(()=>{"use strict";var __webpack_modules__={"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/arrays.js": /*!*****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/arrays.js ***! \*****************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "ArrayQueue": () => (/* binding */ ArrayQueue),\n/* harmony export */ "arrayInsert": () => (/* binding */ arrayInsert),\n/* harmony export */ "asArray": () => (/* binding */ asArray),\n/* harmony export */ "binarySearch": () => (/* binding */ binarySearch),\n/* harmony export */ "coalesce": () => (/* binding */ coalesce),\n/* harmony export */ "compareBy": () => (/* binding */ compareBy),\n/* harmony export */ "distinct": () => (/* binding */ distinct),\n/* harmony export */ "equals": () => (/* binding */ equals),\n/* harmony export */ "findFirstInSorted": () => (/* binding */ findFirstInSorted),\n/* harmony export */ "findLast": () => (/* binding */ findLast),\n/* harmony export */ "findLastMaxBy": () => (/* binding */ findLastMaxBy),\n/* harmony export */ "findMaxBy": () => (/* binding */ findMaxBy),\n/* harmony export */ "findMinBy": () => (/* binding */ findMinBy),\n/* harmony export */ "firstOrDefault": () => (/* binding */ firstOrDefault),\n/* harmony export */ "flatten": () => (/* binding */ flatten),\n/* harmony export */ "groupBy": () => (/* binding */ groupBy),\n/* harmony export */ "insertInto": () => (/* binding */ insertInto),\n/* harmony export */ "isFalsyOrEmpty": () => (/* binding */ isFalsyOrEmpty),\n/* harmony export */ "isNonEmptyArray": () => (/* binding */ isNonEmptyArray),\n/* harmony export */ "lastIndex": () => (/* binding */ lastIndex),\n/* harmony export */ "numberComparator": () => (/* binding */ numberComparator),\n/* harmony export */ "pushToEnd": () => (/* binding */ pushToEnd),\n/* harmony export */ "pushToStart": () => (/* binding */ pushToStart),\n/* harmony export */ "quickSelect": () => (/* binding */ quickSelect),\n/* harmony export */ "range": () => (/* binding */ range),\n/* harmony export */ "splice": () => (/* binding */ splice),\n/* harmony export */ "tail": () => (/* binding */ tail),\n/* harmony export */ "tail2": () => (/* binding */ tail2)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/**\n * Returns the last element of an array.\n * @param array The array.\n * @param n Which element from the end (default is zero).\n */\nfunction tail(array, n = 0) {\n return array[array.length - (1 + n)];\n}\nfunction tail2(arr) {\n if (arr.length === 0) {\n throw new Error(\'Invalid tail call\');\n }\n return [arr.slice(0, arr.length - 1), arr[arr.length - 1]];\n}\nfunction equals(one, other, itemEquals = (a, b) => a === b) {\n if (one === other) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!one || !other) {\n return false;\n }\n if (one.length !== other.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let i = 0, len = one.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (!itemEquals(one[i], other[i])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\nfunction binarySearch(array, key, comparator) {\n let low = 0, high = array.length - 1;\n while (low <= high) {\n const mid = ((low + high) / 2) | 0;\n const comp = comparator(array[mid], key);\n if (comp < 0) {\n low = mid + 1;\n }\n else if (comp > 0) {\n high = mid - 1;\n }\n else {\n return mid;\n }\n }\n return -(low + 1);\n}\n/**\n * Takes a sorted array and a function p. The array is sorted in such a way that all elements where p(x) is false\n * are located before all elements where p(x) is true.\n * @returns the least x for which p(x) is true or array.length if no element fullfills the given function.\n */\nfunction findFirstInSorted(array, p) {\n let low = 0, high = array.length;\n if (high === 0) {\n return 0; // no children\n }\n while (low < high) {\n const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);\n if (p(array[mid])) {\n high = mid;\n }\n else {\n low = mid + 1;\n }\n }\n return low;\n}\nfunction quickSelect(nth, data, compare) {\n nth = nth | 0;\n if (nth >= data.length) {\n throw new TypeError(\'invalid index\');\n }\n let pivotValue = data[Math.floor(data.length * Math.random())];\n let lower = [];\n let higher = [];\n let pivots = [];\n for (let value of data) {\n const val = compare(value, pivotValue);\n if (val < 0) {\n lower.push(value);\n }\n else if (val > 0) {\n higher.push(value);\n }\n else {\n pivots.push(value);\n }\n }\n if (nth < lower.length) {\n return quickSelect(nth, lower, compare);\n }\n else if (nth < lower.length + pivots.length) {\n return pivots[0];\n }\n else {\n return quickSelect(nth - (lower.length + pivots.length), higher, compare);\n }\n}\nfunction groupBy(data, compare) {\n const result = [];\n let currentGroup = undefined;\n for (const element of data.slice(0).sort(compare)) {\n if (!currentGroup || compare(currentGroup[0], element) !== 0) {\n currentGroup = [element];\n result.push(currentGroup);\n }\n else {\n currentGroup.push(element);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * @returns New array with all falsy values removed. The original array IS NOT modified.\n */\nfunction coalesce(array) {\n return array.filter(e => !!e);\n}\n/**\n * @returns false if the provided object is an array and not empty.\n */\nfunction isFalsyOrEmpty(obj) {\n return !Array.isArray(obj) || obj.length === 0;\n}\nfunction isNonEmptyArray(obj) {\n return Array.isArray(obj) && obj.length > 0;\n}\n/**\n * Removes duplicates from the given array. The optional keyFn allows to specify\n * how elements are checked for equality by returning an alternate value for each.\n */\nfunction distinct(array, keyFn = value => value) {\n const seen = new Set();\n return array.filter(element => {\n const key = keyFn(element);\n if (seen.has(key)) {\n return false;\n }\n seen.add(key);\n return true;\n });\n}\nfunction findLast(arr, predicate) {\n const idx = lastIndex(arr, predicate);\n if (idx === -1) {\n return undefined;\n }\n return arr[idx];\n}\nfunction lastIndex(array, fn) {\n for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n const element = array[i];\n if (fn(element)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n}\nfunction firstOrDefault(array, notFoundValue) {\n return array.length > 0 ? array[0] : notFoundValue;\n}\nfunction flatten(arr) {\n return [].concat(...arr);\n}\nfunction range(arg, to) {\n let from = typeof to === \'number\' ? arg : 0;\n if (typeof to === \'number\') {\n from = arg;\n }\n else {\n from = 0;\n to = arg;\n }\n const result = [];\n if (from <= to) {\n for (let i = from; i < to; i++) {\n result.push(i);\n }\n }\n else {\n for (let i = from; i > to; i--) {\n result.push(i);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Insert `insertArr` inside `target` at `insertIndex`.\n * Please don\'t touch unless you understand https://jsperf.com/inserting-an-array-within-an-array\n */\nfunction arrayInsert(target, insertIndex, insertArr) {\n const before = target.slice(0, insertIndex);\n const after = target.slice(insertIndex);\n return before.concat(insertArr, after);\n}\n/**\n * Pushes an element to the start of the array, if found.\n */\nfunction pushToStart(arr, value) {\n const index = arr.indexOf(value);\n if (index > -1) {\n arr.splice(index, 1);\n arr.unshift(value);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Pushes an element to the end of the array, if found.\n */\nfunction pushToEnd(arr, value) {\n const index = arr.indexOf(value);\n if (index > -1) {\n arr.splice(index, 1);\n arr.push(value);\n }\n}\nfunction asArray(x) {\n return Array.isArray(x) ? x : [x];\n}\n/**\n * Insert the new items in the array.\n * @param array The original array.\n * @param start The zero-based location in the array from which to start inserting elements.\n * @param newItems The items to be inserted\n */\nfunction insertInto(array, start, newItems) {\n const startIdx = getActualStartIndex(array, start);\n const originalLength = array.length;\n const newItemsLength = newItems.length;\n array.length = originalLength + newItemsLength;\n // Move the items after the start index, start from the end so that we don\'t overwrite any value.\n for (let i = originalLength - 1; i >= startIdx; i--) {\n array[i + newItemsLength] = array[i];\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < newItemsLength; i++) {\n array[i + startIdx] = newItems[i];\n }\n}\n/**\n * Removes elements from an array and inserts new elements in their place, returning the deleted elements. Alternative to the native Array.splice method, it\n * can only support limited number of items due to the maximum call stack size limit.\n * @param array The original array.\n * @param start The zero-based location in the array from which to start removing elements.\n * @param deleteCount The number of elements to remove.\n * @returns An array containing the elements that were deleted.\n */\nfunction splice(array, start, deleteCount, newItems) {\n const index = getActualStartIndex(array, start);\n const result = array.splice(index, deleteCount);\n insertInto(array, index, newItems);\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Determine the actual start index (same logic as the native splice() or slice())\n * If greater than the length of the array, start will be set to the length of the array. In this case, no element will be deleted but the method will behave as an adding function, adding as many element as item[n*] provided.\n * If negative, it will begin that many elements from the end of the array. (In this case, the origin -1, meaning -n is the index of the nth last element, and is therefore equivalent to the index of array.length - n.) If array.length + start is less than 0, it will begin from index 0.\n * @param array The target array.\n * @param start The operation index.\n */\nfunction getActualStartIndex(array, start) {\n return start < 0 ? Math.max(start + array.length, 0) : Math.min(start, array.length);\n}\nfunction compareBy(selector, comparator) {\n return (a, b) => comparator(selector(a), selector(b));\n}\n/**\n * The natural order on numbers.\n*/\nconst numberComparator = (a, b) => a - b;\n/**\n * Returns the first item that is equal to or greater than every other item.\n*/\nfunction findMaxBy(items, comparator) {\n if (items.length === 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n let max = items[0];\n for (let i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {\n const item = items[i];\n if (comparator(item, max) > 0) {\n max = item;\n }\n }\n return max;\n}\n/**\n * Returns the last item that is equal to or greater than every other item.\n*/\nfunction findLastMaxBy(items, comparator) {\n if (items.length === 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n let max = items[0];\n for (let i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {\n const item = items[i];\n if (comparator(item, max) >= 0) {\n max = item;\n }\n }\n return max;\n}\n/**\n * Returns the first item that is equal to or less than every other item.\n*/\nfunction findMinBy(items, comparator) {\n return findMaxBy(items, (a, b) => -comparator(a, b));\n}\nclass ArrayQueue {\n /**\n * Constructs a queue that is backed by the given array. Runtime is O(1).\n */\n constructor(items) {\n this.items = items;\n this.firstIdx = 0;\n this.lastIdx = this.items.length - 1;\n }\n /**\n * Consumes elements from the beginning of the queue as long as the predicate returns true.\n * If no elements were consumed, `null` is returned. Has a runtime of O(result.length).\n */\n takeWhile(predicate) {\n // P(k) := k <= this.lastIdx && predicate(this.items[k])\n // Find s := min { k | k >= this.firstIdx && !P(k) } and return this.data[this.firstIdx...s)\n let startIdx = this.firstIdx;\n while (startIdx < this.items.length && predicate(this.items[startIdx])) {\n startIdx++;\n }\n const result = startIdx === this.firstIdx ? null : this.items.slice(this.firstIdx, startIdx);\n this.firstIdx = startIdx;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Consumes elements from the end of the queue as long as the predicate returns true.\n * If no elements were consumed, `null` is returned.\n * The result has the same order as the underlying array!\n */\n takeFromEndWhile(predicate) {\n // P(k) := this.firstIdx >= k && predicate(this.items[k])\n // Find s := max { k | k <= this.lastIdx && !P(k) } and return this.data(s...this.lastIdx]\n let endIdx = this.lastIdx;\n while (endIdx >= 0 && predicate(this.items[endIdx])) {\n endIdx--;\n }\n const result = endIdx === this.lastIdx ? null : this.items.slice(endIdx + 1, this.lastIdx + 1);\n this.lastIdx = endIdx;\n return result;\n }\n peek() {\n return this.items[this.firstIdx];\n }\n dequeue() {\n const result = this.items[this.firstIdx];\n this.firstIdx++;\n return result;\n }\n takeCount(count) {\n const result = this.items.slice(this.firstIdx, this.firstIdx + count);\n this.firstIdx += count;\n return result;\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/arrays.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cache.js": /*!****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cache.js ***! \****************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "LRUCachedComputed": () => (/* binding */ LRUCachedComputed)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/**\n * Uses a LRU cache to make a given parametrized function cached.\n * Caches just the last value.\n * The key must be JSON serializable.\n*/\nclass LRUCachedComputed {\n constructor(computeFn) {\n this.computeFn = computeFn;\n this.lastCache = undefined;\n this.lastArgKey = undefined;\n }\n get(arg) {\n const key = JSON.stringify(arg);\n if (this.lastArgKey !== key) {\n this.lastArgKey = key;\n this.lastCache = this.computeFn(arg);\n }\n return this.lastCache;\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cache.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cancellation.js": /*!***********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cancellation.js ***! \***********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"CancellationToken\": () => (/* binding */ CancellationToken),\n/* harmony export */ \"CancellationTokenSource\": () => (/* binding */ CancellationTokenSource)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./event.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/event.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nconst shortcutEvent = Object.freeze(function (callback, context) {\n const handle = setTimeout(callback.bind(context), 0);\n return { dispose() { clearTimeout(handle); } };\n});\nvar CancellationToken;\n(function (CancellationToken) {\n function isCancellationToken(thing) {\n if (thing === CancellationToken.None || thing === CancellationToken.Cancelled) {\n return true;\n }\n if (thing instanceof MutableToken) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!thing || typeof thing !== 'object') {\n return false;\n }\n return typeof thing.isCancellationRequested === 'boolean'\n && typeof thing.onCancellationRequested === 'function';\n }\n CancellationToken.isCancellationToken = isCancellationToken;\n CancellationToken.None = Object.freeze({\n isCancellationRequested: false,\n onCancellationRequested: _event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Event.None\n });\n CancellationToken.Cancelled = Object.freeze({\n isCancellationRequested: true,\n onCancellationRequested: shortcutEvent\n });\n})(CancellationToken || (CancellationToken = {}));\nclass MutableToken {\n constructor() {\n this._isCancelled = false;\n this._emitter = null;\n }\n cancel() {\n if (!this._isCancelled) {\n this._isCancelled = true;\n if (this._emitter) {\n this._emitter.fire(undefined);\n this.dispose();\n }\n }\n }\n get isCancellationRequested() {\n return this._isCancelled;\n }\n get onCancellationRequested() {\n if (this._isCancelled) {\n return shortcutEvent;\n }\n if (!this._emitter) {\n this._emitter = new _event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Emitter();\n }\n return this._emitter.event;\n }\n dispose() {\n if (this._emitter) {\n this._emitter.dispose();\n this._emitter = null;\n }\n }\n}\nclass CancellationTokenSource {\n constructor(parent) {\n this._token = undefined;\n this._parentListener = undefined;\n this._parentListener = parent && parent.onCancellationRequested(this.cancel, this);\n }\n get token() {\n if (!this._token) {\n // be lazy and create the token only when\n // actually needed\n this._token = new MutableToken();\n }\n return this._token;\n }\n cancel() {\n if (!this._token) {\n // save an object by returning the default\n // cancelled token when cancellation happens\n // before someone asks for the token\n this._token = CancellationToken.Cancelled;\n }\n else if (this._token instanceof MutableToken) {\n // actually cancel\n this._token.cancel();\n }\n }\n dispose(cancel = false) {\n if (cancel) {\n this.cancel();\n }\n if (this._parentListener) {\n this._parentListener.dispose();\n }\n if (!this._token) {\n // ensure to initialize with an empty token if we had none\n this._token = CancellationToken.None;\n }\n else if (this._token instanceof MutableToken) {\n // actually dispose\n this._token.dispose();\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cancellation.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/codicons.js": /*!*******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/codicons.js ***! \*******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"CSSIcon\": () => (/* binding */ CSSIcon),\n/* harmony export */ \"Codicon\": () => (/* binding */ Codicon),\n/* harmony export */ \"getCodiconAriaLabel\": () => (/* binding */ getCodiconAriaLabel)\n/* harmony export */ });\n// Selects all codicon names encapsulated in the `$()` syntax and wraps the\n// results with spaces so that screen readers can read the text better.\nfunction getCodiconAriaLabel(text) {\n if (!text) {\n return '';\n }\n return text.replace(/\\$\\((.*?)\\)/g, (_match, codiconName) => ` ${codiconName} `).trim();\n}\n/**\n * The Codicon library is a set of default icons that are built-in in VS Code.\n *\n * In the product (outside of base) Codicons should only be used as defaults. In order to have all icons in VS Code\n * themeable, component should define new, UI component specific icons using `iconRegistry.registerIcon`.\n * In that call a Codicon can be named as default.\n */\nclass Codicon {\n constructor(id, definition, description) {\n this.id = id;\n this.definition = definition;\n this.description = description;\n Codicon._allCodicons.push(this);\n }\n get classNames() { return 'codicon codicon-' + this.id; }\n // classNamesArray is useful for migrating to ES6 classlist\n get classNamesArray() { return ['codicon', 'codicon-' + this.id]; }\n get cssSelector() { return '.codicon.codicon-' + this.id; }\n /**\n * @returns Returns all default icons covered by the codicon font. Only to be used by the icon registry in platform.\n */\n static getAll() {\n return Codicon._allCodicons;\n }\n}\n// registry\nCodicon._allCodicons = [];\n// built-in icons, with image name\nCodicon.add = new Codicon('add', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea60' });\nCodicon.plus = new Codicon('plus', Codicon.add.definition);\nCodicon.gistNew = new Codicon('gist-new', Codicon.add.definition);\nCodicon.repoCreate = new Codicon('repo-create', Codicon.add.definition);\nCodicon.lightbulb = new Codicon('lightbulb', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea61' });\nCodicon.lightBulb = new Codicon('light-bulb', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea61' });\nCodicon.repo = new Codicon('repo', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea62' });\nCodicon.repoDelete = new Codicon('repo-delete', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea62' });\nCodicon.gistFork = new Codicon('gist-fork', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea63' });\nCodicon.repoForked = new Codicon('repo-forked', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea63' });\nCodicon.gitPullRequest = new Codicon('git-pull-request', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea64' });\nCodicon.gitPullRequestAbandoned = new Codicon('git-pull-request-abandoned', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea64' });\nCodicon.recordKeys = new Codicon('record-keys', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea65' });\nCodicon.keyboard = new Codicon('keyboard', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea65' });\nCodicon.tag = new Codicon('tag', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea66' });\nCodicon.tagAdd = new Codicon('tag-add', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea66' });\nCodicon.tagRemove = new Codicon('tag-remove', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea66' });\nCodicon.person = new Codicon('person', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea67' });\nCodicon.personFollow = new Codicon('person-follow', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea67' });\nCodicon.personOutline = new Codicon('person-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea67' });\nCodicon.personFilled = new Codicon('person-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea67' });\nCodicon.gitBranch = new Codicon('git-branch', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea68' });\nCodicon.gitBranchCreate = new Codicon('git-branch-create', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea68' });\nCodicon.gitBranchDelete = new Codicon('git-branch-delete', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea68' });\nCodicon.sourceControl = new Codicon('source-control', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea68' });\nCodicon.mirror = new Codicon('mirror', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea69' });\nCodicon.mirrorPublic = new Codicon('mirror-public', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea69' });\nCodicon.star = new Codicon('star', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6a' });\nCodicon.starAdd = new Codicon('star-add', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6a' });\nCodicon.starDelete = new Codicon('star-delete', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6a' });\nCodicon.starEmpty = new Codicon('star-empty', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6a' });\nCodicon.comment = new Codicon('comment', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6b' });\nCodicon.commentAdd = new Codicon('comment-add', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6b' });\nCodicon.alert = new Codicon('alert', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6c' });\nCodicon.warning = new Codicon('warning', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6c' });\nCodicon.search = new Codicon('search', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6d' });\nCodicon.searchSave = new Codicon('search-save', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6d' });\nCodicon.logOut = new Codicon('log-out', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6e' });\nCodicon.signOut = new Codicon('sign-out', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6e' });\nCodicon.logIn = new Codicon('log-in', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6f' });\nCodicon.signIn = new Codicon('sign-in', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea6f' });\nCodicon.eye = new Codicon('eye', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea70' });\nCodicon.eyeUnwatch = new Codicon('eye-unwatch', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea70' });\nCodicon.eyeWatch = new Codicon('eye-watch', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea70' });\nCodicon.circleFilled = new Codicon('circle-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea71' });\nCodicon.primitiveDot = new Codicon('primitive-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea71' });\nCodicon.closeDirty = new Codicon('close-dirty', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea71' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpoint = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea71' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea71' });\nCodicon.debugHint = new Codicon('debug-hint', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea71' });\nCodicon.primitiveSquare = new Codicon('primitive-square', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea72' });\nCodicon.edit = new Codicon('edit', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea73' });\nCodicon.pencil = new Codicon('pencil', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea73' });\nCodicon.info = new Codicon('info', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea74' });\nCodicon.issueOpened = new Codicon('issue-opened', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea74' });\nCodicon.gistPrivate = new Codicon('gist-private', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea75' });\nCodicon.gitForkPrivate = new Codicon('git-fork-private', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea75' });\nCodicon.lock = new Codicon('lock', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea75' });\nCodicon.mirrorPrivate = new Codicon('mirror-private', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea75' });\nCodicon.close = new Codicon('close', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea76' });\nCodicon.removeClose = new Codicon('remove-close', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea76' });\nCodicon.x = new Codicon('x', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea76' });\nCodicon.repoSync = new Codicon('repo-sync', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea77' });\nCodicon.sync = new Codicon('sync', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea77' });\nCodicon.clone = new Codicon('clone', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea78' });\nCodicon.desktopDownload = new Codicon('desktop-download', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea78' });\nCodicon.beaker = new Codicon('beaker', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea79' });\nCodicon.microscope = new Codicon('microscope', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea79' });\nCodicon.vm = new Codicon('vm', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7a' });\nCodicon.deviceDesktop = new Codicon('device-desktop', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7a' });\nCodicon.file = new Codicon('file', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7b' });\nCodicon.fileText = new Codicon('file-text', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7b' });\nCodicon.more = new Codicon('more', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7c' });\nCodicon.ellipsis = new Codicon('ellipsis', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7c' });\nCodicon.kebabHorizontal = new Codicon('kebab-horizontal', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7c' });\nCodicon.mailReply = new Codicon('mail-reply', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7d' });\nCodicon.reply = new Codicon('reply', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7d' });\nCodicon.organization = new Codicon('organization', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7e' });\nCodicon.organizationFilled = new Codicon('organization-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7e' });\nCodicon.organizationOutline = new Codicon('organization-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7e' });\nCodicon.newFile = new Codicon('new-file', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7f' });\nCodicon.fileAdd = new Codicon('file-add', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea7f' });\nCodicon.newFolder = new Codicon('new-folder', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea80' });\nCodicon.fileDirectoryCreate = new Codicon('file-directory-create', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea80' });\nCodicon.trash = new Codicon('trash', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea81' });\nCodicon.trashcan = new Codicon('trashcan', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea81' });\nCodicon.history = new Codicon('history', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea82' });\nCodicon.clock = new Codicon('clock', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea82' });\nCodicon.folder = new Codicon('folder', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea83' });\nCodicon.fileDirectory = new Codicon('file-directory', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea83' });\nCodicon.symbolFolder = new Codicon('symbol-folder', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea83' });\nCodicon.logoGithub = new Codicon('logo-github', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea84' });\nCodicon.markGithub = new Codicon('mark-github', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea84' });\nCodicon.github = new Codicon('github', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea84' });\nCodicon.terminal = new Codicon('terminal', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea85' });\nCodicon.console = new Codicon('console', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea85' });\nCodicon.repl = new Codicon('repl', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea85' });\nCodicon.zap = new Codicon('zap', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea86' });\nCodicon.symbolEvent = new Codicon('symbol-event', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea86' });\nCodicon.error = new Codicon('error', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea87' });\nCodicon.stop = new Codicon('stop', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea87' });\nCodicon.variable = new Codicon('variable', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea88' });\nCodicon.symbolVariable = new Codicon('symbol-variable', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea88' });\nCodicon.array = new Codicon('array', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8a' });\nCodicon.symbolArray = new Codicon('symbol-array', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8a' });\nCodicon.symbolModule = new Codicon('symbol-module', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8b' });\nCodicon.symbolPackage = new Codicon('symbol-package', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8b' });\nCodicon.symbolNamespace = new Codicon('symbol-namespace', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8b' });\nCodicon.symbolObject = new Codicon('symbol-object', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8b' });\nCodicon.symbolMethod = new Codicon('symbol-method', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8c' });\nCodicon.symbolFunction = new Codicon('symbol-function', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8c' });\nCodicon.symbolConstructor = new Codicon('symbol-constructor', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8c' });\nCodicon.symbolBoolean = new Codicon('symbol-boolean', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8f' });\nCodicon.symbolNull = new Codicon('symbol-null', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea8f' });\nCodicon.symbolNumeric = new Codicon('symbol-numeric', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea90' });\nCodicon.symbolNumber = new Codicon('symbol-number', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea90' });\nCodicon.symbolStructure = new Codicon('symbol-structure', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea91' });\nCodicon.symbolStruct = new Codicon('symbol-struct', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea91' });\nCodicon.symbolParameter = new Codicon('symbol-parameter', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea92' });\nCodicon.symbolTypeParameter = new Codicon('symbol-type-parameter', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea92' });\nCodicon.symbolKey = new Codicon('symbol-key', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea93' });\nCodicon.symbolText = new Codicon('symbol-text', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea93' });\nCodicon.symbolReference = new Codicon('symbol-reference', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea94' });\nCodicon.goToFile = new Codicon('go-to-file', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea94' });\nCodicon.symbolEnum = new Codicon('symbol-enum', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea95' });\nCodicon.symbolValue = new Codicon('symbol-value', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea95' });\nCodicon.symbolRuler = new Codicon('symbol-ruler', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea96' });\nCodicon.symbolUnit = new Codicon('symbol-unit', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea96' });\nCodicon.activateBreakpoints = new Codicon('activate-breakpoints', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea97' });\nCodicon.archive = new Codicon('archive', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea98' });\nCodicon.arrowBoth = new Codicon('arrow-both', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea99' });\nCodicon.arrowDown = new Codicon('arrow-down', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea9a' });\nCodicon.arrowLeft = new Codicon('arrow-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea9b' });\nCodicon.arrowRight = new Codicon('arrow-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea9c' });\nCodicon.arrowSmallDown = new Codicon('arrow-small-down', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea9d' });\nCodicon.arrowSmallLeft = new Codicon('arrow-small-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea9e' });\nCodicon.arrowSmallRight = new Codicon('arrow-small-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ea9f' });\nCodicon.arrowSmallUp = new Codicon('arrow-small-up', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa0' });\nCodicon.arrowUp = new Codicon('arrow-up', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa1' });\nCodicon.bell = new Codicon('bell', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa2' });\nCodicon.bold = new Codicon('bold', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa3' });\nCodicon.book = new Codicon('book', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa4' });\nCodicon.bookmark = new Codicon('bookmark', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa5' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointConditionalUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa6' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointConditional = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-conditional', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa7' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointConditionalDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa7' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointDataUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-data-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa8' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointData = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-data', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa9' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointDataDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-data-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaa9' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointLogUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-log-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaaa' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointLog = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-log', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaab' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointLogDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-log-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaab' });\nCodicon.briefcase = new Codicon('briefcase', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaac' });\nCodicon.broadcast = new Codicon('broadcast', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaad' });\nCodicon.browser = new Codicon('browser', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaae' });\nCodicon.bug = new Codicon('bug', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaaf' });\nCodicon.calendar = new Codicon('calendar', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab0' });\nCodicon.caseSensitive = new Codicon('case-sensitive', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab1' });\nCodicon.check = new Codicon('check', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab2' });\nCodicon.checklist = new Codicon('checklist', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab3' });\nCodicon.chevronDown = new Codicon('chevron-down', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab4' });\nCodicon.dropDownButton = new Codicon('drop-down-button', Codicon.chevronDown.definition);\nCodicon.chevronLeft = new Codicon('chevron-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab5' });\nCodicon.chevronRight = new Codicon('chevron-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab6' });\nCodicon.chevronUp = new Codicon('chevron-up', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab7' });\nCodicon.chromeClose = new Codicon('chrome-close', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab8' });\nCodicon.chromeMaximize = new Codicon('chrome-maximize', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eab9' });\nCodicon.chromeMinimize = new Codicon('chrome-minimize', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaba' });\nCodicon.chromeRestore = new Codicon('chrome-restore', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eabb' });\nCodicon.circleOutline = new Codicon('circle-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eabc' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eabc' });\nCodicon.circleSlash = new Codicon('circle-slash', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eabd' });\nCodicon.circuitBoard = new Codicon('circuit-board', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eabe' });\nCodicon.clearAll = new Codicon('clear-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eabf' });\nCodicon.clippy = new Codicon('clippy', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac0' });\nCodicon.closeAll = new Codicon('close-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac1' });\nCodicon.cloudDownload = new Codicon('cloud-download', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac2' });\nCodicon.cloudUpload = new Codicon('cloud-upload', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac3' });\nCodicon.code = new Codicon('code', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac4' });\nCodicon.collapseAll = new Codicon('collapse-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac5' });\nCodicon.colorMode = new Codicon('color-mode', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac6' });\nCodicon.commentDiscussion = new Codicon('comment-discussion', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac7' });\nCodicon.compareChanges = new Codicon('compare-changes', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eafd' });\nCodicon.creditCard = new Codicon('credit-card', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eac9' });\nCodicon.dash = new Codicon('dash', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eacc' });\nCodicon.dashboard = new Codicon('dashboard', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eacd' });\nCodicon.database = new Codicon('database', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eace' });\nCodicon.debugContinue = new Codicon('debug-continue', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eacf' });\nCodicon.debugDisconnect = new Codicon('debug-disconnect', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead0' });\nCodicon.debugPause = new Codicon('debug-pause', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead1' });\nCodicon.debugRestart = new Codicon('debug-restart', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead2' });\nCodicon.debugStart = new Codicon('debug-start', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead3' });\nCodicon.debugStepInto = new Codicon('debug-step-into', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead4' });\nCodicon.debugStepOut = new Codicon('debug-step-out', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead5' });\nCodicon.debugStepOver = new Codicon('debug-step-over', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead6' });\nCodicon.debugStop = new Codicon('debug-stop', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead7' });\nCodicon.debug = new Codicon('debug', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead8' });\nCodicon.deviceCameraVideo = new Codicon('device-camera-video', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ead9' });\nCodicon.deviceCamera = new Codicon('device-camera', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eada' });\nCodicon.deviceMobile = new Codicon('device-mobile', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eadb' });\nCodicon.diffAdded = new Codicon('diff-added', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eadc' });\nCodicon.diffIgnored = new Codicon('diff-ignored', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eadd' });\nCodicon.diffModified = new Codicon('diff-modified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eade' });\nCodicon.diffRemoved = new Codicon('diff-removed', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eadf' });\nCodicon.diffRenamed = new Codicon('diff-renamed', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae0' });\nCodicon.diff = new Codicon('diff', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae1' });\nCodicon.discard = new Codicon('discard', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae2' });\nCodicon.editorLayout = new Codicon('editor-layout', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae3' });\nCodicon.emptyWindow = new Codicon('empty-window', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae4' });\nCodicon.exclude = new Codicon('exclude', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae5' });\nCodicon.extensions = new Codicon('extensions', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae6' });\nCodicon.eyeClosed = new Codicon('eye-closed', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae7' });\nCodicon.fileBinary = new Codicon('file-binary', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae8' });\nCodicon.fileCode = new Codicon('file-code', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eae9' });\nCodicon.fileMedia = new Codicon('file-media', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaea' });\nCodicon.filePdf = new Codicon('file-pdf', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaeb' });\nCodicon.fileSubmodule = new Codicon('file-submodule', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaec' });\nCodicon.fileSymlinkDirectory = new Codicon('file-symlink-directory', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaed' });\nCodicon.fileSymlinkFile = new Codicon('file-symlink-file', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaee' });\nCodicon.fileZip = new Codicon('file-zip', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaef' });\nCodicon.files = new Codicon('files', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf0' });\nCodicon.filter = new Codicon('filter', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf1' });\nCodicon.flame = new Codicon('flame', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf2' });\nCodicon.foldDown = new Codicon('fold-down', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf3' });\nCodicon.foldUp = new Codicon('fold-up', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf4' });\nCodicon.fold = new Codicon('fold', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf5' });\nCodicon.folderActive = new Codicon('folder-active', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf6' });\nCodicon.folderOpened = new Codicon('folder-opened', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf7' });\nCodicon.gear = new Codicon('gear', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf8' });\nCodicon.gift = new Codicon('gift', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaf9' });\nCodicon.gistSecret = new Codicon('gist-secret', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eafa' });\nCodicon.gist = new Codicon('gist', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eafb' });\nCodicon.gitCommit = new Codicon('git-commit', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eafc' });\nCodicon.gitCompare = new Codicon('git-compare', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eafd' });\nCodicon.gitMerge = new Codicon('git-merge', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eafe' });\nCodicon.githubAction = new Codicon('github-action', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eaff' });\nCodicon.githubAlt = new Codicon('github-alt', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb00' });\nCodicon.globe = new Codicon('globe', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb01' });\nCodicon.grabber = new Codicon('grabber', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb02' });\nCodicon.graph = new Codicon('graph', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb03' });\nCodicon.gripper = new Codicon('gripper', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb04' });\nCodicon.heart = new Codicon('heart', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb05' });\nCodicon.home = new Codicon('home', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb06' });\nCodicon.horizontalRule = new Codicon('horizontal-rule', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb07' });\nCodicon.hubot = new Codicon('hubot', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb08' });\nCodicon.inbox = new Codicon('inbox', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb09' });\nCodicon.issueClosed = new Codicon('issue-closed', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba4' });\nCodicon.issueReopened = new Codicon('issue-reopened', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb0b' });\nCodicon.issues = new Codicon('issues', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb0c' });\nCodicon.italic = new Codicon('italic', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb0d' });\nCodicon.jersey = new Codicon('jersey', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb0e' });\nCodicon.json = new Codicon('json', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb0f' });\nCodicon.kebabVertical = new Codicon('kebab-vertical', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb10' });\nCodicon.key = new Codicon('key', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb11' });\nCodicon.law = new Codicon('law', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb12' });\nCodicon.lightbulbAutofix = new Codicon('lightbulb-autofix', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb13' });\nCodicon.linkExternal = new Codicon('link-external', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb14' });\nCodicon.link = new Codicon('link', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb15' });\nCodicon.listOrdered = new Codicon('list-ordered', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb16' });\nCodicon.listUnordered = new Codicon('list-unordered', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb17' });\nCodicon.liveShare = new Codicon('live-share', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb18' });\nCodicon.loading = new Codicon('loading', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb19' });\nCodicon.location = new Codicon('location', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb1a' });\nCodicon.mailRead = new Codicon('mail-read', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb1b' });\nCodicon.mail = new Codicon('mail', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb1c' });\nCodicon.markdown = new Codicon('markdown', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb1d' });\nCodicon.megaphone = new Codicon('megaphone', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb1e' });\nCodicon.mention = new Codicon('mention', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb1f' });\nCodicon.milestone = new Codicon('milestone', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb20' });\nCodicon.mortarBoard = new Codicon('mortar-board', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb21' });\nCodicon.move = new Codicon('move', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb22' });\nCodicon.multipleWindows = new Codicon('multiple-windows', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb23' });\nCodicon.mute = new Codicon('mute', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb24' });\nCodicon.noNewline = new Codicon('no-newline', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb25' });\nCodicon.note = new Codicon('note', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb26' });\nCodicon.octoface = new Codicon('octoface', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb27' });\nCodicon.openPreview = new Codicon('open-preview', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb28' });\nCodicon.package_ = new Codicon('package', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb29' });\nCodicon.paintcan = new Codicon('paintcan', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb2a' });\nCodicon.pin = new Codicon('pin', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb2b' });\nCodicon.play = new Codicon('play', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb2c' });\nCodicon.run = new Codicon('run', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb2c' });\nCodicon.plug = new Codicon('plug', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb2d' });\nCodicon.preserveCase = new Codicon('preserve-case', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb2e' });\nCodicon.preview = new Codicon('preview', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb2f' });\nCodicon.project = new Codicon('project', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb30' });\nCodicon.pulse = new Codicon('pulse', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb31' });\nCodicon.question = new Codicon('question', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb32' });\nCodicon.quote = new Codicon('quote', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb33' });\nCodicon.radioTower = new Codicon('radio-tower', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb34' });\nCodicon.reactions = new Codicon('reactions', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb35' });\nCodicon.references = new Codicon('references', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb36' });\nCodicon.refresh = new Codicon('refresh', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb37' });\nCodicon.regex = new Codicon('regex', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb38' });\nCodicon.remoteExplorer = new Codicon('remote-explorer', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb39' });\nCodicon.remote = new Codicon('remote', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb3a' });\nCodicon.remove = new Codicon('remove', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb3b' });\nCodicon.replaceAll = new Codicon('replace-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb3c' });\nCodicon.replace = new Codicon('replace', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb3d' });\nCodicon.repoClone = new Codicon('repo-clone', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb3e' });\nCodicon.repoForcePush = new Codicon('repo-force-push', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb3f' });\nCodicon.repoPull = new Codicon('repo-pull', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb40' });\nCodicon.repoPush = new Codicon('repo-push', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb41' });\nCodicon.report = new Codicon('report', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb42' });\nCodicon.requestChanges = new Codicon('request-changes', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb43' });\nCodicon.rocket = new Codicon('rocket', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb44' });\nCodicon.rootFolderOpened = new Codicon('root-folder-opened', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb45' });\nCodicon.rootFolder = new Codicon('root-folder', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb46' });\nCodicon.rss = new Codicon('rss', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb47' });\nCodicon.ruby = new Codicon('ruby', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb48' });\nCodicon.saveAll = new Codicon('save-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb49' });\nCodicon.saveAs = new Codicon('save-as', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb4a' });\nCodicon.save = new Codicon('save', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb4b' });\nCodicon.screenFull = new Codicon('screen-full', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb4c' });\nCodicon.screenNormal = new Codicon('screen-normal', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb4d' });\nCodicon.searchStop = new Codicon('search-stop', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb4e' });\nCodicon.server = new Codicon('server', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb50' });\nCodicon.settingsGear = new Codicon('settings-gear', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb51' });\nCodicon.settings = new Codicon('settings', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb52' });\nCodicon.shield = new Codicon('shield', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb53' });\nCodicon.smiley = new Codicon('smiley', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb54' });\nCodicon.sortPrecedence = new Codicon('sort-precedence', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb55' });\nCodicon.splitHorizontal = new Codicon('split-horizontal', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb56' });\nCodicon.splitVertical = new Codicon('split-vertical', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb57' });\nCodicon.squirrel = new Codicon('squirrel', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb58' });\nCodicon.starFull = new Codicon('star-full', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb59' });\nCodicon.starHalf = new Codicon('star-half', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb5a' });\nCodicon.symbolClass = new Codicon('symbol-class', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb5b' });\nCodicon.symbolColor = new Codicon('symbol-color', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb5c' });\nCodicon.symbolCustomColor = new Codicon('symbol-customcolor', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb5c' });\nCodicon.symbolConstant = new Codicon('symbol-constant', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb5d' });\nCodicon.symbolEnumMember = new Codicon('symbol-enum-member', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb5e' });\nCodicon.symbolField = new Codicon('symbol-field', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb5f' });\nCodicon.symbolFile = new Codicon('symbol-file', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb60' });\nCodicon.symbolInterface = new Codicon('symbol-interface', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb61' });\nCodicon.symbolKeyword = new Codicon('symbol-keyword', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb62' });\nCodicon.symbolMisc = new Codicon('symbol-misc', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb63' });\nCodicon.symbolOperator = new Codicon('symbol-operator', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb64' });\nCodicon.symbolProperty = new Codicon('symbol-property', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb65' });\nCodicon.wrench = new Codicon('wrench', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb65' });\nCodicon.wrenchSubaction = new Codicon('wrench-subaction', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb65' });\nCodicon.symbolSnippet = new Codicon('symbol-snippet', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb66' });\nCodicon.tasklist = new Codicon('tasklist', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb67' });\nCodicon.telescope = new Codicon('telescope', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb68' });\nCodicon.textSize = new Codicon('text-size', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb69' });\nCodicon.threeBars = new Codicon('three-bars', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb6a' });\nCodicon.thumbsdown = new Codicon('thumbsdown', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb6b' });\nCodicon.thumbsup = new Codicon('thumbsup', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb6c' });\nCodicon.tools = new Codicon('tools', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb6d' });\nCodicon.triangleDown = new Codicon('triangle-down', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb6e' });\nCodicon.triangleLeft = new Codicon('triangle-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb6f' });\nCodicon.triangleRight = new Codicon('triangle-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb70' });\nCodicon.triangleUp = new Codicon('triangle-up', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb71' });\nCodicon.twitter = new Codicon('twitter', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb72' });\nCodicon.unfold = new Codicon('unfold', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb73' });\nCodicon.unlock = new Codicon('unlock', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb74' });\nCodicon.unmute = new Codicon('unmute', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb75' });\nCodicon.unverified = new Codicon('unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb76' });\nCodicon.verified = new Codicon('verified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb77' });\nCodicon.versions = new Codicon('versions', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb78' });\nCodicon.vmActive = new Codicon('vm-active', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb79' });\nCodicon.vmOutline = new Codicon('vm-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb7a' });\nCodicon.vmRunning = new Codicon('vm-running', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb7b' });\nCodicon.watch = new Codicon('watch', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb7c' });\nCodicon.whitespace = new Codicon('whitespace', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb7d' });\nCodicon.wholeWord = new Codicon('whole-word', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb7e' });\nCodicon.window = new Codicon('window', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb7f' });\nCodicon.wordWrap = new Codicon('word-wrap', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb80' });\nCodicon.zoomIn = new Codicon('zoom-in', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb81' });\nCodicon.zoomOut = new Codicon('zoom-out', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb82' });\nCodicon.listFilter = new Codicon('list-filter', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb83' });\nCodicon.listFlat = new Codicon('list-flat', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb84' });\nCodicon.listSelection = new Codicon('list-selection', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb85' });\nCodicon.selection = new Codicon('selection', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb85' });\nCodicon.listTree = new Codicon('list-tree', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb86' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointFunctionUnverified = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-function-unverified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb87' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointFunction = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-function', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb88' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointFunctionDisabled = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-function-disabled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb88' });\nCodicon.debugStackframeActive = new Codicon('debug-stackframe-active', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb89' });\nCodicon.debugStackframeDot = new Codicon('debug-stackframe-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb8a' });\nCodicon.debugStackframe = new Codicon('debug-stackframe', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb8b' });\nCodicon.debugStackframeFocused = new Codicon('debug-stackframe-focused', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb8b' });\nCodicon.debugBreakpointUnsupported = new Codicon('debug-breakpoint-unsupported', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb8c' });\nCodicon.symbolString = new Codicon('symbol-string', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb8d' });\nCodicon.debugReverseContinue = new Codicon('debug-reverse-continue', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb8e' });\nCodicon.debugStepBack = new Codicon('debug-step-back', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb8f' });\nCodicon.debugRestartFrame = new Codicon('debug-restart-frame', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb90' });\nCodicon.callIncoming = new Codicon('call-incoming', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb92' });\nCodicon.callOutgoing = new Codicon('call-outgoing', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb93' });\nCodicon.menu = new Codicon('menu', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb94' });\nCodicon.expandAll = new Codicon('expand-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb95' });\nCodicon.feedback = new Codicon('feedback', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb96' });\nCodicon.groupByRefType = new Codicon('group-by-ref-type', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb97' });\nCodicon.ungroupByRefType = new Codicon('ungroup-by-ref-type', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb98' });\nCodicon.account = new Codicon('account', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb99' });\nCodicon.bellDot = new Codicon('bell-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb9a' });\nCodicon.debugConsole = new Codicon('debug-console', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb9b' });\nCodicon.library = new Codicon('library', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb9c' });\nCodicon.output = new Codicon('output', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb9d' });\nCodicon.runAll = new Codicon('run-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb9e' });\nCodicon.syncIgnored = new Codicon('sync-ignored', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb9f' });\nCodicon.pinned = new Codicon('pinned', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba0' });\nCodicon.githubInverted = new Codicon('github-inverted', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba1' });\nCodicon.debugAlt = new Codicon('debug-alt', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eb91' });\nCodicon.serverProcess = new Codicon('server-process', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba2' });\nCodicon.serverEnvironment = new Codicon('server-environment', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba3' });\nCodicon.pass = new Codicon('pass', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba4' });\nCodicon.stopCircle = new Codicon('stop-circle', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba5' });\nCodicon.playCircle = new Codicon('play-circle', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba6' });\nCodicon.record = new Codicon('record', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba7' });\nCodicon.debugAltSmall = new Codicon('debug-alt-small', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba8' });\nCodicon.vmConnect = new Codicon('vm-connect', { fontCharacter: '\\\\eba9' });\nCodicon.cloud = new Codicon('cloud', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebaa' });\nCodicon.merge = new Codicon('merge', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebab' });\nCodicon.exportIcon = new Codicon('export', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebac' });\nCodicon.graphLeft = new Codicon('graph-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebad' });\nCodicon.magnet = new Codicon('magnet', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebae' });\nCodicon.notebook = new Codicon('notebook', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebaf' });\nCodicon.redo = new Codicon('redo', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb0' });\nCodicon.checkAll = new Codicon('check-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb1' });\nCodicon.pinnedDirty = new Codicon('pinned-dirty', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb2' });\nCodicon.passFilled = new Codicon('pass-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb3' });\nCodicon.circleLargeFilled = new Codicon('circle-large-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb4' });\nCodicon.circleLargeOutline = new Codicon('circle-large-outline', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb5' });\nCodicon.combine = new Codicon('combine', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb6' });\nCodicon.gather = new Codicon('gather', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb6' });\nCodicon.table = new Codicon('table', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb7' });\nCodicon.variableGroup = new Codicon('variable-group', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb8' });\nCodicon.typeHierarchy = new Codicon('type-hierarchy', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebb9' });\nCodicon.typeHierarchySub = new Codicon('type-hierarchy-sub', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebba' });\nCodicon.typeHierarchySuper = new Codicon('type-hierarchy-super', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebbb' });\nCodicon.gitPullRequestCreate = new Codicon('git-pull-request-create', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebbc' });\nCodicon.runAbove = new Codicon('run-above', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebbd' });\nCodicon.runBelow = new Codicon('run-below', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebbe' });\nCodicon.notebookTemplate = new Codicon('notebook-template', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebbf' });\nCodicon.debugRerun = new Codicon('debug-rerun', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc0' });\nCodicon.workspaceTrusted = new Codicon('workspace-trusted', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc1' });\nCodicon.workspaceUntrusted = new Codicon('workspace-untrusted', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc2' });\nCodicon.workspaceUnspecified = new Codicon('workspace-unspecified', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc3' });\nCodicon.terminalCmd = new Codicon('terminal-cmd', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc4' });\nCodicon.terminalDebian = new Codicon('terminal-debian', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc5' });\nCodicon.terminalLinux = new Codicon('terminal-linux', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc6' });\nCodicon.terminalPowershell = new Codicon('terminal-powershell', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc7' });\nCodicon.terminalTmux = new Codicon('terminal-tmux', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc8' });\nCodicon.terminalUbuntu = new Codicon('terminal-ubuntu', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebc9' });\nCodicon.terminalBash = new Codicon('terminal-bash', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebca' });\nCodicon.arrowSwap = new Codicon('arrow-swap', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebcb' });\nCodicon.copy = new Codicon('copy', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebcc' });\nCodicon.personAdd = new Codicon('person-add', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebcd' });\nCodicon.filterFilled = new Codicon('filter-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebce' });\nCodicon.wand = new Codicon('wand', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebcf' });\nCodicon.debugLineByLine = new Codicon('debug-line-by-line', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd0' });\nCodicon.inspect = new Codicon('inspect', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd1' });\nCodicon.layers = new Codicon('layers', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd2' });\nCodicon.layersDot = new Codicon('layers-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd3' });\nCodicon.layersActive = new Codicon('layers-active', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd4' });\nCodicon.compass = new Codicon('compass', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd5' });\nCodicon.compassDot = new Codicon('compass-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd6' });\nCodicon.compassActive = new Codicon('compass-active', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd7' });\nCodicon.azure = new Codicon('azure', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd8' });\nCodicon.issueDraft = new Codicon('issue-draft', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebd9' });\nCodicon.gitPullRequestClosed = new Codicon('git-pull-request-closed', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebda' });\nCodicon.gitPullRequestDraft = new Codicon('git-pull-request-draft', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebdb' });\nCodicon.debugAll = new Codicon('debug-all', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebdc' });\nCodicon.debugCoverage = new Codicon('debug-coverage', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebdd' });\nCodicon.runErrors = new Codicon('run-errors', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebde' });\nCodicon.folderLibrary = new Codicon('folder-library', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebdf' });\nCodicon.debugContinueSmall = new Codicon('debug-continue-small', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe0' });\nCodicon.beakerStop = new Codicon('beaker-stop', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe1' });\nCodicon.graphLine = new Codicon('graph-line', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe2' });\nCodicon.graphScatter = new Codicon('graph-scatter', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe3' });\nCodicon.pieChart = new Codicon('pie-chart', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe4' });\nCodicon.bracket = new Codicon('bracket', Codicon.json.definition);\nCodicon.bracketDot = new Codicon('bracket-dot', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe5' });\nCodicon.bracketError = new Codicon('bracket-error', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe6' });\nCodicon.lockSmall = new Codicon('lock-small', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe7' });\nCodicon.azureDevops = new Codicon('azure-devops', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe8' });\nCodicon.verifiedFilled = new Codicon('verified-filled', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebe9' });\nCodicon.newLine = new Codicon('newline', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebea' });\nCodicon.layout = new Codicon('layout', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebeb' });\nCodicon.layoutActivitybarLeft = new Codicon('layout-activitybar-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebec' });\nCodicon.layoutActivitybarRight = new Codicon('layout-activitybar-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebed' });\nCodicon.layoutPanelLeft = new Codicon('layout-panel-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebee' });\nCodicon.layoutPanelCenter = new Codicon('layout-panel-center', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebef' });\nCodicon.layoutPanelJustify = new Codicon('layout-panel-justify', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf0' });\nCodicon.layoutPanelRight = new Codicon('layout-panel-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf1' });\nCodicon.layoutPanel = new Codicon('layout-panel', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf2' });\nCodicon.layoutSidebarLeft = new Codicon('layout-sidebar-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf3' });\nCodicon.layoutSidebarRight = new Codicon('layout-sidebar-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf4' });\nCodicon.layoutStatusbar = new Codicon('layout-statusbar', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf5' });\nCodicon.layoutMenubar = new Codicon('layout-menubar', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf6' });\nCodicon.layoutCentered = new Codicon('layout-centered', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf7' });\nCodicon.target = new Codicon('target', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf8' });\nCodicon.indent = new Codicon('indent', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebf9' });\nCodicon.recordSmall = new Codicon('record-small', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebfa' });\nCodicon.errorSmall = new Codicon('error-small', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebfb' });\nCodicon.arrowCircleDown = new Codicon('arrow-circle-down', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebfc' });\nCodicon.arrowCircleLeft = new Codicon('arrow-circle-left', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebfd' });\nCodicon.arrowCircleRight = new Codicon('arrow-circle-right', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebfe' });\nCodicon.arrowCircleUp = new Codicon('arrow-circle-up', { fontCharacter: '\\\\ebff' });\n// derived icons, that could become separate icons\nCodicon.dialogError = new Codicon('dialog-error', Codicon.error.definition);\nCodicon.dialogWarning = new Codicon('dialog-warning', Codicon.warning.definition);\nCodicon.dialogInfo = new Codicon('dialog-info', Codicon.info.definition);\nCodicon.dialogClose = new Codicon('dialog-close', Codicon.close.definition);\nCodicon.treeItemExpanded = new Codicon('tree-item-expanded', Codicon.chevronDown.definition); // collapsed is done with rotation\nCodicon.treeFilterOnTypeOn = new Codicon('tree-filter-on-type-on', Codicon.listFilter.definition);\nCodicon.treeFilterOnTypeOff = new Codicon('tree-filter-on-type-off', Codicon.listSelection.definition);\nCodicon.treeFilterClear = new Codicon('tree-filter-clear', Codicon.close.definition);\nCodicon.treeItemLoading = new Codicon('tree-item-loading', Codicon.loading.definition);\nCodicon.menuSelection = new Codicon('menu-selection', Codicon.check.definition);\nCodicon.menuSubmenu = new Codicon('menu-submenu', Codicon.chevronRight.definition);\nCodicon.menuBarMore = new Codicon('menubar-more', Codicon.more.definition);\nCodicon.scrollbarButtonLeft = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-left', Codicon.triangleLeft.definition);\nCodicon.scrollbarButtonRight = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-right', Codicon.triangleRight.definition);\nCodicon.scrollbarButtonUp = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-up', Codicon.triangleUp.definition);\nCodicon.scrollbarButtonDown = new Codicon('scrollbar-button-down', Codicon.triangleDown.definition);\nCodicon.toolBarMore = new Codicon('toolbar-more', Codicon.more.definition);\nCodicon.quickInputBack = new Codicon('quick-input-back', Codicon.arrowLeft.definition);\nvar CSSIcon;\n(function (CSSIcon) {\n CSSIcon.iconNameSegment = '[A-Za-z0-9]+';\n CSSIcon.iconNameExpression = '[A-Za-z0-9-]+';\n CSSIcon.iconModifierExpression = '~[A-Za-z]+';\n CSSIcon.iconNameCharacter = '[A-Za-z0-9~-]';\n const cssIconIdRegex = new RegExp(`^(${CSSIcon.iconNameExpression})(${CSSIcon.iconModifierExpression})?$`);\n function asClassNameArray(icon) {\n if (icon instanceof Codicon) {\n return ['codicon', 'codicon-' + icon.id];\n }\n const match = cssIconIdRegex.exec(icon.id);\n if (!match) {\n return asClassNameArray(Codicon.error);\n }\n let [, id, modifier] = match;\n const classNames = ['codicon', 'codicon-' + id];\n if (modifier) {\n classNames.push('codicon-modifier-' + modifier.substr(1));\n }\n return classNames;\n }\n CSSIcon.asClassNameArray = asClassNameArray;\n function asClassName(icon) {\n return asClassNameArray(icon).join(' ');\n }\n CSSIcon.asClassName = asClassName;\n function asCSSSelector(icon) {\n return '.' + asClassNameArray(icon).join('.');\n }\n CSSIcon.asCSSSelector = asCSSSelector;\n})(CSSIcon || (CSSIcon = {}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/codicons.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diff.js": /*!********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diff.js ***! \********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Debug\": () => (/* binding */ Debug),\n/* harmony export */ \"LcsDiff\": () => (/* binding */ LcsDiff),\n/* harmony export */ \"MyArray\": () => (/* binding */ MyArray),\n/* harmony export */ \"StringDiffSequence\": () => (/* binding */ StringDiffSequence),\n/* harmony export */ \"stringDiff\": () => (/* binding */ stringDiff)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./diffChange.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diffChange.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _hash_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../hash.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/hash.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\nclass StringDiffSequence {\n constructor(source) {\n this.source = source;\n }\n getElements() {\n const source = this.source;\n const characters = new Int32Array(source.length);\n for (let i = 0, len = source.length; i < len; i++) {\n characters[i] = source.charCodeAt(i);\n }\n return characters;\n }\n}\nfunction stringDiff(original, modified, pretty) {\n return new LcsDiff(new StringDiffSequence(original), new StringDiffSequence(modified)).ComputeDiff(pretty).changes;\n}\n//\n// The code below has been ported from a C# implementation in VS\n//\nclass Debug {\n static Assert(condition, message) {\n if (!condition) {\n throw new Error(message);\n }\n }\n}\nclass MyArray {\n /**\n * Copies a range of elements from an Array starting at the specified source index and pastes\n * them to another Array starting at the specified destination index. The length and the indexes\n * are specified as 64-bit integers.\n * sourceArray:\n *\t\tThe Array that contains the data to copy.\n * sourceIndex:\n *\t\tA 64-bit integer that represents the index in the sourceArray at which copying begins.\n * destinationArray:\n *\t\tThe Array that receives the data.\n * destinationIndex:\n *\t\tA 64-bit integer that represents the index in the destinationArray at which storing begins.\n * length:\n *\t\tA 64-bit integer that represents the number of elements to copy.\n */\n static Copy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) {\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n destinationArray[destinationIndex + i] = sourceArray[sourceIndex + i];\n }\n }\n static Copy2(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) {\n for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n destinationArray[destinationIndex + i] = sourceArray[sourceIndex + i];\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * A utility class which helps to create the set of DiffChanges from\n * a difference operation. This class accepts original DiffElements and\n * modified DiffElements that are involved in a particular change. The\n * MarkNextChange() method can be called to mark the separation between\n * distinct changes. At the end, the Changes property can be called to retrieve\n * the constructed changes.\n */\nclass DiffChangeHelper {\n /**\n * Constructs a new DiffChangeHelper for the given DiffSequences.\n */\n constructor() {\n this.m_changes = [];\n this.m_originalStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */;\n this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */;\n this.m_originalCount = 0;\n this.m_modifiedCount = 0;\n }\n /**\n * Marks the beginning of the next change in the set of differences.\n */\n MarkNextChange() {\n // Only add to the list if there is something to add\n if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) {\n // Add the new change to our list\n this.m_changes.push(new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(this.m_originalStart, this.m_originalCount, this.m_modifiedStart, this.m_modifiedCount));\n }\n // Reset for the next change\n this.m_originalCount = 0;\n this.m_modifiedCount = 0;\n this.m_originalStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */;\n this.m_modifiedStart = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */;\n }\n /**\n * Adds the original element at the given position to the elements\n * affected by the current change. The modified index gives context\n * to the change position with respect to the original sequence.\n * @param originalIndex The index of the original element to add.\n * @param modifiedIndex The index of the modified element that provides corresponding position in the modified sequence.\n */\n AddOriginalElement(originalIndex, modifiedIndex) {\n // The 'true' start index is the smallest of the ones we've seen\n this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, originalIndex);\n this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, modifiedIndex);\n this.m_originalCount++;\n }\n /**\n * Adds the modified element at the given position to the elements\n * affected by the current change. The original index gives context\n * to the change position with respect to the modified sequence.\n * @param originalIndex The index of the original element that provides corresponding position in the original sequence.\n * @param modifiedIndex The index of the modified element to add.\n */\n AddModifiedElement(originalIndex, modifiedIndex) {\n // The 'true' start index is the smallest of the ones we've seen\n this.m_originalStart = Math.min(this.m_originalStart, originalIndex);\n this.m_modifiedStart = Math.min(this.m_modifiedStart, modifiedIndex);\n this.m_modifiedCount++;\n }\n /**\n * Retrieves all of the changes marked by the class.\n */\n getChanges() {\n if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) {\n // Finish up on whatever is left\n this.MarkNextChange();\n }\n return this.m_changes;\n }\n /**\n * Retrieves all of the changes marked by the class in the reverse order\n */\n getReverseChanges() {\n if (this.m_originalCount > 0 || this.m_modifiedCount > 0) {\n // Finish up on whatever is left\n this.MarkNextChange();\n }\n this.m_changes.reverse();\n return this.m_changes;\n }\n}\n/**\n * An implementation of the difference algorithm described in\n * \"An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its variations\" by Eugene W. Myers\n */\nclass LcsDiff {\n /**\n * Constructs the DiffFinder\n */\n constructor(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate = null) {\n this.ContinueProcessingPredicate = continueProcessingPredicate;\n this._originalSequence = originalSequence;\n this._modifiedSequence = modifiedSequence;\n const [originalStringElements, originalElementsOrHash, originalHasStrings] = LcsDiff._getElements(originalSequence);\n const [modifiedStringElements, modifiedElementsOrHash, modifiedHasStrings] = LcsDiff._getElements(modifiedSequence);\n this._hasStrings = (originalHasStrings && modifiedHasStrings);\n this._originalStringElements = originalStringElements;\n this._originalElementsOrHash = originalElementsOrHash;\n this._modifiedStringElements = modifiedStringElements;\n this._modifiedElementsOrHash = modifiedElementsOrHash;\n this.m_forwardHistory = [];\n this.m_reverseHistory = [];\n }\n static _isStringArray(arr) {\n return (arr.length > 0 && typeof arr[0] === 'string');\n }\n static _getElements(sequence) {\n const elements = sequence.getElements();\n if (LcsDiff._isStringArray(elements)) {\n const hashes = new Int32Array(elements.length);\n for (let i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {\n hashes[i] = (0,_hash_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.stringHash)(elements[i], 0);\n }\n return [elements, hashes, true];\n }\n if (elements instanceof Int32Array) {\n return [[], elements, false];\n }\n return [[], new Int32Array(elements), false];\n }\n ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex, newIndex) {\n if (this._originalElementsOrHash[originalIndex] !== this._modifiedElementsOrHash[newIndex]) {\n return false;\n }\n return (this._hasStrings ? this._originalStringElements[originalIndex] === this._modifiedStringElements[newIndex] : true);\n }\n ElementsAreStrictEqual(originalIndex, newIndex) {\n if (!this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex, newIndex)) {\n return false;\n }\n const originalElement = LcsDiff._getStrictElement(this._originalSequence, originalIndex);\n const modifiedElement = LcsDiff._getStrictElement(this._modifiedSequence, newIndex);\n return (originalElement === modifiedElement);\n }\n static _getStrictElement(sequence, index) {\n if (typeof sequence.getStrictElement === 'function') {\n return sequence.getStrictElement(index);\n }\n return null;\n }\n OriginalElementsAreEqual(index1, index2) {\n if (this._originalElementsOrHash[index1] !== this._originalElementsOrHash[index2]) {\n return false;\n }\n return (this._hasStrings ? this._originalStringElements[index1] === this._originalStringElements[index2] : true);\n }\n ModifiedElementsAreEqual(index1, index2) {\n if (this._modifiedElementsOrHash[index1] !== this._modifiedElementsOrHash[index2]) {\n return false;\n }\n return (this._hasStrings ? this._modifiedStringElements[index1] === this._modifiedStringElements[index2] : true);\n }\n ComputeDiff(pretty) {\n return this._ComputeDiff(0, this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1, 0, this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1, pretty);\n }\n /**\n * Computes the differences between the original and modified input\n * sequences on the bounded range.\n * @returns An array of the differences between the two input sequences.\n */\n _ComputeDiff(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, pretty) {\n const quitEarlyArr = [false];\n let changes = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr);\n if (pretty) {\n // We have to clean up the computed diff to be more intuitive\n // but it turns out this cannot be done correctly until the entire set\n // of diffs have been computed\n changes = this.PrettifyChanges(changes);\n }\n return {\n quitEarly: quitEarlyArr[0],\n changes: changes\n };\n }\n /**\n * Private helper method which computes the differences on the bounded range\n * recursively.\n * @returns An array of the differences between the two input sequences.