DanyLE 4d03eff031
All checks were successful
gitea-sync/antosdk-apps/pipeline/head This commit looks good
SystemControl: use new AntoS local setting APIo
2023-07-08 13:54:22 +02:00

92 lines
3.2 KiB

class SysmondService extends OS.application.BaseService
constructor: (args) ->
super "SysmondService", args
@text = __("{0}%", 0.toString())
@iconclass = "fa fa-android"
@app = args[0].app
#@nodes = [
# {text: __("Status"), id: 1},
# {text: __("Shutdown"), id: 3},
# {text: __("Reboot"), id: 4},
# {text: __("Exit service"), id: 2}
@onmenuselect = (e) => @openApp()
setting: () ->
return @systemsetting.applications["SystemControl"]
init: () ->
checklib = () =>
if not Antunnel.tunnel
@error __("The Antunnel service is not started, please start it first")
.catch (e) =>
@error e.toString(), e
return unless @setting.topic
@tunnel = Antunnel.tunnel
@sub = new Antunnel.Subscriber(@setting.topic)
@sub.onopen = () =>
#@sub.send Antunnel.Msg.DATA, new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode("Hello")
console.log("Subscribed to notification channel")
@sub.onerror = (e) =>
@error __("Error: {0}", new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(, e
#@sub = undefined
@sub.onmessage = (e) =>
obj = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode( if
# update the battery
@text = __("{0}%", Math.round(obj.battery_percent).toString())
@app.feed obj if @app
@sub.onclose = () =>
@sub = undefined
@notify __("Unsubscribed to the notification service")
Antunnel.tunnel.subscribe @sub
if not @setting.topic
console.log "Open dialog"
@app.openDialog("PromptDialog", {
title: __("Enter topic name"),
label: __("Please enter topic name")
.then (v) =>
@setting.topic = v
openApp: () ->
return if @app
@_gui.launch "SystemControl", []
execute: (cmd) ->
#return unless @tunnel
#sub = new Antunnel.Subscriber("jarvis_control")
#sub.onopen = () =>
# console.log("Subscribed to jarvis_control channel. Send the command")
# sub.send Antunnel.Msg.DATA, new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(cmd)
# sub.close()
#sub.onerror = (e) =>
# @error __("Error: {0}", new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(, e
#@sub = undefined
#sub.onclose = () =>
# @notify __("Unsubscribed to the jarvis_control service")
#@tunnel.subscribe sub
awake: () ->
cleanup: () ->
@app.quit() if @app
@sub.close() if @sub
this.OS.register "SysmondService", SysmondService