2022-06-03 19:30:11 +02:00

22 lines
7.8 KiB

"use strict";
* ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development").
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* It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools.
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(self["webpackChunkmonanco_wpack"] = self["webpackChunkmonanco_wpack"] || []).push([["node_modules_monaco-editor_esm_vs_basic-languages_markdown_markdown_js"],{
/***/ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/markdown/markdown.js":
!*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/markdown/markdown.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"conf\": () => (/* binding */ conf),\n/* harmony export */ \"language\": () => (/* binding */ language)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Version: 0.33.0(4b1abad427e58dbedc1215d99a0902ffc885fcd4)\n * Released under the MIT license\n *\n *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n// src/basic-languages/markdown/markdown.ts\nvar conf = {\n comments: {\n blockComment: [\"<!--\", \"-->\"]\n },\n brackets: [\n [\"{\", \"}\"],\n [\"[\", \"]\"],\n [\"(\", \")\"]\n ],\n autoClosingPairs: [\n { open: \"{\", close: \"}\" },\n { open: \"[\", close: \"]\" },\n { open: \"(\", close: \")\" },\n { open: \"<\", close: \">\", notIn: [\"string\"] }\n ],\n surroundingPairs: [\n { open: \"(\", close: \")\" },\n { open: \"[\", close: \"]\" },\n { open: \"`\", close: \"`\" }\n ],\n folding: {\n markers: {\n start: new RegExp(\"^\\\\s*<!--\\\\s*#?region\\\\b.*-->\"),\n end: new RegExp(\"^\\\\s*<!--\\\\s*#?endregion\\\\b.*-->\")\n }\n }\n};\nvar language = {\n defaultToken: \"\",\n tokenPostfix: \".md\",\n control: /[\\\\`*_\\[\\]{}()#+\\-\\.!]/,\n noncontrol: /[^\\\\`*_\\[\\]{}()#+\\-\\.!]/,\n escapes: /\\\\(?:@control)/,\n jsescapes: /\\\\(?:[btnfr\\\\\"']|[0-7][0-7]?|[0-3][0-7]{2})/,\n empty: [\n \"area\",\n \"base\",\n \"basefont\",\n \"br\",\n \"col\",\n \"frame\",\n \"hr\",\n \"img\",\n \"input\",\n \"isindex\",\n \"link\",\n \"meta\",\n \"param\"\n ],\n tokenizer: {\n root: [\n [/^\\s*\\|/, \"@rematch\", \"@table_header\"],\n [/^(\\s{0,3})(#+)((?:[^\\\\#]|@escapes)+)((?:#+)?)/, [\"white\", \"keyword\", \"keyword\", \"keyword\"]],\n [/^\\s*(=+|\\-+)\\s*$/, \"keyword\"],\n [/^\\s*((\\*[ ]?)+)\\s*$/, \"meta.separator\"],\n [/^\\s*>+/, \"comment\"],\n [/^\\s*([\\*\\-+:]|\\d+\\.)\\s/, \"keyword\"],\n [/^(\\t|[ ]{4})[^ ].*$/, \"string\"],\n [/^\\s*~~~\\s*((?:\\w|[\\/\\-#])+)?\\s*$/, { token: \"string\", next: \"@codeblock\" }],\n [\n /^\\s*```\\s*((?:\\w|[\\/\\-#])+).