\n */\n ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr) {\n quitEarlyArr[0] = false;\n // Find the start of the differences\n while (originalStart <= originalEnd && modifiedStart <= modifiedEnd && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalStart, modifiedStart)) {\n originalStart++;\n modifiedStart++;\n }\n // Find the end of the differences\n while (originalEnd >= originalStart && modifiedEnd >= modifiedStart && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalEnd, modifiedEnd)) {\n originalEnd--;\n modifiedEnd--;\n }\n // In the special case where we either have all insertions or all deletions or the sequences are identical\n if (originalStart > originalEnd || modifiedStart > modifiedEnd) {\n let changes;\n if (modifiedStart <= modifiedEnd) {\n Debug.Assert(originalStart === originalEnd + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd');\n // All insertions\n changes = [\n new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(originalStart, 0, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1)\n ];\n }\n else if (originalStart <= originalEnd) {\n Debug.Assert(modifiedStart === modifiedEnd + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd');\n // All deletions\n changes = [\n new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, 0)\n ];\n }\n else {\n Debug.Assert(originalStart === originalEnd + 1, 'originalStart should only be one more than originalEnd');\n Debug.Assert(modifiedStart === modifiedEnd + 1, 'modifiedStart should only be one more than modifiedEnd');\n // Identical sequences - No differences\n changes = [];\n }\n return changes;\n }\n // This problem can be solved using the Divide-And-Conquer technique.\n const midOriginalArr = [0];\n const midModifiedArr = [0];\n const result = this.ComputeRecursionPoint(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, midOriginalArr, midModifiedArr, quitEarlyArr);\n const midOriginal = midOriginalArr[0];\n const midModified = midModifiedArr[0];\n if (result !== null) {\n // Result is not-null when there was enough memory to compute the changes while\n // searching for the recursion point\n return result;\n }\n else if (!quitEarlyArr[0]) {\n // We can break the problem down recursively by finding the changes in the\n // First Half: (originalStart, modifiedStart) to (midOriginal, midModified)\n // Second Half: (midOriginal + 1, minModified + 1) to (originalEnd, modifiedEnd)\n // NOTE: ComputeDiff() is inclusive, therefore the second range starts on the next point\n const leftChanges = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(originalStart, midOriginal, modifiedStart, midModified, quitEarlyArr);\n let rightChanges = [];\n if (!quitEarlyArr[0]) {\n rightChanges = this.ComputeDiffRecursive(midOriginal + 1, originalEnd, midModified + 1, modifiedEnd, quitEarlyArr);\n }\n else {\n // We didn't have time to finish the first half, so we don't have time to compute this half.\n // Consider the entire rest of the sequence different.\n rightChanges = [\n new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(midOriginal + 1, originalEnd - (midOriginal + 1) + 1, midModified + 1, modifiedEnd - (midModified + 1) + 1)\n ];\n }\n return this.ConcatenateChanges(leftChanges, rightChanges);\n }\n // If we hit here, we quit early, and so can't return anything meaningful\n return [\n new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1)\n ];\n }\n WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr) {\n let forwardChanges = null;\n let reverseChanges = null;\n // First, walk backward through the forward diagonals history\n let changeHelper = new DiffChangeHelper();\n let diagonalMin = diagonalForwardStart;\n let diagonalMax = diagonalForwardEnd;\n let diagonalRelative = (midOriginalArr[0] - midModifiedArr[0]) - diagonalForwardOffset;\n let lastOriginalIndex = -1073741824 /* MIN_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */;\n let historyIndex = this.m_forwardHistory.length - 1;\n do {\n // Get the diagonal index from the relative diagonal number\n const diagonal = diagonalRelative + diagonalForwardBase;\n // Figure out where we came from\n if (diagonal === diagonalMin || (diagonal < diagonalMax && forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] < forwardPoints[diagonal + 1])) {\n // Vertical line (the element is an insert)\n originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal + 1];\n modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalForwardOffset;\n if (originalIndex < lastOriginalIndex) {\n changeHelper.MarkNextChange();\n }\n lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex;\n changeHelper.AddModifiedElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex);\n diagonalRelative = (diagonal + 1) - diagonalForwardBase; //Setup for the next iteration\n }\n else {\n // Horizontal line (the element is a deletion)\n originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] + 1;\n modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalForwardOffset;\n if (originalIndex < lastOriginalIndex) {\n changeHelper.MarkNextChange();\n }\n lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex - 1;\n changeHelper.AddOriginalElement(originalIndex, modifiedIndex + 1);\n diagonalRelative = (diagonal - 1) - diagonalForwardBase; //Setup for the next iteration\n }\n if (historyIndex >= 0) {\n forwardPoints = this.m_forwardHistory[historyIndex];\n diagonalForwardBase = forwardPoints[0]; //We stored this in the first spot\n diagonalMin = 1;\n diagonalMax = forwardPoints.length - 1;\n }\n } while (--historyIndex >= -1);\n // Ironically, we get the forward changes as the reverse of the\n // order we added them since we technically added them backwards\n forwardChanges = changeHelper.getReverseChanges();\n if (quitEarlyArr[0]) {\n // TODO: Calculate a partial from the reverse diagonals.\n // For now, just assume everything after the midOriginal/midModified point is a diff\n let originalStartPoint = midOriginalArr[0] + 1;\n let modifiedStartPoint = midModifiedArr[0] + 1;\n if (forwardChanges !== null && forwardChanges.length > 0) {\n const lastForwardChange = forwardChanges[forwardChanges.length - 1];\n originalStartPoint = Math.max(originalStartPoint, lastForwardChange.getOriginalEnd());\n modifiedStartPoint = Math.max(modifiedStartPoint, lastForwardChange.getModifiedEnd());\n }\n reverseChanges = [\n new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(originalStartPoint, originalEnd - originalStartPoint + 1, modifiedStartPoint, modifiedEnd - modifiedStartPoint + 1)\n ];\n }\n else {\n // Now walk backward through the reverse diagonals history\n changeHelper = new DiffChangeHelper();\n diagonalMin = diagonalReverseStart;\n diagonalMax = diagonalReverseEnd;\n diagonalRelative = (midOriginalArr[0] - midModifiedArr[0]) - diagonalReverseOffset;\n lastOriginalIndex = 1073741824 /* MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER */;\n historyIndex = (deltaIsEven) ? this.m_reverseHistory.length - 1 : this.m_reverseHistory.length - 2;\n do {\n // Get the diagonal index from the relative diagonal number\n const diagonal = diagonalRelative + diagonalReverseBase;\n // Figure out where we came from\n if (diagonal === diagonalMin || (diagonal < diagonalMax && reversePoints[diagonal - 1] >= reversePoints[diagonal + 1])) {\n // Horizontal line (the element is a deletion))\n originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal + 1] - 1;\n modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalReverseOffset;\n if (originalIndex > lastOriginalIndex) {\n changeHelper.MarkNextChange();\n }\n lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex + 1;\n changeHelper.AddOriginalElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1);\n diagonalRelative = (diagonal + 1) - diagonalReverseBase; //Setup for the next iteration\n }\n else {\n // Vertical line (the element is an insertion)\n originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal - 1];\n modifiedIndex = originalIndex - diagonalRelative - diagonalReverseOffset;\n if (originalIndex > lastOriginalIndex) {\n changeHelper.MarkNextChange();\n }\n lastOriginalIndex = originalIndex;\n changeHelper.AddModifiedElement(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1);\n diagonalRelative = (diagonal - 1) - diagonalReverseBase; //Setup for the next iteration\n }\n if (historyIndex >= 0) {\n reversePoints = this.m_reverseHistory[historyIndex];\n diagonalReverseBase = reversePoints[0]; //We stored this in the first spot\n diagonalMin = 1;\n diagonalMax = reversePoints.length - 1;\n }\n } while (--historyIndex >= -1);\n // There are cases where the reverse history will find diffs that\n // are correct, but not intuitive, so we need shift them.\n reverseChanges = changeHelper.getChanges();\n }\n return this.ConcatenateChanges(forwardChanges, reverseChanges);\n }\n /**\n * Given the range to compute the diff on, this method finds the point:\n * (midOriginal, midModified)\n * that exists in the middle of the LCS of the two sequences and\n * is the point at which the LCS problem may be broken down recursively.\n * This method will try to keep the LCS trace in memory. If the LCS recursion\n * point is calculated and the full trace is available in memory, then this method\n * will return the change list.\n * @param originalStart The start bound of the original sequence range\n * @param originalEnd The end bound of the original sequence range\n * @param modifiedStart The start bound of the modified sequence range\n * @param modifiedEnd The end bound of the modified sequence range\n * @param midOriginal The middle point of the original sequence range\n * @param midModified The middle point of the modified sequence range\n * @returns The diff changes, if available, otherwise null\n */\n ComputeRecursionPoint(originalStart, originalEnd, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd, midOriginalArr, midModifiedArr, quitEarlyArr) {\n let originalIndex = 0, modifiedIndex = 0;\n let diagonalForwardStart = 0, diagonalForwardEnd = 0;\n let diagonalReverseStart = 0, diagonalReverseEnd = 0;\n // To traverse the edit graph and produce the proper LCS, our actual\n // start position is just outside the given boundary\n originalStart--;\n modifiedStart--;\n // We set these up to make the compiler happy, but they will\n // be replaced before we return with the actual recursion point\n midOriginalArr[0] = 0;\n midModifiedArr[0] = 0;\n // Clear out the history\n this.m_forwardHistory = [];\n this.m_reverseHistory = [];\n // Each cell in the two arrays corresponds to a diagonal in the edit graph.\n // The integer value in the cell represents the originalIndex of the furthest\n // reaching point found so far that ends in that diagonal.\n // The modifiedIndex can be computed mathematically from the originalIndex and the diagonal number.\n const maxDifferences = (originalEnd - originalStart) + (modifiedEnd - modifiedStart);\n const numDiagonals = maxDifferences + 1;\n const forwardPoints = new Int32Array(numDiagonals);\n const reversePoints = new Int32Array(numDiagonals);\n // diagonalForwardBase: Index into forwardPoints of the diagonal which passes through (originalStart, modifiedStart)\n // diagonalReverseBase: Index into reversePoints of the diagonal which passes through (originalEnd, modifiedEnd)\n const diagonalForwardBase = (modifiedEnd - modifiedStart);\n const diagonalReverseBase = (originalEnd - originalStart);\n // diagonalForwardOffset: Geometric offset which allows modifiedIndex to be computed from originalIndex and the\n // diagonal number (relative to diagonalForwardBase)\n // diagonalReverseOffset: Geometric offset which allows modifiedIndex to be computed from originalIndex and the\n // diagonal number (relative to diagonalReverseBase)\n const diagonalForwardOffset = (originalStart - modifiedStart);\n const diagonalReverseOffset = (originalEnd - modifiedEnd);\n // delta: The difference between the end diagonal and the start diagonal. This is used to relate diagonal numbers\n // relative to the start diagonal with diagonal numbers relative to the end diagonal.\n // The Even/Oddn-ness of this delta is important for determining when we should check for overlap\n const delta = diagonalReverseBase - diagonalForwardBase;\n const deltaIsEven = (delta % 2 === 0);\n // Here we set up the start and end points as the furthest points found so far\n // in both the forward and reverse directions, respectively\n forwardPoints[diagonalForwardBase] = originalStart;\n reversePoints[diagonalReverseBase] = originalEnd;\n // Remember if we quit early, and thus need to do a best-effort result instead of a real result.\n quitEarlyArr[0] = false;\n // A couple of points:\n // --With this method, we iterate on the number of differences between the two sequences.\n // The more differences there actually are, the longer this will take.\n // --Also, as the number of differences increases, we have to search on diagonals further\n // away from the reference diagonal (which is diagonalForwardBase for forward, diagonalReverseBase for reverse).\n // --We extend on even diagonals (relative to the reference diagonal) only when numDifferences\n // is even and odd diagonals only when numDifferences is odd.\n for (let numDifferences = 1; numDifferences <= (maxDifferences / 2) + 1; numDifferences++) {\n let furthestOriginalIndex = 0;\n let furthestModifiedIndex = 0;\n // Run the algorithm in the forward direction\n diagonalForwardStart = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalForwardBase - numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalForwardBase, numDiagonals);\n diagonalForwardEnd = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalForwardBase + numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalForwardBase, numDiagonals);\n for (let diagonal = diagonalForwardStart; diagonal <= diagonalForwardEnd; diagonal += 2) {\n // STEP 1: We extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal\n // by looking at the diagonals above and below and picking the one whose point\n // is further away from the start point (originalStart, modifiedStart)\n if (diagonal === diagonalForwardStart || (diagonal < diagonalForwardEnd && forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] < forwardPoints[diagonal + 1])) {\n originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal + 1];\n }\n else {\n originalIndex = forwardPoints[diagonal - 1] + 1;\n }\n modifiedIndex = originalIndex - (diagonal - diagonalForwardBase) - diagonalForwardOffset;\n // Save the current originalIndex so we can test for false overlap in step 3\n const tempOriginalIndex = originalIndex;\n // STEP 2: We can continue to extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal\n // so long as the elements are equal.\n while (originalIndex < originalEnd && modifiedIndex < modifiedEnd && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex + 1, modifiedIndex + 1)) {\n originalIndex++;\n modifiedIndex++;\n }\n forwardPoints[diagonal] = originalIndex;\n if (originalIndex + modifiedIndex > furthestOriginalIndex + furthestModifiedIndex) {\n furthestOriginalIndex = originalIndex;\n furthestModifiedIndex = modifiedIndex;\n }\n // STEP 3: If delta is odd (overlap first happens on forward when delta is odd)\n // and diagonal is in the range of reverse diagonals computed for numDifferences-1\n // (the previous iteration; we haven't computed reverse diagonals for numDifferences yet)\n // then check for overlap.\n if (!deltaIsEven && Math.abs(diagonal - diagonalReverseBase) <= (numDifferences - 1)) {\n if (originalIndex >= reversePoints[diagonal]) {\n midOriginalArr[0] = originalIndex;\n midModifiedArr[0] = modifiedIndex;\n if (tempOriginalIndex <= reversePoints[diagonal] && 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ > 0 && numDifferences <= (1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ + 1)) {\n // BINGO! We overlapped, and we have the full trace in memory!\n return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);\n }\n else {\n // Either false overlap, or we didn't have enough memory for the full trace\n // Just return the recursion point\n return null;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n // Check to see if we should be quitting early, before moving on to the next iteration.\n const matchLengthOfLongest = ((furthestOriginalIndex - originalStart) + (furthestModifiedIndex - modifiedStart) - numDifferences) / 2;\n if (this.ContinueProcessingPredicate !== null && !this.ContinueProcessingPredicate(furthestOriginalIndex, matchLengthOfLongest)) {\n // We can't finish, so skip ahead to generating a result from what we have.\n quitEarlyArr[0] = true;\n // Use the furthest distance we got in the forward direction.\n midOriginalArr[0] = furthestOriginalIndex;\n midModifiedArr[0] = furthestModifiedIndex;\n if (matchLengthOfLongest > 0 && 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ > 0 && numDifferences <= (1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ + 1)) {\n // Enough of the history is in memory to walk it backwards\n return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);\n }\n else {\n // We didn't actually remember enough of the history.\n //Since we are quitting the diff early, we need to shift back the originalStart and modified start\n //back into the boundary limits since we decremented their value above beyond the boundary limit.\n originalStart++;\n modifiedStart++;\n return [\n new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(originalStart, originalEnd - originalStart + 1, modifiedStart, modifiedEnd - modifiedStart + 1)\n ];\n }\n }\n // Run the algorithm in the reverse direction\n diagonalReverseStart = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalReverseBase - numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalReverseBase, numDiagonals);\n diagonalReverseEnd = this.ClipDiagonalBound(diagonalReverseBase + numDifferences, numDifferences, diagonalReverseBase, numDiagonals);\n for (let diagonal = diagonalReverseStart; diagonal <= diagonalReverseEnd; diagonal += 2) {\n // STEP 1: We extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal\n // by looking at the diagonals above and below and picking the one whose point\n // is further away from the start point (originalEnd, modifiedEnd)\n if (diagonal === diagonalReverseStart || (diagonal < diagonalReverseEnd && reversePoints[diagonal - 1] >= reversePoints[diagonal + 1])) {\n originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal + 1] - 1;\n }\n else {\n originalIndex = reversePoints[diagonal - 1];\n }\n modifiedIndex = originalIndex - (diagonal - diagonalReverseBase) - diagonalReverseOffset;\n // Save the current originalIndex so we can test for false overlap\n const tempOriginalIndex = originalIndex;\n // STEP 2: We can continue to extend the furthest reaching point in the present diagonal\n // as long as the elements are equal.\n while (originalIndex > originalStart && modifiedIndex > modifiedStart && this.ElementsAreEqual(originalIndex, modifiedIndex)) {\n originalIndex--;\n modifiedIndex--;\n }\n reversePoints[diagonal] = originalIndex;\n // STEP 4: If delta is even (overlap first happens on reverse when delta is even)\n // and diagonal is in the range of forward diagonals computed for numDifferences\n // then check for overlap.\n if (deltaIsEven && Math.abs(diagonal - diagonalForwardBase) <= numDifferences) {\n if (originalIndex <= forwardPoints[diagonal]) {\n midOriginalArr[0] = originalIndex;\n midModifiedArr[0] = modifiedIndex;\n if (tempOriginalIndex >= forwardPoints[diagonal] && 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ > 0 && numDifferences <= (1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */ + 1)) {\n // BINGO! We overlapped, and we have the full trace in memory!\n return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);\n }\n else {\n // Either false overlap, or we didn't have enough memory for the full trace\n // Just return the recursion point\n return null;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n // Save current vectors to history before the next iteration\n if (numDifferences <= 1447 /* MaxDifferencesHistory */) {\n // We are allocating space for one extra int, which we fill with\n // the index of the diagonal base index\n let temp = new Int32Array(diagonalForwardEnd - diagonalForwardStart + 2);\n temp[0] = diagonalForwardBase - diagonalForwardStart + 1;\n MyArray.Copy2(forwardPoints, diagonalForwardStart, temp, 1, diagonalForwardEnd - diagonalForwardStart + 1);\n this.m_forwardHistory.push(temp);\n temp = new Int32Array(diagonalReverseEnd - diagonalReverseStart + 2);\n temp[0] = diagonalReverseBase - diagonalReverseStart + 1;\n MyArray.Copy2(reversePoints, diagonalReverseStart, temp, 1, diagonalReverseEnd - diagonalReverseStart + 1);\n this.m_reverseHistory.push(temp);\n }\n }\n // If we got here, then we have the full trace in history. We just have to convert it to a change list\n // NOTE: This part is a bit messy\n return this.WALKTRACE(diagonalForwardBase, diagonalForwardStart, diagonalForwardEnd, diagonalForwardOffset, diagonalReverseBase, diagonalReverseStart, diagonalReverseEnd, diagonalReverseOffset, forwardPoints, reversePoints, originalIndex, originalEnd, midOriginalArr, modifiedIndex, modifiedEnd, midModifiedArr, deltaIsEven, quitEarlyArr);\n }\n /**\n * Shifts the given changes to provide a more intuitive diff.\n * While the first element in a diff matches the first element after the diff,\n * we shift the diff down.\n *\n * @param changes The list of changes to shift\n * @returns The shifted changes\n */\n PrettifyChanges(changes) {\n // Shift all the changes down first\n for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {\n const change = changes[i];\n const originalStop = (i < changes.length - 1) ? changes[i + 1].originalStart : this._originalElementsOrHash.length;\n const modifiedStop = (i < changes.length - 1) ? changes[i + 1].modifiedStart : this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length;\n const checkOriginal = change.originalLength > 0;\n const checkModified = change.modifiedLength > 0;\n while (change.originalStart + change.originalLength < originalStop\n && change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength < modifiedStop\n && (!checkOriginal || this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(change.originalStart, change.originalStart + change.originalLength))\n && (!checkModified || this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength))) {\n const startStrictEqual = this.ElementsAreStrictEqual(change.originalStart, change.modifiedStart);\n const endStrictEqual = this.ElementsAreStrictEqual(change.originalStart + change.originalLength, change.modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength);\n if (endStrictEqual && !startStrictEqual) {\n // moving the change down would create an equal change, but the elements are not strict equal\n break;\n }\n change.originalStart++;\n change.modifiedStart++;\n }\n let mergedChangeArr = [null];\n if (i < changes.length - 1 && this.ChangesOverlap(changes[i], changes[i + 1], mergedChangeArr)) {\n changes[i] = mergedChangeArr[0];\n changes.splice(i + 1, 1);\n i--;\n continue;\n }\n }\n // Shift changes back up until we hit empty or whitespace-only lines\n for (let i = changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n const change = changes[i];\n let originalStop = 0;\n let modifiedStop = 0;\n if (i > 0) {\n const prevChange = changes[i - 1];\n originalStop = prevChange.originalStart + prevChange.originalLength;\n modifiedStop = prevChange.modifiedStart + prevChange.modifiedLength;\n }\n const checkOriginal = change.originalLength > 0;\n const checkModified = change.modifiedLength > 0;\n let bestDelta = 0;\n let bestScore = this._boundaryScore(change.originalStart, change.originalLength, change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength);\n for (let delta = 1;; delta++) {\n const originalStart = change.originalStart - delta;\n const modifiedStart = change.modifiedStart - delta;\n if (originalStart < originalStop || modifiedStart < modifiedStop) {\n break;\n }\n if (checkOriginal && !this.OriginalElementsAreEqual(originalStart, originalStart + change.originalLength)) {\n break;\n }\n if (checkModified && !this.ModifiedElementsAreEqual(modifiedStart, modifiedStart + change.modifiedLength)) {\n break;\n }\n const touchingPreviousChange = (originalStart === originalStop && modifiedStart === modifiedStop);\n const score = ((touchingPreviousChange ? 5 : 0)\n + this._boundaryScore(originalStart, change.originalLength, modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength));\n if (score > bestScore) {\n bestScore = score;\n bestDelta = delta;\n }\n }\n change.originalStart -= bestDelta;\n change.modifiedStart -= bestDelta;\n const mergedChangeArr = [null];\n if (i > 0 && this.ChangesOverlap(changes[i - 1], changes[i], mergedChangeArr)) {\n changes[i - 1] = mergedChangeArr[0];\n changes.splice(i, 1);\n i++;\n continue;\n }\n }\n // There could be multiple longest common substrings.\n // Give preference to the ones containing longer lines\n if (this._hasStrings) {\n for (let i = 1, len = changes.length; i < len; i++) {\n const aChange = changes[i - 1];\n const bChange = changes[i];\n const matchedLength = bChange.originalStart - aChange.originalStart - aChange.originalLength;\n const aOriginalStart = aChange.originalStart;\n const bOriginalEnd = bChange.originalStart + bChange.originalLength;\n const abOriginalLength = bOriginalEnd - aOriginalStart;\n const aModifiedStart = aChange.modifiedStart;\n const bModifiedEnd = bChange.modifiedStart + bChange.modifiedLength;\n const abModifiedLength = bModifiedEnd - aModifiedStart;\n // Avoid wasting a lot of time with these searches\n if (matchedLength < 5 && abOriginalLength < 20 && abModifiedLength < 20) {\n const t = this._findBetterContiguousSequence(aOriginalStart, abOriginalLength, aModifiedStart, abModifiedLength, matchedLength);\n if (t) {\n const [originalMatchStart, modifiedMatchStart] = t;\n if (originalMatchStart !== aChange.originalStart + aChange.originalLength || modifiedMatchStart !== aChange.modifiedStart + aChange.modifiedLength) {\n // switch to another sequence that has a better score\n aChange.originalLength = originalMatchStart - aChange.originalStart;\n aChange.modifiedLength = modifiedMatchStart - aChange.modifiedStart;\n bChange.originalStart = originalMatchStart + matchedLength;\n bChange.modifiedStart = modifiedMatchStart + matchedLength;\n bChange.originalLength = bOriginalEnd - bChange.originalStart;\n bChange.modifiedLength = bModifiedEnd - bChange.modifiedStart;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return changes;\n }\n _findBetterContiguousSequence(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength, desiredLength) {\n if (originalLength < desiredLength || modifiedLength < desiredLength) {\n return null;\n }\n const originalMax = originalStart + originalLength - desiredLength + 1;\n const modifiedMax = modifiedStart + modifiedLength - desiredLength + 1;\n let bestScore = 0;\n let bestOriginalStart = 0;\n let bestModifiedStart = 0;\n for (let i = originalStart; i < originalMax; i++) {\n for (let j = modifiedStart; j < modifiedMax; j++) {\n const score = this._contiguousSequenceScore(i, j, desiredLength);\n if (score > 0 && score > bestScore) {\n bestScore = score;\n bestOriginalStart = i;\n bestModifiedStart = j;\n }\n }\n }\n if (bestScore > 0) {\n return [bestOriginalStart, bestModifiedStart];\n }\n return null;\n }\n _contiguousSequenceScore(originalStart, modifiedStart, length) {\n let score = 0;\n for (let l = 0; l < length; l++) {\n if (!this.ElementsAreEqual(originalStart + l, modifiedStart + l)) {\n return 0;\n }\n score += this._originalStringElements[originalStart + l].length;\n }\n return score;\n }\n _OriginalIsBoundary(index) {\n if (index <= 0 || index >= this._originalElementsOrHash.length - 1) {\n return true;\n }\n return (this._hasStrings && /^\\s*$/.test(this._originalStringElements[index]));\n }\n _OriginalRegionIsBoundary(originalStart, originalLength) {\n if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalStart) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalStart - 1)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (originalLength > 0) {\n const originalEnd = originalStart + originalLength;\n if (this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalEnd - 1) || this._OriginalIsBoundary(originalEnd)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n _ModifiedIsBoundary(index) {\n if (index <= 0 || index >= this._modifiedElementsOrHash.length - 1) {\n return true;\n }\n return (this._hasStrings && /^\\s*$/.test(this._modifiedStringElements[index]));\n }\n _ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(modifiedStart, modifiedLength) {\n if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedStart) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedStart - 1)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (modifiedLength > 0) {\n const modifiedEnd = modifiedStart + modifiedLength;\n if (this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedEnd - 1) || this._ModifiedIsBoundary(modifiedEnd)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n _boundaryScore(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength) {\n const originalScore = (this._OriginalRegionIsBoundary(originalStart, originalLength) ? 1 : 0);\n const modifiedScore = (this._ModifiedRegionIsBoundary(modifiedStart, modifiedLength) ? 1 : 0);\n return (originalScore + modifiedScore);\n }\n /**\n * Concatenates the two input DiffChange lists and returns the resulting\n * list.\n * @param The left changes\n * @param The right changes\n * @returns The concatenated list\n */\n ConcatenateChanges(left, right) {\n let mergedChangeArr = [];\n if (left.length === 0 || right.length === 0) {\n return (right.length > 0) ? right : left;\n }\n else if (this.ChangesOverlap(left[left.length - 1], right[0], mergedChangeArr)) {\n // Since we break the problem down recursively, it is possible that we\n // might recurse in the middle of a change thereby splitting it into\n // two changes. Here in the combining stage, we detect and fuse those\n // changes back together\n const result = new Array(left.length + right.length - 1);\n MyArray.Copy(left, 0, result, 0, left.length - 1);\n result[left.length - 1] = mergedChangeArr[0];\n MyArray.Copy(right, 1, result, left.length, right.length - 1);\n return result;\n }\n else {\n const result = new Array(left.length + right.length);\n MyArray.Copy(left, 0, result, 0, left.length);\n MyArray.Copy(right, 0, result, left.length, right.length);\n return result;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Returns true if the two changes overlap and can be merged into a single\n * change\n * @param left The left change\n * @param right The right change\n * @param mergedChange The merged change if the two overlap, null otherwise\n * @returns True if the two changes overlap\n */\n ChangesOverlap(left, right, mergedChangeArr) {\n Debug.Assert(left.originalStart <= right.originalStart, 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change');\n Debug.Assert(left.modifiedStart <= right.modifiedStart, 'Left change is not less than or equal to right change');\n if (left.originalStart + left.originalLength >= right.originalStart || left.modifiedStart + left.modifiedLength >= right.modifiedStart) {\n const originalStart = left.originalStart;\n let originalLength = left.originalLength;\n const modifiedStart = left.modifiedStart;\n let modifiedLength = left.modifiedLength;\n if (left.originalStart + left.originalLength >= right.originalStart) {\n originalLength = right.originalStart + right.originalLength - left.originalStart;\n }\n if (left.modifiedStart + left.modifiedLength >= right.modifiedStart) {\n modifiedLength = right.modifiedStart + right.modifiedLength - left.modifiedStart;\n }\n mergedChangeArr[0] = new _diffChange_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DiffChange(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength);\n return true;\n }\n else {\n mergedChangeArr[0] = null;\n return false;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Helper method used to clip a diagonal index to the range of valid\n * diagonals. This also decides whether or not the diagonal index,\n * if it exceeds the boundary, should be clipped to the boundary or clipped\n * one inside the boundary depending on the Even/Odd status of the boundary\n * and numDifferences.\n * @param diagonal The index of the diagonal to clip.\n * @param numDifferences The current number of differences being iterated upon.\n * @param diagonalBaseIndex The base reference diagonal.\n * @param numDiagonals The total number of diagonals.\n * @returns The clipped diagonal index.\n */\n ClipDiagonalBound(diagonal, numDifferences, diagonalBaseIndex, numDiagonals) {\n if (diagonal >= 0 && diagonal < numDiagonals) {\n // Nothing to clip, its in range\n return diagonal;\n }\n // diagonalsBelow: The number of diagonals below the reference diagonal\n // diagonalsAbove: The number of diagonals above the reference diagonal\n const diagonalsBelow = diagonalBaseIndex;\n const diagonalsAbove = numDiagonals - diagonalBaseIndex - 1;\n const diffEven = (numDifferences % 2 === 0);\n if (diagonal < 0) {\n const lowerBoundEven = (diagonalsBelow % 2 === 0);\n return (diffEven === lowerBoundEven) ? 0 : 1;\n }\n else {\n const upperBoundEven = (diagonalsAbove % 2 === 0);\n return (diffEven === upperBoundEven) ? numDiagonals - 1 : numDiagonals - 2;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diff.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diffChange.js": /*!**************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diffChange.js ***! \**************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "DiffChange": () => (/* binding */ DiffChange)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n/**\n * Represents information about a specific difference between two sequences.\n */\nclass DiffChange {\n /**\n * Constructs a new DiffChange with the given sequence information\n * and content.\n */\n constructor(originalStart, originalLength, modifiedStart, modifiedLength) {\n //Debug.Assert(originalLength > 0 || modifiedLength > 0, "originalLength and modifiedLength cannot both be <= 0");\n this.originalStart = originalStart;\n this.originalLength = originalLength;\n this.modifiedStart = modifiedStart;\n this.modifiedLength = modifiedLength;\n }\n /**\n * The end point (exclusive) of the change in the original sequence.\n */\n getOriginalEnd() {\n return this.originalStart + this.originalLength;\n }\n /**\n * The end point (exclusive) of the change in the modified sequence.\n */\n getModifiedEnd() {\n return this.modifiedStart + this.modifiedLength;\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diffChange.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/errors.js": /*!*****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/errors.js ***! \*****************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "CancellationError": () => (/* binding */ CancellationError),\n/* harmony export */ "ErrorHandler": () => (/* binding */ ErrorHandler),\n/* harmony export */ "NotSupportedError": () => (/* binding */ NotSupportedError),\n/* harmony export */ "canceled": () => (/* binding */ canceled),\n/* harmony export */ "errorHandler": () => (/* binding */ errorHandler),\n/* harmony export */ "illegalArgument": () => (/* binding */ illegalArgument),\n/* harmony export */ "illegalState": () => (/* binding */ illegalState),\n/* harmony export */ "isCancellationError": () => (/* binding */ isCancellationError),\n/* harmony export */ "onUnexpectedError": () => (/* binding */ onUnexpectedError),\n/* harmony export */ "onUnexpectedExternalError": () => (/* binding */ onUnexpectedExternalError),\n/* harmony export */ "transformErrorForSerialization": () => (/* binding */ transformErrorForSerialization)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// Avoid circular dependency on EventEmitter by implementing a subset of the interface.\nclass ErrorHandler {\n constructor() {\n this.listeners = [];\n this.unexpectedErrorHandler = function (e) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (e.stack) {\n throw new Error(e.message + \'\\n\\n\' + e.stack);\n }\n throw e;\n }, 0);\n };\n }\n emit(e) {\n this.listeners.forEach((listener) => {\n listener(e);\n });\n }\n onUnexpectedError(e) {\n this.unexpectedErrorHandler(e);\n this.emit(e);\n }\n // For external errors, we don\'t want the listeners to be called\n onUnexpectedExternalError(e) {\n this.unexpectedErrorHandler(e);\n }\n}\nconst errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();\nfunction onUnexpectedError(e) {\n // ignore errors from cancelled promises\n if (!isCancellationError(e)) {\n errorHandler.onUnexpectedError(e);\n }\n return undefined;\n}\nfunction onUnexpectedExternalError(e) {\n // ignore errors from cancelled promises\n if (!isCancellationError(e)) {\n errorHandler.onUnexpectedExternalError(e);\n }\n return undefined;\n}\nfunction transformErrorForSerialization(error) {\n if (error instanceof Error) {\n let { name, message } = error;\n const stack = error.stacktrace || error.stack;\n return {\n $isError: true,\n name,\n message,\n stack\n };\n }\n // return as is\n return error;\n}\nconst canceledName = \'Canceled\';\n/**\n * Checks if the given error is a promise in canceled state\n */\nfunction isCancellationError(error) {\n if (error instanceof CancellationError) {\n return true;\n }\n return error instanceof Error && error.name === canceledName && error.message === canceledName;\n}\n// !!!IMPORTANT!!!\n// Do NOT change this class because it is also used as an API-type.\nclass CancellationError extends Error {\n constructor() {\n super(canceledName);\n this.name = this.message;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @deprecated use {@link CancellationError `new CancellationError()`} instead\n */\nfunction canceled() {\n const error = new Error(canceledName);\n error.name = error.message;\n return error;\n}\nfunction illegalArgument(name) {\n if (name) {\n return new Error(`Illegal argument: ${name}`);\n }\n else {\n return new Error(\'Illegal argument\');\n }\n}\nfunction illegalState(name) {\n if (name) {\n return new Error(`Illegal state: ${name}`);\n }\n else {\n return new Error(\'Illegal state\');\n }\n}\nclass NotSupportedError extends Error {\n constructor(message) {\n super(\'NotSupported\');\n if (message) {\n this.message = message;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/errors.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/event.js": /*!****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/event.js ***! \****************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "DebounceEmitter": () => (/* binding */ DebounceEmitter),\n/* harmony export */ "Emitter": () => (/* binding */ Emitter),\n/* harmony export */ "Event": () => (/* binding */ Event),\n/* harmony export */ "EventBufferer": () => (/* binding */ EventBufferer),\n/* harmony export */ "PauseableEmitter": () => (/* binding */ PauseableEmitter),\n/* harmony export */ "Relay": () => (/* binding */ Relay)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _errors_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./errors.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/errors.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./lifecycle.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lifecycle.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _linkedList_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./linkedList.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/linkedList.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _stopwatch_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./stopwatch.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/stopwatch.js");\n\n\n\n\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Uncomment the next line to print warnings whenever an emitter with listeners is disposed. That is a sign of code smell.\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nlet _enableDisposeWithListenerWarning = false;\n// _enableDisposeWithListenerWarning = Boolean("TRUE"); // causes a linter warning so that it cannot be pushed\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Uncomment the next line to print warnings whenever a snapshotted event is used repeatedly without cleanup.\n// See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/142851\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nlet _enableSnapshotPotentialLeakWarning = false;\nvar Event;\n(function (Event) {\n Event.None = () => _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Disposable.None;\n function _addLeakageTraceLogic(options) {\n if (_enableSnapshotPotentialLeakWarning) {\n const { onListenerDidAdd: origListenerDidAdd } = options;\n const stack = Stacktrace.create();\n let count = 0;\n options.onListenerDidAdd = () => {\n if (++count === 2) {\n console.warn(\'snapshotted emitter LIKELY used public and SHOULD HAVE BEEN created with DisposableStore. snapshotted here\');\n stack.print();\n }\n origListenerDidAdd === null || origListenerDidAdd === void 0 ? void 0 : origListenerDidAdd();\n };\n }\n }\n /**\n * Given an event, returns another event which only fires once.\n */\n function once(event) {\n return (listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => {\n // we need this, in case the event fires during the listener call\n let didFire = false;\n let result;\n result = event(e => {\n if (didFire) {\n return;\n }\n else if (result) {\n result.dispose();\n }\n else {\n didFire = true;\n }\n return listener.call(thisArgs, e);\n }, null, disposables);\n if (didFire) {\n result.dispose();\n }\n return result;\n };\n }\n Event.once = once;\n /**\n * *NOTE* that this function returns an `Event` and it MUST be called with a `DisposableStore` whenever the returned\n * event is accessible to "third parties", e.g the event is a public property. Otherwise a leaked listener on the\n * returned event causes this utility to leak a listener on the original event.\n */\n function map(event, map, disposable) {\n return snapshot((listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => event(i => listener.call(thisArgs, map(i)), null, disposables), disposable);\n }\n Event.map = map;\n /**\n * *NOTE* that this function returns an `Event` and it MUST be called with a `DisposableStore` whenever the returned\n * event is accessible to "third parties", e.g the event is a public property. Otherwise a leaked listener on the\n * returned event causes this utility to leak a listener on the original event.\n */\n function forEach(event, each, disposable) {\n return snapshot((listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => event(i => { each(i); listener.call(thisArgs, i); }, null, disposables), disposable);\n }\n Event.forEach = forEach;\n function filter(event, filter, disposable) {\n return snapshot((listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => event(e => filter(e) && listener.call(thisArgs, e), null, disposables), disposable);\n }\n Event.filter = filter;\n /**\n * Given an event, returns the same event but typed as `Event`.\n */\n function signal(event) {\n return event;\n }\n Event.signal = signal;\n function any(...events) {\n return (listener, thisArgs = null, disposables) => (0,_lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.combinedDisposable)(...events.map(event => event(e => listener.call(thisArgs, e), null, disposables)));\n }\n Event.any = any;\n /**\n * *NOTE* that this function returns an `Event` and it MUST be called with a `DisposableStore` whenever the returned\n * event is accessible to "third parties", e.g the event is a public property. Otherwise a leaked listener on the\n * returned event causes this utility to leak a listener on the original event.\n */\n function reduce(event, merge, initial, disposable) {\n let output = initial;\n return map(event, e => {\n output = merge(output, e);\n return output;\n }, disposable);\n }\n Event.reduce = reduce;\n function snapshot(event, disposable) {\n let listener;\n const options = {\n onFirstListenerAdd() {\n listener = event(emitter.fire, emitter);\n },\n onLastListenerRemove() {\n listener.dispose();\n }\n };\n if (!disposable) {\n _addLeakageTraceLogic(options);\n }\n const emitter = new Emitter(options);\n if (disposable) {\n disposable.add(emitter);\n }\n return emitter.event;\n }\n function debounce(event, merge, delay = 100, leading = false, leakWarningThreshold, disposable) {\n let subscription;\n let output = undefined;\n let handle = undefined;\n let numDebouncedCalls = 0;\n const options = {\n leakWarningThreshold,\n onFirstListenerAdd() {\n subscription = event(cur => {\n numDebouncedCalls++;\n output = merge(output, cur);\n if (leading && !handle) {\n emitter.fire(output);\n output = undefined;\n }\n clearTimeout(handle);\n handle = setTimeout(() => {\n const _output = output;\n output = undefined;\n handle = undefined;\n if (!leading || numDebouncedCalls > 1) {\n emitter.fire(_output);\n }\n numDebouncedCalls = 0;\n }, delay);\n });\n },\n onLastListenerRemove() {\n subscription.dispose();\n }\n };\n if (!disposable) {\n _addLeakageTraceLogic(options);\n }\n const emitter = new Emitter(options);\n if (disposable) {\n disposable.add(emitter);\n }\n return emitter.event;\n }\n Event.debounce = debounce;\n /**\n * *NOTE* that this function returns an `Event` and it MUST be called with a `DisposableStore` whenever the returned\n * event is accessible to "third parties", e.g the event is a public property. Otherwise a leaked listener on the\n * returned event causes this utility to leak a listener on the original event.\n */\n function latch(event, equals = (a, b) => a === b, disposable) {\n let firstCall = true;\n let cache;\n return filter(event, value => {\n const shouldEmit = firstCall || !equals(value, cache);\n firstCall = false;\n cache = value;\n return shouldEmit;\n }, disposable);\n }\n Event.latch = latch;\n /**\n * *NOTE* that this function returns an `Event` and it MUST be called with a `DisposableStore` whenever the returned\n * event is accessible to "third parties", e.g the event is a public property. Otherwise a leaked listener on the\n * returned event causes this utility to leak a listener on the original event.\n */\n function split(event, isT, disposable) {\n return [\n Event.filter(event, isT, disposable),\n Event.filter(event, e => !isT(e), disposable),\n ];\n }\n Event.split = split;\n /**\n * *NOTE* that this function returns an `Event` and it MUST be called with a `DisposableStore` whenever the returned\n * event is accessible to "third parties", e.g the event is a public property. Otherwise a leaked listener on the\n * returned event causes this utility to leak a listener on the original event.\n */\n function buffer(event, flushAfterTimeout = false, _buffer = []) {\n let buffer = _buffer.slice();\n let listener = event(e => {\n if (buffer) {\n buffer.push(e);\n }\n else {\n emitter.fire(e);\n }\n });\n const flush = () => {\n if (buffer) {\n buffer.forEach(e => emitter.fire(e));\n }\n buffer = null;\n };\n const emitter = new Emitter({\n onFirstListenerAdd() {\n if (!listener) {\n listener = event(e => emitter.fire(e));\n }\n },\n onFirstListenerDidAdd() {\n if (buffer) {\n if (flushAfterTimeout) {\n setTimeout(flush);\n }\n else {\n flush();\n }\n }\n },\n onLastListenerRemove() {\n if (listener) {\n listener.dispose();\n }\n listener = null;\n }\n });\n return emitter.event;\n }\n Event.buffer = buffer;\n class ChainableEvent {\n constructor(event) {\n this.event = event;\n }\n map(fn) {\n return new ChainableEvent(map(this.event, fn));\n }\n forEach(fn) {\n return new ChainableEvent(forEach(this.event, fn));\n }\n filter(fn) {\n return new ChainableEvent(filter(this.event, fn));\n }\n reduce(merge, initial) {\n return new ChainableEvent(reduce(this.event, merge, initial));\n }\n latch() {\n return new ChainableEvent(latch(this.event));\n }\n debounce(merge, delay = 100, leading = false, leakWarningThreshold) {\n return new ChainableEvent(debounce(this.event, merge, delay, leading, leakWarningThreshold));\n }\n on(listener, thisArgs, disposables) {\n return this.event(listener, thisArgs, disposables);\n }\n once(listener, thisArgs, disposables) {\n return once(this.event)(listener, thisArgs, disposables);\n }\n }\n /**\n * @deprecated DO NOT use, this leaks memory\n */\n function chain(event) {\n return new ChainableEvent(event);\n }\n Event.chain = chain;\n function fromNodeEventEmitter(emitter, eventName, map = id => id) {\n const fn = (...args) => result.fire(map(...args));\n const onFirstListenerAdd = () => emitter.on(eventName, fn);\n const onLastListenerRemove = () => emitter.removeListener(eventName, fn);\n const result = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd, onLastListenerRemove });\n return result.event;\n }\n Event.fromNodeEventEmitter = fromNodeEventEmitter;\n function fromDOMEventEmitter(emitter, eventName, map = id => id) {\n const fn = (...args) => result.fire(map(...args));\n const onFirstListenerAdd = () => emitter.addEventListener(eventName, fn);\n const onLastListenerRemove = () => emitter.removeEventListener(eventName, fn);\n const result = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd, onLastListenerRemove });\n return result.event;\n }\n Event.fromDOMEventEmitter = fromDOMEventEmitter;\n function toPromise(event) {\n return new Promise(resolve => once(event)(resolve));\n }\n Event.toPromise = toPromise;\n function runAndSubscribe(event, handler) {\n handler(undefined);\n return event(e => handler(e));\n }\n Event.runAndSubscribe = runAndSubscribe;\n function runAndSubscribeWithStore(event, handler) {\n let store = null;\n function run(e) {\n store === null || store === void 0 ? void 0 : store.dispose();\n store = new _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DisposableStore();\n handler(e, store);\n }\n run(undefined);\n const disposable = event(e => run(e));\n return (0,_lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toDisposable)(() => {\n disposable.dispose();\n store === null || store === void 0 ? void 0 : store.dispose();\n });\n }\n Event.runAndSubscribeWithStore = runAndSubscribeWithStore;\n})(Event || (Event = {}));\nclass EventProfiling {\n constructor(name) {\n this._listenerCount = 0;\n this._invocationCount = 0;\n this._elapsedOverall = 0;\n this._name = `${name}_${EventProfiling._idPool++}`;\n }\n start(listenerCount) {\n this._stopWatch = new _stopwatch_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.StopWatch(true);\n this._listenerCount = listenerCount;\n }\n stop() {\n if (this._stopWatch) {\n const elapsed = this._stopWatch.elapsed();\n this._elapsedOverall += elapsed;\n this._invocationCount += 1;\n console.info(`did FIRE ${this._name}: elapsed_ms: ${elapsed.toFixed(5)}, listener: ${this._listenerCount} (elapsed_overall: ${this._elapsedOverall.toFixed(2)}, invocations: ${this._invocationCount})`);\n this._stopWatch = undefined;\n }\n }\n}\nEventProfiling._idPool = 0;\nlet _globalLeakWarningThreshold = -1;\nclass LeakageMonitor {\n constructor(customThreshold, name = Math.random().toString(18).slice(2, 5)) {\n this.customThreshold = customThreshold;\n this.name = name;\n this._warnCountdown = 0;\n }\n dispose() {\n if (this._stacks) {\n this._stacks.clear();\n }\n }\n check(stack, listenerCount) {\n let threshold = _globalLeakWarningThreshold;\n if (typeof this.customThreshold === \'number\') {\n threshold = this.customThreshold;\n }\n if (threshold <= 0 || listenerCount < threshold) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (!this._stacks) {\n this._stacks = new Map();\n }\n const count = (this._stacks.get(stack.value) || 0);\n this._stacks.set(stack.value, count + 1);\n this._warnCountdown -= 1;\n if (this._warnCountdown <= 0) {\n // only warn on first exceed and then every time the limit\n // is exceeded by 50% again\n this._warnCountdown = threshold * 0.5;\n // find most frequent listener and print warning\n let topStack;\n let topCount = 0;\n for (const [stack, count] of this._stacks) {\n if (!topStack || topCount < count) {\n topStack = stack;\n topCount = count;\n }\n }\n console.warn(`[${this.name}] potential listener LEAK detected, having ${listenerCount} listeners already. MOST frequent listener (${topCount}):`);\n console.warn(topStack);\n }\n return () => {\n const count = (this._stacks.get(stack.value) || 0);\n this._stacks.set(stack.value, count - 1);\n };\n }\n}\nclass Stacktrace {\n constructor(value) {\n this.value = value;\n }\n static create() {\n var _a;\n return new Stacktrace((_a = new Error().stack) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : \'\');\n }\n print() {\n console.warn(this.value.split(\'\\n\').slice(2).join(\'\\n\'));\n }\n}\nclass Listener {\n constructor(callback, callbackThis, stack) {\n this.callback = callback;\n this.callbackThis = callbackThis;\n this.stack = stack;\n this.subscription = new _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SafeDisposable();\n }\n invoke(e) {\n this.callback.call(this.callbackThis, e);\n }\n}\n/**\n * The Emitter can be used to expose an Event to the public\n * to fire it from the insides.\n * Sample:\n class Document {\n\n private readonly _onDidChange = new Emitter<(value:string)=>any>();\n\n public onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;\n\n // getter-style\n // get onDidChange(): Event<(value:string)=>any> {\n // \treturn this._onDidChange.event;\n // }\n\n private _doIt() {\n //...\n this._onDidChange.fire(value);\n }\n }\n */\nclass Emitter {\n constructor(options) {\n var _a;\n this._disposed = false;\n this._options = options;\n this._leakageMon = _globalLeakWarningThreshold > 0 ? new LeakageMonitor(this._options && this._options.leakWarningThreshold) : undefined;\n this._perfMon = ((_a = this._options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._profName) ? new EventProfiling(this._options._profName) : undefined;\n }\n dispose() {\n var _a, _b, _c, _d;\n if (!this._disposed) {\n this._disposed = true;\n // It is bad to have listeners at the time of disposing an emitter, it is worst to have listeners keep the emitter\n // alive via the reference that\'s embedded in their disposables. Therefore we loop over all remaining listeners and\n // unset their subscriptions/disposables. Looping and blaming remaining listeners is done on next tick because the\n // the following programming pattern is very popular:\n //\n // const someModel = this._disposables.add(new ModelObject()); // (1) create and register model\n // this._disposables.add(someModel.onDidChange(() => { ... }); // (2) subscribe and register model-event listener\n // ...later...\n // this._disposables.dispose(); disposes (1) then (2): don\'t warn after (1) but after the "overall dispose" is done\n if (this._listeners) {\n if (_enableDisposeWithListenerWarning) {\n const listeners = Array.from(this._listeners);\n queueMicrotask(() => {\n var _a;\n for (const listener of listeners) {\n if (listener.subscription.isset()) {\n listener.subscription.unset();\n (_a = listener.stack) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.print();\n }\n }\n });\n }\n this._listeners.clear();\n }\n (_a = this._deliveryQueue) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.clear();\n (_c = (_b = this._options) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.onLastListenerRemove) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b);\n (_d = this._leakageMon) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.dispose();\n }\n }\n /**\n * For the public to allow to subscribe\n * to events from this Emitter\n */\n get event() {\n if (!this._event) {\n this._event = (callback, thisArgs, disposables) => {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n if (!this._listeners) {\n this._listeners = new _linkedList_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.LinkedList();\n }\n const firstListener = this._listeners.isEmpty();\n if (firstListener && ((_a = this._options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onFirstListenerAdd)) {\n this._options.onFirstListenerAdd(this);\n }\n let removeMonitor;\n let stack;\n if (this._leakageMon && this._listeners.size >= 30) {\n // check and record this emitter for potential leakage\n stack = Stacktrace.create();\n removeMonitor = this._leakageMon.check(stack, this._listeners.size + 1);\n }\n if (_enableDisposeWithListenerWarning) {\n stack = stack !== null && stack !== void 0 ? stack : Stacktrace.create();\n }\n const listener = new Listener(callback, thisArgs, stack);\n const removeListener = this._listeners.push(listener);\n if (firstListener && ((_b = this._options) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.onFirstListenerDidAdd)) {\n this._options.onFirstListenerDidAdd(this);\n }\n if ((_c = this._options) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.onListenerDidAdd) {\n this._options.onListenerDidAdd(this, callback, thisArgs);\n }\n const result = listener.subscription.set(() => {\n if (removeMonitor) {\n removeMonitor();\n }\n if (!this._disposed) {\n removeListener();\n if (this._options && this._options.onLastListenerRemove) {\n const hasListeners = (this._listeners && !this._listeners.isEmpty());\n if (!hasListeners) {\n this._options.onLastListenerRemove(this);\n }\n }\n }\n });\n if (disposables instanceof _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DisposableStore) {\n disposables.add(result);\n }\n else if (Array.isArray(disposables)) {\n disposables.push(result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n }\n return this._event;\n }\n /**\n * To be kept private to fire an event to\n * subscribers\n */\n fire(event) {\n var _a, _b;\n if (this._listeners) {\n // put all [listener,event]-pairs into delivery queue\n // then emit all event. an inner/nested event might be\n // the driver of this\n if (!this._deliveryQueue) {\n this._deliveryQueue = new _linkedList_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.LinkedList();\n }\n for (let listener of this._listeners) {\n this._deliveryQueue.push([listener, event]);\n }\n // start/stop performance insight collection\n (_a = this._perfMon) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start(this._deliveryQueue.size);\n while (this._deliveryQueue.size > 0) {\n const [listener, event] = this._deliveryQueue.shift();\n try {\n listener.invoke(event);\n }\n catch (e) {\n (0,_errors_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.onUnexpectedError)(e);\n }\n }\n (_b = this._perfMon) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.stop();\n }\n }\n}\nclass PauseableEmitter extends Emitter {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n this._isPaused = 0;\n this._eventQueue = new _linkedList_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.LinkedList();\n this._mergeFn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.merge;\n }\n pause() {\n this._isPaused++;\n }\n resume() {\n if (this._isPaused !== 0 && --this._isPaused === 0) {\n if (this._mergeFn) {\n // use the merge function to create a single composite\n // event. make a copy in case firing pauses this emitter\n const events = Array.from(this._eventQueue);\n this._eventQueue.clear();\n super.fire(this._mergeFn(events));\n }\n else {\n // no merging, fire each event individually and test\n // that this emitter isn\'t paused halfway through\n while (!this._isPaused && this._eventQueue.size !== 0) {\n super.fire(this._eventQueue.shift());\n }\n }\n }\n }\n fire(event) {\n if (this._listeners) {\n if (this._isPaused !== 0) {\n this._eventQueue.push(event);\n }\n else {\n super.fire(event);\n }\n }\n }\n}\nclass DebounceEmitter extends PauseableEmitter {\n constructor(options) {\n var _a;\n super(options);\n this._delay = (_a = options.delay) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 100;\n }\n fire(event) {\n if (!this._handle) {\n this.pause();\n this._handle = setTimeout(() => {\n this._handle = undefined;\n this.resume();\n }, this._delay);\n }\n super.fire(event);\n }\n}\n/**\n * The EventBufferer is useful in situations in which you want\n * to delay firing your events during some code.\n * You can wrap that code and be sure that the event will not\n * be fired during that wrap.\n *\n * ```\n * const emitter: Emitter;\n * const delayer = new EventDelayer();\n * const delayedEvent = delayer.wrapEvent(emitter.event);\n *\n * delayedEvent(console.log);\n *\n * delayer.bufferEvents(() => {\n * emitter.fire(); // event will not be fired yet\n * });\n *\n * // event will only be fired at this point\n * ```\n */\nclass EventBufferer {\n constructor() {\n this.buffers = [];\n }\n wrapEvent(event) {\n return (listener, thisArgs, disposables) => {\n return event(i => {\n const buffer = this.buffers[this.buffers.length - 1];\n if (buffer) {\n buffer.push(() => listener.call(thisArgs, i));\n }\n else {\n listener.call(thisArgs, i);\n }\n }, undefined, disposables);\n };\n }\n bufferEvents(fn) {\n const buffer = [];\n this.buffers.push(buffer);\n const r = fn();\n this.buffers.pop();\n buffer.forEach(flush => flush());\n return r;\n }\n}\n/**\n * A Relay is an event forwarder which functions as a replugabble event pipe.\n * Once created, you can connect an input event to it and it will simply forward\n * events from that input event through its own `event` property. The `input`\n * can be changed at any point in time.\n */\nclass Relay {\n constructor() {\n this.listening = false;\n this.inputEvent = Event.None;\n this.inputEventListener = _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Disposable.None;\n this.emitter = new Emitter({\n onFirstListenerDidAdd: () => {\n this.listening = true;\n this.inputEventListener = this.inputEvent(this.emitter.fire, this.emitter);\n },\n onLastListenerRemove: () => {\n this.listening = false;\n this.inputEventListener.dispose();\n }\n });\n this.event = this.emitter.event;\n }\n set input(event) {\n this.inputEvent = event;\n if (this.listening) {\n this.inputEventListener.dispose();\n this.inputEventListener = event(this.emitter.fire, this.emitter);\n }\n }\n dispose() {\n this.inputEventListener.dispose();\n this.emitter.dispose();\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/event.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/functional.js": /*!*********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/functional.js ***! \*********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "once": () => (/* binding */ once)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nfunction once(fn) {\n const _this = this;\n let didCall = false;\n let result;\n return function () {\n if (didCall) {\n return result;\n }\n didCall = true;\n result = fn.apply(_this, arguments);\n return result;\n };\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/functional.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/hash.js": /*!***************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/hash.js ***! \***************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"StringSHA1\": () => (/* binding */ StringSHA1),\n/* harmony export */ \"doHash\": () => (/* binding */ doHash),\n/* harmony export */ \"hash\": () => (/* binding */ hash),\n/* harmony export */ \"numberHash\": () => (/* binding */ numberHash),\n/* harmony export */ \"stringHash\": () => (/* binding */ stringHash),\n/* harmony export */ \"toHexString\": () => (/* binding */ toHexString)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./strings.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/**\n * Return a hash value for an object.\n */\nfunction hash(obj) {\n return doHash(obj, 0);\n}\nfunction doHash(obj, hashVal) {\n switch (typeof obj) {\n case 'object':\n if (obj === null) {\n return numberHash(349, hashVal);\n }\n else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\n return arrayHash(obj, hashVal);\n }\n return objectHash(obj, hashVal);\n case 'string':\n return stringHash(obj, hashVal);\n case 'boolean':\n return booleanHash(obj, hashVal);\n case 'number':\n return numberHash(obj, hashVal);\n case 'undefined':\n return numberHash(937, hashVal);\n default:\n return numberHash(617, hashVal);\n }\n}\nfunction numberHash(val, initialHashVal) {\n return (((initialHashVal << 5) - initialHashVal) + val) | 0; // hashVal * 31 + ch, keep as int32\n}\nfunction booleanHash(b, initialHashVal) {\n return numberHash(b ? 433 : 863, initialHashVal);\n}\nfunction stringHash(s, hashVal) {\n hashVal = numberHash(149417, hashVal);\n for (let i = 0, length = s.length; i < length; i++) {\n hashVal = numberHash(s.charCodeAt(i), hashVal);\n }\n return hashVal;\n}\nfunction arrayHash(arr, initialHashVal) {\n initialHashVal = numberHash(104579, initialHashVal);\n return arr.reduce((hashVal, item) => doHash(item, hashVal), initialHashVal);\n}\nfunction objectHash(obj, initialHashVal) {\n initialHashVal = numberHash(181387, initialHashVal);\n return Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce((hashVal, key) => {\n hashVal = stringHash(key, hashVal);\n return doHash(obj[key], hashVal);\n }, initialHashVal);\n}\nfunction leftRotate(value, bits, totalBits = 32) {\n // delta + bits = totalBits\n const delta = totalBits - bits;\n // All ones, expect `delta` zeros aligned to the right\n const mask = ~((1 << delta) - 1);\n // Join (value left-shifted `bits` bits) with (masked value right-shifted `delta` bits)\n return ((value << bits) | ((mask & value) >>> delta)) >>> 0;\n}\nfunction fill(dest, index = 0, count = dest.byteLength, value = 0) {\n for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n dest[index + i] = value;\n }\n}\nfunction leftPad(value, length, char = '0') {\n while (value.length < length) {\n value = char + value;\n }\n return value;\n}\nfunction toHexString(bufferOrValue, bitsize = 32) {\n if (bufferOrValue instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\n return Array.from(new Uint8Array(bufferOrValue)).map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');\n }\n return leftPad((bufferOrValue >>> 0).toString(16), bitsize / 4);\n}\n/**\n * A SHA1 implementation that works with strings and does not allocate.\n */\nclass StringSHA1 {\n constructor() {\n this._h0 = 0x67452301;\n this._h1 = 0xEFCDAB89;\n this._h2 = 0x98BADCFE;\n this._h3 = 0x10325476;\n this._h4 = 0xC3D2E1F0;\n this._buff = new Uint8Array(64 /* BLOCK_SIZE */ + 3 /* to fit any utf-8 */);\n this._buffDV = new DataView(this._buff.buffer);\n this._buffLen = 0;\n this._totalLen = 0;\n this._leftoverHighSurrogate = 0;\n this._finished = false;\n }\n update(str) {\n const strLen = str.length;\n if (strLen === 0) {\n return;\n }\n const buff = this._buff;\n let buffLen = this._buffLen;\n let leftoverHighSurrogate = this._leftoverHighSurrogate;\n let charCode;\n let offset;\n if (leftoverHighSurrogate !== 0) {\n charCode = leftoverHighSurrogate;\n offset = -1;\n leftoverHighSurrogate = 0;\n }\n else {\n charCode = str.charCodeAt(0);\n offset = 0;\n }\n while (true) {\n let codePoint = charCode;\n if (_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isHighSurrogate(charCode)) {\n if (offset + 1 < strLen) {\n const nextCharCode = str.charCodeAt(offset + 1);\n if (_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isLowSurrogate(nextCharCode)) {\n offset++;\n codePoint = _strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.computeCodePoint(charCode, nextCharCode);\n }\n else {\n // illegal => unicode replacement character\n codePoint = 65533 /* UNICODE_REPLACEMENT */;\n }\n }\n else {\n // last character is a surrogate pair\n leftoverHighSurrogate = charCode;\n break;\n }\n }\n else if (_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isLowSurrogate(charCode)) {\n // illegal => unicode replacement character\n codePoint = 65533 /* UNICODE_REPLACEMENT */;\n }\n buffLen = this._push(buff, buffLen, codePoint);\n offset++;\n if (offset < strLen) {\n charCode = str.charCodeAt(offset);\n }\n else {\n break;\n }\n }\n this._buffLen = buffLen;\n this._leftoverHighSurrogate = leftoverHighSurrogate;\n }\n _push(buff, buffLen, codePoint) {\n if (codePoint < 0x0080) {\n buff[buffLen++] = codePoint;\n }\n else if (codePoint < 0x0800) {\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b11000000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000000000011111000000) >>> 6);\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b10000000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000000000000000111111) >>> 0);\n }\n else if (codePoint < 0x10000) {\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b11100000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000001111000000000000) >>> 12);\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b10000000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000000000111111000000) >>> 6);\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b10000000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000000000000000111111) >>> 0);\n }\n else {\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b11110000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000111000000000000000000) >>> 18);\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b10000000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000111111000000000000) >>> 12);\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b10000000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000000000111111000000) >>> 6);\n buff[buffLen++] = 0b10000000 | ((codePoint & 0b00000000000000000000000000111111) >>> 0);\n }\n if (buffLen >= 64 /* BLOCK_SIZE */) {\n this._step();\n buffLen -= 64 /* BLOCK_SIZE */;\n this._totalLen += 64 /* BLOCK_SIZE */;\n // take last 3 in case of UTF8 overflow\n buff[0] = buff[64 /* BLOCK_SIZE */ + 0];\n buff[1] = buff[64 /* BLOCK_SIZE */ + 1];\n buff[2] = buff[64 /* BLOCK_SIZE */ + 2];\n }\n return buffLen;\n }\n digest() {\n if (!this._finished) {\n this._finished = true;\n if (this._leftoverHighSurrogate) {\n // illegal => unicode replacement character\n this._leftoverHighSurrogate = 0;\n this._buffLen = this._push(this._buff, this._buffLen, 65533 /* UNICODE_REPLACEMENT */);\n }\n this._totalLen += this._buffLen;\n this._wrapUp();\n }\n return toHexString(this._h0) + toHexString(this._h1) + toHexString(this._h2) + toHexString(this._h3) + toHexString(this._h4);\n }\n _wrapUp() {\n this._buff[this._buffLen++] = 0x80;\n fill(this._buff, this._buffLen);\n if (this._buffLen > 56) {\n this._step();\n fill(this._buff);\n }\n // this will fit because the mantissa can cover up to 52 bits\n const ml = 8 * this._totalLen;\n this._buffDV.setUint32(56, Math.floor(ml / 4294967296), false);\n this._buffDV.setUint32(60, ml % 4294967296, false);\n this._step();\n }\n _step() {\n const bigBlock32 = StringSHA1._bigBlock32;\n const data = this._buffDV;\n for (let j = 0; j < 64 /* 16*4 */; j += 4) {\n bigBlock32.setUint32(j, data.getUint32(j, false), false);\n }\n for (let j = 64; j < 320 /* 80*4 */; j += 4) {\n bigBlock32.setUint32(j, leftRotate((bigBlock32.getUint32(j - 12, false) ^ bigBlock32.getUint32(j - 32, false) ^ bigBlock32.getUint32(j - 56, false) ^ bigBlock32.getUint32(j - 64, false)), 1), false);\n }\n let a = this._h0;\n let b = this._h1;\n let c = this._h2;\n let d = this._h3;\n let e = this._h4;\n let f, k;\n let temp;\n for (let j = 0; j < 80; j++) {\n if (j < 20) {\n f = (b & c) | ((~b) & d);\n k = 0x5A827999;\n }\n else if (j < 40) {\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n k = 0x6ED9EBA1;\n }\n else if (j < 60) {\n f = (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d);\n k = 0x8F1BBCDC;\n }\n else {\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n k = 0xCA62C1D6;\n }\n temp = (leftRotate(a, 5) + f + e + k + bigBlock32.getUint32(j * 4, false)) & 0xffffffff;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n c = leftRotate(b, 30);\n b = a;\n a = temp;\n }\n this._h0 = (this._h0 + a) & 0xffffffff;\n this._h1 = (this._h1 + b) & 0xffffffff;\n this._h2 = (this._h2 + c) & 0xffffffff;\n this._h3 = (this._h3 + d) & 0xffffffff;\n this._h4 = (this._h4 + e) & 0xffffffff;\n }\n}\nStringSHA1._bigBlock32 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(320)); // 80 * 4 = 320\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/hash.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/iterator.js": /*!*******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/iterator.js ***! \*******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Iterable\": () => (/* binding */ Iterable)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nvar Iterable;\n(function (Iterable) {\n function is(thing) {\n return thing && typeof thing === 'object' && typeof thing[Symbol.iterator] === 'function';\n }\n Iterable.is = is;\n const _empty = Object.freeze([]);\n function empty() {\n return _empty;\n }\n Iterable.empty = empty;\n function* single(element) {\n yield element;\n }\n Iterable.single = single;\n function from(iterable) {\n return iterable || _empty;\n }\n Iterable.from = from;\n function isEmpty(iterable) {\n return !iterable || iterable[Symbol.iterator]().next().done === true;\n }\n Iterable.isEmpty = isEmpty;\n function first(iterable) {\n return iterable[Symbol.iterator]().next().value;\n }\n Iterable.first = first;\n function some(iterable, predicate) {\n for (const element of iterable) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n Iterable.some = some;\n function find(iterable, predicate) {\n for (const element of iterable) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n return element;\n }\n }\n return undefined;\n }\n Iterable.find = find;\n function* filter(iterable, predicate) {\n for (const element of iterable) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n yield element;\n }\n }\n }\n Iterable.filter = filter;\n function* map(iterable, fn) {\n let index = 0;\n for (const element of iterable) {\n yield fn(element, index++);\n }\n }\n Iterable.map = map;\n function* concat(...iterables) {\n for (const iterable of iterables) {\n for (const element of iterable) {\n yield element;\n }\n }\n }\n Iterable.concat = concat;\n function* concatNested(iterables) {\n for (const iterable of iterables) {\n for (const element of iterable) {\n yield element;\n }\n }\n }\n Iterable.concatNested = concatNested;\n function reduce(iterable, reducer, initialValue) {\n let value = initialValue;\n for (const element of iterable) {\n value = reducer(value, element);\n }\n return value;\n }\n Iterable.reduce = reduce;\n /**\n * Returns an iterable slice of the array, with the same semantics as `array.slice()`.\n */\n function* slice(arr, from, to = arr.length) {\n if (from < 0) {\n from += arr.length;\n }\n if (to < 0) {\n to += arr.length;\n }\n else if (to > arr.length) {\n to = arr.length;\n }\n for (; from < to; from++) {\n yield arr[from];\n }\n }\n Iterable.slice = slice;\n /**\n * Consumes `atMost` elements from iterable and returns the consumed elements,\n * and an iterable for the rest of the elements.\n */\n function consume(iterable, atMost = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {\n const consumed = [];\n if (atMost === 0) {\n return [consumed, iterable];\n }\n const iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();\n for (let i = 0; i < atMost; i++) {\n const next = iterator.next();\n if (next.done) {\n return [consumed, Iterable.empty()];\n }\n consumed.push(next.value);\n }\n return [consumed, { [Symbol.iterator]() { return iterator; } }];\n }\n Iterable.consume = consume;\n /**\n * Returns whether the iterables are the same length and all items are\n * equal using the comparator function.\n */\n function equals(a, b, comparator = (at, bt) => at === bt) {\n const ai = a[Symbol.iterator]();\n const bi = b[Symbol.iterator]();\n while (true) {\n const an = ai.next();\n const bn = bi.next();\n if (an.done !== bn.done) {\n return false;\n }\n else if (an.done) {\n return true;\n }\n else if (!comparator(an.value, bn.value)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n Iterable.equals = equals;\n})(Iterable || (Iterable = {}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/iterator.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/keyCodes.js": /*!*******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/keyCodes.js ***! \*******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP\": () => (/* binding */ EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP),\n/* harmony export */ \"IMMUTABLE_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE\": () => (/* binding */ IMMUTABLE_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE),\n/* harmony export */ \"IMMUTABLE_KEY_CODE_TO_CODE\": () => (/* binding */ IMMUTABLE_KEY_CODE_TO_CODE),\n/* harmony export */ \"KeyChord\": () => (/* binding */ KeyChord),\n/* harmony export */ \"KeyCodeUtils\": () => (/* binding */ KeyCodeUtils),\n/* harmony export */ \"NATIVE_WINDOWS_KEY_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE\": () => (/* binding */ NATIVE_WINDOWS_KEY_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nclass KeyCodeStrMap {\n constructor() {\n this._keyCodeToStr = [];\n this._strToKeyCode = Object.create(null);\n }\n define(keyCode, str) {\n this._keyCodeToStr[keyCode] = str;\n this._strToKeyCode[str.toLowerCase()] = keyCode;\n }\n keyCodeToStr(keyCode) {\n return this._keyCodeToStr[keyCode];\n }\n strToKeyCode(str) {\n return this._strToKeyCode[str.toLowerCase()] || 0 /* Unknown */;\n }\n}\nconst uiMap = new KeyCodeStrMap();\nconst userSettingsUSMap = new KeyCodeStrMap();\nconst userSettingsGeneralMap = new KeyCodeStrMap();\nconst EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP = new Array(230);\nconst NATIVE_WINDOWS_KEY_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE = {};\nconst scanCodeIntToStr = [];\nconst scanCodeStrToInt = Object.create(null);\nconst scanCodeLowerCaseStrToInt = Object.create(null);\n/**\n * -1 if a ScanCode => KeyCode mapping depends on kb layout.\n */\nconst IMMUTABLE_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE = [];\n/**\n * -1 if a KeyCode => ScanCode mapping depends on kb layout.