8 @@ static WebPEncodingError SetFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
return error_code;
Reference in New Issue
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