namespace OS { export namespace API { export declare class LibGitGraph { constructor(options:GenericObject); base_dir: VFS.BaseFileHandle; on_open_diff: (file:VFS.BaseFileHandle[]) => void; list_file: (commit: string) => Promise; get_changes: (file:string, commit: string) => Promise; get_file: (file:string, commit: string) => Promise } } export namespace application { /** * * @class GitGraph * @extends {BaseApplication} */ export class GitGraph extends BaseApplication { private graph: API.LibGitGraph; private curr_repo: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; constructor(args: AppArgumentsType[]) { super("GitGraph", args); if(args && args[0]) { this.curr_repo = args[0].path.asFileHandle(); if(args[0].type === "file") this.curr_repo = this.curr_repo.parent(); } } main(): void { this.graph = new API.LibGitGraph({ target: this.find("git-graph") }); this.graph.on_open_diff = (files) => { this._gui.launch("Antedit", []) .then((p) =>{"launched",() =>(p as any).openDiff(files)); }) .catch(e => this.error(__("Unable to open diff with Antedit: {0}", e.toString()),e )); } (this.find("btn-open") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = (e) => { this.openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Select a repository"), type: "dir", }).then((d) => { this.setRepo(d.file); }); }; this.setRepo(this.curr_repo); } private setRepo(d:API.VFS.BaseFileHandle): void { if(!d) return; (this.find("txt-repo") as GUI.tag.LabelTag).text = d.path; this.curr_repo = d; this.graph.base_dir = d; } } GitGraph.dependencies = ["pkg://GitGraph/libgitgraph.js"]; } }