\n */\nconst IMMUTABLE_KEY_CODE_TO_CODE = [];\nfor (let i = 0; i <= 193 /* MAX_VALUE */; i++) {\n IMMUTABLE_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE[i] = -1 /* DependsOnKbLayout */;\n}\nfor (let i = 0; i <= 127 /* MAX_VALUE */; i++) {\n IMMUTABLE_KEY_CODE_TO_CODE[i] = -1 /* DependsOnKbLayout */;\n}\n(function () {\n // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx\n // See https://github.com/microsoft/node-native-keymap/blob/master/deps/chromium/keyboard_codes_win.h\n const empty = '';\n const mappings = [\n // keyCodeOrd, immutable, scanCode, scanCodeStr, keyCode, keyCodeStr, eventKeyCode, vkey, usUserSettingsLabel, generalUserSettingsLabel\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, 'None', 0 /* Unknown */, 'unknown', 0, 'VK_UNKNOWN', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 1 /* Hyper */, 'Hyper', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 2 /* Super */, 'Super', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 3 /* Fn */, 'Fn', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 4 /* FnLock */, 'FnLock', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 5 /* Suspend */, 'Suspend', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 6 /* Resume */, 'Resume', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 7 /* Turbo */, 'Turbo', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 8 /* Sleep */, 'Sleep', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_SLEEP', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 9 /* WakeUp */, 'WakeUp', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [31, 0, 10 /* KeyA */, 'KeyA', 31 /* KeyA */, 'A', 65, 'VK_A', empty, empty],\n [32, 0, 11 /* KeyB */, 'KeyB', 32 /* KeyB */, 'B', 66, 'VK_B', empty, empty],\n [33, 0, 12 /* KeyC */, 'KeyC', 33 /* KeyC */, 'C', 67, 'VK_C', empty, empty],\n [34, 0, 13 /* KeyD */, 'KeyD', 34 /* KeyD */, 'D', 68, 'VK_D', empty, empty],\n [35, 0, 14 /* KeyE */, 'KeyE', 35 /* KeyE */, 'E', 69, 'VK_E', empty, empty],\n [36, 0, 15 /* KeyF */, 'KeyF', 36 /* KeyF */, 'F', 70, 'VK_F', empty, empty],\n [37, 0, 16 /* KeyG */, 'KeyG', 37 /* KeyG */, 'G', 71, 'VK_G', empty, empty],\n [38, 0, 17 /* KeyH */, 'KeyH', 38 /* KeyH */, 'H', 72, 'VK_H', empty, empty],\n [39, 0, 18 /* KeyI */, 'KeyI', 39 /* KeyI */, 'I', 73, 'VK_I', empty, empty],\n [40, 0, 19 /* KeyJ */, 'KeyJ', 40 /* KeyJ */, 'J', 74, 'VK_J', empty, empty],\n [41, 0, 20 /* KeyK */, 'KeyK', 41 /* KeyK */, 'K', 75, 'VK_K', empty, empty],\n [42, 0, 21 /* KeyL */, 'KeyL', 42 /* KeyL */, 'L', 76, 'VK_L', empty, empty],\n [43, 0, 22 /* KeyM */, 'KeyM', 43 /* KeyM */, 'M', 77, 'VK_M', empty, empty],\n [44, 0, 23 /* KeyN */, 'KeyN', 44 /* KeyN */, 'N', 78, 'VK_N', empty, empty],\n [45, 0, 24 /* KeyO */, 'KeyO', 45 /* KeyO */, 'O', 79, 'VK_O', empty, empty],\n [46, 0, 25 /* KeyP */, 'KeyP', 46 /* KeyP */, 'P', 80, 'VK_P', empty, empty],\n [47, 0, 26 /* KeyQ */, 'KeyQ', 47 /* KeyQ */, 'Q', 81, 'VK_Q', empty, empty],\n [48, 0, 27 /* KeyR */, 'KeyR', 48 /* KeyR */, 'R', 82, 'VK_R', empty, empty],\n [49, 0, 28 /* KeyS */, 'KeyS', 49 /* KeyS */, 'S', 83, 'VK_S', empty, empty],\n [50, 0, 29 /* KeyT */, 'KeyT', 50 /* KeyT */, 'T', 84, 'VK_T', empty, empty],\n [51, 0, 30 /* KeyU */, 'KeyU', 51 /* KeyU */, 'U', 85, 'VK_U', empty, empty],\n [52, 0, 31 /* KeyV */, 'KeyV', 52 /* KeyV */, 'V', 86, 'VK_V', empty, empty],\n [53, 0, 32 /* KeyW */, 'KeyW', 53 /* KeyW */, 'W', 87, 'VK_W', empty, empty],\n [54, 0, 33 /* KeyX */, 'KeyX', 54 /* KeyX */, 'X', 88, 'VK_X', empty, empty],\n [55, 0, 34 /* KeyY */, 'KeyY', 55 /* KeyY */, 'Y', 89, 'VK_Y', empty, empty],\n [56, 0, 35 /* KeyZ */, 'KeyZ', 56 /* KeyZ */, 'Z', 90, 'VK_Z', empty, empty],\n [22, 0, 36 /* Digit1 */, 'Digit1', 22 /* Digit1 */, '1', 49, 'VK_1', empty, empty],\n [23, 0, 37 /* Digit2 */, 'Digit2', 23 /* Digit2 */, '2', 50, 'VK_2', empty, empty],\n [24, 0, 38 /* Digit3 */, 'Digit3', 24 /* Digit3 */, '3', 51, 'VK_3', empty, empty],\n [25, 0, 39 /* Digit4 */, 'Digit4', 25 /* Digit4 */, '4', 52, 'VK_4', empty, empty],\n [26, 0, 40 /* Digit5 */, 'Digit5', 26 /* Digit5 */, '5', 53, 'VK_5', empty, empty],\n [27, 0, 41 /* Digit6 */, 'Digit6', 27 /* Digit6 */, '6', 54, 'VK_6', empty, empty],\n [28, 0, 42 /* Digit7 */, 'Digit7', 28 /* Digit7 */, '7', 55, 'VK_7', empty, empty],\n [29, 0, 43 /* Digit8 */, 'Digit8', 29 /* Digit8 */, '8', 56, 'VK_8', empty, empty],\n [30, 0, 44 /* Digit9 */, 'Digit9', 30 /* Digit9 */, '9', 57, 'VK_9', empty, empty],\n [21, 0, 45 /* Digit0 */, 'Digit0', 21 /* Digit0 */, '0', 48, 'VK_0', empty, empty],\n [3, 1, 46 /* Enter */, 'Enter', 3 /* Enter */, 'Enter', 13, 'VK_RETURN', empty, empty],\n [9, 1, 47 /* Escape */, 'Escape', 9 /* Escape */, 'Escape', 27, 'VK_ESCAPE', empty, empty],\n [1, 1, 48 /* Backspace */, 'Backspace', 1 /* Backspace */, 'Backspace', 8, 'VK_BACK', empty, empty],\n [2, 1, 49 /* Tab */, 'Tab', 2 /* Tab */, 'Tab', 9, 'VK_TAB', empty, empty],\n [10, 1, 50 /* Space */, 'Space', 10 /* Space */, 'Space', 32, 'VK_SPACE', empty, empty],\n [83, 0, 51 /* Minus */, 'Minus', 83 /* Minus */, '-', 189, 'VK_OEM_MINUS', '-', 'OEM_MINUS'],\n [81, 0, 52 /* Equal */, 'Equal', 81 /* Equal */, '=', 187, 'VK_OEM_PLUS', '=', 'OEM_PLUS'],\n [87, 0, 53 /* BracketLeft */, 'BracketLeft', 87 /* BracketLeft */, '[', 219, 'VK_OEM_4', '[', 'OEM_4'],\n [89, 0, 54 /* BracketRight */, 'BracketRight', 89 /* BracketRight */, ']', 221, 'VK_OEM_6', ']', 'OEM_6'],\n [88, 0, 55 /* Backslash */, 'Backslash', 88 /* Backslash */, '\\\\', 220, 'VK_OEM_5', '\\\\', 'OEM_5'],\n [0, 0, 56 /* IntlHash */, 'IntlHash', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [80, 0, 57 /* Semicolon */, 'Semicolon', 80 /* Semicolon */, ';', 186, 'VK_OEM_1', ';', 'OEM_1'],\n [90, 0, 58 /* Quote */, 'Quote', 90 /* Quote */, '\\'', 222, 'VK_OEM_7', '\\'', 'OEM_7'],\n [86, 0, 59 /* Backquote */, 'Backquote', 86 /* Backquote */, '`', 192, 'VK_OEM_3', '`', 'OEM_3'],\n [82, 0, 60 /* Comma */, 'Comma', 82 /* Comma */, ',', 188, 'VK_OEM_COMMA', ',', 'OEM_COMMA'],\n [84, 0, 61 /* Period */, 'Period', 84 /* Period */, '.', 190, 'VK_OEM_PERIOD', '.', 'OEM_PERIOD'],\n [85, 0, 62 /* Slash */, 'Slash', 85 /* Slash */, '/', 191, 'VK_OEM_2', '/', 'OEM_2'],\n [8, 1, 63 /* CapsLock */, 'CapsLock', 8 /* CapsLock */, 'CapsLock', 20, 'VK_CAPITAL', empty, empty],\n [59, 1, 64 /* F1 */, 'F1', 59 /* F1 */, 'F1', 112, 'VK_F1', empty, empty],\n [60, 1, 65 /* F2 */, 'F2', 60 /* F2 */, 'F2', 113, 'VK_F2', empty, empty],\n [61, 1, 66 /* F3 */, 'F3', 61 /* F3 */, 'F3', 114, 'VK_F3', empty, empty],\n [62, 1, 67 /* F4 */, 'F4', 62 /* F4 */, 'F4', 115, 'VK_F4', empty, empty],\n [63, 1, 68 /* F5 */, 'F5', 63 /* F5 */, 'F5', 116, 'VK_F5', empty, empty],\n [64, 1, 69 /* F6 */, 'F6', 64 /* F6 */, 'F6', 117, 'VK_F6', empty, empty],\n [65, 1, 70 /* F7 */, 'F7', 65 /* F7 */, 'F7', 118, 'VK_F7', empty, empty],\n [66, 1, 71 /* F8 */, 'F8', 66 /* F8 */, 'F8', 119, 'VK_F8', empty, empty],\n [67, 1, 72 /* F9 */, 'F9', 67 /* F9 */, 'F9', 120, 'VK_F9', empty, empty],\n [68, 1, 73 /* F10 */, 'F10', 68 /* F10 */, 'F10', 121, 'VK_F10', empty, empty],\n [69, 1, 74 /* F11 */, 'F11', 69 /* F11 */, 'F11', 122, 'VK_F11', empty, empty],\n [70, 1, 75 /* F12 */, 'F12', 70 /* F12 */, 'F12', 123, 'VK_F12', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 76 /* PrintScreen */, 'PrintScreen', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [79, 1, 77 /* ScrollLock */, 'ScrollLock', 79 /* ScrollLock */, 'ScrollLock', 145, 'VK_SCROLL', empty, empty],\n [7, 1, 78 /* Pause */, 'Pause', 7 /* PauseBreak */, 'PauseBreak', 19, 'VK_PAUSE', empty, empty],\n [19, 1, 79 /* Insert */, 'Insert', 19 /* Insert */, 'Insert', 45, 'VK_INSERT', empty, empty],\n [14, 1, 80 /* Home */, 'Home', 14 /* Home */, 'Home', 36, 'VK_HOME', empty, empty],\n [11, 1, 81 /* PageUp */, 'PageUp', 11 /* PageUp */, 'PageUp', 33, 'VK_PRIOR', empty, empty],\n [20, 1, 82 /* Delete */, 'Delete', 20 /* Delete */, 'Delete', 46, 'VK_DELETE', empty, empty],\n [13, 1, 83 /* End */, 'End', 13 /* End */, 'End', 35, 'VK_END', empty, empty],\n [12, 1, 84 /* PageDown */, 'PageDown', 12 /* PageDown */, 'PageDown', 34, 'VK_NEXT', empty, empty],\n [17, 1, 85 /* ArrowRight */, 'ArrowRight', 17 /* RightArrow */, 'RightArrow', 39, 'VK_RIGHT', 'Right', empty],\n [15, 1, 86 /* ArrowLeft */, 'ArrowLeft', 15 /* LeftArrow */, 'LeftArrow', 37, 'VK_LEFT', 'Left', empty],\n [18, 1, 87 /* ArrowDown */, 'ArrowDown', 18 /* DownArrow */, 'DownArrow', 40, 'VK_DOWN', 'Down', empty],\n [16, 1, 88 /* ArrowUp */, 'ArrowUp', 16 /* UpArrow */, 'UpArrow', 38, 'VK_UP', 'Up', empty],\n [78, 1, 89 /* NumLock */, 'NumLock', 78 /* NumLock */, 'NumLock', 144, 'VK_NUMLOCK', empty, empty],\n [108, 1, 90 /* NumpadDivide */, 'NumpadDivide', 108 /* NumpadDivide */, 'NumPad_Divide', 111, 'VK_DIVIDE', empty, empty],\n [103, 1, 91 /* NumpadMultiply */, 'NumpadMultiply', 103 /* NumpadMultiply */, 'NumPad_Multiply', 106, 'VK_MULTIPLY', empty, empty],\n [106, 1, 92 /* NumpadSubtract */, 'NumpadSubtract', 106 /* NumpadSubtract */, 'NumPad_Subtract', 109, 'VK_SUBTRACT', empty, empty],\n [104, 1, 93 /* NumpadAdd */, 'NumpadAdd', 104 /* NumpadAdd */, 'NumPad_Add', 107, 'VK_ADD', empty, empty],\n [3, 1, 94 /* NumpadEnter */, 'NumpadEnter', 3 /* Enter */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [94, 1, 95 /* Numpad1 */, 'Numpad1', 94 /* Numpad1 */, 'NumPad1', 97, 'VK_NUMPAD1', empty, empty],\n [95, 1, 96 /* Numpad2 */, 'Numpad2', 95 /* Numpad2 */, 'NumPad2', 98, 'VK_NUMPAD2', empty, empty],\n [96, 1, 97 /* Numpad3 */, 'Numpad3', 96 /* Numpad3 */, 'NumPad3', 99, 'VK_NUMPAD3', empty, empty],\n [97, 1, 98 /* Numpad4 */, 'Numpad4', 97 /* Numpad4 */, 'NumPad4', 100, 'VK_NUMPAD4', empty, empty],\n [98, 1, 99 /* Numpad5 */, 'Numpad5', 98 /* Numpad5 */, 'NumPad5', 101, 'VK_NUMPAD5', empty, empty],\n [99, 1, 100 /* Numpad6 */, 'Numpad6', 99 /* Numpad6 */, 'NumPad6', 102, 'VK_NUMPAD6', empty, empty],\n [100, 1, 101 /* Numpad7 */, 'Numpad7', 100 /* Numpad7 */, 'NumPad7', 103, 'VK_NUMPAD7', empty, empty],\n [101, 1, 102 /* Numpad8 */, 'Numpad8', 101 /* Numpad8 */, 'NumPad8', 104, 'VK_NUMPAD8', empty, empty],\n [102, 1, 103 /* Numpad9 */, 'Numpad9', 102 /* Numpad9 */, 'NumPad9', 105, 'VK_NUMPAD9', empty, empty],\n [93, 1, 104 /* Numpad0 */, 'Numpad0', 93 /* Numpad0 */, 'NumPad0', 96, 'VK_NUMPAD0', empty, empty],\n [107, 1, 105 /* NumpadDecimal */, 'NumpadDecimal', 107 /* NumpadDecimal */, 'NumPad_Decimal', 110, 'VK_DECIMAL', empty, empty],\n [92, 0, 106 /* IntlBackslash */, 'IntlBackslash', 92 /* IntlBackslash */, 'OEM_102', 226, 'VK_OEM_102', empty, empty],\n [58, 1, 107 /* ContextMenu */, 'ContextMenu', 58 /* ContextMenu */, 'ContextMenu', 93, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 108 /* Power */, 'Power', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 109 /* NumpadEqual */, 'NumpadEqual', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [71, 1, 110 /* F13 */, 'F13', 71 /* F13 */, 'F13', 124, 'VK_F13', empty, empty],\n [72, 1, 111 /* F14 */, 'F14', 72 /* F14 */, 'F14', 125, 'VK_F14', empty, empty],\n [73, 1, 112 /* F15 */, 'F15', 73 /* F15 */, 'F15', 126, 'VK_F15', empty, empty],\n [74, 1, 113 /* F16 */, 'F16', 74 /* F16 */, 'F16', 127, 'VK_F16', empty, empty],\n [75, 1, 114 /* F17 */, 'F17', 75 /* F17 */, 'F17', 128, 'VK_F17', empty, empty],\n [76, 1, 115 /* F18 */, 'F18', 76 /* F18 */, 'F18', 129, 'VK_F18', empty, empty],\n [77, 1, 116 /* F19 */, 'F19', 77 /* F19 */, 'F19', 130, 'VK_F19', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 117 /* F20 */, 'F20', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F20', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 118 /* F21 */, 'F21', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F21', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 119 /* F22 */, 'F22', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F22', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 120 /* F23 */, 'F23', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F23', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 121 /* F24 */, 'F24', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_F24', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 122 /* Open */, 'Open', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 123 /* Help */, 'Help', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 124 /* Select */, 'Select', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 125 /* Again */, 'Again', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 126 /* Undo */, 'Undo', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 127 /* Cut */, 'Cut', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 128 /* Copy */, 'Copy', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 129 /* Paste */, 'Paste', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 130 /* Find */, 'Find', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 131 /* AudioVolumeMute */, 'AudioVolumeMute', 112 /* AudioVolumeMute */, 'AudioVolumeMute', 173, 'VK_VOLUME_MUTE', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 132 /* AudioVolumeUp */, 'AudioVolumeUp', 113 /* AudioVolumeUp */, 'AudioVolumeUp', 175, 'VK_VOLUME_UP', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 133 /* AudioVolumeDown */, 'AudioVolumeDown', 114 /* AudioVolumeDown */, 'AudioVolumeDown', 174, 'VK_VOLUME_DOWN', empty, empty],\n [105, 1, 134 /* NumpadComma */, 'NumpadComma', 105 /* NUMPAD_SEPARATOR */, 'NumPad_Separator', 108, 'VK_SEPARATOR', empty, empty],\n [110, 0, 135 /* IntlRo */, 'IntlRo', 110 /* ABNT_C1 */, 'ABNT_C1', 193, 'VK_ABNT_C1', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 136 /* KanaMode */, 'KanaMode', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 0, 137 /* IntlYen */, 'IntlYen', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 138 /* Convert */, 'Convert', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 139 /* NonConvert */, 'NonConvert', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 140 /* Lang1 */, 'Lang1', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 141 /* Lang2 */, 'Lang2', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 142 /* Lang3 */, 'Lang3', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 143 /* Lang4 */, 'Lang4', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 144 /* Lang5 */, 'Lang5', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 145 /* Abort */, 'Abort', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 146 /* Props */, 'Props', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 147 /* NumpadParenLeft */, 'NumpadParenLeft', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 148 /* NumpadParenRight */, 'NumpadParenRight', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 149 /* NumpadBackspace */, 'NumpadBackspace', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 150 /* NumpadMemoryStore */, 'NumpadMemoryStore', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 151 /* NumpadMemoryRecall */, 'NumpadMemoryRecall', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 152 /* NumpadMemoryClear */, 'NumpadMemoryClear', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 153 /* NumpadMemoryAdd */, 'NumpadMemoryAdd', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 154 /* NumpadMemorySubtract */, 'NumpadMemorySubtract', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 155 /* NumpadClear */, 'NumpadClear', 126 /* Clear */, 'Clear', 12, 'VK_CLEAR', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 156 /* NumpadClearEntry */, 'NumpadClearEntry', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [5, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 5 /* Ctrl */, 'Ctrl', 17, 'VK_CONTROL', empty, empty],\n [4, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 4 /* Shift */, 'Shift', 16, 'VK_SHIFT', empty, empty],\n [6, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 6 /* Alt */, 'Alt', 18, 'VK_MENU', empty, empty],\n [57, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 57 /* Meta */, 'Meta', 0, 'VK_COMMAND', empty, empty],\n [5, 1, 157 /* ControlLeft */, 'ControlLeft', 5 /* Ctrl */, empty, 0, 'VK_LCONTROL', empty, empty],\n [4, 1, 158 /* ShiftLeft */, 'ShiftLeft', 4 /* Shift */, empty, 0, 'VK_LSHIFT', empty, empty],\n [6, 1, 159 /* AltLeft */, 'AltLeft', 6 /* Alt */, empty, 0, 'VK_LMENU', empty, empty],\n [57, 1, 160 /* MetaLeft */, 'MetaLeft', 57 /* Meta */, empty, 0, 'VK_LWIN', empty, empty],\n [5, 1, 161 /* ControlRight */, 'ControlRight', 5 /* Ctrl */, empty, 0, 'VK_RCONTROL', empty, empty],\n [4, 1, 162 /* ShiftRight */, 'ShiftRight', 4 /* Shift */, empty, 0, 'VK_RSHIFT', empty, empty],\n [6, 1, 163 /* AltRight */, 'AltRight', 6 /* Alt */, empty, 0, 'VK_RMENU', empty, empty],\n [57, 1, 164 /* MetaRight */, 'MetaRight', 57 /* Meta */, empty, 0, 'VK_RWIN', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 165 /* BrightnessUp */, 'BrightnessUp', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 166 /* BrightnessDown */, 'BrightnessDown', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 167 /* MediaPlay */, 'MediaPlay', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 168 /* MediaRecord */, 'MediaRecord', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 169 /* MediaFastForward */, 'MediaFastForward', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 170 /* MediaRewind */, 'MediaRewind', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [114, 1, 171 /* MediaTrackNext */, 'MediaTrackNext', 119 /* MediaTrackNext */, 'MediaTrackNext', 176, 'VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK', empty, empty],\n [115, 1, 172 /* MediaTrackPrevious */, 'MediaTrackPrevious', 120 /* MediaTrackPrevious */, 'MediaTrackPrevious', 177, 'VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK', empty, empty],\n [116, 1, 173 /* MediaStop */, 'MediaStop', 121 /* MediaStop */, 'MediaStop', 178, 'VK_MEDIA_STOP', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 174 /* Eject */, 'Eject', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [117, 1, 175 /* MediaPlayPause */, 'MediaPlayPause', 122 /* MediaPlayPause */, 'MediaPlayPause', 179, 'VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 176 /* MediaSelect */, 'MediaSelect', 123 /* LaunchMediaPlayer */, 'LaunchMediaPlayer', 181, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 177 /* LaunchMail */, 'LaunchMail', 124 /* LaunchMail */, 'LaunchMail', 180, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_MAIL', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 178 /* LaunchApp2 */, 'LaunchApp2', 125 /* LaunchApp2 */, 'LaunchApp2', 183, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP2', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 179 /* LaunchApp1 */, 'LaunchApp1', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_MEDIA_LAUNCH_APP1', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 180 /* SelectTask */, 'SelectTask', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 181 /* LaunchScreenSaver */, 'LaunchScreenSaver', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 182 /* BrowserSearch */, 'BrowserSearch', 115 /* BrowserSearch */, 'BrowserSearch', 170, 'VK_BROWSER_SEARCH', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 183 /* BrowserHome */, 'BrowserHome', 116 /* BrowserHome */, 'BrowserHome', 172, 'VK_BROWSER_HOME', empty, empty],\n [112, 1, 184 /* BrowserBack */, 'BrowserBack', 117 /* BrowserBack */, 'BrowserBack', 166, 'VK_BROWSER_BACK', empty, empty],\n [113, 1, 185 /* BrowserForward */, 'BrowserForward', 118 /* BrowserForward */, 'BrowserForward', 167, 'VK_BROWSER_FORWARD', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 186 /* BrowserStop */, 'BrowserStop', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_STOP', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 187 /* BrowserRefresh */, 'BrowserRefresh', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_REFRESH', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 188 /* BrowserFavorites */, 'BrowserFavorites', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 189 /* ZoomToggle */, 'ZoomToggle', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 190 /* MailReply */, 'MailReply', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 191 /* MailForward */, 'MailForward', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 192 /* MailSend */, 'MailSend', 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, empty, empty, empty],\n // See https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0182/keyCode-spec.html\n // If an Input Method Editor is processing key input and the event is keydown, return 229.\n [109, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 109 /* KEY_IN_COMPOSITION */, 'KeyInComposition', 229, empty, empty, empty],\n [111, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 111 /* ABNT_C2 */, 'ABNT_C2', 194, 'VK_ABNT_C2', empty, empty],\n [91, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 91 /* OEM_8 */, 'OEM_8', 223, 'VK_OEM_8', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_KANA', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_HANGUL', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_JUNJA', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_FINAL', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_HANJA', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_KANJI', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_CONVERT', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_NONCONVERT', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_ACCEPT', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_MODECHANGE', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_SELECT', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PRINT', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_EXECUTE', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_SNAPSHOT', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_HELP', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_APPS', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PROCESSKEY', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PACKET', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_DBE_SBCSCHAR', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_DBE_DBCSCHAR', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_ATTN', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_CRSEL', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_EXSEL', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_EREOF', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PLAY', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_ZOOM', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_NONAME', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_PA1', empty, empty],\n [0, 1, 0 /* None */, empty, 0 /* Unknown */, empty, 0, 'VK_OEM_CLEAR', empty, empty],\n ];\n let seenKeyCode = [];\n let seenScanCode = [];\n for (const mapping of mappings) {\n const [_keyCodeOrd, immutable, scanCode, scanCodeStr, keyCode, keyCodeStr, eventKeyCode, vkey, usUserSettingsLabel, generalUserSettingsLabel] = mapping;\n if (!seenScanCode[scanCode]) {\n seenScanCode[scanCode] = true;\n scanCodeIntToStr[scanCode] = scanCodeStr;\n scanCodeStrToInt[scanCodeStr] = scanCode;\n scanCodeLowerCaseStrToInt[scanCodeStr.toLowerCase()] = scanCode;\n if (immutable) {\n IMMUTABLE_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE[scanCode] = keyCode;\n if ((keyCode !== 0 /* Unknown */)\n && (keyCode !== 3 /* Enter */)\n && (keyCode !== 5 /* Ctrl */)\n && (keyCode !== 4 /* Shift */)\n && (keyCode !== 6 /* Alt */)\n && (keyCode !== 57 /* Meta */)) {\n IMMUTABLE_KEY_CODE_TO_CODE[keyCode] = scanCode;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!seenKeyCode[keyCode]) {\n seenKeyCode[keyCode] = true;\n if (!keyCodeStr) {\n throw new Error(`String representation missing for key code ${keyCode} around scan code ${scanCodeStr}`);\n }\n uiMap.define(keyCode, keyCodeStr);\n userSettingsUSMap.define(keyCode, usUserSettingsLabel || keyCodeStr);\n userSettingsGeneralMap.define(keyCode, generalUserSettingsLabel || usUserSettingsLabel || keyCodeStr);\n }\n if (eventKeyCode) {\n EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP[eventKeyCode] = keyCode;\n }\n if (vkey) {\n NATIVE_WINDOWS_KEY_CODE_TO_KEY_CODE[vkey] = keyCode;\n }\n }\n // Manually added due to the exclusion above (due to duplication with NumpadEnter)\n IMMUTABLE_KEY_CODE_TO_CODE[3 /* Enter */] = 46 /* Enter */;\n})();\nvar KeyCodeUtils;\n(function (KeyCodeUtils) {\n function toString(keyCode) {\n return uiMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode);\n }\n KeyCodeUtils.toString = toString;\n function fromString(key) {\n return uiMap.strToKeyCode(key);\n }\n KeyCodeUtils.fromString = fromString;\n function toUserSettingsUS(keyCode) {\n return userSettingsUSMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode);\n }\n KeyCodeUtils.toUserSettingsUS = toUserSettingsUS;\n function toUserSettingsGeneral(keyCode) {\n return userSettingsGeneralMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode);\n }\n KeyCodeUtils.toUserSettingsGeneral = toUserSettingsGeneral;\n function fromUserSettings(key) {\n return userSettingsUSMap.strToKeyCode(key) || userSettingsGeneralMap.strToKeyCode(key);\n }\n KeyCodeUtils.fromUserSettings = fromUserSettings;\n function toElectronAccelerator(keyCode) {\n if (keyCode >= 93 /* Numpad0 */ && keyCode <= 108 /* NumpadDivide */) {\n // [Electron Accelerators] Electron is able to parse numpad keys, but unfortunately it\n // renders them just as regular keys in menus. For example, num0 is rendered as \"0\",\n // numdiv is rendered as \"/\", numsub is rendered as \"-\".\n //\n // This can lead to incredible confusion, as it makes numpad based keybindings indistinguishable\n // from keybindings based on regular keys.\n //\n // We therefore need to fall back to custom rendering for numpad keys.\n return null;\n }\n switch (keyCode) {\n case 16 /* UpArrow */:\n return 'Up';\n case 18 /* DownArrow */:\n return 'Down';\n case 15 /* LeftArrow */:\n return 'Left';\n case 17 /* RightArrow */:\n return 'Right';\n }\n return uiMap.keyCodeToStr(keyCode);\n }\n KeyCodeUtils.toElectronAccelerator = toElectronAccelerator;\n})(KeyCodeUtils || (KeyCodeUtils = {}));\nfunction KeyChord(firstPart, secondPart) {\n const chordPart = ((secondPart & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) >>> 0;\n return (firstPart | chordPart) >>> 0;\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/keyCodes.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lazy.js": /*!***************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lazy.js ***! \***************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "Lazy": () => (/* binding */ Lazy)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nclass Lazy {\n constructor(executor) {\n this.executor = executor;\n this._didRun = false;\n }\n /**\n * Get the wrapped value.\n *\n * This will force evaluation of the lazy value if it has not been resolved yet. Lazy values are only\n * resolved once. `getValue` will re-throw exceptions that are hit while resolving the value\n */\n getValue() {\n if (!this._didRun) {\n try {\n this._value = this.executor();\n }\n catch (err) {\n this._error = err;\n }\n finally {\n this._didRun = true;\n }\n }\n if (this._error) {\n throw this._error;\n }\n return this._value;\n }\n /**\n * Get the wrapped value without forcing evaluation.\n */\n get rawValue() { return this._value; }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lazy.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lifecycle.js": /*!********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lifecycle.js ***! \********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "Disposable": () => (/* binding */ Disposable),\n/* harmony export */ "DisposableStore": () => (/* binding */ DisposableStore),\n/* harmony export */ "ImmortalReference": () => (/* binding */ ImmortalReference),\n/* harmony export */ "MultiDisposeError": () => (/* binding */ MultiDisposeError),\n/* harmony export */ "MutableDisposable": () => (/* binding */ MutableDisposable),\n/* harmony export */ "SafeDisposable": () => (/* binding */ SafeDisposable),\n/* harmony export */ "combinedDisposable": () => (/* binding */ combinedDisposable),\n/* harmony export */ "dispose": () => (/* binding */ dispose),\n/* harmony export */ "isDisposable": () => (/* binding */ isDisposable),\n/* harmony export */ "markAsSingleton": () => (/* binding */ markAsSingleton),\n/* harmony export */ "setDisposableTracker": () => (/* binding */ setDisposableTracker),\n/* harmony export */ "toDisposable": () => (/* binding */ toDisposable)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _functional_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functional.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/functional.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _iterator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./iterator.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/iterator.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n/**\n * Enables logging of potentially leaked disposables.\n *\n * A disposable is considered leaked if it is not disposed or not registered as the child of\n * another disposable. This tracking is very simple an only works for classes that either\n * extend Disposable or use a DisposableStore. This means there are a lot of false positives.\n */\nconst TRACK_DISPOSABLES = false;\nlet disposableTracker = null;\nfunction setDisposableTracker(tracker) {\n disposableTracker = tracker;\n}\nif (TRACK_DISPOSABLES) {\n const __is_disposable_tracked__ = \'__is_disposable_tracked__\';\n setDisposableTracker(new class {\n trackDisposable(x) {\n const stack = new Error(\'Potentially leaked disposable\').stack;\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (!x[__is_disposable_tracked__]) {\n console.log(stack);\n }\n }, 3000);\n }\n setParent(child, parent) {\n if (child && child !== Disposable.None) {\n try {\n child[__is_disposable_tracked__] = true;\n }\n catch (_a) {\n // noop\n }\n }\n }\n markAsDisposed(disposable) {\n if (disposable && disposable !== Disposable.None) {\n try {\n disposable[__is_disposable_tracked__] = true;\n }\n catch (_a) {\n // noop\n }\n }\n }\n markAsSingleton(disposable) { }\n });\n}\nfunction trackDisposable(x) {\n disposableTracker === null || disposableTracker === void 0 ? void 0 : disposableTracker.trackDisposable(x);\n return x;\n}\nfunction markAsDisposed(disposable) {\n disposableTracker === null || disposableTracker === void 0 ? void 0 : disposableTracker.markAsDisposed(disposable);\n}\nfunction setParentOfDisposable(child, parent) {\n disposableTracker === null || disposableTracker === void 0 ? void 0 : disposableTracker.setParent(child, parent);\n}\nfunction setParentOfDisposables(children, parent) {\n if (!disposableTracker) {\n return;\n }\n for (const child of children) {\n disposableTracker.setParent(child, parent);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Indicates that the given object is a singleton which does not need to be disposed.\n*/\nfunction markAsSingleton(singleton) {\n disposableTracker === null || disposableTracker === void 0 ? void 0 : disposableTracker.markAsSingleton(singleton);\n return singleton;\n}\nclass MultiDisposeError extends Error {\n constructor(errors) {\n super(`Encountered errors while disposing of store. Errors: [${errors.join(\', \')}]`);\n this.errors = errors;\n }\n}\nfunction isDisposable(thing) {\n return typeof thing.dispose === \'function\' && thing.dispose.length === 0;\n}\nfunction dispose(arg) {\n if (_iterator_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Iterable.is(arg)) {\n let errors = [];\n for (const d of arg) {\n if (d) {\n try {\n d.dispose();\n }\n catch (e) {\n errors.push(e);\n }\n }\n }\n if (errors.length === 1) {\n throw errors[0];\n }\n else if (errors.length > 1) {\n throw new MultiDisposeError(errors);\n }\n return Array.isArray(arg) ? [] : arg;\n }\n else if (arg) {\n arg.dispose();\n return arg;\n }\n}\nfunction combinedDisposable(...disposables) {\n const parent = toDisposable(() => dispose(disposables));\n setParentOfDisposables(disposables, parent);\n return parent;\n}\nfunction toDisposable(fn) {\n const self = trackDisposable({\n dispose: (0,_functional_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.once)(() => {\n markAsDisposed(self);\n fn();\n })\n });\n return self;\n}\nclass DisposableStore {\n constructor() {\n this._toDispose = new Set();\n this._isDisposed = false;\n trackDisposable(this);\n }\n /**\n * Dispose of all registered disposables and mark this object as disposed.\n *\n * Any future disposables added to this object will be disposed of on `add`.\n */\n dispose() {\n if (this._isDisposed) {\n return;\n }\n markAsDisposed(this);\n this._isDisposed = true;\n this.clear();\n }\n /**\n * Returns `true` if this object has been disposed\n */\n get isDisposed() {\n return this._isDisposed;\n }\n /**\n * Dispose of all registered disposables but do not mark this object as disposed.\n */\n clear() {\n try {\n dispose(this._toDispose.values());\n }\n finally {\n this._toDispose.clear();\n }\n }\n add(o) {\n if (!o) {\n return o;\n }\n if (o === this) {\n throw new Error(\'Cannot register a disposable on itself!\');\n }\n setParentOfDisposable(o, this);\n if (this._isDisposed) {\n if (!DisposableStore.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING) {\n console.warn(new Error(\'Trying to add a disposable to a DisposableStore that has already been disposed of. The added object will be leaked!\').stack);\n }\n }\n else {\n this._toDispose.add(o);\n }\n return o;\n }\n}\nDisposableStore.DISABLE_DISPOSED_WARNING = false;\nclass Disposable {\n constructor() {\n this._store = new DisposableStore();\n trackDisposable(this);\n setParentOfDisposable(this._store, this);\n }\n dispose() {\n markAsDisposed(this);\n this._store.dispose();\n }\n _register(o) {\n if (o === this) {\n throw new Error(\'Cannot register a disposable on itself!\');\n }\n return this._store.add(o);\n }\n}\nDisposable.None = Object.freeze({ dispose() { } });\n/**\n * Manages the lifecycle of a disposable value that may be changed.\n *\n * This ensures that when the disposable value is changed, the previously held disposable is disposed of. You can\n * also register a `MutableDisposable` on a `Disposable` to ensure it is automatically cleaned up.\n */\nclass MutableDisposable {\n constructor() {\n this._isDisposed = false;\n trackDisposable(this);\n }\n get value() {\n return this._isDisposed ? undefined : this._value;\n }\n set value(value) {\n var _a;\n if (this._isDisposed || value === this._value) {\n return;\n }\n (_a = this._value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.dispose();\n if (value) {\n setParentOfDisposable(value, this);\n }\n this._value = value;\n }\n clear() {\n this.value = undefined;\n }\n dispose() {\n var _a;\n this._isDisposed = true;\n markAsDisposed(this);\n (_a = this._value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.dispose();\n this._value = undefined;\n }\n /**\n * Clears the value, but does not dispose it.\n * The old value is returned.\n */\n clearAndLeak() {\n const oldValue = this._value;\n this._value = undefined;\n if (oldValue) {\n setParentOfDisposable(oldValue, null);\n }\n return oldValue;\n }\n}\n/**\n * A safe disposable can be `unset` so that a leaked reference (listener)\n * can be cut-off.\n */\nclass SafeDisposable {\n constructor() {\n this.dispose = () => { };\n this.unset = () => { };\n this.isset = () => false;\n trackDisposable(this);\n }\n set(fn) {\n let callback = fn;\n this.unset = () => callback = undefined;\n this.isset = () => callback !== undefined;\n this.dispose = () => {\n if (callback) {\n callback();\n callback = undefined;\n markAsDisposed(this);\n }\n };\n return this;\n }\n}\nclass ImmortalReference {\n constructor(object) {\n this.object = object;\n }\n dispose() { }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lifecycle.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/linkedList.js": /*!*********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/linkedList.js ***! \*********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "LinkedList": () => (/* binding */ LinkedList)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nclass Node {\n constructor(element) {\n this.element = element;\n this.next = Node.Undefined;\n this.prev = Node.Undefined;\n }\n}\nNode.Undefined = new Node(undefined);\nclass LinkedList {\n constructor() {\n this._first = Node.Undefined;\n this._last = Node.Undefined;\n this._size = 0;\n }\n get size() {\n return this._size;\n }\n isEmpty() {\n return this._first === Node.Undefined;\n }\n clear() {\n let node = this._first;\n while (node !== Node.Undefined) {\n const next = node.next;\n node.prev = Node.Undefined;\n node.next = Node.Undefined;\n node = next;\n }\n this._first = Node.Undefined;\n this._last = Node.Undefined;\n this._size = 0;\n }\n unshift(element) {\n return this._insert(element, false);\n }\n push(element) {\n return this._insert(element, true);\n }\n _insert(element, atTheEnd) {\n const newNode = new Node(element);\n if (this._first === Node.Undefined) {\n this._first = newNode;\n this._last = newNode;\n }\n else if (atTheEnd) {\n // push\n const oldLast = this._last;\n this._last = newNode;\n newNode.prev = oldLast;\n oldLast.next = newNode;\n }\n else {\n // unshift\n const oldFirst = this._first;\n this._first = newNode;\n newNode.next = oldFirst;\n oldFirst.prev = newNode;\n }\n this._size += 1;\n let didRemove = false;\n return () => {\n if (!didRemove) {\n didRemove = true;\n this._remove(newNode);\n }\n };\n }\n shift() {\n if (this._first === Node.Undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n else {\n const res = this._first.element;\n this._remove(this._first);\n return res;\n }\n }\n pop() {\n if (this._last === Node.Undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n else {\n const res = this._last.element;\n this._remove(this._last);\n return res;\n }\n }\n _remove(node) {\n if (node.prev !== Node.Undefined && node.next !== Node.Undefined) {\n // middle\n const anchor = node.prev;\n anchor.next = node.next;\n node.next.prev = anchor;\n }\n else if (node.prev === Node.Undefined && node.next === Node.Undefined) {\n // only node\n this._first = Node.Undefined;\n this._last = Node.Undefined;\n }\n else if (node.next === Node.Undefined) {\n // last\n this._last = this._last.prev;\n this._last.next = Node.Undefined;\n }\n else if (node.prev === Node.Undefined) {\n // first\n this._first = this._first.next;\n this._first.prev = Node.Undefined;\n }\n // done\n this._size -= 1;\n }\n *[Symbol.iterator]() {\n let node = this._first;\n while (node !== Node.Undefined) {\n yield node.element;\n node = node.next;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/linkedList.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/objects.js": /*!******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/objects.js ***! \******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"cloneAndChange\": () => (/* binding */ cloneAndChange),\n/* harmony export */ \"deepClone\": () => (/* binding */ deepClone),\n/* harmony export */ \"deepFreeze\": () => (/* binding */ deepFreeze),\n/* harmony export */ \"equals\": () => (/* binding */ equals),\n/* harmony export */ \"getOrDefault\": () => (/* binding */ getOrDefault),\n/* harmony export */ \"mixin\": () => (/* binding */ mixin)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./types.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/types.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nfunction deepClone(obj) {\n if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {\n return obj;\n }\n if (obj instanceof RegExp) {\n // See https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/10990\n return obj;\n }\n const result = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};\n Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n result[key] = deepClone(obj[key]);\n }\n else {\n result[key] = obj[key];\n }\n });\n return result;\n}\nfunction deepFreeze(obj) {\n if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {\n return obj;\n }\n const stack = [obj];\n while (stack.length > 0) {\n const obj = stack.shift();\n Object.freeze(obj);\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (_hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {\n const prop = obj[key];\n if (typeof prop === 'object' && !Object.isFrozen(prop)) {\n stack.push(prop);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return obj;\n}\nconst _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\nfunction cloneAndChange(obj, changer) {\n return _cloneAndChange(obj, changer, new Set());\n}\nfunction _cloneAndChange(obj, changer, seen) {\n if ((0,_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isUndefinedOrNull)(obj)) {\n return obj;\n }\n const changed = changer(obj);\n if (typeof changed !== 'undefined') {\n return changed;\n }\n if ((0,_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isArray)(obj)) {\n const r1 = [];\n for (const e of obj) {\n r1.push(_cloneAndChange(e, changer, seen));\n }\n return r1;\n }\n if ((0,_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isObject)(obj)) {\n if (seen.has(obj)) {\n throw new Error('Cannot clone recursive data-structure');\n }\n seen.add(obj);\n const r2 = {};\n for (let i2 in obj) {\n if (_hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i2)) {\n r2[i2] = _cloneAndChange(obj[i2], changer, seen);\n }\n }\n seen.delete(obj);\n return r2;\n }\n return obj;\n}\n/**\n * Copies all properties of source into destination. The optional parameter \"overwrite\" allows to control\n * if existing properties on the destination should be overwritten or not. Defaults to true (overwrite).\n */\nfunction mixin(destination, source, overwrite = true) {\n if (!(0,_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isObject)(destination)) {\n return source;\n }\n if ((0,_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isObject)(source)) {\n Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {\n if (key in destination) {\n if (overwrite) {\n if ((0,_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isObject)(destination[key]) && (0,_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isObject)(source[key])) {\n mixin(destination[key], source[key], overwrite);\n }\n else {\n destination[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n destination[key] = source[key];\n }\n });\n }\n return destination;\n}\nfunction equals(one, other) {\n if (one === other) {\n return true;\n }\n if (one === null || one === undefined || other === null || other === undefined) {\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof one !== typeof other) {\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof one !== 'object') {\n return false;\n }\n if ((Array.isArray(one)) !== (Array.isArray(other))) {\n return false;\n }\n let i;\n let key;\n if (Array.isArray(one)) {\n if (one.length !== other.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (i = 0; i < one.length; i++) {\n if (!equals(one[i], other[i])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n const oneKeys = [];\n for (key in one) {\n oneKeys.push(key);\n }\n oneKeys.sort();\n const otherKeys = [];\n for (key in other) {\n otherKeys.push(key);\n }\n otherKeys.sort();\n if (!equals(oneKeys, otherKeys)) {\n return false;\n }\n for (i = 0; i < oneKeys.length; i++) {\n if (!equals(one[oneKeys[i]], other[oneKeys[i]])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\nfunction getOrDefault(obj, fn, defaultValue) {\n const result = fn(obj);\n return typeof result === 'undefined' ? defaultValue : result;\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/objects.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/path.js": /*!***************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/path.js ***! \***************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"basename\": () => (/* binding */ basename),\n/* harmony export */ \"dirname\": () => (/* binding */ dirname),\n/* harmony export */ \"extname\": () => (/* binding */ extname),\n/* harmony export */ \"normalize\": () => (/* binding */ normalize),\n/* harmony export */ \"posix\": () => (/* binding */ posix),\n/* harmony export */ \"relative\": () => (/* binding */ relative),\n/* harmony export */ \"resolve\": () => (/* binding */ resolve),\n/* harmony export */ \"sep\": () => (/* binding */ sep),\n/* harmony export */ \"win32\": () => (/* binding */ win32)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./process.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/process.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// NOTE: VSCode's copy of nodejs path library to be usable in common (non-node) namespace\n// Copied from: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v14.16.0/lib/path.js\n/**\n * Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n * \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n * following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nconst CHAR_UPPERCASE_A = 65; /* A */\nconst CHAR_LOWERCASE_A = 97; /* a */\nconst CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z = 90; /* Z */\nconst CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z = 122; /* z */\nconst CHAR_DOT = 46; /* . */\nconst CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH = 47; /* / */\nconst CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH = 92; /* \\ */\nconst CHAR_COLON = 58; /* : */\nconst CHAR_QUESTION_MARK = 63; /* ? */\nclass ErrorInvalidArgType extends Error {\n constructor(name, expected, actual) {\n // determiner: 'must be' or 'must not be'\n let determiner;\n if (typeof expected === 'string' && expected.indexOf('not ') === 0) {\n determiner = 'must not be';\n expected = expected.replace(/^not /, '');\n }\n else {\n determiner = 'must be';\n }\n const type = name.indexOf('.') !== -1 ? 'property' : 'argument';\n let msg = `The \"${name}\" ${type} ${determiner} of type ${expected}`;\n msg += `. Received type ${typeof actual}`;\n super(msg);\n this.code = 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE';\n }\n}\nfunction validateString(value, name) {\n if (typeof value !== 'string') {\n throw new ErrorInvalidArgType(name, 'string', value);\n }\n}\nfunction isPathSeparator(code) {\n return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH;\n}\nfunction isPosixPathSeparator(code) {\n return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n}\nfunction isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) {\n return (code >= CHAR_UPPERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z) ||\n (code >= CHAR_LOWERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z);\n}\n// Resolves . and .. elements in a path with directory names\nfunction normalizeString(path, allowAboveRoot, separator, isPathSeparator) {\n let res = '';\n let lastSegmentLength = 0;\n let lastSlash = -1;\n let dots = 0;\n let code = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i <= path.length; ++i) {\n if (i < path.length) {\n code = path.charCodeAt(i);\n }\n else if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n break;\n }\n else {\n code = CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n }\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1) {\n // NOOP\n }\n else if (dots === 2) {\n if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 ||\n res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== CHAR_DOT ||\n res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== CHAR_DOT) {\n if (res.length > 2) {\n const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf(separator);\n if (lastSlashIndex === -1) {\n res = '';\n lastSegmentLength = 0;\n }\n else {\n res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex);\n lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf(separator);\n }\n lastSlash = i;\n dots = 0;\n continue;\n }\n else if (res.length !== 0) {\n res = '';\n lastSegmentLength = 0;\n lastSlash = i;\n dots = 0;\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (allowAboveRoot) {\n res += res.length > 0 ? `${separator}..` : '..';\n lastSegmentLength = 2;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (res.length > 0) {\n res += `${separator}${path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i)}`;\n }\n else {\n res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);\n }\n lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1;\n }\n lastSlash = i;\n dots = 0;\n }\n else if (code === CHAR_DOT && dots !== -1) {\n ++dots;\n }\n else {\n dots = -1;\n }\n }\n return res;\n}\nfunction _format(sep, pathObject) {\n if (pathObject === null || typeof pathObject !== 'object') {\n throw new ErrorInvalidArgType('pathObject', 'Object', pathObject);\n }\n const dir = pathObject.dir || pathObject.root;\n const base = pathObject.base ||\n `${pathObject.name || ''}${pathObject.ext || ''}`;\n if (!dir) {\n return base;\n }\n return dir === pathObject.root ? `${dir}${base}` : `${dir}${sep}${base}`;\n}\nconst win32 = {\n // path.resolve([from ...], to)\n resolve(...pathSegments) {\n let resolvedDevice = '';\n let resolvedTail = '';\n let resolvedAbsolute = false;\n for (let i = pathSegments.length - 1; i >= -1; i--) {\n let path;\n if (i >= 0) {\n path = pathSegments[i];\n validateString(path, 'path');\n // Skip empty entries\n if (path.length === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n }\n else if (resolvedDevice.length === 0) {\n path = _process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cwd();\n }\n else {\n // Windows has the concept of drive-specific current working\n // directories. If we've resolved a drive letter but not yet an\n // absolute path, get cwd for that drive, or the process cwd if\n // the drive cwd is not available. We're sure the device is not\n // a UNC path at this points, because UNC paths are always absolute.\n path = _process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.env[`=${resolvedDevice}`] || _process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cwd();\n // Verify that a cwd was found and that it actually points\n // to our drive. If not, default to the drive's root.\n if (path === undefined ||\n (path.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() !== resolvedDevice.toLowerCase() &&\n path.charCodeAt(2) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH)) {\n path = `${resolvedDevice}\\\\`;\n }\n }\n const len = path.length;\n let rootEnd = 0;\n let device = '';\n let isAbsolute = false;\n const code = path.charCodeAt(0);\n // Try to match a root\n if (len === 1) {\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // `path` contains just a path separator\n rootEnd = 1;\n isAbsolute = true;\n }\n }\n else if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // Possible UNC root\n // If we started with a separator, we know we at least have an\n // absolute path of some kind (UNC or otherwise)\n isAbsolute = true;\n if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) {\n // Matched double path separator at beginning\n let j = 2;\n let last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n const firstPart = path.slice(last, j);\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more path separators\n while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j === len || j !== last) {\n // We matched a UNC root\n device = `\\\\\\\\${firstPart}\\\\${path.slice(last, j)}`;\n rootEnd = j;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n rootEnd = 1;\n }\n }\n else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) &&\n path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) {\n // Possible device root\n device = path.slice(0, 2);\n rootEnd = 2;\n if (len > 2 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) {\n // Treat separator following drive name as an absolute path\n // indicator\n isAbsolute = true;\n rootEnd = 3;\n }\n }\n if (device.length > 0) {\n if (resolvedDevice.length > 0) {\n if (device.toLowerCase() !== resolvedDevice.toLowerCase()) {\n // This path points to another device so it is not applicable\n continue;\n }\n }\n else {\n resolvedDevice = device;\n }\n }\n if (resolvedAbsolute) {\n if (resolvedDevice.length > 0) {\n break;\n }\n }\n else {\n resolvedTail = `${path.slice(rootEnd)}\\\\${resolvedTail}`;\n resolvedAbsolute = isAbsolute;\n if (isAbsolute && resolvedDevice.length > 0) {\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path,\n // but handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd()\n // fails)\n // Normalize the tail path\n resolvedTail = normalizeString(resolvedTail, !resolvedAbsolute, '\\\\', isPathSeparator);\n return resolvedAbsolute ?\n `${resolvedDevice}\\\\${resolvedTail}` :\n `${resolvedDevice}${resolvedTail}` || '.';\n },\n normalize(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n const len = path.length;\n if (len === 0) {\n return '.';\n }\n let rootEnd = 0;\n let device;\n let isAbsolute = false;\n const code = path.charCodeAt(0);\n // Try to match a root\n if (len === 1) {\n // `path` contains just a single char, exit early to avoid\n // unnecessary work\n return isPosixPathSeparator(code) ? '\\\\' : path;\n }\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // Possible UNC root\n // If we started with a separator, we know we at least have an absolute\n // path of some kind (UNC or otherwise)\n isAbsolute = true;\n if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) {\n // Matched double path separator at beginning\n let j = 2;\n let last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n const firstPart = path.slice(last, j);\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more path separators\n while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j === len) {\n // We matched a UNC root only\n // Return the normalized version of the UNC root since there\n // is nothing left to process\n return `\\\\\\\\${firstPart}\\\\${path.slice(last)}\\\\`;\n }\n if (j !== last) {\n // We matched a UNC root with leftovers\n device = `\\\\\\\\${firstPart}\\\\${path.slice(last, j)}`;\n rootEnd = j;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n rootEnd = 1;\n }\n }\n else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) {\n // Possible device root\n device = path.slice(0, 2);\n rootEnd = 2;\n if (len > 2 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) {\n // Treat separator following drive name as an absolute path\n // indicator\n isAbsolute = true;\n rootEnd = 3;\n }\n }\n let tail = rootEnd < len ?\n normalizeString(path.slice(rootEnd), !isAbsolute, '\\\\', isPathSeparator) :\n '';\n if (tail.length === 0 && !isAbsolute) {\n tail = '.';\n }\n if (tail.length > 0 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(len - 1))) {\n tail += '\\\\';\n }\n if (device === undefined) {\n return isAbsolute ? `\\\\${tail}` : tail;\n }\n return isAbsolute ? `${device}\\\\${tail}` : `${device}${tail}`;\n },\n isAbsolute(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n const len = path.length;\n if (len === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n const code = path.charCodeAt(0);\n return isPathSeparator(code) ||\n // Possible device root\n (len > 2 &&\n isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) &&\n path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON &&\n isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2)));\n },\n join(...paths) {\n if (paths.length === 0) {\n return '.';\n }\n let joined;\n let firstPart;\n for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {\n const arg = paths[i];\n validateString(arg, 'path');\n if (arg.length > 0) {\n if (joined === undefined) {\n joined = firstPart = arg;\n }\n else {\n joined += `\\\\${arg}`;\n }\n }\n }\n if (joined === undefined) {\n return '.';\n }\n // Make sure that the joined path doesn't start with two slashes, because\n // normalize() will mistake it for a UNC path then.\n //\n // This step is skipped when it is very clear that the user actually\n // intended to point at a UNC path. This is assumed when the first\n // non-empty string arguments starts with exactly two slashes followed by\n // at least one more non-slash character.\n //\n // Note that for normalize() to treat a path as a UNC path it needs to\n // have at least 2 components, so we don't filter for that here.\n // This means that the user can use join to construct UNC paths from\n // a server name and a share name; for example:\n // path.join('//server', 'share') -> '\\\\\\\\server\\\\share\\\\')\n let needsReplace = true;\n let slashCount = 0;\n if (typeof firstPart === 'string' && isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(0))) {\n ++slashCount;\n const firstLen = firstPart.length;\n if (firstLen > 1 && isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(1))) {\n ++slashCount;\n if (firstLen > 2) {\n if (isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(2))) {\n ++slashCount;\n }\n else {\n // We matched a UNC path in the first part\n needsReplace = false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (needsReplace) {\n // Find any more consecutive slashes we need to replace\n while (slashCount < joined.length &&\n isPathSeparator(joined.charCodeAt(slashCount))) {\n slashCount++;\n }\n // Replace the slashes if needed\n if (slashCount >= 2) {\n joined = `\\\\${joined.slice(slashCount)}`;\n }\n }\n return win32.normalize(joined);\n },\n // It will solve the relative path from `from` to `to`, for instance:\n // from = 'C:\\\\orandea\\\\test\\\\aaa'\n // to = 'C:\\\\orandea\\\\impl\\\\bbb'\n // The output of the function should be: '..\\\\..\\\\impl\\\\bbb'\n relative(from, to) {\n validateString(from, 'from');\n validateString(to, 'to');\n if (from === to) {\n return '';\n }\n const fromOrig = win32.resolve(from);\n const toOrig = win32.resolve(to);\n if (fromOrig === toOrig) {\n return '';\n }\n from = fromOrig.toLowerCase();\n to = toOrig.toLowerCase();\n if (from === to) {\n return '';\n }\n // Trim any leading backslashes\n let fromStart = 0;\n while (fromStart < from.length &&\n from.charCodeAt(fromStart) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n fromStart++;\n }\n // Trim trailing backslashes (applicable to UNC paths only)\n let fromEnd = from.length;\n while (fromEnd - 1 > fromStart &&\n from.charCodeAt(fromEnd - 1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n fromEnd--;\n }\n const fromLen = fromEnd - fromStart;\n // Trim any leading backslashes\n let toStart = 0;\n while (toStart < to.length &&\n to.charCodeAt(toStart) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n toStart++;\n }\n // Trim trailing backslashes (applicable to UNC paths only)\n let toEnd = to.length;\n while (toEnd - 1 > toStart &&\n to.charCodeAt(toEnd - 1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n toEnd--;\n }\n const toLen = toEnd - toStart;\n // Compare paths to find the longest common path from root\n const length = fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen;\n let lastCommonSep = -1;\n let i = 0;\n for (; i < length; i++) {\n const fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i);\n if (fromCode !== to.charCodeAt(toStart + i)) {\n break;\n }\n else if (fromCode === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n lastCommonSep = i;\n }\n }\n // We found a mismatch before the first common path separator was seen, so\n // return the original `to`.\n if (i !== length) {\n if (lastCommonSep === -1) {\n return toOrig;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (toLen > length) {\n if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n // We get here if `from` is the exact base path for `to`.\n // For example: from='C:\\\\foo\\\\bar'; to='C:\\\\foo\\\\bar\\\\baz'\n return toOrig.slice(toStart + i + 1);\n }\n if (i === 2) {\n // We get here if `from` is the device root.\n // For example: from='C:\\\\'; to='C:\\\\foo'\n return toOrig.slice(toStart + i);\n }\n }\n if (fromLen > length) {\n if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n // We get here if `to` is the exact base path for `from`.\n // For example: from='C:\\\\foo\\\\bar'; to='C:\\\\foo'\n lastCommonSep = i;\n }\n else if (i === 2) {\n // We get here if `to` is the device root.\n // For example: from='C:\\\\foo\\\\bar'; to='C:\\\\'\n lastCommonSep = 3;\n }\n }\n if (lastCommonSep === -1) {\n lastCommonSep = 0;\n }\n }\n let out = '';\n // Generate the relative path based on the path difference between `to` and\n // `from`\n for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) {\n if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n out += out.length === 0 ? '..' : '\\\\..';\n }\n }\n toStart += lastCommonSep;\n // Lastly, append the rest of the destination (`to`) path that comes after\n // the common path parts\n if (out.length > 0) {\n return `${out}${toOrig.slice(toStart, toEnd)}`;\n }\n if (toOrig.charCodeAt(toStart) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n ++toStart;\n }\n return toOrig.slice(toStart, toEnd);\n },\n toNamespacedPath(path) {\n // Note: this will *probably* throw somewhere.\n if (typeof path !== 'string') {\n return path;\n }\n if (path.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n const resolvedPath = win32.resolve(path);\n if (resolvedPath.length <= 2) {\n return path;\n }\n if (resolvedPath.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n // Possible UNC root\n if (resolvedPath.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n const code = resolvedPath.charCodeAt(2);\n if (code !== CHAR_QUESTION_MARK && code !== CHAR_DOT) {\n // Matched non-long UNC root, convert the path to a long UNC path\n return `\\\\\\\\?\\\\UNC\\\\${resolvedPath.slice(2)}`;\n }\n }\n }\n else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(resolvedPath.charCodeAt(0)) &&\n resolvedPath.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON &&\n resolvedPath.charCodeAt(2) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) {\n // Matched device root, convert the path to a long UNC path\n return `\\\\\\\\?\\\\${resolvedPath}`;\n }\n return path;\n },\n dirname(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n const len = path.length;\n if (len === 0) {\n return '.';\n }\n let rootEnd = -1;\n let offset = 0;\n const code = path.charCodeAt(0);\n if (len === 1) {\n // `path` contains just a path separator, exit early to avoid\n // unnecessary work or a dot.\n return isPathSeparator(code) ? path : '.';\n }\n // Try to match a root\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // Possible UNC root\n rootEnd = offset = 1;\n if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) {\n // Matched double path separator at beginning\n let j = 2;\n let last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more path separators\n while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j === len) {\n // We matched a UNC root only\n return path;\n }\n if (j !== last) {\n // We matched a UNC root with leftovers\n // Offset by 1 to include the separator after the UNC root to\n // treat it as a \"normal root\" on top of a (UNC) root\n rootEnd = offset = j + 1;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n // Possible device root\n }\n else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) {\n rootEnd = len > 2 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2)) ? 3 : 2;\n offset = rootEnd;\n }\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n for (let i = len - 1; i >= offset; --i) {\n if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(i))) {\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n end = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n else {\n // We saw the first non-path separator\n matchedSlash = false;\n }\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n if (rootEnd === -1) {\n return '.';\n }\n end = rootEnd;\n }\n return path.slice(0, end);\n },\n basename(path, ext) {\n if (ext !== undefined) {\n validateString(ext, 'ext');\n }\n validateString(path, 'path');\n let start = 0;\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n let i;\n // Check for a drive letter prefix so as not to mistake the following\n // path separator as an extra separator at the end of the path that can be\n // disregarded\n if (path.length >= 2 &&\n isWindowsDeviceRoot(path.charCodeAt(0)) &&\n path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) {\n start = 2;\n }\n if (ext !== undefined && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) {\n if (ext === path) {\n return '';\n }\n let extIdx = ext.length - 1;\n let firstNonSlashEnd = -1;\n for (i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(i);\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n start = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case\n // we need it if the extension ends up not matching\n matchedSlash = false;\n firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1;\n }\n if (extIdx >= 0) {\n // Try to match the explicit extension\n if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) {\n if (--extIdx === -1) {\n // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path\n // component\n end = i;\n }\n }\n else {\n // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path\n // component\n extIdx = -1;\n end = firstNonSlashEnd;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (start === end) {\n end = firstNonSlashEnd;\n }\n else if (end === -1) {\n end = path.length;\n }\n return path.slice(start, end);\n }\n for (i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) {\n if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(i))) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n start = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n else if (end === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our\n // path component\n matchedSlash = false;\n end = i + 1;\n }\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n return '';\n }\n return path.slice(start, end);\n },\n extname(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n let start = 0;\n let startDot = -1;\n let startPart = 0;\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and\n // after any path separator we find\n let preDotState = 0;\n // Check for a drive letter prefix so as not to mistake the following\n // path separator as an extra separator at the end of the path that can be\n // disregarded\n if (path.length >= 2 &&\n path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON &&\n isWindowsDeviceRoot(path.charCodeAt(0))) {\n start = startPart = 2;\n }\n for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(i);\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n startPart = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our\n // extension\n matchedSlash = false;\n end = i + 1;\n }\n if (code === CHAR_DOT) {\n // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension\n if (startDot === -1) {\n startDot = i;\n }\n else if (preDotState !== 1) {\n preDotState = 1;\n }\n }\n else if (startDot !== -1) {\n // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should\n // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension\n preDotState = -1;\n }\n }\n if (startDot === -1 ||\n end === -1 ||\n // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot\n preDotState === 0 ||\n // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'\n (preDotState === 1 &&\n startDot === end - 1 &&\n startDot === startPart + 1)) {\n return '';\n }\n return path.slice(startDot, end);\n },\n format: _format.bind(null, '\\\\'),\n parse(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n const ret = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' };\n if (path.length === 0) {\n return ret;\n }\n const len = path.length;\n let rootEnd = 0;\n let code = path.charCodeAt(0);\n if (len === 1) {\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // `path` contains just a path separator, exit early to avoid\n // unnecessary work\n ret.root = ret.dir = path;\n return ret;\n }\n ret.base = ret.name = path;\n return ret;\n }\n // Try to match a root\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // Possible UNC root\n rootEnd = 1;\n if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) {\n // Matched double path separator at beginning\n let j = 2;\n let last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more path separators\n while (j < len && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j < len && j !== last) {\n // Matched!\n last = j;\n // Match 1 or more non-path separators\n while (j < len && !isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) {\n j++;\n }\n if (j === len) {\n // We matched a UNC root only\n rootEnd = j;\n }\n else if (j !== last) {\n // We matched a UNC root with leftovers\n rootEnd = j + 1;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) {\n // Possible device root\n if (len <= 2) {\n // `path` contains just a drive root, exit early to avoid\n // unnecessary work\n ret.root = ret.dir = path;\n return ret;\n }\n rootEnd = 2;\n if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) {\n if (len === 3) {\n // `path` contains just a drive root, exit early to avoid\n // unnecessary work\n ret.root = ret.dir = path;\n return ret;\n }\n rootEnd = 3;\n }\n }\n if (rootEnd > 0) {\n ret.root = path.slice(0, rootEnd);\n }\n let startDot = -1;\n let startPart = rootEnd;\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n let i = path.length - 1;\n // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and\n // after any path separator we find\n let preDotState = 0;\n // Get non-dir info\n for (; i >= rootEnd; --i) {\n code = path.charCodeAt(i);\n if (isPathSeparator(code)) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n startPart = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our\n // extension\n matchedSlash = false;\n end = i + 1;\n }\n if (code === CHAR_DOT) {\n // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension\n if (startDot === -1) {\n startDot = i;\n }\n else if (preDotState !== 1) {\n preDotState = 1;\n }\n }\n else if (startDot !== -1) {\n // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should\n // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension\n preDotState = -1;\n }\n }\n if (end !== -1) {\n if (startDot === -1 ||\n // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot\n preDotState === 0 ||\n // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'\n (preDotState === 1 &&\n startDot === end - 1 &&\n startDot === startPart + 1)) {\n ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(startPart, end);\n }\n else {\n ret.name = path.slice(startPart, startDot);\n ret.base = path.slice(startPart, end);\n ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end);\n }\n }\n // If the directory is the root, use the entire root as the `dir` including\n // the trailing slash if any (`C:\\abc` -> `C:\\`). Otherwise, strip out the\n // trailing slash (`C:\\abc\\def` -> `C:\\abc`).\n if (startPart > 0 && startPart !== rootEnd) {\n ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1);\n }\n else {\n ret.dir = ret.root;\n }\n return ret;\n },\n sep: '\\\\',\n delimiter: ';',\n win32: null,\n posix: null\n};\nconst posix = {\n // path.resolve([from ...], to)\n resolve(...pathSegments) {\n let resolvedPath = '';\n let resolvedAbsolute = false;\n for (let i = pathSegments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {\n const path = i >= 0 ? pathSegments[i] : _process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cwd();\n validateString(path, 'path');\n // Skip empty entries\n if (path.length === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n resolvedPath = `${path}/${resolvedPath}`;\n resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n }\n // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but\n // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)\n // Normalize the path\n resolvedPath = normalizeString(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute, '/', isPosixPathSeparator);\n if (resolvedAbsolute) {\n return `/${resolvedPath}`;\n }\n return resolvedPath.length > 0 ? resolvedPath : '.';\n },\n normalize(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n if (path.length === 0) {\n return '.';\n }\n const isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n const trailingSeparator = path.charCodeAt(path.length - 1) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n // Normalize the path\n path = normalizeString(path, !isAbsolute, '/', isPosixPathSeparator);\n if (path.length === 0) {\n if (isAbsolute) {\n return '/';\n }\n return trailingSeparator ? './' : '.';\n }\n if (trailingSeparator) {\n path += '/';\n }\n return isAbsolute ? `/${path}` : path;\n },\n isAbsolute(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n return path.length > 0 && path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n },\n join(...paths) {\n if (paths.length === 0) {\n return '.';\n }\n let joined;\n for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {\n const arg = paths[i];\n validateString(arg, 'path');\n if (arg.length > 0) {\n if (joined === undefined) {\n joined = arg;\n }\n else {\n joined += `/${arg}`;\n }\n }\n }\n if (joined === undefined) {\n return '.';\n }\n return posix.normalize(joined);\n },\n relative(from, to) {\n validateString(from, 'from');\n validateString(to, 'to');\n if (from === to) {\n return '';\n }\n // Trim leading forward slashes.\n from = posix.resolve(from);\n to = posix.resolve(to);\n if (from === to) {\n return '';\n }\n const fromStart = 1;\n const fromEnd = from.length;\n const fromLen = fromEnd - fromStart;\n const toStart = 1;\n const toLen = to.length - toStart;\n // Compare paths to find the longest common path from root\n const length = (fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen);\n let lastCommonSep = -1;\n let i = 0;\n for (; i < length; i++) {\n const fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i);\n if (fromCode !== to.charCodeAt(toStart + i)) {\n break;\n }\n else if (fromCode === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n lastCommonSep = i;\n }\n }\n if (i === length) {\n if (toLen > length) {\n if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n // We get here if `from` is the exact base path for `to`.\n // For example: from='/foo/bar'; to='/foo/bar/baz'\n return to.slice(toStart + i + 1);\n }\n if (i === 0) {\n // We get here if `from` is the root\n // For example: from='/'; to='/foo'\n return to.slice(toStart + i);\n }\n }\n else if (fromLen > length) {\n if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n // We get here if `to` is the exact base path for `from`.\n // For example: from='/foo/bar/baz'; to='/foo/bar'\n lastCommonSep = i;\n }\n else if (i === 0) {\n // We get here if `to` is the root.\n // For example: from='/foo/bar'; to='/'\n lastCommonSep = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n let out = '';\n // Generate the relative path based on the path difference between `to`\n // and `from`.\n for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) {\n if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n out += out.length === 0 ? '..' : '/..';\n }\n }\n // Lastly, append the rest of the destination (`to`) path that comes after\n // the common path parts.\n return `${out}${to.slice(toStart + lastCommonSep)}`;\n },\n toNamespacedPath(path) {\n // Non-op on posix systems\n return path;\n },\n dirname(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n if (path.length === 0) {\n return '.';\n }\n const hasRoot = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) {\n if (path.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n end = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n else {\n // We saw the first non-path separator\n matchedSlash = false;\n }\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n return hasRoot ? '/' : '.';\n }\n if (hasRoot && end === 1) {\n return '//';\n }\n return path.slice(0, end);\n },\n basename(path, ext) {\n if (ext !== undefined) {\n validateString(ext, 'ext');\n }\n validateString(path, 'path');\n let start = 0;\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n let i;\n if (ext !== undefined && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) {\n if (ext === path) {\n return '';\n }\n let extIdx = ext.length - 1;\n let firstNonSlashEnd = -1;\n for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(i);\n if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n start = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n else {\n if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case\n // we need it if the extension ends up not matching\n matchedSlash = false;\n firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1;\n }\n if (extIdx >= 0) {\n // Try to match the explicit extension\n if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) {\n if (--extIdx === -1) {\n // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path\n // component\n end = i;\n }\n }\n else {\n // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path\n // component\n extIdx = -1;\n end = firstNonSlashEnd;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (start === end) {\n end = firstNonSlashEnd;\n }\n else if (end === -1) {\n end = path.length;\n }\n return path.slice(start, end);\n }\n for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n if (path.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n start = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n else if (end === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our\n // path component\n matchedSlash = false;\n end = i + 1;\n }\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n return '';\n }\n return path.slice(start, end);\n },\n extname(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n let startDot = -1;\n let startPart = 0;\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and\n // after any path separator we find\n let preDotState = 0;\n for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(i);\n if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n startPart = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our\n // extension\n matchedSlash = false;\n end = i + 1;\n }\n if (code === CHAR_DOT) {\n // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension\n if (startDot === -1) {\n startDot = i;\n }\n else if (preDotState !== 1) {\n preDotState = 1;\n }\n }\n else if (startDot !== -1) {\n // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should\n // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension\n preDotState = -1;\n }\n }\n if (startDot === -1 ||\n end === -1 ||\n // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot\n preDotState === 0 ||\n // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'\n (preDotState === 1 &&\n startDot === end - 1 &&\n startDot === startPart + 1)) {\n return '';\n }\n return path.slice(startDot, end);\n },\n format: _format.bind(null, '/'),\n parse(path) {\n validateString(path, 'path');\n const ret = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' };\n if (path.length === 0) {\n return ret;\n }\n const isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;\n let start;\n if (isAbsolute) {\n ret.root = '/';\n start = 1;\n }\n else {\n start = 0;\n }\n let startDot = -1;\n let startPart = 0;\n let end = -1;\n let matchedSlash = true;\n let i = path.length - 1;\n // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and\n // after any path separator we find\n let preDotState = 0;\n // Get non-dir info\n for (; i >= start; --i) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(i);\n if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) {\n // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path\n // separators at the end of the string, stop now\n if (!matchedSlash) {\n startPart = i + 1;\n break;\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (end === -1) {\n // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our\n // extension\n matchedSlash = false;\n end = i + 1;\n }\n if (code === CHAR_DOT) {\n // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension\n if (startDot === -1) {\n startDot = i;\n }\n else if (preDotState !== 1) {\n preDotState = 1;\n }\n }\n else if (startDot !== -1) {\n // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should\n // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension\n preDotState = -1;\n }\n }\n if (end !== -1) {\n const start = startPart === 0 && isAbsolute ? 1 : startPart;\n if (startDot === -1 ||\n // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot\n preDotState === 0 ||\n // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'\n (preDotState === 1 &&\n startDot === end - 1 &&\n startDot === startPart + 1)) {\n ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(start, end);\n }\n else {\n ret.name = path.slice(start, startDot);\n ret.base = path.slice(start, end);\n ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end);\n }\n }\n if (startPart > 0) {\n ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1);\n }\n else if (isAbsolute) {\n ret.dir = '/';\n }\n return ret;\n },\n sep: '/',\n delimiter: ':',\n win32: null,\n posix: null\n};\nposix.win32 = win32.win32 = win32;\nposix.posix = win32.posix = posix;\nconst normalize = (_process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platform === 'win32' ? win32.normalize : posix.normalize);\nconst resolve = (_process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platform === 'win32' ? win32.resolve : posix.resolve);\nconst relative = (_process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platform === 'win32' ? win32.relative : posix.relative);\nconst dirname = (_process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platform === 'win32' ? win32.dirname : posix.dirname);\nconst basename = (_process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platform === 'win32' ? win32.basename : posix.basename);\nconst extname = (_process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platform === 'win32' ? win32.extname : posix.extname);\nconst sep = (_process_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platform === 'win32' ? win32.sep : posix.sep);\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/path.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js": /*!*******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js ***! \*******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"OS\": () => (/* binding */ OS),\n/* harmony export */ \"globals\": () => (/* binding */ globals),\n/* harmony export */ \"isAndroid\": () => (/* binding */ isAndroid),\n/* harmony export */ \"isChrome\": () => (/* binding */ isChrome),\n/* harmony export */ \"isEdge\": () => (/* binding */ isEdge),\n/* harmony export */ \"isFirefox\": () => (/* binding */ isFirefox),\n/* harmony export */ \"isIOS\": () => (/* binding */ isIOS),\n/* harmony export */ \"isLinux\": () => (/* binding */ isLinux),\n/* harmony export */ \"isLittleEndian\": () => (/* binding */ isLittleEndian),\n/* harmony export */ \"isMacintosh\": () => (/* binding */ isMacintosh),\n/* harmony export */ \"isNative\": () => (/* binding */ isNative),\n/* harmony export */ \"isSafari\": () => (/* binding */ isSafari),\n/* harmony export */ \"isWeb\": () => (/* binding */ isWeb),\n/* harmony export */ \"isWebWorker\": () => (/* binding */ isWebWorker),\n/* harmony export */ \"isWindows\": () => (/* binding */ isWindows),\n/* harmony export */ \"language\": () => (/* binding */ language),\n/* harmony export */ \"setTimeout0\": () => (/* binding */ setTimeout0),\n/* harmony export */ \"userAgent\": () => (/* binding */ userAgent)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nvar _a;\nconst LANGUAGE_DEFAULT = 'en';\nlet _isWindows = false;\nlet _isMacintosh = false;\nlet _isLinux = false;\nlet _isLinuxSnap = false;\nlet _isNative = false;\nlet _isWeb = false;\nlet _isElectron = false;\nlet _isIOS = false;\nlet _isCI = false;\nlet _locale = undefined;\nlet _language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT;\nlet _translationsConfigFile = undefined;\nlet _userAgent = undefined;\nconst globals = (typeof self === 'object' ? self : typeof __webpack_require__.g === 'object' ? __webpack_require__.g : {});\nlet nodeProcess = undefined;\nif (typeof globals.vscode !== 'undefined' && typeof globals.vscode.process !== 'undefined') {\n // Native environment (sandboxed)\n nodeProcess = globals.vscode.process;\n}\nelse if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n // Native environment (non-sandboxed)\n nodeProcess = process;\n}\nconst isElectronProcess = typeof ((_a = nodeProcess === null || nodeProcess === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProcess.versions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.electron) === 'string';\nconst isElectronRenderer = isElectronProcess && (nodeProcess === null || nodeProcess === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProcess.type) === 'renderer';\n// Web environment\nif (typeof navigator === 'object' && !isElectronRenderer) {\n _userAgent = navigator.userAgent;\n _isWindows = _userAgent.indexOf('Windows') >= 0;\n _isMacintosh = _userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0;\n _isIOS = (_userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0 || _userAgent.indexOf('iPad') >= 0 || _userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') >= 0) && !!navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;\n _isLinux = _userAgent.indexOf('Linux') >= 0;\n _isWeb = true;\n _locale = navigator.language;\n _language = _locale;\n}\n// Native environment\nelse if (typeof nodeProcess === 'object') {\n _isWindows = (nodeProcess.platform === 'win32');\n _isMacintosh = (nodeProcess.platform === 'darwin');\n _isLinux = (nodeProcess.platform === 'linux');\n _isLinuxSnap = _isLinux && !!nodeProcess.env['SNAP'] && !!nodeProcess.env['SNAP_REVISION'];\n _isElectron = isElectronProcess;\n _isCI = !!nodeProcess.env['CI'] || !!nodeProcess.env['BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY'];\n _locale = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT;\n _language = LANGUAGE_DEFAULT;\n const rawNlsConfig = nodeProcess.env['VSCODE_NLS_CONFIG'];\n if (rawNlsConfig) {\n try {\n const nlsConfig = JSON.parse(rawNlsConfig);\n const resolved = nlsConfig.availableLanguages['*'];\n _locale = nlsConfig.locale;\n // VSCode's default language is 'en'\n _language = resolved ? resolved : LANGUAGE_DEFAULT;\n _translationsConfigFile = nlsConfig._translationsConfigFile;\n }\n catch (e) {\n }\n }\n _isNative = true;\n}\n// Unknown environment\nelse {\n console.error('Unable to resolve platform.');\n}\nlet _platform = 0 /* Web */;\nif (_isMacintosh) {\n _platform = 1 /* Mac */;\n}\nelse if (_isWindows) {\n _platform = 3 /* Windows */;\n}\nelse if (_isLinux) {\n _platform = 2 /* Linux */;\n}\nconst isWindows = _isWindows;\nconst isMacintosh = _isMacintosh;\nconst isLinux = _isLinux;\nconst isNative = _isNative;\nconst isWeb = _isWeb;\nconst isWebWorker = (_isWeb && typeof globals.importScripts === 'function');\nconst isIOS = _isIOS;\nconst userAgent = _userAgent;\n/**\n * The language used for the user interface. The format of\n * the string is all lower case (e.g. zh-tw for Traditional\n * Chinese)\n */\nconst language = _language;\n/**\n * See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/timers-and-user-prompts.html#:~:text=than%204%2C%20then-,set%20timeout%20to%204,-.\n *\n * Works similarly to `setTimeout(0)` but doesn't suffer from the 4ms artificial delay\n * that browsers set when the nesting level is > 5.\n */\nconst setTimeout0 = (() => {\n if (typeof globals.postMessage === 'function' && !globals.importScripts) {\n let pending = [];\n globals.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\n if (e.data && e.data.vscodeScheduleAsyncWork) {\n for (let i = 0, len = pending.length; i < len; i++) {\n const candidate = pending[i];\n if (candidate.id === e.data.vscodeScheduleAsyncWork) {\n pending.splice(i, 1);\n candidate.callback();\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n });\n let lastId = 0;\n return (callback) => {\n const myId = ++lastId;\n pending.push({\n id: myId,\n callback: callback\n });\n globals.postMessage({ vscodeScheduleAsyncWork: myId }, '*');\n };\n }\n return (callback) => setTimeout(callback);\n})();\nconst OS = (_isMacintosh || _isIOS ? 2 /* Macintosh */ : (_isWindows ? 1 /* Windows */ : 3 /* Linux */));\nlet _isLittleEndian = true;\nlet _isLittleEndianComputed = false;\nfunction isLittleEndian() {\n if (!_isLittleEndianComputed) {\n _isLittleEndianComputed = true;\n const test = new Uint8Array(2);\n test[0] = 1;\n test[1] = 2;\n const view = new Uint16Array(test.buffer);\n _isLittleEndian = (view[0] === (2 << 8) + 1);\n }\n return _isLittleEndian;\n}\nconst isChrome = !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') >= 0);\nconst isFirefox = !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') >= 0);\nconst isSafari = !!(!isChrome && (userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0));\nconst isEdge = !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Edg/') >= 0);\nconst isAndroid = !!(userAgent && userAgent.indexOf('Android') >= 0);\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/process.js": /*!******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/process.js ***! \******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"cwd\": () => (/* binding */ cwd),\n/* harmony export */ \"env\": () => (/* binding */ env),\n/* harmony export */ \"platform\": () => (/* binding */ platform)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platform.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nlet safeProcess;\n// Native sandbox environment\nif (typeof _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.globals.vscode !== 'undefined' && typeof _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.globals.vscode.process !== 'undefined') {\n const sandboxProcess = _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.globals.vscode.process;\n safeProcess = {\n get platform() { return sandboxProcess.platform; },\n get arch() { return sandboxProcess.arch; },\n get env() { return sandboxProcess.env; },\n cwd() { return sandboxProcess.cwd(); }\n };\n}\n// Native node.js environment\nelse if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n safeProcess = {\n get platform() { return process.platform; },\n get arch() { return process.arch; },\n get env() { return process.env; },\n cwd() { return process.env['VSCODE_CWD'] || process.cwd(); }\n };\n}\n// Web environment\nelse {\n safeProcess = {\n // Supported\n get platform() { return _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isWindows ? 'win32' : _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isMacintosh ? 'darwin' : 'linux'; },\n get arch() { return undefined; /* arch is undefined in web */ },\n // Unsupported\n get env() { return {}; },\n cwd() { return '/'; }\n };\n}\n/**\n * Provides safe access to the `cwd` property in node.js, sandboxed or web\n * environments.\n *\n * Note: in web, this property is hardcoded to be `/`.\n */\nconst cwd = safeProcess.cwd;\n/**\n * Provides safe access to the `env` property in node.js, sandboxed or web\n * environments.\n *\n * Note: in web, this property is hardcoded to be `{}`.\n */\nconst env = safeProcess.env;\n/**\n * Provides safe access to the `platform` property in node.js, sandboxed or web\n * environments.\n */\nconst platform = safeProcess.platform;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/process.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/stopwatch.js": /*!********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/stopwatch.js ***! \********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "StopWatch": () => (/* binding */ StopWatch)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platform.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nconst hasPerformanceNow = (_platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.globals.performance && typeof _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.globals.performance.now === \'function\');\nclass StopWatch {\n constructor(highResolution) {\n this._highResolution = hasPerformanceNow && highResolution;\n this._startTime = this._now();\n this._stopTime = -1;\n }\n static create(highResolution = true) {\n return new StopWatch(highResolution);\n }\n stop() {\n this._stopTime = this._now();\n }\n elapsed() {\n if (this._stopTime !== -1) {\n return this._stopTime - this._startTime;\n }\n return this._now() - this._startTime;\n }\n _now() {\n return this._highResolution ? _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.globals.performance.now() : Date.now();\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/stopwatch.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js": /*!******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js ***! \******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "AmbiguousCharacters": () => (/* binding */ AmbiguousCharacters),\n/* harmony export */ "CodePointIterator": () => (/* binding */ CodePointIterator),\n/* harmony export */ "GraphemeIterator": () => (/* binding */ GraphemeIterator),\n/* harmony export */ "InvisibleCharacters": () => (/* binding */ InvisibleCharacters),\n/* harmony export */ "UNUSUAL_LINE_TERMINATORS": () => (/* binding */ UNUSUAL_LINE_TERMINATORS),\n/* harmony export */ "UTF8_BOM_CHARACTER": () => (/* binding */ UTF8_BOM_CHARACTER),\n/* harmony export */ "commonPrefixLength": () => (/* binding */ commonPrefixLength),\n/* harmony export */ "commonSuffixLength": () => (/* binding */ commonSuffixLength),\n/* harmony export */ "compare": () => (/* binding */ compare),\n/* harmony export */ "compareIgnoreCase": () => (/* binding */ compareIgnoreCase),\n/* harmony export */ "compareSubstring": () => (/* binding */ compareSubstring),\n/* harmony export */ "compareSubstringIgnoreCase": () => (/* binding */ compareSubstringIgnoreCase),\n/* harmony export */ "computeCodePoint": () => (/* binding */ computeCodePoint),\n/* harmony export */ "containsRTL": () => (/* binding */ containsRTL),\n/* harmony export */ "containsUnusualLineTerminators": () => (/* binding */ containsUnusualLineTerminators),\n/* harmony export */ "containsUppercaseCharacter": () => (/* binding */ containsUppercaseCharacter),\n/* harmony export */ "convertSimple2RegExpPattern": () => (/* binding */ convertSimple2RegExpPattern),\n/* harmony export */ "createRegExp": () => (/* binding */ createRegExp),\n/* harmony export */ "equalsIgnoreCase": () => (/* binding */ equalsIgnoreCase),\n/* harmony export */ "escape": () => (/* binding */ escape),\n/* harmony export */ "escapeRegExpCharacters": () => (/* binding */ escapeRegExpCharacters),\n/* harmony export */ "firstNonWhitespaceIndex": () => (/* binding */ firstNonWhitespaceIndex),\n/* harmony export */ "format": () => (/* binding */ format),\n/* harmony export */ "getCharContainingOffset": () => (/* binding */ getCharContainingOffset),\n/* harmony export */ "getLeadingWhitespace": () => (/* binding */ getLeadingWhitespace),\n/* harmony export */ "getLeftDeleteOffset": () => (/* binding */ getLeftDeleteOffset),\n/* harmony export */ "getNextCodePoint": () => (/* binding */ getNextCodePoint),\n/* harmony export */ "isBasicASCII": () => (/* binding */ isBasicASCII),\n/* harmony export */ "isEmojiImprecise": () => (/* binding */ isEmojiImprecise),\n/* harmony export */ "isFalsyOrWhitespace": () => (/* binding */ isFalsyOrWhitespace),\n/* harmony export */ "isFullWidthCharacter": () => (/* binding */ isFullWidthCharacter),\n/* harmony export */ "isHighSurrogate": () => (/* binding */ isHighSurrogate),\n/* harmony export */ "isLowSurrogate": () => (/* binding */ isLowSurrogate),\n/* harmony export */ "isLowerAsciiLetter": () => (/* binding */ isLowerAsciiLetter),\n/* harmony export */ "isUpperAsciiLetter": () => (/* binding */ isUpperAsciiLetter),\n/* harmony export */ "lastNonWhitespaceIndex": () => (/* binding */ lastNonWhitespaceIndex),\n/* harmony export */ "ltrim": () => (/* binding */ ltrim),\n/* harmony export */ "nextCharLength": () => (/* binding */ nextCharLength),\n/* harmony export */ "noBreakWhitespace": () => (/* binding */ noBreakWhitespace),\n/* harmony export */ "prevCharLength": () => (/* binding */ prevCharLength),\n/* harmony export */ "regExpFlags": () => (/* binding */ regExpFlags),\n/* harmony export */ "regExpLeadsToEndlessLoop": () => (/* binding */ regExpLeadsToEndlessLoop),\n/* harmony export */ "rtrim": () => (/* binding */ rtrim),\n/* harmony export */ "singleLetterHash": () => (/* binding */ singleLetterHash),\n/* harmony export */ "splitLines": () => (/* binding */ splitLines),\n/* harmony export */ "startsWithIgnoreCase": () => (/* binding */ startsWithIgnoreCase),\n/* harmony export */ "startsWithUTF8BOM": () => (/* binding */ startsWithUTF8BOM),\n/* harmony export */ "stripWildcards": () => (/* binding */ stripWildcards),\n/* harmony export */ "trim": () => (/* binding */ trim)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _cache_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cache.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cache.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _lazy_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./lazy.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lazy.