*$/,\n { token: \"string\", next: \"@codeblockgh\", nextEmbedded: \"$1\" }\n ],\n [/^\\s*```\\s*$/, { token: \"string\", next: \"@codeblock\" }],\n { include: \"@linecontent\" }\n ],\n table_header: [\n { include: \"@table_common\" },\n [/[^\\|]+/, \"keyword.table.header\"]\n ],\n table_body: [{ include: \"@table_common\" }, { include: \"@linecontent\" }],\n table_common: [\n [/\\s*[\\-:]+\\s*/, { token: \"keyword\", switchTo: \"table_body\" }],\n [/^\\s*\\|/, \"keyword.table.left\"],\n [/^\\s*[^\\|]/, \"@rematch\", \"@pop\"],\n [/^\\s*$/, \"@rematch\", \"@pop\"],\n [\n /\\|/,\n {\n cases: {\n \"@eos\": \"keyword.table.right\",\n \"@default\": \"keyword.table.middle\"\n }\n }\n ]\n ],\n codeblock: [\n [/^\\s*~~~\\s*$/, { token: \"string\", next: \"@pop\" }],\n [/^\\s*```\\s*$/, { token: \"string\", next: \"@pop\" }],\n [/.*$/, \"variable.source\"]\n ],\n codeblockgh: [\n [/```\\s*$/, { token: \"string\", next: \"@pop\", nextEmbedded: \"@pop\" }],\n [/[^`]+/, \"variable.source\"]\n ],\n linecontent: [\n [/&\\w+;/, \"string.escape\"],\n [/@escapes/, \"escape\"],\n [/\\b__([^\\\\_]|@escapes|_(?!_))+__\\b/, \"strong\"],\n [/\\*\\*([^\\\\*]|@escapes|\\*(?!\\*))+\\*\\*/, \"strong\"],\n [/\\b_[^_]+_\\b/, \"emphasis\"],\n [/\\*([^\\\\*]|@escapes)+\\*/, \"emphasis\"],\n [/`([^\\\\`]|@escapes)+`/, \"variable\"],\n [/\\{+[^}]+\\}+/, \"\"],\n [/(!?\\[)((?:[^\\]\\\\]|@escapes)*)(\\]\\([^\\)]+\\))/, [\"\", \"\", \"\"]],\n [/(!?\\[)((?:[^\\]\\\\]|@escapes)*)(\\])/, \"\"],\n { include: \"html\" }\n ],\n html: [\n [/<(\\w+)\\/>/, \"tag\"],\n [\n /<(\\w+)(\\-|\\w)*/,\n {\n cases: {\n \"@empty\": { token: \"tag\", next: \"@tag.$1\" },\n \"@default\": { token: \"tag\", next: \"@tag.$1\" }\n }\n }\n ],\n [/<\\/(\\w+)(\\-|\\w)*\\s*>/, { token: \"tag\" }],\n [/<!--/, \"comment\", \"@comment\"]\n ],\n comment: [\n [/[^<\\-]+/, \"comment.content\"],\n [/-->/, \"comment\", \"@pop\"],\n [/<!--/, \"comment.content.invalid\"],\n [/[<\\-]/, \"comment.content\"]\n ],\n tag: [\n [/[ \\t\\r\\n]+/, \"white\"],\n [\n /(type)(\\s*=\\s*)(\")([^\"]+)(\")/,\n [\n \"\",\n \"delimiter.html\",\n \"string.html\",\n { token: \"string.html\", switchTo: \"@tag.$S2.$4\" },\n \"string.html\"\n ]\n ],\n [\n /(type)(\\s*=\\s*)(')([^']+)(')/,\n [\n \"\",\n \"delimiter.html\",\n \"string.html\",\n { token: \"string.html\", switchTo: \"@tag.$S2.$4\" },\n \"string.html\"\n ]\n ],\n [/(\\w+)(\\s*=\\s*)(\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*')/, [\"\", \"delimiter.html\", \"string.html\"]],\n [/\\w+/, \"\"],\n [/\\/>/, \"tag\", \"@pop\"],\n [\n />/,\n {\n cases: {\n \"$S2==style\": {\n token: \"tag\",\n switchTo: \"embeddedStyle\",\n nextEmbedded: \"text/css\"\n },\n \"$S2==script\": {\n cases: {\n $S3: {\n token: \"tag\",\n switchTo: \"embeddedScript\",\n nextEmbedded: \"$S3\"\n },\n \"@default\": {\n token: \"tag\",\n switchTo: \"embeddedScript\",\n nextEmbedded: \"text/javascript\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"@default\": { token: \"tag\", next: \"@pop\" }\n }\n }\n ]\n ],\n embeddedStyle: [\n [/[^<]+/, \"\"],\n [/<\\/style\\s*>/, { token: \"@rematch\", next: \"@pop\", nextEmbedded: \"@pop\" }],\n [/</, \"\"]\n ],\n embeddedScript: [\n [/[^<]+/, \"\"],\n [/<\\/script\\s*>/, { token: \"@rematch\", next: \"@pop\", nextEmbedded: \"@pop\" }],\n [/</, \"\"]\n ]\n }\n};\n\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/markdown/markdown.js?");
/***/ })