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synced 2025-03-10 10:12:49 +01:00
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170 lines
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class Clipper extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication
constructor: ( args ) ->
super "Clipper", args
main: () ->
@scene = @find("scene")
@wrapper = @find("wrapper")
@cropwin = @find("cropwin")
@dirty = false
@currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandle()
.css "position", "absolute"
@find("btnCptScreen").onbtclick = () =>
@capture document.body, true
@find("btnCptWindow").onbtclick = () =>
# select a window
wins = []
for k, v of OS.PM.processes
for process in v
if OS.application[process.name].type is 0
wins.push {
text: process.scheme.apptitle,
el: process.scheme,
icon: process.meta().icon,
iconclass: process.meta().iconclass
@openDialog "SelectionDialog", {
title: "Select a window",
data: wins
.then (sel) =>
return unless sel
@capture sel.el
btncrop = @find("btnCrop")
@cropselect = (e) =>
offset = $(@cropwin).offset()
w = e.clientX - offset.left
h = e.clientY - offset.top
.css "width", "#{w}px"
.css "height", "#{h}px"
@cropup = (e) =>
$(window).off "mousemove", @cropselect
$(window).off "mouseup", @cropup
@ask { text: __("Crop the selected zone ?") }
.then (b) =>
btncrop.enable = true
btncrop.selected = false
croff = $(@cropwin).offset()
scenoff = $(@scene).offset()
x = croff.left - scenoff.left
y = croff.top - scenoff.top
w = $(@cropwin).width()
h = $(@cropwin).height()
.css "width", "0px"
.css "height", "0px"
return unless b
ctx = @scene.getContext('2d')
data = ctx.getImageData(x,y, w, h)
@scene.width = w
@scene.height = h
ctx.putImageData(data, 0,0)
@dirty = true
@cropdown = (e) =>
btncrop.enable = false
offset = $(@scheme).offset()
.css "left", "#{e.clientX - offset.left}px"
.css "top", "#{e.clientY - offset.top}px"
$(window).off "mousedown", @cropdown
$(window).mousemove @cropselect
$(window).mouseup @cropup
btncrop.onbtclick = () =>
if btncrop.selected
$(window).mousedown @cropdown
$(window).off "mousedown", @cropdown
@bindKey "CTRL-S", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Save"
@bindKey "ALT-W", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Saveas"
@notify __("User ALT-S global shortcut to capture the entire VDE")
@_gui.bindKey "ALT-S", ()=>
return unless html2canvas
html2canvas(document.body).then (canvas) =>
@_gui.launch "Clipper", [canvas]
return unless @args and @args.length is 1
@copycanvas @args[0]
copycanvas: (canvas)->
@scene.height = canvas.height
@scene.width = canvas.width
@scene.getContext('2d').drawImage(canvas, 0, 0)
@dirty = true
capture: (el, windoff) ->
@hide() if windoff
@load new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
html2canvas(el).then (canvas) =>
@copycanvas canvas
@show() if windoff
.catch (e) -> reject __e e
.then () => @notify __("Screen captured")
.catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e
menu: () ->
menu = [{
text: "__(File)",
nodes: [
{ text: "__(Save)", dataid: "#{@name}-Save", shortcut: "C-S" },
{ text: "__(Save as)", dataid: "#{@name}-Saveas", shortcut: "A-W" }
onchildselect: (e) => @actionFile e.data.item.data.dataid
save: ()->
@currfile.cache = @scene.toDataURL("image/png")
@currfile.write "base64"
.then (r) =>
@notify __("File saved")
@dirty = false
.catch (e) => @error __("Cannot save to file: {0}", e.toString()), e
actionFile: (e) ->
saveas = () =>
@openDialog("FileDialog", {
title: __("Save as"),
file: @currfile
.then (f) =>
d = f.file.path.asFileHandle()
d = d.parent() if f.file.type is "file"
@currfile.setPath "#{d.path}/#{f.name}"
@save @currfile
switch e
when "#{@name}-Save"
return @save() if @currfile.basename
when "#{@name}-Saveas"
cleanup: (evt) ->
return unless @dirty
@ask {
title: __("Quit"),
text: __("Quit without saving ?")
.then (d) =>
if d
@dirty = false
Clipper.singleton = true
this.OS.register "Clipper", Clipper |