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nvar _a;\n\n\nfunction isFalsyOrWhitespace(str) {\n if (!str || typeof str !== \'string\') {\n return true;\n }\n return str.trim().length === 0;\n}\nconst _formatRegexp = /{(\\d+)}/g;\n/**\n * Helper to produce a string with a variable number of arguments. Insert variable segments\n * into the string using the {n} notation where N is the index of the argument following the string.\n * @param value string to which formatting is applied\n * @param args replacements for {n}-entries\n */\nfunction format(value, ...args) {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return value;\n }\n return value.replace(_formatRegexp, function (match, group) {\n const idx = parseInt(group, 10);\n return isNaN(idx) || idx < 0 || idx >= args.length ?\n match :\n args[idx];\n });\n}\n/**\n * Converts HTML characters inside the string to use entities instead. Makes the string safe from\n * being used e.g. in HTMLElement.innerHTML.\n */\nfunction escape(html) {\n return html.replace(/[<>&]/g, function (match) {\n switch (match) {\n case \'<\': return \'<\';\n case \'>\': return \'>\';\n case \'&\': return \'&\';\n default: return match;\n }\n });\n}\n/**\n * Escapes regular expression characters in a given string\n */\nfunction escapeRegExpCharacters(value) {\n return value.replace(/[\\\\\\{\\}\\*\\+\\?\\|\\^\\$\\.\\[\\]\\(\\)]/g, \'\\\\$&\');\n}\n/**\n * Removes all occurrences of needle from the beginning and end of haystack.\n * @param haystack string to trim\n * @param needle the thing to trim (default is a blank)\n */\nfunction trim(haystack, needle = \' \') {\n const trimmed = ltrim(haystack, needle);\n return rtrim(trimmed, needle);\n}\n/**\n * Removes all occurrences of needle from the beginning of haystack.\n * @param haystack string to trim\n * @param needle the thing to trim\n */\nfunction ltrim(haystack, needle) {\n if (!haystack || !needle) {\n return haystack;\n }\n const needleLen = needle.length;\n if (needleLen === 0 || haystack.length === 0) {\n return haystack;\n }\n let offset = 0;\n while (haystack.indexOf(needle, offset) === offset) {\n offset = offset + needleLen;\n }\n return haystack.substring(offset);\n}\n/**\n * Removes all occurrences of needle from the end of haystack.\n * @param haystack string to trim\n * @param needle the thing to trim\n */\nfunction rtrim(haystack, needle) {\n if (!haystack || !needle) {\n return haystack;\n }\n const needleLen = needle.length, haystackLen = haystack.length;\n if (needleLen === 0 || haystackLen === 0) {\n return haystack;\n }\n let offset = haystackLen, idx = -1;\n while (true) {\n idx = haystack.lastIndexOf(needle, offset - 1);\n if (idx === -1 || idx + needleLen !== offset) {\n break;\n }\n if (idx === 0) {\n return \'\';\n }\n offset = idx;\n }\n return haystack.substring(0, offset);\n}\nfunction convertSimple2RegExpPattern(pattern) {\n return pattern.replace(/[\\-\\\\\\{\\}\\+\\?\\|\\^\\$\\.\\,\\[\\]\\(\\)\\#\\s]/g, \'\\\\$&\').replace(/[\\*]/g, \'.*\');\n}\nfunction stripWildcards(pattern) {\n return pattern.replace(/\\*/g, \'\');\n}\nfunction createRegExp(searchString, isRegex, options = {}) {\n if (!searchString) {\n throw new Error(\'Cannot create regex from empty string\');\n }\n if (!isRegex) {\n searchString = escapeRegExpCharacters(searchString);\n }\n if (options.wholeWord) {\n if (!/\\B/.test(searchString.charAt(0))) {\n searchString = \'\\\\b\' + searchString;\n }\n if (!/\\B/.test(searchString.charAt(searchString.length - 1))) {\n searchString = searchString + \'\\\\b\';\n }\n }\n let modifiers = \'\';\n if (options.global) {\n modifiers += \'g\';\n }\n if (!options.matchCase) {\n modifiers += \'i\';\n }\n if (options.multiline) {\n modifiers += \'m\';\n }\n if (options.unicode) {\n modifiers += \'u\';\n }\n return new RegExp(searchString, modifiers);\n}\nfunction regExpLeadsToEndlessLoop(regexp) {\n // Exit early if it\'s one of these special cases which are meant to match\n // against an empty string\n if (regexp.source === \'^\' || regexp.source === \'^$\' || regexp.source === \'$\' || regexp.source === \'^\\\\s*$\') {\n return false;\n }\n // We check against an empty string. If the regular expression doesn\'t advance\n // (e.g. ends in an endless loop) it will match an empty string.\n const match = regexp.exec(\'\');\n return !!(match && regexp.lastIndex === 0);\n}\nfunction regExpFlags(regexp) {\n return (regexp.global ? \'g\' : \'\')\n + (regexp.ignoreCase ? \'i\' : \'\')\n + (regexp.multiline ? \'m\' : \'\')\n + (regexp /* standalone editor compilation */.unicode ? \'u\' : \'\');\n}\nfunction splitLines(str) {\n return str.split(/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/);\n}\n/**\n * Returns first index of the string that is not whitespace.\n * If string is empty or contains only whitespaces, returns -1\n */\nfunction firstNonWhitespaceIndex(str) {\n for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {\n const chCode = str.charCodeAt(i);\n if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n}\n/**\n * Returns the leading whitespace of the string.\n * If the string contains only whitespaces, returns entire string\n */\nfunction getLeadingWhitespace(str, start = 0, end = str.length) {\n for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {\n const chCode = str.charCodeAt(i);\n if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) {\n return str.substring(start, i);\n }\n }\n return str.substring(start, end);\n}\n/**\n * Returns last index of the string that is not whitespace.\n * If string is empty or contains only whitespaces, returns -1\n */\nfunction lastNonWhitespaceIndex(str, startIndex = str.length - 1) {\n for (let i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {\n const chCode = str.charCodeAt(i);\n if (chCode !== 32 /* Space */ && chCode !== 9 /* Tab */) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n}\nfunction compare(a, b) {\n if (a < b) {\n return -1;\n }\n else if (a > b) {\n return 1;\n }\n else {\n return 0;\n }\n}\nfunction compareSubstring(a, b, aStart = 0, aEnd = a.length, bStart = 0, bEnd = b.length) {\n for (; aStart < aEnd && bStart < bEnd; aStart++, bStart++) {\n let codeA = a.charCodeAt(aStart);\n let codeB = b.charCodeAt(bStart);\n if (codeA < codeB) {\n return -1;\n }\n else if (codeA > codeB) {\n return 1;\n }\n }\n const aLen = aEnd - aStart;\n const bLen = bEnd - bStart;\n if (aLen < bLen) {\n return -1;\n }\n else if (aLen > bLen) {\n return 1;\n }\n return 0;\n}\nfunction compareIgnoreCase(a, b) {\n return compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, b, 0, a.length, 0, b.length);\n}\nfunction compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, b, aStart = 0, aEnd = a.length, bStart = 0, bEnd = b.length) {\n for (; aStart < aEnd && bStart < bEnd; aStart++, bStart++) {\n let codeA = a.charCodeAt(aStart);\n let codeB = b.charCodeAt(bStart);\n if (codeA === codeB) {\n // equal\n continue;\n }\n if (codeA >= 128 || codeB >= 128) {\n // not ASCII letters -> fallback to lower-casing strings\n return compareSubstring(a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase(), aStart, aEnd, bStart, bEnd);\n }\n // mapper lower-case ascii letter onto upper-case varinats\n // [97-122] (lower ascii) --\x3e [65-90] (upper ascii)\n if (isLowerAsciiLetter(codeA)) {\n codeA -= 32;\n }\n if (isLowerAsciiLetter(codeB)) {\n codeB -= 32;\n }\n // compare both code points\n const diff = codeA - codeB;\n if (diff === 0) {\n continue;\n }\n return diff;\n }\n const aLen = aEnd - aStart;\n const bLen = bEnd - bStart;\n if (aLen < bLen) {\n return -1;\n }\n else if (aLen > bLen) {\n return 1;\n }\n return 0;\n}\nfunction isLowerAsciiLetter(code) {\n return code >= 97 /* a */ && code <= 122 /* z */;\n}\nfunction isUpperAsciiLetter(code) {\n return code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */;\n}\nfunction equalsIgnoreCase(a, b) {\n return a.length === b.length && compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, b) === 0;\n}\nfunction startsWithIgnoreCase(str, candidate) {\n const candidateLength = candidate.length;\n if (candidate.length > str.length) {\n return false;\n }\n return compareSubstringIgnoreCase(str, candidate, 0, candidateLength) === 0;\n}\n/**\n * @returns the length of the common prefix of the two strings.\n */\nfunction commonPrefixLength(a, b) {\n let i, len = Math.min(a.length, b.length);\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if (a.charCodeAt(i) !== b.charCodeAt(i)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return len;\n}\n/**\n * @returns the length of the common suffix of the two strings.\n */\nfunction commonSuffixLength(a, b) {\n let i, len = Math.min(a.length, b.length);\n const aLastIndex = a.length - 1;\n const bLastIndex = b.length - 1;\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if (a.charCodeAt(aLastIndex - i) !== b.charCodeAt(bLastIndex - i)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return len;\n}\n/**\n * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_pair\n */\nfunction isHighSurrogate(charCode) {\n return (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF);\n}\n/**\n * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_pair\n */\nfunction isLowSurrogate(charCode) {\n return (0xDC00 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDFFF);\n}\n/**\n * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogate_pair\n */\nfunction computeCodePoint(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate) {\n return ((highSurrogate - 0xD800) << 10) + (lowSurrogate - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;\n}\n/**\n * get the code point that begins at offset `offset`\n */\nfunction getNextCodePoint(str, len, offset) {\n const charCode = str.charCodeAt(offset);\n if (isHighSurrogate(charCode) && offset + 1 < len) {\n const nextCharCode = str.charCodeAt(offset + 1);\n if (isLowSurrogate(nextCharCode)) {\n return computeCodePoint(charCode, nextCharCode);\n }\n }\n return charCode;\n}\n/**\n * get the code point that ends right before offset `offset`\n */\nfunction getPrevCodePoint(str, offset) {\n const charCode = str.charCodeAt(offset - 1);\n if (isLowSurrogate(charCode) && offset > 1) {\n const prevCharCode = str.charCodeAt(offset - 2);\n if (isHighSurrogate(prevCharCode)) {\n return computeCodePoint(prevCharCode, charCode);\n }\n }\n return charCode;\n}\nclass CodePointIterator {\n constructor(str, offset = 0) {\n this._str = str;\n this._len = str.length;\n this._offset = offset;\n }\n get offset() {\n return this._offset;\n }\n setOffset(offset) {\n this._offset = offset;\n }\n prevCodePoint() {\n const codePoint = getPrevCodePoint(this._str, this._offset);\n this._offset -= (codePoint >= 65536 /* UNICODE_SUPPLEMENTARY_PLANE_BEGIN */ ? 2 : 1);\n return codePoint;\n }\n nextCodePoint() {\n const codePoint = getNextCodePoint(this._str, this._len, this._offset);\n this._offset += (codePoint >= 65536 /* UNICODE_SUPPLEMENTARY_PLANE_BEGIN */ ? 2 : 1);\n return codePoint;\n }\n eol() {\n return (this._offset >= this._len);\n }\n}\nclass GraphemeIterator {\n constructor(str, offset = 0) {\n this._iterator = new CodePointIterator(str, offset);\n }\n get offset() {\n return this._iterator.offset;\n }\n nextGraphemeLength() {\n const graphemeBreakTree = GraphemeBreakTree.getInstance();\n const iterator = this._iterator;\n const initialOffset = iterator.offset;\n let graphemeBreakType = graphemeBreakTree.getGraphemeBreakType(iterator.nextCodePoint());\n while (!iterator.eol()) {\n const offset = iterator.offset;\n const nextGraphemeBreakType = graphemeBreakTree.getGraphemeBreakType(iterator.nextCodePoint());\n if (breakBetweenGraphemeBreakType(graphemeBreakType, nextGraphemeBreakType)) {\n // move iterator back\n iterator.setOffset(offset);\n break;\n }\n graphemeBreakType = nextGraphemeBreakType;\n }\n return (iterator.offset - initialOffset);\n }\n prevGraphemeLength() {\n const graphemeBreakTree = GraphemeBreakTree.getInstance();\n const iterator = this._iterator;\n const initialOffset = iterator.offset;\n let graphemeBreakType = graphemeBreakTree.getGraphemeBreakType(iterator.prevCodePoint());\n while (iterator.offset > 0) {\n const offset = iterator.offset;\n const prevGraphemeBreakType = graphemeBreakTree.getGraphemeBreakType(iterator.prevCodePoint());\n if (breakBetweenGraphemeBreakType(prevGraphemeBreakType, graphemeBreakType)) {\n // move iterator back\n iterator.setOffset(offset);\n break;\n }\n graphemeBreakType = prevGraphemeBreakType;\n }\n return (initialOffset - iterator.offset);\n }\n eol() {\n return this._iterator.eol();\n }\n}\nfunction nextCharLength(str, initialOffset) {\n const iterator = new GraphemeIterator(str, initialOffset);\n return iterator.nextGraphemeLength();\n}\nfunction prevCharLength(str, initialOffset) {\n const iterator = new GraphemeIterator(str, initialOffset);\n return iterator.prevGraphemeLength();\n}\nfunction getCharContainingOffset(str, offset) {\n if (offset > 0 && isLowSurrogate(str.charCodeAt(offset))) {\n offset--;\n }\n const endOffset = offset + nextCharLength(str, offset);\n const startOffset = endOffset - prevCharLength(str, endOffset);\n return [startOffset, endOffset];\n}\n/**\n * Generated using https://github.com/alexdima/unicode-utils/blob/main/rtl-test.js\n */\nconst CONTAINS_RTL = /(?:[\\u05BE\\u05C0\\u05C3\\u05C6\\u05D0-\\u05F4\\u0608\\u060B\\u060D\\u061B-\\u064A\\u066D-\\u066F\\u0671-\\u06D5\\u06E5\\u06E6\\u06EE\\u06EF\\u06FA-\\u0710\\u0712-\\u072F\\u074D-\\u07A5\\u07B1-\\u07EA\\u07F4\\u07F5\\u07FA\\u07FE-\\u0815\\u081A\\u0824\\u0828\\u0830-\\u0858\\u085E-\\u088E\\u08A0-\\u08C9\\u200F\\uFB1D\\uFB1F-\\uFB28\\uFB2A-\\uFD3D\\uFD50-\\uFDC7\\uFDF0-\\uFDFC\\uFE70-\\uFEFC]|\\uD802[\\uDC00-\\uDD1B\\uDD20-\\uDE00\\uDE10-\\uDE35\\uDE40-\\uDEE4\\uDEEB-\\uDF35\\uDF40-\\uDFFF]|\\uD803[\\uDC00-\\uDD23\\uDE80-\\uDEA9\\uDEAD-\\uDF45\\uDF51-\\uDF81\\uDF86-\\uDFF6]|\\uD83A[\\uDC00-\\uDCCF\\uDD00-\\uDD43\\uDD4B-\\uDFFF]|\\uD83B[\\uDC00-\\uDEBB])/;\n/**\n * Returns true if `str` contains any Unicode character that is classified as "R" or "AL".\n */\nfunction containsRTL(str) {\n return CONTAINS_RTL.test(str);\n}\nconst IS_BASIC_ASCII = /^[\\t\\n\\r\\x20-\\x7E]*$/;\n/**\n * Returns true if `str` contains only basic ASCII characters in the range 32 - 126 (including 32 and 126) or \\n, \\r, \\t\n */\nfunction isBasicASCII(str) {\n return IS_BASIC_ASCII.test(str);\n}\nconst UNUSUAL_LINE_TERMINATORS = /[\\u2028\\u2029]/; // LINE SEPARATOR (LS) or PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (PS)\n/**\n * Returns true if `str` contains unusual line terminators, like LS or PS\n */\nfunction containsUnusualLineTerminators(str) {\n return UNUSUAL_LINE_TERMINATORS.test(str);\n}\nfunction isFullWidthCharacter(charCode) {\n // Do a cheap trick to better support wrapping of wide characters, treat them as 2 columns\n // http://jrgraphix.net/research/unicode_blocks.php\n // 2E80 - 2EFF CJK Radicals Supplement\n // 2F00 - 2FDF Kangxi Radicals\n // 2FF0 - 2FFF Ideographic Description Characters\n // 3000 - 303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation\n // 3040 - 309F Hiragana\n // 30A0 - 30FF Katakana\n // 3100 - 312F Bopomofo\n // 3130 - 318F Hangul Compatibility Jamo\n // 3190 - 319F Kanbun\n // 31A0 - 31BF Bopomofo Extended\n // 31F0 - 31FF Katakana Phonetic Extensions\n // 3200 - 32FF Enclosed CJK Letters and Months\n // 3300 - 33FF CJK Compatibility\n // 3400 - 4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A\n // 4DC0 - 4DFF Yijing Hexagram Symbols\n // 4E00 - 9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs\n // A000 - A48F Yi Syllables\n // A490 - A4CF Yi Radicals\n // AC00 - D7AF Hangul Syllables\n // [IGNORE] D800 - DB7F High Surrogates\n // [IGNORE] DB80 - DBFF High Private Use Surrogates\n // [IGNORE] DC00 - DFFF Low Surrogates\n // [IGNORE] E000 - F8FF Private Use Area\n // F900 - FAFF CJK Compatibility Ideographs\n // [IGNORE] FB00 - FB4F Alphabetic Presentation Forms\n // [IGNORE] FB50 - FDFF Arabic Presentation Forms-A\n // [IGNORE] FE00 - FE0F Variation Selectors\n // [IGNORE] FE20 - FE2F Combining Half Marks\n // [IGNORE] FE30 - FE4F CJK Compatibility Forms\n // [IGNORE] FE50 - FE6F Small Form Variants\n // [IGNORE] FE70 - FEFF Arabic Presentation Forms-B\n // FF00 - FFEF Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms\n // [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfwidth_and_fullwidth_forms]\n // of which FF01 - FF5E fullwidth ASCII of 21 to 7E\n // [IGNORE] and FF65 - FFDC halfwidth of Katakana and Hangul\n // [IGNORE] FFF0 - FFFF Specials\n return ((charCode >= 0x2E80 && charCode <= 0xD7AF)\n || (charCode >= 0xF900 && charCode <= 0xFAFF)\n || (charCode >= 0xFF01 && charCode <= 0xFF5E));\n}\n/**\n * A fast function (therefore imprecise) to check if code points are emojis.\n * Generated using https://github.com/alexdima/unicode-utils/blob/main/emoji-test.js\n */\nfunction isEmojiImprecise(x) {\n return ((x >= 0x1F1E6 && x <= 0x1F1FF) || (x === 8986) || (x === 8987) || (x === 9200)\n || (x === 9203) || (x >= 9728 && x <= 10175) || (x === 11088) || (x === 11093)\n || (x >= 127744 && x <= 128591) || (x >= 128640 && x <= 128764)\n || (x >= 128992 && x <= 129008) || (x >= 129280 && x <= 129535)\n || (x >= 129648 && x <= 129782));\n}\n// -- UTF-8 BOM\nconst UTF8_BOM_CHARACTER = String.fromCharCode(65279 /* UTF8_BOM */);\nfunction startsWithUTF8BOM(str) {\n return !!(str && str.length > 0 && str.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 /* UTF8_BOM */);\n}\nfunction containsUppercaseCharacter(target, ignoreEscapedChars = false) {\n if (!target) {\n return false;\n }\n if (ignoreEscapedChars) {\n target = target.replace(/\\\\./g, \'\');\n }\n return target.toLowerCase() !== target;\n}\n/**\n * Produces \'a\'-\'z\', followed by \'A\'-\'Z\'... followed by \'a\'-\'z\', etc.\n */\nfunction singleLetterHash(n) {\n const LETTERS_CNT = (90 /* Z */ - 65 /* A */ + 1);\n n = n % (2 * LETTERS_CNT);\n if (n < LETTERS_CNT) {\n return String.fromCharCode(97 /* a */ + n);\n }\n return String.fromCharCode(65 /* A */ + n - LETTERS_CNT);\n}\nfunction breakBetweenGraphemeBreakType(breakTypeA, breakTypeB) {\n // http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundary_Rules\n // !!! Let\'s make the common case a bit faster\n if (breakTypeA === 0 /* Other */) {\n // see https://www.unicode.org/Public/13.0.0/ucd/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakTest-13.0.0d10.html#table\n return (breakTypeB !== 5 /* Extend */ && breakTypeB !== 7 /* SpacingMark */);\n }\n // Do not break between a CR and LF. Otherwise, break before and after controls.\n // GB3 CR × LF\n // GB4 (Control | CR | LF) ÷\n // GB5 ÷ (Control | CR | LF)\n if (breakTypeA === 2 /* CR */) {\n if (breakTypeB === 3 /* LF */) {\n return false; // GB3\n }\n }\n if (breakTypeA === 4 /* Control */ || breakTypeA === 2 /* CR */ || breakTypeA === 3 /* LF */) {\n return true; // GB4\n }\n if (breakTypeB === 4 /* Control */ || breakTypeB === 2 /* CR */ || breakTypeB === 3 /* LF */) {\n return true; // GB5\n }\n // Do not break Hangul syllable sequences.\n // GB6 L × (L | V | LV | LVT)\n // GB7 (LV | V) × (V | T)\n // GB8 (LVT | T) × T\n if (breakTypeA === 8 /* L */) {\n if (breakTypeB === 8 /* L */ || breakTypeB === 9 /* V */ || breakTypeB === 11 /* LV */ || breakTypeB === 12 /* LVT */) {\n return false; // GB6\n }\n }\n if (breakTypeA === 11 /* LV */ || breakTypeA === 9 /* V */) {\n if (breakTypeB === 9 /* V */ || breakTypeB === 10 /* T */) {\n return false; // GB7\n }\n }\n if (breakTypeA === 12 /* LVT */ || breakTypeA === 10 /* T */) {\n if (breakTypeB === 10 /* T */) {\n return false; // GB8\n }\n }\n // Do not break before extending characters or ZWJ.\n // GB9 × (Extend | ZWJ)\n if (breakTypeB === 5 /* Extend */ || breakTypeB === 13 /* ZWJ */) {\n return false; // GB9\n }\n // The GB9a and GB9b rules only apply to extended grapheme clusters:\n // Do not break before SpacingMarks, or after Prepend characters.\n // GB9a × SpacingMark\n // GB9b Prepend ×\n if (breakTypeB === 7 /* SpacingMark */) {\n return false; // GB9a\n }\n if (breakTypeA === 1 /* Prepend */) {\n return false; // GB9b\n }\n // Do not break within emoji modifier sequences or emoji zwj sequences.\n // GB11 \\p{Extended_Pictographic} Extend* ZWJ × \\p{Extended_Pictographic}\n if (breakTypeA === 13 /* ZWJ */ && breakTypeB === 14 /* Extended_Pictographic */) {\n // Note: we are not implementing the rule entirely here to avoid introducing states\n return false; // GB11\n }\n // GB12 sot (RI RI)* RI × RI\n // GB13 [^RI] (RI RI)* RI × RI\n if (breakTypeA === 6 /* Regional_Indicator */ && breakTypeB === 6 /* Regional_Indicator */) {\n // Note: we are not implementing the rule entirely here to avoid introducing states\n return false; // GB12 & GB13\n }\n // GB999 Any ÷ Any\n return true;\n}\nclass GraphemeBreakTree {\n constructor() {\n this._data = getGraphemeBreakRawData();\n }\n static getInstance() {\n if (!GraphemeBreakTree._INSTANCE) {\n GraphemeBreakTree._INSTANCE = new GraphemeBreakTree();\n }\n return GraphemeBreakTree._INSTANCE;\n }\n getGraphemeBreakType(codePoint) {\n // !!! Let\'s make 7bit ASCII a bit faster: 0..31\n if (codePoint < 32) {\n if (codePoint === 10 /* LineFeed */) {\n return 3 /* LF */;\n }\n if (codePoint === 13 /* CarriageReturn */) {\n return 2 /* CR */;\n }\n return 4 /* Control */;\n }\n // !!! Let\'s make 7bit ASCII a bit faster: 32..126\n if (codePoint < 127) {\n return 0 /* Other */;\n }\n const data = this._data;\n const nodeCount = data.length / 3;\n let nodeIndex = 1;\n while (nodeIndex <= nodeCount) {\n if (codePoint < data[3 * nodeIndex]) {\n // go left\n nodeIndex = 2 * nodeIndex;\n }\n else if (codePoint > data[3 * nodeIndex + 1]) {\n // go right\n nodeIndex = 2 * nodeIndex + 1;\n }\n else {\n // hit\n return data[3 * nodeIndex + 2];\n }\n }\n return 0 /* Other */;\n }\n}\nGraphemeBreakTree._INSTANCE = null;\nfunction getGraphemeBreakRawData() {\n // generated using https://github.com/alexdima/unicode-utils/blob/main/grapheme-break.js\n return JSON.parse(\'[0,0,0,51229,51255,12,44061,44087,12,127462,127487,6,7083,7085,5,47645,47671,12,54813,54839,12,128678,128678,14,3270,3270,5,9919,9923,14,45853,45879,12,49437,49463,12,53021,53047,12,71216,71218,7,128398,128399,14,129360,129374,14,2519,2519,5,4448,4519,9,9742,9742,14,12336,12336,14,44957,44983,12,46749,46775,12,48541,48567,12,50333,50359,12,52125,52151,12,53917,53943,12,69888,69890,5,73018,73018,5,127990,127990,14,128558,128559,14,128759,128760,14,129653,129655,14,2027,2035,5,2891,2892,7,3761,3761,5,6683,6683,5,8293,8293,4,9825,9826,14,9999,9999,14,43452,43453,5,44509,44535,12,45405,45431,12,46301,46327,12,47197,47223,12,48093,48119,12,48989,49015,12,49885,49911,12,50781,50807,12,51677,51703,12,52573,52599,12,53469,53495,12,54365,54391,12,65279,65279,4,70471,70472,7,72145,72147,7,119173,119179,5,127799,127818,14,128240,128244,14,128512,128512,14,128652,128652,14,128721,128722,14,129292,129292,14,129445,129450,14,129734,129743,14,1476,1477,5,2366,2368,7,2750,2752,7,3076,3076,5,3415,3415,5,4141,4144,5,6109,6109,5,6964,6964,5,7394,7400,5,9197,9198,14,9770,9770,14,9877,9877,14,9968,9969,14,10084,10084,14,43052,43052,5,43713,43713,5,44285,44311,12,44733,44759,12,45181,45207,12,45629,45655,12,46077,46103,12,46525,46551,12,46973,46999,12,47421,47447,12,47869,47895,12,48317,48343,12,48765,48791,12,49213,49239,12,49661,49687,12,50109,50135,12,50557,50583,12,51005,51031,12,51453,51479,12,51901,51927,12,52349,52375,12,52797,52823,12,53245,53271,12,53693,53719,12,54141,54167,12,54589,54615,12,55037,55063,12,69506,69509,5,70191,70193,5,70841,70841,7,71463,71467,5,72330,72342,5,94031,94031,5,123628,123631,5,127763,127765,14,127941,127941,14,128043,128062,14,128302,128317,14,128465,128467,14,128539,128539,14,128640,128640,14,128662,128662,14,128703,128703,14,128745,128745,14,129004,129007,14,129329,129330,14,129402,129402,14,129483,129483,14,129686,129704,14,130048,131069,14,173,173,4,1757,1757,1,2200,2207,5,2434,2435,7,2631,2632,5,2817,2817,5,3008,3008,5,3201,3201,5,3387,3388,5,3542,3542,5,3902,3903,7,4190,4192,5,6002,6003,5,6439,6440,5,6765,6770,7,7019,7027,5,7154,7155,7,8205,8205,13,8505,8505,14,9654,9654,14,9757,9757,14,9792,9792,14,9852,9853,14,9890,9894,14,9937,9937,14,9981,9981,14,10035,10036,14,11035,11036,14,42654,42655,5,43346,43347,7,43587,43587,5,44006,44007,7,44173,44199,12,44397,44423,12,44621,44647,12,44845,44871,12,45069,45095,12,45293,45319,12,45517,45543,12,45741,45767,12,45965,45991,12,46189,46215,12,46413,46439,12,46637,46663,12,46861,46887,12,47085,47111,12,47309,47335,12,47533,47559,12,47757,47783,12,47981,48007,12,48205,48231,12,48429,48455,12,48653,48679,12,48877,48903,12,49101,49127,12,49325,49351,12,49549,49575,12,49773,49799,12,49997,50023,12,50221,50247,12,50445,50471,12,50669,50695,12,50893,50919,12,51117,51143,12,51341,51367,12,51565,51591,12,51789,51815,12,52013,52039,12,52237,52263,12,52461,52487,12,52685,52711,12,52909,52935,12,53133,53159,12,53357,53383,12,53581,53607,12,53805,53831,12,54029,54055,12,54253,54279,12,54477,54503,12,54701,54727,12,54925,54951,12,55149,55175,12,68101,68102,5,69762,69762,7,70067,70069,7,70371,70378,5,70720,70721,7,71087,71087,5,71341,71341,5,71995,71996,5,72249,72249,7,72850,72871,5,73109,73109,5,118576,118598,5,121505,121519,5,127245,127247,14,127568,127569,14,127777,127777,14,127872,127891,14,127956,127967,14,128015,128016,14,128110,128172,14,128259,128259,14,128367,128368,14,128424,128424,14,128488,128488,14,128530,128532,14,128550,128551,14,128566,128566,14,128647,128647,14,128656,128656,14,128667,128673,14,128691,128693,14,128715,128715,14,128728,128732,14,128752,128752,14,128765,128767,14,129096,129103,14,129311,129311,14,129344,129349,14,129394,129394,14,129413,129425,14,129466,129471,14,129511,129535,14,129664,129666,14,129719,129722,14,129760,129767,14,917536,917631,5,13,13,2,1160,1161,5,1564,1564,4,1807,1807,1,2085,2087,5,2307,2307,7,2382,2383,7,2497,2500,5,2563,2563,7,2677,2677,5,2763,2764,7,2879,2879,5,2914,2915,5,3021,3021,5,3142,3144,5,3263,3263,5,3285,3286,5,3398,3400,7,3530,3530,5,3633,3633,5,3864,3865,5,3974,3975,5,4155,4156,7,4229,4230,5,5909,5909,7,6078,6085,7,6277,6278,5,6451,6456,7,6744,6750,5,6846,6846,5,6972,6972,5,7074,7077,5,7146,7148,7,7222,7223,5,7416,7417,5,8234,8238,4,8417,8417,5,9000,9000,14,9203,9203,14,9730,9731,14,9748,9749,14,9762,9763,14,9776,9783,14,9800,9811,14,9831,9831,14,9872,9873,14,9882,9882,14,9900,9903,14,9929,9933,14,9941,9960,14,9974,9974,14,9989,9989,14,10006,10006,14,10062,10062,14,10160,10160,14,11647,11647,5,12953,12953,14,43019,43019,5,43232,43249,5,43443,43443,5,43567,43568,7,43696,43696,5,43765,43765,7,44013,44013,5,44117,44143,12,44229,44255,12,44341,44367,12,44453,44479,12,44565,44591,12,44677,44703,12,44789,44815,12,44901,44927,12,45013,45039,12,45125,45151,12,45237,45263,12,45349,45375,12,45461,45487,12,45573,45599,12,45685,45711,12,45797,45823,12,45909,45935,12,46021,46047,12,46133,46159,12,46245,46271,12,46357,46383,12,46469,46495,12,46581,46607,12,46693,46719,12,46805,46831,12,46917,46943,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* Computes the offset after performing a left delete on the given string,\n * while considering unicode grapheme/emoji rules.\n*/\nfunction getLeftDeleteOffset(offset, str) {\n if (offset === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n // Try to delete emoji part.\n const emojiOffset = getOffsetBeforeLastEmojiComponent(offset, str);\n if (emojiOffset !== undefined) {\n return emojiOffset;\n }\n // Otherwise, just skip a single code point.\n const iterator = new CodePointIterator(str, offset);\n iterator.prevCodePoint();\n return iterator.offset;\n}\nfunction getOffsetBeforeLastEmojiComponent(initialOffset, str) {\n // See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/tr51-14.html#EBNF_and_Regex for the\n // structure of emojis.\n const iterator = new CodePointIterator(str, initialOffset);\n let codePoint = iterator.prevCodePoint();\n // Skip modifiers\n while ((isEmojiModifier(codePoint) || codePoint === 65039 /* emojiVariantSelector */ || codePoint === 8419 /* enclosingKeyCap */)) {\n if (iterator.offset === 0) {\n // Cannot skip modifier, no preceding emoji base.\n return undefined;\n }\n codePoint = iterator.prevCodePoint();\n }\n // Expect base emoji\n if (!isEmojiImprecise(codePoint)) {\n // Unexpected code point, not a valid emoji.\n return undefined;\n }\n let resultOffset = iterator.offset;\n if (resultOffset > 0) {\n // Skip optional ZWJ code points that combine multiple emojis.\n // In theory, we should check if that ZWJ actually combines multiple emojis\n // to prevent deleting ZWJs in situations we didn\'t account for.\n const optionalZwjCodePoint = iterator.prevCodePoint();\n if (optionalZwjCodePoint === 8205 /* zwj */) {\n resultOffset = iterator.offset;\n }\n }\n return resultOffset;\n}\nfunction isEmojiModifier(codePoint) {\n return 0x1F3FB <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0x1F3FF;\n}\nconst noBreakWhitespace = \'\\xa0\';\nclass AmbiguousCharacters {\n constructor(confusableDictionary) {\n this.confusableDictionary = confusableDictionary;\n }\n static getInstance(locales) {\n return AmbiguousCharacters.cache.get(Array.from(locales));\n }\n static getLocales() {\n return AmbiguousCharacters._locales.getValue();\n }\n isAmbiguous(codePoint) {\n return this.confusableDictionary.has(codePoint);\n }\n /**\n * Returns the non basic ASCII code point that the given code point can be confused,\n * or undefined if such code point does note exist.\n */\n getPrimaryConfusable(codePoint) {\n return this.confusableDictionary.get(codePoint);\n }\n getConfusableCodePoints() {\n return new Set(this.confusableDictionary.keys());\n }\n}\n_a = AmbiguousCharacters;\nAmbiguousCharacters.ambiguousCharacterData = new _lazy_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Lazy(() => {\n // Generated using https://github.com/hediet/vscode-unicode-data\n // Stored as key1, value1, key2, value2, ...\n return 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050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"cs\\":[65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8217,96,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"de\\":[65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8217,96,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"es\\":[8211,45,65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"fr\\":[65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8245,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"it\\":[160,32,8211,45,65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"ja\\":[8211,45,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8217,96,8245,96,180,96,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65292,44,65307,59],\\"ko\\":[8211,45,65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"pl\\":[65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8217,96,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"pt-BR\\":[65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8217,96,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"qps-ploc\\":[160,32,8211,45,65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8217,96,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"ru\\":[65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8216,96,8217,96,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,305,105,921,73,1009,112,215,120,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"tr\\":[160,32,8211,45,65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65288,40,65289,41,65292,44,65307,59,65311,63],\\"zh-hans\\":[65374,126,65306,58,65281,33,8245,96,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65288,40,65289,41],\\"zh-hant\\":[8211,45,65374,126,180,96,12494,47,1047,51,1073,54,1072,97,1040,65,1068,98,1042,66,1089,99,1057,67,1077,101,1045,69,1053,72,305,105,1050,75,921,73,1052,77,1086,111,1054,79,1009,112,1088,112,1056,80,1075,114,1058,84,215,120,1093,120,1061,88,1091,121,1059,89,65283,35,65307,59]}\');\n});\nAmbiguousCharacters.cache = new _cache_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LRUCachedComputed((locales) => {\n function arrayToMap(arr) {\n const result = new Map();\n for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2) {\n result.set(arr[i], arr[i + 1]);\n }\n return result;\n }\n function mergeMaps(map1, map2) {\n const result = new Map(map1);\n for (const [key, value] of map2) {\n result.set(key, value);\n }\n return result;\n }\n function intersectMaps(map1, map2) {\n if (!map1) {\n return map2;\n }\n const result = new Map();\n for (const [key, value] of map1) {\n if (map2.has(key)) {\n result.set(key, value);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n const data = _a.ambiguousCharacterData.getValue();\n let filteredLocales = locales.filter((l) => !l.startsWith(\'_\') && l in data);\n if (filteredLocales.length === 0) {\n filteredLocales = [\'_default\'];\n }\n let languageSpecificMap = undefined;\n for (const locale of filteredLocales) {\n const map = arrayToMap(data[locale]);\n languageSpecificMap = intersectMaps(languageSpecificMap, map);\n }\n const commonMap = arrayToMap(data[\'_common\']);\n const map = mergeMaps(commonMap, languageSpecificMap);\n return new AmbiguousCharacters(map);\n});\nAmbiguousCharacters._locales = new _lazy_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Lazy(() => Object.keys(AmbiguousCharacters.ambiguousCharacterData.getValue()).filter((k) => !k.startsWith(\'_\')));\nclass InvisibleCharacters {\n static getRawData() {\n // Generated using https://github.com/hediet/vscode-unicode-data\n return JSON.parse(\'[9,10,11,12,13,32,127,160,173,847,1564,4447,4448,6068,6069,6155,6156,6157,6158,7355,7356,8192,8193,8194,8195,8196,8197,8198,8199,8200,8201,8202,8203,8204,8205,8206,8207,8234,8235,8236,8237,8238,8239,8287,8288,8289,8290,8291,8292,8293,8294,8295,8296,8297,8298,8299,8300,8301,8302,8303,10240,12288,12644,65024,65025,65026,65027,65028,65029,65030,65031,65032,65033,65034,65035,65036,65037,65038,65039,65279,65440,65520,65521,65522,65523,65524,65525,65526,65527,65528,65532,78844,119155,119156,119157,119158,119159,119160,119161,119162,917504,917505,917506,917507,917508,917509,917510,917511,917512,917513,917514,917515,917516,917517,917518,917519,917520,917521,917522,917523,917524,917525,917526,917527,917528,917529,917530,917531,917532,917533,917534,917535,917536,917537,917538,917539,917540,917541,917542,917543,917544,917545,917546,917547,917548,917549,917550,917551,917552,917553,917554,917555,917556,917557,917558,917559,917560,917561,917562,917563,917564,917565,917566,917567,917568,917569,917570,917571,917572,917573,917574,917575,917576,917577,917578,917579,917580,917581,917582,917583,917584,917585,917586,917587,917588,917589,917590,917591,917592,917593,917594,917595,917596,917597,917598,917599,917600,917601,917602,917603,917604,917605,917606,917607,917608,917609,917610,917611,917612,917613,917614,917615,917616,917617,917618,917619,917620,917621,917622,917623,917624,917625,917626,917627,917628,917629,917630,917631,917760,917761,917762,917763,917764,917765,917766,917767,917768,917769,917770,917771,917772,917773,917774,917775,917776,917777,917778,917779,917780,917781,917782,917783,917784,917785,917786,917787,917788,917789,917790,917791,917792,917793,917794,917795,917796,917797,917798,917799,917800,917801,917802,917803,917804,917805,917806,917807,917808,917809,917810,917811,917812,917813,917814,917815,917816,917817,917818,917819,917820,917821,917822,917823,917824,917825,917826,917827,917828,917829,917830,917831,917832,917833,917834,917835,917836,917837,917838,917839,917840,917841,917842,917843,917844,917845,917846,917847,917848,917849,917850,917851,917852,917853,917854,917855,917856,917857,917858,917859,917860,917861,917862,917863,917864,917865,917866,917867,917868,917869,917870,917871,917872,917873,917874,917875,917876,917877,917878,917879,917880,917881,917882,917883,917884,917885,917886,917887,917888,917889,917890,917891,917892,917893,917894,917895,917896,917897,917898,917899,917900,917901,917902,917903,917904,917905,917906,917907,917908,917909,917910,917911,917912,917913,917914,917915,917916,917917,917918,917919,917920,917921,917922,917923,917924,917925,917926,917927,917928,917929,917930,917931,917932,917933,917934,917935,917936,917937,917938,917939,917940,917941,917942,917943,917944,917945,917946,917947,917948,917949,917950,917951,917952,917953,917954,917955,917956,917957,917958,917959,917960,917961,917962,917963,917964,917965,917966,917967,917968,917969,917970,917971,917972,917973,917974,917975,917976,917977,917978,917979,917980,917981,917982,917983,917984,917985,917986,917987,917988,917989,917990,917991,917992,917993,917994,917995,917996,917997,917998,917999]\');\n }\n static getData() {\n if (!this._data) {\n this._data = new Set(InvisibleCharacters.getRawData());\n }\n return this._data;\n }\n static isInvisibleCharacter(codePoint) {\n return InvisibleCharacters.getData().has(codePoint);\n }\n static get codePoints() {\n return InvisibleCharacters.getData();\n }\n}\nInvisibleCharacters._data = undefined;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/types.js": /*!****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/types.js ***! \****************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "assertIsDefined": () => (/* binding */ assertIsDefined),\n/* harmony export */ "assertNever": () => (/* binding */ assertNever),\n/* harmony export */ "assertType": () => (/* binding */ assertType),\n/* harmony export */ "createProxyObject": () => (/* binding */ createProxyObject),\n/* harmony export */ "getAllMethodNames": () => (/* binding */ getAllMethodNames),\n/* harmony export */ "getAllPropertyNames": () => (/* binding */ getAllPropertyNames),\n/* harmony export */ "isArray": () => (/* binding */ isArray),\n/* harmony export */ "isBoolean": () => (/* binding */ isBoolean),\n/* harmony export */ "isDefined": () => (/* binding */ isDefined),\n/* harmony export */ "isFunction": () => (/* binding */ isFunction),\n/* harmony export */ "isIterable": () => (/* binding */ isIterable),\n/* harmony export */ "isNumber": () => (/* binding */ isNumber),\n/* harmony export */ "isObject": () => (/* binding */ isObject),\n/* harmony export */ "isString": () => (/* binding */ isString),\n/* harmony export */ "isUndefined": () => (/* binding */ isUndefined),\n/* harmony export */ "isUndefinedOrNull": () => (/* binding */ isUndefinedOrNull),\n/* harmony export */ "validateConstraint": () => (/* binding */ validateConstraint),\n/* harmony export */ "validateConstraints": () => (/* binding */ validateConstraints),\n/* harmony export */ "withNullAsUndefined": () => (/* binding */ withNullAsUndefined)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Array or not.\n */\nfunction isArray(array) {\n return Array.isArray(array);\n}\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript String or not.\n */\nfunction isString(str) {\n return (typeof str === \'string\');\n}\n/**\n *\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is of type `object` but **not**\n *\t`null`, an `array`, a `regexp`, nor a `date`.\n */\nfunction isObject(obj) {\n // The method can\'t do a type cast since there are type (like strings) which\n // are subclasses of any put not positvely matched by the function. Hence type\n // narrowing results in wrong results.\n return typeof obj === \'object\'\n && obj !== null\n && !Array.isArray(obj)\n && !(obj instanceof RegExp)\n && !(obj instanceof Date);\n}\n/**\n * In **contrast** to just checking `typeof` this will return `false` for `NaN`.\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Number or not.\n */\nfunction isNumber(obj) {\n return (typeof obj === \'number\' && !isNaN(obj));\n}\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is an Iterable, casting to the given generic\n */\nfunction isIterable(obj) {\n return !!obj && typeof obj[Symbol.iterator] === \'function\';\n}\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Boolean or not.\n */\nfunction isBoolean(obj) {\n return (obj === true || obj === false);\n}\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is undefined.\n */\nfunction isUndefined(obj) {\n return (typeof obj === \'undefined\');\n}\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is defined.\n */\nfunction isDefined(arg) {\n return !isUndefinedOrNull(arg);\n}\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is undefined or null.\n */\nfunction isUndefinedOrNull(obj) {\n return (isUndefined(obj) || obj === null);\n}\nfunction assertType(condition, type) {\n if (!condition) {\n throw new Error(type ? `Unexpected type, expected \'${type}\'` : \'Unexpected type\');\n }\n}\n/**\n * Asserts that the argument passed in is neither undefined nor null.\n */\nfunction assertIsDefined(arg) {\n if (isUndefinedOrNull(arg)) {\n throw new Error(\'Assertion Failed: argument is undefined or null\');\n }\n return arg;\n}\n/**\n * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Function or not.\n */\nfunction isFunction(obj) {\n return (typeof obj === \'function\');\n}\nfunction validateConstraints(args, constraints) {\n const len = Math.min(args.length, constraints.length);\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n validateConstraint(args[i], constraints[i]);\n }\n}\nfunction validateConstraint(arg, constraint) {\n if (isString(constraint)) {\n if (typeof arg !== constraint) {\n throw new Error(`argument does not match constraint: typeof ${constraint}`);\n }\n }\n else if (isFunction(constraint)) {\n try {\n if (arg instanceof constraint) {\n return;\n }\n }\n catch (_a) {\n // ignore\n }\n if (!isUndefinedOrNull(arg) && arg.constructor === constraint) {\n return;\n }\n if (constraint.length === 1 && constraint.call(undefined, arg) === true) {\n return;\n }\n throw new Error(`argument does not match one of these constraints: arg instanceof constraint, arg.constructor === constraint, nor constraint(arg) === true`);\n }\n}\nfunction getAllPropertyNames(obj) {\n let res = [];\n let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);\n while (Object.prototype !== proto) {\n res = res.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto));\n proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);\n }\n return res;\n}\nfunction getAllMethodNames(obj) {\n const methods = [];\n for (const prop of getAllPropertyNames(obj)) {\n if (typeof obj[prop] === \'function\') {\n methods.push(prop);\n }\n }\n return methods;\n}\nfunction createProxyObject(methodNames, invoke) {\n const createProxyMethod = (method) => {\n return function () {\n const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n return invoke(method, args);\n };\n };\n let result = {};\n for (const methodName of methodNames) {\n result[methodName] = createProxyMethod(methodName);\n }\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Converts null to undefined, passes all other values through.\n */\nfunction withNullAsUndefined(x) {\n return x === null ? undefined : x;\n}\nfunction assertNever(value, message = \'Unreachable\') {\n throw new Error(message);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/types.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uint.js": /*!***************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uint.js ***! \***************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "toUint32": () => (/* binding */ toUint32),\n/* harmony export */ "toUint8": () => (/* binding */ toUint8)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nfunction toUint8(v) {\n if (v < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (v > 255 /* MAX_UINT_8 */) {\n return 255 /* MAX_UINT_8 */;\n }\n return v | 0;\n}\nfunction toUint32(v) {\n if (v < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (v > 4294967295 /* MAX_UINT_32 */) {\n return 4294967295 /* MAX_UINT_32 */;\n }\n return v | 0;\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uint.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uri.js": /*!**************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uri.js ***! \**************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"URI\": () => (/* binding */ URI),\n/* harmony export */ \"uriToFsPath\": () => (/* binding */ uriToFsPath)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _path_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./path.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/path.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platform.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\nconst _schemePattern = /^\\w[\\w\\d+.-]*$/;\nconst _singleSlashStart = /^\\//;\nconst _doubleSlashStart = /^\\/\\//;\nfunction _validateUri(ret, _strict) {\n // scheme, must be set\n if (!ret.scheme && _strict) {\n throw new Error(`[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: \"\", authority: \"${ret.authority}\", path: \"${ret.path}\", query: \"${ret.query}\", fragment: \"${ret.fragment}\"}`);\n }\n // scheme, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1\n // ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"+\" / \"-\" / \".\" )\n if (ret.scheme && !_schemePattern.test(ret.scheme)) {\n throw new Error('[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.');\n }\n // path, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3\n // If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component\n // must either be empty or begin with a slash (\"/\") character. If a URI\n // does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin\n // with two slash characters (\"//\").\n if (ret.path) {\n if (ret.authority) {\n if (!_singleSlashStart.test(ret.path)) {\n throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash (\"/\") character');\n }\n }\n else {\n if (_doubleSlashStart.test(ret.path)) {\n throw new Error('[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters (\"//\")');\n }\n }\n }\n}\n// for a while we allowed uris *without* schemes and this is the migration\n// for them, e.g. an uri without scheme and without strict-mode warns and falls\n// back to the file-scheme. that should cause the least carnage and still be a\n// clear warning\nfunction _schemeFix(scheme, _strict) {\n if (!scheme && !_strict) {\n return 'file';\n }\n return scheme;\n}\n// implements a bit of https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5\nfunction _referenceResolution(scheme, path) {\n // the slash-character is our 'default base' as we don't\n // support constructing URIs relative to other URIs. This\n // also means that we alter and potentially break paths.\n // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.1.4\n switch (scheme) {\n case 'https':\n case 'http':\n case 'file':\n if (!path) {\n path = _slash;\n }\n else if (path[0] !== _slash) {\n path = _slash + path;\n }\n break;\n }\n return path;\n}\nconst _empty = '';\nconst _slash = '/';\nconst _regexp = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\\/\\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/;\n/**\n * Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.\n * This class is a simple parser which creates the basic component parts\n * (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3) with minimal validation\n * and encoding.\n *\n * ```txt\n * foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose\n * \\_/ \\______________/\\_________/ \\_________/ \\__/\n * | | | | |\n * scheme authority path query fragment\n * | _____________________|__\n * / \\ / \\\n * urn:example:animal:ferret:nose\n * ```\n */\nclass URI {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(schemeOrData, authority, path, query, fragment, _strict = false) {\n if (typeof schemeOrData === 'object') {\n this.scheme = schemeOrData.scheme || _empty;\n this.authority = schemeOrData.authority || _empty;\n this.path = schemeOrData.path || _empty;\n this.query = schemeOrData.query || _empty;\n this.fragment = schemeOrData.fragment || _empty;\n // no validation because it's this URI\n // that creates uri components.\n // _validateUri(this);\n }\n else {\n this.scheme = _schemeFix(schemeOrData, _strict);\n this.authority = authority || _empty;\n this.path = _referenceResolution(this.scheme, path || _empty);\n this.query = query || _empty;\n this.fragment = fragment || _empty;\n _validateUri(this, _strict);\n }\n }\n static isUri(thing) {\n if (thing instanceof URI) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!thing) {\n return false;\n }\n return typeof thing.authority === 'string'\n && typeof thing.fragment === 'string'\n && typeof thing.path === 'string'\n && typeof thing.query === 'string'\n && typeof thing.scheme === 'string'\n && typeof thing.fsPath === 'string'\n && typeof thing.with === 'function'\n && typeof thing.toString === 'function';\n }\n // ---- filesystem path -----------------------\n /**\n * Returns a string representing the corresponding file system path of this URI.\n * Will handle UNC paths, normalizes windows drive letters to lower-case, and uses the\n * platform specific path separator.\n *\n * * Will *not* validate the path for invalid characters and semantics.\n * * Will *not* look at the scheme of this URI.\n * * The result shall *not* be used for display purposes but for accessing a file on disk.\n *\n *\n * The *difference* to `URI#path` is the use of the platform specific separator and the handling\n * of UNC paths. See the below sample of a file-uri with an authority (UNC path).\n *\n * ```ts\n const u = URI.parse('file://server/c$/folder/file.txt')\n u.authority === 'server'\n u.path === '/shares/c$/file.txt'\n u.fsPath === '\\\\server\\c$\\folder\\file.txt'\n ```\n *\n * Using `URI#path` to read a file (using fs-apis) would not be enough because parts of the path,\n * namely the server name, would be missing. Therefore `URI#fsPath` exists - it's sugar to ease working\n * with URIs that represent files on disk (`file` scheme).\n */\n get fsPath() {\n // if (this.scheme !== 'file') {\n // \tconsole.warn(`[UriError] calling fsPath with scheme ${this.scheme}`);\n // }\n return uriToFsPath(this, false);\n }\n // ---- modify to new -------------------------\n with(change) {\n if (!change) {\n return this;\n }\n let { scheme, authority, path, query, fragment } = change;\n if (scheme === undefined) {\n scheme = this.scheme;\n }\n else if (scheme === null) {\n scheme = _empty;\n }\n if (authority === undefined) {\n authority = this.authority;\n }\n else if (authority === null) {\n authority = _empty;\n }\n if (path === undefined) {\n path = this.path;\n }\n else if (path === null) {\n path = _empty;\n }\n if (query === undefined) {\n query = this.query;\n }\n else if (query === null) {\n query = _empty;\n }\n if (fragment === undefined) {\n fragment = this.fragment;\n }\n else if (fragment === null) {\n fragment = _empty;\n }\n if (scheme === this.scheme\n && authority === this.authority\n && path === this.path\n && query === this.query\n && fragment === this.fragment) {\n return this;\n }\n return new Uri(scheme, authority, path, query, fragment);\n }\n // ---- parse & validate ------------------------\n /**\n * Creates a new URI from a string, e.g. `http://www.example.com/some/path`,\n * `file:///usr/home`, or `scheme:with/path`.\n *\n * @param value A string which represents an URI (see `URI#toString`).\n */\n static parse(value, _strict = false) {\n const match = _regexp.exec(value);\n if (!match) {\n return new Uri(_empty, _empty, _empty, _empty, _empty);\n }\n return new Uri(match[2] || _empty, percentDecode(match[4] || _empty), percentDecode(match[5] || _empty), percentDecode(match[7] || _empty), percentDecode(match[9] || _empty), _strict);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new URI from a file system path, e.g. `c:\\my\\files`,\n * `/usr/home`, or `\\\\server\\share\\some\\path`.\n *\n * The *difference* between `URI#parse` and `URI#file` is that the latter treats the argument\n * as path, not as stringified-uri. E.g. `URI.file(path)` is **not the same as**\n * `URI.parse('file://' + path)` because the path might contain characters that are\n * interpreted (# and ?). See the following sample:\n * ```ts\n const good = URI.file('/coding/c#/project1');\n good.scheme === 'file';\n good.path === '/coding/c#/project1';\n good.fragment === '';\n const bad = URI.parse('file://' + '/coding/c#/project1');\n bad.scheme === 'file';\n bad.path === '/coding/c'; // path is now broken\n bad.fragment === '/project1';\n ```\n *\n * @param path A file system path (see `URI#fsPath`)\n */\n static file(path) {\n let authority = _empty;\n // normalize to fwd-slashes on windows,\n // on other systems bwd-slashes are valid\n // filename character, eg /f\\oo/ba\\r.txt\n if (_platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isWindows) {\n path = path.replace(/\\\\/g, _slash);\n }\n // check for authority as used in UNC shares\n // or use the path as given\n if (path[0] === _slash && path[1] === _slash) {\n const idx = path.indexOf(_slash, 2);\n if (idx === -1) {\n authority = path.substring(2);\n path = _slash;\n }\n else {\n authority = path.substring(2, idx);\n path = path.substring(idx) || _slash;\n }\n }\n return new Uri('file', authority, path, _empty, _empty);\n }\n static from(components) {\n const result = new Uri(components.scheme, components.authority, components.path, components.query, components.fragment);\n _validateUri(result, true);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Join a URI path with path fragments and normalizes the resulting path.\n *\n * @param uri The input URI.\n * @param pathFragment The path fragment to add to the URI path.\n * @returns The resulting URI.\n */\n static joinPath(uri, ...pathFragment) {\n if (!uri.path) {\n throw new Error(`[UriError]: cannot call joinPath on URI without path`);\n }\n let newPath;\n if (_platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isWindows && uri.scheme === 'file') {\n newPath = URI.file(_path_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.win32.join(uriToFsPath(uri, true), ...pathFragment)).path;\n }\n else {\n newPath = _path_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.posix.join(uri.path, ...pathFragment);\n }\n return uri.with({ path: newPath });\n }\n // ---- printing/externalize ---------------------------\n /**\n * Creates a string representation for this URI. It's guaranteed that calling\n * `URI.parse` with the result of this function creates an URI which is equal\n * to this URI.\n *\n * * The result shall *not* be used for display purposes but for externalization or transport.\n * * The result will be encoded using the percentage encoding and encoding happens mostly\n * ignore the scheme-specific encoding rules.\n *\n * @param skipEncoding Do not encode the result, default is `false`\n */\n toString(skipEncoding = false) {\n return _asFormatted(this, skipEncoding);\n }\n toJSON() {\n return this;\n }\n static revive(data) {\n if (!data) {\n return data;\n }\n else if (data instanceof URI) {\n return data;\n }\n else {\n const result = new Uri(data);\n result._formatted = data.external;\n result._fsPath = data._sep === _pathSepMarker ? data.fsPath : null;\n return result;\n }\n }\n}\nconst _pathSepMarker = _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isWindows ? 1 : undefined;\n// This class exists so that URI is compatible with vscode.Uri (API).\nclass Uri extends URI {\n constructor() {\n super(...arguments);\n this._formatted = null;\n this._fsPath = null;\n }\n get fsPath() {\n if (!this._fsPath) {\n this._fsPath = uriToFsPath(this, false);\n }\n return this._fsPath;\n }\n toString(skipEncoding = false) {\n if (!skipEncoding) {\n if (!this._formatted) {\n this._formatted = _asFormatted(this, false);\n }\n return this._formatted;\n }\n else {\n // we don't cache that\n return _asFormatted(this, true);\n }\n }\n toJSON() {\n const res = {\n $mid: 1 /* Uri */\n };\n // cached state\n if (this._fsPath) {\n res.fsPath = this._fsPath;\n res._sep = _pathSepMarker;\n }\n if (this._formatted) {\n res.external = this._formatted;\n }\n // uri components\n if (this.path) {\n res.path = this.path;\n }\n if (this.scheme) {\n res.scheme = this.scheme;\n }\n if (this.authority) {\n res.authority = this.authority;\n }\n if (this.query) {\n res.query = this.query;\n }\n if (this.fragment) {\n res.fragment = this.fragment;\n }\n return res;\n }\n}\n// reserved characters: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2\nconst encodeTable = {\n [58 /* Colon */]: '%3A',\n [47 /* Slash */]: '%2F',\n [63 /* QuestionMark */]: '%3F',\n [35 /* Hash */]: '%23',\n [91 /* OpenSquareBracket */]: '%5B',\n [93 /* CloseSquareBracket */]: '%5D',\n [64 /* AtSign */]: '%40',\n [33 /* ExclamationMark */]: '%21',\n [36 /* DollarSign */]: '%24',\n [38 /* Ampersand */]: '%26',\n [39 /* SingleQuote */]: '%27',\n [40 /* OpenParen */]: '%28',\n [41 /* CloseParen */]: '%29',\n [42 /* Asterisk */]: '%2A',\n [43 /* Plus */]: '%2B',\n [44 /* Comma */]: '%2C',\n [59 /* Semicolon */]: '%3B',\n [61 /* Equals */]: '%3D',\n [32 /* Space */]: '%20',\n};\nfunction encodeURIComponentFast(uriComponent, allowSlash) {\n let res = undefined;\n let nativeEncodePos = -1;\n for (let pos = 0; pos < uriComponent.length; pos++) {\n const code = uriComponent.charCodeAt(pos);\n // unreserved characters: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.3\n if ((code >= 97 /* a */ && code <= 122 /* z */)\n || (code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */)\n || (code >= 48 /* Digit0 */ && code <= 57 /* Digit9 */)\n || code === 45 /* Dash */\n || code === 46 /* Period */\n || code === 95 /* Underline */\n || code === 126 /* Tilde */\n || (allowSlash && code === 47 /* Slash */)) {\n // check if we are delaying native encode\n if (nativeEncodePos !== -1) {\n res += encodeURIComponent(uriComponent.substring(nativeEncodePos, pos));\n nativeEncodePos = -1;\n }\n // check if we write into a new string (by default we try to return the param)\n if (res !== undefined) {\n res += uriComponent.charAt(pos);\n }\n }\n else {\n // encoding needed, we need to allocate a new string\n if (res === undefined) {\n res = uriComponent.substr(0, pos);\n }\n // check with default table first\n const escaped = encodeTable[code];\n if (escaped !== undefined) {\n // check if we are delaying native encode\n if (nativeEncodePos !== -1) {\n res += encodeURIComponent(uriComponent.substring(nativeEncodePos, pos));\n nativeEncodePos = -1;\n }\n // append escaped variant to result\n res += escaped;\n }\n else if (nativeEncodePos === -1) {\n // use native encode only when needed\n nativeEncodePos = pos;\n }\n }\n }\n if (nativeEncodePos !== -1) {\n res += encodeURIComponent(uriComponent.substring(nativeEncodePos));\n }\n return res !== undefined ? res : uriComponent;\n}\nfunction encodeURIComponentMinimal(path) {\n let res = undefined;\n for (let pos = 0; pos < path.length; pos++) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(pos);\n if (code === 35 /* Hash */ || code === 63 /* QuestionMark */) {\n if (res === undefined) {\n res = path.substr(0, pos);\n }\n res += encodeTable[code];\n }\n else {\n if (res !== undefined) {\n res += path[pos];\n }\n }\n }\n return res !== undefined ? res : path;\n}\n/**\n * Compute `fsPath` for the given uri\n */\nfunction uriToFsPath(uri, keepDriveLetterCasing) {\n let value;\n if (uri.authority && uri.path.length > 1 && uri.scheme === 'file') {\n // unc path: file://shares/c$/far/boo\n value = `//${uri.authority}${uri.path}`;\n }\n else if (uri.path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /* Slash */\n && (uri.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 /* A */ && uri.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 /* Z */ || uri.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 /* a */ && uri.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122 /* z */)\n && uri.path.charCodeAt(2) === 58 /* Colon */) {\n if (!keepDriveLetterCasing) {\n // windows drive letter: file:///c:/far/boo\n value = uri.path[1].toLowerCase() + uri.path.substr(2);\n }\n else {\n value = uri.path.substr(1);\n }\n }\n else {\n // other path\n value = uri.path;\n }\n if (_platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isWindows) {\n value = value.replace(/\\//g, '\\\\');\n }\n return value;\n}\n/**\n * Create the external version of a uri\n */\nfunction _asFormatted(uri, skipEncoding) {\n const encoder = !skipEncoding\n ? encodeURIComponentFast\n : encodeURIComponentMinimal;\n let res = '';\n let { scheme, authority, path, query, fragment } = uri;\n if (scheme) {\n res += scheme;\n res += ':';\n }\n if (authority || scheme === 'file') {\n res += _slash;\n res += _slash;\n }\n if (authority) {\n let idx = authority.indexOf('@');\n if (idx !== -1) {\n // @\n const userinfo = authority.substr(0, idx);\n authority = authority.substr(idx + 1);\n idx = userinfo.indexOf(':');\n if (idx === -1) {\n res += encoder(userinfo, false);\n }\n else {\n // :@\n res += encoder(userinfo.substr(0, idx), false);\n res += ':';\n res += encoder(userinfo.substr(idx + 1), false);\n }\n res += '@';\n }\n authority = authority.toLowerCase();\n idx = authority.indexOf(':');\n if (idx === -1) {\n res += encoder(authority, false);\n }\n else {\n // :\n res += encoder(authority.substr(0, idx), false);\n res += authority.substr(idx);\n }\n }\n if (path) {\n // lower-case windows drive letters in /C:/fff or C:/fff\n if (path.length >= 3 && path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /* Slash */ && path.charCodeAt(2) === 58 /* Colon */) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(1);\n if (code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */) {\n path = `/${String.fromCharCode(code + 32)}:${path.substr(3)}`; // \"/c:\".length === 3\n }\n }\n else if (path.length >= 2 && path.charCodeAt(1) === 58 /* Colon */) {\n const code = path.charCodeAt(0);\n if (code >= 65 /* A */ && code <= 90 /* Z */) {\n path = `${String.fromCharCode(code + 32)}:${path.substr(2)}`; // \"/c:\".length === 3\n }\n }\n // encode the rest of the path\n res += encoder(path, true);\n }\n if (query) {\n res += '?';\n res += encoder(query, false);\n }\n if (fragment) {\n res += '#';\n res += !skipEncoding ? encodeURIComponentFast(fragment, false) : fragment;\n }\n return res;\n}\n// --- decode\nfunction decodeURIComponentGraceful(str) {\n try {\n return decodeURIComponent(str);\n }\n catch (_a) {\n if (str.length > 3) {\n return str.substr(0, 3) + decodeURIComponentGraceful(str.substr(3));\n }\n else {\n return str;\n }\n }\n}\nconst _rEncodedAsHex = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g;\nfunction percentDecode(str) {\n if (!str.match(_rEncodedAsHex)) {\n return str;\n }\n return str.replace(_rEncodedAsHex, (match) => decodeURIComponentGraceful(match));\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uri.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker.js": /*!******************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker.js ***! \******************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"SimpleWorkerClient\": () => (/* binding */ SimpleWorkerClient),\n/* harmony export */ \"SimpleWorkerServer\": () => (/* binding */ SimpleWorkerServer),\n/* harmony export */ \"create\": () => (/* binding */ create),\n/* harmony export */ \"logOnceWebWorkerWarning\": () => (/* binding */ logOnceWebWorkerWarning)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _errors_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../errors.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/errors.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../event.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/event.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../lifecycle.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lifecycle.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../platform.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../types.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/types.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../strings.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\n\n\n\nconst INITIALIZE = '$initialize';\nlet webWorkerWarningLogged = false;\nfunction logOnceWebWorkerWarning(err) {\n if (!_platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isWeb) {\n // running tests\n return;\n }\n if (!webWorkerWarningLogged) {\n webWorkerWarningLogged = true;\n console.warn('Could not create web worker(s). Falling back to loading web worker code in main thread, which might cause UI freezes. Please see https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor#faq');\n }\n console.warn(err.message);\n}\nclass RequestMessage {\n constructor(vsWorker, req, method, args) {\n this.vsWorker = vsWorker;\n this.req = req;\n this.method = method;\n this.args = args;\n this.type = 0 /* Request */;\n }\n}\nclass ReplyMessage {\n constructor(vsWorker, seq, res, err) {\n this.vsWorker = vsWorker;\n this.seq = seq;\n this.res = res;\n this.err = err;\n this.type = 1 /* Reply */;\n }\n}\nclass SubscribeEventMessage {\n constructor(vsWorker, req, eventName, arg) {\n this.vsWorker = vsWorker;\n this.req = req;\n this.eventName = eventName;\n this.arg = arg;\n this.type = 2 /* SubscribeEvent */;\n }\n}\nclass EventMessage {\n constructor(vsWorker, req, event) {\n this.vsWorker = vsWorker;\n this.req = req;\n this.event = event;\n this.type = 3 /* Event */;\n }\n}\nclass UnsubscribeEventMessage {\n constructor(vsWorker, req) {\n this.vsWorker = vsWorker;\n this.req = req;\n this.type = 4 /* UnsubscribeEvent */;\n }\n}\nclass SimpleWorkerProtocol {\n constructor(handler) {\n this._workerId = -1;\n this._handler = handler;\n this._lastSentReq = 0;\n this._pendingReplies = Object.create(null);\n this._pendingEmitters = new Map();\n this._pendingEvents = new Map();\n }\n setWorkerId(workerId) {\n this._workerId = workerId;\n }\n sendMessage(method, args) {\n const req = String(++this._lastSentReq);\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this._pendingReplies[req] = {\n resolve: resolve,\n reject: reject\n };\n this._send(new RequestMessage(this._workerId, req, method, args));\n });\n }\n listen(eventName, arg) {\n let req = null;\n const emitter = new _event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Emitter({\n onFirstListenerAdd: () => {\n req = String(++this._lastSentReq);\n this._pendingEmitters.set(req, emitter);\n this._send(new SubscribeEventMessage(this._workerId, req, eventName, arg));\n },\n onLastListenerRemove: () => {\n this._pendingEmitters.delete(req);\n this._send(new UnsubscribeEventMessage(this._workerId, req));\n req = null;\n }\n });\n return emitter.event;\n }\n handleMessage(message) {\n if (!message || !message.vsWorker) {\n return;\n }\n if (this._workerId !== -1 && message.vsWorker !== this._workerId) {\n return;\n }\n this._handleMessage(message);\n }\n _handleMessage(msg) {\n switch (msg.type) {\n case 1 /* Reply */:\n return this._handleReplyMessage(msg);\n case 0 /* Request */:\n return this._handleRequestMessage(msg);\n case 2 /* SubscribeEvent */:\n return this._handleSubscribeEventMessage(msg);\n case 3 /* Event */:\n return this._handleEventMessage(msg);\n case 4 /* UnsubscribeEvent */:\n return this._handleUnsubscribeEventMessage(msg);\n }\n }\n _handleReplyMessage(replyMessage) {\n if (!this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq]) {\n console.warn('Got reply to unknown seq');\n return;\n }\n let reply = this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq];\n delete this._pendingReplies[replyMessage.seq];\n if (replyMessage.err) {\n let err = replyMessage.err;\n if (replyMessage.err.$isError) {\n err = new Error();\n err.name = replyMessage.err.name;\n err.message = replyMessage.err.message;\n err.stack = replyMessage.err.stack;\n }\n reply.reject(err);\n return;\n }\n reply.resolve(replyMessage.res);\n }\n _handleRequestMessage(requestMessage) {\n let req = requestMessage.req;\n let result = this._handler.handleMessage(requestMessage.method, requestMessage.args);\n result.then((r) => {\n this._send(new ReplyMessage(this._workerId, req, r, undefined));\n }, (e) => {\n if (e.detail instanceof Error) {\n // Loading errors have a detail property that points to the actual error\n e.detail = (0,_errors_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.transformErrorForSerialization)(e.detail);\n }\n this._send(new ReplyMessage(this._workerId, req, undefined, (0,_errors_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.transformErrorForSerialization)(e)));\n });\n }\n _handleSubscribeEventMessage(msg) {\n const req = msg.req;\n const disposable = this._handler.handleEvent(msg.eventName, msg.arg)((event) => {\n this._send(new EventMessage(this._workerId, req, event));\n });\n this._pendingEvents.set(req, disposable);\n }\n _handleEventMessage(msg) {\n if (!this._pendingEmitters.has(msg.req)) {\n console.warn('Got event for unknown req');\n return;\n }\n this._pendingEmitters.get(msg.req).fire(msg.event);\n }\n _handleUnsubscribeEventMessage(msg) {\n if (!this._pendingEvents.has(msg.req)) {\n console.warn('Got unsubscribe for unknown req');\n return;\n }\n this._pendingEvents.get(msg.req).dispose();\n this._pendingEvents.delete(msg.req);\n }\n _send(msg) {\n let transfer = [];\n if (msg.type === 0 /* Request */) {\n for (let i = 0; i < msg.args.length; i++) {\n if (msg.args[i] instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\n transfer.push(msg.args[i]);\n }\n }\n }\n else if (msg.type === 1 /* Reply */) {\n if (msg.res instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\n transfer.push(msg.res);\n }\n }\n this._handler.sendMessage(msg, transfer);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Main thread side\n */\nclass SimpleWorkerClient extends _lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Disposable {\n constructor(workerFactory, moduleId, host) {\n super();\n let lazyProxyReject = null;\n this._worker = this._register(workerFactory.create('vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker', (msg) => {\n this._protocol.handleMessage(msg);\n }, (err) => {\n // in Firefox, web workers fail lazily :(\n // we will reject the proxy\n if (lazyProxyReject) {\n lazyProxyReject(err);\n }\n }));\n this._protocol = new SimpleWorkerProtocol({\n sendMessage: (msg, transfer) => {\n this._worker.postMessage(msg, transfer);\n },\n handleMessage: (method, args) => {\n if (typeof host[method] !== 'function') {\n return Promise.reject(new Error('Missing method ' + method + ' on main thread host.'));\n }\n try {\n return Promise.resolve(host[method].apply(host, args));\n }\n catch (e) {\n return Promise.reject(e);\n }\n },\n handleEvent: (eventName, arg) => {\n if (propertyIsDynamicEvent(eventName)) {\n const event = host[eventName].call(host, arg);\n if (typeof event !== 'function') {\n throw new Error(`Missing dynamic event ${eventName} on main thread host.`);\n }\n return event;\n }\n if (propertyIsEvent(eventName)) {\n const event = host[eventName];\n if (typeof event !== 'function') {\n throw new Error(`Missing event ${eventName} on main thread host.`);\n }\n return event;\n }\n throw new Error(`Malformed event name ${eventName}`);\n }\n });\n this._protocol.setWorkerId(this._worker.getId());\n // Gather loader configuration\n let loaderConfiguration = null;\n if (typeof _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.globals.require !== 'undefined' && typeof _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.globals.require.getConfig === 'function') {\n // Get the configuration from the Monaco AMD Loader\n loaderConfiguration = _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.globals.require.getConfig();\n }\n else if (typeof _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.globals.requirejs !== 'undefined') {\n // Get the configuration from requirejs\n loaderConfiguration = _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.globals.requirejs.s.contexts._.config;\n }\n const hostMethods = _types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getAllMethodNames(host);\n // Send initialize message\n this._onModuleLoaded = this._protocol.sendMessage(INITIALIZE, [\n this._worker.getId(),\n JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(loaderConfiguration)),\n moduleId,\n hostMethods,\n ]);\n // Create proxy to loaded code\n const proxyMethodRequest = (method, args) => {\n return this._request(method, args);\n };\n const proxyListen = (eventName, arg) => {\n return this._protocol.listen(eventName, arg);\n };\n this._lazyProxy = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n lazyProxyReject = reject;\n this._onModuleLoaded.then((availableMethods) => {\n resolve(createProxyObject(availableMethods, proxyMethodRequest, proxyListen));\n }, (e) => {\n reject(e);\n this._onError('Worker failed to load ' + moduleId, e);\n });\n });\n }\n getProxyObject() {\n return this._lazyProxy;\n }\n _request(method, args) {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this._onModuleLoaded.then(() => {\n this._protocol.sendMessage(method, args).then(resolve, reject);\n }, reject);\n });\n }\n _onError(message, error) {\n console.error(message);\n console.info(error);\n }\n}\nfunction propertyIsEvent(name) {\n // Assume a property is an event if it has a form of \"onSomething\"\n return name[0] === 'o' && name[1] === 'n' && _strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isUpperAsciiLetter(name.charCodeAt(2));\n}\nfunction propertyIsDynamicEvent(name) {\n // Assume a property is a dynamic event (a method that returns an event) if it has a form of \"onDynamicSomething\"\n return /^onDynamic/.test(name) && _strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isUpperAsciiLetter(name.charCodeAt(9));\n}\nfunction createProxyObject(methodNames, invoke, proxyListen) {\n const createProxyMethod = (method) => {\n return function () {\n const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n return invoke(method, args);\n };\n };\n const createProxyDynamicEvent = (eventName) => {\n return function (arg) {\n return proxyListen(eventName, arg);\n };\n };\n let result = {};\n for (const methodName of methodNames) {\n if (propertyIsDynamicEvent(methodName)) {\n result[methodName] = createProxyDynamicEvent(methodName);\n continue;\n }\n if (propertyIsEvent(methodName)) {\n result[methodName] = proxyListen(methodName, undefined);\n continue;\n }\n result[methodName] = createProxyMethod(methodName);\n }\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Worker side\n */\nclass SimpleWorkerServer {\n constructor(postMessage, requestHandlerFactory) {\n this._requestHandlerFactory = requestHandlerFactory;\n this._requestHandler = null;\n this._protocol = new SimpleWorkerProtocol({\n sendMessage: (msg, transfer) => {\n postMessage(msg, transfer);\n },\n handleMessage: (method, args) => this._handleMessage(method, args),\n handleEvent: (eventName, arg) => this._handleEvent(eventName, arg)\n });\n }\n onmessage(msg) {\n this._protocol.handleMessage(msg);\n }\n _handleMessage(method, args) {\n if (method === INITIALIZE) {\n return this.initialize(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);\n }\n if (!this._requestHandler || typeof this._requestHandler[method] !== 'function') {\n return Promise.reject(new Error('Missing requestHandler or method: ' + method));\n }\n try {\n return Promise.resolve(this._requestHandler[method].apply(this._requestHandler, args));\n }\n catch (e) {\n return Promise.reject(e);\n }\n }\n _handleEvent(eventName, arg) {\n if (!this._requestHandler) {\n throw new Error(`Missing requestHandler`);\n }\n if (propertyIsDynamicEvent(eventName)) {\n const event = this._requestHandler[eventName].call(this._requestHandler, arg);\n if (typeof event !== 'function') {\n throw new Error(`Missing dynamic event ${eventName} on request handler.`);\n }\n return event;\n }\n if (propertyIsEvent(eventName)) {\n const event = this._requestHandler[eventName];\n if (typeof event !== 'function') {\n throw new Error(`Missing event ${eventName} on request handler.`);\n }\n return event;\n }\n throw new Error(`Malformed event name ${eventName}`);\n }\n initialize(workerId, loaderConfig, moduleId, hostMethods) {\n this._protocol.setWorkerId(workerId);\n const proxyMethodRequest = (method, args) => {\n return this._protocol.sendMessage(method, args);\n };\n const proxyListen = (eventName, arg) => {\n return this._protocol.listen(eventName, arg);\n };\n const hostProxy = createProxyObject(hostMethods, proxyMethodRequest, proxyListen);\n if (this._requestHandlerFactory) {\n // static request handler\n this._requestHandler = this._requestHandlerFactory(hostProxy);\n return Promise.resolve(_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getAllMethodNames(this._requestHandler));\n }\n if (loaderConfig) {\n // Remove 'baseUrl', handling it is beyond scope for now\n if (typeof loaderConfig.baseUrl !== 'undefined') {\n delete loaderConfig['baseUrl'];\n }\n if (typeof loaderConfig.paths !== 'undefined') {\n if (typeof loaderConfig.paths.vs !== 'undefined') {\n delete loaderConfig.paths['vs'];\n }\n }\n if (typeof loaderConfig.trustedTypesPolicy !== undefined) {\n // don't use, it has been destroyed during serialize\n delete loaderConfig['trustedTypesPolicy'];\n }\n // Since this is in a web worker, enable catching errors\n loaderConfig.catchError = true;\n _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.globals.require.config(loaderConfig);\n }\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n // Use the global require to be sure to get the global config\n // ESM-comment-begin\n // \t\t\tconst req = (globals.require || require);\n // ESM-comment-end\n // ESM-uncomment-begin\n const req = _platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.globals.require;\n // ESM-uncomment-end\n req([moduleId], (module) => {\n this._requestHandler = module.create(hostProxy);\n if (!this._requestHandler) {\n reject(new Error(`No RequestHandler!`));\n return;\n }\n resolve(_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getAllMethodNames(this._requestHandler));\n }, reject);\n });\n }\n}\n/**\n * Called on the worker side\n */\nfunction create(postMessage) {\n return new SimpleWorkerServer(postMessage, null);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier.js": /*!*************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier.js ***! \*************************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "CharacterClassifier": () => (/* binding */ CharacterClassifier),\n/* harmony export */ "CharacterSet": () => (/* binding */ CharacterSet)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/uint.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uint.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/**\n * A fast character classifier that uses a compact array for ASCII values.\n */\nclass CharacterClassifier {\n constructor(_defaultValue) {\n const defaultValue = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.toUint8)(_defaultValue);\n this._defaultValue = defaultValue;\n this._asciiMap = CharacterClassifier._createAsciiMap(defaultValue);\n this._map = new Map();\n }\n static _createAsciiMap(defaultValue) {\n const asciiMap = new Uint8Array(256);\n for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n asciiMap[i] = defaultValue;\n }\n return asciiMap;\n }\n set(charCode, _value) {\n const value = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.toUint8)(_value);\n if (charCode >= 0 && charCode < 256) {\n this._asciiMap[charCode] = value;\n }\n else {\n this._map.set(charCode, value);\n }\n }\n get(charCode) {\n if (charCode >= 0 && charCode < 256) {\n return this._asciiMap[charCode];\n }\n else {\n return (this._map.get(charCode) || this._defaultValue);\n }\n }\n}\nclass CharacterSet {\n constructor() {\n this._actual = new CharacterClassifier(0 /* False */);\n }\n add(charCode) {\n this._actual.set(charCode, 1 /* True */);\n }\n has(charCode) {\n return (this._actual.get(charCode) === 1 /* True */);\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js": /*!**************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js ***! \**************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Position\": () => (/* binding */ Position)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n/**\n * A position in the editor.\n */\nclass Position {\n constructor(lineNumber, column) {\n this.lineNumber = lineNumber;\n this.column = column;\n }\n /**\n * Create a new position from this position.\n *\n * @param newLineNumber new line number\n * @param newColumn new column\n */\n with(newLineNumber = this.lineNumber, newColumn = this.column) {\n if (newLineNumber === this.lineNumber && newColumn === this.column) {\n return this;\n }\n else {\n return new Position(newLineNumber, newColumn);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Derive a new position from this position.\n *\n * @param deltaLineNumber line number delta\n * @param deltaColumn column delta\n */\n delta(deltaLineNumber = 0, deltaColumn = 0) {\n return this.with(this.lineNumber + deltaLineNumber, this.column + deltaColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Test if this position equals other position\n */\n equals(other) {\n return Position.equals(this, other);\n }\n /**\n * Test if position `a` equals position `b`\n */\n static equals(a, b) {\n if (!a && !b) {\n return true;\n }\n return (!!a &&\n !!b &&\n a.lineNumber === b.lineNumber &&\n a.column === b.column);\n }\n /**\n * Test if this position is before other position.\n * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.\n */\n isBefore(other) {\n return Position.isBefore(this, other);\n }\n /**\n * Test if position `a` is before position `b`.\n * If the two positions are equal, the result will be false.\n */\n static isBefore(a, b) {\n if (a.lineNumber < b.lineNumber) {\n return true;\n }\n if (b.lineNumber < a.lineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n return a.column < b.column;\n }\n /**\n * Test if this position is before other position.\n * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.\n */\n isBeforeOrEqual(other) {\n return Position.isBeforeOrEqual(this, other);\n }\n /**\n * Test if position `a` is before position `b`.\n * If the two positions are equal, the result will be true.\n */\n static isBeforeOrEqual(a, b) {\n if (a.lineNumber < b.lineNumber) {\n return true;\n }\n if (b.lineNumber < a.lineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n return a.column <= b.column;\n }\n /**\n * A function that compares positions, useful for sorting\n */\n static compare(a, b) {\n const aLineNumber = a.lineNumber | 0;\n const bLineNumber = b.lineNumber | 0;\n if (aLineNumber === bLineNumber) {\n const aColumn = a.column | 0;\n const bColumn = b.column | 0;\n return aColumn - bColumn;\n }\n return aLineNumber - bLineNumber;\n }\n /**\n * Clone this position.\n */\n clone() {\n return new Position(this.lineNumber, this.column);\n }\n /**\n * Convert to a human-readable representation.\n */\n toString() {\n return '(' + this.lineNumber + ',' + this.column + ')';\n }\n // ---\n /**\n * Create a `Position` from an `IPosition`.\n */\n static lift(pos) {\n return new Position(pos.lineNumber, pos.column);\n }\n /**\n * Test if `obj` is an `IPosition`.\n */\n static isIPosition(obj) {\n return (obj\n && (typeof obj.lineNumber === 'number')\n && (typeof obj.column === 'number'));\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js": /*!***********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js ***! \***********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Range\": () => (/* binding */ Range)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./position.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/**\n * A range in the editor. (startLineNumber,startColumn) is <= (endLineNumber,endColumn)\n */\nclass Range {\n constructor(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn) {\n if ((startLineNumber > endLineNumber) || (startLineNumber === endLineNumber && startColumn > endColumn)) {\n this.startLineNumber = endLineNumber;\n this.startColumn = endColumn;\n this.endLineNumber = startLineNumber;\n this.endColumn = startColumn;\n }\n else {\n this.startLineNumber = startLineNumber;\n this.startColumn = startColumn;\n this.endLineNumber = endLineNumber;\n this.endColumn = endColumn;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Test if this range is empty.\n */\n isEmpty() {\n return Range.isEmpty(this);\n }\n /**\n * Test if `range` is empty.\n */\n static isEmpty(range) {\n return (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && range.startColumn === range.endColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Test if position is in this range. If the position is at the edges, will return true.\n */\n containsPosition(position) {\n return Range.containsPosition(this, position);\n }\n /**\n * Test if `position` is in `range`. If the position is at the edges, will return true.\n */\n static containsPosition(range, position) {\n if (position.lineNumber < range.startLineNumber || position.lineNumber > range.endLineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n if (position.lineNumber === range.startLineNumber && position.column < range.startColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n if (position.lineNumber === range.endLineNumber && position.column > range.endColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n /**\n * Test if `position` is in `range`. If the position is at the edges, will return false.\n * @internal\n */\n static strictContainsPosition(range, position) {\n if (position.lineNumber < range.startLineNumber || position.lineNumber > range.endLineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n if (position.lineNumber === range.startLineNumber && position.column <= range.startColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n if (position.lineNumber === range.endLineNumber && position.column >= range.endColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n /**\n * Test if range is in this range. If the range is equal to this range, will return true.\n */\n containsRange(range) {\n return Range.containsRange(this, range);\n }\n /**\n * Test if `otherRange` is in `range`. If the ranges are equal, will return true.\n */\n static containsRange(range, otherRange) {\n if (otherRange.startLineNumber < range.startLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber < range.startLineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n if (otherRange.startLineNumber > range.endLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber > range.endLineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n if (otherRange.startLineNumber === range.startLineNumber && otherRange.startColumn < range.startColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n if (otherRange.endLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && otherRange.endColumn > range.endColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n /**\n * Test if `range` is strictly in this range. `range` must start after and end before this range for the result to be true.\n */\n strictContainsRange(range) {\n return Range.strictContainsRange(this, range);\n }\n /**\n * Test if `otherRange` is strictly in `range` (must start after, and end before). If the ranges are equal, will return false.