namespace OS { export namespace application { declare var pdfjsLib; declare var PDFLib; export class Docify extends BaseApplication { private catview: GUI.tag.ListViewTag; private docview: GUI.tag.ListViewTag; private docpreview: HTMLCanvasElement; private docgrid: GUI.tag.GridViewTag; private dbhandle: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; private catdb: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; private ownerdb: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; private docdb: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; constructor( args: any ) { super("Docify", args); } private async init_db() { try { if (!this.setting.docpath) { return this.error(__("No configured docpath")); } const target=this.setting.docpath.asFileHandle(); this.dbhandle=`sqlite://${target.genealogy.join("/")}/docify.db`.asFileHandle(); const tables = await; /** * Init following tables if not exist: * - categories * - owners * - docs */ await `${this.setting.docpath}`.asFileHandle().mk("unclassified"); await `${this.setting.docpath}`.asFileHandle().mk("cache"); let r = undefined; this.catdb = `${this.dbhandle.path}@categories`.asFileHandle(); if(!tables.categories) { this.dbhandle.cache = { name: "TEXT" } r = await this.dbhandle.write("categories"); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error as string); } this.catdb.cache = { name: "Uncategoried" }; r = await this.catdb.write(undefined); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error as string); } } this.ownerdb = `${this.dbhandle.path}@owners`.asFileHandle(); if(!tables.owners) { this.dbhandle.cache = { name: "TEXT", } r = await this.dbhandle.write("owners"); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error as string); } this.ownerdb.cache = { name: "None" }; r = await this.ownerdb.write(undefined); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error as string); } } this.docdb = `${this.dbhandle.path}@docs`.asFileHandle(); if(! { this.dbhandle.cache = { name: "TEXT NOT NULL", ctime: "INTEGER", day: "INTEGER", month: "INTEGER", year: "INTEGER", cid: "INTEGER DEFAULT 0", oid: "INTEGER DEFAULT 0", file: "TEXT NOT NULL", tags: "TEXT", note: "TEXT", mtime: "INTEGER", //'FOREIGN KEY("oid")': 'REFERENCES "owners"("id") ON DELETE SET DEFAULT ON UPDATE NO ACTION', //'FOREIGN KEY("cid")': 'REFERENCES "categories"("id") ON DELETE SET DEFAULT ON UPDATE NO ACTION', } r = await this.dbhandle.write("docs"); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error as string); } } return await this.cat_refresh(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to init database file: {0}",e.toString()),e); this.dbhandle = undefined; } } main() { if (!this.setting.printer) { this.setting.printer = ""; } pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = "pkg://libpdfjs/pdf.worker.js".asFileHandle().getlink(); this.catview = this.find("catview") as GUI.tag.ListViewTag; this.docview = this.find("docview") as GUI.tag.ListViewTag; this.docpreview = this.find("preview-canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement; this.docgrid = this.find("docgrid") as GUI.tag.GridViewTag; this.docgrid.header = [ { text: "", width: 100 }, { text: "" }, ]; (this.find("btdld") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = async (e) => { try { const item = this.docview.selectedItem; if (!item) { return; } await; } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to download: {0}", e.toString()), e); } }; (this.find("btopen") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = async (e) => { try { const item = this.docview.selectedItem; if (!item) { return; } const m = await; if (m.error) { throw new Error(m.error); } return this._gui.openWith(m.result); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to open file: {0}", e.toString()), e); } }; this.catview.buttons = [ { text: "", iconclass: "fa fa-plus-circle", onbtclick:async (e) => { try { const d = await this.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: __("Category"), label: __("Name") }); this.catdb.cache = { name: d }; const r = await this.catdb.write(undefined); if (r.error) { throw new Error(r.error.toString()); } return await this.cat_refresh(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to insert category: {0}", e.toString()), e); } } }, { text: "", iconclass: "fa fa-minus-circle", onbtclick: async (e) => { try { const item = this.catview.selectedItem; if (!item) { return; } const d = await this.ask({ text:__("Do you realy want to delete: `{0}`",}); if (!d) { return; } const r = await this.catdb.remove({ where: { id: } }); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error.toString()); } await this.cat_refresh(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable delete category: {0}", e.toString()), e); } } }, { text: "", iconclass: "fa fa-pencil-square-o", onbtclick: async (_) => { try { const item = this.catview.selectedItem; if (!item) { return; }; const cat =; if (!cat) { return; } const d = await this.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: __("Category"), label: __("Name"), value: }); const handle: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle = cat.