namespace OS { //declare var monaco: any; export namespace application { /** * Wrapper model for the ACE text editor * * @export * @class MonacoEditorModel * @extends {BaseEditorModel} */ export class MonacoEditorModel extends OS.application.BaseEditorModel { static modes: GenericObject; /** * Creates an instance of MonacoEditorModel. * @param {MonacoEditorModel} app MonacoEditorModel instance * @param {GUI.tag.TabBarTag} tabbar tabbar element * @param {HTMLElement} editorarea main editor container element * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ constructor(app: BaseApplication, tabbar: GUI.tag.TabBarTag, editorarea: HTMLElement) { super(app, tabbar, editorarea); } /** * Reset the editor * * @protected * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ protected resetEditor(): void { } /** * Get a text model from the current editor session * * @protected * @return {*} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ protected getTexModel(): any { return { model: this.editor.getModel(), position: this.editor.getPosition() } } /** * Set text model to current editor session * * @protected * @param {*} model * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ protected setTextModel(model: any): void { this.editor.setModel(model.model); if(model.position) { this.editor.setPosition(model.position); this.editor.revealLineInCenter(model.position.lineNumber); } } /** * Create new editor model from file * * @protected * @param {EditorFileHandle} file * @return {*} {*} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ protected newTextModelFrom(file: EditorFileHandle): any { if(Array.isArray(file.cache)) { return { model: { original: this.newTextModelFrom(file.cache[0]).model, modified: this.newTextModelFrom(file.cache[1]).model } } } else { if(file.path.toString() === "Untitled") { return { model: monaco.editor.createModel(file.cache, "textplain") } } const uri = monaco.Uri.parse(file.protocol + "://antedit/file/" + file.genealogy.join("/")); const model = monaco.editor.getModel(uri); if(model) { model.setValue(file.cache); return { model: model }; } return { model: monaco.editor.createModel(file.cache, undefined, uri) } } } /** * Get language modes * * @return {*} {GenericObject[]} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getModes(): GenericObject[] { //const list = []; //return list; return monaco.languages.getLanguages().map(e=>{ const item = (e as GenericObject); if(e.aliases) item.text = e.aliases[0]; else item.text =; return e; }); } /** * Set the editor theme * * @param {string} theme theme name * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ setTheme(theme: string): void { } /** * Set editor language mode * * The mode object should be in the following format: * ```ts * { * text: string, * mode: string * } * ``` * * @param {GenericObject} m language mode object * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ setMode(m: GenericObject): void { if(this.editor == this._code_editor) { monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(this.editor.getModel(),; } else { for(const model of this.editor.getModel()) { monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(model,; } } if(this.onstatuschange) this.onstatuschange(this.getEditorStatus()); } private code_container: JQuery; private diff_container: JQuery; /** * Reference to the editor instance * * @private * @type {GenericObject} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ private _code_editor: GenericObject; /** * Reference to the diff editor instance * * @private * @type {GenericObject} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ private _diff_editor: GenericObject; /** * Getter get current editor instance based on current file * * @private * @type {GenericObject} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ private get editor(): GenericObject { if(Array.isArray(this.currfile.cache)) { return this._diff_editor; } return this._code_editor; } /** * Setup the editor * * @protected * @param {HTMLElement} el editor container DOM * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ protected editorSetup(el: HTMLElement): void { // create two editor instancs for code mode and diff mode this.code_container = $("
") .css("width", "100%") .css("height", "100%"); this.diff_container = $("
") .css("width", "100%") .css("height", "100%") .css("display", "none"); $(el).append(this.code_container); $(el).append(this.diff_container); this._code_editor = monaco.editor.create(this.code_container[0], { value: "", language: 'textplain' }); this._diff_editor = monaco.editor.createDiffEditor(this.diff_container[0],{ readOnly: true }); if(!MonacoEditorModel.modes) { MonacoEditorModel.modes = {}; monaco.languages.getLanguages().forEach((el) =>{ MonacoEditorModel.modes[] = el; }) } } /** * Register to editor event * * @param {string} evt_str event name * @param {() => void} callback callback function * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ on(evt_str: string, callback: () => void): void { switch (evt_str) { case "input": this._code_editor.onDidChangeModelContent(callback); break; case "focus": this._code_editor.onDidFocusEditorText(callback); this._diff_editor.getOriginalEditor().onDidFocusEditorText(callback); this._diff_editor.getModifiedEditor().onDidFocusEditorText(callback); break; case "changeCursor": this._code_editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(callback); this._diff_editor.getOriginalEditor().onDidChangeCursorPosition(callback); this._diff_editor.getModifiedEditor().onDidChangeCursorPosition(callback); break; default: break; } } /** * Resize the editor * * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ resize(): void { if(this.editor) this.editor.layout(); } /** * Focus on the editor * * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ focus(): void { if(Array.isArray(this.currfile.cache)) { this.code_container.hide();; } else {; this.diff_container.hide(); } if(this.editor) { this.editor.layout(); this.editor.focus(); } } /** * Get language mode from path * * @protected * @param {string} path * @return {*} {GenericObject} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ protected getModeForPath(path: string): GenericObject { return {}; } /** * Get the editor status * * @return {*} {GenericObject} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getEditorStatus(): GenericObject { let ed = undefined; if(this.editor == this._code_editor) { ed = this.editor; } else { ed = this.editor.getOriginalEditor(); if(this.editor.getModifiedEditor().hasTextFocus()) { ed = this.editor.getModifiedEditor(); } } const pos = ed.getPosition(); let mode = undefined; const model = ed.getModel(); if(model) { mode = MonacoEditorModel.modes[model.getLanguageId()]; } return { row: pos.lineNumber, column: pos.column, line: model?model.getLineCount(): 0, langmode: { text: mode?mode.aliases[0]: "", mode: mode }, file: this.currfile.path } } /** * Get editor value * * @return {*} {string} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getValue(): string { if(this.editor == this._code_editor) return this.editor.getValue(); return this.currfile.cache; } /** * Set editor value * * @param {string} value * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ setValue(value: string): void { if(this.editor == this._code_editor) this.editor.setValue(value); } getEditor(): any { return this.editor; } } } }