class HyperLinkDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog constructor: () -> super "HyperLinkDialog", HyperLinkDialog.scheme main: () -> super.main() txtText = @find "txtText" txtLink = @find "txtLink" if @data and txtText.value = txtLink.value = $(txtText).prop('disabled', @find("btnCancel").onbtclick = (e) => @quit() @find("btnOk").onbtclick = (e) => data = text: txtText.value, link: txtLink.value, readonly:, action: @handle data if @handle @quit() HyperLinkDialog.scheme = """ """ class FormatDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog constructor: () -> super "FormatDialog", FormatDialog.scheme main: () -> super.main() @ui = aligment: left:@find("swleft"), right:@find("swright"), center:@find("swcenter"), justify:@find("swjustify") spacing: left: @find("spnleft"), right: @find("spnright"), top: @find("spntop"), bottom: @find("spnbottom"), lineheight: @find("spnlheight") padding: left: @find("pspnleft"), right: @find("pspnright"), top: @find("pspntop"), bottom: @find("pspnbottom"), style: bold: @find("swbold"), italic: @find("switalic"), underline: @find("swunderline"), color: @find("txtcolor"), bgcolor: @find("bgcolor") font: family: @find("lstfont"), size: @find("spnfsize") formats: @find("lstformats") @initStyleObject() @preview = ($(@find "preview").find "p")[0] $(@preview) .css "padding", "0" .css "margin", "0" @initUIEvent() #@previewStyle() initStyleObject: ()-> # init the format object @currentStyle = aligment: @_api.switcher("left", "right", "center", "justify"), spacing: left:0 top:0, right:0, bottom:0, lineheight: 0 padding: left:0 top:0, right:0, bottom:0 style: bold:false, italic: false, underline: false, color: undefined, bgcolor: undefined font: family: undefined, size: 12 initUIEvent: () -> set = (e, o, k ,f) => @ui[o][k][e] = (r) => v = r v = f r if f @currentStyle[o][k] = v @previewStyle() for k,v of @ui.aligment set "onswchange", "aligment", k, ((e) => for k,v of @ui.spacing set "onvaluechange", "spacing", k, ((e) => for k,v of @ui.padding set "onvaluechange", "padding", k, ((e) => for k,v of set "onswchange", "style", k, ((e) => if k isnt "color" and k isnt "bgcolor" set "onvaluechange", "font", "size" $( (e) => @openDialog "ColorPickerDialog" .then (d) => = d @previewStyle() $( (e) => @openDialog "ColorPickerDialog" .then (d) => = d @previewStyle() #font = if and set "onlistselect", "font", "family", ( (e) => #format list @ui.formats.selected = -1 = if and @ui.formats.onlistselect = (e) => @fromODFStyleFormat @ui.formats.selected = 0 (@find "btok").onbtclick = (e) => @saveCurrentStyle() (@find "btx").onbtclick = (e) => @quit() (@find "bt-clone").onbtclick = (e) => @clone() clone: ()-> selected = @ui.formats.selectedItem return unless selected selected = @openDialog "PromptDialog", { title: __("Clone style: {0}", selected.text), label: __("New style name:") } .then (d) => return @notify __("Abort: no style name is specified") unless d and d.trim() isnt "" newstyle = @parent.editorSession.cloneParagraphStyle, d @ui.formats.push { text:d, name: newstyle } @ui.formats.selected = ( - 1) @notify __("New style: {0} added", newstyle) saveCurrentStyle: () -> selected = @ui.formats.selectedItem return unless selected selected = odfs = "style:paragraph-properties": "fo:margin-top": + "mm" "fo:margin-left": @currentStyle.spacing.left + "mm" "fo:margin-bottom": @currentStyle.spacing.bottom + "mm" "fo:margin-right": @currentStyle.spacing.right + "mm" "fo:padding-top": + "mm" "fo:padding-left": @currentStyle.padding.left + "mm" "fo:padding-bottom": @currentStyle.padding.bottom + "mm" "fo:padding-right": @currentStyle.padding.right + "mm" "fo:line-height": if @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight > 0 then @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight + "mm" else "normal" "fo:text-align": @currentStyle.aligment.selected || "left" "style:text-properties": "fo:font-weight": if then "bold" else "normal" "fo:font-style": if then "italic" else "normal" "style:text-underline-style": if then "solid" else "none" "fo:font-size": @currentStyle.font.size + "pt" "fo:font-name": "fo:color": if then else "#000000" "fo:background-color": if then else "transparent" @parent.editorSession.updateParagraphStyle, odfs @notify __("Paragraph format [{0}] is