importScripts("os://scripts/jszip.min.js".getlink()); class ZipJob extends AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { super(data); } execute() { if(!JSZip) { const e_msg = "JSZip module is not loaded"; this.log_error(e_msg); return this.error(e_msg); } switch (this.job.cmd) { case 'zip-mk': this.mkar() .then(d => this.result(d)) .catch(e => this.error(e)); break; default: const err_msg = `Unkown job ${this.job.cmd}`; this.log_error(err_msg); return this.error(err_msg); } } aradd(list, zip, base) { const promises = []; for (const file of list) { promises.push(new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const basename = file.split("/").pop(); const meta = await this.meta(file); if (meta.type == "dir") { const ret = await this.scandir(file); const dirs = => v.path); if (dirs.length > 0) { await this.aradd(dirs, zip, `${base}${basename}/`); resolve(undefined); } else { resolve(undefined); } } else { const ret = await this.read_files([file], "arraybuffer"); const u_data = ret[0]; const z_path = `${base}${basename}`.replace( /^\/+|\/+$/g, ""); zip.file(z_path, u_data, { binary: true }); this.log_info(`${file} added to zip`); resolve(undefined); } } catch (error) { this.log_error(`${file}: ${error.toString()}`); reject(error); } })); } return Promise.all(promises); } mkar() { const src =; const dest =; return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const zip = new JSZip(); const meta = await this.meta(; if(meta.type === "file") { await this.aradd([src], zip, "/"); } else { const ret = await this.scandir(src); await this.aradd( => v.path), zip, "/"); } const z_data = await zip.generateAsync({ type: "base64" }); await this.save_file(dest, "data:application/zip;base64," + z_data, "base64"); this.log_info(`Zip archive saved in ${dest}`); resolve(dest); } catch (error) { this.log_error(`Unable to commpress ${src} -> ${dest}: ${error.toString()}`); reject(error); } }); } } API.jobhandle["zip-mk"] = ZipJob;