\n */\n static strictContainsRange(range, otherRange) {\n if (otherRange.startLineNumber < range.startLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber < range.startLineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n if (otherRange.startLineNumber > range.endLineNumber || otherRange.endLineNumber > range.endLineNumber) {\n return false;\n }\n if (otherRange.startLineNumber === range.startLineNumber && otherRange.startColumn <= range.startColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n if (otherRange.endLineNumber === range.endLineNumber && otherRange.endColumn >= range.endColumn) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n /**\n * A reunion of the two ranges.\n * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.\n */\n plusRange(range) {\n return Range.plusRange(this, range);\n }\n /**\n * A reunion of the two ranges.\n * The smallest position will be used as the start point, and the largest one as the end point.\n */\n static plusRange(a, b) {\n let startLineNumber;\n let startColumn;\n let endLineNumber;\n let endColumn;\n if (b.startLineNumber < a.startLineNumber) {\n startLineNumber = b.startLineNumber;\n startColumn = b.startColumn;\n }\n else if (b.startLineNumber === a.startLineNumber) {\n startLineNumber = b.startLineNumber;\n startColumn = Math.min(b.startColumn, a.startColumn);\n }\n else {\n startLineNumber = a.startLineNumber;\n startColumn = a.startColumn;\n }\n if (b.endLineNumber > a.endLineNumber) {\n endLineNumber = b.endLineNumber;\n endColumn = b.endColumn;\n }\n else if (b.endLineNumber === a.endLineNumber) {\n endLineNumber = b.endLineNumber;\n endColumn = Math.max(b.endColumn, a.endColumn);\n }\n else {\n endLineNumber = a.endLineNumber;\n endColumn = a.endColumn;\n }\n return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);\n }\n /**\n * A intersection of the two ranges.\n */\n intersectRanges(range) {\n return Range.intersectRanges(this, range);\n }\n /**\n * A intersection of the two ranges.\n */\n static intersectRanges(a, b) {\n let resultStartLineNumber = a.startLineNumber;\n let resultStartColumn = a.startColumn;\n let resultEndLineNumber = a.endLineNumber;\n let resultEndColumn = a.endColumn;\n let otherStartLineNumber = b.startLineNumber;\n let otherStartColumn = b.startColumn;\n let otherEndLineNumber = b.endLineNumber;\n let otherEndColumn = b.endColumn;\n if (resultStartLineNumber < otherStartLineNumber) {\n resultStartLineNumber = otherStartLineNumber;\n resultStartColumn = otherStartColumn;\n }\n else if (resultStartLineNumber === otherStartLineNumber) {\n resultStartColumn = Math.max(resultStartColumn, otherStartColumn);\n }\n if (resultEndLineNumber > otherEndLineNumber) {\n resultEndLineNumber = otherEndLineNumber;\n resultEndColumn = otherEndColumn;\n }\n else if (resultEndLineNumber === otherEndLineNumber) {\n resultEndColumn = Math.min(resultEndColumn, otherEndColumn);\n }\n // Check if selection is now empty\n if (resultStartLineNumber > resultEndLineNumber) {\n return null;\n }\n if (resultStartLineNumber === resultEndLineNumber && resultStartColumn > resultEndColumn) {\n return null;\n }\n return new Range(resultStartLineNumber, resultStartColumn, resultEndLineNumber, resultEndColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Test if this range equals other.\n */\n equalsRange(other) {\n return Range.equalsRange(this, other);\n }\n /**\n * Test if range `a` equals `b`.\n */\n static equalsRange(a, b) {\n return (!!a &&\n !!b &&\n a.startLineNumber === b.startLineNumber &&\n a.startColumn === b.startColumn &&\n a.endLineNumber === b.endLineNumber &&\n a.endColumn === b.endColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position)\n */\n getEndPosition() {\n return Range.getEndPosition(this);\n }\n /**\n * Return the end position (which will be after or equal to the start position)\n */\n static getEndPosition(range) {\n return new _position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Position(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position)\n */\n getStartPosition() {\n return Range.getStartPosition(this);\n }\n /**\n * Return the start position (which will be before or equal to the end position)\n */\n static getStartPosition(range) {\n return new _position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Position(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Transform to a user presentable string representation.\n */\n toString() {\n return '[' + this.startLineNumber + ',' + this.startColumn + ' -> ' + this.endLineNumber + ',' + this.endColumn + ']';\n }\n /**\n * Create a new range using this range's start position, and using endLineNumber and endColumn as the end position.\n */\n setEndPosition(endLineNumber, endColumn) {\n return new Range(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Create a new range using this range's end position, and using startLineNumber and startColumn as the start position.\n */\n setStartPosition(startLineNumber, startColumn) {\n return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Create a new empty range using this range's start position.\n */\n collapseToStart() {\n return Range.collapseToStart(this);\n }\n /**\n * Create a new empty range using this range's start position.\n */\n static collapseToStart(range) {\n return new Range(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);\n }\n // ---\n static fromPositions(start, end = start) {\n return new Range(start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column);\n }\n static lift(range) {\n if (!range) {\n return null;\n }\n return new Range(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Test if `obj` is an `IRange`.\n */\n static isIRange(obj) {\n return (obj\n && (typeof obj.startLineNumber === 'number')\n && (typeof obj.startColumn === 'number')\n && (typeof obj.endLineNumber === 'number')\n && (typeof obj.endColumn === 'number'));\n }\n /**\n * Test if the two ranges are touching in any way.\n */\n static areIntersectingOrTouching(a, b) {\n // Check if `a` is before `b`\n if (a.endLineNumber < b.startLineNumber || (a.endLineNumber === b.startLineNumber && a.endColumn < b.startColumn)) {\n return false;\n }\n // Check if `b` is before `a`\n if (b.endLineNumber < a.startLineNumber || (b.endLineNumber === a.startLineNumber && b.endColumn < a.startColumn)) {\n return false;\n }\n // These ranges must intersect\n return true;\n }\n /**\n * Test if the two ranges are intersecting. If the ranges are touching it returns true.\n */\n static areIntersecting(a, b) {\n // Check if `a` is before `b`\n if (a.endLineNumber < b.startLineNumber || (a.endLineNumber === b.startLineNumber && a.endColumn <= b.startColumn)) {\n return false;\n }\n // Check if `b` is before `a`\n if (b.endLineNumber < a.startLineNumber || (b.endLineNumber === a.startLineNumber && b.endColumn <= a.startColumn)) {\n return false;\n }\n // These ranges must intersect\n return true;\n }\n /**\n * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges\n * It will first compare ranges on the startPosition and then on the endPosition\n */\n static compareRangesUsingStarts(a, b) {\n if (a && b) {\n const aStartLineNumber = a.startLineNumber | 0;\n const bStartLineNumber = b.startLineNumber | 0;\n if (aStartLineNumber === bStartLineNumber) {\n const aStartColumn = a.startColumn | 0;\n const bStartColumn = b.startColumn | 0;\n if (aStartColumn === bStartColumn) {\n const aEndLineNumber = a.endLineNumber | 0;\n const bEndLineNumber = b.endLineNumber | 0;\n if (aEndLineNumber === bEndLineNumber) {\n const aEndColumn = a.endColumn | 0;\n const bEndColumn = b.endColumn | 0;\n return aEndColumn - bEndColumn;\n }\n return aEndLineNumber - bEndLineNumber;\n }\n return aStartColumn - bStartColumn;\n }\n return aStartLineNumber - bStartLineNumber;\n }\n const aExists = (a ? 1 : 0);\n const bExists = (b ? 1 : 0);\n return aExists - bExists;\n }\n /**\n * A function that compares ranges, useful for sorting ranges\n * It will first compare ranges on the endPosition and then on the startPosition\n */\n static compareRangesUsingEnds(a, b) {\n if (a.endLineNumber === b.endLineNumber) {\n if (a.endColumn === b.endColumn) {\n if (a.startLineNumber === b.startLineNumber) {\n return a.startColumn - b.startColumn;\n }\n return a.startLineNumber - b.startLineNumber;\n }\n return a.endColumn - b.endColumn;\n }\n return a.endLineNumber - b.endLineNumber;\n }\n /**\n * Test if the range spans multiple lines.\n */\n static spansMultipleLines(range) {\n return range.endLineNumber > range.startLineNumber;\n }\n toJSON() {\n return this;\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/selection.js": /*!***************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/selection.js ***! \***************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Selection\": () => (/* binding */ Selection)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./position.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./range.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n/**\n * A selection in the editor.\n * The selection is a range that has an orientation.\n */\nclass Selection extends _range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Range {\n constructor(selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn) {\n super(selectionStartLineNumber, selectionStartColumn, positionLineNumber, positionColumn);\n this.selectionStartLineNumber = selectionStartLineNumber;\n this.selectionStartColumn = selectionStartColumn;\n this.positionLineNumber = positionLineNumber;\n this.positionColumn = positionColumn;\n }\n /**\n * Transform to a human-readable representation.\n */\n toString() {\n return '[' + this.selectionStartLineNumber + ',' + this.selectionStartColumn + ' -> ' + this.positionLineNumber + ',' + this.positionColumn + ']';\n }\n /**\n * Test if equals other selection.\n */\n equalsSelection(other) {\n return (Selection.selectionsEqual(this, other));\n }\n /**\n * Test if the two selections are equal.\n */\n static selectionsEqual(a, b) {\n return (a.selectionStartLineNumber === b.selectionStartLineNumber &&\n a.selectionStartColumn === b.selectionStartColumn &&\n a.positionLineNumber === b.positionLineNumber &&\n a.positionColumn === b.positionColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Get directions (LTR or RTL).\n */\n getDirection() {\n if (this.selectionStartLineNumber === this.startLineNumber && this.selectionStartColumn === this.startColumn) {\n return 0 /* LTR */;\n }\n return 1 /* RTL */;\n }\n /**\n * Create a new selection with a different `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.\n */\n setEndPosition(endLineNumber, endColumn) {\n if (this.getDirection() === 0 /* LTR */) {\n return new Selection(this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);\n }\n return new Selection(endLineNumber, endColumn, this.startLineNumber, this.startColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Get the position at `positionLineNumber` and `positionColumn`.\n */\n getPosition() {\n return new _position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Position(this.positionLineNumber, this.positionColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Get the position at the start of the selection.\n */\n getSelectionStart() {\n return new _position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Position(this.selectionStartLineNumber, this.selectionStartColumn);\n }\n /**\n * Create a new selection with a different `selectionStartLineNumber` and `selectionStartColumn`.\n */\n setStartPosition(startLineNumber, startColumn) {\n if (this.getDirection() === 0 /* LTR */) {\n return new Selection(startLineNumber, startColumn, this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn);\n }\n return new Selection(this.endLineNumber, this.endColumn, startLineNumber, startColumn);\n }\n // ----\n /**\n * Create a `Selection` from one or two positions\n */\n static fromPositions(start, end = start) {\n return new Selection(start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a `Selection` from a range, given a direction.\n */\n static fromRange(range, direction) {\n if (direction === 0 /* LTR */) {\n return new Selection(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn, range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);\n }\n else {\n return new Selection(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn, range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Create a `Selection` from an `ISelection`.\n */\n static liftSelection(sel) {\n return new Selection(sel.selectionStartLineNumber, sel.selectionStartColumn, sel.positionLineNumber, sel.positionColumn);\n }\n /**\n * `a` equals `b`.\n */\n static selectionsArrEqual(a, b) {\n if (a && !b || !a && b) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!a && !b) {\n return true;\n }\n if (a.length !== b.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (!this.selectionsEqual(a[i], b[i])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n /**\n * Test if `obj` is an `ISelection`.\n */\n static isISelection(obj) {\n return (obj\n && (typeof obj.selectionStartLineNumber === 'number')\n && (typeof obj.selectionStartColumn === 'number')\n && (typeof obj.positionLineNumber === 'number')\n && (typeof obj.positionColumn === 'number'));\n }\n /**\n * Create with a direction.\n */\n static createWithDirection(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn, direction) {\n if (direction === 0 /* LTR */) {\n return new Selection(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);\n }\n return new Selection(endLineNumber, endColumn, startLineNumber, startColumn);\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/selection.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordCharacterClassifier.js": /*!*****************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordCharacterClassifier.js ***! \*****************************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "WordCharacterClassifier": () => (/* binding */ WordCharacterClassifier),\n/* harmony export */ "getMapForWordSeparators": () => (/* binding */ getMapForWordSeparators)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _characterClassifier_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./characterClassifier.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nclass WordCharacterClassifier extends _characterClassifier_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CharacterClassifier {\n constructor(wordSeparators) {\n super(0 /* Regular */);\n for (let i = 0, len = wordSeparators.length; i < len; i++) {\n this.set(wordSeparators.charCodeAt(i), 2 /* WordSeparator */);\n }\n this.set(32 /* Space */, 1 /* Whitespace */);\n this.set(9 /* Tab */, 1 /* Whitespace */);\n }\n}\nfunction once(computeFn) {\n const cache = {}; // TODO@Alex unbounded cache\n return (input) => {\n if (!cache.hasOwnProperty(input)) {\n cache[input] = computeFn(input);\n }\n return cache[input];\n };\n}\nconst getMapForWordSeparators = once((input) => new WordCharacterClassifier(input));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordCharacterClassifier.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordHelper.js": /*!****************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordHelper.js ***! \****************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP\": () => (/* binding */ DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP),\n/* harmony export */ \"USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS\": () => (/* binding */ USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS),\n/* harmony export */ \"ensureValidWordDefinition\": () => (/* binding */ ensureValidWordDefinition),\n/* harmony export */ \"getWordAtText\": () => (/* binding */ getWordAtText)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nconst USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS = '`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\\\|;:\\'\",.<>/?';\n/**\n * Create a word definition regular expression based on default word separators.\n * Optionally provide allowed separators that should be included in words.\n *\n * The default would look like this:\n * /(-?\\d*\\.\\d\\w*)|([^\\`\\~\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\-\\=\\+\\[\\{\\]\\}\\\\\\|\\;\\:\\'\\\"\\,\\.\\<\\>\\/\\?\\s]+)/g\n */\nfunction createWordRegExp(allowInWords = '') {\n let source = '(-?\\\\d*\\\\.\\\\d\\\\w*)|([^';\n for (const sep of USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS) {\n if (allowInWords.indexOf(sep) >= 0) {\n continue;\n }\n source += '\\\\' + sep;\n }\n source += '\\\\s]+)';\n return new RegExp(source, 'g');\n}\n// catches numbers (including floating numbers) in the first group, and alphanum in the second\nconst DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP = createWordRegExp();\nfunction ensureValidWordDefinition(wordDefinition) {\n let result = DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP;\n if (wordDefinition && (wordDefinition instanceof RegExp)) {\n if (!wordDefinition.global) {\n let flags = 'g';\n if (wordDefinition.ignoreCase) {\n flags += 'i';\n }\n if (wordDefinition.multiline) {\n flags += 'm';\n }\n if (wordDefinition.unicode) {\n flags += 'u';\n }\n result = new RegExp(wordDefinition.source, flags);\n }\n else {\n result = wordDefinition;\n }\n }\n result.lastIndex = 0;\n return result;\n}\nconst _defaultConfig = {\n maxLen: 1000,\n windowSize: 15,\n timeBudget: 150\n};\nfunction getWordAtText(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset, config = _defaultConfig) {\n if (text.length > config.maxLen) {\n // don't throw strings that long at the regexp\n // but use a sub-string in which a word must occur\n let start = column - config.maxLen / 2;\n if (start < 0) {\n start = 0;\n }\n else {\n textOffset += start;\n }\n text = text.substring(start, column + config.maxLen / 2);\n return getWordAtText(column, wordDefinition, text, textOffset, config);\n }\n const t1 = Date.now();\n const pos = column - 1 - textOffset;\n let prevRegexIndex = -1;\n let match = null;\n for (let i = 1;; i++) {\n // check time budget\n if (Date.now() - t1 >= config.timeBudget) {\n break;\n }\n // reset the index at which the regexp should start matching, also know where it\n // should stop so that subsequent search don't repeat previous searches\n const regexIndex = pos - config.windowSize * i;\n wordDefinition.lastIndex = Math.max(0, regexIndex);\n const thisMatch = _findRegexMatchEnclosingPosition(wordDefinition, text, pos, prevRegexIndex);\n if (!thisMatch && match) {\n // stop: we have something\n break;\n }\n match = thisMatch;\n // stop: searched at start\n if (regexIndex <= 0) {\n break;\n }\n prevRegexIndex = regexIndex;\n }\n if (match) {\n const result = {\n word: match[0],\n startColumn: textOffset + 1 + match.index,\n endColumn: textOffset + 1 + match.index + match[0].length\n };\n wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0;\n return result;\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction _findRegexMatchEnclosingPosition(wordDefinition, text, pos, stopPos) {\n let match;\n while (match = wordDefinition.exec(text)) {\n const matchIndex = match.index || 0;\n if (matchIndex <= pos && wordDefinition.lastIndex >= pos) {\n return match;\n }\n else if (stopPos > 0 && matchIndex > stopPos) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordHelper.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/diff/diffComputer.js": /*!******************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/diff/diffComputer.js ***! \******************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "DiffComputer": () => (/* binding */ DiffComputer)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_diff_diff_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/diff/diff.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diff.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/strings.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\nconst MINIMUM_MATCHING_CHARACTER_LENGTH = 3;\nfunction computeDiff(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate, pretty) {\n const diffAlgo = new _base_common_diff_diff_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LcsDiff(originalSequence, modifiedSequence, continueProcessingPredicate);\n return diffAlgo.ComputeDiff(pretty);\n}\nclass LineSequence {\n constructor(lines) {\n const startColumns = [];\n const endColumns = [];\n for (let i = 0, length = lines.length; i < length; i++) {\n startColumns[i] = getFirstNonBlankColumn(lines[i], 1);\n endColumns[i] = getLastNonBlankColumn(lines[i], 1);\n }\n this.lines = lines;\n this._startColumns = startColumns;\n this._endColumns = endColumns;\n }\n getElements() {\n const elements = [];\n for (let i = 0, len = this.lines.length; i < len; i++) {\n elements[i] = this.lines[i].substring(this._startColumns[i] - 1, this._endColumns[i] - 1);\n }\n return elements;\n }\n getStrictElement(index) {\n return this.lines[index];\n }\n getStartLineNumber(i) {\n return i + 1;\n }\n getEndLineNumber(i) {\n return i + 1;\n }\n createCharSequence(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, startIndex, endIndex) {\n const charCodes = [];\n const lineNumbers = [];\n const columns = [];\n let len = 0;\n for (let index = startIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) {\n const lineContent = this.lines[index];\n const startColumn = (shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace ? this._startColumns[index] : 1);\n const endColumn = (shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace ? this._endColumns[index] : lineContent.length + 1);\n for (let col = startColumn; col < endColumn; col++) {\n charCodes[len] = lineContent.charCodeAt(col - 1);\n lineNumbers[len] = index + 1;\n columns[len] = col;\n len++;\n }\n }\n return new CharSequence(charCodes, lineNumbers, columns);\n }\n}\nclass CharSequence {\n constructor(charCodes, lineNumbers, columns) {\n this._charCodes = charCodes;\n this._lineNumbers = lineNumbers;\n this._columns = columns;\n }\n getElements() {\n return this._charCodes;\n }\n getStartLineNumber(i) {\n return this._lineNumbers[i];\n }\n getStartColumn(i) {\n return this._columns[i];\n }\n getEndLineNumber(i) {\n return this._lineNumbers[i];\n }\n getEndColumn(i) {\n return this._columns[i] + 1;\n }\n}\nclass CharChange {\n constructor(originalStartLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn) {\n this.originalStartLineNumber = originalStartLineNumber;\n this.originalStartColumn = originalStartColumn;\n this.originalEndLineNumber = originalEndLineNumber;\n this.originalEndColumn = originalEndColumn;\n this.modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedStartLineNumber;\n this.modifiedStartColumn = modifiedStartColumn;\n this.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedEndLineNumber;\n this.modifiedEndColumn = modifiedEndColumn;\n }\n static createFromDiffChange(diffChange, originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence) {\n let originalStartLineNumber;\n let originalStartColumn;\n let originalEndLineNumber;\n let originalEndColumn;\n let modifiedStartLineNumber;\n let modifiedStartColumn;\n let modifiedEndLineNumber;\n let modifiedEndColumn;\n if (diffChange.originalLength === 0) {\n originalStartLineNumber = 0;\n originalStartColumn = 0;\n originalEndLineNumber = 0;\n originalEndColumn = 0;\n }\n else {\n originalStartLineNumber = originalCharSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart);\n originalStartColumn = originalCharSequence.getStartColumn(diffChange.originalStart);\n originalEndLineNumber = originalCharSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);\n originalEndColumn = originalCharSequence.getEndColumn(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);\n }\n if (diffChange.modifiedLength === 0) {\n modifiedStartLineNumber = 0;\n modifiedStartColumn = 0;\n modifiedEndLineNumber = 0;\n modifiedEndColumn = 0;\n }\n else {\n modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedCharSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart);\n modifiedStartColumn = modifiedCharSequence.getStartColumn(diffChange.modifiedStart);\n modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedCharSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);\n modifiedEndColumn = modifiedCharSequence.getEndColumn(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);\n }\n return new CharChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn);\n }\n}\nfunction postProcessCharChanges(rawChanges) {\n if (rawChanges.length <= 1) {\n return rawChanges;\n }\n const result = [rawChanges[0]];\n let prevChange = result[0];\n for (let i = 1, len = rawChanges.length; i < len; i++) {\n const currChange = rawChanges[i];\n const originalMatchingLength = currChange.originalStart - (prevChange.originalStart + prevChange.originalLength);\n const modifiedMatchingLength = currChange.modifiedStart - (prevChange.modifiedStart + prevChange.modifiedLength);\n // Both of the above should be equal, but the continueProcessingPredicate may prevent this from being true\n const matchingLength = Math.min(originalMatchingLength, modifiedMatchingLength);\n if (matchingLength < MINIMUM_MATCHING_CHARACTER_LENGTH) {\n // Merge the current change into the previous one\n prevChange.originalLength = (currChange.originalStart + currChange.originalLength) - prevChange.originalStart;\n prevChange.modifiedLength = (currChange.modifiedStart + currChange.modifiedLength) - prevChange.modifiedStart;\n }\n else {\n // Add the current change\n result.push(currChange);\n prevChange = currChange;\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\nclass LineChange {\n constructor(originalStartLineNumber, originalEndLineNumber, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedEndLineNumber, charChanges) {\n this.originalStartLineNumber = originalStartLineNumber;\n this.originalEndLineNumber = originalEndLineNumber;\n this.modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedStartLineNumber;\n this.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedEndLineNumber;\n this.charChanges = charChanges;\n }\n static createFromDiffResult(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, diffChange, originalLineSequence, modifiedLineSequence, continueCharDiff, shouldComputeCharChanges, shouldPostProcessCharChanges) {\n let originalStartLineNumber;\n let originalEndLineNumber;\n let modifiedStartLineNumber;\n let modifiedEndLineNumber;\n let charChanges = undefined;\n if (diffChange.originalLength === 0) {\n originalStartLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart) - 1;\n originalEndLineNumber = 0;\n }\n else {\n originalStartLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart);\n originalEndLineNumber = originalLineSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);\n }\n if (diffChange.modifiedLength === 0) {\n modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart) - 1;\n modifiedEndLineNumber = 0;\n }\n else {\n modifiedStartLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getStartLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart);\n modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedLineSequence.getEndLineNumber(diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);\n }\n if (shouldComputeCharChanges && diffChange.originalLength > 0 && diffChange.originalLength < 20 && diffChange.modifiedLength > 0 && diffChange.modifiedLength < 20 && continueCharDiff()) {\n // Compute character changes for diff chunks of at most 20 lines...\n const originalCharSequence = originalLineSequence.createCharSequence(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, diffChange.originalStart, diffChange.originalStart + diffChange.originalLength - 1);\n const modifiedCharSequence = modifiedLineSequence.createCharSequence(shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, diffChange.modifiedStart, diffChange.modifiedStart + diffChange.modifiedLength - 1);\n let rawChanges = computeDiff(originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence, continueCharDiff, true).changes;\n if (shouldPostProcessCharChanges) {\n rawChanges = postProcessCharChanges(rawChanges);\n }\n charChanges = [];\n for (let i = 0, length = rawChanges.length; i < length; i++) {\n charChanges.push(CharChange.createFromDiffChange(rawChanges[i], originalCharSequence, modifiedCharSequence));\n }\n }\n return new LineChange(originalStartLineNumber, originalEndLineNumber, modifiedStartLineNumber, modifiedEndLineNumber, charChanges);\n }\n}\nclass DiffComputer {\n constructor(originalLines, modifiedLines, opts) {\n this.shouldComputeCharChanges = opts.shouldComputeCharChanges;\n this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges = opts.shouldPostProcessCharChanges;\n this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace = opts.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace;\n this.shouldMakePrettyDiff = opts.shouldMakePrettyDiff;\n this.originalLines = originalLines;\n this.modifiedLines = modifiedLines;\n this.original = new LineSequence(originalLines);\n this.modified = new LineSequence(modifiedLines);\n this.continueLineDiff = createContinueProcessingPredicate(opts.maxComputationTime);\n this.continueCharDiff = createContinueProcessingPredicate(opts.maxComputationTime === 0 ? 0 : Math.min(opts.maxComputationTime, 5000)); // never run after 5s for character changes...\n }\n computeDiff() {\n if (this.original.lines.length === 1 && this.original.lines[0].length === 0) {\n // empty original => fast path\n if (this.modified.lines.length === 1 && this.modified.lines[0].length === 0) {\n return {\n quitEarly: false,\n changes: []\n };\n }\n return {\n quitEarly: false,\n changes: [{\n originalStartLineNumber: 1,\n originalEndLineNumber: 1,\n modifiedStartLineNumber: 1,\n modifiedEndLineNumber: this.modified.lines.length,\n charChanges: [{\n modifiedEndColumn: 0,\n modifiedEndLineNumber: 0,\n modifiedStartColumn: 0,\n modifiedStartLineNumber: 0,\n originalEndColumn: 0,\n originalEndLineNumber: 0,\n originalStartColumn: 0,\n originalStartLineNumber: 0\n }]\n }]\n };\n }\n if (this.modified.lines.length === 1 && this.modified.lines[0].length === 0) {\n // empty modified => fast path\n return {\n quitEarly: false,\n changes: [{\n originalStartLineNumber: 1,\n originalEndLineNumber: this.original.lines.length,\n modifiedStartLineNumber: 1,\n modifiedEndLineNumber: 1,\n charChanges: [{\n modifiedEndColumn: 0,\n modifiedEndLineNumber: 0,\n modifiedStartColumn: 0,\n modifiedStartLineNumber: 0,\n originalEndColumn: 0,\n originalEndLineNumber: 0,\n originalStartColumn: 0,\n originalStartLineNumber: 0\n }]\n }]\n };\n }\n const diffResult = computeDiff(this.original, this.modified, this.continueLineDiff, this.shouldMakePrettyDiff);\n const rawChanges = diffResult.changes;\n const quitEarly = diffResult.quitEarly;\n // The diff is always computed with ignoring trim whitespace\n // This ensures we get the prettiest diff\n if (this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace) {\n const lineChanges = [];\n for (let i = 0, length = rawChanges.length; i < length; i++) {\n lineChanges.push(LineChange.createFromDiffResult(this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, rawChanges[i], this.original, this.modified, this.continueCharDiff, this.shouldComputeCharChanges, this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges));\n }\n return {\n quitEarly: quitEarly,\n changes: lineChanges\n };\n }\n // Need to post-process and introduce changes where the trim whitespace is different\n // Note that we are looping starting at -1 to also cover the lines before the first change\n const result = [];\n let originalLineIndex = 0;\n let modifiedLineIndex = 0;\n for (let i = -1 /* !!!! */, len = rawChanges.length; i < len; i++) {\n const nextChange = (i + 1 < len ? rawChanges[i + 1] : null);\n const originalStop = (nextChange ? nextChange.originalStart : this.originalLines.length);\n const modifiedStop = (nextChange ? nextChange.modifiedStart : this.modifiedLines.length);\n while (originalLineIndex < originalStop && modifiedLineIndex < modifiedStop) {\n const originalLine = this.originalLines[originalLineIndex];\n const modifiedLine = this.modifiedLines[modifiedLineIndex];\n if (originalLine !== modifiedLine) {\n // These lines differ only in trim whitespace\n // Check the leading whitespace\n {\n let originalStartColumn = getFirstNonBlankColumn(originalLine, 1);\n let modifiedStartColumn = getFirstNonBlankColumn(modifiedLine, 1);\n while (originalStartColumn > 1 && modifiedStartColumn > 1) {\n const originalChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(originalStartColumn - 2);\n const modifiedChar = modifiedLine.charCodeAt(modifiedStartColumn - 2);\n if (originalChar !== modifiedChar) {\n break;\n }\n originalStartColumn--;\n modifiedStartColumn--;\n }\n if (originalStartColumn > 1 || modifiedStartColumn > 1) {\n this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineIndex + 1, 1, originalStartColumn, modifiedLineIndex + 1, 1, modifiedStartColumn);\n }\n }\n // Check the trailing whitespace\n {\n let originalEndColumn = getLastNonBlankColumn(originalLine, 1);\n let modifiedEndColumn = getLastNonBlankColumn(modifiedLine, 1);\n const originalMaxColumn = originalLine.length + 1;\n const modifiedMaxColumn = modifiedLine.length + 1;\n while (originalEndColumn < originalMaxColumn && modifiedEndColumn < modifiedMaxColumn) {\n const originalChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(originalEndColumn - 1);\n const modifiedChar = originalLine.charCodeAt(modifiedEndColumn - 1);\n if (originalChar !== modifiedChar) {\n break;\n }\n originalEndColumn++;\n modifiedEndColumn++;\n }\n if (originalEndColumn < originalMaxColumn || modifiedEndColumn < modifiedMaxColumn) {\n this._pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineIndex + 1, originalEndColumn, originalMaxColumn, modifiedLineIndex + 1, modifiedEndColumn, modifiedMaxColumn);\n }\n }\n }\n originalLineIndex++;\n modifiedLineIndex++;\n }\n if (nextChange) {\n // Emit the actual change\n result.push(LineChange.createFromDiffResult(this.shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace, nextChange, this.original, this.modified, this.continueCharDiff, this.shouldComputeCharChanges, this.shouldPostProcessCharChanges));\n originalLineIndex += nextChange.originalLength;\n modifiedLineIndex += nextChange.modifiedLength;\n }\n }\n return {\n quitEarly: quitEarly,\n changes: result\n };\n }\n _pushTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn) {\n if (this._mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn)) {\n // Merged into previous\n return;\n }\n let charChanges = undefined;\n if (this.shouldComputeCharChanges) {\n charChanges = [new CharChange(originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn)];\n }\n result.push(new LineChange(originalLineNumber, originalLineNumber, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedLineNumber, charChanges));\n }\n _mergeTrimWhitespaceCharChange(result, originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedEndColumn) {\n const len = result.length;\n if (len === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n const prevChange = result[len - 1];\n if (prevChange.originalEndLineNumber === 0 || prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber === 0) {\n // Don\'t merge with inserts/deletes\n return false;\n }\n if (prevChange.originalEndLineNumber + 1 === originalLineNumber && prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber + 1 === modifiedLineNumber) {\n prevChange.originalEndLineNumber = originalLineNumber;\n prevChange.modifiedEndLineNumber = modifiedLineNumber;\n if (this.shouldComputeCharChanges && prevChange.charChanges) {\n prevChange.charChanges.push(new CharChange(originalLineNumber, originalStartColumn, originalLineNumber, originalEndColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedStartColumn, modifiedLineNumber, modifiedEndColumn));\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction getFirstNonBlankColumn(txt, defaultValue) {\n const r = _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(txt);\n if (r === -1) {\n return defaultValue;\n }\n return r + 1;\n}\nfunction getLastNonBlankColumn(txt, defaultValue) {\n const r = _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.lastNonWhitespaceIndex(txt);\n if (r === -1) {\n return defaultValue;\n }\n return r + 2;\n}\nfunction createContinueProcessingPredicate(maximumRuntime) {\n if (maximumRuntime === 0) {\n return () => true;\n }\n const startTime = Date.now();\n return () => {\n return Date.now() - startTime < maximumRuntime;\n };\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/diff/diffComputer.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages.js": /*!**********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages.js ***! \**********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Command\": () => (/* binding */ Command),\n/* harmony export */ \"CompletionItemKinds\": () => (/* binding */ CompletionItemKinds),\n/* harmony export */ \"DocumentHighlightKind\": () => (/* binding */ DocumentHighlightKind),\n/* harmony export */ \"EncodedTokenizationResult\": () => (/* binding */ EncodedTokenizationResult),\n/* harmony export */ \"FoldingRangeKind\": () => (/* binding */ FoldingRangeKind),\n/* harmony export */ \"InlayHintKind\": () => (/* binding */ InlayHintKind),\n/* harmony export */ \"InlineCompletionTriggerKind\": () => (/* binding */ InlineCompletionTriggerKind),\n/* harmony export */ \"SignatureHelpTriggerKind\": () => (/* binding */ SignatureHelpTriggerKind),\n/* harmony export */ \"SymbolKinds\": () => (/* binding */ SymbolKinds),\n/* harmony export */ \"Token\": () => (/* binding */ Token),\n/* harmony export */ \"TokenMetadata\": () => (/* binding */ TokenMetadata),\n/* harmony export */ \"TokenizationRegistry\": () => (/* binding */ TokenizationRegistry),\n/* harmony export */ \"TokenizationResult\": () => (/* binding */ TokenizationResult),\n/* harmony export */ \"isLocationLink\": () => (/* binding */ isLocationLink)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_uri_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../base/common/uri.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uri.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./core/range.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _tokenizationRegistry_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tokenizationRegistry.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/tokenizationRegistry.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../base/common/codicons.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/codicons.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass TokenMetadata {\n static getLanguageId(metadata) {\n return (metadata & 255 /* LANGUAGEID_MASK */) >>> 0 /* LANGUAGEID_OFFSET */;\n }\n static getTokenType(metadata) {\n return (metadata & 768 /* TOKEN_TYPE_MASK */) >>> 8 /* TOKEN_TYPE_OFFSET */;\n }\n static getFontStyle(metadata) {\n return (metadata & 15360 /* FONT_STYLE_MASK */) >>> 10 /* FONT_STYLE_OFFSET */;\n }\n static getForeground(metadata) {\n return (metadata & 8372224 /* FOREGROUND_MASK */) >>> 14 /* FOREGROUND_OFFSET */;\n }\n static getBackground(metadata) {\n return (metadata & 4286578688 /* BACKGROUND_MASK */) >>> 23 /* BACKGROUND_OFFSET */;\n }\n static getClassNameFromMetadata(metadata) {\n const foreground = this.getForeground(metadata);\n let className = 'mtk' + foreground;\n const fontStyle = this.getFontStyle(metadata);\n if (fontStyle & 1 /* Italic */) {\n className += ' mtki';\n }\n if (fontStyle & 2 /* Bold */) {\n className += ' mtkb';\n }\n if (fontStyle & 4 /* Underline */) {\n className += ' mtku';\n }\n if (fontStyle & 8 /* Strikethrough */) {\n className += ' mtks';\n }\n return className;\n }\n static getInlineStyleFromMetadata(metadata, colorMap) {\n const foreground = this.getForeground(metadata);\n const fontStyle = this.getFontStyle(metadata);\n let result = `color: ${colorMap[foreground]};`;\n if (fontStyle & 1 /* Italic */) {\n result += 'font-style: italic;';\n }\n if (fontStyle & 2 /* Bold */) {\n result += 'font-weight: bold;';\n }\n let textDecoration = '';\n if (fontStyle & 4 /* Underline */) {\n textDecoration += ' underline';\n }\n if (fontStyle & 8 /* Strikethrough */) {\n textDecoration += ' line-through';\n }\n if (textDecoration) {\n result += `text-decoration:${textDecoration};`;\n }\n return result;\n }\n static getPresentationFromMetadata(metadata) {\n const foreground = this.getForeground(metadata);\n const fontStyle = this.getFontStyle(metadata);\n return {\n foreground: foreground,\n italic: Boolean(fontStyle & 1 /* Italic */),\n bold: Boolean(fontStyle & 2 /* Bold */),\n underline: Boolean(fontStyle & 4 /* Underline */),\n strikethrough: Boolean(fontStyle & 8 /* Strikethrough */),\n };\n }\n}\nclass Token {\n constructor(offset, type, language) {\n this._tokenBrand = undefined;\n this.offset = offset;\n this.type = type;\n this.language = language;\n }\n toString() {\n return '(' + this.offset + ', ' + this.type + ')';\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass TokenizationResult {\n constructor(tokens, endState) {\n this._tokenizationResultBrand = undefined;\n this.tokens = tokens;\n this.endState = endState;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass EncodedTokenizationResult {\n constructor(tokens, endState) {\n this._encodedTokenizationResultBrand = undefined;\n this.tokens = tokens;\n this.endState = endState;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nvar CompletionItemKinds;\n(function (CompletionItemKinds) {\n const byKind = new Map();\n byKind.set(0 /* Method */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolMethod);\n byKind.set(1 /* Function */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolFunction);\n byKind.set(2 /* Constructor */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolConstructor);\n byKind.set(3 /* Field */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolField);\n byKind.set(4 /* Variable */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolVariable);\n byKind.set(5 /* Class */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolClass);\n byKind.set(6 /* Struct */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolStruct);\n byKind.set(7 /* Interface */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolInterface);\n byKind.set(8 /* Module */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolModule);\n byKind.set(9 /* Property */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolProperty);\n byKind.set(10 /* Event */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolEvent);\n byKind.set(11 /* Operator */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolOperator);\n byKind.set(12 /* Unit */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolUnit);\n byKind.set(13 /* Value */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolValue);\n byKind.set(15 /* Enum */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolEnum);\n byKind.set(14 /* Constant */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolConstant);\n byKind.set(15 /* Enum */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolEnum);\n byKind.set(16 /* EnumMember */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolEnumMember);\n byKind.set(17 /* Keyword */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolKeyword);\n byKind.set(27 /* Snippet */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolSnippet);\n byKind.set(18 /* Text */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolText);\n byKind.set(19 /* Color */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolColor);\n byKind.set(20 /* File */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolFile);\n byKind.set(21 /* Reference */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolReference);\n byKind.set(22 /* Customcolor */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolCustomColor);\n byKind.set(23 /* Folder */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolFolder);\n byKind.set(24 /* TypeParameter */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolTypeParameter);\n byKind.set(25 /* User */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.account);\n byKind.set(26 /* Issue */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.issues);\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n function toIcon(kind) {\n let codicon = byKind.get(kind);\n if (!codicon) {\n console.info('No codicon found for CompletionItemKind ' + kind);\n codicon = _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolProperty;\n }\n return codicon;\n }\n CompletionItemKinds.toIcon = toIcon;\n const data = new Map();\n data.set('method', 0 /* Method */);\n data.set('function', 1 /* Function */);\n data.set('constructor', 2 /* Constructor */);\n data.set('field', 3 /* Field */);\n data.set('variable', 4 /* Variable */);\n data.set('class', 5 /* Class */);\n data.set('struct', 6 /* Struct */);\n data.set('interface', 7 /* Interface */);\n data.set('module', 8 /* Module */);\n data.set('property', 9 /* Property */);\n data.set('event', 10 /* Event */);\n data.set('operator', 11 /* Operator */);\n data.set('unit', 12 /* Unit */);\n data.set('value', 13 /* Value */);\n data.set('constant', 14 /* Constant */);\n data.set('enum', 15 /* Enum */);\n data.set('enum-member', 16 /* EnumMember */);\n data.set('enumMember', 16 /* EnumMember */);\n data.set('keyword', 17 /* Keyword */);\n data.set('snippet', 27 /* Snippet */);\n data.set('text', 18 /* Text */);\n data.set('color', 19 /* Color */);\n data.set('file', 20 /* File */);\n data.set('reference', 21 /* Reference */);\n data.set('customcolor', 22 /* Customcolor */);\n data.set('folder', 23 /* Folder */);\n data.set('type-parameter', 24 /* TypeParameter */);\n data.set('typeParameter', 24 /* TypeParameter */);\n data.set('account', 25 /* User */);\n data.set('issue', 26 /* Issue */);\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n function fromString(value, strict) {\n let res = data.get(value);\n if (typeof res === 'undefined' && !strict) {\n res = 9 /* Property */;\n }\n return res;\n }\n CompletionItemKinds.fromString = fromString;\n})(CompletionItemKinds || (CompletionItemKinds = {}));\n/**\n * How an {@link InlineCompletionsProvider inline completion provider} was triggered.\n */\nvar InlineCompletionTriggerKind;\n(function (InlineCompletionTriggerKind) {\n /**\n * Completion was triggered automatically while editing.\n * It is sufficient to return a single completion item in this case.\n */\n InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind[\"Automatic\"] = 0] = \"Automatic\";\n /**\n * Completion was triggered explicitly by a user gesture.\n * Return multiple completion items to enable cycling through them.\n */\n InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind[\"Explicit\"] = 1] = \"Explicit\";\n})(InlineCompletionTriggerKind || (InlineCompletionTriggerKind = {}));\nvar SignatureHelpTriggerKind;\n(function (SignatureHelpTriggerKind) {\n SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind[\"Invoke\"] = 1] = \"Invoke\";\n SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind[\"TriggerCharacter\"] = 2] = \"TriggerCharacter\";\n SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind[\"ContentChange\"] = 3] = \"ContentChange\";\n})(SignatureHelpTriggerKind || (SignatureHelpTriggerKind = {}));\n/**\n * A document highlight kind.\n */\nvar DocumentHighlightKind;\n(function (DocumentHighlightKind) {\n /**\n * A textual occurrence.\n */\n DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind[\"Text\"] = 0] = \"Text\";\n /**\n * Read-access of a symbol, like reading a variable.\n */\n DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind[\"Read\"] = 1] = \"Read\";\n /**\n * Write-access of a symbol, like writing to a variable.\n */\n DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind[\"Write\"] = 2] = \"Write\";\n})(DocumentHighlightKind || (DocumentHighlightKind = {}));\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nfunction isLocationLink(thing) {\n return thing\n && _base_common_uri_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.URI.isUri(thing.uri)\n && _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Range.isIRange(thing.range)\n && (_core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Range.isIRange(thing.originSelectionRange) || _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Range.isIRange(thing.targetSelectionRange));\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nvar SymbolKinds;\n(function (SymbolKinds) {\n const byKind = new Map();\n byKind.set(0 /* File */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolFile);\n byKind.set(1 /* Module */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolModule);\n byKind.set(2 /* Namespace */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolNamespace);\n byKind.set(3 /* Package */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolPackage);\n byKind.set(4 /* Class */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolClass);\n byKind.set(5 /* Method */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolMethod);\n byKind.set(6 /* Property */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolProperty);\n byKind.set(7 /* Field */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolField);\n byKind.set(8 /* Constructor */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolConstructor);\n byKind.set(9 /* Enum */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolEnum);\n byKind.set(10 /* Interface */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolInterface);\n byKind.set(11 /* Function */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolFunction);\n byKind.set(12 /* Variable */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolVariable);\n byKind.set(13 /* Constant */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolConstant);\n byKind.set(14 /* String */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolString);\n byKind.set(15 /* Number */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolNumber);\n byKind.set(16 /* Boolean */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolBoolean);\n byKind.set(17 /* Array */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolArray);\n byKind.set(18 /* Object */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolObject);\n byKind.set(19 /* Key */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolKey);\n byKind.set(20 /* Null */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolNull);\n byKind.set(21 /* EnumMember */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolEnumMember);\n byKind.set(22 /* Struct */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolStruct);\n byKind.set(23 /* Event */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolEvent);\n byKind.set(24 /* Operator */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolOperator);\n byKind.set(25 /* TypeParameter */, _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolTypeParameter);\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n function toIcon(kind) {\n let icon = byKind.get(kind);\n if (!icon) {\n console.info('No codicon found for SymbolKind ' + kind);\n icon = _base_common_codicons_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Codicon.symbolProperty;\n }\n return icon;\n }\n SymbolKinds.toIcon = toIcon;\n})(SymbolKinds || (SymbolKinds = {}));\nclass FoldingRangeKind {\n /**\n * Creates a new {@link FoldingRangeKind}.\n *\n * @param value of the kind.\n */\n constructor(value) {\n this.value = value;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Kind for folding range representing a comment. The value of the kind is 'comment'.\n */\nFoldingRangeKind.Comment = new FoldingRangeKind('comment');\n/**\n * Kind for folding range representing a import. The value of the kind is 'imports'.\n */\nFoldingRangeKind.Imports = new FoldingRangeKind('imports');\n/**\n * Kind for folding range representing regions (for example marked by `#region`, `#endregion`).\n * The value of the kind is 'region'.\n */\nFoldingRangeKind.Region = new FoldingRangeKind('region');\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nvar Command;\n(function (Command) {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n function is(obj) {\n if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {\n return false;\n }\n return typeof obj.id === 'string' &&\n typeof obj.title === 'string';\n }\n Command.is = is;\n})(Command || (Command = {}));\nvar InlayHintKind;\n(function (InlayHintKind) {\n InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind[\"Type\"] = 1] = \"Type\";\n InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind[\"Parameter\"] = 2] = \"Parameter\";\n})(InlayHintKind || (InlayHintKind = {}));\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nconst TokenizationRegistry = new _tokenizationRegistry_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TokenizationRegistry();\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/linkComputer.js": /*!***********************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/linkComputer.js ***! \***********************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "LinkComputer": () => (/* binding */ LinkComputer),\n/* harmony export */ "StateMachine": () => (/* binding */ StateMachine),\n/* harmony export */ "Uint8Matrix": () => (/* binding */ Uint8Matrix),\n/* harmony export */ "computeLinks": () => (/* binding */ computeLinks)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _core_characterClassifier_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/characterClassifier.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/characterClassifier.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nclass Uint8Matrix {\n constructor(rows, cols, defaultValue) {\n const data = new Uint8Array(rows * cols);\n for (let i = 0, len = rows * cols; i < len; i++) {\n data[i] = defaultValue;\n }\n this._data = data;\n this.rows = rows;\n this.cols = cols;\n }\n get(row, col) {\n return this._data[row * this.cols + col];\n }\n set(row, col, value) {\n this._data[row * this.cols + col] = value;\n }\n}\nclass StateMachine {\n constructor(edges) {\n let maxCharCode = 0;\n let maxState = 0 /* Invalid */;\n for (let i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) {\n const [from, chCode, to] = edges[i];\n if (chCode > maxCharCode) {\n maxCharCode = chCode;\n }\n if (from > maxState) {\n maxState = from;\n }\n if (to > maxState) {\n maxState = to;\n }\n }\n maxCharCode++;\n maxState++;\n const states = new Uint8Matrix(maxState, maxCharCode, 0 /* Invalid */);\n for (let i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) {\n const [from, chCode, to] = edges[i];\n states.set(from, chCode, to);\n }\n this._states = states;\n this._maxCharCode = maxCharCode;\n }\n nextState(currentState, chCode) {\n if (chCode < 0 || chCode >= this._maxCharCode) {\n return 0 /* Invalid */;\n }\n return this._states.get(currentState, chCode);\n }\n}\n// State machine for http:// or https:// or file://\nlet _stateMachine = null;\nfunction getStateMachine() {\n if (_stateMachine === null) {\n _stateMachine = new StateMachine([\n [1 /* Start */, 104 /* h */, 2 /* H */],\n [1 /* Start */, 72 /* H */, 2 /* H */],\n [1 /* Start */, 102 /* f */, 6 /* F */],\n [1 /* Start */, 70 /* F */, 6 /* F */],\n [2 /* H */, 116 /* t */, 3 /* HT */],\n [2 /* H */, 84 /* T */, 3 /* HT */],\n [3 /* HT */, 116 /* t */, 4 /* HTT */],\n [3 /* HT */, 84 /* T */, 4 /* HTT */],\n [4 /* HTT */, 112 /* p */, 5 /* HTTP */],\n [4 /* HTT */, 80 /* P */, 5 /* HTTP */],\n [5 /* HTTP */, 115 /* s */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],\n [5 /* HTTP */, 83 /* S */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],\n [5 /* HTTP */, 58 /* Colon */, 10 /* AfterColon */],\n [6 /* F */, 105 /* i */, 7 /* FI */],\n [6 /* F */, 73 /* I */, 7 /* FI */],\n [7 /* FI */, 108 /* l */, 8 /* FIL */],\n [7 /* FI */, 76 /* L */, 8 /* FIL */],\n [8 /* FIL */, 101 /* e */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],\n [8 /* FIL */, 69 /* E */, 9 /* BeforeColon */],\n [9 /* BeforeColon */, 58 /* Colon */, 10 /* AfterColon */],\n [10 /* AfterColon */, 47 /* Slash */, 11 /* AlmostThere */],\n [11 /* AlmostThere */, 47 /* Slash */, 12 /* End */],\n ]);\n }\n return _stateMachine;\n}\nlet _classifier = null;\nfunction getClassifier() {\n if (_classifier === null) {\n _classifier = new _core_characterClassifier_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CharacterClassifier(0 /* None */);\n // allow-any-unicode-next-line\n const FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS = \' \\t<>\\\'\\"、。。、,.:;‘〈「『〔([{「」}])〕』」〉’`~…\';\n for (let i = 0; i < FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS.length; i++) {\n _classifier.set(FORCE_TERMINATION_CHARACTERS.charCodeAt(i), 1 /* ForceTermination */);\n }\n const CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS = \'.,;\';\n for (let i = 0; i < CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS.length; i++) {\n _classifier.set(CANNOT_END_WITH_CHARACTERS.charCodeAt(i), 2 /* CannotEndIn */);\n }\n }\n return _classifier;\n}\nclass LinkComputer {\n static _createLink(classifier, line, lineNumber, linkBeginIndex, linkEndIndex) {\n // Do not allow to end link in certain characters...\n let lastIncludedCharIndex = linkEndIndex - 1;\n do {\n const chCode = line.charCodeAt(lastIncludedCharIndex);\n const chClass = classifier.get(chCode);\n if (chClass !== 2 /* CannotEndIn */) {\n break;\n }\n lastIncludedCharIndex--;\n } while (lastIncludedCharIndex > linkBeginIndex);\n // Handle links enclosed in parens, square brackets and curlys.\n if (linkBeginIndex > 0) {\n const charCodeBeforeLink = line.charCodeAt(linkBeginIndex - 1);\n const lastCharCodeInLink = line.charCodeAt(lastIncludedCharIndex);\n if ((charCodeBeforeLink === 40 /* OpenParen */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 41 /* CloseParen */)\n || (charCodeBeforeLink === 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 93 /* CloseSquareBracket */)\n || (charCodeBeforeLink === 123 /* OpenCurlyBrace */ && lastCharCodeInLink === 125 /* CloseCurlyBrace */)) {\n // Do not end in ) if ( is before the link start\n // Do not end in ] if [ is before the link start\n // Do not end in } if { is before the link start\n lastIncludedCharIndex--;\n }\n }\n return {\n range: {\n startLineNumber: lineNumber,\n startColumn: linkBeginIndex + 1,\n endLineNumber: lineNumber,\n endColumn: lastIncludedCharIndex + 2\n },\n url: line.substring(linkBeginIndex, lastIncludedCharIndex + 1)\n };\n }\n static computeLinks(model, stateMachine = getStateMachine()) {\n const classifier = getClassifier();\n const result = [];\n for (let i = 1, lineCount = model.getLineCount(); i <= lineCount; i++) {\n const line = model.getLineContent(i);\n const len = line.length;\n let j = 0;\n let linkBeginIndex = 0;\n let linkBeginChCode = 0;\n let state = 1 /* Start */;\n let hasOpenParens = false;\n let hasOpenSquareBracket = false;\n let inSquareBrackets = false;\n let hasOpenCurlyBracket = false;\n while (j < len) {\n let resetStateMachine = false;\n const chCode = line.charCodeAt(j);\n if (state === 13 /* Accept */) {\n let chClass;\n switch (chCode) {\n case 40 /* OpenParen */:\n hasOpenParens = true;\n chClass = 0 /* None */;\n break;\n case 41 /* CloseParen */:\n chClass = (hasOpenParens ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */);\n break;\n case 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */:\n inSquareBrackets = true;\n hasOpenSquareBracket = true;\n chClass = 0 /* None */;\n break;\n case 93 /* CloseSquareBracket */:\n inSquareBrackets = false;\n chClass = (hasOpenSquareBracket ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */);\n break;\n case 123 /* OpenCurlyBrace */:\n hasOpenCurlyBracket = true;\n chClass = 0 /* None */;\n break;\n case 125 /* CloseCurlyBrace */:\n chClass = (hasOpenCurlyBracket ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */);\n break;\n /* The following three rules make it that \' or " or ` are allowed inside links if the link began with a different one */\n case 39 /* SingleQuote */:\n chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 34 /* DoubleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 96 /* BackTick */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */;\n break;\n case 34 /* DoubleQuote */:\n chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 39 /* SingleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 96 /* BackTick */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */;\n break;\n case 96 /* BackTick */:\n chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 39 /* SingleQuote */ || linkBeginChCode === 34 /* DoubleQuote */) ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */;\n break;\n case 42 /* Asterisk */:\n // `*` terminates a link if the link began with `*`\n chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 42 /* Asterisk */) ? 1 /* ForceTermination */ : 0 /* None */;\n break;\n case 124 /* Pipe */:\n // `|` terminates a link if the link began with `|`\n chClass = (linkBeginChCode === 124 /* Pipe */) ? 1 /* ForceTermination */ : 0 /* None */;\n break;\n case 32 /* Space */:\n // ` ` allow space in between [ and ]\n chClass = (inSquareBrackets ? 0 /* None */ : 1 /* ForceTermination */);\n break;\n default:\n chClass = classifier.get(chCode);\n }\n // Check if character terminates link\n if (chClass === 1 /* ForceTermination */) {\n result.push(LinkComputer._createLink(classifier, line, i, linkBeginIndex, j));\n resetStateMachine = true;\n }\n }\n else if (state === 12 /* End */) {\n let chClass;\n if (chCode === 91 /* OpenSquareBracket */) {\n // Allow for the authority part to contain ipv6 addresses which contain [ and ]\n hasOpenSquareBracket = true;\n chClass = 0 /* None */;\n }\n else {\n chClass = classifier.get(chCode);\n }\n // Check if character terminates link\n if (chClass === 1 /* ForceTermination */) {\n resetStateMachine = true;\n }\n else {\n state = 13 /* Accept */;\n }\n }\n else {\n state = stateMachine.nextState(state, chCode);\n if (state === 0 /* Invalid */) {\n resetStateMachine = true;\n }\n }\n if (resetStateMachine) {\n state = 1 /* Start */;\n hasOpenParens = false;\n hasOpenSquareBracket = false;\n hasOpenCurlyBracket = false;\n // Record where the link started\n linkBeginIndex = j + 1;\n linkBeginChCode = chCode;\n }\n j++;\n }\n if (state === 13 /* Accept */) {\n result.push(LinkComputer._createLink(classifier, line, i, linkBeginIndex, len));\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Returns an array of all links contains in the provided\n * document. *Note* that this operation is computational\n * expensive and should not run in the UI thread.\n */\nfunction computeLinks(model) {\n if (!model || typeof model.getLineCount !== \'function\' || typeof model.getLineContent !== \'function\') {\n // Unknown caller!\n return [];\n }\n return LinkComputer.computeLinks(model);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/linkComputer.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport.js": /*!*****************************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport.js ***! \*****************************************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"BasicInplaceReplace\": () => (/* binding */ BasicInplaceReplace)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nclass BasicInplaceReplace {\n constructor() {\n this._defaultValueSet = [\n ['true', 'false'],\n ['True', 'False'],\n ['Private', 'Public', 'Friend', 'ReadOnly', 'Partial', 'Protected', 'WriteOnly'],\n ['public', 'protected', 'private'],\n ];\n }\n navigateValueSet(range1, text1, range2, text2, up) {\n if (range1 && text1) {\n const result = this.doNavigateValueSet(text1, up);\n if (result) {\n return {\n range: range1,\n value: result\n };\n }\n }\n if (range2 && text2) {\n const result = this.doNavigateValueSet(text2, up);\n if (result) {\n return {\n range: range2,\n value: result\n };\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n doNavigateValueSet(text, up) {\n const numberResult = this.numberReplace(text, up);\n if (numberResult !== null) {\n return numberResult;\n }\n return this.textReplace(text, up);\n }\n numberReplace(value, up) {\n const precision = Math.pow(10, value.length - (value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));\n let n1 = Number(value);\n let n2 = parseFloat(value);\n if (!isNaN(n1) && !isNaN(n2) && n1 === n2) {\n if (n1 === 0 && !up) {\n return null; // don't do negative\n //\t\t\t} else if(n1 === 9 && up) {\n //\t\t\t\treturn null; // don't insert 10 into a number\n }\n else {\n n1 = Math.floor(n1 * precision);\n n1 += up ? precision : -precision;\n return String(n1 / precision);\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n textReplace(value, up) {\n return this.valueSetsReplace(this._defaultValueSet, value, up);\n }\n valueSetsReplace(valueSets, value, up) {\n let result = null;\n for (let i = 0, len = valueSets.length; result === null && i < len; i++) {\n result = this.valueSetReplace(valueSets[i], value, up);\n }\n return result;\n }\n valueSetReplace(valueSet, value, up) {\n let idx = valueSet.indexOf(value);\n if (idx >= 0) {\n idx += up ? +1 : -1;\n if (idx < 0) {\n idx = valueSet.length - 1;\n }\n else {\n idx %= valueSet.length;\n }\n return valueSet[idx];\n }\n return null;\n }\n}\nBasicInplaceReplace.INSTANCE = new BasicInplaceReplace();\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model.js": /*!******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model.js ***! \******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "ApplyEditsResult": () => (/* binding */ ApplyEditsResult),\n/* harmony export */ "FindMatch": () => (/* binding */ FindMatch),\n/* harmony export */ "InjectedTextCursorStops": () => (/* binding */ InjectedTextCursorStops),\n/* harmony export */ "MinimapPosition": () => (/* binding */ MinimapPosition),\n/* harmony export */ "OverviewRulerLane": () => (/* binding */ OverviewRulerLane),\n/* harmony export */ "SearchData": () => (/* binding */ SearchData),\n/* harmony export */ "TextModelResolvedOptions": () => (/* binding */ TextModelResolvedOptions),\n/* harmony export */ "ValidAnnotatedEditOperation": () => (/* binding */ ValidAnnotatedEditOperation),\n/* harmony export */ "shouldSynchronizeModel": () => (/* binding */ shouldSynchronizeModel)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_objects_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../base/common/objects.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/objects.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n/**\n * Vertical Lane in the overview ruler of the editor.\n */\nvar OverviewRulerLane;\n(function (OverviewRulerLane) {\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Left"] = 1] = "Left";\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Center"] = 2] = "Center";\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Right"] = 4] = "Right";\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Full"] = 7] = "Full";\n})(OverviewRulerLane || (OverviewRulerLane = {}));\n/**\n * Position in the minimap to render the decoration.\n */\nvar MinimapPosition;\n(function (MinimapPosition) {\n MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Inline"] = 1] = "Inline";\n MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Gutter"] = 2] = "Gutter";\n})(MinimapPosition || (MinimapPosition = {}));\nvar InjectedTextCursorStops;\n(function (InjectedTextCursorStops) {\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Both"] = 0] = "Both";\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Right"] = 1] = "Right";\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Left"] = 2] = "Left";\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["None"] = 3] = "None";\n})(InjectedTextCursorStops || (InjectedTextCursorStops = {}));\nclass TextModelResolvedOptions {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(src) {\n this._textModelResolvedOptionsBrand = undefined;\n this.tabSize = Math.max(1, src.tabSize | 0);\n this.indentSize = src.tabSize | 0;\n this.insertSpaces = Boolean(src.insertSpaces);\n this.defaultEOL = src.defaultEOL | 0;\n this.trimAutoWhitespace = Boolean(src.trimAutoWhitespace);\n this.bracketPairColorizationOptions = src.bracketPairColorizationOptions;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n equals(other) {\n return (this.tabSize === other.tabSize\n && this.indentSize === other.indentSize\n && this.insertSpaces === other.insertSpaces\n && this.defaultEOL === other.defaultEOL\n && this.trimAutoWhitespace === other.trimAutoWhitespace\n && (0,_base_common_objects_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.equals)(this.bracketPairColorizationOptions, other.bracketPairColorizationOptions));\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n createChangeEvent(newOpts) {\n return {\n tabSize: this.tabSize !== newOpts.tabSize,\n indentSize: this.indentSize !== newOpts.indentSize,\n insertSpaces: this.insertSpaces !== newOpts.insertSpaces,\n trimAutoWhitespace: this.trimAutoWhitespace !== newOpts.trimAutoWhitespace,\n };\n }\n}\nclass FindMatch {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(range, matches) {\n this._findMatchBrand = undefined;\n this.range = range;\n this.matches = matches;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass ValidAnnotatedEditOperation {\n constructor(identifier, range, text, forceMoveMarkers, isAutoWhitespaceEdit, _isTracked) {\n this.identifier = identifier;\n this.range = range;\n this.text = text;\n this.forceMoveMarkers = forceMoveMarkers;\n this.isAutoWhitespaceEdit = isAutoWhitespaceEdit;\n this._isTracked = _isTracked;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass SearchData {\n constructor(regex, wordSeparators, simpleSearch) {\n this.regex = regex;\n this.wordSeparators = wordSeparators;\n this.simpleSearch = simpleSearch;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass ApplyEditsResult {\n constructor(reverseEdits, changes, trimAutoWhitespaceLineNumbers) {\n this.reverseEdits = reverseEdits;\n this.changes = changes;\n this.trimAutoWhitespaceLineNumbers = trimAutoWhitespaceLineNumbers;\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nfunction shouldSynchronizeModel(model) {\n return (!model.isTooLargeForSyncing() && !model.isForSimpleWidget);\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/mirrorTextModel.js": /*!**********************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/mirrorTextModel.js ***! \**********************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "MirrorTextModel": () => (/* binding */ MirrorTextModel)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/strings.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/position.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _prefixSumComputer_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./prefixSumComputer.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/prefixSumComputer.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\nclass MirrorTextModel {\n constructor(uri, lines, eol, versionId) {\n this._uri = uri;\n this._lines = lines;\n this._eol = eol;\n this._versionId = versionId;\n this._lineStarts = null;\n this._cachedTextValue = null;\n }\n dispose() {\n this._lines.length = 0;\n }\n get version() {\n return this._versionId;\n }\n getText() {\n if (this._cachedTextValue === null) {\n this._cachedTextValue = this._lines.join(this._eol);\n }\n return this._cachedTextValue;\n }\n onEvents(e) {\n if (e.eol && e.eol !== this._eol) {\n this._eol = e.eol;\n this._lineStarts = null;\n }\n // Update my lines\n const changes = e.changes;\n for (const change of changes) {\n this._acceptDeleteRange(change.range);\n this._acceptInsertText(new _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Position(change.range.startLineNumber, change.range.startColumn), change.text);\n }\n this._versionId = e.versionId;\n this._cachedTextValue = null;\n }\n _ensureLineStarts() {\n if (!this._lineStarts) {\n const eolLength = this._eol.length;\n const linesLength = this._lines.length;\n const lineStartValues = new Uint32Array(linesLength);\n for (let i = 0; i < linesLength; i++) {\n lineStartValues[i] = this._lines[i].length + eolLength;\n }\n this._lineStarts = new _prefixSumComputer_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.PrefixSumComputer(lineStartValues);\n }\n }\n /**\n * All changes to a line\'s text go through this method\n */\n _setLineText(lineIndex, newValue) {\n this._lines[lineIndex] = newValue;\n if (this._lineStarts) {\n // update prefix sum\n this._lineStarts.setValue(lineIndex, this._lines[lineIndex].length + this._eol.length);\n }\n }\n _acceptDeleteRange(range) {\n if (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber) {\n if (range.startColumn === range.endColumn) {\n // Nothing to delete\n return;\n }\n // Delete text on the affected line\n this._setLineText(range.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, range.startColumn - 1)\n + this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(range.endColumn - 1));\n return;\n }\n // Take remaining text on last line and append it to remaining text on first line\n this._setLineText(range.startLineNumber - 1, this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(0, range.startColumn - 1)\n + this._lines[range.endLineNumber - 1].substring(range.endColumn - 1));\n // Delete middle lines\n this._lines.splice(range.startLineNumber, range.endLineNumber - range.startLineNumber);\n if (this._lineStarts) {\n // update prefix sum\n this._lineStarts.removeValues(range.startLineNumber, range.endLineNumber - range.startLineNumber);\n }\n }\n _acceptInsertText(position, insertText) {\n if (insertText.length === 0) {\n // Nothing to insert\n return;\n }\n const insertLines = (0,_base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.splitLines)(insertText);\n if (insertLines.length === 1) {\n // Inserting text on one line\n this._setLineText(position.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, position.column - 1)\n + insertLines[0]\n + this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(position.column - 1));\n return;\n }\n // Append overflowing text from first line to the end of text to insert\n insertLines[insertLines.length - 1] += this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(position.column - 1);\n // Delete overflowing text from first line and insert text on first line\n this._setLineText(position.lineNumber - 1, this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1].substring(0, position.column - 1)\n + insertLines[0]);\n // Insert new lines & store lengths\n const newLengths = new Uint32Array(insertLines.length - 1);\n for (let i = 1; i < insertLines.length; i++) {\n this._lines.splice(position.lineNumber + i - 1, 0, insertLines[i]);\n newLengths[i - 1] = insertLines[i].length + this._eol.length;\n }\n if (this._lineStarts) {\n // update prefix sum\n this._lineStarts.insertValues(position.lineNumber, newLengths);\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/mirrorTextModel.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/prefixSumComputer.js": /*!************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/prefixSumComputer.js ***! \************************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "ConstantTimePrefixSumComputer": () => (/* binding */ ConstantTimePrefixSumComputer),\n/* harmony export */ "PrefixSumComputer": () => (/* binding */ PrefixSumComputer),\n/* harmony export */ "PrefixSumIndexOfResult": () => (/* binding */ PrefixSumIndexOfResult)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_arrays_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/arrays.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/arrays.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/uint.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uint.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\nclass PrefixSumComputer {\n constructor(values) {\n this.values = values;\n this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(values.length);\n this.prefixSumValidIndex = new Int32Array(1);\n this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = -1;\n }\n insertValues(insertIndex, insertValues) {\n insertIndex = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toUint32)(insertIndex);\n const oldValues = this.values;\n const oldPrefixSum = this.prefixSum;\n const insertValuesLen = insertValues.length;\n if (insertValuesLen === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n this.values = new Uint32Array(oldValues.length + insertValuesLen);\n this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(0, insertIndex), 0);\n this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(insertIndex), insertIndex + insertValuesLen);\n this.values.set(insertValues, insertIndex);\n if (insertIndex - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {\n this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = insertIndex - 1;\n }\n this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length);\n if (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0) {\n this.prefixSum.set(oldPrefixSum.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1));\n }\n return true;\n }\n setValue(index, value) {\n index = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toUint32)(index);\n value = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toUint32)(value);\n if (this.values[index] === value) {\n return false;\n }\n this.values[index] = value;\n if (index - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {\n this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = index - 1;\n }\n return true;\n }\n removeValues(startIndex, count) {\n startIndex = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toUint32)(startIndex);\n count = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toUint32)(count);\n const oldValues = this.values;\n const oldPrefixSum = this.prefixSum;\n if (startIndex >= oldValues.length) {\n return false;\n }\n const maxCount = oldValues.length - startIndex;\n if (count >= maxCount) {\n count = maxCount;\n }\n if (count === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n this.values = new Uint32Array(oldValues.length - count);\n this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(0, startIndex), 0);\n this.values.set(oldValues.subarray(startIndex + count), startIndex);\n this.prefixSum = new Uint32Array(this.values.length);\n if (startIndex - 1 < this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {\n this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = startIndex - 1;\n }\n if (this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] >= 0) {\n this.prefixSum.set(oldPrefixSum.subarray(0, this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1));\n }\n return true;\n }\n getTotalSum() {\n if (this.values.length === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n return this._getPrefixSum(this.values.length - 1);\n }\n /**\n * Returns the sum of the first `index + 1` many items.\n * @returns `SUM(0 <= j <= index, values[j])`.\n */\n getPrefixSum(index) {\n if (index < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n index = (0,_base_common_uint_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toUint32)(index);\n return this._getPrefixSum(index);\n }\n _getPrefixSum(index) {\n if (index <= this.prefixSumValidIndex[0]) {\n return this.prefixSum[index];\n }\n let startIndex = this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] + 1;\n if (startIndex === 0) {\n this.prefixSum[0] = this.values[0];\n startIndex++;\n }\n if (index >= this.values.length) {\n index = this.values.length - 1;\n }\n for (let i = startIndex; i <= index; i++) {\n this.prefixSum[i] = this.prefixSum[i - 1] + this.values[i];\n }\n this.prefixSumValidIndex[0] = Math.max(this.prefixSumValidIndex[0], index);\n return this.prefixSum[index];\n }\n getIndexOf(sum) {\n sum = Math.floor(sum);\n // Compute all sums (to get a fully valid prefixSum)\n this.getTotalSum();\n let low = 0;\n let high = this.values.length - 1;\n let mid = 0;\n let midStop = 0;\n let midStart = 0;\n while (low <= high) {\n mid = low + ((high - low) / 2) | 0;\n midStop = this.prefixSum[mid];\n midStart = midStop - this.values[mid];\n if (sum < midStart) {\n high = mid - 1;\n }\n else if (sum >= midStop) {\n low = mid + 1;\n }\n else {\n break;\n }\n }\n return new PrefixSumIndexOfResult(mid, sum - midStart);\n }\n}\n/**\n * {@link getIndexOf} has an amortized runtime complexity of O(1).\n *\n * ({@link PrefixSumComputer.getIndexOf} is just O(log n))\n*/\nclass ConstantTimePrefixSumComputer {\n constructor(values) {\n this._values = values;\n this._isValid = false;\n this._validEndIndex = -1;\n this._prefixSum = [];\n this._indexBySum = [];\n }\n /**\n * @returns SUM(0 <= j < values.length, values[j])\n */\n getTotalSum() {\n this._ensureValid();\n return this._indexBySum.length;\n }\n /**\n * Returns the sum of the first `count` many items.\n * @returns `SUM(0 <= j < count, values[j])`.\n */\n getPrefixSum(count) {\n this._ensureValid();\n if (count === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n return this._prefixSum[count - 1];\n }\n /**\n * @returns `result`, such that `getPrefixSum(result.index) + result.remainder = sum`\n */\n getIndexOf(sum) {\n this._ensureValid();\n const idx = this._indexBySum[sum];\n const viewLinesAbove = idx > 0 ? this._prefixSum[idx - 1] : 0;\n return new PrefixSumIndexOfResult(idx, sum - viewLinesAbove);\n }\n removeValues(start, deleteCount) {\n this._values.splice(start, deleteCount);\n this._invalidate(start);\n }\n insertValues(insertIndex, insertArr) {\n this._values = (0,_base_common_arrays_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.arrayInsert)(this._values, insertIndex, insertArr);\n this._invalidate(insertIndex);\n }\n _invalidate(index) {\n this._isValid = false;\n this._validEndIndex = Math.min(this._validEndIndex, index - 1);\n }\n _ensureValid() {\n if (this._isValid) {\n return;\n }\n for (let i = this._validEndIndex + 1, len = this._values.length; i < len; i++) {\n const value = this._values[i];\n const sumAbove = i > 0 ? this._prefixSum[i - 1] : 0;\n this._prefixSum[i] = sumAbove + value;\n for (let j = 0; j < value; j++) {\n this._indexBySum[sumAbove + j] = i;\n }\n }\n // trim things\n this._prefixSum.length = this._values.length;\n this._indexBySum.length = this._prefixSum[this._prefixSum.length - 1];\n // mark as valid\n this._isValid = true;\n this._validEndIndex = this._values.length - 1;\n }\n setValue(index, value) {\n if (this._values[index] === value) {\n // no change\n return;\n }\n this._values[index] = value;\n this._invalidate(index);\n }\n}\nclass PrefixSumIndexOfResult {\n constructor(index, remainder) {\n this.index = index;\n this.remainder = remainder;\n this._prefixSumIndexOfResultBrand = undefined;\n this.index = index;\n this.remainder = remainder;\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/prefixSumComputer.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/textModelSearch.js": /*!**********************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/textModelSearch.js ***! \**********************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "SearchParams": () => (/* binding */ SearchParams),\n/* harmony export */ "Searcher": () => (/* binding */ Searcher),\n/* harmony export */ "TextModelSearch": () => (/* binding */ TextModelSearch),\n/* harmony export */ "createFindMatch": () => (/* binding */ createFindMatch),\n/* harmony export */ "isMultilineRegexSource": () => (/* binding */ isMultilineRegexSource),\n/* harmony export */ "isValidMatch": () => (/* binding */ isValidMatch)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/strings.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_wordCharacterClassifier_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/wordCharacterClassifier.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordCharacterClassifier.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/position.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/range.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _model_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../model.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\n\n\nconst LIMIT_FIND_COUNT = 999;\nclass SearchParams {\n constructor(searchString, isRegex, matchCase, wordSeparators) {\n this.searchString = searchString;\n this.isRegex = isRegex;\n this.matchCase = matchCase;\n this.wordSeparators = wordSeparators;\n }\n parseSearchRequest() {\n if (this.searchString === \'\') {\n return null;\n }\n // Try to create a RegExp out of the params\n let multiline;\n if (this.isRegex) {\n multiline = isMultilineRegexSource(this.searchString);\n }\n else {\n multiline = (this.searchString.indexOf(\'\\n\') >= 0);\n }\n let regex = null;\n try {\n regex = _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createRegExp(this.searchString, this.isRegex, {\n matchCase: this.matchCase,\n wholeWord: false,\n multiline: multiline,\n global: true,\n unicode: true\n });\n }\n catch (err) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!regex) {\n return null;\n }\n let canUseSimpleSearch = (!this.isRegex && !multiline);\n if (canUseSimpleSearch && this.searchString.toLowerCase() !== this.searchString.toUpperCase()) {\n // casing might make a difference\n canUseSimpleSearch = this.matchCase;\n }\n return new _model_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.SearchData(regex, this.wordSeparators ? (0,_core_wordCharacterClassifier_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getMapForWordSeparators)(this.wordSeparators) : null, canUseSimpleSearch ? this.searchString : null);\n }\n}\nfunction isMultilineRegexSource(searchString) {\n if (!searchString || searchString.length === 0) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let i = 0, len = searchString.length; i < len; i++) {\n const chCode = searchString.charCodeAt(i);\n if (chCode === 92 /* Backslash */) {\n // move to next char\n i++;\n if (i >= len) {\n // string ends with a \\\n break;\n }\n const nextChCode = searchString.charCodeAt(i);\n if (nextChCode === 110 /* n */ || nextChCode === 114 /* r */ || nextChCode === 87 /* W */) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction createFindMatch(range, rawMatches, captureMatches) {\n if (!captureMatches) {\n return new _model_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.FindMatch(range, null);\n }\n const matches = [];\n for (let i = 0, len = rawMatches.length; i < len; i++) {\n matches[i] = rawMatches[i];\n }\n return new _model_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.FindMatch(range, matches);\n}\nclass LineFeedCounter {\n constructor(text) {\n const lineFeedsOffsets = [];\n let lineFeedsOffsetsLen = 0;\n for (let i = 0, textLen = text.length; i < textLen; i++) {\n if (text.charCodeAt(i) === 10 /* LineFeed */) {\n lineFeedsOffsets[lineFeedsOffsetsLen++] = i;\n }\n }\n this._lineFeedsOffsets = lineFeedsOffsets;\n }\n findLineFeedCountBeforeOffset(offset) {\n const lineFeedsOffsets = this._lineFeedsOffsets;\n let min = 0;\n let max = lineFeedsOffsets.length - 1;\n if (max === -1) {\n // no line feeds\n return 0;\n }\n if (offset <= lineFeedsOffsets[0]) {\n // before first line feed\n return 0;\n }\n while (min < max) {\n const mid = min + ((max - min) / 2 >> 0);\n if (lineFeedsOffsets[mid] >= offset) {\n max = mid - 1;\n }\n else {\n if (lineFeedsOffsets[mid + 1] >= offset) {\n // bingo!