{ "app": "Blogger", "name": "Blogging application", "description": "Backend manager for blogging", "info": { "author": "Xuan Sang LE", "email": "xsang.le@gmail.com" }, "version": "0.2.9-a", "category": "Internet", "iconclass": "fa fa-book", "dependencies": [ "SimpleMDE@2.18.0-r", "Katex@0.11.1-r", "SQLiteDB@0.1.0-a" ], "mimes": [ "none" ], "locales": { "en_GB": { "Pick a parent": "Pick a parent", "Category name": "Category name", "Ok": "Ok", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Title": "Title", "Subtitle": "Subtitle", "Location": "Location", "From": "From", "Save": "Save", "Send": "Send", "Please select a parent category": "Please select a parent category", "Please enter category name": "Please enter category name", "Parent can not be the category itself": "Parent can not be the category itself", "Title or content must not be blank": "Title or content must not be blank", "No email selected": "No email selected", "Unable to send mail to: {0}": "Unable to send mail to: {0}", "Error sending mail: {0}": "Error sending mail: {0}", "Cannot fetch subscribers data: {0}": "Cannot fetch subscribers data: {0}", "Open/create new database": "Open/create new database", "Unable to init database file: {0}": "Unable to init database file: {0}", "Select image file": "Select image file", "Unable to get file": "Unable to get file", "Add category": "Add category", "cv-cat-add: {0}": "cv-cat-add: {0}", "Edit category": "Edit category", "cv-cat-edit: {0}": "cv-cat-edit: {0}", "Delete category": "Delete category", "Do you really want to delete: {0}?": "Do you really want to delete: {0}?", "cv-cat-del: {0}": "cv-cat-del: {0}", "Please select a category": "Please select a category", "New section entry for {0}": "New section entry for {0}", "cv-sec-add: {0}": "cv-sec-add: {0}", "Please select a section to move": "Please select a section to move", "Move to": "Move to", "cv-sec-move: {0}": "cv-sec-move: {0}", "Please select a section to edit": "Please select a section to edit", "Modify section entry": "Modify section entry", "cv-sec-edit: {0}": "cv-sec-edit: {0}", "Cannot delete the section: {0}": "Cannot delete the section: {0}", "New": "New", "Cannot export file for embedding to text": "Cannot export file for embedding to text", "Preview": "Preview", "Send mail": "Send mail", "No post selected": "No post selected", "Emails sent": "Emails sent", "Error sending mails: {0}": "Error sending mails: {0}", "Cannot fetch the entry content": "Cannot fetch the entry content", "Delete a post": "Delete a post", "Do you really want to delete this post ?": "Do you really want to delete this post ?", "Cannot fetch user data": "Cannot fetch user data", "Full name must be entered": "Full name must be entered", "User data updated": "User data updated", "Cannot save user data": "Cannot save user data", "Unable to load categories": "Unable to load categories", "Found {0} sections": "Found {0} sections", "Please insert a title in the text: beginning with heading": "Please insert a title in the text: beginning with heading", "Please enter tags": "Please enter tags", "Cannot save blog: {0}": "Cannot save blog: {0}", "Cannot add new category": "Cannot add new category", "Unable to fetch categories": "Unable to fetch categories", "Cannot Edit category": "Cannot Edit category", "Cannot save section: {0}": "Cannot save section: {0}", "Cannot move section": "Cannot move section", "Cannot delete the category: {0} [{1}]": "Cannot delete the category: {0} [{1}]", "Cannot delete all content of: {0} [{1}]": "Cannot delete all content of: {0} [{1}]", "No post found: {0}": "No post found: {0}", "Created: {0}": "Created: {0}", "Updated: {0}": "Updated: {0}", "Full name": "Full name", "Address": "Address", "Phone": "Phone", "Email": "Email", "Url": "Url", "Photo": "Photo", "Short biblio": "Short biblio", "Categories": "Categories", "Tags": "Tags" } } }