(function() { var ConnectionDialog, CredentialDialog, RemoteDesktop, WVNC; ConnectionDialog = class ConnectionDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog { constructor() { super("ConnectionDialog", ConnectionDialog.scheme); } main() { super.main(); this.find("bbp").data = [ { text: "16 bits", value: 16, selected: true }, { text: "32 bits", value: 32 } ]; this.find("jq").value = 40; this.find("bt-ok").onbtclick = (e) => { var data; if (!this.handle) { return; } data = { wvnc: (this.find("txtWVNC")).value, server: (this.find("txtServer")).value, bbp: (this.find("bbp")).selectedItem.data.value, quality: (this.find("jq")).value }; this.handle(data); return this.quit(); }; return this.find("bt-cancel").onbtclick = (e) => { return this.quit(); }; } }; ConnectionDialog.scheme = `
`; CredentialDialog = class CredentialDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog { constructor() { super("CredentialDialog", CredentialDialog.scheme); } main() { this.find("bt-ok").onbtclick = () => { var data; if (!this.handle) { return this.quit(); } data = { username: (this.find("txtUser")).value, password: (this.find("txtPass")).value }; this.handle(data); return this.quit(); }; return this.find("bt-cancel").onbtclick = () => { return this.quit(); }; } }; CredentialDialog.scheme = `
`; RemoteDesktop = class RemoteDesktop extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication { constructor(args) { super("RemoteDesktop", args); } main() { this.canvas = this.find("screen"); this.container = this.find("container"); this.client = new WVNC({ element: this.canvas }); this.bindKey("CTRL-SHIFT-V", (e) => { return this.pasteText(); }); //@client.onerror = (m) => // @error m.toString() // @showConnectionDialog() this.client.ondisconnect = () => { return this.showConnectionDialog(); }; this.client.onresize = () => { return this.setScale(); }; this.client.onpassword = () => { return new Promise((r, e) => { return this.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: __("VNC password"), label: __("VNC password"), value: "password", type: "password" }).then(function(d) { return r(d); }); }); }; this.client.oncopy = (text) => { return this._api.setClipboard(text); }; this.client.oncredential = () => { return new Promise((r, e) => { return this.openDialog(new CredentialDialog(), { title: __("User credential") }).then(function(d) { return r(d.username, d.password); }); }); }; this.on("resize", (e) => { return this.setScale(); }); this.on("focus", (e) => { return $(this.canvas).focus(); }); return this.client.init().then(() => { return this.showConnectionDialog(); }); } pasteText() { var cb; if (!this.client) { return; } cb = (text) => { if (!(text && text !== "")) { return; } return this.client.sendTextAsClipboard(text); }; return this._api.getClipboard().then((text) => { return cb(text); }).catch((e) => { this.error(__("Unable to paste"), e); //ask for user to enter the text manually return this.openDialog("TextDialog", { title: "Paste text" }).then((text) => { return cb(text); }).catch((err) => { return this.error(err.toString(), err); }); }); } setScale() { var h, sx, sy, w; if (!(this.client && this.client.resolution)) { return; } w = $(this.container).width(); h = $(this.container).height(); sx = w / this.client.resolution.w; sy = h / this.client.resolution.h; if (sx > sy) { return this.client.setScale(sy); } else { return this.client.setScale(sx); } } menu() { return [ { text: "__(Connection)", nodes: [ { text: "__(New Connection)", dataid: `${this.name}-new` }, { text: "__(Disconnect)", dataid: `${this.name}-close` } ], onchildselect: (e) => { if (this.client) { return this.client.disconnect(false); } } } ]; } showConnectionDialog() { if (!this.client) { return; } return this.openDialog(new ConnectionDialog(), { title: __("Connection") }).then((d) => { this.client.ws = d.wvnc; return this.client.connect(d.server, d); }); } cleanup() { if (this.client) { this.client.disconnect(true); } return this.client = void 0; } }; this.OS.register("RemoteDesktop", RemoteDesktop); WVNC = class WVNC { constructor(args) { var me, worker; this.socket = void 0; this.ws = void 0; this.canvas = void 0; worker = "pkg://RemoteDesktop/decoder_asm.js".asFileHandle().getlink(); this.scale = 1.0; if (args.ws) { this.ws = args.ws; } this.canvas = args.element; if (typeof this.canvas === 'string') { this.canvas = document.getElementById(this.canvas); } this.decoder = new Worker(worker); this.enableEvent = false; this.pingto = false; me = this; this.mouseMask = 0; this.decoder.onmessage = function(e) { return me.process(e.data); }; } init() { var me; me = this; return new Promise(function(r, e) { if (!me.canvas) { return e('Canvas is not set'); } // fix keyboard event problem $(me.canvas).attr('tabindex', '1'); $(me.canvas).on("focus", () => { return me.resetModifierKeys(); }); me.initInputEvent(); return r(); }); } initInputEvent() { var fn, getMousePos, me, sendMouseLocation; me = this; if (!this.canvas) { return; } getMousePos = function(e) { var pos, rect; rect = me.