\n min = mid;\n max = mid;\n }\n else {\n min = mid + 1;\n }\n }\n }\n return min + 1;\n }\n}\nclass TextModelSearch {\n static findMatches(model, searchParams, searchRange, captureMatches, limitResultCount) {\n const searchData = searchParams.parseSearchRequest();\n if (!searchData) {\n return [];\n }\n if (searchData.regex.multiline) {\n return this._doFindMatchesMultiline(model, searchRange, new Searcher(searchData.wordSeparators, searchData.regex), captureMatches, limitResultCount);\n }\n return this._doFindMatchesLineByLine(model, searchRange, searchData, captureMatches, limitResultCount);\n }\n /**\n * Multiline search always executes on the lines concatenated with \\n.\n * We must therefore compensate for the count of \\n in case the model is CRLF\n */\n static _getMultilineMatchRange(model, deltaOffset, text, lfCounter, matchIndex, match0) {\n let startOffset;\n let lineFeedCountBeforeMatch = 0;\n if (lfCounter) {\n lineFeedCountBeforeMatch = lfCounter.findLineFeedCountBeforeOffset(matchIndex);\n startOffset = deltaOffset + matchIndex + lineFeedCountBeforeMatch /* add as many \\r as there were \\n */;\n }\n else {\n startOffset = deltaOffset + matchIndex;\n }\n let endOffset;\n if (lfCounter) {\n const lineFeedCountBeforeEndOfMatch = lfCounter.findLineFeedCountBeforeOffset(matchIndex + match0.length);\n const lineFeedCountInMatch = lineFeedCountBeforeEndOfMatch - lineFeedCountBeforeMatch;\n endOffset = startOffset + match0.length + lineFeedCountInMatch /* add as many \\r as there were \\n */;\n }\n else {\n endOffset = startOffset + match0.length;\n }\n const startPosition = model.getPositionAt(startOffset);\n const endPosition = model.getPositionAt(endOffset);\n return new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Range(startPosition.lineNumber, startPosition.column, endPosition.lineNumber, endPosition.column);\n }\n static _doFindMatchesMultiline(model, searchRange, searcher, captureMatches, limitResultCount) {\n const deltaOffset = model.getOffsetAt(searchRange.getStartPosition());\n // We always execute multiline search over the lines joined with \\n\n // This makes it that \\n will match the EOL for both CRLF and LF models\n // We compensate for offset errors in `_getMultilineMatchRange`\n const text = model.getValueInRange(searchRange, 1 /* LF */);\n const lfCounter = (model.getEOL() === \'\\r\\n\' ? new LineFeedCounter(text) : null);\n const result = [];\n let counter = 0;\n let m;\n searcher.reset(0);\n while ((m = searcher.next(text))) {\n result[counter++] = createFindMatch(this._getMultilineMatchRange(model, deltaOffset, text, lfCounter, m.index, m[0]), m, captureMatches);\n if (counter >= limitResultCount) {\n return result;\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n static _doFindMatchesLineByLine(model, searchRange, searchData, captureMatches, limitResultCount) {\n const result = [];\n let resultLen = 0;\n // Early case for a search range that starts & stops on the same line number\n if (searchRange.startLineNumber === searchRange.endLineNumber) {\n const text = model.getLineContent(searchRange.startLineNumber).substring(searchRange.startColumn - 1, searchRange.endColumn - 1);\n resultLen = this._findMatchesInLine(searchData, text, searchRange.startLineNumber, searchRange.startColumn - 1, resultLen, result, captureMatches, limitResultCount);\n return result;\n }\n // Collect results from first line\n const text = model.getLineContent(searchRange.startLineNumber).substring(searchRange.startColumn - 1);\n resultLen = this._findMatchesInLine(searchData, text, searchRange.startLineNumber, searchRange.startColumn - 1, resultLen, result, captureMatches, limitResultCount);\n // Collect results from middle lines\n for (let lineNumber = searchRange.startLineNumber + 1; lineNumber < searchRange.endLineNumber && resultLen < limitResultCount; lineNumber++) {\n resultLen = this._findMatchesInLine(searchData, model.getLineContent(lineNumber), lineNumber, 0, resultLen, result, captureMatches, limitResultCount);\n }\n // Collect results from last line\n if (resultLen < limitResultCount) {\n const text = model.getLineContent(searchRange.endLineNumber).substring(0, searchRange.endColumn - 1);\n resultLen = this._findMatchesInLine(searchData, text, searchRange.endLineNumber, 0, resultLen, result, captureMatches, limitResultCount);\n }\n return result;\n }\n static _findMatchesInLine(searchData, text, lineNumber, deltaOffset, resultLen, result, captureMatches, limitResultCount) {\n const wordSeparators = searchData.wordSeparators;\n if (!captureMatches && searchData.simpleSearch) {\n const searchString = searchData.simpleSearch;\n const searchStringLen = searchString.length;\n const textLength = text.length;\n let lastMatchIndex = -searchStringLen;\n while ((lastMatchIndex = text.indexOf(searchString, lastMatchIndex + searchStringLen)) !== -1) {\n if (!wordSeparators || isValidMatch(wordSeparators, text, textLength, lastMatchIndex, searchStringLen)) {\n result[resultLen++] = new _model_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.FindMatch(new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Range(lineNumber, lastMatchIndex + 1 + deltaOffset, lineNumber, lastMatchIndex + 1 + searchStringLen + deltaOffset), null);\n if (resultLen >= limitResultCount) {\n return resultLen;\n }\n }\n }\n return resultLen;\n }\n const searcher = new Searcher(searchData.wordSeparators, searchData.regex);\n let m;\n // Reset regex to search from the beginning\n searcher.reset(0);\n do {\n m = searcher.next(text);\n if (m) {\n result[resultLen++] = createFindMatch(new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Range(lineNumber, m.index + 1 + deltaOffset, lineNumber, m.index + 1 + m[0].length + deltaOffset), m, captureMatches);\n if (resultLen >= limitResultCount) {\n return resultLen;\n }\n }\n } while (m);\n return resultLen;\n }\n static findNextMatch(model, searchParams, searchStart, captureMatches) {\n const searchData = searchParams.parseSearchRequest();\n if (!searchData) {\n return null;\n }\n const searcher = new Searcher(searchData.wordSeparators, searchData.regex);\n if (searchData.regex.multiline) {\n return this._doFindNextMatchMultiline(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches);\n }\n return this._doFindNextMatchLineByLine(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches);\n }\n static _doFindNextMatchMultiline(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches) {\n const searchTextStart = new _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Position(searchStart.lineNumber, 1);\n const deltaOffset = model.getOffsetAt(searchTextStart);\n const lineCount = model.getLineCount();\n // We always execute multiline search over the lines joined with \\n\n // This makes it that \\n will match the EOL for both CRLF and LF models\n // We compensate for offset errors in `_getMultilineMatchRange`\n const text = model.getValueInRange(new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Range(searchTextStart.lineNumber, searchTextStart.column, lineCount, model.getLineMaxColumn(lineCount)), 1 /* LF */);\n const lfCounter = (model.getEOL() === \'\\r\\n\' ? new LineFeedCounter(text) : null);\n searcher.reset(searchStart.column - 1);\n let m = searcher.next(text);\n if (m) {\n return createFindMatch(this._getMultilineMatchRange(model, deltaOffset, text, lfCounter, m.index, m[0]), m, captureMatches);\n }\n if (searchStart.lineNumber !== 1 || searchStart.column !== 1) {\n // Try again from the top\n return this._doFindNextMatchMultiline(model, new _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Position(1, 1), searcher, captureMatches);\n }\n return null;\n }\n static _doFindNextMatchLineByLine(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches) {\n const lineCount = model.getLineCount();\n const startLineNumber = searchStart.lineNumber;\n // Look in first line\n const text = model.getLineContent(startLineNumber);\n const r = this._findFirstMatchInLine(searcher, text, startLineNumber, searchStart.column, captureMatches);\n if (r) {\n return r;\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= lineCount; i++) {\n const lineIndex = (startLineNumber + i - 1) % lineCount;\n const text = model.getLineContent(lineIndex + 1);\n const r = this._findFirstMatchInLine(searcher, text, lineIndex + 1, 1, captureMatches);\n if (r) {\n return r;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n static _findFirstMatchInLine(searcher, text, lineNumber, fromColumn, captureMatches) {\n // Set regex to search from column\n searcher.reset(fromColumn - 1);\n const m = searcher.next(text);\n if (m) {\n return createFindMatch(new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Range(lineNumber, m.index + 1, lineNumber, m.index + 1 + m[0].length), m, captureMatches);\n }\n return null;\n }\n static findPreviousMatch(model, searchParams, searchStart, captureMatches) {\n const searchData = searchParams.parseSearchRequest();\n if (!searchData) {\n return null;\n }\n const searcher = new Searcher(searchData.wordSeparators, searchData.regex);\n if (searchData.regex.multiline) {\n return this._doFindPreviousMatchMultiline(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches);\n }\n return this._doFindPreviousMatchLineByLine(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches);\n }\n static _doFindPreviousMatchMultiline(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches) {\n const matches = this._doFindMatchesMultiline(model, new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Range(1, 1, searchStart.lineNumber, searchStart.column), searcher, captureMatches, 10 * LIMIT_FIND_COUNT);\n if (matches.length > 0) {\n return matches[matches.length - 1];\n }\n const lineCount = model.getLineCount();\n if (searchStart.lineNumber !== lineCount || searchStart.column !== model.getLineMaxColumn(lineCount)) {\n // Try again with all content\n return this._doFindPreviousMatchMultiline(model, new _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Position(lineCount, model.getLineMaxColumn(lineCount)), searcher, captureMatches);\n }\n return null;\n }\n static _doFindPreviousMatchLineByLine(model, searchStart, searcher, captureMatches) {\n const lineCount = model.getLineCount();\n const startLineNumber = searchStart.lineNumber;\n // Look in first line\n const text = model.getLineContent(startLineNumber).substring(0, searchStart.column - 1);\n const r = this._findLastMatchInLine(searcher, text, startLineNumber, captureMatches);\n if (r) {\n return r;\n }\n for (let i = 1; i <= lineCount; i++) {\n const lineIndex = (lineCount + startLineNumber - i - 1) % lineCount;\n const text = model.getLineContent(lineIndex + 1);\n const r = this._findLastMatchInLine(searcher, text, lineIndex + 1, captureMatches);\n if (r) {\n return r;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n static _findLastMatchInLine(searcher, text, lineNumber, captureMatches) {\n let bestResult = null;\n let m;\n searcher.reset(0);\n while ((m = searcher.next(text))) {\n bestResult = createFindMatch(new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Range(lineNumber, m.index + 1, lineNumber, m.index + 1 + m[0].length), m, captureMatches);\n }\n return bestResult;\n }\n}\nfunction leftIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength) {\n if (matchStartIndex === 0) {\n // Match starts at start of string\n return true;\n }\n const charBefore = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex - 1);\n if (wordSeparators.get(charBefore) !== 0 /* Regular */) {\n // The character before the match is a word separator\n return true;\n }\n if (charBefore === 13 /* CarriageReturn */ || charBefore === 10 /* LineFeed */) {\n // The character before the match is line break or carriage return.\n return true;\n }\n if (matchLength > 0) {\n const firstCharInMatch = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex);\n if (wordSeparators.get(firstCharInMatch) !== 0 /* Regular */) {\n // The first character inside the match is a word separator\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction rightIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength) {\n if (matchStartIndex + matchLength === textLength) {\n // Match ends at end of string\n return true;\n }\n const charAfter = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex + matchLength);\n if (wordSeparators.get(charAfter) !== 0 /* Regular */) {\n // The character after the match is a word separator\n return true;\n }\n if (charAfter === 13 /* CarriageReturn */ || charAfter === 10 /* LineFeed */) {\n // The character after the match is line break or carriage return.\n return true;\n }\n if (matchLength > 0) {\n const lastCharInMatch = text.charCodeAt(matchStartIndex + matchLength - 1);\n if (wordSeparators.get(lastCharInMatch) !== 0 /* Regular */) {\n // The last character in the match is a word separator\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction isValidMatch(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength) {\n return (leftIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength)\n && rightIsWordBounday(wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength));\n}\nclass Searcher {\n constructor(wordSeparators, searchRegex) {\n this._wordSeparators = wordSeparators;\n this._searchRegex = searchRegex;\n this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1;\n this._prevMatchLength = 0;\n }\n reset(lastIndex) {\n this._searchRegex.lastIndex = lastIndex;\n this._prevMatchStartIndex = -1;\n this._prevMatchLength = 0;\n }\n next(text) {\n const textLength = text.length;\n let m;\n do {\n if (this._prevMatchStartIndex + this._prevMatchLength === textLength) {\n // Reached the end of the line\n return null;\n }\n m = this._searchRegex.exec(text);\n if (!m) {\n return null;\n }\n const matchStartIndex = m.index;\n const matchLength = m[0].length;\n if (matchStartIndex === this._prevMatchStartIndex && matchLength === this._prevMatchLength) {\n if (matchLength === 0) {\n // the search result is an empty string and won\'t advance `regex.lastIndex`, so `regex.exec` will stuck here\n // we attempt to recover from that by advancing by two if surrogate pair found and by one otherwise\n if (_base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getNextCodePoint(text, textLength, this._searchRegex.lastIndex) > 0xFFFF) {\n this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 2;\n }\n else {\n this._searchRegex.lastIndex += 1;\n }\n continue;\n }\n // Exit early if the regex matches the same range twice\n return null;\n }\n this._prevMatchStartIndex = matchStartIndex;\n this._prevMatchLength = matchLength;\n if (!this._wordSeparators || isValidMatch(this._wordSeparators, text, textLength, matchStartIndex, matchLength)) {\n return m;\n }\n } while (m);\n return null;\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/textModelSearch.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorBaseApi.js": /*!***********************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorBaseApi.js ***! \***********************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "KeyMod": () => (/* binding */ KeyMod),\n/* harmony export */ "createMonacoBaseAPI": () => (/* binding */ createMonacoBaseAPI)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_cancellation_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/cancellation.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/cancellation.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/event.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/event.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_keyCodes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/keyCodes.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/keyCodes.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_uri_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/uri.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uri.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/position.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/range.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_selection_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/selection.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/selection.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _languages_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../languages.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _standalone_standaloneEnums_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../standalone/standaloneEnums.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneEnums.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nclass KeyMod {\n static chord(firstPart, secondPart) {\n return (0,_base_common_keyCodes_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.KeyChord)(firstPart, secondPart);\n }\n}\nKeyMod.CtrlCmd = 2048 /* CtrlCmd */;\nKeyMod.Shift = 1024 /* Shift */;\nKeyMod.Alt = 512 /* Alt */;\nKeyMod.WinCtrl = 256 /* WinCtrl */;\nfunction createMonacoBaseAPI() {\n return {\n editor: undefined,\n languages: undefined,\n CancellationTokenSource: _base_common_cancellation_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CancellationTokenSource,\n Emitter: _base_common_event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Emitter,\n KeyCode: _standalone_standaloneEnums_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.KeyCode,\n KeyMod: KeyMod,\n Position: _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Position,\n Range: _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.Range,\n Selection: _core_selection_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Selection,\n SelectionDirection: _standalone_standaloneEnums_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.SelectionDirection,\n MarkerSeverity: _standalone_standaloneEnums_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.MarkerSeverity,\n MarkerTag: _standalone_standaloneEnums_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.MarkerTag,\n Uri: _base_common_uri_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.URI,\n Token: _languages_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.Token\n };\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorBaseApi.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker.js": /*!****************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker.js ***! \****************************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "EditorSimpleWorker": () => (/* binding */ EditorSimpleWorker),\n/* harmony export */ "MirrorModel": () => (/* binding */ MirrorModel),\n/* harmony export */ "create": () => (/* binding */ create)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_diff_diff_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/diff/diff.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/diff/diff.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/platform.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/platform.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_uri_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/uri.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/uri.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/position.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/position.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/range.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _diff_diffComputer_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../diff/diffComputer.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/diff/diffComputer.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _model_mirrorTextModel_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../model/mirrorTextModel.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/mirrorTextModel.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_wordHelper_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/wordHelper.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordHelper.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _languages_linkComputer_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../languages/linkComputer.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/linkComputer.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _languages_supports_inplaceReplaceSupport_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../languages/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/languages/supports/inplaceReplaceSupport.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _editorBaseApi_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./editorBaseApi.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorBaseApi.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/types.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/types.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_stopwatch_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/stopwatch.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/stopwatch.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _unicodeTextModelHighlighter_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./unicodeTextModelHighlighter.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/unicodeTextModelHighlighter.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nvar __awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\n });\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass MirrorModel extends _model_mirrorTextModel_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.MirrorTextModel {\n get uri() {\n return this._uri;\n }\n get eol() {\n return this._eol;\n }\n getValue() {\n return this.getText();\n }\n getLinesContent() {\n return this._lines.slice(0);\n }\n getLineCount() {\n return this._lines.length;\n }\n getLineContent(lineNumber) {\n return this._lines[lineNumber - 1];\n }\n getWordAtPosition(position, wordDefinition) {\n const wordAtText = (0,_core_wordHelper_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.getWordAtText)(position.column, (0,_core_wordHelper_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.ensureValidWordDefinition)(wordDefinition), this._lines[position.lineNumber - 1], 0);\n if (wordAtText) {\n return new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Range(position.lineNumber, wordAtText.startColumn, position.lineNumber, wordAtText.endColumn);\n }\n return null;\n }\n words(wordDefinition) {\n const lines = this._lines;\n const wordenize = this._wordenize.bind(this);\n let lineNumber = 0;\n let lineText = \'\';\n let wordRangesIdx = 0;\n let wordRanges = [];\n return {\n *[Symbol.iterator]() {\n while (true) {\n if (wordRangesIdx < wordRanges.length) {\n const value = lineText.substring(wordRanges[wordRangesIdx].start, wordRanges[wordRangesIdx].end);\n wordRangesIdx += 1;\n yield value;\n }\n else {\n if (lineNumber < lines.length) {\n lineText = lines[lineNumber];\n wordRanges = wordenize(lineText, wordDefinition);\n wordRangesIdx = 0;\n lineNumber += 1;\n }\n else {\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n };\n }\n getLineWords(lineNumber, wordDefinition) {\n const content = this._lines[lineNumber - 1];\n const ranges = this._wordenize(content, wordDefinition);\n const words = [];\n for (const range of ranges) {\n words.push({\n word: content.substring(range.start, range.end),\n startColumn: range.start + 1,\n endColumn: range.end + 1\n });\n }\n return words;\n }\n _wordenize(content, wordDefinition) {\n const result = [];\n let match;\n wordDefinition.lastIndex = 0; // reset lastIndex just to be sure\n while (match = wordDefinition.exec(content)) {\n if (match[0].length === 0) {\n // it did match the empty string\n break;\n }\n result.push({ start: match.index, end: match.index + match[0].length });\n }\n return result;\n }\n getValueInRange(range) {\n range = this._validateRange(range);\n if (range.startLineNumber === range.endLineNumber) {\n return this._lines[range.startLineNumber - 1].substring(range.startColumn - 1, range.endColumn - 1);\n }\n const lineEnding = this._eol;\n const startLineIndex = range.startLineNumber - 1;\n const endLineIndex = range.endLineNumber - 1;\n const resultLines = [];\n resultLines.push(this._lines[startLineIndex].substring(range.startColumn - 1));\n for (let i = startLineIndex + 1; i < endLineIndex; i++) {\n resultLines.push(this._lines[i]);\n }\n resultLines.push(this._lines[endLineIndex].substring(0, range.endColumn - 1));\n return resultLines.join(lineEnding);\n }\n offsetAt(position) {\n position = this._validatePosition(position);\n this._ensureLineStarts();\n return this._lineStarts.getPrefixSum(position.lineNumber - 2) + (position.column - 1);\n }\n positionAt(offset) {\n offset = Math.floor(offset);\n offset = Math.max(0, offset);\n this._ensureLineStarts();\n const out = this._lineStarts.getIndexOf(offset);\n const lineLength = this._lines[out.index].length;\n // Ensure we return a valid position\n return {\n lineNumber: 1 + out.index,\n column: 1 + Math.min(out.remainder, lineLength)\n };\n }\n _validateRange(range) {\n const start = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: range.startLineNumber, column: range.startColumn });\n const end = this._validatePosition({ lineNumber: range.endLineNumber, column: range.endColumn });\n if (start.lineNumber !== range.startLineNumber\n || start.column !== range.startColumn\n || end.lineNumber !== range.endLineNumber\n || end.column !== range.endColumn) {\n return {\n startLineNumber: start.lineNumber,\n startColumn: start.column,\n endLineNumber: end.lineNumber,\n endColumn: end.column\n };\n }\n return range;\n }\n _validatePosition(position) {\n if (!_core_position_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Position.isIPosition(position)) {\n throw new Error(\'bad position\');\n }\n let { lineNumber, column } = position;\n let hasChanged = false;\n if (lineNumber < 1) {\n lineNumber = 1;\n column = 1;\n hasChanged = true;\n }\n else if (lineNumber > this._lines.length) {\n lineNumber = this._lines.length;\n column = this._lines[lineNumber - 1].length + 1;\n hasChanged = true;\n }\n else {\n const maxCharacter = this._lines[lineNumber - 1].length + 1;\n if (column < 1) {\n column = 1;\n hasChanged = true;\n }\n else if (column > maxCharacter) {\n column = maxCharacter;\n hasChanged = true;\n }\n }\n if (!hasChanged) {\n return position;\n }\n else {\n return { lineNumber, column };\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nclass EditorSimpleWorker {\n constructor(host, foreignModuleFactory) {\n this._host = host;\n this._models = Object.create(null);\n this._foreignModuleFactory = foreignModuleFactory;\n this._foreignModule = null;\n }\n dispose() {\n this._models = Object.create(null);\n }\n _getModel(uri) {\n return this._models[uri];\n }\n _getModels() {\n const all = [];\n Object.keys(this._models).forEach((key) => all.push(this._models[key]));\n return all;\n }\n acceptNewModel(data) {\n this._models[data.url] = new MirrorModel(_base_common_uri_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.URI.parse(data.url), data.lines, data.EOL, data.versionId);\n }\n acceptModelChanged(strURL, e) {\n if (!this._models[strURL]) {\n return;\n }\n const model = this._models[strURL];\n model.onEvents(e);\n }\n acceptRemovedModel(strURL) {\n if (!this._models[strURL]) {\n return;\n }\n delete this._models[strURL];\n }\n computeUnicodeHighlights(url, options, range) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const model = this._getModel(url);\n if (!model) {\n return { ranges: [], hasMore: false, ambiguousCharacterCount: 0, invisibleCharacterCount: 0, nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount: 0 };\n }\n return _unicodeTextModelHighlighter_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.UnicodeTextModelHighlighter.computeUnicodeHighlights(model, options, range);\n });\n }\n // ---- BEGIN diff --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n computeDiff(originalUrl, modifiedUrl, ignoreTrimWhitespace, maxComputationTime) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const original = this._getModel(originalUrl);\n const modified = this._getModel(modifiedUrl);\n if (!original || !modified) {\n return null;\n }\n const originalLines = original.getLinesContent();\n const modifiedLines = modified.getLinesContent();\n const diffComputer = new _diff_diffComputer_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.DiffComputer(originalLines, modifiedLines, {\n shouldComputeCharChanges: true,\n shouldPostProcessCharChanges: true,\n shouldIgnoreTrimWhitespace: ignoreTrimWhitespace,\n shouldMakePrettyDiff: true,\n maxComputationTime: maxComputationTime\n });\n const diffResult = diffComputer.computeDiff();\n const identical = (diffResult.changes.length > 0 ? false : this._modelsAreIdentical(original, modified));\n return {\n quitEarly: diffResult.quitEarly,\n identical: identical,\n changes: diffResult.changes\n };\n });\n }\n _modelsAreIdentical(original, modified) {\n const originalLineCount = original.getLineCount();\n const modifiedLineCount = modified.getLineCount();\n if (originalLineCount !== modifiedLineCount) {\n return false;\n }\n for (let line = 1; line <= originalLineCount; line++) {\n const originalLine = original.getLineContent(line);\n const modifiedLine = modified.getLineContent(line);\n if (originalLine !== modifiedLine) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n computeMoreMinimalEdits(modelUrl, edits) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const model = this._getModel(modelUrl);\n if (!model) {\n return edits;\n }\n const result = [];\n let lastEol = undefined;\n edits = edits.slice(0).sort((a, b) => {\n if (a.range && b.range) {\n return _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Range.compareRangesUsingStarts(a.range, b.range);\n }\n // eol only changes should go to the end\n const aRng = a.range ? 0 : 1;\n const bRng = b.range ? 0 : 1;\n return aRng - bRng;\n });\n for (let { range, text, eol } of edits) {\n if (typeof eol === \'number\') {\n lastEol = eol;\n }\n if (_core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Range.isEmpty(range) && !text) {\n // empty change\n continue;\n }\n const original = model.getValueInRange(range);\n text = text.replace(/\\r\\n|\\n|\\r/g, model.eol);\n if (original === text) {\n // noop\n continue;\n }\n // make sure diff won\'t take too long\n if (Math.max(text.length, original.length) > EditorSimpleWorker._diffLimit) {\n result.push({ range, text });\n continue;\n }\n // compute diff between original and edit.text\n const changes = (0,_base_common_diff_diff_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.stringDiff)(original, text, false);\n const editOffset = model.offsetAt(_core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Range.lift(range).getStartPosition());\n for (const change of changes) {\n const start = model.positionAt(editOffset + change.originalStart);\n const end = model.positionAt(editOffset + change.originalStart + change.originalLength);\n const newEdit = {\n text: text.substr(change.modifiedStart, change.modifiedLength),\n range: { startLineNumber: start.lineNumber, startColumn: start.column, endLineNumber: end.lineNumber, endColumn: end.column }\n };\n if (model.getValueInRange(newEdit.range) !== newEdit.text) {\n result.push(newEdit);\n }\n }\n }\n if (typeof lastEol === \'number\') {\n result.push({ eol: lastEol, text: \'\', range: { startLineNumber: 0, startColumn: 0, endLineNumber: 0, endColumn: 0 } });\n }\n return result;\n });\n }\n // ---- END minimal edits ---------------------------------------------------------------\n computeLinks(modelUrl) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const model = this._getModel(modelUrl);\n if (!model) {\n return null;\n }\n return (0,_languages_linkComputer_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.computeLinks)(model);\n });\n }\n textualSuggest(modelUrls, leadingWord, wordDef, wordDefFlags) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const sw = new _base_common_stopwatch_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.StopWatch(true);\n const wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags);\n const seen = new Set();\n outer: for (let url of modelUrls) {\n const model = this._getModel(url);\n if (!model) {\n continue;\n }\n for (let word of model.words(wordDefRegExp)) {\n if (word === leadingWord || !isNaN(Number(word))) {\n continue;\n }\n seen.add(word);\n if (seen.size > EditorSimpleWorker._suggestionsLimit) {\n break outer;\n }\n }\n }\n return { words: Array.from(seen), duration: sw.elapsed() };\n });\n }\n // ---- END suggest --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n //#region -- word ranges --\n computeWordRanges(modelUrl, range, wordDef, wordDefFlags) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const model = this._getModel(modelUrl);\n if (!model) {\n return Object.create(null);\n }\n const wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags);\n const result = Object.create(null);\n for (let line = range.startLineNumber; line < range.endLineNumber; line++) {\n const words = model.getLineWords(line, wordDefRegExp);\n for (const word of words) {\n if (!isNaN(Number(word.word))) {\n continue;\n }\n let array = result[word.word];\n if (!array) {\n array = [];\n result[word.word] = array;\n }\n array.push({\n startLineNumber: line,\n startColumn: word.startColumn,\n endLineNumber: line,\n endColumn: word.endColumn\n });\n }\n }\n return result;\n });\n }\n //#endregion\n navigateValueSet(modelUrl, range, up, wordDef, wordDefFlags) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const model = this._getModel(modelUrl);\n if (!model) {\n return null;\n }\n const wordDefRegExp = new RegExp(wordDef, wordDefFlags);\n if (range.startColumn === range.endColumn) {\n range = {\n startLineNumber: range.startLineNumber,\n startColumn: range.startColumn,\n endLineNumber: range.endLineNumber,\n endColumn: range.endColumn + 1\n };\n }\n const selectionText = model.getValueInRange(range);\n const wordRange = model.getWordAtPosition({ lineNumber: range.startLineNumber, column: range.startColumn }, wordDefRegExp);\n if (!wordRange) {\n return null;\n }\n const word = model.getValueInRange(wordRange);\n const result = _languages_supports_inplaceReplaceSupport_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.BasicInplaceReplace.INSTANCE.navigateValueSet(range, selectionText, wordRange, word, up);\n return result;\n });\n }\n // ---- BEGIN foreign module support --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n loadForeignModule(moduleId, createData, foreignHostMethods) {\n const proxyMethodRequest = (method, args) => {\n return this._host.fhr(method, args);\n };\n const foreignHost = _base_common_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.createProxyObject(foreignHostMethods, proxyMethodRequest);\n const ctx = {\n host: foreignHost,\n getMirrorModels: () => {\n return this._getModels();\n }\n };\n if (this._foreignModuleFactory) {\n this._foreignModule = this._foreignModuleFactory(ctx, createData);\n // static foreing module\n return Promise.resolve(_base_common_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.getAllMethodNames(this._foreignModule));\n }\n // ESM-comment-begin\n // \t\treturn new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n // \t\t\trequire([moduleId], (foreignModule: { create: IForeignModuleFactory }) => {\n // \t\t\t\tthis._foreignModule = foreignModule.create(ctx, createData);\n // \n // \t\t\t\tresolve(types.getAllMethodNames(this._foreignModule));\n // \n // \t\t\t}, reject);\n // \t\t});\n // ESM-comment-end\n // ESM-uncomment-begin\n return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unexpected usage`));\n // ESM-uncomment-end\n }\n // foreign method request\n fmr(method, args) {\n if (!this._foreignModule || typeof this._foreignModule[method] !== \'function\') {\n return Promise.reject(new Error(\'Missing requestHandler or method: \' + method));\n }\n try {\n return Promise.resolve(this._foreignModule[method].apply(this._foreignModule, args));\n }\n catch (e) {\n return Promise.reject(e);\n }\n }\n}\n// ---- END diff --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// ---- BEGIN minimal edits ---------------------------------------------------------------\nEditorSimpleWorker._diffLimit = 100000;\n// ---- BEGIN suggest --------------------------------------------------------------------------\nEditorSimpleWorker._suggestionsLimit = 10000;\n/**\n * Called on the worker side\n * @internal\n */\nfunction create(host) {\n return new EditorSimpleWorker(host, null);\n}\nif (typeof importScripts === \'function\') {\n // Running in a web worker\n _base_common_platform_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.globals.monaco = (0,_editorBaseApi_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.createMonacoBaseAPI)();\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/unicodeTextModelHighlighter.js": /*!*************************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/unicodeTextModelHighlighter.js ***! \*************************************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"UnicodeTextModelHighlighter\": () => (/* binding */ UnicodeTextModelHighlighter)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/range.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/range.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _model_textModelSearch_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../model/textModelSearch.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/model/textModelSearch.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/strings.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/strings.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../../base/common/types.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/types.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_wordHelper_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/wordHelper.js */ \"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/core/wordHelper.js\");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\n\n\n\nclass UnicodeTextModelHighlighter {\n static computeUnicodeHighlights(model, options, range) {\n const startLine = range ? range.startLineNumber : 1;\n const endLine = range ? range.endLineNumber : model.getLineCount();\n const codePointHighlighter = new CodePointHighlighter(options);\n const candidates = codePointHighlighter.getCandidateCodePoints();\n let regex;\n if (candidates === 'allNonBasicAscii') {\n regex = new RegExp('[^\\\\t\\\\n\\\\r\\\\x20-\\\\x7E]', 'g');\n }\n else {\n regex = new RegExp(`${buildRegExpCharClassExpr(Array.from(candidates))}`, 'g');\n }\n const searcher = new _model_textModelSearch_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Searcher(null, regex);\n const ranges = [];\n let hasMore = false;\n let m;\n let ambiguousCharacterCount = 0;\n let invisibleCharacterCount = 0;\n let nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount = 0;\n forLoop: for (let lineNumber = startLine, lineCount = endLine; lineNumber <= lineCount; lineNumber++) {\n const lineContent = model.getLineContent(lineNumber);\n const lineLength = lineContent.length;\n // Reset regex to search from the beginning\n searcher.reset(0);\n do {\n m = searcher.next(lineContent);\n if (m) {\n let startIndex = m.index;\n let endIndex = m.index + m[0].length;\n // Extend range to entire code point\n if (startIndex > 0) {\n const charCodeBefore = lineContent.charCodeAt(startIndex - 1);\n if (_base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBefore)) {\n startIndex--;\n }\n }\n if (endIndex + 1 < lineLength) {\n const charCodeBefore = lineContent.charCodeAt(endIndex - 1);\n if (_base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBefore)) {\n endIndex++;\n }\n }\n const str = lineContent.substring(startIndex, endIndex);\n const word = (0,_core_wordHelper_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getWordAtText)(startIndex + 1, _core_wordHelper_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.DEFAULT_WORD_REGEXP, lineContent, 0);\n const highlightReason = codePointHighlighter.shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(str, word ? word.word : null);\n if (highlightReason !== 0 /* None */) {\n if (highlightReason === 3 /* Ambiguous */) {\n ambiguousCharacterCount++;\n }\n else if (highlightReason === 2 /* Invisible */) {\n invisibleCharacterCount++;\n }\n else if (highlightReason === 1 /* NonBasicASCII */) {\n nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount++;\n }\n else {\n (0,_base_common_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.assertNever)(highlightReason);\n }\n const MAX_RESULT_LENGTH = 1000;\n if (ranges.length >= MAX_RESULT_LENGTH) {\n hasMore = true;\n break forLoop;\n }\n ranges.push(new _core_range_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Range(lineNumber, startIndex + 1, lineNumber, endIndex + 1));\n }\n }\n } while (m);\n }\n return {\n ranges,\n hasMore,\n ambiguousCharacterCount,\n invisibleCharacterCount,\n nonBasicAsciiCharacterCount\n };\n }\n static computeUnicodeHighlightReason(char, options) {\n const codePointHighlighter = new CodePointHighlighter(options);\n const reason = codePointHighlighter.shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(char, null);\n switch (reason) {\n case 0 /* None */:\n return null;\n case 2 /* Invisible */:\n return { kind: 1 /* Invisible */ };\n case 3 /* Ambiguous */: {\n const codePoint = char.codePointAt(0);\n const primaryConfusable = codePointHighlighter.ambiguousCharacters.getPrimaryConfusable(codePoint);\n const notAmbiguousInLocales = _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.AmbiguousCharacters.getLocales().filter((l) => !_base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.AmbiguousCharacters.getInstance(new Set([...options.allowedLocales, l])).isAmbiguous(codePoint));\n return { kind: 0 /* Ambiguous */, confusableWith: String.fromCodePoint(primaryConfusable), notAmbiguousInLocales };\n }\n case 1 /* NonBasicASCII */:\n return { kind: 2 /* NonBasicAscii */ };\n }\n }\n}\nfunction buildRegExpCharClassExpr(codePoints, flags) {\n const src = `[${_base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.escapeRegExpCharacters(codePoints.map((i) => String.fromCodePoint(i)).join(''))}]`;\n return src;\n}\nclass CodePointHighlighter {\n constructor(options) {\n this.options = options;\n this.allowedCodePoints = new Set(options.allowedCodePoints);\n this.ambiguousCharacters = _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.AmbiguousCharacters.getInstance(new Set(options.allowedLocales));\n }\n getCandidateCodePoints() {\n if (this.options.nonBasicASCII) {\n return 'allNonBasicAscii';\n }\n const set = new Set();\n if (this.options.invisibleCharacters) {\n for (const cp of _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.InvisibleCharacters.codePoints) {\n if (!isAllowedInvisibleCharacter(String.fromCodePoint(cp))) {\n set.add(cp);\n }\n }\n }\n if (this.options.ambiguousCharacters) {\n for (const cp of this.ambiguousCharacters.getConfusableCodePoints()) {\n set.add(cp);\n }\n }\n for (const cp of this.allowedCodePoints) {\n set.delete(cp);\n }\n return set;\n }\n shouldHighlightNonBasicASCII(character, wordContext) {\n const codePoint = character.codePointAt(0);\n if (this.allowedCodePoints.has(codePoint)) {\n return 0 /* None */;\n }\n if (this.options.nonBasicASCII) {\n return 1 /* NonBasicASCII */;\n }\n let hasBasicASCIICharacters = false;\n let hasNonConfusableNonBasicAsciiCharacter = false;\n if (wordContext) {\n for (let char of wordContext) {\n const codePoint = char.codePointAt(0);\n const isBasicASCII = _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isBasicASCII(char);\n hasBasicASCIICharacters = hasBasicASCIICharacters || isBasicASCII;\n if (!isBasicASCII &&\n !this.ambiguousCharacters.isAmbiguous(codePoint) &&\n !_base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.InvisibleCharacters.isInvisibleCharacter(codePoint)) {\n hasNonConfusableNonBasicAsciiCharacter = true;\n }\n }\n }\n if (\n /* Don't allow mixing weird looking characters with ASCII */ !hasBasicASCIICharacters &&\n /* Is there an obviously weird looking character? */ hasNonConfusableNonBasicAsciiCharacter) {\n return 0 /* None */;\n }\n if (this.options.invisibleCharacters) {\n // TODO check for emojis\n if (!isAllowedInvisibleCharacter(character) && _base_common_strings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.InvisibleCharacters.isInvisibleCharacter(codePoint)) {\n return 2 /* Invisible */;\n }\n }\n if (this.options.ambiguousCharacters) {\n if (this.ambiguousCharacters.isAmbiguous(codePoint)) {\n return 3 /* Ambiguous */;\n }\n }\n return 0 /* None */;\n }\n}\nfunction isAllowedInvisibleCharacter(character) {\n return character === ' ' || character === '\\n' || character === '\\t';\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/unicodeTextModelHighlighter.js?")},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneEnums.js": /*!***************************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneEnums.js ***! \***************************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "AccessibilitySupport": () => (/* binding */ AccessibilitySupport),\n/* harmony export */ "CompletionItemInsertTextRule": () => (/* binding */ CompletionItemInsertTextRule),\n/* harmony export */ "CompletionItemKind": () => (/* binding */ CompletionItemKind),\n/* harmony export */ "CompletionItemTag": () => (/* binding */ CompletionItemTag),\n/* harmony export */ "CompletionTriggerKind": () => (/* binding */ CompletionTriggerKind),\n/* harmony export */ "ContentWidgetPositionPreference": () => (/* binding */ ContentWidgetPositionPreference),\n/* harmony export */ "CursorChangeReason": () => (/* binding */ CursorChangeReason),\n/* harmony export */ "DefaultEndOfLine": () => (/* binding */ DefaultEndOfLine),\n/* harmony export */ "DocumentHighlightKind": () => (/* binding */ DocumentHighlightKind),\n/* harmony export */ "EditorAutoIndentStrategy": () => (/* binding */ EditorAutoIndentStrategy),\n/* harmony export */ "EditorOption": () => (/* binding */ EditorOption),\n/* harmony export */ "EndOfLinePreference": () => (/* binding */ EndOfLinePreference),\n/* harmony export */ "EndOfLineSequence": () => (/* binding */ EndOfLineSequence),\n/* harmony export */ "IndentAction": () => (/* binding */ IndentAction),\n/* harmony export */ "InjectedTextCursorStops": () => (/* binding */ InjectedTextCursorStops),\n/* harmony export */ "InlayHintKind": () => (/* binding */ InlayHintKind),\n/* harmony export */ "InlineCompletionTriggerKind": () => (/* binding */ InlineCompletionTriggerKind),\n/* harmony export */ "KeyCode": () => (/* binding */ KeyCode),\n/* harmony export */ "MarkerSeverity": () => (/* binding */ MarkerSeverity),\n/* harmony export */ "MarkerTag": () => (/* binding */ MarkerTag),\n/* harmony export */ "MinimapPosition": () => (/* binding */ MinimapPosition),\n/* harmony export */ "MouseTargetType": () => (/* binding */ MouseTargetType),\n/* harmony export */ "OverlayWidgetPositionPreference": () => (/* binding */ OverlayWidgetPositionPreference),\n/* harmony export */ "OverviewRulerLane": () => (/* binding */ OverviewRulerLane),\n/* harmony export */ "PositionAffinity": () => (/* binding */ PositionAffinity),\n/* harmony export */ "RenderLineNumbersType": () => (/* binding */ RenderLineNumbersType),\n/* harmony export */ "RenderMinimap": () => (/* binding */ RenderMinimap),\n/* harmony export */ "ScrollType": () => (/* binding */ ScrollType),\n/* harmony export */ "ScrollbarVisibility": () => (/* binding */ ScrollbarVisibility),\n/* harmony export */ "SelectionDirection": () => (/* binding */ SelectionDirection),\n/* harmony export */ "SignatureHelpTriggerKind": () => (/* binding */ SignatureHelpTriggerKind),\n/* harmony export */ "SymbolKind": () => (/* binding */ SymbolKind),\n/* harmony export */ "SymbolTag": () => (/* binding */ SymbolTag),\n/* harmony export */ "TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle": () => (/* binding */ TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle),\n/* harmony export */ "TextEditorCursorStyle": () => (/* binding */ TextEditorCursorStyle),\n/* harmony export */ "TrackedRangeStickiness": () => (/* binding */ TrackedRangeStickiness),\n/* harmony export */ "WrappingIndent": () => (/* binding */ WrappingIndent)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n// THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY.\nvar AccessibilitySupport;\n(function (AccessibilitySupport) {\n /**\n * This should be the browser case where it is not known if a screen reader is attached or no.\n */\n AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";\n AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Disabled"] = 1] = "Disabled";\n AccessibilitySupport[AccessibilitySupport["Enabled"] = 2] = "Enabled";\n})(AccessibilitySupport || (AccessibilitySupport = {}));\nvar CompletionItemInsertTextRule;\n(function (CompletionItemInsertTextRule) {\n /**\n * Adjust whitespace/indentation of multiline insert texts to\n * match the current line indentation.\n */\n CompletionItemInsertTextRule[CompletionItemInsertTextRule["KeepWhitespace"] = 1] = "KeepWhitespace";\n /**\n * `insertText` is a snippet.\n */\n CompletionItemInsertTextRule[CompletionItemInsertTextRule["InsertAsSnippet"] = 4] = "InsertAsSnippet";\n})(CompletionItemInsertTextRule || (CompletionItemInsertTextRule = {}));\nvar CompletionItemKind;\n(function (CompletionItemKind) {\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Method"] = 0] = "Method";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Function"] = 1] = "Function";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Constructor"] = 2] = "Constructor";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Field"] = 3] = "Field";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Variable"] = 4] = "Variable";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Class"] = 5] = "Class";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Struct"] = 6] = "Struct";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Interface"] = 7] = "Interface";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Module"] = 8] = "Module";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Property"] = 9] = "Property";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Event"] = 10] = "Event";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Operator"] = 11] = "Operator";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Unit"] = 12] = "Unit";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Value"] = 13] = "Value";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Constant"] = 14] = "Constant";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Enum"] = 15] = "Enum";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["EnumMember"] = 16] = "EnumMember";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Keyword"] = 17] = "Keyword";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Text"] = 18] = "Text";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Color"] = 19] = "Color";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["File"] = 20] = "File";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Reference"] = 21] = "Reference";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Customcolor"] = 22] = "Customcolor";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Folder"] = 23] = "Folder";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["TypeParameter"] = 24] = "TypeParameter";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["User"] = 25] = "User";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Issue"] = 26] = "Issue";\n CompletionItemKind[CompletionItemKind["Snippet"] = 27] = "Snippet";\n})(CompletionItemKind || (CompletionItemKind = {}));\nvar CompletionItemTag;\n(function (CompletionItemTag) {\n CompletionItemTag[CompletionItemTag["Deprecated"] = 1] = "Deprecated";\n})(CompletionItemTag || (CompletionItemTag = {}));\n/**\n * How a suggest provider was triggered.\n */\nvar CompletionTriggerKind;\n(function (CompletionTriggerKind) {\n CompletionTriggerKind[CompletionTriggerKind["Invoke"] = 0] = "Invoke";\n CompletionTriggerKind[CompletionTriggerKind["TriggerCharacter"] = 1] = "TriggerCharacter";\n CompletionTriggerKind[CompletionTriggerKind["TriggerForIncompleteCompletions"] = 2] = "TriggerForIncompleteCompletions";\n})(CompletionTriggerKind || (CompletionTriggerKind = {}));\n/**\n * A positioning preference for rendering content widgets.\n */\nvar ContentWidgetPositionPreference;\n(function (ContentWidgetPositionPreference) {\n /**\n * Place the content widget exactly at a position\n */\n ContentWidgetPositionPreference[ContentWidgetPositionPreference["EXACT"] = 0] = "EXACT";\n /**\n * Place the content widget above a position\n */\n ContentWidgetPositionPreference[ContentWidgetPositionPreference["ABOVE"] = 1] = "ABOVE";\n /**\n * Place the content widget below a position\n */\n ContentWidgetPositionPreference[ContentWidgetPositionPreference["BELOW"] = 2] = "BELOW";\n})(ContentWidgetPositionPreference || (ContentWidgetPositionPreference = {}));\n/**\n * Describes the reason the cursor has changed its position.\n */\nvar CursorChangeReason;\n(function (CursorChangeReason) {\n /**\n * Unknown or not set.\n */\n CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["NotSet"] = 0] = "NotSet";\n /**\n * A `model.setValue()` was called.\n */\n CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["ContentFlush"] = 1] = "ContentFlush";\n /**\n * The `model` has been changed outside of this cursor and the cursor recovers its position from associated markers.\n */\n CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["RecoverFromMarkers"] = 2] = "RecoverFromMarkers";\n /**\n * There was an explicit user gesture.\n */\n CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Explicit"] = 3] = "Explicit";\n /**\n * There was a Paste.\n */\n CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Paste"] = 4] = "Paste";\n /**\n * There was an Undo.\n */\n CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Undo"] = 5] = "Undo";\n /**\n * There was a Redo.\n */\n CursorChangeReason[CursorChangeReason["Redo"] = 6] = "Redo";\n})(CursorChangeReason || (CursorChangeReason = {}));\n/**\n * The default end of line to use when instantiating models.\n */\nvar DefaultEndOfLine;\n(function (DefaultEndOfLine) {\n /**\n * Use line feed (\\n) as the end of line character.\n */\n DefaultEndOfLine[DefaultEndOfLine["LF"] = 1] = "LF";\n /**\n * Use carriage return and line feed (\\r\\n) as the end of line character.\n */\n DefaultEndOfLine[DefaultEndOfLine["CRLF"] = 2] = "CRLF";\n})(DefaultEndOfLine || (DefaultEndOfLine = {}));\n/**\n * A document highlight kind.\n */\nvar DocumentHighlightKind;\n(function (DocumentHighlightKind) {\n /**\n * A textual occurrence.\n */\n DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Text"] = 0] = "Text";\n /**\n * Read-access of a symbol, like reading a variable.\n */\n DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Read"] = 1] = "Read";\n /**\n * Write-access of a symbol, like writing to a variable.\n */\n DocumentHighlightKind[DocumentHighlightKind["Write"] = 2] = "Write";\n})(DocumentHighlightKind || (DocumentHighlightKind = {}));\n/**\n * Configuration options for auto indentation in the editor\n */\nvar EditorAutoIndentStrategy;\n(function (EditorAutoIndentStrategy) {\n EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["None"] = 0] = "None";\n EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Keep"] = 1] = "Keep";\n EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Brackets"] = 2] = "Brackets";\n EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Advanced"] = 3] = "Advanced";\n EditorAutoIndentStrategy[EditorAutoIndentStrategy["Full"] = 4] = "Full";\n})(EditorAutoIndentStrategy || (EditorAutoIndentStrategy = {}));\nvar EditorOption;\n(function (EditorOption) {\n EditorOption[EditorOption["acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter"] = 0] = "acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["acceptSuggestionOnEnter"] = 1] = "acceptSuggestionOnEnter";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["accessibilitySupport"] = 2] = "accessibilitySupport";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["accessibilityPageSize"] = 3] = "accessibilityPageSize";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["ariaLabel"] = 4] = "ariaLabel";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingBrackets"] = 5] = "autoClosingBrackets";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingDelete"] = 6] = "autoClosingDelete";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingOvertype"] = 7] = "autoClosingOvertype";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["autoClosingQuotes"] = 8] = "autoClosingQuotes";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["autoIndent"] = 9] = "autoIndent";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["automaticLayout"] = 10] = "automaticLayout";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["autoSurround"] = 11] = "autoSurround";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["bracketPairColorization"] = 12] = "bracketPairColorization";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["guides"] = 13] = "guides";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["codeLens"] = 14] = "codeLens";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["codeLensFontFamily"] = 15] = "codeLensFontFamily";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["codeLensFontSize"] = 16] = "codeLensFontSize";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["colorDecorators"] = 17] = "colorDecorators";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["columnSelection"] = 18] = "columnSelection";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["comments"] = 19] = "comments";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["contextmenu"] = 20] = "contextmenu";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["copyWithSyntaxHighlighting"] = 21] = "copyWithSyntaxHighlighting";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorBlinking"] = 22] = "cursorBlinking";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorSmoothCaretAnimation"] = 23] = "cursorSmoothCaretAnimation";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorStyle"] = 24] = "cursorStyle";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorSurroundingLines"] = 25] = "cursorSurroundingLines";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorSurroundingLinesStyle"] = 26] = "cursorSurroundingLinesStyle";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["cursorWidth"] = 27] = "cursorWidth";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["disableLayerHinting"] = 28] = "disableLayerHinting";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["disableMonospaceOptimizations"] = 29] = "disableMonospaceOptimizations";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["domReadOnly"] = 30] = "domReadOnly";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["dragAndDrop"] = 31] = "dragAndDrop";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["emptySelectionClipboard"] = 32] = "emptySelectionClipboard";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["extraEditorClassName"] = 33] = "extraEditorClassName";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["fastScrollSensitivity"] = 34] = "fastScrollSensitivity";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["find"] = 35] = "find";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["fixedOverflowWidgets"] = 36] = "fixedOverflowWidgets";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["folding"] = 37] = "folding";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingStrategy"] = 38] = "foldingStrategy";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingHighlight"] = 39] = "foldingHighlight";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingImportsByDefault"] = 40] = "foldingImportsByDefault";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["foldingMaximumRegions"] = 41] = "foldingMaximumRegions";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine"] = 42] = "unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["fontFamily"] = 43] = "fontFamily";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["fontInfo"] = 44] = "fontInfo";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["fontLigatures"] = 45] = "fontLigatures";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["fontSize"] = 46] = "fontSize";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["fontWeight"] = 47] = "fontWeight";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["formatOnPaste"] = 48] = "formatOnPaste";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["formatOnType"] = 49] = "formatOnType";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["glyphMargin"] = 50] = "glyphMargin";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["gotoLocation"] = 51] = "gotoLocation";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["hideCursorInOverviewRuler"] = 52] = "hideCursorInOverviewRuler";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["hover"] = 53] = "hover";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["inDiffEditor"] = 54] = "inDiffEditor";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["inlineSuggest"] = 55] = "inlineSuggest";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["letterSpacing"] = 56] = "letterSpacing";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["lightbulb"] = 57] = "lightbulb";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["lineDecorationsWidth"] = 58] = "lineDecorationsWidth";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["lineHeight"] = 59] = "lineHeight";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["lineNumbers"] = 60] = "lineNumbers";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["lineNumbersMinChars"] = 61] = "lineNumbersMinChars";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["linkedEditing"] = 62] = "linkedEditing";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["links"] = 63] = "links";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["matchBrackets"] = 64] = "matchBrackets";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["minimap"] = 65] = "minimap";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["mouseStyle"] = 66] = "mouseStyle";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["mouseWheelScrollSensitivity"] = 67] = "mouseWheelScrollSensitivity";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["mouseWheelZoom"] = 68] = "mouseWheelZoom";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["multiCursorMergeOverlapping"] = 69] = "multiCursorMergeOverlapping";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["multiCursorModifier"] = 70] = "multiCursorModifier";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["multiCursorPaste"] = 71] = "multiCursorPaste";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["occurrencesHighlight"] = 72] = "occurrencesHighlight";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["overviewRulerBorder"] = 73] = "overviewRulerBorder";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["overviewRulerLanes"] = 74] = "overviewRulerLanes";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["padding"] = 75] = "padding";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["parameterHints"] = 76] = "parameterHints";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["peekWidgetDefaultFocus"] = 77] = "peekWidgetDefaultFocus";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["definitionLinkOpensInPeek"] = 78] = "definitionLinkOpensInPeek";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["quickSuggestions"] = 79] = "quickSuggestions";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["quickSuggestionsDelay"] = 80] = "quickSuggestionsDelay";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["readOnly"] = 81] = "readOnly";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["renameOnType"] = 82] = "renameOnType";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["renderControlCharacters"] = 83] = "renderControlCharacters";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["renderFinalNewline"] = 84] = "renderFinalNewline";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["renderLineHighlight"] = 85] = "renderLineHighlight";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus"] = 86] = "renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["renderValidationDecorations"] = 87] = "renderValidationDecorations";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["renderWhitespace"] = 88] = "renderWhitespace";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["revealHorizontalRightPadding"] = 89] = "revealHorizontalRightPadding";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["roundedSelection"] = 90] = "roundedSelection";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["rulers"] = 91] = "rulers";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollbar"] = 92] = "scrollbar";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollBeyondLastColumn"] = 93] = "scrollBeyondLastColumn";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollBeyondLastLine"] = 94] = "scrollBeyondLastLine";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["scrollPredominantAxis"] = 95] = "scrollPredominantAxis";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["selectionClipboard"] = 96] = "selectionClipboard";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["selectionHighlight"] = 97] = "selectionHighlight";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["selectOnLineNumbers"] = 98] = "selectOnLineNumbers";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["showFoldingControls"] = 99] = "showFoldingControls";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["showUnused"] = 100] = "showUnused";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["snippetSuggestions"] = 101] = "snippetSuggestions";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["smartSelect"] = 102] = "smartSelect";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["smoothScrolling"] = 103] = "smoothScrolling";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["stickyTabStops"] = 104] = "stickyTabStops";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["stopRenderingLineAfter"] = 105] = "stopRenderingLineAfter";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["suggest"] = 106] = "suggest";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestFontSize"] = 107] = "suggestFontSize";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestLineHeight"] = 108] = "suggestLineHeight";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestOnTriggerCharacters"] = 109] = "suggestOnTriggerCharacters";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["suggestSelection"] = 110] = "suggestSelection";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["tabCompletion"] = 111] = "tabCompletion";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["tabIndex"] = 112] = "tabIndex";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["unicodeHighlighting"] = 113] = "unicodeHighlighting";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["unusualLineTerminators"] = 114] = "unusualLineTerminators";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["useShadowDOM"] = 115] = "useShadowDOM";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["useTabStops"] = 116] = "useTabStops";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wordSeparators"] = 117] = "wordSeparators";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrap"] = 118] = "wordWrap";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters"] = 119] = "wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters"] = 120] = "wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapColumn"] = 121] = "wordWrapColumn";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapOverride1"] = 122] = "wordWrapOverride1";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wordWrapOverride2"] = 123] = "wordWrapOverride2";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wrappingIndent"] = 124] = "wrappingIndent";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wrappingStrategy"] = 125] = "wrappingStrategy";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["showDeprecated"] = 126] = "showDeprecated";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["inlayHints"] = 127] = "inlayHints";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["editorClassName"] = 128] = "editorClassName";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["pixelRatio"] = 129] = "pixelRatio";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["tabFocusMode"] = 130] = "tabFocusMode";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["layoutInfo"] = 131] = "layoutInfo";\n EditorOption[EditorOption["wrappingInfo"] = 132] = "wrappingInfo";\n})(EditorOption || (EditorOption = {}));\n/**\n * End of line character preference.\n */\nvar EndOfLinePreference;\n(function (EndOfLinePreference) {\n /**\n * Use the end of line character identified in the text buffer.\n */\n EndOfLinePreference[EndOfLinePreference["TextDefined"] = 0] = "TextDefined";\n /**\n * Use line feed (\\n) as the end of line character.\n */\n EndOfLinePreference[EndOfLinePreference["LF"] = 1] = "LF";\n /**\n * Use carriage return and line feed (\\r\\n) as the end of line character.\n */\n EndOfLinePreference[EndOfLinePreference["CRLF"] = 2] = "CRLF";\n})(EndOfLinePreference || (EndOfLinePreference = {}));\n/**\n * End of line character preference.\n */\nvar EndOfLineSequence;\n(function (EndOfLineSequence) {\n /**\n * Use line feed (\\n) as the end of line character.\n */\n EndOfLineSequence[EndOfLineSequence["LF"] = 0] = "LF";\n /**\n * Use carriage return and line feed (\\r\\n) as the end of line character.\n */\n EndOfLineSequence[EndOfLineSequence["CRLF"] = 1] = "CRLF";\n})(EndOfLineSequence || (EndOfLineSequence = {}));\n/**\n * Describes what to do with the indentation when pressing Enter.\n */\nvar IndentAction;\n(function (IndentAction) {\n /**\n * Insert new line and copy the previous line\'s indentation.\n */\n IndentAction[IndentAction["None"] = 0] = "None";\n /**\n * Insert new line and indent once (relative to the previous line\'s indentation).\n */\n IndentAction[IndentAction["Indent"] = 1] = "Indent";\n /**\n * Insert two new lines:\n * - the first one indented which will hold the cursor\n * - the second one at the same indentation level\n */\n IndentAction[IndentAction["IndentOutdent"] = 2] = "IndentOutdent";\n /**\n * Insert new line and outdent once (relative to the previous line\'s indentation).\n */\n IndentAction[IndentAction["Outdent"] = 3] = "Outdent";\n})(IndentAction || (IndentAction = {}));\nvar InjectedTextCursorStops;\n(function (InjectedTextCursorStops) {\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Both"] = 0] = "Both";\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Right"] = 1] = "Right";\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["Left"] = 2] = "Left";\n InjectedTextCursorStops[InjectedTextCursorStops["None"] = 3] = "None";\n})(InjectedTextCursorStops || (InjectedTextCursorStops = {}));\nvar InlayHintKind;\n(function (InlayHintKind) {\n InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Type"] = 1] = "Type";\n InlayHintKind[InlayHintKind["Parameter"] = 2] = "Parameter";\n})(InlayHintKind || (InlayHintKind = {}));\n/**\n * How an {@link InlineCompletionsProvider inline completion provider} was triggered.\n */\nvar InlineCompletionTriggerKind;\n(function (InlineCompletionTriggerKind) {\n /**\n * Completion was triggered automatically while editing.\n * It is sufficient to return a single completion item in this case.\n */\n InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind["Automatic"] = 0] = "Automatic";\n /**\n * Completion was triggered explicitly by a user gesture.\n * Return multiple completion items to enable cycling through them.\n */\n InlineCompletionTriggerKind[InlineCompletionTriggerKind["Explicit"] = 1] = "Explicit";\n})(InlineCompletionTriggerKind || (InlineCompletionTriggerKind = {}));\n/**\n * Virtual Key Codes, the value does not hold any inherent meaning.\n * Inspired somewhat from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx\n * But these are "more general", as they should work across browsers & OS`s.\n */\nvar KeyCode;\n(function (KeyCode) {\n KeyCode[KeyCode["DependsOnKbLayout"] = -1] = "DependsOnKbLayout";\n /**\n * Placed first to cover the 0 value of the enum.\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Backspace"] = 1] = "Backspace";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Tab"] = 2] = "Tab";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Enter"] = 3] = "Enter";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Shift"] = 4] = "Shift";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Ctrl"] = 5] = "Ctrl";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Alt"] = 6] = "Alt";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["PauseBreak"] = 7] = "PauseBreak";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["CapsLock"] = 8] = "CapsLock";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Escape"] = 9] = "Escape";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Space"] = 10] = "Space";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["PageUp"] = 11] = "PageUp";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["PageDown"] = 12] = "PageDown";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["End"] = 13] = "End";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Home"] = 14] = "Home";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["LeftArrow"] = 15] = "LeftArrow";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["UpArrow"] = 16] = "UpArrow";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["RightArrow"] = 17] = "RightArrow";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["DownArrow"] = 18] = "DownArrow";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Insert"] = 19] = "Insert";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Delete"] = 20] = "Delete";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit0"] = 21] = "Digit0";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit1"] = 22] = "Digit1";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit2"] = 23] = "Digit2";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit3"] = 24] = "Digit3";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit4"] = 25] = "Digit4";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit5"] = 26] = "Digit5";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit6"] = 27] = "Digit6";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit7"] = 28] = "Digit7";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit8"] = 29] = "Digit8";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Digit9"] = 30] = "Digit9";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyA"] = 31] = "KeyA";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyB"] = 32] = "KeyB";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyC"] = 33] = "KeyC";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyD"] = 34] = "KeyD";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyE"] = 35] = "KeyE";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyF"] = 36] = "KeyF";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyG"] = 37] = "KeyG";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyH"] = 38] = "KeyH";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyI"] = 39] = "KeyI";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyJ"] = 40] = "KeyJ";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyK"] = 41] = "KeyK";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyL"] = 42] = "KeyL";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyM"] = 43] = "KeyM";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyN"] = 44] = "KeyN";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyO"] = 45] = "KeyO";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyP"] = 46] = "KeyP";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyQ"] = 47] = "KeyQ";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyR"] = 48] = "KeyR";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyS"] = 49] = "KeyS";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyT"] = 50] = "KeyT";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyU"] = 51] = "KeyU";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyV"] = 52] = "KeyV";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyW"] = 53] = "KeyW";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyX"] = 54] = "KeyX";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyY"] = 55] = "KeyY";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KeyZ"] = 56] = "KeyZ";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Meta"] = 57] = "Meta";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["ContextMenu"] = 58] = "ContextMenu";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F1"] = 59] = "F1";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F2"] = 60] = "F2";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F3"] = 61] = "F3";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F4"] = 62] = "F4";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F5"] = 63] = "F5";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F6"] = 64] = "F6";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F7"] = 65] = "F7";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F8"] = 66] = "F8";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F9"] = 67] = "F9";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F10"] = 68] = "F10";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F11"] = 69] = "F11";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F12"] = 70] = "F12";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F13"] = 71] = "F13";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F14"] = 72] = "F14";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F15"] = 73] = "F15";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F16"] = 74] = "F16";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F17"] = 75] = "F17";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F18"] = 76] = "F18";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["F19"] = 77] = "F19";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["NumLock"] = 78] = "NumLock";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["ScrollLock"] = 79] = "ScrollLock";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \';:\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Semicolon"] = 80] = "Semicolon";\n /**\n * For any country/region, the \'+\' key\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'=+\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Equal"] = 81] = "Equal";\n /**\n * For any country/region, the \',\' key\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \',<\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Comma"] = 82] = "Comma";\n /**\n * For any country/region, the \'-\' key\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'-_\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Minus"] = 83] = "Minus";\n /**\n * For any country/region, the \'.\' key\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'.>\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Period"] = 84] = "Period";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'/?\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Slash"] = 85] = "Slash";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'`~\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Backquote"] = 86] = "Backquote";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'[{\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["BracketLeft"] = 87] = "BracketLeft";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'\\|\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Backslash"] = 88] = "Backslash";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \']}\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["BracketRight"] = 89] = "BracketRight";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n * For the US standard keyboard, the \'\'"\' key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Quote"] = 90] = "Quote";\n /**\n * Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["OEM_8"] = 91] = "OEM_8";\n /**\n * Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard.\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["IntlBackslash"] = 92] = "IntlBackslash";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad0"] = 93] = "Numpad0";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad1"] = 94] = "Numpad1";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad2"] = 95] = "Numpad2";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad3"] = 96] = "Numpad3";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad4"] = 97] = "Numpad4";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad5"] = 98] = "Numpad5";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad6"] = 99] = "Numpad6";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad7"] = 100] = "Numpad7";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad8"] = 101] = "Numpad8";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Numpad9"] = 102] = "Numpad9";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadMultiply"] = 103] = "NumpadMultiply";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadAdd"] = 104] = "NumpadAdd";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["NUMPAD_SEPARATOR"] = 105] = "NUMPAD_SEPARATOR";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadSubtract"] = 106] = "NumpadSubtract";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadDecimal"] = 107] = "NumpadDecimal";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["NumpadDivide"] = 108] = "NumpadDivide";\n /**\n * Cover all key codes when IME is processing input.\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["KEY_IN_COMPOSITION"] = 109] = "KEY_IN_COMPOSITION";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C1"] = 110] = "ABNT_C1";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["ABNT_C2"] = 111] = "ABNT_C2";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["AudioVolumeMute"] = 112] = "AudioVolumeMute";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["AudioVolumeUp"] = 113] = "AudioVolumeUp";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["AudioVolumeDown"] = 114] = "AudioVolumeDown";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserSearch"] = 115] = "BrowserSearch";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserHome"] = 116] = "BrowserHome";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserBack"] = 117] = "BrowserBack";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["BrowserForward"] = 118] = "BrowserForward";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaTrackNext"] = 119] = "MediaTrackNext";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaTrackPrevious"] = 120] = "MediaTrackPrevious";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaStop"] = 121] = "MediaStop";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["MediaPlayPause"] = 122] = "MediaPlayPause";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["LaunchMediaPlayer"] = 123] = "LaunchMediaPlayer";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["LaunchMail"] = 124] = "LaunchMail";\n KeyCode[KeyCode["LaunchApp2"] = 125] = "LaunchApp2";\n /**\n * VK_CLEAR, 0x0C, CLEAR key\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["Clear"] = 126] = "Clear";\n /**\n * Placed last to cover the length of the enum.\n * Please do not depend on this value!\n */\n KeyCode[KeyCode["MAX_VALUE"] = 127] = "MAX_VALUE";\n})(KeyCode || (KeyCode = {}));\nvar MarkerSeverity;\n(function (MarkerSeverity) {\n MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Hint"] = 1] = "Hint";\n MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Info"] = 2] = "Info";\n MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Warning"] = 4] = "Warning";\n MarkerSeverity[MarkerSeverity["Error"] = 8] = "Error";\n})(MarkerSeverity || (MarkerSeverity = {}));\nvar MarkerTag;\n(function (MarkerTag) {\n MarkerTag[MarkerTag["Unnecessary"] = 1] = "Unnecessary";\n MarkerTag[MarkerTag["Deprecated"] = 2] = "Deprecated";\n})(MarkerTag || (MarkerTag = {}));\n/**\n * Position in the minimap to render the decoration.\n */\nvar MinimapPosition;\n(function (MinimapPosition) {\n MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Inline"] = 1] = "Inline";\n MinimapPosition[MinimapPosition["Gutter"] = 2] = "Gutter";\n})(MinimapPosition || (MinimapPosition = {}));\n/**\n * Type of hit element with the mouse in the editor.\n */\nvar MouseTargetType;\n(function (MouseTargetType) {\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of an unknown element.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["UNKNOWN"] = 0] = "UNKNOWN";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of the textarea used for input.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["TEXTAREA"] = 1] = "TEXTAREA";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of the glyph margin\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_GLYPH_MARGIN"] = 2] = "GUTTER_GLYPH_MARGIN";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of the line numbers\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_LINE_NUMBERS"] = 3] = "GUTTER_LINE_NUMBERS";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of the line decorations\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_LINE_DECORATIONS"] = 4] = "GUTTER_LINE_DECORATIONS";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of the whitespace left in the gutter by a view zone.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["GUTTER_VIEW_ZONE"] = 5] = "GUTTER_VIEW_ZONE";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of text in the content.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_TEXT"] = 6] = "CONTENT_TEXT";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of empty space in the content (e.g. after line text or below last line)\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_EMPTY"] = 7] = "CONTENT_EMPTY";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of a view zone in the content.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_VIEW_ZONE"] = 8] = "CONTENT_VIEW_ZONE";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of a content widget.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["CONTENT_WIDGET"] = 9] = "CONTENT_WIDGET";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of the decorations overview ruler.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["OVERVIEW_RULER"] = 10] = "OVERVIEW_RULER";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of a scrollbar.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["SCROLLBAR"] = 11] = "SCROLLBAR";\n /**\n * Mouse is on top of an overlay widget.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["OVERLAY_WIDGET"] = 12] = "OVERLAY_WIDGET";\n /**\n * Mouse is outside of the editor.\n */\n MouseTargetType[MouseTargetType["OUTSIDE_EDITOR"] = 13] = "OUTSIDE_EDITOR";\n})(MouseTargetType || (MouseTargetType = {}));\n/**\n * A positioning preference for rendering overlay widgets.