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145 lines
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class ConnectionDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog
constructor: () ->
super "ConnectionDialog", {
tags: [
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(VNC server)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "input", att: 'data-height="30"' },
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(Bits per pixel)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "afx-list-view", att: 'dropdown="true" data-height="30"' },
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(Compression)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "afx-list-view", att: 'dropdown="true" data-height="30"' },
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(JPEG quality)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "afx-slider", att: 'max="100" data-height="30"' },
{ tag: "div", att: ' data-height="5"' }
width: 350,
height: 280,
resizable: false,
buttons: [
label: "__(Connect)",
onclick: (d) ->
return unless d.handler
data =
server: (d.find "content1").value
bbp: ((d.find "content3").get "selected").value,
flag: ((d.find "content5").get "selected").value,
quality:((d.find "content7").get "value")
d.handler data
{ label: "__(Cancel)", onclick: (d) -> d.quit() }
filldata: (d) ->
(d.find "content1").value = "/opt/www/vnc.conf"
(d.find "content3").set "items", [
{ text: "16 bits", value: 16 },
{ text: "32 bits", value: 32, selected:true}]
(d.find "content5").set "items", [
{text: "No compression", value:0},
{text: "JPEG", value:1},
{text: "zLib", value:2},
{text: "JPEG & zLib", value:3, selected:true}
(d.find "content7").set "value", 40
class CredentialDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog
constructor: () ->
super "ConnectionDialog", {
tags: [
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(User name)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "input", att: 'data-height="30"' },
{ tag: "afx-label", att: 'text="__(Password)" data-height="23" class="header"' },
{ tag: "input", att: 'data-height="30" type="password"' },
{ tag: "div", att: ' data-height="5"' }
width: 350,
height: 150,
resizable: false,
buttons: [
label: "__(Ok)",
onclick: (d) ->
return d.quit() unless d.handler
data =
username: (d.find "content1").value
password: (d.find "content3").value
d.handler data
{ label: "__(Cancel)", onclick: (d) -> d.quit() }
filldata: (d) ->
(d.find "content1").value = "demo"
(d.find "content3").value = "demo"
class RemoteDesktop extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication
constructor: ( args ) ->
super "RemoteDesktop", args
main: () ->
me = @
@canvas = @find "screen"
@container = @find "container"
@client = new WVNC {
element: me.canvas,
ws: 'wss://localhost:9192/wvnc',
worker: "#{me._api.handler.get}/#{me.meta().path}/decoder.js"
@client.onerror = (m) ->
me.error m
@client.onresize = ()->
@client.onpassword = ()->
return new Promise (r,e)->
me.openDialog "PromptDialog", (d) ->
, __("VNC password"), { label: __("VNC password"), value: "demopass", type: "password" }
@client.oncredential = () ->
return new Promise (r,e) ->
me.openDialog new CredentialDialog, (d) ->
r(d.username, d.password)
, __("User credential")
@on "resize", (e)-> me.setScale()
@on "focus", (e) -> $(me.canvas).focus()
@client.init().then () ->
setScale: () ->
return unless @client and @client.resolution
w = $(@container).width()
h = $(@container).height()
sx = w / @client.resolution.w
sy = h / @client.resolution.h
if sx > sy then @client.setScale sy else @client.setScale sx
menu: () ->
me = @
text: "__(Connection)",
child: [
{ text: "__(New Connection)", dataid: "#{@name}-new", },
{ text: "__(Disconnect)", dataid: "#{@name}-close" }
onmenuselect: (e) -> me.actionConnection()
actionConnection: (e) ->
@client.disconnect() if @client
showConnectionDialog: () ->
me = @
@openDialog new ConnectionDialog, (d) ->
me.client.connect d.server, d
, __("Connection")
cleanup: () ->
@client.disconnect() if @client
this.OS.register "RemoteDesktop", RemoteDesktop |