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); pos = { x: Math.floor((e.clientX - rect.left) / me.scale), y: Math.floor((e.clientY - rect.top) / me.scale) }; return pos; }; sendMouseLocation = function(e) { var p; if (!me.enableEvent) { return; } p = getMousePos(e); return me.sendPointEvent(p.x, p.y, me.mouseMask); }; if (!me.canvas) { return; } me.canvas.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }; me.canvas.onmousemove = function(e) { return sendMouseLocation(e); }; me.canvas.onmousedown = function(e) { var state; state = 1 << e.button; me.mouseMask = me.mouseMask | state; return sendMouseLocation(e); }; //e.preventDefault() me.canvas.onmouseup = function(e) { var state; state = 1 << e.button; me.mouseMask = me.mouseMask & (~state); return sendMouseLocation(e); }; //e.preventDefault() me.canvas.onkeydown = me.canvas.onkeyup = function(e) { var code, keycode; // get the key code keycode = e.keyCode; //console.log e switch (keycode) { case 8: code = 0xFF08; //back space break; case 9: code = 0xFF09; // tab ? 0xff89 break; case 13: code = 0xFF0D; // return break; case 27: code = 0xFF1B; // esc break; case 46: code = 0xFFFF; // delete to verify break; case 38: code = 0xFF52; // up break; case 40: code = 0xFF54; // down break; case 37: code = 0xFF51; // left break; case 39: code = 0xFF53; // right break; case 91: code = 0xFFE7; // meta left break; case 93: code = 0xFFE8; // meta right break; case 16: code = 0xFFE1; // shift left break; case 17: code = 0xFFE3; // ctrl left break; case 18: code = 0xFFE9; // alt left break; case 20: code = 0xFFE5; // capslock break; case 113: code = 0xFFBF; // f2 break; case 112: code = 0xFFBE; // f1 break; case 114: code = 0xFFC0; // f3 break; case 115: code = 0xFFC1; // f4 break; case 116: code = 0xFFC2; // f5 break; case 117: code = 0xFFC3; // f6 break; case 118: code = 0xFFC4; // f7 break; case 119: code = 0xFFC5; // f8 break; case 120: code = 0xFFC6; // f9 break; case 121: code = 0xFFC7; // f10 break; case 122: code = 0xFFC8; // f11 break; case 123: code = 0xFFC9; // f12 break; default: code = e.key.charCodeAt(0); //if not e.ctrlKey and not e.altKey } //if ((keycode > 47 and keycode < 58) or (keycode > 64 and keycode < 91) or (keycode > 95 and keycode < 112) or (keycode > 185 and keycode < 193) or (keycode > 218 && keycode < 223)) // code = e.key.charCodeAt(0) //else // code = keycode e.preventDefault(); if (!code) { return; } if (e.type === "keydown") { return me.sendKeyEvent(code, 1); } else if (e.type === "keyup") { return me.sendKeyEvent(code, 0); } }; // mouse wheel event this.canvas.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) { var p; if (!me.enableEvent) { return; } //if (e.deltaY < 0) # up p = getMousePos(e); e.preventDefault(); if (e.deltaY < 0) { me.sendPointEvent(p.x, p.y, 8); me.sendPointEvent(p.x, p.y, 0); return; } me.sendPointEvent(p.x, p.y, 16); return me.sendPointEvent(p.x, p.y, 0); }); // paste event this.canvas.onpaste = function(e) { var pastedText; if (!me.enableEvent) { return; } pastedText = void 0; if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) { //IE pastedText = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); } else if (e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData) { pastedText = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); } if (!pastedText) { return false; } e.preventDefault(); return me.sendTextAsClipboard(pastedText); }; // global event fn = (e) => { return this.disconnect(true); }; window.addEventListener("unload", fn); return window.addEventListener("beforeunload", fn); } initCanvas(w, h, d) { var me; me = this; this.canvas.width = w; this.canvas.height = h; this.resolution = { w: w, h: h }; this.decoder.postMessage(this.resolution); //me.canvas.style.cursor = "none" return this.setScale(this.scale); } process(msg) { var ctx, data, imgData; if (!this.socket) { this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x04, 1)); return; } data = new Uint8Array(msg.pixels); ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }); imgData = ctx.createImageData(msg.w, msg.h); imgData.data.set(data); ctx.putImageData(imgData, msg.x, msg.y); // tell the server that we are ready return this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x04, 1)); } setScale(n) { this.scale = n; if (!this.canvas) { return; } this.canvas.style.transformOrigin = '0 0'; return this.canvas.style.transform = 'scale(' + n + ')'; } connect(url, args) { var me; me = this; this.disconnect(false); if (!this.ws) { return; } this.socket = new WebSocket(this.ws); this.socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; this.socket.onopen = function() { console.log("socket opened"); return me.initConnection(url, args); }; this.socket.onmessage = function(e) { return me.consume(e); }; this.socket.onerror = (e) => { return