-- collecting arguments local args=... -- require libs local vfs = require("vfs") -- helper functions local result = function(data) return { error = false, result = data } end local error = function(msg,...) local err_msg = string.format(msg or "ERROR",...) return {error = err_msg, result = false} end -- handler object local handle = {} -- Handle functions defined here handle.init = function(data) local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("init: Unable to open sqlite db file") end sqlite.dbclose(db) return result(true) end handle.update = function(data) if not data.table_name or not data.record or not data.db_source then return error("update: Invalid request data") end if not data.record.id then return error("update: unknown record id for record") end local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("update: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local tb = {} local gen = SQLQueryGenerator:new({}) for k,v in pairs(data.record) do if k ~= "id" then table.insert(tb, string.format("%s=%s", k, gen:parse_value(v, {[type(v)] = true}))) end end local sql = string.format("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE id = %d", data.table_name, table.concat(tb,","), data.record.id) LOG_DEBUG("Execute query: [%s]", sql) local ret, err = sqlite.exec(db, sql); sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("insert: Unable to insert to %s: %s", data.table_name, err) else return result(ret) end end handle.drop_table = function(data) if not data.table_name or not data.db_source then return error("drop_table: Invalid request data") end local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("drop_table: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local sql = string.format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;", data.table_name) LOG_DEBUG("Execute query: [%s]", sql) local ret, err = sqlite.exec(db, sql); sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("drop_table: Unable to drop table %s: %s", data.table_name, err) else return result(ret) end end handle.insert = function(data) if not data.table_name or not data.record or not data.db_source then return error("insert: Invalid request data") end local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("insert: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local keys = {} local vals = {} local gen = SQLQueryGenerator:new({}) for k,v in pairs(data.record) do if k ~= "id" then table.insert(keys,k) table.insert(vals,gen:parse_value(v, {[type(v)] = true})) end end local sql = string.format("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)", data.table_name, table.concat(keys,","), table.concat(vals,",")) LOG_DEBUG("Execute query: [%s]", sql) local ret, err = sqlite.exec(db, sql); sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("insert: Unable to insert to %s: %s", data.table_name, err) else return result(ret) end end handle.create_table = function(data) if not data.table_name or not data.scheme or not data.db_source then return error("create_table: Invalid request data") end local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("create_table: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local tb = {} for k,v in pairs(data.scheme) do table.insert(tb, k.." "..v) end local sql = string.format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,%s)", data.table_name, table.concat(tb,",")) LOG_DEBUG("Execute query: [%s]", sql) local ret,err = sqlite.exec(db, sql); sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("create_table: Unable to create table %s with the provided scheme: %s", data.table_name, err) else return result(ret) end end handle.select = function(data) if not data.filter then return error("select: No filter provided") end local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("select: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local generator = SQLQueryGenerator:new(data.filter) local r,sql = generator:sql_select() if not r then return error(sql) end LOG_DEBUG("Execute query: %s", sql); local ret, err = sqlite.query(db, sql); sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("select: error executing query statement: %s ", err) end return result(ret) end handle.delete_records = function(data) if not data.filter then return error("delete_records: No filter provided") end local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("delete_records: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local generator = SQLQueryGenerator:new(data.filter) local r,sql = generator:sql_delete() if not r then return error(sql) end LOG_DEBUG("Execute query: %s", sql); local ret, err = sqlite.exec(db, sql); sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("delete_records: error executing query statement: %s ", err) end return result(ret) end handle.table_scheme = function(data) local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("table_scheme: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local sql = string.format("SELECT p.name, p.type FROM sqlite_master AS m JOIN pragma_table_info(m.name) AS p WHERE m.type ='table' AND m.name = '%s'", data.table_name) local ret, err = sqlite.query(db, sql); sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("table_scheme: error executing query statement: %s", err) end return result(ret) end handle.list_table = function(data) local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("list_table: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type ='table'" local ret, err = sqlite.query(db, sql) sqlite.dbclose(db) if not ret then return error("table_scheme: error executing query statement: %s", err) end return result(ret) end handle.last_insert_id = function(data) local os_path = vfs.ospath(data.db_source) local db = sqlite.db(os_path) if not db then return error("last_insert_id: Unable to open sqlite db file") end local ret = sqlite.last_insert_id(db) sqlite.dbclose(db) return result(ret) end -- dispatching action if args.action and handle[args.action] then return handle[args.action](args.args) else return error("Invalid action parameter") end