namespace OS { export namespace application { /** * * @class SQLiteDB * @extends {BaseApplication} */ export class SQLiteDB extends BaseApplication { private filehandle: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; private tbl_list: GUI.tag.ListViewTag; private grid_table: GUI.tag.GridViewTag; private grid_scheme: GUI.tag.GridViewTag; private container: GUI.tag.TabContainerTag; private last_max_id: number; private n_records: number; private btn_loadmore: GUI.tag.ButtonTag; constructor(args: AppArgumentsType[]) { super("SQLiteDB", args); } menu() { return [ { text: "__(File)", nodes: [ { text: "__(New)", dataid: "new", shortcut: 'A-N' }, { text: "__(Open)", dataid: "open", shortcut: 'A-O' }, ], onchildselect: (e) => { switch ( { case "new": return this.newFile(); case "open": return this.openFile(); } } } ]; } private list_tables() { .then((data) => { const list = []; for(let k in data) { list.push({ text: k, name: k, handle: data[k] }); } = list; if(list.length > 0) { this.tbl_list.selected = 0; } }) } private async openFile() { try { const d_1 = await this.openDialog("FileDialog",{ title: __("Open file"), mimes: this.meta().mimes }); this.filehandle=`sqlite://${d_1.file.path.asFileHandle().genealogy.join("/")}`.asFileHandle(); await this.filehandle.onready(); this.list_tables(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to open database file: {0}",e.toString()),e); }; } private async newFile() { try { const f = await this.openDialog("FileDialog",{ title: __("Save as"), file: "Untitled.db" }); var d_1 = f.file.path.asFileHandle(); if(f.file.type==="file") { d_1=d_1.parent(); } const target=`${d_1.path}/${}`.asFileHandle(); this.filehandle=`sqlite://${target.genealogy.join("/")}`.asFileHandle(); await this.filehandle.onready(); this.list_tables(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Unable to init database file: {0}",e.toString()),e); } } main(): void { this.filehandle = undefined; this.tbl_list = this.find("tbl-list") as GUI.tag.ListViewTag; this.grid_table = this.find("tb-browser") as GUI.tag.GridViewTag; this.grid_scheme = this.find("sch-browser") as GUI.tag.GridViewTag; this.grid_table.resizable = true; this.grid_scheme.resizable = true; this.grid_scheme.header = [ { text: __("Field name") }, { text: __("Field type") }, ]; this.btn_loadmore = this.find("bt-load-next") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag; this.container = this.find("container") as GUI.tag.TabContainerTag; this.bindKey("ALT-N", () => { return this.newFile(); }); this.bindKey("ALT-O", () => { return this.openFile(); }); this.container.ontabselect = (e) => { if(this.container.selectedIndex == 0) { if(!this.tbl_list.selectedItem) return; const scheme =; if(!scheme) return; const data = []; for(let k in scheme) { data.push([ { text: k}, {text: scheme[k]} ]) } this.grid_scheme.rows = data; } } (this.find("bt-add-table") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = (e) => { if(!this.filehandle) { return this.notify(__("Please open a database file")); } this.openDialog(new NewTableDialog(), { title: __("Create new table") }) .then((data) => { console.log(data); }); } this.btn_loadmore.onbtclick = async (e) => { try { await this.load_table(); } catch(e) { this.error(__("Error reading table: {0}", e.toString()),e); } } this.tbl_list.onlistselect = async (_) => { try { if(!this.tbl_list.selectedItem) return; const handle: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle =; await handle.onready(); this.last_max_id = 0; this.grid_table.rows = []; const headers = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(>{ return {text: e} }); this.grid_table.header = headers; const records = await{fields:["COUNT(*)"]}); this.n_records = records[0]["(COUNT(*))"]; await this.load_table(); this.container.selectedIndex = 1; } catch(e) { this.error(__("Error reading table: {0}", e.toString()),e); } } this.openFile(); } private async load_table() { if(this.grid_table.rows.length >= this.n_records) { return; } if(!this.tbl_list.selectedItem) return; const handle: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle =; await handle.onready(); const headers = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(>{ return {text: e} }); // read all records const records = await{ where:{ id$gt: this.last_max_id }, limit: 10 }); if(records && records.length > 0) { for(let e of records){ const row = []; if( && > this.last_max_id) { this.last_max_id =; } for(let v in headers) { let text:string = e[headers[v].text]; if(text.length > 100) { text = text.substring(0,100); } row.push({ text: text, record: e }); } this.grid_table.push(row, false); } (this.grid_table as any).scroll_to_bottom(); } this.btn_loadmore.text = `${this.grid_table.rows.length}/${this.n_records}`; } } class NewTableDialog extends GUI.BasicDialog { /** * Reference to the form container * * @private * @type {HTMLDivElement} * @memberof NewTableDialog */ private container: HTMLDivElement; /** * Creates an instance of NewTableDialog. * @memberof NewTableDialog */ constructor() { super("NewTableDialog"); } /** * Main entry point * * @memberof NewTableDialog */ main(): void { super.main(); this.container = this.find("container") as HTMLDivElement; (this.find("btnCancel") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = (e) => this.quit(); (this.find("btnAdd") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = (e) => this.addField(); $(this.find("wrapper")) $(this.container) .css("overflow-y", "auto"); this.addField(); (this.find("btnOk") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = (e) => { const input = this.find("txt-tblname") as GUI.tag.InputTag; if(!input.value || input.value == "") { return this.notify(__("Please enter table name")); } const inputs = $("input", this.container) as JQuery; const lists = $("afx-list-view", this.container) as JQuery; if(inputs.length == 0) { return this.notify(__("Please define table fields")); } let cdata: GenericObject = {}; for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i ++) { const key = inputs[i].value.trim(); if (key === "") { return this.notify(__("Field name cannot be empty")); } if (cdata[key]) { return this.notify(__("Duplicate field: {0}", key)); } cdata[key] = lists[i]; } if (this.handle) this.handle(cdata); this.quit(); } } /** * Add new input key-value field to the dialog * * @private * @memberof NewTableDialog */ private addField(): void { const div = $("
") .css("display", "flex") .css("flex-direction", "row") .appendTo(this.container); $("") .attr("type", "text") .css("flex", "1") .appendTo(div); let list = $("") .css("flex", "1") .appendTo(div)[0] as GUI.tag.ListViewTag; list.uify(this.observable); list.dropdown = true; = [ {text:"TEXT"}, {text:"INTEGER"}, {text:"REAL"}, {text:"NUMERIC"}, ]; list.selected = 0; const btn = $(""); btn[0].uify(undefined); (btn[0] as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).iconclass = "fa fa-minus"; btn .on("click", () => { div.remove(); }) .appendTo(div); } } /** * Scheme definition */ NewTableDialog.scheme = `\
`; } }