namespace OS { export namespace application { declare var Antunnel: any; interface SyslogMessage { timestamp: string; tag: string; severity_label: string; severity: number; relayip?: string; relayhost?: string; program: string; priority: number; message: string; logsource?: string; hostname?: string; facility_label: string; facility: number; end_msg?: string; type?: string; el: JQuery; }; interface SyslogFilter { max_log: number; err: boolean; debug: boolean; info: boolean; notice: boolean; warning: boolean; crit: boolean; alert: boolean; emerg: boolean; pattern?: RegExp; record: boolean; }; /** * * @class ServerLogClient * @extends {BaseApplication} */ export class ServerLogClient extends BaseApplication { private tunnel: any; private sub: GenericObject; private log_container: HTMLDivElement; private filter: SyslogFilter; private logs: SyslogMessage[]; constructor(args: AppArgumentsType[]) { super("ServerLogClient", args); } private check(msg: SyslogMessage): boolean { if(!this.filter.record) { return false; } // filter by severity if(!this.filter[msg.severity_label]) { return false; } // filter by regex if(this.filter.pattern) { if(msg.message.match(this.filter.pattern)) { return true; } return false; } else { return true; } } private log(msg: SyslogMessage): void { if(!this.check(msg)) { return; } // if the log if(this.logs.length >= this.filter.max_log) { let logel = this.logs.shift(); $(logel.el).remove(); } msg.el = $("

").addClass(msg.severity_label); msg.el.text(msg.message); $(this.log_container).append(msg.el); this.log_container.scrollTop = this.log_container.scrollHeight; this.logs.push(msg); } private openSession(): void { this.sub = new Antunnel.Subscriber(this.setting.topic); this.sub.onopen = () => { console.log("Subscribed"); }; this.sub.onerror = (e) => { this.error(__("Unable to connect to: syslog"), e); this.sub = undefined; } this.sub.onmessage = (e: GenericObject) => { if( { let data = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(; if(data.priority) { data.priority = parseInt(data.priority); } if(data.severity) { data.severity = parseInt(data.severity); } if(data.facility) { data.facility = parseInt(data.facility); } this.log(data as SyslogMessage); } } this.sub.onclose = () => { this.sub = undefined; this.notify(__("Connection closed")); this.quit(true); } this.tunnel.subscribe(this.sub); } cleanup(): void { if(this.sub) this.sub.close(); } private checklib(): void { if(!Antunnel.tunnel) { this._gui .pushService("Antunnel/AntunnelService") .then((d) => { let uri = (this.systemsetting.system as any).tunnel_uri as string; if(!uri) { this.error(__("Unable to connect to the tunnel")); this.quit(true); } Antunnel .init(uri) .then((t) =>{ this.notify(__("Tunnel now connected to the server at: {0}", uri)); this.tunnel = Antunnel.tunnel; this.openSession(); }) .catch((e) => { if(Antunnel.tunnel) { Antunnel.tunnel.close(); this.error(__("Unable to connect to the tunnel: {0}", e.toString()), e); this.quit(true); } }); }) .catch((e) => { this.error(__("Unable to run Antunnel service: {0}",e.toString()),e); this.quit(true); }); } else { this.tunnel = Antunnel.tunnel; this.openSession(); } } main(): void { if(!Antunnel) { this.error(__("Antunnel library is not available")); this.quit(true); return; } this.log_container = this.find("log-container") as HTMLDivElement; this.logs = []; $(this.log_container) .css("overflow-y", "auto"); let menu = this.find("menu-level") as GUI.tag.MenuTag; menu.items = [ { text: __("Default level"), nodes: [ { text: __("Debug"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "debug" }, { text: __("Notice"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "notice" }, { text: __("Info"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "info" }, { text: __("Warning"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "warning" }, { text: __("Error"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "err" }, { text: __("Critical"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "crit" }, { text: __("Alert"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "alert" }, { text: __("Emergency"), switch: true, checked: true, severity: "emerg" } ], onchildselect: (e) => { let data =; this.filter[data.severity] = data.checked; } } ]; this.filter = { max_log: 500, err: true, emerg: true, debug: true, info: true, notice: true, warning: true, crit: true, alert: true, pattern: undefined, record: true }; let txtnlog = this.find("txt-n-log") as HTMLInputElement; txtnlog.value = this.filter.max_log.toString(); $(txtnlog).on("keyup", (e) =>{ if(e.key === "Enter") { let val = parseInt(txtnlog.value); if(!isNaN(val)) { this.filter.max_log = val; // truncate the log while(this.logs.length > val) { let m = this.logs.shift(); m.el.remove(); } } txtnlog.value = this.filter.max_log.toString(); } }); let btn = this.find("btn-clear") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag; btn.onbtclick = () => { this.logs = []; $(this.log_container).empty(); }; let txtreg = this.find("txt-reg") as HTMLInputElement; $(txtreg).on("keyup", (e) => { if(e.key === "Enter") { if(txtreg.value.trim() === "") { return this.filter.pattern = undefined; } try{ this.filter.pattern = new RegExp(txtreg.value,"g"); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Invalid regular expression: {0}", e.toString()),e); this.filter.pattern = undefined; txtreg.value = ""; } } }); let sw = this.find("sw-record") as GUI.tag.SwitchTag; sw.onswchange = (e) => { this.filter.record =; } if(!this.setting.topic) { this.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: __("Enter topic name"), label: __("Please enter Antunnel topic name") }) .then((v) => { this.setting.topic = v; this.checklib(); }); } else { this.checklib(); } } } ServerLogClient.dependencies = [ "pkg://Antunnel/main.js" ]; ServerLogClient.singleton = true; } }