$vfs; handle.cache = { id: parseInt(, name: d }; const r = await handle.write(undefined); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error.toString()); } await this.cat_refresh(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to update category: {0}", e.toString()), e); } } } ]; this.docview.onlistselect = async (evt) => { try { this.clear_preview(); const item =; if(!item) return; const handle =$vfs as API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; // TODO join owner here const d = await; await this.preview(d.file, this.docpreview); const rows = []; // TODO: if (d.result.fileinfo) { d.result.size = (d.result.fileinfo.size / 1024.0).toFixed(2) + " Kb"; } const map = { ctime: "Created on", mtime: "Modified on", note: "Note", tags: "Tags", name: "Title", owner: "Owner", edate: "Effective date", file: "File", size: "Size" }; d.edate = `${}/${d.month}/${d.year}`; for (let key in d) { let value = d[key]; const field = map[key]; if(key === "ctime" || key == "mtime") { value = (new Date(value*1000)).toDateString(); } if (field) { rows.push([{text: field}, {text: value}]); } } return this.docgrid.rows = rows; } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to fetch document detail: {0}", e.toString()), e); } }; this.catview.onlistselect = (e) => { this.clear_preview(); const item =; if (!item) { return; } return this.update_doclist(; }; (this.find("bt-add-doc") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = async (evt) => { try { const catiem = this.catview.selectedItem; if (!catiem) { return this.notify(__("Please select a category")); } const data = await this.openDialog(new docify.DocDialog()); data.cid = parseInt(; const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000); data.ctime = timestamp; data.mtime = timestamp; const r = await this.merge_files(data); data.file = r.path; /*if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error.toString()); } data.file = r.result;*/ this.docdb.cache = data; const d = await this.docdb.write(undefined); if(d.error) { throw new Error(d.error.toString()); } if (d.result) { this.toast(d.result); } this.update_doclist(; this.clear_preview(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to add document: {0}", e.toString()), e); } }; (this.find("bt-del-doc") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = async (evt) => { try { const item = this.docview.selectedItem; if (!item) { return; } const d = await this.ask({ text: __("Do you really want to delete: `{0}`", }); if (!d) { return; } let r = await this.docdb.remove({ where: { id: } }); if(r.error) { throw new Error(r.error.toString()); } // delete file try { await; const thumb = await this.get_thumb_path(; await thumb.asFileHandle().remove(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } this.update_doclist(; return this.clear_preview(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to delete document: {0}", e.tostring()), e); } }; (this.find("bt-upload-doc") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = async (evt) => { try { await `${this.setting.docpath}/unclassified`.asFileHandle().upload(); this.toast(__("File uploaded")); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to upload document: {0}", e.toString()), e); } } (this.find("bt-edit-doc") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = async (evt) => { try { const item = this.docview.selectedItem; const catiem = this.catview.selectedItem; if (!item) { return; } const data = await this.openDialog(new docify.DocDialog(),; data.cid = parseInt(; =; const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000); data.mtime = timestamp; if(data.file.includes( && data.file.length == 1) { // nothing changes data.file =; } else { if(!data.file.includes( { // remove old file try { console.log("remove old file",; await; const thumb = await this.get_thumb_path(; await thumb.asFileHandle().remove(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } // merge all PDF file const merged_file = await this.merge_files(data); data.file = merged_file.path; } data.mtime = Math.floor( / 1000); const handle =$vfs; handle.cache = data; const d = await handle.write(undefined); if(d.error) { throw new Error(d.error); } this.toast(__("Document updated")); this.update_doclist(; return this.clear_preview(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to edit document metadata: {0}", e.toString())); } }; return this.initialize(); } private async get_thumb_path(filepath: string| API.VFS.BaseFileHandle) { const path = filepath.asFileHandle().path; let thumb_name = await this.sha1(path.replace(this.setting.docpath,"")); return `${this.setting.docpath}/cache/${thumb_name}.png`; } private async merge_files(data) { const paths: string[] = data.file; const cat = data.cid.toFixed(1).toString(); const dir = `${this.setting.docpath}/${cat}`.asFileHandle(); try{ await dir.onready(); } catch(_) { const ret = await dir.parent().mk(cat); if(ret.error) { throw new Error(ret.error.toString()); } await dir.onready(); } const des_file = `${dir.path}/${new Date(}.pdf`.asFileHandle(); // concat the file const pdfdoc = await PDFLib.PDFDocument.create(); let pages = []; for(const path of paths) { const arr = await path.asFileHandle().read("binary"); const doc = await PDFLib.PDFDocument.load(arr, { ignoreEncryption: true }); const copiedpages = await