\n */\nvar OverlayWidgetPositionPreference;\n(function (OverlayWidgetPositionPreference) {\n /**\n * Position the overlay widget in the top right corner\n */\n OverlayWidgetPositionPreference[OverlayWidgetPositionPreference["TOP_RIGHT_CORNER"] = 0] = "TOP_RIGHT_CORNER";\n /**\n * Position the overlay widget in the bottom right corner\n */\n OverlayWidgetPositionPreference[OverlayWidgetPositionPreference["BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER"] = 1] = "BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER";\n /**\n * Position the overlay widget in the top center\n */\n OverlayWidgetPositionPreference[OverlayWidgetPositionPreference["TOP_CENTER"] = 2] = "TOP_CENTER";\n})(OverlayWidgetPositionPreference || (OverlayWidgetPositionPreference = {}));\n/**\n * Vertical Lane in the overview ruler of the editor.\n */\nvar OverviewRulerLane;\n(function (OverviewRulerLane) {\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Left"] = 1] = "Left";\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Center"] = 2] = "Center";\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Right"] = 4] = "Right";\n OverviewRulerLane[OverviewRulerLane["Full"] = 7] = "Full";\n})(OverviewRulerLane || (OverviewRulerLane = {}));\nvar PositionAffinity;\n(function (PositionAffinity) {\n /**\n * Prefers the left most position.\n */\n PositionAffinity[PositionAffinity["Left"] = 0] = "Left";\n /**\n * Prefers the right most position.\n */\n PositionAffinity[PositionAffinity["Right"] = 1] = "Right";\n /**\n * No preference.\n */\n PositionAffinity[PositionAffinity["None"] = 2] = "None";\n})(PositionAffinity || (PositionAffinity = {}));\nvar RenderLineNumbersType;\n(function (RenderLineNumbersType) {\n RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Off"] = 0] = "Off";\n RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["On"] = 1] = "On";\n RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Relative"] = 2] = "Relative";\n RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Interval"] = 3] = "Interval";\n RenderLineNumbersType[RenderLineNumbersType["Custom"] = 4] = "Custom";\n})(RenderLineNumbersType || (RenderLineNumbersType = {}));\nvar RenderMinimap;\n(function (RenderMinimap) {\n RenderMinimap[RenderMinimap["None"] = 0] = "None";\n RenderMinimap[RenderMinimap["Text"] = 1] = "Text";\n RenderMinimap[RenderMinimap["Blocks"] = 2] = "Blocks";\n})(RenderMinimap || (RenderMinimap = {}));\nvar ScrollType;\n(function (ScrollType) {\n ScrollType[ScrollType["Smooth"] = 0] = "Smooth";\n ScrollType[ScrollType["Immediate"] = 1] = "Immediate";\n})(ScrollType || (ScrollType = {}));\nvar ScrollbarVisibility;\n(function (ScrollbarVisibility) {\n ScrollbarVisibility[ScrollbarVisibility["Auto"] = 1] = "Auto";\n ScrollbarVisibility[ScrollbarVisibility["Hidden"] = 2] = "Hidden";\n ScrollbarVisibility[ScrollbarVisibility["Visible"] = 3] = "Visible";\n})(ScrollbarVisibility || (ScrollbarVisibility = {}));\n/**\n * The direction of a selection.\n */\nvar SelectionDirection;\n(function (SelectionDirection) {\n /**\n * The selection starts above where it ends.\n */\n SelectionDirection[SelectionDirection["LTR"] = 0] = "LTR";\n /**\n * The selection starts below where it ends.\n */\n SelectionDirection[SelectionDirection["RTL"] = 1] = "RTL";\n})(SelectionDirection || (SelectionDirection = {}));\nvar SignatureHelpTriggerKind;\n(function (SignatureHelpTriggerKind) {\n SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["Invoke"] = 1] = "Invoke";\n SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["TriggerCharacter"] = 2] = "TriggerCharacter";\n SignatureHelpTriggerKind[SignatureHelpTriggerKind["ContentChange"] = 3] = "ContentChange";\n})(SignatureHelpTriggerKind || (SignatureHelpTriggerKind = {}));\n/**\n * A symbol kind.\n */\nvar SymbolKind;\n(function (SymbolKind) {\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["File"] = 0] = "File";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Module"] = 1] = "Module";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Namespace"] = 2] = "Namespace";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Package"] = 3] = "Package";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Class"] = 4] = "Class";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Method"] = 5] = "Method";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Property"] = 6] = "Property";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Field"] = 7] = "Field";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Constructor"] = 8] = "Constructor";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Enum"] = 9] = "Enum";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Interface"] = 10] = "Interface";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Function"] = 11] = "Function";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Variable"] = 12] = "Variable";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Constant"] = 13] = "Constant";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["String"] = 14] = "String";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Number"] = 15] = "Number";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Boolean"] = 16] = "Boolean";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Array"] = 17] = "Array";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Object"] = 18] = "Object";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Key"] = 19] = "Key";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Null"] = 20] = "Null";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["EnumMember"] = 21] = "EnumMember";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Struct"] = 22] = "Struct";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Event"] = 23] = "Event";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["Operator"] = 24] = "Operator";\n SymbolKind[SymbolKind["TypeParameter"] = 25] = "TypeParameter";\n})(SymbolKind || (SymbolKind = {}));\nvar SymbolTag;\n(function (SymbolTag) {\n SymbolTag[SymbolTag["Deprecated"] = 1] = "Deprecated";\n})(SymbolTag || (SymbolTag = {}));\n/**\n * The kind of animation in which the editor\'s cursor should be rendered.\n */\nvar TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle;\n(function (TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle) {\n /**\n * Hidden\n */\n TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Hidden"] = 0] = "Hidden";\n /**\n * Blinking\n */\n TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Blink"] = 1] = "Blink";\n /**\n * Blinking with smooth fading\n */\n TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Smooth"] = 2] = "Smooth";\n /**\n * Blinking with prolonged filled state and smooth fading\n */\n TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Phase"] = 3] = "Phase";\n /**\n * Expand collapse animation on the y axis\n */\n TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Expand"] = 4] = "Expand";\n /**\n * No-Blinking\n */\n TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle[TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle["Solid"] = 5] = "Solid";\n})(TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle || (TextEditorCursorBlinkingStyle = {}));\n/**\n * The style in which the editor\'s cursor should be rendered.\n */\nvar TextEditorCursorStyle;\n(function (TextEditorCursorStyle) {\n /**\n * As a vertical line (sitting between two characters).\n */\n TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["Line"] = 1] = "Line";\n /**\n * As a block (sitting on top of a character).\n */\n TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["Block"] = 2] = "Block";\n /**\n * As a horizontal line (sitting under a character).\n */\n TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["Underline"] = 3] = "Underline";\n /**\n * As a thin vertical line (sitting between two characters).\n */\n TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["LineThin"] = 4] = "LineThin";\n /**\n * As an outlined block (sitting on top of a character).\n */\n TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["BlockOutline"] = 5] = "BlockOutline";\n /**\n * As a thin horizontal line (sitting under a character).\n */\n TextEditorCursorStyle[TextEditorCursorStyle["UnderlineThin"] = 6] = "UnderlineThin";\n})(TextEditorCursorStyle || (TextEditorCursorStyle = {}));\n/**\n * Describes the behavior of decorations when typing/editing near their edges.\n * Note: Please do not edit the values, as they very carefully match `DecorationRangeBehavior`\n */\nvar TrackedRangeStickiness;\n(function (TrackedRangeStickiness) {\n TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges"] = 0] = "AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges";\n TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges"] = 1] = "NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges";\n TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore"] = 2] = "GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore";\n TrackedRangeStickiness[TrackedRangeStickiness["GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter"] = 3] = "GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter";\n})(TrackedRangeStickiness || (TrackedRangeStickiness = {}));\n/**\n * Describes how to indent wrapped lines.\n */\nvar WrappingIndent;\n(function (WrappingIndent) {\n /**\n * No indentation => wrapped lines begin at column 1.\n */\n WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["None"] = 0] = "None";\n /**\n * Same => wrapped lines get the same indentation as the parent.\n */\n WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["Same"] = 1] = "Same";\n /**\n * Indent => wrapped lines get +1 indentation toward the parent.\n */\n WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["Indent"] = 2] = "Indent";\n /**\n * DeepIndent => wrapped lines get +2 indentation toward the parent.\n */\n WrappingIndent[WrappingIndent["DeepIndent"] = 3] = "DeepIndent";\n})(WrappingIndent || (WrappingIndent = {}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneEnums.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/tokenizationRegistry.js": /*!*********************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/tokenizationRegistry.js ***! \*********************************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "TokenizationRegistry": () => (/* binding */ TokenizationRegistry)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../base/common/event.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/event.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../base/common/lifecycle.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/lifecycle.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nvar __awaiter = (undefined && undefined.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\n });\n};\n\n\nclass TokenizationRegistry {\n constructor() {\n this._map = new Map();\n this._factories = new Map();\n this._onDidChange = new _base_common_event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Emitter();\n this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;\n this._colorMap = null;\n }\n fire(languages) {\n this._onDidChange.fire({\n changedLanguages: languages,\n changedColorMap: false\n });\n }\n register(language, support) {\n this._map.set(language, support);\n this.fire([language]);\n return (0,_base_common_lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toDisposable)(() => {\n if (this._map.get(language) !== support) {\n return;\n }\n this._map.delete(language);\n this.fire([language]);\n });\n }\n registerFactory(languageId, factory) {\n var _a;\n (_a = this._factories.get(languageId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.dispose();\n const myData = new TokenizationSupportFactoryData(this, languageId, factory);\n this._factories.set(languageId, myData);\n return (0,_base_common_lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.toDisposable)(() => {\n const v = this._factories.get(languageId);\n if (!v || v !== myData) {\n return;\n }\n this._factories.delete(languageId);\n v.dispose();\n });\n }\n getOrCreate(languageId) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n // check first if the support is already set\n const tokenizationSupport = this.get(languageId);\n if (tokenizationSupport) {\n return tokenizationSupport;\n }\n const factory = this._factories.get(languageId);\n if (!factory || factory.isResolved) {\n // no factory or factory.resolve already finished\n return null;\n }\n yield factory.resolve();\n return this.get(languageId);\n });\n }\n get(language) {\n return (this._map.get(language) || null);\n }\n isResolved(languageId) {\n const tokenizationSupport = this.get(languageId);\n if (tokenizationSupport) {\n return true;\n }\n const factory = this._factories.get(languageId);\n if (!factory || factory.isResolved) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n setColorMap(colorMap) {\n this._colorMap = colorMap;\n this._onDidChange.fire({\n changedLanguages: Array.from(this._map.keys()),\n changedColorMap: true\n });\n }\n getColorMap() {\n return this._colorMap;\n }\n getDefaultBackground() {\n if (this._colorMap && this._colorMap.length > 2 /* DefaultBackground */) {\n return this._colorMap[2 /* DefaultBackground */];\n }\n return null;\n }\n}\nclass TokenizationSupportFactoryData extends _base_common_lifecycle_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Disposable {\n constructor(_registry, _languageId, _factory) {\n super();\n this._registry = _registry;\n this._languageId = _languageId;\n this._factory = _factory;\n this._isDisposed = false;\n this._resolvePromise = null;\n this._isResolved = false;\n }\n get isResolved() {\n return this._isResolved;\n }\n dispose() {\n this._isDisposed = true;\n super.dispose();\n }\n resolve() {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n if (!this._resolvePromise) {\n this._resolvePromise = this._create();\n }\n return this._resolvePromise;\n });\n }\n _create() {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\n const value = yield Promise.resolve(this._factory.createTokenizationSupport());\n this._isResolved = true;\n if (value && !this._isDisposed) {\n this._register(this._registry.register(this._languageId, value));\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/tokenizationRegistry.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker.js": /*!*******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker.js ***! \*******************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ "initialize": () => (/* binding */ initialize)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _base_common_worker_simpleWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../base/common/worker/simpleWorker.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker.js");\n/* harmony import */ var _common_services_editorSimpleWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./common/services/editorSimpleWorker.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker.js");\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\nlet initialized = false;\nfunction initialize(foreignModule) {\n if (initialized) {\n return;\n }\n initialized = true;\n const simpleWorker = new _base_common_worker_simpleWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SimpleWorkerServer((msg) => {\n self.postMessage(msg);\n }, (host) => new _common_services_editorSimpleWorker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EditorSimpleWorker(host, foreignModule));\n self.onmessage = (e) => {\n simpleWorker.onmessage(e.data);\n };\n}\nself.onmessage = (e) => {\n // Ignore first message in this case and initialize if not yet initialized\n if (!initialized) {\n initialize(null);\n }\n};\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://monanco_wpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker.js?')},"./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/css/css.worker.js": /*!**********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/css/css.worker.js ***! \**********************************************************************/(__unused_webpack_module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__)=>{eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _editor_editor_worker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../editor/editor.worker.js */ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker.js");\n/*!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n * Version: 0.33.0(4b1abad427e58dbedc1215d99a0902ffc885fcd4)\n * Released under the MIT license\n * https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/blob/main/LICENSE.txt\n *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n// src/language/css/css.worker.ts\n\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/cssScanner.js\nvar TokenType;\n(function(TokenType2) {\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Ident"] = 0] = "Ident";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["AtKeyword"] = 1] = "AtKeyword";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["String"] = 2] = "String";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["BadString"] = 3] = "BadString";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["UnquotedString"] = 4] = "UnquotedString";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Hash"] = 5] = "Hash";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Num"] = 6] = "Num";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Percentage"] = 7] = "Percentage";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Dimension"] = 8] = "Dimension";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["UnicodeRange"] = 9] = "UnicodeRange";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["CDO"] = 10] = "CDO";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["CDC"] = 11] = "CDC";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Colon"] = 12] = "Colon";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["SemiColon"] = 13] = "SemiColon";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["CurlyL"] = 14] = "CurlyL";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["CurlyR"] = 15] = "CurlyR";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["ParenthesisL"] = 16] = "ParenthesisL";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["ParenthesisR"] = 17] = "ParenthesisR";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["BracketL"] = 18] = "BracketL";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["BracketR"] = 19] = "BracketR";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Whitespace"] = 20] = "Whitespace";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Includes"] = 21] = "Includes";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Dashmatch"] = 22] = "Dashmatch";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["SubstringOperator"] = 23] = "SubstringOperator";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["PrefixOperator"] = 24] = "PrefixOperator";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["SuffixOperator"] = 25] = "SuffixOperator";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Delim"] = 26] = "Delim";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["EMS"] = 27] = "EMS";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["EXS"] = 28] = "EXS";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Length"] = 29] = "Length";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Angle"] = 30] = "Angle";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Time"] = 31] = "Time";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Freq"] = 32] = "Freq";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Exclamation"] = 33] = "Exclamation";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Resolution"] = 34] = "Resolution";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Comma"] = 35] = "Comma";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Charset"] = 36] = "Charset";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["EscapedJavaScript"] = 37] = "EscapedJavaScript";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["BadEscapedJavaScript"] = 38] = "BadEscapedJavaScript";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["Comment"] = 39] = "Comment";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["SingleLineComment"] = 40] = "SingleLineComment";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["EOF"] = 41] = "EOF";\n TokenType2[TokenType2["CustomToken"] = 42] = "CustomToken";\n})(TokenType || (TokenType = {}));\nvar MultiLineStream = function() {\n function MultiLineStream2(source) {\n this.source = source;\n this.len = source.length;\n this.position = 0;\n }\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.substring = function(from, to) {\n if (to === void 0) {\n to = this.position;\n }\n return this.source.substring(from, to);\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.eos = function() {\n return this.len <= this.position;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.pos = function() {\n return this.position;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.goBackTo = function(pos) {\n this.position = pos;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.goBack = function(n) {\n this.position -= n;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.advance = function(n) {\n this.position += n;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.nextChar = function() {\n return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position++) || 0;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.peekChar = function(n) {\n if (n === void 0) {\n n = 0;\n }\n return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + n) || 0;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.lookbackChar = function(n) {\n if (n === void 0) {\n n = 0;\n }\n return this.source.charCodeAt(this.position - n) || 0;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.advanceIfChar = function(ch) {\n if (ch === this.source.charCodeAt(this.position)) {\n this.position++;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.advanceIfChars = function(ch) {\n if (this.position + ch.length > this.source.length) {\n return false;\n }\n var i = 0;\n for (; i < ch.length; i++) {\n if (this.source.charCodeAt(this.position + i) !== ch[i]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n this.advance(i);\n return true;\n };\n MultiLineStream2.prototype.advanceWhileChar = function(condition) {\n var posNow = this.position;\n while (this.position < this.len && condition(this.source.charCodeAt(this.position))) {\n this.position++;\n }\n return this.position - posNow;\n };\n return MultiLineStream2;\n}();\nvar _a = "a".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _f = "f".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _z = "z".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _A = "A".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _F = "F".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _Z = "Z".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _0 = "0".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _9 = "9".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _TLD = "~".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _HAT = "^".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _EQS = "=".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _PIP = "|".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _MIN = "-".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _USC = "_".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _PRC = "%".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _MUL = "*".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _LPA = "(".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _RPA = ")".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _LAN = "<".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _RAN = ">".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _ATS = "@".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _HSH = "#".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _DLR = "$".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _BSL = "\\\\".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _FSL = "/".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _NWL = "\\n".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _CAR = "\\r".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _LFD = "\\f".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _DQO = \'"\'.charCodeAt(0);\nvar _SQO = "\'".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _WSP = " ".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _TAB = "\t".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _SEM = ";".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _COL = ":".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _CUL = "{".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _CUR = "}".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _BRL = "[".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _BRR = "]".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _CMA = ",".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _DOT = ".".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _BNG = "!".charCodeAt(0);\nvar staticTokenTable = {};\nstaticTokenTable[_SEM] = TokenType.SemiColon;\nstaticTokenTable[_COL] = TokenType.Colon;\nstaticTokenTable[_CUL] = TokenType.CurlyL;\nstaticTokenTable[_CUR] = TokenType.CurlyR;\nstaticTokenTable[_BRR] = TokenType.BracketR;\nstaticTokenTable[_BRL] = TokenType.BracketL;\nstaticTokenTable[_LPA] = TokenType.ParenthesisL;\nstaticTokenTable[_RPA] = TokenType.ParenthesisR;\nstaticTokenTable[_CMA] = TokenType.Comma;\nvar staticUnitTable = {};\nstaticUnitTable["em"] = TokenType.EMS;\nstaticUnitTable["ex"] = TokenType.EXS;\nstaticUnitTable["px"] = TokenType.Length;\nstaticUnitTable["cm"] = TokenType.Length;\nstaticUnitTable["mm"] = TokenType.Length;\nstaticUnitTable["in"] = TokenType.Length;\nstaticUnitTable["pt"] = TokenType.Length;\nstaticUnitTable["pc"] = TokenType.Length;\nstaticUnitTable["deg"] = TokenType.Angle;\nstaticUnitTable["rad"] = TokenType.Angle;\nstaticUnitTable["grad"] = TokenType.Angle;\nstaticUnitTable["ms"] = TokenType.Time;\nstaticUnitTable["s"] = TokenType.Time;\nstaticUnitTable["hz"] = TokenType.Freq;\nstaticUnitTable["khz"] = TokenType.Freq;\nstaticUnitTable["%"] = TokenType.Percentage;\nstaticUnitTable["fr"] = TokenType.Percentage;\nstaticUnitTable["dpi"] = TokenType.Resolution;\nstaticUnitTable["dpcm"] = TokenType.Resolution;\nvar Scanner = function() {\n function Scanner2() {\n this.stream = new MultiLineStream("");\n this.ignoreComment = true;\n this.ignoreWhitespace = true;\n this.inURL = false;\n }\n Scanner2.prototype.setSource = function(input) {\n this.stream = new MultiLineStream(input);\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.finishToken = function(offset, type, text) {\n return {\n offset,\n len: this.stream.pos() - offset,\n type,\n text: text || this.stream.substring(offset)\n };\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.substring = function(offset, len) {\n return this.stream.substring(offset, offset + len);\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.pos = function() {\n return this.stream.pos();\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.goBackTo = function(pos) {\n this.stream.goBackTo(pos);\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.scanUnquotedString = function() {\n var offset = this.stream.pos();\n var content = [];\n if (this._unquotedString(content)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.UnquotedString, content.join(""));\n }\n return null;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.scan = function() {\n var triviaToken = this.trivia();\n if (triviaToken !== null) {\n return triviaToken;\n }\n var offset = this.stream.pos();\n if (this.stream.eos()) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.EOF);\n }\n return this.scanNext(offset);\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.scanNext = function(offset) {\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_LAN, _BNG, _MIN, _MIN])) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.CDO);\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_MIN, _MIN, _RAN])) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.CDC);\n }\n var content = [];\n if (this.ident(content)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Ident, content.join(""));\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_ATS)) {\n content = ["@"];\n if (this._name(content)) {\n var keywordText = content.join("");\n if (keywordText === "@charset") {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Charset, keywordText);\n }\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.AtKeyword, keywordText);\n } else {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);\n }\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_HSH)) {\n content = ["#"];\n if (this._name(content)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Hash, content.join(""));\n } else {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);\n }\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_BNG)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Exclamation);\n }\n if (this._number()) {\n var pos = this.stream.pos();\n content = [this.stream.substring(offset, pos)];\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_PRC)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Percentage);\n } else if (this.ident(content)) {\n var dim = this.stream.substring(pos).toLowerCase();\n var tokenType_1 = staticUnitTable[dim];\n if (typeof tokenType_1 !== "undefined") {\n return this.finishToken(offset, tokenType_1, content.join(""));\n } else {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Dimension, content.join(""));\n }\n }\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Num);\n }\n content = [];\n var tokenType = this._string(content);\n if (tokenType !== null) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, tokenType, content.join(""));\n }\n tokenType = staticTokenTable[this.stream.peekChar()];\n if (typeof tokenType !== "undefined") {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n return this.finishToken(offset, tokenType);\n }\n if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _TLD && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {\n this.stream.advance(2);\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Includes);\n }\n if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _PIP && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {\n this.stream.advance(2);\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Dashmatch);\n }\n if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _MUL && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {\n this.stream.advance(2);\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.SubstringOperator);\n }\n if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _HAT && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {\n this.stream.advance(2);\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.PrefixOperator);\n }\n if (this.stream.peekChar(0) === _DLR && this.stream.peekChar(1) === _EQS) {\n this.stream.advance(2);\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.SuffixOperator);\n }\n this.stream.nextChar();\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.trivia = function() {\n while (true) {\n var offset = this.stream.pos();\n if (this._whitespace()) {\n if (!this.ignoreWhitespace) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Whitespace);\n }\n } else if (this.comment()) {\n if (!this.ignoreComment) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Comment);\n }\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.comment = function() {\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_FSL, _MUL])) {\n var success_1 = false, hot_1 = false;\n this.stream.advanceWhileChar(function(ch) {\n if (hot_1 && ch === _FSL) {\n success_1 = true;\n return false;\n }\n hot_1 = ch === _MUL;\n return true;\n });\n if (success_1) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._number = function() {\n var npeek = 0, ch;\n if (this.stream.peekChar() === _DOT) {\n npeek = 1;\n }\n ch = this.stream.peekChar(npeek);\n if (ch >= _0 && ch <= _9) {\n this.stream.advance(npeek + 1);\n this.stream.advanceWhileChar(function(ch2) {\n return ch2 >= _0 && ch2 <= _9 || npeek === 0 && ch2 === _DOT;\n });\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._newline = function(result) {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n switch (ch) {\n case _CAR:\n case _LFD:\n case _NWL:\n this.stream.advance(1);\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(ch));\n if (ch === _CAR && this.stream.advanceIfChar(_NWL)) {\n result.push("\\n");\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._escape = function(result, includeNewLines) {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n if (ch === _BSL) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n var hexNumCount = 0;\n while (hexNumCount < 6 && (ch >= _0 && ch <= _9 || ch >= _a && ch <= _f || ch >= _A && ch <= _F)) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n hexNumCount++;\n }\n if (hexNumCount > 0) {\n try {\n var hexVal = parseInt(this.stream.substring(this.stream.pos() - hexNumCount), 16);\n if (hexVal) {\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(hexVal));\n }\n } catch (e) {\n }\n if (ch === _WSP || ch === _TAB) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n } else {\n this._newline([]);\n }\n return true;\n }\n if (ch !== _CAR && ch !== _LFD && ch !== _NWL) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(ch));\n return true;\n } else if (includeNewLines) {\n return this._newline(result);\n }\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._stringChar = function(closeQuote, result) {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n if (ch !== 0 && ch !== closeQuote && ch !== _BSL && ch !== _CAR && ch !== _LFD && ch !== _NWL) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(ch));\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._string = function(result) {\n if (this.stream.peekChar() === _SQO || this.stream.peekChar() === _DQO) {\n var closeQuote = this.stream.nextChar();\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(closeQuote));\n while (this._stringChar(closeQuote, result) || this._escape(result, true)) {\n }\n if (this.stream.peekChar() === closeQuote) {\n this.stream.nextChar();\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(closeQuote));\n return TokenType.String;\n } else {\n return TokenType.BadString;\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._unquotedChar = function(result) {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n if (ch !== 0 && ch !== _BSL && ch !== _SQO && ch !== _DQO && ch !== _LPA && ch !== _RPA && ch !== _WSP && ch !== _TAB && ch !== _NWL && ch !== _LFD && ch !== _CAR) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(ch));\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._unquotedString = function(result) {\n var hasContent = false;\n while (this._unquotedChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {\n hasContent = true;\n }\n return hasContent;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._whitespace = function() {\n var n = this.stream.advanceWhileChar(function(ch) {\n return ch === _WSP || ch === _TAB || ch === _NWL || ch === _LFD || ch === _CAR;\n });\n return n > 0;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._name = function(result) {\n var matched = false;\n while (this._identChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {\n matched = true;\n }\n return matched;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype.ident = function(result) {\n var pos = this.stream.pos();\n var hasMinus = this._minus(result);\n if (hasMinus) {\n if (this._minus(result) || this._identFirstChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {\n while (this._identChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {\n }\n return true;\n }\n } else if (this._identFirstChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {\n while (this._identChar(result) || this._escape(result)) {\n }\n return true;\n }\n this.stream.goBackTo(pos);\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._identFirstChar = function(result) {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n if (ch === _USC || ch >= _a && ch <= _z || ch >= _A && ch <= _Z || ch >= 128 && ch <= 65535) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(ch));\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._minus = function(result) {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n if (ch === _MIN) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(ch));\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Scanner2.prototype._identChar = function(result) {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n if (ch === _USC || ch === _MIN || ch >= _a && ch <= _z || ch >= _A && ch <= _Z || ch >= _0 && ch <= _9 || ch >= 128 && ch <= 65535) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n result.push(String.fromCharCode(ch));\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n return Scanner2;\n}();\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/utils/strings.js\nfunction startsWith(haystack, needle) {\n if (haystack.length < needle.length) {\n return false;\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < needle.length; i++) {\n if (haystack[i] !== needle[i]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\nfunction endsWith(haystack, needle) {\n var diff = haystack.length - needle.length;\n if (diff > 0) {\n return haystack.lastIndexOf(needle) === diff;\n } else if (diff === 0) {\n return haystack === needle;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction difference(first, second, maxLenDelta) {\n if (maxLenDelta === void 0) {\n maxLenDelta = 4;\n }\n var lengthDifference = Math.abs(first.length - second.length);\n if (lengthDifference > maxLenDelta) {\n return 0;\n }\n var LCS = [];\n var zeroArray = [];\n var i, j;\n for (i = 0; i < second.length + 1; ++i) {\n zeroArray.push(0);\n }\n for (i = 0; i < first.length + 1; ++i) {\n LCS.push(zeroArray);\n }\n for (i = 1; i < first.length + 1; ++i) {\n for (j = 1; j < second.length + 1; ++j) {\n if (first[i - 1] === second[j - 1]) {\n LCS[i][j] = LCS[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;\n } else {\n LCS[i][j] = Math.max(LCS[i - 1][j], LCS[i][j - 1]);\n }\n }\n }\n return LCS[first.length][second.length] - Math.sqrt(lengthDifference);\n}\nfunction getLimitedString(str, ellipsis) {\n if (ellipsis === void 0) {\n ellipsis = true;\n }\n if (!str) {\n return "";\n }\n if (str.length < 140) {\n return str;\n }\n return str.slice(0, 140) + (ellipsis ? "\\u2026" : "");\n}\nfunction trim(str, regexp) {\n var m = regexp.exec(str);\n if (m && m[0].length) {\n return str.substr(0, str.length - m[0].length);\n }\n return str;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/cssNodes.js\nvar __extends = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar NodeType;\n(function(NodeType2) {\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Identifier"] = 1] = "Identifier";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Stylesheet"] = 2] = "Stylesheet";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Ruleset"] = 3] = "Ruleset";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Selector"] = 4] = "Selector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SimpleSelector"] = 5] = "SimpleSelector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SelectorInterpolation"] = 6] = "SelectorInterpolation";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SelectorCombinator"] = 7] = "SelectorCombinator";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SelectorCombinatorParent"] = 8] = "SelectorCombinatorParent";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SelectorCombinatorSibling"] = 9] = "SelectorCombinatorSibling";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings"] = 10] = "SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant"] = 11] = "SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Page"] = 12] = "Page";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["PageBoxMarginBox"] = 13] = "PageBoxMarginBox";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ClassSelector"] = 14] = "ClassSelector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["IdentifierSelector"] = 15] = "IdentifierSelector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ElementNameSelector"] = 16] = "ElementNameSelector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["PseudoSelector"] = 17] = "PseudoSelector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["AttributeSelector"] = 18] = "AttributeSelector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Declaration"] = 19] = "Declaration";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Declarations"] = 20] = "Declarations";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Property"] = 21] = "Property";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Expression"] = 22] = "Expression";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["BinaryExpression"] = 23] = "BinaryExpression";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Term"] = 24] = "Term";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Operator"] = 25] = "Operator";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Value"] = 26] = "Value";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["StringLiteral"] = 27] = "StringLiteral";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["URILiteral"] = 28] = "URILiteral";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["EscapedValue"] = 29] = "EscapedValue";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Function"] = 30] = "Function";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["NumericValue"] = 31] = "NumericValue";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["HexColorValue"] = 32] = "HexColorValue";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["RatioValue"] = 33] = "RatioValue";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["MixinDeclaration"] = 34] = "MixinDeclaration";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["MixinReference"] = 35] = "MixinReference";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["VariableName"] = 36] = "VariableName";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["VariableDeclaration"] = 37] = "VariableDeclaration";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Prio"] = 38] = "Prio";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Interpolation"] = 39] = "Interpolation";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["NestedProperties"] = 40] = "NestedProperties";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ExtendsReference"] = 41] = "ExtendsReference";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SelectorPlaceholder"] = 42] = "SelectorPlaceholder";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Debug"] = 43] = "Debug";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["If"] = 44] = "If";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Else"] = 45] = "Else";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["For"] = 46] = "For";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Each"] = 47] = "Each";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["While"] = 48] = "While";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["MixinContentReference"] = 49] = "MixinContentReference";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["MixinContentDeclaration"] = 50] = "MixinContentDeclaration";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Media"] = 51] = "Media";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Keyframe"] = 52] = "Keyframe";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["FontFace"] = 53] = "FontFace";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Import"] = 54] = "Import";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Namespace"] = 55] = "Namespace";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Invocation"] = 56] = "Invocation";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["FunctionDeclaration"] = 57] = "FunctionDeclaration";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ReturnStatement"] = 58] = "ReturnStatement";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["MediaQuery"] = 59] = "MediaQuery";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["MediaCondition"] = 60] = "MediaCondition";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["MediaFeature"] = 61] = "MediaFeature";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["FunctionParameter"] = 62] = "FunctionParameter";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["FunctionArgument"] = 63] = "FunctionArgument";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["KeyframeSelector"] = 64] = "KeyframeSelector";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ViewPort"] = 65] = "ViewPort";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Document"] = 66] = "Document";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["AtApplyRule"] = 67] = "AtApplyRule";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["CustomPropertyDeclaration"] = 68] = "CustomPropertyDeclaration";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["CustomPropertySet"] = 69] = "CustomPropertySet";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ListEntry"] = 70] = "ListEntry";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Supports"] = 71] = "Supports";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["SupportsCondition"] = 72] = "SupportsCondition";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["NamespacePrefix"] = 73] = "NamespacePrefix";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["GridLine"] = 74] = "GridLine";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Plugin"] = 75] = "Plugin";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["UnknownAtRule"] = 76] = "UnknownAtRule";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Use"] = 77] = "Use";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ModuleConfiguration"] = 78] = "ModuleConfiguration";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Forward"] = 79] = "Forward";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["ForwardVisibility"] = 80] = "ForwardVisibility";\n NodeType2[NodeType2["Module"] = 81] = "Module";\n})(NodeType || (NodeType = {}));\nvar ReferenceType;\n(function(ReferenceType2) {\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Mixin"] = 0] = "Mixin";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Rule"] = 1] = "Rule";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Variable"] = 2] = "Variable";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Function"] = 3] = "Function";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Keyframe"] = 4] = "Keyframe";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Unknown"] = 5] = "Unknown";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Module"] = 6] = "Module";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["Forward"] = 7] = "Forward";\n ReferenceType2[ReferenceType2["ForwardVisibility"] = 8] = "ForwardVisibility";\n})(ReferenceType || (ReferenceType = {}));\nfunction getNodeAtOffset(node, offset) {\n var candidate = null;\n if (!node || offset < node.offset || offset > node.end) {\n return null;\n }\n node.accept(function(node2) {\n if (node2.offset === -1 && node2.length === -1) {\n return true;\n }\n if (node2.offset <= offset && node2.end >= offset) {\n if (!candidate) {\n candidate = node2;\n } else if (node2.length <= candidate.length) {\n candidate = node2;\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n });\n return candidate;\n}\nfunction getNodePath(node, offset) {\n var candidate = getNodeAtOffset(node, offset);\n var path = [];\n while (candidate) {\n path.unshift(candidate);\n candidate = candidate.parent;\n }\n return path;\n}\nfunction getParentDeclaration(node) {\n var decl = node.findParent(NodeType.Declaration);\n var value = decl && decl.getValue();\n if (value && value.encloses(node)) {\n return decl;\n }\n return null;\n}\nvar Node = function() {\n function Node2(offset, len, nodeType) {\n if (offset === void 0) {\n offset = -1;\n }\n if (len === void 0) {\n len = -1;\n }\n this.parent = null;\n this.offset = offset;\n this.length = len;\n if (nodeType) {\n this.nodeType = nodeType;\n }\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Node2.prototype, "end", {\n get: function() {\n return this.offset + this.length;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Node2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return this.nodeType || NodeType.Undefined;\n },\n set: function(type) {\n this.nodeType = type;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Node2.prototype.getTextProvider = function() {\n var node = this;\n while (node && !node.textProvider) {\n node = node.parent;\n }\n if (node) {\n return node.textProvider;\n }\n return function() {\n return "unknown";\n };\n };\n Node2.prototype.getText = function() {\n return this.getTextProvider()(this.offset, this.length);\n };\n Node2.prototype.matches = function(str) {\n return this.length === str.length && this.getTextProvider()(this.offset, this.length) === str;\n };\n Node2.prototype.startsWith = function(str) {\n return this.length >= str.length && this.getTextProvider()(this.offset, str.length) === str;\n };\n Node2.prototype.endsWith = function(str) {\n return this.length >= str.length && this.getTextProvider()(this.end - str.length, str.length) === str;\n };\n Node2.prototype.accept = function(visitor) {\n if (visitor(this) && this.children) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = this.children; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var child = _a2[_i];\n child.accept(visitor);\n }\n }\n };\n Node2.prototype.acceptVisitor = function(visitor) {\n this.accept(visitor.visitNode.bind(visitor));\n };\n Node2.prototype.adoptChild = function(node, index) {\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = -1;\n }\n if (node.parent && node.parent.children) {\n var idx = node.parent.children.indexOf(node);\n if (idx >= 0) {\n node.parent.children.splice(idx, 1);\n }\n }\n node.parent = this;\n var children = this.children;\n if (!children) {\n children = this.children = [];\n }\n if (index !== -1) {\n children.splice(index, 0, node);\n } else {\n children.push(node);\n }\n return node;\n };\n Node2.prototype.attachTo = function(parent, index) {\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = -1;\n }\n if (parent) {\n parent.adoptChild(this, index);\n }\n return this;\n };\n Node2.prototype.collectIssues = function(results) {\n if (this.issues) {\n results.push.apply(results, this.issues);\n }\n };\n Node2.prototype.addIssue = function(issue) {\n if (!this.issues) {\n this.issues = [];\n }\n this.issues.push(issue);\n };\n Node2.prototype.hasIssue = function(rule) {\n return Array.isArray(this.issues) && this.issues.some(function(i) {\n return i.getRule() === rule;\n });\n };\n Node2.prototype.isErroneous = function(recursive) {\n if (recursive === void 0) {\n recursive = false;\n }\n if (this.issues && this.issues.length > 0) {\n return true;\n }\n return recursive && Array.isArray(this.children) && this.children.some(function(c) {\n return c.isErroneous(true);\n });\n };\n Node2.prototype.setNode = function(field, node, index) {\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = -1;\n }\n if (node) {\n node.attachTo(this, index);\n this[field] = node;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Node2.prototype.addChild = function(node) {\n if (node) {\n if (!this.children) {\n this.children = [];\n }\n node.attachTo(this);\n this.updateOffsetAndLength(node);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Node2.prototype.updateOffsetAndLength = function(node) {\n if (node.offset < this.offset || this.offset === -1) {\n this.offset = node.offset;\n }\n var nodeEnd = node.end;\n if (nodeEnd > this.end || this.length === -1) {\n this.length = nodeEnd - this.offset;\n }\n };\n Node2.prototype.hasChildren = function() {\n return !!this.children && this.children.length > 0;\n };\n Node2.prototype.getChildren = function() {\n return this.children ? this.children.slice(0) : [];\n };\n Node2.prototype.getChild = function(index) {\n if (this.children && index < this.children.length) {\n return this.children[index];\n }\n return null;\n };\n Node2.prototype.addChildren = function(nodes) {\n for (var _i = 0, nodes_1 = nodes; _i < nodes_1.length; _i++) {\n var node = nodes_1[_i];\n this.addChild(node);\n }\n };\n Node2.prototype.findFirstChildBeforeOffset = function(offset) {\n if (this.children) {\n var current = null;\n for (var i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n current = this.children[i];\n if (current.offset <= offset) {\n return current;\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n Node2.prototype.findChildAtOffset = function(offset, goDeep) {\n var current = this.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(offset);\n if (current && current.end >= offset) {\n if (goDeep) {\n return current.findChildAtOffset(offset, true) || current;\n }\n return current;\n }\n return null;\n };\n Node2.prototype.encloses = function(candidate) {\n return this.offset <= candidate.offset && this.offset + this.length >= candidate.offset + candidate.length;\n };\n Node2.prototype.getParent = function() {\n var result = this.parent;\n while (result instanceof Nodelist) {\n result = result.parent;\n }\n return result;\n };\n Node2.prototype.findParent = function(type) {\n var result = this;\n while (result && result.type !== type) {\n result = result.parent;\n }\n return result;\n };\n Node2.prototype.findAParent = function() {\n var types = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n types[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n var result = this;\n while (result && !types.some(function(t) {\n return result.type === t;\n })) {\n result = result.parent;\n }\n return result;\n };\n Node2.prototype.setData = function(key, value) {\n if (!this.options) {\n this.options = {};\n }\n this.options[key] = value;\n };\n Node2.prototype.getData = function(key) {\n if (!this.options || !this.options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n return null;\n }\n return this.options[key];\n };\n return Node2;\n}();\nvar Nodelist = function(_super) {\n __extends(Nodelist2, _super);\n function Nodelist2(parent, index) {\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = -1;\n }\n var _this = _super.call(this, -1, -1) || this;\n _this.attachTo(parent, index);\n _this.offset = -1;\n _this.length = -1;\n return _this;\n }\n return Nodelist2;\n}(Node);\nvar Identifier = function(_super) {\n __extends(Identifier2, _super);\n function Identifier2(offset, length) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n _this.isCustomProperty = false;\n return _this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Identifier2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Identifier;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Identifier2.prototype.containsInterpolation = function() {\n return this.hasChildren();\n };\n return Identifier2;\n}(Node);\nvar Stylesheet = function(_super) {\n __extends(Stylesheet2, _super);\n function Stylesheet2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Stylesheet2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Stylesheet;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Stylesheet2;\n}(Node);\nvar Declarations = function(_super) {\n __extends(Declarations2, _super);\n function Declarations2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Declarations2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Declarations;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Declarations2;\n}(Node);\nvar BodyDeclaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(BodyDeclaration2, _super);\n function BodyDeclaration2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n BodyDeclaration2.prototype.getDeclarations = function() {\n return this.declarations;\n };\n BodyDeclaration2.prototype.setDeclarations = function(decls) {\n return this.setNode("declarations", decls);\n };\n return BodyDeclaration2;\n}(Node);\nvar RuleSet = function(_super) {\n __extends(RuleSet2, _super);\n function RuleSet2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(RuleSet2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Ruleset;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n RuleSet2.prototype.getSelectors = function() {\n if (!this.selectors) {\n this.selectors = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.selectors;\n };\n RuleSet2.prototype.isNested = function() {\n return !!this.parent && this.parent.findParent(NodeType.Declarations) !== null;\n };\n return RuleSet2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Selector = function(_super) {\n __extends(Selector2, _super);\n function Selector2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Selector2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Selector;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Selector2;\n}(Node);\nvar SimpleSelector = function(_super) {\n __extends(SimpleSelector2, _super);\n function SimpleSelector2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(SimpleSelector2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.SimpleSelector;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return SimpleSelector2;\n}(Node);\nvar AtApplyRule = function(_super) {\n __extends(AtApplyRule2, _super);\n function AtApplyRule2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(AtApplyRule2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.AtApplyRule;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n AtApplyRule2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n AtApplyRule2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n AtApplyRule2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n return AtApplyRule2;\n}(Node);\nvar AbstractDeclaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(AbstractDeclaration2, _super);\n function AbstractDeclaration2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n return AbstractDeclaration2;\n}(Node);\nvar CustomPropertySet = function(_super) {\n __extends(CustomPropertySet2, _super);\n function CustomPropertySet2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(CustomPropertySet2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.CustomPropertySet;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return CustomPropertySet2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Declaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(Declaration2, _super);\n function Declaration2(offset, length) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n _this.property = null;\n return _this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Declaration2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Declaration;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Declaration2.prototype.setProperty = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("property", node);\n };\n Declaration2.prototype.getProperty = function() {\n return this.property;\n };\n Declaration2.prototype.getFullPropertyName = function() {\n var propertyName = this.property ? this.property.getName() : "unknown";\n if (this.parent instanceof Declarations && this.parent.getParent() instanceof NestedProperties) {\n var parentDecl = this.parent.getParent().getParent();\n if (parentDecl instanceof Declaration2) {\n return parentDecl.getFullPropertyName() + propertyName;\n }\n }\n return propertyName;\n };\n Declaration2.prototype.getNonPrefixedPropertyName = function() {\n var propertyName = this.getFullPropertyName();\n if (propertyName && propertyName.charAt(0) === "-") {\n var vendorPrefixEnd = propertyName.indexOf("-", 1);\n if (vendorPrefixEnd !== -1) {\n return propertyName.substring(vendorPrefixEnd + 1);\n }\n }\n return propertyName;\n };\n Declaration2.prototype.setValue = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("value", value);\n };\n Declaration2.prototype.getValue = function() {\n return this.value;\n };\n Declaration2.prototype.setNestedProperties = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("nestedProperties", value);\n };\n Declaration2.prototype.getNestedProperties = function() {\n return this.nestedProperties;\n };\n return Declaration2;\n}(AbstractDeclaration);\nvar CustomPropertyDeclaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(CustomPropertyDeclaration2, _super);\n function CustomPropertyDeclaration2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(CustomPropertyDeclaration2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.CustomPropertyDeclaration;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n CustomPropertyDeclaration2.prototype.setPropertySet = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("propertySet", value);\n };\n CustomPropertyDeclaration2.prototype.getPropertySet = function() {\n return this.propertySet;\n };\n return CustomPropertyDeclaration2;\n}(Declaration);\nvar Property = function(_super) {\n __extends(Property2, _super);\n function Property2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Property2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Property;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Property2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", value);\n };\n Property2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n Property2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return trim(this.getText(), /[_\\+]+$/);\n };\n Property2.prototype.isCustomProperty = function() {\n return !!this.identifier && this.identifier.isCustomProperty;\n };\n return Property2;\n}(Node);\nvar Invocation = function(_super) {\n __extends(Invocation2, _super);\n function Invocation2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Invocation2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Invocation;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Invocation2.prototype.getArguments = function() {\n if (!this.arguments) {\n this.arguments = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.arguments;\n };\n return Invocation2;\n}(Node);\nvar Function = function(_super) {\n __extends(Function2, _super);\n function Function2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Function2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Function;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Function2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n Function2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n Function2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n return Function2;\n}(Invocation);\nvar FunctionParameter = function(_super) {\n __extends(FunctionParameter2, _super);\n function FunctionParameter2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(FunctionParameter2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.FunctionParameter;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n FunctionParameter2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n FunctionParameter2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n FunctionParameter2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n FunctionParameter2.prototype.setDefaultValue = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("defaultValue", node, 0);\n };\n FunctionParameter2.prototype.getDefaultValue = function() {\n return this.defaultValue;\n };\n return FunctionParameter2;\n}(Node);\nvar FunctionArgument = function(_super) {\n __extends(FunctionArgument2, _super);\n function FunctionArgument2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(FunctionArgument2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.FunctionArgument;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n FunctionArgument2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n FunctionArgument2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n FunctionArgument2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n FunctionArgument2.prototype.setValue = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("value", node, 0);\n };\n FunctionArgument2.prototype.getValue = function() {\n return this.value;\n };\n return FunctionArgument2;\n}(Node);\nvar IfStatement = function(_super) {\n __extends(IfStatement2, _super);\n function IfStatement2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(IfStatement2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.If;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n IfStatement2.prototype.setExpression = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("expression", node, 0);\n };\n IfStatement2.prototype.setElseClause = function(elseClause) {\n return this.setNode("elseClause", elseClause);\n };\n return IfStatement2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar ForStatement = function(_super) {\n __extends(ForStatement2, _super);\n function ForStatement2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(ForStatement2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.For;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n ForStatement2.prototype.setVariable = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("variable", node, 0);\n };\n return ForStatement2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar EachStatement = function(_super) {\n __extends(EachStatement2, _super);\n function EachStatement2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(EachStatement2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Each;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n EachStatement2.prototype.getVariables = function() {\n if (!this.variables) {\n this.variables = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.variables;\n };\n return EachStatement2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar WhileStatement = function(_super) {\n __extends(WhileStatement2, _super);\n function WhileStatement2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(WhileStatement2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.While;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return WhileStatement2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar ElseStatement = function(_super) {\n __extends(ElseStatement2, _super);\n function ElseStatement2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(ElseStatement2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Else;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return ElseStatement2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar FunctionDeclaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(FunctionDeclaration2, _super);\n function FunctionDeclaration2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(FunctionDeclaration2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.FunctionDeclaration;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n FunctionDeclaration2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n FunctionDeclaration2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n FunctionDeclaration2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n FunctionDeclaration2.prototype.getParameters = function() {\n if (!this.parameters) {\n this.parameters = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.parameters;\n };\n return FunctionDeclaration2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar ViewPort = function(_super) {\n __extends(ViewPort2, _super);\n function ViewPort2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(ViewPort2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.ViewPort;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return ViewPort2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar FontFace = function(_super) {\n __extends(FontFace2, _super);\n function FontFace2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(FontFace2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.FontFace;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return FontFace2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar NestedProperties = function(_super) {\n __extends(NestedProperties2, _super);\n function NestedProperties2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(NestedProperties2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.NestedProperties;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return NestedProperties2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Keyframe = function(_super) {\n __extends(Keyframe2, _super);\n function Keyframe2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Keyframe2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Keyframe;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Keyframe2.prototype.setKeyword = function(keyword) {\n return this.setNode("keyword", keyword, 0);\n };\n Keyframe2.prototype.getKeyword = function() {\n return this.keyword;\n };\n Keyframe2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n Keyframe2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n Keyframe2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n return Keyframe2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar KeyframeSelector = function(_super) {\n __extends(KeyframeSelector2, _super);\n function KeyframeSelector2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(KeyframeSelector2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.KeyframeSelector;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return KeyframeSelector2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Import = function(_super) {\n __extends(Import2, _super);\n function Import2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Import2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Import;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Import2.prototype.setMedialist = function(node) {\n if (node) {\n node.attachTo(this);\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n return Import2;\n}(Node);\nvar Use = function(_super) {\n __extends(Use2, _super);\n function Use2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Use2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Use;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Use2.prototype.getParameters = function() {\n if (!this.parameters) {\n this.parameters = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.parameters;\n };\n Use2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n Use2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n return Use2;\n}(Node);\nvar ModuleConfiguration = function(_super) {\n __extends(ModuleConfiguration2, _super);\n function ModuleConfiguration2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(ModuleConfiguration2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.ModuleConfiguration;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n ModuleConfiguration2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n ModuleConfiguration2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n ModuleConfiguration2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n ModuleConfiguration2.prototype.setValue = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("value", node, 0);\n };\n ModuleConfiguration2.prototype.getValue = function() {\n return this.value;\n };\n return ModuleConfiguration2;\n}(Node);\nvar Forward = function(_super) {\n __extends(Forward2, _super);\n function Forward2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Forward2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Forward;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Forward2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n Forward2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n Forward2.prototype.getMembers = function() {\n if (!this.members) {\n this.members = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.members;\n };\n Forward2.prototype.getParameters = function() {\n if (!this.parameters) {\n this.parameters = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.parameters;\n };\n return Forward2;\n}(Node);\nvar ForwardVisibility = function(_super) {\n __extends(ForwardVisibility2, _super);\n function ForwardVisibility2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(ForwardVisibility2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.ForwardVisibility;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n ForwardVisibility2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n ForwardVisibility2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n return ForwardVisibility2;\n}(Node);\nvar Namespace = function(_super) {\n __extends(Namespace2, _super);\n function Namespace2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Namespace2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Namespace;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Namespace2;\n}(Node);\nvar Media = function(_super) {\n __extends(Media2, _super);\n function Media2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Media2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Media;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Media2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Supports = function(_super) {\n __extends(Supports2, _super);\n function Supports2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Supports2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Supports;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Supports2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Document = function(_super) {\n __extends(Document2, _super);\n function Document2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Document2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Document;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Document2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Medialist = function(_super) {\n __extends(Medialist2, _super);\n function Medialist2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Medialist2.prototype.getMediums = function() {\n if (!this.mediums) {\n this.mediums = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.mediums;\n };\n return Medialist2;\n}(Node);\nvar MediaQuery = function(_super) {\n __extends(MediaQuery2, _super);\n function MediaQuery2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MediaQuery2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.MediaQuery;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return MediaQuery2;\n}(Node);\nvar MediaCondition = function(_super) {\n __extends(MediaCondition2, _super);\n function MediaCondition2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MediaCondition2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.MediaCondition;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return MediaCondition2;\n}(Node);\nvar MediaFeature = function(_super) {\n __extends(MediaFeature2, _super);\n function MediaFeature2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MediaFeature2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.MediaFeature;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return MediaFeature2;\n}(Node);\nvar SupportsCondition = function(_super) {\n __extends(SupportsCondition2, _super);\n function SupportsCondition2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(SupportsCondition2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.SupportsCondition;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return SupportsCondition2;\n}(Node);\nvar Page = function(_super) {\n __extends(Page2, _super);\n function Page2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Page2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Page;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Page2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar PageBoxMarginBox = function(_super) {\n __extends(PageBoxMarginBox2, _super);\n function PageBoxMarginBox2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(PageBoxMarginBox2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.PageBoxMarginBox;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return PageBoxMarginBox2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar Expression = function(_super) {\n __extends(Expression2, _super);\n function Expression2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Expression2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Expression;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Expression2;\n}(Node);\nvar BinaryExpression = function(_super) {\n __extends(BinaryExpression2, _super);\n function BinaryExpression2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(BinaryExpression2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.BinaryExpression;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n BinaryExpression2.prototype.setLeft = function(left) {\n return this.setNode("left", left);\n };\n BinaryExpression2.prototype.getLeft = function() {\n return this.left;\n };\n BinaryExpression2.prototype.setRight = function(right) {\n return this.setNode("right", right);\n };\n BinaryExpression2.prototype.getRight = function() {\n return this.right;\n };\n BinaryExpression2.prototype.setOperator = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("operator", value);\n };\n BinaryExpression2.prototype.getOperator = function() {\n return this.operator;\n };\n return BinaryExpression2;\n}(Node);\nvar Term = function(_super) {\n __extends(Term2, _super);\n function Term2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Term2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Term;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Term2.prototype.setOperator = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("operator", value);\n };\n Term2.prototype.getOperator = function() {\n return this.operator;\n };\n Term2.prototype.setExpression = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("expression", value);\n };\n Term2.prototype.getExpression = function() {\n return this.expression;\n };\n return Term2;\n}(Node);\nvar AttributeSelector = function(_super) {\n __extends(AttributeSelector2, _super);\n function AttributeSelector2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(AttributeSelector2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.AttributeSelector;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.setNamespacePrefix = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("namespacePrefix", value);\n };\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.getNamespacePrefix = function() {\n return this.namespacePrefix;\n };\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", value);\n };\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.setOperator = function(operator) {\n return this.setNode("operator", operator);\n };\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.getOperator = function() {\n return this.operator;\n };\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.setValue = function(value) {\n return this.setNode("value", value);\n };\n AttributeSelector2.prototype.getValue = function() {\n return this.value;\n };\n return AttributeSelector2;\n}(Node);\nvar Operator = function(_super) {\n __extends(Operator2, _super);\n function Operator2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Operator2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Operator;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Operator2;\n}(Node);\nvar HexColorValue = function(_super) {\n __extends(HexColorValue2, _super);\n function HexColorValue2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(HexColorValue2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.HexColorValue;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return HexColorValue2;\n}(Node);\nvar RatioValue = function(_super) {\n __extends(RatioValue2, _super);\n function RatioValue2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(RatioValue2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.RatioValue;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return RatioValue2;\n}(Node);\nvar _dot = ".".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _02 = "0".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _92 = "9".charCodeAt(0);\nvar NumericValue = function(_super) {\n __extends(NumericValue2, _super);\n function NumericValue2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(NumericValue2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.NumericValue;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n NumericValue2.prototype.getValue = function() {\n var raw = this.getText();\n var unitIdx = 0;\n var code;\n for (var i = 0, len = raw.length; i < len; i++) {\n code = raw.charCodeAt(i);\n if (!(_02 <= code && code <= _92 || code === _dot)) {\n break;\n }\n unitIdx += 1;\n }\n return {\n value: raw.substring(0, unitIdx),\n unit: unitIdx < raw.length ? raw.substring(unitIdx) : void 0\n };\n };\n return NumericValue2;\n}(Node);\nvar VariableDeclaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(VariableDeclaration2, _super);\n function VariableDeclaration2(offset, length) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n _this.variable = null;\n _this.value = null;\n _this.needsSemicolon = true;\n return _this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(VariableDeclaration2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.VariableDeclaration;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n VariableDeclaration2.prototype.setVariable = function(node) {\n if (node) {\n node.attachTo(this);\n this.variable = node;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n VariableDeclaration2.prototype.getVariable = function() {\n return this.variable;\n };\n VariableDeclaration2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.variable ? this.variable.getName() : "";\n };\n VariableDeclaration2.prototype.setValue = function(node) {\n if (node) {\n node.attachTo(this);\n this.value = node;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n VariableDeclaration2.prototype.getValue = function() {\n return this.value;\n };\n return VariableDeclaration2;\n}(AbstractDeclaration);\nvar Interpolation = function(_super) {\n __extends(Interpolation2, _super);\n function Interpolation2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Interpolation2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Interpolation;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Interpolation2;\n}(Node);\nvar Variable = function(_super) {\n __extends(Variable2, _super);\n function Variable2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Variable2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.VariableName;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Variable2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.getText();\n };\n return Variable2;\n}(Node);\nvar ExtendsReference = function(_super) {\n __extends(ExtendsReference2, _super);\n function ExtendsReference2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(ExtendsReference2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.ExtendsReference;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n ExtendsReference2.prototype.getSelectors = function() {\n if (!this.selectors) {\n this.selectors = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.selectors;\n };\n return ExtendsReference2;\n}(Node);\nvar MixinContentReference = function(_super) {\n __extends(MixinContentReference2, _super);\n function MixinContentReference2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MixinContentReference2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.MixinContentReference;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n MixinContentReference2.prototype.getArguments = function() {\n if (!this.arguments) {\n this.arguments = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.arguments;\n };\n return MixinContentReference2;\n}(Node);\nvar MixinContentDeclaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(MixinContentDeclaration2, _super);\n function MixinContentDeclaration2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MixinContentDeclaration2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.MixinContentReference;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n MixinContentDeclaration2.prototype.getParameters = function() {\n if (!this.parameters) {\n this.parameters = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.parameters;\n };\n return MixinContentDeclaration2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar MixinReference = function(_super) {\n __extends(MixinReference2, _super);\n function MixinReference2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MixinReference2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.MixinReference;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n MixinReference2.prototype.getNamespaces = function() {\n if (!this.namespaces) {\n this.namespaces = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.namespaces;\n };\n MixinReference2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n MixinReference2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n MixinReference2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n MixinReference2.prototype.getArguments = function() {\n if (!this.arguments) {\n this.arguments = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.arguments;\n };\n MixinReference2.prototype.setContent = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("content", node);\n };\n MixinReference2.prototype.getContent = function() {\n return this.content;\n };\n return MixinReference2;\n}(Node);\nvar MixinDeclaration = function(_super) {\n __extends(MixinDeclaration2, _super);\n function MixinDeclaration2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(MixinDeclaration2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.MixinDeclaration;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n MixinDeclaration2.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n MixinDeclaration2.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n MixinDeclaration2.prototype.getName = function() {\n return this.identifier ? this.identifier.getText() : "";\n };\n MixinDeclaration2.prototype.getParameters = function() {\n if (!this.parameters) {\n this.parameters = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.parameters;\n };\n MixinDeclaration2.prototype.setGuard = function(node) {\n if (node) {\n node.attachTo(this);\n this.guard = node;\n }\n return false;\n };\n return MixinDeclaration2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar UnknownAtRule = function(_super) {\n __extends(UnknownAtRule2, _super);\n function UnknownAtRule2(offset, length) {\n return _super.call(this, offset, length) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(UnknownAtRule2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.UnknownAtRule;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n UnknownAtRule2.prototype.setAtRuleName = function(atRuleName) {\n this.atRuleName = atRuleName;\n };\n UnknownAtRule2.prototype.getAtRuleName = function() {\n return this.atRuleName;\n };\n return UnknownAtRule2;\n}(BodyDeclaration);\nvar ListEntry = function(_super) {\n __extends(ListEntry2, _super);\n function ListEntry2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(ListEntry2.