class MediaPlayer extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication constructor: ( args ) -> super "MediaPlayer", args main: () -> me = @ @volsw = @find "play-vol" @volctl = @find "vol-control" @volsw.set "swon", true @volctl.set "onchange", (v) -> return unless (me.volsw.get "swon") Howler.volume (me.volctl.get "value")/100 @volctl.set "value", 70 @playlist = @find "playlist" @playtime = @find "play-time" @songname = @find "song-name" @totaltime = @find "total-time" @playpause = @find "play-pause" @progress = @find "play-slide" @playran = @find "play-random" @history = [] @currsong = undefined @timer = undefined @animator = @find "animation" @volsw.set "onchange", (e) -> return Howler.volume 0 if not Howler.volume (me.volctl.get "value")/100 @playlist.set "buttons", [ { text: "+", onbtclick: () -> me.openDialog "FileDiaLog", (d,n,p,f) -> return me.scanDir f if f.type is "dir" f.text = f.filename f.iconclass = "fa fa-music" me.playlist.push f, true , "__(Select MP3 file or a folder)" , { mimes: ["dir", "audio/mpeg"] } }, { text: "-", onbtclick: () -> sel = me.playlist.get "selected" return unless sel me.stop() if sel is me.currsong me.playlist.remove sel, true }, { text: "", onbtclick: () -> me.openDialog "PromptDialog", (link) -> return unless link and link isnt "" data = { text: link, path: link, iconclass: "fa fa-link", broadcast: true } me.playlist.push data, true , "__(MP3 Radio broadcast)", { label:"Enter radio broadcast link" } , iconclass: "fa fa-link" }, { text:"", iconclass: "fa fa-save", onbtclick: () -> playlist = [] for v in me.playlist.get "items" playlist.push { text: v.text, path: v.path, iconclass: v.iconclass, broadcast: if v.broadcast then v.broadcast else false } fp = "Untitled".asFileHandler() me.openDialog "FileDiaLog", (d,n,p,f) -> fp = "#{d}/#{n}".asFileHandler() fp.cache = playlist fp.write "object", (r) -> return me.error __("Cannot save playlist: {0}", r.error) if r.error me.notify __("Playlist saved") , "__(Save Playlist)", { file: fp } }, { text:"", iconclass: "fa fa-folder", onbtclick: () -> me.openDialog "FileDiaLog", (d,n,p,f) -> f.path.asFileHandler().read (d) -> me.stop() me.playlist.set "items", d , "json" , "__(Open Playlist)", { mimes: ["application/json"] } } ] @playlist.set "onlistdbclick", (e) -> return unless e = e.idx @progress.set "onchange", (s) -> s @playpause.set "onchange", (e) -> me.togglePlayPause() (@find "play-prev").set "onbtclick", () -> me.prevSong() (@find "play-next").set "onbtclick", () -> me.nextSong() $(@animator).css("visibility", "hidden") scanDir: (f) -> me = @ f.path.asFileHandler().read (d) -> return me.error __("Unable to read {0}", d.error) if d.error for v in d.result when v.mime.match /audio\/mpeg/ v.iconclass = "fa fa-music" v.text = v.filename me.playlist.push v, true togglePlayPause: () -> return @playpause.set "swon",false unless @currsong and @currsong.howl sound = @currsong.howl if sound.playing() sound.pause() else nextSong: () -> idx = -1 if (@playran.get "swon") idx = @randomSong() else len = (@playlist.get "items").length if len > 0 idx = 0 idx = @currsong.index + 1 if @currsong idx = 0 if idx >= len return if idx is -1 @history.pop() if history.length >= 10 @history.unshift @currsong.index if @currsong @playlist.set "selected", idx sel = @playlist.get "selected" sel.index = idx @play sel prevSong: () -> idx = -1 if (@playran.get "swon") idx = @history.shift() if @history.length > 0 else len = (@playlist.get "items").length if len > 0 idx = @currsong.index - 1 if @currsong idx = 0 if idx < 0 return if idx is -1 @playlist.set "selected", idx sel = @playlist.get "selected" sel.index = idx @play sel randomSong: () -> len = (@playlist.get "items").length return -1 unless len > 0 return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(len)) play: (file) -> me = @ @stop() @currsong = file sound = file.howl if not sound sound = file.howl = new Howl { src: [ file.path.asFileHandler().getlink() ], preload:true, buffer: true, html5: true, # Force to HTML5 so that the audio can stream in (best for large files). format: ['mp3', 'aac'], onplay: () -> $(me.animator).css("visibility", "visible") #Display the duration. me.playpause.set "swon", true console.log "play" me.songname.set "text", file.text duration = Math.round(sound.duration()) if duration isnt Infinity me.totaltime.set "text", me.formatDuration duration me.progress.set "max", duration else me.totaltime.set "text", "--:--" me.progress.set "max", 0 if not file.broadcast func = () -> if sound.playing() seek = Math.round( || 0 me.progress.set "value", seek me.playtime.set "text", me.formatDuration seek me.timer = setTimeout (() -> func()), 1000 func() else me.totaltime.set "text", "--:--" me.progress.set "value", (me.progress.get "max") func = () -> if sound.playing() seek = Math.round( || 0 me.playtime.set "text", me.formatDuration seek me.timer = setTimeout (() -> func()), 1000 func() onload: () -> # Start the wave animation. console.log "load" $(me.animator).css("visibility", "hidden") if not file.broadcast onend: () -> # Stop the wave animation. me.progress.set "value", 0 clearTimeout me.timer if me.timer me.playpause.set "swon", false $(me.animator).css("visibility", "hidden") me.nextSong() onpause: ()-> # Stop the wave animation. console.log "pause" clearTimeout me.timer if me.timer me.playpause.set "swon", false $(me.animator).css("visibility", "hidden") onstop: () -> me.progress.set "value", 0 clearTimeout me.timer if me.timer me.playpause.set "swon", false $(me.animator).css("visibility", "hidden") console.log "stop" } if file.broadcast else $(@animator).css("visibility", "visible") stop: () -> if @currsong and @currsong.howl @currsong.howl.stop() if @currsong.howl.playing() seek: (v) -> return unless @currsong and @currsong.howl and not @currsong.broadcast return unless (@progress.get "max") > 0 sound = @currsong.howl formatDuration: (s) -> min = Math.floor(s/60) sec = s % 60 min = if min < 10 then "0#{min}" else "#{min}" sec = if sec < 10 then "0#{sec}" else "#{sec}" "#{min}:#{sec}" cleanup: (evt) -> @stop() # only one instance is allow MediaPlayer.singleton = true this.OS.register "MediaPlayer", MediaPlayer