pdfdoc.copyPages(doc, doc.getPageIndices()); pages = pages.concat(copiedpages); } for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { await pdfdoc.insertPage(i, pages[i]); } const buffer = await; des_file.cache = new Blob([buffer]); const ret = await des_file.write("binary"); if(ret.error) { throw new Error(ret.error.toString()); } // move thumb file let src_tfile = await this.get_thumb_path(paths[0]); const dest_tfile = await this.get_thumb_path(des_file); try { console.log("Move", src_tfile, "to", dest_tfile); const ret = await src_tfile.asFileHandle().move(dest_tfile); if(ret.error) { console.log(ret.error); } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } // remove other file and thumb file for(const path of paths) { try{ src_tfile = await this.get_thumb_path(path); console.log("'Remove file", path, src_tfile); let ret = await path.asFileHandle().remove(); if(ret.error) { console.log(ret); } ret = await src_tfile.asFileHandle().remove(); if(ret.error) { console.log(ret); } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } return des_file; } private async update_doclist(cid: any) { try { const d = await{ where: { cid: cid }, order: ["year$desc", "month$desc", "day$desc"] }); if(d.error) { throw new Error(d.error); } for (let v of d) { v.text =; } return = d; } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to update document list: {0}", e.toString()), e); } } private clear_preview() { this.docpreview.getContext('2d').clearRect(0,0,this.docpreview.width,this.docpreview.height); return this.docgrid.rows = []; } private async sha1(str) { const enc = new TextEncoder(); const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-1', enc.encode(str)); return Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash)) .map(v => (v.toString(16) as any).padStart(2, '0')) .join(''); } private async genthumb(path: string) { /** try to search if the thumb file exists, * if it does not exist, generate it using * pdfjs library and an hidden canvas */ const tpath = await this.get_thumb_path(path); const file = tpath.asFileHandle(); try { await file.onready(); } catch(e) { // generate thumb file //data = await"binary"); console.log("Try to generate thumb file for", path); const canvas = this.find("tmp-canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement; const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); const pdf = await pdfjsLib.getDocument(path.asFileHandle().getlink()).promise; const page = await pdf.getPage(1); const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 0.33}); // Support HiDPI-screens. const outputScale = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; canvas.width = Math.floor(viewport.width * outputScale); canvas.height = Math.floor(viewport.height * outputScale); = Math.floor(viewport.width) + "px"; = Math.floor(viewport.height) + "px"; const transform = outputScale !== 1 ? [outputScale, 0, 0, outputScale, 0, 0] : null; const renderContext = { canvasContext: context, transform: transform, viewport: viewport }; await page.render(renderContext).promise; const url = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); file.cache = url; const ret = await file.write("base64"); if(ret.error) { throw new Error(ret.error.toString()); } await file.onready(); } return file; } async preview(path: any, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) { try { const file = await this.genthumb(path); const data = await"binary"); const img = new Image(); //($ me.view).append img img.onload = () => { const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.height = img.height; canvas.width = img.width; return context.drawImage(img, 0, 0); }; const blob = new Blob([data], { type: }); return img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to generate document thumbnail: {0}", e.toString()), e); } } private cat_refresh(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { = []; this.clear_preview(); const d = await; for (let v of d) { v.text =; } return = d; } catch(e) { reject(__e(e)); } }); } private async initialize() { try { // Check if we have configured docpath if (this.setting.docpath) { // check data base return await this.init_db(); } else { // ask user to choose a docpath const d = await this.openDialog("FileDialog", { title:__("Please select a doc path"), type: 'dir' }); this.setting.docpath = d.file.path; // save the doc path to local setting //await this._api.setting(); return await this.init_db(); } } catch(e) { this.error(__("Error initialize database: {0}", e.toString()), e); } } menu() { return [ { text: "__(Options)", nodes: [ { text: "__(Owners)", id:"owners"}, { text: "__(Preview)", id:"preview"}, { text: "__(Change doc path)", id:"setdocp"} ], onchildselect: (e) => this.fileMenuHandle( } ]; } private fileMenuHandle(id: any) { switch (id) { case "owners": return this.openDialog(new docify.OwnerDialog(), { title: __("Owners"), dbhandle: this.ownerdb }); case "preview": return this.openDialog(new docify.FilePreviewDialog(), { app: this }) .then((d: { path: any; }) => { return this.notify(d.path); }); case "setdocp": this.setting.docpath = undefined; return this.initialize(); } } } Docify.dependencies = [ "pkg://SQLiteDB/libsqlite.js", "pkg://libpdfjs/pdf.js", "pkg://PDFLib/main.js" ]; } }