# Copyright 2017-2018 Xuan Sang LE # AnTOS Web desktop is is licensed under the GNU General Public # License v3.0, see the LICENCE file for more information # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. class Preview extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication constructor: (args) -> super "Preview", args main: () -> @currfile = undefined @currfile = @args[0].path.asFileHandle() if @args and @args.length > 0 @view = @find "view" @status = @find "status" @zoom = @find "zoom" @btnext = @find "btnext" @btprev = @find "btprev" @btreset = @find "btreset" @txtpage = @find "txtpage" @zoom.set "onchange", (e) => @setViewScale e.data @btreset.set "onbtclick", (e) => @zoom.set "value", 100 @setViewScale 100 @btnext.set "onbtclick", (e) => val = parseInt $(@txtpage).val() return if isNaN val $(@txtpage).val val + 1 @gotoPage() @btprev.set "onbtclick", (e) => val = parseInt $(@txtpage).val() return if isNaN val $(@txtpage).val val - 1 @gotoPage() $(@txtpage).keyup (e) => return unless e.which is 13 return unless @pdf @gotoPage() PDFJS.workerSrc = "#{@path()}/pdf.worker.js".asFileHandle().getlink() @pdf = undefined @img = undefined @bindKey "ALT-O", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Open" @bindKey "CTRL-X", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Close" @zoom.set "max", 200 @zoom.set "value", 100 @open @currfile open: (file) -> return unless file @currfile = file unless @currfile is file file.onready().then () => file.info.size = (file.info.size / 1024).toFixed(2) @renderFile() .catch (err) => @error __("File not found {0}", file.path), err gotoPage: () -> return unless @pdf val = parseInt $(@txtpage).val() return if isNaN(val) return if val <= 0 or val > @pdf.numPages ($ @view).empty() @renderPDFPages val, (@zoom.get("value") / 100), false .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to render page {0}", val), e renderFile: () -> mime = @currfile.info.mime return unless mime @pdf = undefined @img = undefined ($ @view).empty() @zoom.set "value", 100 if mime.match /^[^\/]+\/.*pdf.*/g @renderPDF() else if mime.match /image\/.*svg.*/g @renderSVG() else if mime.match /image\/.*/g @renderImage() else @notify __("Mime type {0} is not supported", file.info.mime) setStatus: (t) -> ($ @status).html t setViewScale: (value) -> return unless @currfile mime = @currfile.info.mime scale = (value / 100) if mime.match /^[^\/]+\/.*pdf.*/g return unless @pdf ($ @view).empty() @load @renderPDFPages 1, scale .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to set view scale"), e else if mime.match /image\/.*svg.*/g $($(@view).children()[0]) .css "width", "#{Math.round(value)}%" .css "height", "#{Math.round(value)}%" else if mime.match /image\/.*/g return unless @img canvas = $(@view).children()[0] context = canvas.getContext '2d' w = @img.width * scale h = @img.height * scale canvas.height = h canvas.width = w context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) context.scale scale, scale context.drawImage @img, 0, 0 renderPDFPages: (n, scale, recursive) -> new Promise (resolve, reject) => status = "#{@currfile.info.name} (#{@currfile.info.size} Kb)" return resolve() if n > @pdf.numPages @pdf.getPage(n).then (page) => viewport = page.getViewport scale div = ($ "
") .attr("id", "page-" + (page.pageIndex + 1)) .attr("scale", scale) .addClass "pdf-page" ($ @view).append div canvas = ($ "")[0] div.append canvas context = canvas.getContext '2d' canvas.height = viewport.height canvas.width = viewport.width renderContext = canvasContext: context viewport: viewport page.render renderContext page._canvas = canvas @setStatus "#{status} - page #{n}/#{@pdf.numPages} loaded" if recursive @renderPDFPages n + 1, scale, recursive .then () -> resolve() .catch (e) -> reject __e e else resolve() .catch (e) -> reject __e e renderPDF: () -> @load new Promise (resolve, reject) => @currfile.read("binary").then (d) => ($ @view).removeClass() PDFJS.getDocument { data: d } .then (pdf) => @pdf = pdf @renderPDFPages 1, 1, false .then () => $(@txtpage).val("1") resolve() .catch (e) -> reject __e e .catch (e) -> reject __e e .catch (e) -> reject __e e .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to view file: {0}", @currfile.path), e renderSVG: () -> ($ @view).attr("class", "image") @currfile.read().then (d) => @view.innerHTML = d $($(@view).children()[0]) .css "width", "100%" .css "height", "100%" .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to read file: {0}", @currfile.path), e renderImage: () -> ($ @view).attr("class", "image") @currfile.read("binary").then (d) => img = new Image() canvas = ($ "")[0] ($ @view).append canvas #($ me.view).append img img.onload = () => context = canvas.getContext '2d' canvas.height = img.height canvas.width = img.width @img = img #console.log canvas.width, canvas.height context.drawImage img, 0, 0 @setStatus "#{@currfile.info.name} (#{@currfile.info.size} Kb) - #{img.width}x#{img.height}" blob = new Blob [d], { type: @currfile.info.mime } img.src = URL.createObjectURL blob .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to read file: {0}", @currfile.path), e menu: () -> menu = [{ text: "__(File)", child: [ { text: "__(Open)", dataid: "#{@name}-Open", shortcut: "A-O" }, { text: "__(Close)", dataid: "#{@name}-Close", shortcut: "C-X" }, ], onchildselect: (e) => @actionFile e.data.item.get("data").dataid }] menu actionFile: (e) -> switch e when "#{@name}-Open" @openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Open file"), mimes: @meta().mimes }).then ( d ) => @open d.file.path.asFileHandle() when "#{@name}-Close" @quit() this.OS.register "Preview", Preview