local args=... --LOG_ROOT = ulib.getenv("HOME") if not args then args = REQUEST end local vfs = require("vfs") local DLCMD="wget --no-check-certificate -O" local handle = {} --local logger = Logger:new{ levels = {INFO = true, ERROR = true, DEBUG = false}} local result = function(data) return { error = false, result = data } end local error = function(msg) return {error = msg, result = false} end handle.token = function(data) local file = vfs.ospath(data.file) local stat = ulib.file_stat(file) local ret = { sid = "access_token="..SESSION.sessionid, key = std.sha1(file..":"..stat.mtime) } return result(ret) end handle.duplicate = function(data) if not data.src or not data.dest then return error("Unknow source or destination file") end local real_src = vfs.ospath(data.src) local real_dest = vfs.ospath(data.dest) if not ulib.exists(real_src) then return error("Source file doesnt exist") end if not ulib.send_file(real_src, real_dest) then return error("Unable to duplicate file") end return result(true) end handle.discover = function(data) local tmpfile = "/tmp/libreoffice_discover.xml" local cmd = DLCMD.." "..tmpfile..' '..data.uri os.execute(cmd) -- move file to correct position if ulib.exists(tmpfile) then local f = assert(io.open(tmpfile, "rb")) local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return result(content) else return error("Unable to discover data") end end handle.file = function(data) local rq = REQUEST.r if not rq then return error("Unknown request") end local ret, stat = vfs.fileinfo(data.file) if not ret then return error("Unable to query file info") end local path = vfs.ospath(data.file) if rq:match("/wopi/files/[^/]*/contents$") then if REQUEST.method == "GET" then std.sendFile(path) return nil elseif REQUEST.method == "POST" then local clen = tonumber(HEADER['Content-Length']) local barr = bytes.unew(REQUEST["octet-stream"],clen) bytes.write(barr, path) return result(true) else return error("Unknown request method") end elseif rq:match("/wopi/files/[^/]*$") then return { BaseFileName = stat.name, Size = math.floor(stat.size), UserCanWrite = vfs.checkperm(data.file,"write"), mime = stat.mime, PostMessageOrigin = "*", UserCanNotWriteRelative = false } else return error("Unknown request") end end --logger:info(JSON.encode(REQUEST)) if args.action and handle[args.action] then return handle[args.action](args.args) else return error("Invalid action parameter") end