class LocaleJob extends AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { super(data); } execute() { switch (this.job.cmd) { case 'locale-gen': /** * { * src: source folder, * exclude: exclude search rules * include: include search rules * locale: e.g. en_GB * dest: destination file/ folder * } */ this.gen() .then(d =>this.result(d)) .catch(e => this.error(e)); break; default: const err_msg = `Unkown job ${this.job.cmd}`; this.log_error(err_msg); return this.error(err_msg); } } ck_rules(path, rules) { for(const rule of rules) { const reg = new RegExp(rule); if(path.match(reg)) { return true; } } return false; } genlang(file, options) { // check if include or exclude return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try{ if( options.include && this.ck_rules(file,options.include) === false) { this.log_info(`locale-gen: ${file} is excluded`); return resolve([]); } if( options.exclude && this.ck_rules(file,options.exclude) === true) { this.log_info(`locale-gen: ${file} is excluded`); return resolve([]); } // check if file or folder const meta = await this.meta(file); if(meta.type === "dir") { const promises = []; const entries = await this.scandir(file); for(const entry of entries) { promises.push(this.genlang(`${file}/${entry.filename}`,options)); } const results = await Promise.all(promises); let ret = []; for(const el of results) { ret = ret.concat(el); } return resolve(ret); } else { const contents = await this.read_files([file]); // find all matches let regs = [ "\"\s*__\\(([^\"]*)\\)\s*\"", "__\\(\s*[\"'](.*)[\"'].*\\)" ]; let ret = []; for(const reg of regs) { let matches = contents[0].match(new RegExp(reg,'g')); if(matches) { for(const match of matches) { ret.push(match.match(new RegExp(reg))[1]); } } } if(ret.length > 0) { this.log_info(`locale-gen: Found in ${file}: \n${ret.join("\n")}`); } return resolve(ret); } } catch(error) { this.log_error(`${file}: ${error.toString()}`); reject(error); } }); } gen(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const results = await this.genlang(,; const locale = {}; locale[] = {}; for(const str of results) { locale[][str] = str; } // check destination // if it a file, assume that it is a meta file const meta = await this.meta(; if(meta.type === "dir") { const file = `${}/${}.json`; // save data const result = await this.save_file(file,locale[],"object"); this.log_info(`locale-gen: locale file generated at ${file}`); resolve(result); } else { // read the meta file const contents = await this.read_files([]); const pkg = JSON.parse(contents[0]); pkg.locale = locale; // save data const result = await this.save_file(,pkg,"object"); this.log_info(`locale-gen: locale file generated at ${}`); resolve(result); } } catch(error) { this.log_error(error.toString()); reject(error); } }); } } API.jobhandle["locale-gen"] = LocaleJob;