saved", selected.text) fromODFStyleFormat: (odfs) -> @initStyleObject() cssUnits = new core.CSSUnits() findFont = (name) => items = item = v for v in items when v.text is name return undefined unless item return item # spacing style = @parent.editorSession.getParagraphStyleAttributes(['style:paragraph-properties'] if style = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-top'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.left = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-left'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.right = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-right'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.bottom = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-bottom'], 'mm') || 0 = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-top'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.padding.left = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-left'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.padding.right = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-right'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.padding.bottom = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-bottom'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:line-height'], 'mm') || 4.2 # 1em = 4,2175176mm @currentStyle.aligment[style['fo:text-align']] = true if style['fo:text-align'] style = @parent.editorSession.getParagraphStyleAttributes(['style:text-properties'] if style = style['fo:font-weight'] is 'bold' = style['fo:font-style'] is 'italic' = true if style['style:text-underline-style'] and style['style:text-underline-style'] isnt 'none' @currentStyle.font.size = parseFloat style['fo:font-size'] = findFont style['style:font-name'] = { hex: style['fo:color'] } if style['fo:color'] = { hex: style['fo:background-color'] } if style['fo:background-color'] @previewStyle() previewStyle: () -> #console.log "previewing" # reset ui @ui.aligment.left.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.left @ui.aligment.right.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.right = @ui.aligment.justify.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.justify @ui.spacing.left.value = @currentStyle.spacing.left @ui.spacing.right.value = @currentStyle.spacing.right = @ui.spacing.bottom.value = @currentStyle.spacing.bottom @ui.spacing.lineheight.value = @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight @ui.padding.left.value = @currentStyle.padding.left @ui.padding.right.value = @currentStyle.padding.right = @ui.padding.bottom.value = @currentStyle.padding.bottom = = = @ui.font.size.value = @currentStyle.font.size #console.log @currentStyle if items = item = i for v, i in items when v.text is = item if item >= 0 $( "background-color", if then else "#000000" $( "background-color", if then else "transparent" # set the preview css el = $ @preview el.css "text-align", if @currentStyle.aligment.selected then @currentStyle.aligment.selected else "left" el.css "margin-left", @currentStyle.spacing.left + "mm" el.css "margin-right", @currentStyle.spacing.right + "mm" el.css "margin-top", + "mm" el.css "margin-bottom", @currentStyle.spacing.bottom + "mm" el.css "padding-left", @currentStyle.padding.left + "mm" el.css "padding-right", @currentStyle.padding.right + "mm" el.css "padding-top", + "mm" el.css "padding-bottom", @currentStyle.padding.bottom + "mm" el .css "font-weight", "normal" .css "font-style", "normal" .css "text-decoration", "none" .css "line-height", "normal" el.css "font-weight", "bold" if el.css "font-style", "italic" if el.css "text-decoration", "underline" if el.css "color", if then else "#000000" el.css "background-color", if then else "transparent" el.css "font-size", @currentStyle.font.size + "pt" el.css "font-family", if el.css "line-height", @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight + "mm" if @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight > 0 FormatDialog.scheme = """ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet diam vestibulum massa malesuada quis dignissim libero blandit. Duis sit amet volutpat nisl. """
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet diam vestibulum massa malesuada quis dignissim libero blandit. Duis sit amet volutpat nisl.