mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 05:12:48 +01:00
219 lines
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219 lines
7.6 KiB
class OnlyOffice extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication
constructor: ( args ) ->
super "OnlyOffice", args
@eid = "id#{Math.random().toString(36).replace(".","")}"
main: () ->
@isActive = false
@currfile = undefined
@iframe = undefined
if @args and @args.length > 0
@currfile = @args[0].path.asFileHandle()
@placeholder = @find "editor-area"
@placeholder.id = @eid
@on "focus", (e) =>
@isActive = true
if @iframe
el = $("#id_viewer_overlay", @iframe)
el = $("#ws-canvas-graphic-overlay", @iframe) if el.length is 0
el.trigger("click") if el.length > 0
@on "blur", (e) => @isActive = false
@find("btn-open-file").onbtclick = (e) =>
@find("btn-new-doc").onbtclick = (e) =>
@find("btn-new-cell").onbtclick = (e) =>
@find("btn-new-slide").onbtclick = (e) =>
@open() if @currfile
create: (type) ->
ext = undefined
ext = "docx" if type is "word"
ext = "xlsx" if type is "sheet"
ext = "pptx" if type is "slide"
return @error __("Unkown file type") unless ext
@openDialog "FileDialog", {
title: __("Save file as"),
type: "dir",
file: "home://Untitled.#{ext}".asFileHandle()
.then (d) =>
file = "#{d.file.path}/#{d.name}".asFileHandle()
# copy file to destination
model = "#{@path()}/templates/model.#{ext}".asFileHandle()
.then (d) =>
blob = new Blob([d], {
type: model.info.mime,
file.cache = blob
.then (r) =>
file.cache = undefined
@currfile = file
.catch (e) =>
@error e.toString(), e
.catch (err) =>
@error err.toString(), err
openFile: () ->
@openDialog "FileDialog", {
title: __("Open file"),
type: "file",
mimes: @meta().mimes
.then (f, name) =>
@currfile = f.file.path.asFileHandle()
editorReady: () ->
@iframe = $('iframe[name="frameEditor"]', @scheme).contents()[0]
return unless @iframe
$(@iframe).on "mousedown, mouseup, click", (e) =>
return if @isActive
@trigger "focus"
open: () ->
return unless @currfile
@iframe = undefined
@exec("token", {file: @currfile.path})
.then (d) =>
return @error d.error if d.error
@access_token = d.result.sid
.then (meta) =>
#key = "#{@systemsetting.user.username}:#{@currfile.path}:#{meta.mtime}"
#key = key.hash().toString()
@scheme.apptitle = @currfile.path
@editor.destroyEditor() if @editor
@editor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor(@eid, {
events: {
onAppReady: (e) => @editorReady(e),
onRequestCreateNew: () => @newDocument(),
onRequestSaveAs: (e) => @saveAs(e)
document: {
fileType: @currfile.ext,
key: d.result.key,
title: @currfile.filename,
url: @currfile.getlink() + "?" + @access_token
documentType: @getDocType(@currfile.ext),
editorConfig: {
user: {
id: @systemsetting.user.id.toString(),
name: @systemsetting.user.username
customization: {
compactHeader: false,
#autosave: false,
#forcesave: true
callbackUrl: @uapi("save")
.catch (e) =>
@error e.toString(), e
getDocType: (ext) ->
return "word" if "doc,docx,epub,odt".split(",").includes(ext)
return "cell" if "csv,ods,xls,xlsx".split(",").includes(ext)
return "slide" if "odp,ppt,pptx".split(",").includes(ext)
return "none"
saveAs: (e) ->
return unless e.data.url
rfile = e.data.url.asFileHandle()
@openDialog "FileDialog", {
title: __("Save file as"),
type: "dir",
file: "home://#{e.data.title}".asFileHandle()
.then (d) =>
file = "#{d.file.path}/#{d.name}"
# copy file to destination
@exec("duplicate", {
remote: e.data.url,
as: file
}).then (r) =>
return @error r.error if r.error
return if @getDocType(file.asFileHandle().ext) is "none"
@currfile = file.asFileHandle()
.catch (e) =>
@error e.toString(), e
newDocument: () ->
@openDialog "SelectionDialog", {
title: __("Create new"),
text: __("Open a file"),
iconclass: "fa fa-folder-open",
type: "open"
text: __("Document"),
iconclass: "fa fa-file-word-o",
type: "word"
text: __("Spreadsheet"),
iconclass: "fa fa-file-excel-o",
type: "sheet"
text: __("Presentation"),
iconclass: "fa fa-file-powerpoint-o",
type: "slide"
.then (d) =>
switch d.type
when "open"
uapi: (action) ->
return "#{@_api.REST}/system/apigateway?ws=0&path=#{@path()}/api.lua&action=#{action}&file=#{@currfile.path}&#{@access_token}"
exec: (action, args) ->
cmd =
path: "#{@path()}/api.lua",
action: action,
args: args
return @call(cmd)
cleanup: () ->
@editor.destroyEditor() if @editor
@editor = undefined
OnlyOffice.dependencies = [
this.OS.register "OnlyOffice", OnlyOffice
this.extensionParams = {
url: "https://office.iohub.dev/web-apps/"
# dirty hack that allow subdomain iframes access each other
# FIXME: may be the domain should be defined by ATOS API
document.domain = "iohub.dev" if document.domain is "os.iohub.dev"