mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 13:22:49 +01:00
275 lines
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275 lines
10 KiB
class Archive extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication
constructor: ( args ) ->
super "Archive", args
@currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandle()
if @args and @args.length > 0 and @args[0].path
@currfile = args[0].path.asFileHandle()
main: () ->
@btadd = @find "btaradd"
@btdel = @find "btardel"
@btxtract = @find "btarxtract"
@filetree = @find "filetree"
@zip = undefined
@bindKey "ALT-N", () => @fileMenuHandle "new"
@bindKey "ALT-O", () => @fileMenuHandle "open"
@bindKey "CTRL-S", () => @fileMenuHandle "save"
@bindKey "ALT-S", () => @fileMenuHandle "saveas"
@btxtract.onbtclick = (e) =>
item = @filetree.selectedItem
return @notify __("Please select file/folder to extract") unless item
treedata = item.data
@openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Select a folder"), mimes: ["dir"] }
.then (d) =>
@xtract(treedata, d.file.path)
.then () => @notify __("extract successful: {0}", treedata.path)
.catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e
.catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e
@btadd.onbtclick = (e) => @actionAdd()
@btdel.onbtclick = (e) => @actionDel()
@filetree.contextmenuHandle = (e, m) =>
item = @filetree.selectedItem
return unless item
mdata = [
{ text: "__(Delete)", onmenuselect: () => @actionDel()},
{ text: "__(Info)", onmenuselect: () => @actionInfo()}
if item.data.type is "dir"
mdata.unshift { text: "__(Add)", onmenuselect: () => @actionAdd() }
m.items = mdata
actionAdd: () ->
item = @filetree.selectedItem
return @notify __("Please select a destination folder") unless item and item.data.type is "dir"
treedata = item.data
@openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Select a file/folder") }
.then (d) =>
@addToZip d.file, "#{treedata.path}/#{d.file.path.asFileHandle().basename}"
.then () =>
@currfile.dirty = true
.catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e
.catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e
actionDel: () ->
item = @filetree.selectedItem
return @notify __("Please select a destination folder") unless item
treedata = item.data
return @notify __("You cannot delete the root node") if treedata.root
@ask {title: "__(Delete)", text: __("Do you really want to delete: {0}?", treedata.text) }
.then (d) =>
return unless d
@currfile.dirty = true
.catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e
actionInfo: () ->
item = @filetree.selectedItem
return @notify __("Please select a file/folder") unless item
key = item.data.path.trimBy("/")
key = "#{key}/" if item.data.type is "dir"
meta = @zip.files[key]
return @notify __("Cannot get entry meta data") unless meta
@openDialog "InfoDialog", {
title: "About: #{meta.name}",
name: meta.name,
date: meta.date,
dir: meta.dir,
dataBinary: meta._dataBinary,
size: meta._data.uncompressedSize
openar: (file) ->
@zip = undefined
if file.filename is "Untitled"
@zip = new JSZip()
@currfile = file
# open the file and refresh filetree
.then (data) =>
.then (zip) =>
@zip = zip
@currfile = file
.catch (e) =>
@error __("Wrong zip format: {0}", e.toString()), e
.catch (e) =>
@error __("Unable to read archive: {0}", file.path), e
refreshTreeFile: () ->
return unless @zip
treedata = {
text: @currfile.filename.trimFromRight(".zip"),
type: "dir"
path: "",
open: true,
root: true,
nodes: []
for k,v of @zip.files
leaf = @putFileInTree k.split("/"), treedata
if not v.dir
leaf.type = "file"
delete leaf.nodes
@filetree.data = treedata
putFileInTree: (patharr, treedata) ->
names = (v.text for v in treedata.nodes)
rep = patharr.shift()
return treedata unless rep
if names.includes rep
@putFileInTree patharr, treedata.nodes[names.indexOf rep]
subtree = {
text: rep,
path: "#{treedata.path}/#{rep}",
type: "dir",
nodes: []
treedata.nodes.push subtree
return @putFileInTree patharr, subtree
xtract: (treedata, to) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
if treedata.type is "file"
.then (data) =>
fp = "#{to}/#{treedata.text}".asFileHandle()
fp.cache = new Blob([data], { type: "octet/stream" })
.then () -> resolve()
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
#make the dir before extract
to.asFileHandle().mk treedata.text
.then () =>
nodes = (v for v in treedata.nodes)
@xtractall nodes, "#{to}/#{treedata.text}"
.then -> resolve()
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
xtractall: (list, to) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
return resolve() if list.length is 0
el = list.shift()
@xtract el, to
.then () =>
@xtractall list, to
.then () -> resolve()
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
addToZip: (file, to) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
if file.type is "dir"
file.path.asFileHandle().read().then (data) =>
return reject __e @throwe data.error if data.error
@addFilesTozip data.result, to
.then () -> resolve()
.catch (e) => reject __e e
.then (data) =>
@zip.file(to.trimBy("/"), data, { binary: true })
.catch (e) -> resolve __e e
addFilesTozip: (list, to) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
return resolve() if list.length is 0
el = list.shift()
@addToZip el, "#{to}/#{el.path.asFileHandle().basename}"
.then () =>
@addFilesTozip list, to
.then () -> resolve()
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
saveZipAs: () ->
@openDialog("FileDialog", {
title: __("Save as"),
file: @currfile
}).then (f) =>
d = f.file.path.asFileHandle()
d = d.parent() if f.file.type is "file"
@currfile.setPath "#{d.path}/#{f.name}"
write: () ->
return unless @zip and @currfile.path isnt "Untitled"
@zip .generateAsync({ type: "base64" })
.then (data) =>
"data:application/zip;base64," + data
.then () =>
@currfile.dirty = false
@notify __("zip file saved in {0}", @currfile.path)
.catch (e) => @error __("Unable to save zip file: {0}", @currfile.path)
fileMenuHandle:(id) ->
switch id
when "open"
@openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Select a zip file"), mimes: ["application/zip"] }
.then (d) =>
.catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e
when "save"
return @write() if @currfile.path isnt "Untitled"
when "saveas"
menu: () ->
text: "__(File)",
nodes: [
{ text: "__(New)", id:"new", shortcut: "A-N" },
{ text: "__(Open)", id:"open", shortcut: "A-O"},
{ text: "__(Save)", id:"save", shortcut: "C-S"},
{ text: "__(Save as)", id:"saveas", shortcut: "A-S"}
onchildselect: (e) => @fileMenuHandle e.data.item.data.id
cleanup: (e) ->
return unless @currfile.dirty
@ask { title: "__(Quit)", text: "__(Zip file has been modified. Quit without saving?)" }
.then (d) =>
return unless d
@currfile.dirty = false
Archive.dependencies = [
this.OS.register "Archive", Archive |