me.onerror("Websocket error"); }; return this.socket.onclose = function() { me.socket = null; me.canvas.style.cursor = "auto"; if (me.canvas && me.resolution) { me.canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, me.resolution.w, me.resolution.h); } if (me.pingto) { clearTimeout(me.pingto); } me.pingto = void 0; me.ondisconnect(); return console.log("socket closed"); }; } disconnect(close_worker) { if (this.socket) { this.socket.close(); } this.socket = void 0; if (close_worker) { this.decoder.terminate(); } return this.enableEvent = false; } initConnection(vncserver, params) { var data; //vncserver = "" data = new Uint8Array(vncserver.length + 2); data[0] = 16; // bbp data[1] = 50; // jpeg quality if (params) { if (params.bbp) { data[0] = params.bbp; } if (params.quality) { data[1] = params.quality; } } //# rate in milisecond data.set((new TextEncoder()).encode(vncserver), 2); return this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x01, data)); } resetModifierKeys() { if (!this.socket) { return; } if (!this.enableEvent) { return; } this.sendKeyEvent(0xFFE7, 0); // meta left this.sendKeyEvent(0xFFE8, 0); // meta right this.sendKeyEvent(0xFFE1, 0); // shift left this.sendKeyEvent(0xFFE3, 0); // ctrl left return this.sendKeyEvent(0xFFE9, 0); // alt left } sendPointEvent(x, y, mask) { var data; if (!this.socket) { return; } if (!this.enableEvent) { return; } data = new Uint8Array(5); data[0] = x & 0xFF; data[1] = x >> 8; data[2] = y & 0xFF; data[3] = y >> 8; data[4] = mask; return this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x05, data)); } sendKeyEvent(code, v) { var data; // console.log code, v if (!this.socket) { return; } if (!this.enableEvent) { return; } data = new Uint8Array(3); data[0] = code & 0xFF; data[1] = (code >> 8) & 0xFF; data[2] = v; return this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x06, data)); } sendPing() { if (!this.socket) { return; } return this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x08, 'PING WVNC')); } buildCommand(hex, o) { var cmd, data; data = void 0; switch (typeof o) { case 'string': data = (new TextEncoder()).encode(o); break; case 'number': data = new Uint8Array([o]); break; default: data = o; } cmd = new Uint8Array(data.length + 3); cmd[0] = hex; cmd[2] = data.length >> 8; cmd[1] = data.length & 0x0F; cmd.set(data, 3); //console.log "the command is", cmd.buffer return cmd.buffer; } oncopy(text) { return console.log("Get clipboard text: " + text); } onpassword() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { return reject("onpassword is not implemented"); }); } sendTextAsClipboard(text) { var charcode; if (!this.socket) { return; } this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x07, text)); // send ctrl-v to paste charcode = 'v'.charCodeAt(0); this.sendKeyEvent(0xFFE3, 1); // CTRL down this.sendKeyEvent(charcode, 1); // v down this.sendKeyEvent(charcode, 0); // v up return this.sendKeyEvent(0xFFE3, 0); // CTRL up } oncredential() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { return reject("oncredential is not implemented"); }); } onerror(m) { return console.log("Error", m); } onresize() { return console.log("resize"); } ondisconnect() { return console.log("disconnect"); } consume(e) { var cmd, data, dec, fn, h, me, w; data = new Uint8Array(e.data); cmd = data[0]; me = this; switch (cmd) { case 0xFE: //error data = data.subarray(1, data.length - 1); dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); return this.onerror(dec.decode(data)); case 0x81: console.log("Request for password"); this.enableEvent = false; return this.onpassword().then(function(pass) { me.socket.send(me.buildCommand(0x02, pass)); return me.enableEvent = true; }); case 0x82: console.log("Request for login"); this.enableEvent = false; return this.oncredential().then(function(user, pass) { var arr; arr = new Uint8Array(user.length + pass.length + 1); arr.set((new TextEncoder()).encode(user), 0); arr.set(['\0'], user.length); arr.set((new TextEncoder()).encode(pass), user.length + 1); me.socket.send(me.buildCommand(0x03, arr)); return me.enableEvent = true; }); case 0x83: w = data[1] | (data[2] << 8); h = data[3] | (data[4] << 8); this.initCanvas(w, h); // status command for ack this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x04, 1)); this.enableEvent = true; // @resetModifierKeys() this.onresize(); if (this.pingto) { return; } fn = () => { this.sendPing(); return this.pingto = setTimeout(fn, 5000); }; return this.pingto = setTimeout(fn, 5000); case 0x84: // send data to web assembly for decoding return this.decoder.postMessage(data.buffer, [data.buffer]); case 0x85: // clipboard data from server data = data.subarray(1); dec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); this.oncopy(dec.decode(data)); return this.socket.send(this.buildCommand(0x04, 1)); default: return console.log(cmd); } } }; window.WVNC = WVNC; }).call(this);