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.ListEntry;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n ListEntry2.prototype.setKey = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("key", node, 0);\n };\n ListEntry2.prototype.setValue = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("value", node, 1);\n };\n return ListEntry2;\n}(Node);\nvar LessGuard = function(_super) {\n __extends(LessGuard2, _super);\n function LessGuard2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n LessGuard2.prototype.getConditions = function() {\n if (!this.conditions) {\n this.conditions = new Nodelist(this);\n }\n return this.conditions;\n };\n return LessGuard2;\n}(Node);\nvar GuardCondition = function(_super) {\n __extends(GuardCondition2, _super);\n function GuardCondition2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n GuardCondition2.prototype.setVariable = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("variable", node);\n };\n return GuardCondition2;\n}(Node);\nvar Module = function(_super) {\n __extends(Module3, _super);\n function Module3() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Module3.prototype, "type", {\n get: function() {\n return NodeType.Module;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Module3.prototype.setIdentifier = function(node) {\n return this.setNode("identifier", node, 0);\n };\n Module3.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {\n return this.identifier;\n };\n return Module3;\n}(Node);\nvar Level;\n(function(Level2) {\n Level2[Level2["Ignore"] = 1] = "Ignore";\n Level2[Level2["Warning"] = 2] = "Warning";\n Level2[Level2["Error"] = 4] = "Error";\n})(Level || (Level = {}));\nvar Marker = function() {\n function Marker2(node, rule, level, message, offset, length) {\n if (offset === void 0) {\n offset = node.offset;\n }\n if (length === void 0) {\n length = node.length;\n }\n this.node = node;\n this.rule = rule;\n this.level = level;\n this.message = message || rule.message;\n this.offset = offset;\n this.length = length;\n }\n Marker2.prototype.getRule = function() {\n return this.rule;\n };\n Marker2.prototype.getLevel = function() {\n return this.level;\n };\n Marker2.prototype.getOffset = function() {\n return this.offset;\n };\n Marker2.prototype.getLength = function() {\n return this.length;\n };\n Marker2.prototype.getNode = function() {\n return this.node;\n };\n Marker2.prototype.getMessage = function() {\n return this.message;\n };\n return Marker2;\n}();\nvar ParseErrorCollector = function() {\n function ParseErrorCollector2() {\n this.entries = [];\n }\n ParseErrorCollector2.entries = function(node) {\n var visitor = new ParseErrorCollector2();\n node.acceptVisitor(visitor);\n return visitor.entries;\n };\n ParseErrorCollector2.prototype.visitNode = function(node) {\n if (node.isErroneous()) {\n node.collectIssues(this.entries);\n }\n return true;\n };\n return ParseErrorCollector2;\n}();\n\n// build/fillers/vscode-nls.ts\nfunction format(message, args) {\n let result;\n if (args.length === 0) {\n result = message;\n } else {\n result = message.replace(/\\{(\\d+)\\}/g, (match, rest) => {\n let index = rest[0];\n return typeof args[index] !== "undefined" ? args[index] : match;\n });\n }\n return result;\n}\nfunction localize(key, message, ...args) {\n return format(message, args);\n}\nfunction loadMessageBundle(file) {\n return localize;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/cssErrors.js\nvar localize2 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar CSSIssueType = function() {\n function CSSIssueType2(id, message) {\n this.id = id;\n this.message = message;\n }\n return CSSIssueType2;\n}();\nvar ParseError = {\n NumberExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-numberexpected", localize2("expected.number", "number expected")),\n ConditionExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-conditionexpected", localize2("expected.condt", "condition expected")),\n RuleOrSelectorExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-ruleorselectorexpected", localize2("expected.ruleorselector", "at-rule or selector expected")),\n DotExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-dotexpected", localize2("expected.dot", "dot expected")),\n ColonExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-colonexpected", localize2("expected.colon", "colon expected")),\n SemiColonExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-semicolonexpected", localize2("expected.semicolon", "semi-colon expected")),\n TermExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-termexpected", localize2("expected.term", "term expected")),\n ExpressionExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-expressionexpected", localize2("expected.expression", "expression expected")),\n OperatorExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-operatorexpected", localize2("expected.operator", "operator expected")),\n IdentifierExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-identifierexpected", localize2("expected.ident", "identifier expected")),\n PercentageExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-percentageexpected", localize2("expected.percentage", "percentage expected")),\n URIOrStringExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-uriorstringexpected", localize2("expected.uriorstring", "uri or string expected")),\n URIExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-uriexpected", localize2("expected.uri", "URI expected")),\n VariableNameExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-varnameexpected", localize2("expected.varname", "variable name expected")),\n VariableValueExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-varvalueexpected", localize2("expected.varvalue", "variable value expected")),\n PropertyValueExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-propertyvalueexpected", localize2("expected.propvalue", "property value expected")),\n LeftCurlyExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-lcurlyexpected", localize2("expected.lcurly", "{ expected")),\n RightCurlyExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-rcurlyexpected", localize2("expected.rcurly", "} expected")),\n LeftSquareBracketExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-rbracketexpected", localize2("expected.lsquare", "[ expected")),\n RightSquareBracketExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-lbracketexpected", localize2("expected.rsquare", "] expected")),\n LeftParenthesisExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-lparentexpected", localize2("expected.lparen", "( expected")),\n RightParenthesisExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-rparentexpected", localize2("expected.rparent", ") expected")),\n CommaExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-commaexpected", localize2("expected.comma", "comma expected")),\n PageDirectiveOrDeclarationExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-pagedirordeclexpected", localize2("expected.pagedirordecl", "page directive or declaraton expected")),\n UnknownAtRule: new CSSIssueType("css-unknownatrule", localize2("unknown.atrule", "at-rule unknown")),\n UnknownKeyword: new CSSIssueType("css-unknownkeyword", localize2("unknown.keyword", "unknown keyword")),\n SelectorExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-selectorexpected", localize2("expected.selector", "selector expected")),\n StringLiteralExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-stringliteralexpected", localize2("expected.stringliteral", "string literal expected")),\n WhitespaceExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-whitespaceexpected", localize2("expected.whitespace", "whitespace expected")),\n MediaQueryExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-mediaqueryexpected", localize2("expected.mediaquery", "media query expected")),\n IdentifierOrWildcardExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-idorwildcardexpected", localize2("expected.idorwildcard", "identifier or wildcard expected")),\n WildcardExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-wildcardexpected", localize2("expected.wildcard", "wildcard expected")),\n IdentifierOrVariableExpected: new CSSIssueType("css-idorvarexpected", localize2("expected.idorvar", "identifier or variable expected"))\n};\n\n// node_modules/vscode-languageserver-types/lib/esm/main.js\nvar integer;\n(function(integer2) {\n integer2.MIN_VALUE = -2147483648;\n integer2.MAX_VALUE = 2147483647;\n})(integer || (integer = {}));\nvar uinteger;\n(function(uinteger2) {\n uinteger2.MIN_VALUE = 0;\n uinteger2.MAX_VALUE = 2147483647;\n})(uinteger || (uinteger = {}));\nvar Position;\n(function(Position2) {\n function create(line, character) {\n if (line === Number.MAX_VALUE) {\n line = uinteger.MAX_VALUE;\n }\n if (character === Number.MAX_VALUE) {\n character = uinteger.MAX_VALUE;\n }\n return { line, character };\n }\n Position2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.objectLiteral(candidate) && Is.uinteger(candidate.line) && Is.uinteger(candidate.character);\n }\n Position2.is = is;\n})(Position || (Position = {}));\nvar Range;\n(function(Range2) {\n function create(one, two, three, four) {\n if (Is.uinteger(one) && Is.uinteger(two) && Is.uinteger(three) && Is.uinteger(four)) {\n return { start: Position.create(one, two), end: Position.create(three, four) };\n } else if (Position.is(one) && Position.is(two)) {\n return { start: one, end: two };\n } else {\n throw new Error("Range#create called with invalid arguments[" + one + ", " + two + ", " + three + ", " + four + "]");\n }\n }\n Range2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.objectLiteral(candidate) && Position.is(candidate.start) && Position.is(candidate.end);\n }\n Range2.is = is;\n})(Range || (Range = {}));\nvar Location;\n(function(Location2) {\n function create(uri, range) {\n return { uri, range };\n }\n Location2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Range.is(candidate.range) && (Is.string(candidate.uri) || Is.undefined(candidate.uri));\n }\n Location2.is = is;\n})(Location || (Location = {}));\nvar LocationLink;\n(function(LocationLink2) {\n function create(targetUri, targetRange, targetSelectionRange, originSelectionRange) {\n return { targetUri, targetRange, targetSelectionRange, originSelectionRange };\n }\n LocationLink2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Range.is(candidate.targetRange) && Is.string(candidate.targetUri) && (Range.is(candidate.targetSelectionRange) || Is.undefined(candidate.targetSelectionRange)) && (Range.is(candidate.originSelectionRange) || Is.undefined(candidate.originSelectionRange));\n }\n LocationLink2.is = is;\n})(LocationLink || (LocationLink = {}));\nvar Color;\n(function(Color2) {\n function create(red, green, blue, alpha) {\n return {\n red,\n green,\n blue,\n alpha\n };\n }\n Color2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.numberRange(candidate.red, 0, 1) && Is.numberRange(candidate.green, 0, 1) && Is.numberRange(candidate.blue, 0, 1) && Is.numberRange(candidate.alpha, 0, 1);\n }\n Color2.is = is;\n})(Color || (Color = {}));\nvar ColorInformation;\n(function(ColorInformation2) {\n function create(range, color) {\n return {\n range,\n color\n };\n }\n ColorInformation2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Range.is(candidate.range) && Color.is(candidate.color);\n }\n ColorInformation2.is = is;\n})(ColorInformation || (ColorInformation = {}));\nvar ColorPresentation;\n(function(ColorPresentation2) {\n function create(label, textEdit, additionalTextEdits) {\n return {\n label,\n textEdit,\n additionalTextEdits\n };\n }\n ColorPresentation2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.string(candidate.label) && (Is.undefined(candidate.textEdit) || TextEdit.is(candidate)) && (Is.undefined(candidate.additionalTextEdits) || Is.typedArray(candidate.additionalTextEdits, TextEdit.is));\n }\n ColorPresentation2.is = is;\n})(ColorPresentation || (ColorPresentation = {}));\nvar FoldingRangeKind;\n(function(FoldingRangeKind2) {\n FoldingRangeKind2["Comment"] = "comment";\n FoldingRangeKind2["Imports"] = "imports";\n FoldingRangeKind2["Region"] = "region";\n})(FoldingRangeKind || (FoldingRangeKind = {}));\nvar FoldingRange;\n(function(FoldingRange2) {\n function create(startLine, endLine, startCharacter, endCharacter, kind) {\n var result = {\n startLine,\n endLine\n };\n if (Is.defined(startCharacter)) {\n result.startCharacter = startCharacter;\n }\n if (Is.defined(endCharacter)) {\n result.endCharacter = endCharacter;\n }\n if (Is.defined(kind)) {\n result.kind = kind;\n }\n return result;\n }\n FoldingRange2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.uinteger(candidate.startLine) && Is.uinteger(candidate.startLine) && (Is.undefined(candidate.startCharacter) || Is.uinteger(candidate.startCharacter)) && (Is.undefined(candidate.endCharacter) || Is.uinteger(candidate.endCharacter)) && (Is.undefined(candidate.kind) || Is.string(candidate.kind));\n }\n FoldingRange2.is = is;\n})(FoldingRange || (FoldingRange = {}));\nvar DiagnosticRelatedInformation;\n(function(DiagnosticRelatedInformation2) {\n function create(location, message) {\n return {\n location,\n message\n };\n }\n DiagnosticRelatedInformation2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Location.is(candidate.location) && Is.string(candidate.message);\n }\n DiagnosticRelatedInformation2.is = is;\n})(DiagnosticRelatedInformation || (DiagnosticRelatedInformation = {}));\nvar DiagnosticSeverity;\n(function(DiagnosticSeverity2) {\n DiagnosticSeverity2.Error = 1;\n DiagnosticSeverity2.Warning = 2;\n DiagnosticSeverity2.Information = 3;\n DiagnosticSeverity2.Hint = 4;\n})(DiagnosticSeverity || (DiagnosticSeverity = {}));\nvar DiagnosticTag;\n(function(DiagnosticTag2) {\n DiagnosticTag2.Unnecessary = 1;\n DiagnosticTag2.Deprecated = 2;\n})(DiagnosticTag || (DiagnosticTag = {}));\nvar CodeDescription;\n(function(CodeDescription2) {\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate !== void 0 && candidate !== null && Is.string(candidate.href);\n }\n CodeDescription2.is = is;\n})(CodeDescription || (CodeDescription = {}));\nvar Diagnostic;\n(function(Diagnostic2) {\n function create(range, message, severity, code, source, relatedInformation) {\n var result = { range, message };\n if (Is.defined(severity)) {\n result.severity = severity;\n }\n if (Is.defined(code)) {\n result.code = code;\n }\n if (Is.defined(source)) {\n result.source = source;\n }\n if (Is.defined(relatedInformation)) {\n result.relatedInformation = relatedInformation;\n }\n return result;\n }\n Diagnostic2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var _a2;\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Range.is(candidate.range) && Is.string(candidate.message) && (Is.number(candidate.severity) || Is.undefined(candidate.severity)) && (Is.integer(candidate.code) || Is.string(candidate.code) || Is.undefined(candidate.code)) && (Is.undefined(candidate.codeDescription) || Is.string((_a2 = candidate.codeDescription) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.href)) && (Is.string(candidate.source) || Is.undefined(candidate.source)) && (Is.undefined(candidate.relatedInformation) || Is.typedArray(candidate.relatedInformation, DiagnosticRelatedInformation.is));\n }\n Diagnostic2.is = is;\n})(Diagnostic || (Diagnostic = {}));\nvar Command;\n(function(Command2) {\n function create(title, command) {\n var args = [];\n for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n args[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];\n }\n var result = { title, command };\n if (Is.defined(args) && args.length > 0) {\n result.arguments = args;\n }\n return result;\n }\n Command2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.title) && Is.string(candidate.command);\n }\n Command2.is = is;\n})(Command || (Command = {}));\nvar TextEdit;\n(function(TextEdit2) {\n function replace(range, newText) {\n return { range, newText };\n }\n TextEdit2.replace = replace;\n function insert(position, newText) {\n return { range: { start: position, end: position }, newText };\n }\n TextEdit2.insert = insert;\n function del(range) {\n return { range, newText: "" };\n }\n TextEdit2.del = del;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.objectLiteral(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.newText) && Range.is(candidate.range);\n }\n TextEdit2.is = is;\n})(TextEdit || (TextEdit = {}));\nvar ChangeAnnotation;\n(function(ChangeAnnotation2) {\n function create(label, needsConfirmation, description) {\n var result = { label };\n if (needsConfirmation !== void 0) {\n result.needsConfirmation = needsConfirmation;\n }\n if (description !== void 0) {\n result.description = description;\n }\n return result;\n }\n ChangeAnnotation2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate !== void 0 && Is.objectLiteral(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.label) && (Is.boolean(candidate.needsConfirmation) || candidate.needsConfirmation === void 0) && (Is.string(candidate.description) || candidate.description === void 0);\n }\n ChangeAnnotation2.is = is;\n})(ChangeAnnotation || (ChangeAnnotation = {}));\nvar ChangeAnnotationIdentifier;\n(function(ChangeAnnotationIdentifier2) {\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return typeof candidate === "string";\n }\n ChangeAnnotationIdentifier2.is = is;\n})(ChangeAnnotationIdentifier || (ChangeAnnotationIdentifier = {}));\nvar AnnotatedTextEdit;\n(function(AnnotatedTextEdit2) {\n function replace(range, newText, annotation) {\n return { range, newText, annotationId: annotation };\n }\n AnnotatedTextEdit2.replace = replace;\n function insert(position, newText, annotation) {\n return { range: { start: position, end: position }, newText, annotationId: annotation };\n }\n AnnotatedTextEdit2.insert = insert;\n function del(range, annotation) {\n return { range, newText: "", annotationId: annotation };\n }\n AnnotatedTextEdit2.del = del;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return TextEdit.is(candidate) && (ChangeAnnotation.is(candidate.annotationId) || ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(candidate.annotationId));\n }\n AnnotatedTextEdit2.is = is;\n})(AnnotatedTextEdit || (AnnotatedTextEdit = {}));\nvar TextDocumentEdit;\n(function(TextDocumentEdit2) {\n function create(textDocument, edits) {\n return { textDocument, edits };\n }\n TextDocumentEdit2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.is(candidate.textDocument) && Array.isArray(candidate.edits);\n }\n TextDocumentEdit2.is = is;\n})(TextDocumentEdit || (TextDocumentEdit = {}));\nvar CreateFile;\n(function(CreateFile2) {\n function create(uri, options, annotation) {\n var result = {\n kind: "create",\n uri\n };\n if (options !== void 0 && (options.overwrite !== void 0 || options.ignoreIfExists !== void 0)) {\n result.options = options;\n }\n if (annotation !== void 0) {\n result.annotationId = annotation;\n }\n return result;\n }\n CreateFile2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate && candidate.kind === "create" && Is.string(candidate.uri) && (candidate.options === void 0 || (candidate.options.overwrite === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.options.overwrite)) && (candidate.options.ignoreIfExists === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.options.ignoreIfExists))) && (candidate.annotationId === void 0 || ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(candidate.annotationId));\n }\n CreateFile2.is = is;\n})(CreateFile || (CreateFile = {}));\nvar RenameFile;\n(function(RenameFile2) {\n function create(oldUri, newUri, options, annotation) {\n var result = {\n kind: "rename",\n oldUri,\n newUri\n };\n if (options !== void 0 && (options.overwrite !== void 0 || options.ignoreIfExists !== void 0)) {\n result.options = options;\n }\n if (annotation !== void 0) {\n result.annotationId = annotation;\n }\n return result;\n }\n RenameFile2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate && candidate.kind === "rename" && Is.string(candidate.oldUri) && Is.string(candidate.newUri) && (candidate.options === void 0 || (candidate.options.overwrite === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.options.overwrite)) && (candidate.options.ignoreIfExists === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.options.ignoreIfExists))) && (candidate.annotationId === void 0 || ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(candidate.annotationId));\n }\n RenameFile2.is = is;\n})(RenameFile || (RenameFile = {}));\nvar DeleteFile;\n(function(DeleteFile2) {\n function create(uri, options, annotation) {\n var result = {\n kind: "delete",\n uri\n };\n if (options !== void 0 && (options.recursive !== void 0 || options.ignoreIfNotExists !== void 0)) {\n result.options = options;\n }\n if (annotation !== void 0) {\n result.annotationId = annotation;\n }\n return result;\n }\n DeleteFile2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate && candidate.kind === "delete" && Is.string(candidate.uri) && (candidate.options === void 0 || (candidate.options.recursive === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.options.recursive)) && (candidate.options.ignoreIfNotExists === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.options.ignoreIfNotExists))) && (candidate.annotationId === void 0 || ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(candidate.annotationId));\n }\n DeleteFile2.is = is;\n})(DeleteFile || (DeleteFile = {}));\nvar WorkspaceEdit;\n(function(WorkspaceEdit2) {\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate && (candidate.changes !== void 0 || candidate.documentChanges !== void 0) && (candidate.documentChanges === void 0 || candidate.documentChanges.every(function(change) {\n if (Is.string(change.kind)) {\n return CreateFile.is(change) || RenameFile.is(change) || DeleteFile.is(change);\n } else {\n return TextDocumentEdit.is(change);\n }\n }));\n }\n WorkspaceEdit2.is = is;\n})(WorkspaceEdit || (WorkspaceEdit = {}));\nvar TextEditChangeImpl = function() {\n function TextEditChangeImpl2(edits, changeAnnotations) {\n this.edits = edits;\n this.changeAnnotations = changeAnnotations;\n }\n TextEditChangeImpl2.prototype.insert = function(position, newText, annotation) {\n var edit;\n var id;\n if (annotation === void 0) {\n edit = TextEdit.insert(position, newText);\n } else if (ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(annotation)) {\n id = annotation;\n edit = AnnotatedTextEdit.insert(position, newText, annotation);\n } else {\n this.assertChangeAnnotations(this.changeAnnotations);\n id = this.changeAnnotations.manage(annotation);\n edit = AnnotatedTextEdit.insert(position, newText, id);\n }\n this.edits.push(edit);\n if (id !== void 0) {\n return id;\n }\n };\n TextEditChangeImpl2.prototype.replace = function(range, newText, annotation) {\n var edit;\n var id;\n if (annotation === void 0) {\n edit = TextEdit.replace(range, newText);\n } else if (ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(annotation)) {\n id = annotation;\n edit = AnnotatedTextEdit.replace(range, newText, annotation);\n } else {\n this.assertChangeAnnotations(this.changeAnnotations);\n id = this.changeAnnotations.manage(annotation);\n edit = AnnotatedTextEdit.replace(range, newText, id);\n }\n this.edits.push(edit);\n if (id !== void 0) {\n return id;\n }\n };\n TextEditChangeImpl2.prototype.delete = function(range, annotation) {\n var edit;\n var id;\n if (annotation === void 0) {\n edit = TextEdit.del(range);\n } else if (ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(annotation)) {\n id = annotation;\n edit = AnnotatedTextEdit.del(range, annotation);\n } else {\n this.assertChangeAnnotations(this.changeAnnotations);\n id = this.changeAnnotations.manage(annotation);\n edit = AnnotatedTextEdit.del(range, id);\n }\n this.edits.push(edit);\n if (id !== void 0) {\n return id;\n }\n };\n TextEditChangeImpl2.prototype.add = function(edit) {\n this.edits.push(edit);\n };\n TextEditChangeImpl2.prototype.all = function() {\n return this.edits;\n };\n TextEditChangeImpl2.prototype.clear = function() {\n this.edits.splice(0, this.edits.length);\n };\n TextEditChangeImpl2.prototype.assertChangeAnnotations = function(value) {\n if (value === void 0) {\n throw new Error("Text edit change is not configured to manage change annotations.");\n }\n };\n return TextEditChangeImpl2;\n}();\nvar ChangeAnnotations = function() {\n function ChangeAnnotations2(annotations) {\n this._annotations = annotations === void 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : annotations;\n this._counter = 0;\n this._size = 0;\n }\n ChangeAnnotations2.prototype.all = function() {\n return this._annotations;\n };\n Object.defineProperty(ChangeAnnotations2.prototype, "size", {\n get: function() {\n return this._size;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n ChangeAnnotations2.prototype.manage = function(idOrAnnotation, annotation) {\n var id;\n if (ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(idOrAnnotation)) {\n id = idOrAnnotation;\n } else {\n id = this.nextId();\n annotation = idOrAnnotation;\n }\n if (this._annotations[id] !== void 0) {\n throw new Error("Id " + id + " is already in use.");\n }\n if (annotation === void 0) {\n throw new Error("No annotation provided for id " + id);\n }\n this._annotations[id] = annotation;\n this._size++;\n return id;\n };\n ChangeAnnotations2.prototype.nextId = function() {\n this._counter++;\n return this._counter.toString();\n };\n return ChangeAnnotations2;\n}();\nvar WorkspaceChange = function() {\n function WorkspaceChange2(workspaceEdit) {\n var _this = this;\n this._textEditChanges = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);\n if (workspaceEdit !== void 0) {\n this._workspaceEdit = workspaceEdit;\n if (workspaceEdit.documentChanges) {\n this._changeAnnotations = new ChangeAnnotations(workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations);\n workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations = this._changeAnnotations.all();\n workspaceEdit.documentChanges.forEach(function(change) {\n if (TextDocumentEdit.is(change)) {\n var textEditChange = new TextEditChangeImpl(change.edits, _this._changeAnnotations);\n _this._textEditChanges[change.textDocument.uri] = textEditChange;\n }\n });\n } else if (workspaceEdit.changes) {\n Object.keys(workspaceEdit.changes).forEach(function(key) {\n var textEditChange = new TextEditChangeImpl(workspaceEdit.changes[key]);\n _this._textEditChanges[key] = textEditChange;\n });\n }\n } else {\n this._workspaceEdit = {};\n }\n }\n Object.defineProperty(WorkspaceChange2.prototype, "edit", {\n get: function() {\n this.initDocumentChanges();\n if (this._changeAnnotations !== void 0) {\n if (this._changeAnnotations.size === 0) {\n this._workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations = void 0;\n } else {\n this._workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations = this._changeAnnotations.all();\n }\n }\n return this._workspaceEdit;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n WorkspaceChange2.prototype.getTextEditChange = function(key) {\n if (OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.is(key)) {\n this.initDocumentChanges();\n if (this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0) {\n throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");\n }\n var textDocument = { uri: key.uri, version: key.version };\n var result = this._textEditChanges[textDocument.uri];\n if (!result) {\n var edits = [];\n var textDocumentEdit = {\n textDocument,\n edits\n };\n this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(textDocumentEdit);\n result = new TextEditChangeImpl(edits, this._changeAnnotations);\n this._textEditChanges[textDocument.uri] = result;\n }\n return result;\n } else {\n this.initChanges();\n if (this._workspaceEdit.changes === void 0) {\n throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for normal text edit changes.");\n }\n var result = this._textEditChanges[key];\n if (!result) {\n var edits = [];\n this._workspaceEdit.changes[key] = edits;\n result = new TextEditChangeImpl(edits);\n this._textEditChanges[key] = result;\n }\n return result;\n }\n };\n WorkspaceChange2.prototype.initDocumentChanges = function() {\n if (this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0 && this._workspaceEdit.changes === void 0) {\n this._changeAnnotations = new ChangeAnnotations();\n this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges = [];\n this._workspaceEdit.changeAnnotations = this._changeAnnotations.all();\n }\n };\n WorkspaceChange2.prototype.initChanges = function() {\n if (this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0 && this._workspaceEdit.changes === void 0) {\n this._workspaceEdit.changes = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);\n }\n };\n WorkspaceChange2.prototype.createFile = function(uri, optionsOrAnnotation, options) {\n this.initDocumentChanges();\n if (this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0) {\n throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");\n }\n var annotation;\n if (ChangeAnnotation.is(optionsOrAnnotation) || ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(optionsOrAnnotation)) {\n annotation = optionsOrAnnotation;\n } else {\n options = optionsOrAnnotation;\n }\n var operation;\n var id;\n if (annotation === void 0) {\n operation = CreateFile.create(uri, options);\n } else {\n id = ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(annotation) ? annotation : this._changeAnnotations.manage(annotation);\n operation = CreateFile.create(uri, options, id);\n }\n this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(operation);\n if (id !== void 0) {\n return id;\n }\n };\n WorkspaceChange2.prototype.renameFile = function(oldUri, newUri, optionsOrAnnotation, options) {\n this.initDocumentChanges();\n if (this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0) {\n throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");\n }\n var annotation;\n if (ChangeAnnotation.is(optionsOrAnnotation) || ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(optionsOrAnnotation)) {\n annotation = optionsOrAnnotation;\n } else {\n options = optionsOrAnnotation;\n }\n var operation;\n var id;\n if (annotation === void 0) {\n operation = RenameFile.create(oldUri, newUri, options);\n } else {\n id = ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(annotation) ? annotation : this._changeAnnotations.manage(annotation);\n operation = RenameFile.create(oldUri, newUri, options, id);\n }\n this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(operation);\n if (id !== void 0) {\n return id;\n }\n };\n WorkspaceChange2.prototype.deleteFile = function(uri, optionsOrAnnotation, options) {\n this.initDocumentChanges();\n if (this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges === void 0) {\n throw new Error("Workspace edit is not configured for document changes.");\n }\n var annotation;\n if (ChangeAnnotation.is(optionsOrAnnotation) || ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(optionsOrAnnotation)) {\n annotation = optionsOrAnnotation;\n } else {\n options = optionsOrAnnotation;\n }\n var operation;\n var id;\n if (annotation === void 0) {\n operation = DeleteFile.create(uri, options);\n } else {\n id = ChangeAnnotationIdentifier.is(annotation) ? annotation : this._changeAnnotations.manage(annotation);\n operation = DeleteFile.create(uri, options, id);\n }\n this._workspaceEdit.documentChanges.push(operation);\n if (id !== void 0) {\n return id;\n }\n };\n return WorkspaceChange2;\n}();\nvar TextDocumentIdentifier;\n(function(TextDocumentIdentifier2) {\n function create(uri) {\n return { uri };\n }\n TextDocumentIdentifier2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.uri);\n }\n TextDocumentIdentifier2.is = is;\n})(TextDocumentIdentifier || (TextDocumentIdentifier = {}));\nvar VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;\n(function(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier2) {\n function create(uri, version) {\n return { uri, version };\n }\n VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.uri) && Is.integer(candidate.version);\n }\n VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier2.is = is;\n})(VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier || (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier = {}));\nvar OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;\n(function(OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier2) {\n function create(uri, version) {\n return { uri, version };\n }\n OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.uri) && (candidate.version === null || Is.integer(candidate.version));\n }\n OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier2.is = is;\n})(OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier || (OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier = {}));\nvar TextDocumentItem;\n(function(TextDocumentItem2) {\n function create(uri, languageId, version, text) {\n return { uri, languageId, version, text };\n }\n TextDocumentItem2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.uri) && Is.string(candidate.languageId) && Is.integer(candidate.version) && Is.string(candidate.text);\n }\n TextDocumentItem2.is = is;\n})(TextDocumentItem || (TextDocumentItem = {}));\nvar MarkupKind;\n(function(MarkupKind2) {\n MarkupKind2.PlainText = "plaintext";\n MarkupKind2.Markdown = "markdown";\n})(MarkupKind || (MarkupKind = {}));\n(function(MarkupKind2) {\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate === MarkupKind2.PlainText || candidate === MarkupKind2.Markdown;\n }\n MarkupKind2.is = is;\n})(MarkupKind || (MarkupKind = {}));\nvar MarkupContent;\n(function(MarkupContent2) {\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.objectLiteral(value) && MarkupKind.is(candidate.kind) && Is.string(candidate.value);\n }\n MarkupContent2.is = is;\n})(MarkupContent || (MarkupContent = {}));\nvar CompletionItemKind;\n(function(CompletionItemKind2) {\n CompletionItemKind2.Text = 1;\n CompletionItemKind2.Method = 2;\n CompletionItemKind2.Function = 3;\n CompletionItemKind2.Constructor = 4;\n CompletionItemKind2.Field = 5;\n CompletionItemKind2.Variable = 6;\n CompletionItemKind2.Class = 7;\n CompletionItemKind2.Interface = 8;\n CompletionItemKind2.Module = 9;\n CompletionItemKind2.Property = 10;\n CompletionItemKind2.Unit = 11;\n CompletionItemKind2.Value = 12;\n CompletionItemKind2.Enum = 13;\n CompletionItemKind2.Keyword = 14;\n CompletionItemKind2.Snippet = 15;\n CompletionItemKind2.Color = 16;\n CompletionItemKind2.File = 17;\n CompletionItemKind2.Reference = 18;\n CompletionItemKind2.Folder = 19;\n CompletionItemKind2.EnumMember = 20;\n CompletionItemKind2.Constant = 21;\n CompletionItemKind2.Struct = 22;\n CompletionItemKind2.Event = 23;\n CompletionItemKind2.Operator = 24;\n CompletionItemKind2.TypeParameter = 25;\n})(CompletionItemKind || (CompletionItemKind = {}));\nvar InsertTextFormat;\n(function(InsertTextFormat2) {\n InsertTextFormat2.PlainText = 1;\n InsertTextFormat2.Snippet = 2;\n})(InsertTextFormat || (InsertTextFormat = {}));\nvar CompletionItemTag;\n(function(CompletionItemTag2) {\n CompletionItemTag2.Deprecated = 1;\n})(CompletionItemTag || (CompletionItemTag = {}));\nvar InsertReplaceEdit;\n(function(InsertReplaceEdit2) {\n function create(newText, insert, replace) {\n return { newText, insert, replace };\n }\n InsertReplaceEdit2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate && Is.string(candidate.newText) && Range.is(candidate.insert) && Range.is(candidate.replace);\n }\n InsertReplaceEdit2.is = is;\n})(InsertReplaceEdit || (InsertReplaceEdit = {}));\nvar InsertTextMode;\n(function(InsertTextMode2) {\n InsertTextMode2.asIs = 1;\n InsertTextMode2.adjustIndentation = 2;\n})(InsertTextMode || (InsertTextMode = {}));\nvar CompletionItem;\n(function(CompletionItem2) {\n function create(label) {\n return { label };\n }\n CompletionItem2.create = create;\n})(CompletionItem || (CompletionItem = {}));\nvar CompletionList;\n(function(CompletionList2) {\n function create(items, isIncomplete) {\n return { items: items ? items : [], isIncomplete: !!isIncomplete };\n }\n CompletionList2.create = create;\n})(CompletionList || (CompletionList = {}));\nvar MarkedString;\n(function(MarkedString2) {\n function fromPlainText(plainText) {\n return plainText.replace(/[\\\\`*_{}[\\]()#+\\-.!]/g, "\\\\$&");\n }\n MarkedString2.fromPlainText = fromPlainText;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.string(candidate) || Is.objectLiteral(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.language) && Is.string(candidate.value);\n }\n MarkedString2.is = is;\n})(MarkedString || (MarkedString = {}));\nvar Hover;\n(function(Hover2) {\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return !!candidate && Is.objectLiteral(candidate) && (MarkupContent.is(candidate.contents) || MarkedString.is(candidate.contents) || Is.typedArray(candidate.contents, MarkedString.is)) && (value.range === void 0 || Range.is(value.range));\n }\n Hover2.is = is;\n})(Hover || (Hover = {}));\nvar ParameterInformation;\n(function(ParameterInformation2) {\n function create(label, documentation) {\n return documentation ? { label, documentation } : { label };\n }\n ParameterInformation2.create = create;\n})(ParameterInformation || (ParameterInformation = {}));\nvar SignatureInformation;\n(function(SignatureInformation2) {\n function create(label, documentation) {\n var parameters = [];\n for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n parameters[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];\n }\n var result = { label };\n if (Is.defined(documentation)) {\n result.documentation = documentation;\n }\n if (Is.defined(parameters)) {\n result.parameters = parameters;\n } else {\n result.parameters = [];\n }\n return result;\n }\n SignatureInformation2.create = create;\n})(SignatureInformation || (SignatureInformation = {}));\nvar DocumentHighlightKind;\n(function(DocumentHighlightKind2) {\n DocumentHighlightKind2.Text = 1;\n DocumentHighlightKind2.Read = 2;\n DocumentHighlightKind2.Write = 3;\n})(DocumentHighlightKind || (DocumentHighlightKind = {}));\nvar DocumentHighlight;\n(function(DocumentHighlight2) {\n function create(range, kind) {\n var result = { range };\n if (Is.number(kind)) {\n result.kind = kind;\n }\n return result;\n }\n DocumentHighlight2.create = create;\n})(DocumentHighlight || (DocumentHighlight = {}));\nvar SymbolKind;\n(function(SymbolKind2) {\n SymbolKind2.File = 1;\n SymbolKind2.Module = 2;\n SymbolKind2.Namespace = 3;\n SymbolKind2.Package = 4;\n SymbolKind2.Class = 5;\n SymbolKind2.Method = 6;\n SymbolKind2.Property = 7;\n SymbolKind2.Field = 8;\n SymbolKind2.Constructor = 9;\n SymbolKind2.Enum = 10;\n SymbolKind2.Interface = 11;\n SymbolKind2.Function = 12;\n SymbolKind2.Variable = 13;\n SymbolKind2.Constant = 14;\n SymbolKind2.String = 15;\n SymbolKind2.Number = 16;\n SymbolKind2.Boolean = 17;\n SymbolKind2.Array = 18;\n SymbolKind2.Object = 19;\n SymbolKind2.Key = 20;\n SymbolKind2.Null = 21;\n SymbolKind2.EnumMember = 22;\n SymbolKind2.Struct = 23;\n SymbolKind2.Event = 24;\n SymbolKind2.Operator = 25;\n SymbolKind2.TypeParameter = 26;\n})(SymbolKind || (SymbolKind = {}));\nvar SymbolTag;\n(function(SymbolTag2) {\n SymbolTag2.Deprecated = 1;\n})(SymbolTag || (SymbolTag = {}));\nvar SymbolInformation;\n(function(SymbolInformation2) {\n function create(name, kind, range, uri, containerName) {\n var result = {\n name,\n kind,\n location: { uri, range }\n };\n if (containerName) {\n result.containerName = containerName;\n }\n return result;\n }\n SymbolInformation2.create = create;\n})(SymbolInformation || (SymbolInformation = {}));\nvar DocumentSymbol;\n(function(DocumentSymbol2) {\n function create(name, detail, kind, range, selectionRange, children) {\n var result = {\n name,\n detail,\n kind,\n range,\n selectionRange\n };\n if (children !== void 0) {\n result.children = children;\n }\n return result;\n }\n DocumentSymbol2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate && Is.string(candidate.name) && Is.number(candidate.kind) && Range.is(candidate.range) && Range.is(candidate.selectionRange) && (candidate.detail === void 0 || Is.string(candidate.detail)) && (candidate.deprecated === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.deprecated)) && (candidate.children === void 0 || Array.isArray(candidate.children)) && (candidate.tags === void 0 || Array.isArray(candidate.tags));\n }\n DocumentSymbol2.is = is;\n})(DocumentSymbol || (DocumentSymbol = {}));\nvar CodeActionKind;\n(function(CodeActionKind2) {\n CodeActionKind2.Empty = "";\n CodeActionKind2.QuickFix = "quickfix";\n CodeActionKind2.Refactor = "refactor";\n CodeActionKind2.RefactorExtract = "refactor.extract";\n CodeActionKind2.RefactorInline = "refactor.inline";\n CodeActionKind2.RefactorRewrite = "refactor.rewrite";\n CodeActionKind2.Source = "source";\n CodeActionKind2.SourceOrganizeImports = "source.organizeImports";\n CodeActionKind2.SourceFixAll = "source.fixAll";\n})(CodeActionKind || (CodeActionKind = {}));\nvar CodeActionContext;\n(function(CodeActionContext2) {\n function create(diagnostics, only) {\n var result = { diagnostics };\n if (only !== void 0 && only !== null) {\n result.only = only;\n }\n return result;\n }\n CodeActionContext2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.typedArray(candidate.diagnostics, Diagnostic.is) && (candidate.only === void 0 || Is.typedArray(candidate.only, Is.string));\n }\n CodeActionContext2.is = is;\n})(CodeActionContext || (CodeActionContext = {}));\nvar CodeAction;\n(function(CodeAction2) {\n function create(title, kindOrCommandOrEdit, kind) {\n var result = { title };\n var checkKind = true;\n if (typeof kindOrCommandOrEdit === "string") {\n checkKind = false;\n result.kind = kindOrCommandOrEdit;\n } else if (Command.is(kindOrCommandOrEdit)) {\n result.command = kindOrCommandOrEdit;\n } else {\n result.edit = kindOrCommandOrEdit;\n }\n if (checkKind && kind !== void 0) {\n result.kind = kind;\n }\n return result;\n }\n CodeAction2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate && Is.string(candidate.title) && (candidate.diagnostics === void 0 || Is.typedArray(candidate.diagnostics, Diagnostic.is)) && (candidate.kind === void 0 || Is.string(candidate.kind)) && (candidate.edit !== void 0 || candidate.command !== void 0) && (candidate.command === void 0 || Command.is(candidate.command)) && (candidate.isPreferred === void 0 || Is.boolean(candidate.isPreferred)) && (candidate.edit === void 0 || WorkspaceEdit.is(candidate.edit));\n }\n CodeAction2.is = is;\n})(CodeAction || (CodeAction = {}));\nvar CodeLens;\n(function(CodeLens2) {\n function create(range, data) {\n var result = { range };\n if (Is.defined(data)) {\n result.data = data;\n }\n return result;\n }\n CodeLens2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Range.is(candidate.range) && (Is.undefined(candidate.command) || Command.is(candidate.command));\n }\n CodeLens2.is = is;\n})(CodeLens || (CodeLens = {}));\nvar FormattingOptions;\n(function(FormattingOptions2) {\n function create(tabSize, insertSpaces) {\n return { tabSize, insertSpaces };\n }\n FormattingOptions2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.uinteger(candidate.tabSize) && Is.boolean(candidate.insertSpaces);\n }\n FormattingOptions2.is = is;\n})(FormattingOptions || (FormattingOptions = {}));\nvar DocumentLink;\n(function(DocumentLink2) {\n function create(range, target, data) {\n return { range, target, data };\n }\n DocumentLink2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Range.is(candidate.range) && (Is.undefined(candidate.target) || Is.string(candidate.target));\n }\n DocumentLink2.is = is;\n})(DocumentLink || (DocumentLink = {}));\nvar SelectionRange;\n(function(SelectionRange2) {\n function create(range, parent) {\n return { range, parent };\n }\n SelectionRange2.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return candidate !== void 0 && Range.is(candidate.range) && (candidate.parent === void 0 || SelectionRange2.is(candidate.parent));\n }\n SelectionRange2.is = is;\n})(SelectionRange || (SelectionRange = {}));\nvar TextDocument;\n(function(TextDocument3) {\n function create(uri, languageId, version, content) {\n return new FullTextDocument(uri, languageId, version, content);\n }\n TextDocument3.create = create;\n function is(value) {\n var candidate = value;\n return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.uri) && (Is.undefined(candidate.languageId) || Is.string(candidate.languageId)) && Is.uinteger(candidate.lineCount) && Is.func(candidate.getText) && Is.func(candidate.positionAt) && Is.func(candidate.offsetAt) ? true : false;\n }\n TextDocument3.is = is;\n function applyEdits(document, edits) {\n var text = document.getText();\n var sortedEdits = mergeSort2(edits, function(a2, b) {\n var diff = a2.range.start.line - b.range.start.line;\n if (diff === 0) {\n return a2.range.start.character - b.range.start.character;\n }\n return diff;\n });\n var lastModifiedOffset = text.length;\n for (var i = sortedEdits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var e = sortedEdits[i];\n var startOffset = document.offsetAt(e.range.start);\n var endOffset = document.offsetAt(e.range.end);\n if (endOffset <= lastModifiedOffset) {\n text = text.substring(0, startOffset) + e.newText + text.substring(endOffset, text.length);\n } else {\n throw new Error("Overlapping edit");\n }\n lastModifiedOffset = startOffset;\n }\n return text;\n }\n TextDocument3.applyEdits = applyEdits;\n function mergeSort2(data, compare) {\n if (data.length <= 1) {\n return data;\n }\n var p = data.length / 2 | 0;\n var left = data.slice(0, p);\n var right = data.slice(p);\n mergeSort2(left, compare);\n mergeSort2(right, compare);\n var leftIdx = 0;\n var rightIdx = 0;\n var i = 0;\n while (leftIdx < left.length && rightIdx < right.length) {\n var ret = compare(left[leftIdx], right[rightIdx]);\n if (ret <= 0) {\n data[i++] = left[leftIdx++];\n } else {\n data[i++] = right[rightIdx++];\n }\n }\n while (leftIdx < left.length) {\n data[i++] = left[leftIdx++];\n }\n while (rightIdx < right.length) {\n data[i++] = right[rightIdx++];\n }\n return data;\n }\n})(TextDocument || (TextDocument = {}));\nvar FullTextDocument = function() {\n function FullTextDocument3(uri, languageId, version, content) {\n this._uri = uri;\n this._languageId = languageId;\n this._version = version;\n this._content = content;\n this._lineOffsets = void 0;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(FullTextDocument3.prototype, "uri", {\n get: function() {\n return this._uri;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(FullTextDocument3.prototype, "languageId", {\n get: function() {\n return this._languageId;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(FullTextDocument3.prototype, "version", {\n get: function() {\n return this._version;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n FullTextDocument3.prototype.getText = function(range) {\n if (range) {\n var start = this.offsetAt(range.start);\n var end = this.offsetAt(range.end);\n return this._content.substring(start, end);\n }\n return this._content;\n };\n FullTextDocument3.prototype.update = function(event, version) {\n this._content = event.text;\n this._version = version;\n this._lineOffsets = void 0;\n };\n FullTextDocument3.prototype.getLineOffsets = function() {\n if (this._lineOffsets === void 0) {\n var lineOffsets = [];\n var text = this._content;\n var isLineStart = true;\n for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {\n if (isLineStart) {\n lineOffsets.push(i);\n isLineStart = false;\n }\n var ch = text.charAt(i);\n isLineStart = ch === "\\r" || ch === "\\n";\n if (ch === "\\r" && i + 1 < text.length && text.charAt(i + 1) === "\\n") {\n i++;\n }\n }\n if (isLineStart && text.length > 0) {\n lineOffsets.push(text.length);\n }\n this._lineOffsets = lineOffsets;\n }\n return this._lineOffsets;\n };\n FullTextDocument3.prototype.positionAt = function(offset) {\n offset = Math.max(Math.min(offset, this._content.length), 0);\n var lineOffsets = this.getLineOffsets();\n var low = 0, high = lineOffsets.length;\n if (high === 0) {\n return Position.create(0, offset);\n }\n while (low < high) {\n var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);\n if (lineOffsets[mid] > offset) {\n high = mid;\n } else {\n low = mid + 1;\n }\n }\n var line = low - 1;\n return Position.create(line, offset - lineOffsets[line]);\n };\n FullTextDocument3.prototype.offsetAt = function(position) {\n var lineOffsets = this.getLineOffsets();\n if (position.line >= lineOffsets.length) {\n return this._content.length;\n } else if (position.line < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n var lineOffset = lineOffsets[position.line];\n var nextLineOffset = position.line + 1 < lineOffsets.length ? lineOffsets[position.line + 1] : this._content.length;\n return Math.max(Math.min(lineOffset + position.character, nextLineOffset), lineOffset);\n };\n Object.defineProperty(FullTextDocument3.prototype, "lineCount", {\n get: function() {\n return this.getLineOffsets().length;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n return FullTextDocument3;\n}();\nvar Is;\n(function(Is2) {\n var toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n function defined(value) {\n return typeof value !== "undefined";\n }\n Is2.defined = defined;\n function undefined2(value) {\n return typeof value === "undefined";\n }\n Is2.undefined = undefined2;\n function boolean(value) {\n return value === true || value === false;\n }\n Is2.boolean = boolean;\n function string(value) {\n return toString.call(value) === "[object String]";\n }\n Is2.string = string;\n function number(value) {\n return toString.call(value) === "[object Number]";\n }\n Is2.number = number;\n function numberRange(value, min, max) {\n return toString.call(value) === "[object Number]" && min <= value && value <= max;\n }\n Is2.numberRange = numberRange;\n function integer2(value) {\n return toString.call(value) === "[object Number]" && -2147483648 <= value && value <= 2147483647;\n }\n Is2.integer = integer2;\n function uinteger2(value) {\n return toString.call(value) === "[object Number]" && 0 <= value && value <= 2147483647;\n }\n Is2.uinteger = uinteger2;\n function func(value) {\n return toString.call(value) === "[object Function]";\n }\n Is2.func = func;\n function objectLiteral(value) {\n return value !== null && typeof value === "object";\n }\n Is2.objectLiteral = objectLiteral;\n function typedArray(value, check) {\n return Array.isArray(value) && value.every(check);\n }\n Is2.typedArray = typedArray;\n})(Is || (Is = {}));\n\n// node_modules/vscode-languageserver-textdocument/lib/esm/main.js\nvar FullTextDocument2 = class {\n constructor(uri, languageId, version, content) {\n this._uri = uri;\n this._languageId = languageId;\n this._version = version;\n this._content = content;\n this._lineOffsets = void 0;\n }\n get uri() {\n return this._uri;\n }\n get languageId() {\n return this._languageId;\n }\n get version() {\n return this._version;\n }\n getText(range) {\n if (range) {\n const start = this.offsetAt(range.start);\n const end = this.offsetAt(range.end);\n return this._content.substring(start, end);\n }\n return this._content;\n }\n update(changes, version) {\n for (let change of changes) {\n if (FullTextDocument2.isIncremental(change)) {\n const range = getWellformedRange(change.range);\n const startOffset = this.offsetAt(range.start);\n const endOffset = this.offsetAt(range.end);\n this._content = this._content.substring(0, startOffset) + change.text + this._content.substring(endOffset, this._content.length);\n const startLine = Math.max(range.start.line, 0);\n const endLine = Math.max(range.end.line, 0);\n let lineOffsets = this._lineOffsets;\n const addedLineOffsets = computeLineOffsets(change.text, false, startOffset);\n if (endLine - startLine === addedLineOffsets.length) {\n for (let i = 0, len = addedLineOffsets.length; i < len; i++) {\n lineOffsets[i + startLine + 1] = addedLineOffsets[i];\n }\n } else {\n if (addedLineOffsets.length < 1e4) {\n lineOffsets.splice(startLine + 1, endLine - startLine, ...addedLineOffsets);\n } else {\n this._lineOffsets = lineOffsets = lineOffsets.slice(0, startLine + 1).concat(addedLineOffsets, lineOffsets.slice(endLine + 1));\n }\n }\n const diff = change.text.length - (endOffset - startOffset);\n if (diff !== 0) {\n for (let i = startLine + 1 + addedLineOffsets.length, len = lineOffsets.length; i < len; i++) {\n lineOffsets[i] = lineOffsets[i] + diff;\n }\n }\n } else if (FullTextDocument2.isFull(change)) {\n this._content = change.text;\n this._lineOffsets = void 0;\n } else {\n throw new Error("Unknown change event received");\n }\n }\n this._version = version;\n }\n getLineOffsets() {\n if (this._lineOffsets === void 0) {\n this._lineOffsets = computeLineOffsets(this._content, true);\n }\n return this._lineOffsets;\n }\n positionAt(offset) {\n offset = Math.max(Math.min(offset, this._content.length), 0);\n let lineOffsets = this.getLineOffsets();\n let low = 0, high = lineOffsets.length;\n if (high === 0) {\n return { line: 0, character: offset };\n }\n while (low < high) {\n let mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);\n if (lineOffsets[mid] > offset) {\n high = mid;\n } else {\n low = mid + 1;\n }\n }\n let line = low - 1;\n return { line, character: offset - lineOffsets[line] };\n }\n offsetAt(position) {\n let lineOffsets = this.getLineOffsets();\n if (position.line >= lineOffsets.length) {\n return this._content.length;\n } else if (position.line < 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n let lineOffset = lineOffsets[position.line];\n let nextLineOffset = position.line + 1 < lineOffsets.length ? lineOffsets[position.line + 1] : this._content.length;\n return Math.max(Math.min(lineOffset + position.character, nextLineOffset), lineOffset);\n }\n get lineCount() {\n return this.getLineOffsets().length;\n }\n static isIncremental(event) {\n let candidate = event;\n return candidate !== void 0 && candidate !== null && typeof candidate.text === "string" && candidate.range !== void 0 && (candidate.rangeLength === void 0 || typeof candidate.rangeLength === "number");\n }\n static isFull(event) {\n let candidate = event;\n return candidate !== void 0 && candidate !== null && typeof candidate.text === "string" && candidate.range === void 0 && candidate.rangeLength === void 0;\n }\n};\nvar TextDocument2;\n(function(TextDocument3) {\n function create(uri, languageId, version, content) {\n return new FullTextDocument2(uri, languageId, version, content);\n }\n TextDocument3.create = create;\n function update(document, changes, version) {\n if (document instanceof FullTextDocument2) {\n document.update(changes, version);\n return document;\n } else {\n throw new Error("TextDocument.update: document must be created by TextDocument.create");\n }\n }\n TextDocument3.update = update;\n function applyEdits(document, edits) {\n let text = document.getText();\n let sortedEdits = mergeSort(edits.map(getWellformedEdit), (a2, b) => {\n let diff = a2.range.start.line - b.range.start.line;\n if (diff === 0) {\n return a2.range.start.character - b.range.start.character;\n }\n return diff;\n });\n let lastModifiedOffset = 0;\n const spans = [];\n for (const e of sortedEdits) {\n let startOffset = document.offsetAt(e.range.start);\n if (startOffset < lastModifiedOffset) {\n throw new Error("Overlapping edit");\n } else if (startOffset > lastModifiedOffset) {\n spans.push(text.substring(lastModifiedOffset, startOffset));\n }\n if (e.newText.length) {\n spans.push(e.newText);\n }\n lastModifiedOffset = document.offsetAt(e.range.end);\n }\n spans.push(text.substr(lastModifiedOffset));\n return spans.join("");\n }\n TextDocument3.applyEdits = applyEdits;\n})(TextDocument2 || (TextDocument2 = {}));\nfunction mergeSort(data, compare) {\n if (data.length <= 1) {\n return data;\n }\n const p = data.length / 2 | 0;\n const left = data.slice(0, p);\n const right = data.slice(p);\n mergeSort(left, compare);\n mergeSort(right, compare);\n let leftIdx = 0;\n let rightIdx = 0;\n let i = 0;\n while (leftIdx < left.length && rightIdx < right.length) {\n let ret = compare(left[leftIdx], right[rightIdx]);\n if (ret <= 0) {\n data[i++] = left[leftIdx++];\n } else {\n data[i++] = right[rightIdx++];\n }\n }\n while (leftIdx < left.length) {\n data[i++] = left[leftIdx++];\n }\n while (rightIdx < right.length) {\n data[i++] = right[rightIdx++];\n }\n return data;\n}\nfunction computeLineOffsets(text, isAtLineStart, textOffset = 0) {\n const result = isAtLineStart ? [textOffset] : [];\n for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {\n let ch = text.charCodeAt(i);\n if (ch === 13 || ch === 10) {\n if (ch === 13 && i + 1 < text.length && text.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {\n i++;\n }\n result.push(textOffset + i + 1);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\nfunction getWellformedRange(range) {\n const start = range.start;\n const end = range.end;\n if (start.line > end.line || start.line === end.line && start.character > end.character) {\n return { start: end, end: start };\n }\n return range;\n}\nfunction getWellformedEdit(textEdit) {\n const range = getWellformedRange(textEdit.range);\n if (range !== textEdit.range) {\n return { newText: textEdit.newText, range };\n }\n return textEdit;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/cssLanguageTypes.js\nvar ClientCapabilities;\n(function(ClientCapabilities2) {\n ClientCapabilities2.LATEST = {\n textDocument: {\n completion: {\n completionItem: {\n documentationFormat: [MarkupKind.Markdown, MarkupKind.PlainText]\n }\n },\n hover: {\n contentFormat: [MarkupKind.Markdown, MarkupKind.PlainText]\n }\n }\n };\n})(ClientCapabilities || (ClientCapabilities = {}));\nvar FileType;\n(function(FileType2) {\n FileType2[FileType2["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";\n FileType2[FileType2["File"] = 1] = "File";\n FileType2[FileType2["Directory"] = 2] = "Directory";\n FileType2[FileType2["SymbolicLink"] = 64] = "SymbolicLink";\n})(FileType || (FileType = {}));\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/languageFacts/entry.js\nvar browserNames = {\n E: "Edge",\n FF: "Firefox",\n S: "Safari",\n C: "Chrome",\n IE: "IE",\n O: "Opera"\n};\nfunction getEntryStatus(status) {\n switch (status) {\n case "experimental":\n return "\\u26A0\\uFE0F Property is experimental. Be cautious when using it.\\uFE0F\\n\\n";\n case "nonstandard":\n return "\\u{1F6A8}\\uFE0F Property is nonstandard. Avoid using it.\\n\\n";\n case "obsolete":\n return "\\u{1F6A8}\\uFE0F\\uFE0F\\uFE0F Property is obsolete. Avoid using it.\\n\\n";\n default:\n return "";\n }\n}\nfunction getEntryDescription(entry, doesSupportMarkdown, settings) {\n var result;\n if (doesSupportMarkdown) {\n result = {\n kind: "markdown",\n value: getEntryMarkdownDescription(entry, settings)\n };\n } else {\n result = {\n kind: "plaintext",\n value: getEntryStringDescription(entry, settings)\n };\n }\n if (result.value === "") {\n return void 0;\n }\n return result;\n}\nfunction textToMarkedString(text) {\n text = text.replace(/[\\\\`*_{}[\\]()#+\\-.!]/g, "\\\\$&");\n return text.replace(//g, ">");\n}\nfunction getEntryStringDescription(entry, settings) {\n if (!entry.description || entry.description === "") {\n return "";\n }\n if (typeof entry.description !== "string") {\n return entry.description.value;\n }\n var result = "";\n if ((settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.documentation) !== false) {\n if (entry.status) {\n result += getEntryStatus(entry.status);\n }\n result += entry.description;\n var browserLabel = getBrowserLabel(entry.browsers);\n if (browserLabel) {\n result += "\\n(" + browserLabel + ")";\n }\n if ("syntax" in entry) {\n result += "\\n\\nSyntax: ".concat(entry.syntax);\n }\n }\n if (entry.references && entry.references.length > 0 && (settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.references) !== false) {\n if (result.length > 0) {\n result += "\\n\\n";\n }\n result += entry.references.map(function(r) {\n return "".concat(r.name, ": ").concat(r.url);\n }).join(" | ");\n }\n return result;\n}\nfunction getEntryMarkdownDescription(entry, settings) {\n if (!entry.description || entry.description === "") {\n return "";\n }\n var result = "";\n if ((settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.documentation) !== false) {\n if (entry.status) {\n result += getEntryStatus(entry.status);\n }\n if (typeof entry.description === "string") {\n result += textToMarkedString(entry.description);\n } else {\n result += entry.description.kind === MarkupKind.Markdown ? entry.description.value : textToMarkedString(entry.description.value);\n }\n var browserLabel = getBrowserLabel(entry.browsers);\n if (browserLabel) {\n result += "\\n\\n(" + textToMarkedString(browserLabel) + ")";\n }\n if ("syntax" in entry && entry.syntax) {\n result += "\\n\\nSyntax: ".concat(textToMarkedString(entry.syntax));\n }\n }\n if (entry.references && entry.references.length > 0 && (settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.references) !== false) {\n if (result.length > 0) {\n result += "\\n\\n";\n }\n result += entry.references.map(function(r) {\n return "[".concat(r.name, "](").concat(r.url, ")");\n }).join(" | ");\n }\n return result;\n}\nfunction getBrowserLabel(browsers) {\n if (browsers === void 0) {\n browsers = [];\n }\n if (browsers.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return browsers.map(function(b) {\n var result = "";\n var matches2 = b.match(/([A-Z]+)(\\d+)?/);\n var name = matches2[1];\n var version = matches2[2];\n if (name in browserNames) {\n result += browserNames[name];\n }\n if (version) {\n result += " " + version;\n }\n return result;\n }).join(", ");\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/languageFacts/colors.js\nvar localize3 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar colorFunctions = [\n { func: "rgb($red, $green, $blue)", desc: localize3("css.builtin.rgb", "Creates a Color from red, green, and blue values.") },\n { func: "rgba($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)", desc: localize3("css.builtin.rgba", "Creates a Color from red, green, blue, and alpha values.") },\n { func: "hsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness)", desc: localize3("css.builtin.hsl", "Creates a Color from hue, saturation, and lightness values.") },\n { func: "hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha)", desc: localize3("css.builtin.hsla", "Creates a Color from hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha values.") }\n];\nvar colors = {\n aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",\n antiquewhite: "#faebd7",\n aqua: "#00ffff",\n aquamarine: "#7fffd4",\n azure: "#f0ffff",\n beige: "#f5f5dc",\n bisque: "#ffe4c4",\n black: "#000000",\n blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",\n blue: "#0000ff",\n blueviolet: "#8a2be2",\n brown: "#a52a2a",\n burlywood: "#deb887",\n cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",\n chartreuse: "#7fff00",\n chocolate: "#d2691e",\n coral: "#ff7f50",\n cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",\n cornsilk: "#fff8dc",\n crimson: "#dc143c",\n cyan: "#00ffff",\n darkblue: "#00008b",\n darkcyan: "#008b8b",\n darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",\n darkgray: "#a9a9a9",\n darkgrey: "#a9a9a9",\n darkgreen: "#006400",\n darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",\n darkmagenta: "#8b008b",\n darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",\n darkorange: "#ff8c00",\n darkorchid: "#9932cc",\n darkred: "#8b0000",\n darksalmon: "#e9967a",\n darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",\n darkslateblue: "#483d8b",\n darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",\n darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f",\n darkturquoise: "#00ced1",\n darkviolet: "#9400d3",\n deeppink: "#ff1493",\n deepskyblue: "#00bfff",\n dimgray: "#696969",\n dimgrey: "#696969",\n dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",\n firebrick: "#b22222",\n floralwhite: "#fffaf0",\n forestgreen: "#228b22",\n fuchsia: "#ff00ff",\n gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",\n ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",\n gold: "#ffd700",\n goldenrod: "#daa520",\n gray: "#808080",\n grey: "#808080",\n green: "#008000",\n greenyellow: "#adff2f",\n honeydew: "#f0fff0",\n hotpink: "#ff69b4",\n indianred: "#cd5c5c",\n indigo: "#4b0082",\n ivory: "#fffff0",\n khaki: "#f0e68c",\n lavender: "#e6e6fa",\n lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",\n lawngreen: "#7cfc00",\n lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",\n lightblue: "#add8e6",\n lightcoral: "#f08080",\n lightcyan: "#e0ffff",\n lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",\n lightgray: "#d3d3d3",\n lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",\n lightgreen: "#90ee90",\n lightpink: "#ffb6c1",\n lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",\n lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",\n lightskyblue: "#87cefa",\n lightslategray: "#778899",\n lightslategrey: "#778899",\n lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",\n lightyellow: "#ffffe0",\n lime: "#00ff00",\n limegreen: "#32cd32",\n linen: "#faf0e6",\n magenta: "#ff00ff",\n maroon: "#800000",\n mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",\n mediumblue: "#0000cd",\n mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",\n mediumpurple: "#9370d8",\n mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",\n mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",\n mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",\n mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",\n mediumvioletred: "#c71585",\n midnightblue: "#191970",\n mintcream: "#f5fffa",\n mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",\n moccasin: "#ffe4b5",\n navajowhite: "#ffdead",\n navy: "#000080",\n oldlace: "#fdf5e6",\n olive: "#808000",\n olivedrab: "#6b8e23",\n orange: "#ffa500",\n orangered: "#ff4500",\n orchid: "#da70d6",\n palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",\n palegreen: "#98fb98",\n paleturquoise: "#afeeee",\n palevioletred: "#d87093",\n papayawhip: "#ffefd5",\n peachpuff: "#ffdab9",\n peru: "#cd853f",\n pink: "#ffc0cb",\n plum: "#dda0dd",\n powderblue: "#b0e0e6",\n purple: "#800080",\n red: "#ff0000",\n rebeccapurple: "#663399",\n rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",\n royalblue: "#4169e1",\n saddlebrown: "#8b4513",\n salmon: "#fa8072",\n sandybrown: "#f4a460",\n seagreen: "#2e8b57",\n seashell: "#fff5ee",\n sienna: "#a0522d",\n silver: "#c0c0c0",\n skyblue: "#87ceeb",\n slateblue: "#6a5acd",\n slategray: "#708090",\n slategrey: "#708090",\n snow: "#fffafa",\n springgreen: "#00ff7f",\n steelblue: "#4682b4",\n tan: "#d2b48c",\n teal: "#008080",\n thistle: "#d8bfd8",\n tomato: "#ff6347",\n turquoise: "#40e0d0",\n violet: "#ee82ee",\n wheat: "#f5deb3",\n white: "#ffffff",\n whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",\n yellow: "#ffff00",\n yellowgreen: "#9acd32"\n};\nvar colorKeywords = {\n "currentColor": "The value of the \'color\' property. The computed value of the \'currentColor\' keyword is the computed value of the \'color\' property. If the \'currentColor\' keyword is set on the \'color\' property itself, it is treated as \'color:inherit\' at parse time.",\n "transparent": "Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for rgba(0,0,0,0) which is its computed value."\n};\nfunction getNumericValue(node, factor) {\n var val = node.getText();\n var m = val.match(/^([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)(%?)$/);\n if (m) {\n if (m[2]) {\n factor = 100;\n }\n var result = parseFloat(m[1]) / factor;\n if (result >= 0 && result <= 1) {\n return result;\n }\n }\n throw new Error();\n}\nfunction getAngle(node) {\n var val = node.getText();\n var m = val.match(/^([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?$/);\n if (m) {\n switch (m[2]) {\n case "deg":\n return parseFloat(val) % 360;\n case "rad":\n return parseFloat(val) * 180 / Math.PI % 360;\n case "grad":\n return parseFloat(val) * 0.9 % 360;\n case "turn":\n return parseFloat(val) * 360 % 360;\n default:\n if (typeof m[2] === "undefined") {\n return parseFloat(val) % 360;\n }\n }\n }\n throw new Error();\n}\nfunction isColorConstructor(node) {\n var name = node.getName();\n if (!name) {\n return false;\n }\n return /^(rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)$/gi.test(name);\n}\nvar Digit0 = 48;\nvar Digit9 = 57;\nvar A = 65;\nvar a = 97;\nvar f = 102;\nfunction hexDigit(charCode) {\n if (charCode < Digit0) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (charCode <= Digit9) {\n return charCode - Digit0;\n }\n if (charCode < a) {\n charCode += a - A;\n }\n if (charCode >= a && charCode <= f) {\n return charCode - a + 10;\n }\n return 0;\n}\nfunction colorFromHex(text) {\n if (text[0] !== "#") {\n return null;\n }\n switch (text.length) {\n case 4:\n return {\n red: hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(1)) * 17 / 255,\n green: hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(2)) * 17 / 255,\n blue: hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(3)) * 17 / 255,\n alpha: 1\n };\n case 5:\n return {\n red: hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(1)) * 17 / 255,\n green: hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(2)) * 17 / 255,\n blue: hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(3)) * 17 / 255,\n alpha: hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(4)) * 17 / 255\n };\n case 7:\n return {\n red: (hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(1)) * 16 + hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(2))) / 255,\n green: (hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(3)) * 16 + hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(4))) / 255,\n blue: (hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(5)) * 16 + hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(6))) / 255,\n alpha: 1\n };\n case 9:\n return {\n red: (hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(1)) * 16 + hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(2))) / 255,\n green: (hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(3)) * 16 + hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(4))) / 255,\n blue: (hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(5)) * 16 + hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(6))) / 255,\n alpha: (hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(7)) * 16 + hexDigit(text.charCodeAt(8))) / 255\n };\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction colorFromHSL(hue, sat, light, alpha) {\n if (alpha === void 0) {\n alpha = 1;\n }\n hue = hue / 60;\n if (sat === 0) {\n return { red: light, green: light, blue: light, alpha };\n } else {\n var hueToRgb = function(t12, t22, hue2) {\n while (hue2 < 0) {\n hue2 += 6;\n }\n while (hue2 >= 6) {\n hue2 -= 6;\n }\n if (hue2 < 1) {\n return (t22 - t12) * hue2 + t12;\n }\n if (hue2 < 3) {\n return t22;\n }\n if (hue2 < 4) {\n return (t22 - t12) * (4 - hue2) + t12;\n }\n return t12;\n };\n var t2 = light <= 0.5 ? light * (sat + 1) : light + sat - light * sat;\n var t1 = light * 2 - t2;\n return { red: hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue + 2), green: hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue), blue: hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue - 2), alpha };\n }\n}\nfunction hslFromColor(rgba) {\n var r = rgba.red;\n var g = rgba.green;\n var b = rgba.blue;\n var a2 = rgba.alpha;\n var max = Math.max(r, g, b);\n var min = Math.min(r, g, b);\n var h = 0;\n var s = 0;\n var l = (min + max) / 2;\n var chroma = max - min;\n if (chroma > 0) {\n s = Math.min(l <= 0.5 ? chroma / (2 * l) : chroma / (2 - 2 * l), 1);\n switch (max) {\n case r:\n h = (g - b) / chroma + (g < b ? 6 : 0);\n break;\n case g:\n h = (b - r) / chroma + 2;\n break;\n case b:\n h = (r - g) / chroma + 4;\n break;\n }\n h *= 60;\n h = Math.round(h);\n }\n return { h, s, l, a: a2 };\n}\nfunction getColorValue(node) {\n if (node.type === NodeType.HexColorValue) {\n var text = node.getText();\n return colorFromHex(text);\n } else if (node.type === NodeType.Function) {\n var functionNode = node;\n var name = functionNode.getName();\n var colorValues = functionNode.getArguments().getChildren();\n if (colorValues.length === 1) {\n var functionArg = colorValues[0].getChildren();\n if (functionArg.length === 1 && functionArg[0].type === NodeType.Expression) {\n colorValues = functionArg[0].getChildren();\n if (colorValues.length === 3) {\n var lastValue = colorValues[2];\n if (lastValue instanceof BinaryExpression) {\n var left = lastValue.getLeft(), right = lastValue.getRight(), operator = lastValue.getOperator();\n if (left && right && operator && operator.matches("/")) {\n colorValues = [colorValues[0], colorValues[1], left, right];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (!name || colorValues.length < 3 || colorValues.length > 4) {\n return null;\n }\n try {\n var alpha = colorValues.length === 4 ? getNumericValue(colorValues[3], 1) : 1;\n if (name === "rgb" || name === "rgba") {\n return {\n red: getNumericValue(colorValues[0], 255),\n green: getNumericValue(colorValues[1], 255),\n blue: getNumericValue(colorValues[2], 255),\n alpha\n };\n } else if (name === "hsl" || name === "hsla") {\n var h = getAngle(colorValues[0]);\n var s = getNumericValue(colorValues[1], 100);\n var l = getNumericValue(colorValues[2], 100);\n return colorFromHSL(h, s, l, alpha);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n return null;\n }\n } else if (node.type === NodeType.Identifier) {\n if (node.parent && node.parent.type !== NodeType.Term) {\n return null;\n }\n var term = node.parent;\n if (term && term.parent && term.parent.type === NodeType.BinaryExpression) {\n var expression = term.parent;\n if (expression.parent && expression.parent.type === NodeType.ListEntry && expression.parent.key === expression) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n var candidateColor = node.getText().toLowerCase();\n if (candidateColor === "none") {\n return null;\n }\n var colorHex = colors[candidateColor];\n if (colorHex) {\n return colorFromHex(colorHex);\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/languageFacts/builtinData.js\nvar positionKeywords = {\n "bottom": "Computes to \\u2018100%\\u2019 for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the bottom edge as the origin for the next offset.",\n "center": "Computes to \\u201850%\\u2019 (\\u2018left 50%\\u2019) for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or \\u201850%\\u2019 (\\u2018top 50%\\u2019) for the vertical position if it is.",\n "left": "Computes to \\u20180%\\u2019 for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the left edge as the origin for the next offset.",\n "right": "Computes to \\u2018100%\\u2019 for the horizontal position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the right edge as the origin for the next offset.",\n "top": "Computes to \\u20180%\\u2019 for the vertical position if one or two values are given, otherwise specifies the top edge as the origin for the next offset."\n};\nvar repeatStyleKeywords = {\n "no-repeat": "Placed once and not repeated in this direction.",\n "repeat": "Repeated in this direction as often as needed to cover the background painting area.",\n "repeat-x": "Computes to \\u2018repeat no-repeat\\u2019.",\n "repeat-y": "Computes to \\u2018no-repeat repeat\\u2019.",\n "round": "Repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area. If it doesn\\u2019t fit a whole number of times, it is rescaled so that it does.",\n "space": "Repeated as often as will fit within the background positioning area without being clipped and then the images are spaced out to fill the area."\n};\nvar lineStyleKeywords = {\n "dashed": "A series of square-ended dashes.",\n "dotted": "A series of round dots.",\n "double": "Two parallel solid lines with some space between them.",\n "groove": "Looks as if it were carved in the canvas.",\n "hidden": "Same as \\u2018none\\u2019, but has different behavior in the border conflict resolution rules for border-collapsed tables.",\n "inset": "Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is sunken into the canvas.",\n "none": "No border. Color and width are ignored.",\n "outset": "Looks as if the content on the inside of the border is coming out of the canvas.",\n "ridge": "Looks as if it were coming out of the canvas.",\n "solid": "A single line segment."\n};\nvar lineWidthKeywords = ["medium", "thick", "thin"];\nvar boxKeywords = {\n "border-box": "The background is painted within (clipped to) the border box.",\n "content-box": "The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box.",\n "padding-box": "The background is painted within (clipped to) the padding box."\n};\nvar geometryBoxKeywords = {\n "margin-box": "Uses the margin box as reference box.",\n "fill-box": "Uses the object bounding box as reference box.",\n "stroke-box": "Uses the stroke bounding box as reference box.",\n "view-box": "Uses the nearest SVG viewport as reference box."\n};\nvar cssWideKeywords = {\n "initial": "Represents the value specified as the property\\u2019s initial value.",\n "inherit": "Represents the computed value of the property on the element\\u2019s parent.",\n "unset": "Acts as either `inherit` or `initial`, depending on whether the property is inherited or not."\n};\nvar cssWideFunctions = {\n "var()": "Evaluates the value of a custom variable.",\n "calc()": "Evaluates an mathematical expression. The following operators can be used: + - * /."\n};\nvar imageFunctions = {\n "url()": "Reference an image file by URL",\n "image()": "Provide image fallbacks and annotations.",\n "-webkit-image-set()": "Provide multiple resolutions. Remember to use unprefixed image-set() in addition.",\n "image-set()": "Provide multiple resolutions of an image and const the UA decide which is most appropriate in a given situation.",\n "-moz-element()": "Use an element in the document as an image. Remember to use unprefixed element() in addition.",\n "element()": "Use an element in the document as an image.",\n "cross-fade()": "Indicates the two images to be combined and how far along in the transition the combination is.",\n "-webkit-gradient()": "Deprecated. Use modern linear-gradient() or radial-gradient() instead.",\n "-webkit-linear-gradient()": "Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "-moz-linear-gradient()": "Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "-o-linear-gradient()": "Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "linear-gradient()": "A linear gradient is created by specifying a straight gradient line, and then several colors placed along that line.",\n "-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient()": "Repeating Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient()": "Repeating Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "-o-repeating-linear-gradient()": "Repeating Linear gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "repeating-linear-gradient()": "Same as linear-gradient, except the color-stops are repeated infinitely in both directions, with their positions shifted by multiples of the difference between the last specified color-stop\\u2019s position and the first specified color-stop\\u2019s position.",\n "-webkit-radial-gradient()": "Radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "-moz-radial-gradient()": "Radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "radial-gradient()": "Colors emerge from a single point and smoothly spread outward in a circular or elliptical shape.",\n "-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient()": "Repeating radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient()": "Repeating radial gradient. Remember to use unprefixed version in addition.",\n "repeating-radial-gradient()": "Same as radial-gradient, except the color-stops are repeated infinitely in both directions, with their positions shifted by multiples of the difference between the last specified color-stop\\u2019s position and the first specified color-stop\\u2019s position."\n};\nvar transitionTimingFunctions = {\n "ease": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0).",\n "ease-in": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0).",\n "ease-in-out": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0).",\n "ease-out": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0).",\n "linear": "Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).",\n "step-end": "Equivalent to steps(1, end).",\n "step-start": "Equivalent to steps(1, start).",\n "steps()": "The first parameter specifies the number of intervals in the function. The second parameter, which is optional, is either the value \\u201Cstart\\u201D or \\u201Cend\\u201D.",\n "cubic-bezier()": "Specifies a cubic-bezier curve. The four values specify points P1 and P2 of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2).",\n "cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045)": "Ease-in Back. Overshoots.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)": "Ease-in-out Back. Overshoots.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)": "Ease-out Back. Overshoots.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335)": "Ease-in Circular. Based on half circle.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86)": "Ease-in-out Circular. Based on half circle.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1)": "Ease-out Circular. Based on half circle.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)": "Ease-in Cubic. Based on power of three.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)": "Ease-in-out Cubic. Based on power of three.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1)": "Ease-out Cubic. Based on power of three.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035)": "Ease-in Exponential. Based on two to the power ten.",\n "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)": "Ease-in-out Exponential. Based on two to the power ten.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)": "Ease-out Exponential. Based on two to the power ten.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715)": "Ease-in Sine.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95)": "Ease-in-out Sine.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)": "Ease-out Sine.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53)": "Ease-in Quadratic. Based on power of two.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)": "Ease-in-out Quadratic. Based on power of two.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)": "Ease-out Quadratic. Based on power of two.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22)": "Ease-in Quartic. Based on power of four.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1)": "Ease-in-out Quartic. Based on power of four.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)": "Ease-out Quartic. Based on power of four.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)": "Ease-in Quintic. Based on power of five.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1)": "Ease-in-out Quintic. Based on power of five.",\n "cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.320, 1)": "Ease-out Quintic. Based on power of five."\n};\nvar basicShapeFunctions = {\n "circle()": "Defines a circle.",\n "ellipse()": "Defines an ellipse.",\n "inset()": "Defines an inset rectangle.",\n "polygon()": "Defines a polygon."\n};\nvar units = {\n "length": ["em", "rem", "ex", "px", "cm", "mm", "in", "pt", "pc", "ch", "vw", "vh", "vmin", "vmax"],\n "angle": ["deg", "rad", "grad", "turn"],\n "time": ["ms", "s"],\n "frequency": ["Hz", "kHz"],\n "resolution": ["dpi", "dpcm", "dppx"],\n "percentage": ["%", "fr"]\n};\nvar html5Tags = [\n "a",\n "abbr",\n "address",\n "area",\n "article",\n "aside",\n "audio",\n "b",\n "base",\n "bdi",\n "bdo",\n "blockquote",\n "body",\n "br",\n "button",\n "canvas",\n "caption",\n "cite",\n "code",\n "col",\n "colgroup",\n "data",\n "datalist",\n "dd",\n "del",\n "details",\n "dfn",\n "dialog",\n "div",\n "dl",\n "dt",\n "em",\n "embed",\n "fieldset",\n "figcaption",\n "figure",\n "footer",\n "form",\n "h1",\n "h2",\n "h3",\n "h4",\n "h5",\n "h6",\n "head",\n "header",\n "hgroup",\n "hr",\n "html",\n "i",\n "iframe",\n "img",\n "input",\n "ins",\n "kbd",\n "keygen",\n "label",\n "legend",\n "li",\n "link",\n "main",\n "map",\n "mark",\n "menu",\n "menuitem",\n "meta",\n "meter",\n "nav",\n "noscript",\n "object",\n "ol",\n "optgroup",\n "option",\n "output",\n "p",\n "param",\n "picture",\n "pre",\n "progress",\n "q",\n "rb",\n "rp",\n "rt",\n "rtc",\n "ruby",\n "s",\n "samp",\n "script",\n "section",\n "select",\n "small",\n "source",\n "span",\n "strong",\n "style",\n "sub",\n "summary",\n "sup",\n "table",\n "tbody",\n "td",\n "template",\n "textarea",\n "tfoot",\n "th",\n "thead",\n "time",\n "title",\n "tr",\n "track",\n "u",\n "ul",\n "const",\n "video",\n "wbr"\n];\nvar svgElements = [\n "circle",\n "clipPath",\n "cursor",\n "defs",\n "desc",\n "ellipse",\n "feBlend",\n "feColorMatrix",\n "feComponentTransfer",\n "feComposite",\n "feConvolveMatrix",\n "feDiffuseLighting",\n "feDisplacementMap",\n "feDistantLight",\n "feDropShadow",\n "feFlood",\n "feFuncA",\n "feFuncB",\n "feFuncG",\n "feFuncR",\n "feGaussianBlur",\n "feImage",\n "feMerge",\n "feMergeNode",\n "feMorphology",\n "feOffset",\n "fePointLight",\n "feSpecularLighting",\n "feSpotLight",\n "feTile",\n "feTurbulence",\n "filter",\n "foreignObject",\n "g",\n "hatch",\n "hatchpath",\n "image",\n "line",\n "linearGradient",\n "marker",\n "mask",\n "mesh",\n "meshpatch",\n "meshrow",\n "metadata",\n "mpath",\n "path",\n "pattern",\n "polygon",\n "polyline",\n "radialGradient",\n "rect",\n "set",\n "solidcolor",\n "stop",\n "svg",\n "switch",\n "symbol",\n "text",\n "textPath",\n "tspan",\n "use",\n "view"\n];\nvar pageBoxDirectives = [\n "@bottom-center",\n "@bottom-left",\n "@bottom-left-corner",\n "@bottom-right",\n "@bottom-right-corner",\n "@left-bottom",\n "@left-middle",\n "@left-top",\n "@right-bottom",\n "@right-middle",\n "@right-top",\n "@top-center",\n "@top-left",\n "@top-left-corner",\n "@top-right",\n "@top-right-corner"\n];\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/utils/objects.js\nfunction values(obj) {\n return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {\n return obj[key];\n });\n}\nfunction isDefined(obj) {\n return typeof obj !== "undefined";\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/cssParser.js\nvar __spreadArray = function(to, from, pack) {\n if (pack || arguments.length === 2)\n for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {\n if (ar || !(i in from)) {\n if (!ar)\n ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);\n ar[i] = from[i];\n }\n }\n return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));\n};\nvar Parser = function() {\n function Parser2(scnr) {\n if (scnr === void 0) {\n scnr = new Scanner();\n }\n this.keyframeRegex = /^@(\\-(webkit|ms|moz|o)\\-)?keyframes$/i;\n this.scanner = scnr;\n this.token = { type: TokenType.EOF, offset: -1, len: 0, text: "" };\n this.prevToken = void 0;\n }\n Parser2.prototype.peekIdent = function(text) {\n return TokenType.Ident === this.token.type && text.length === this.token.text.length && text === this.token.text.toLowerCase();\n };\n Parser2.prototype.peekKeyword = function(text) {\n return TokenType.AtKeyword === this.token.type && text.length === this.token.text.length && text === this.token.text.toLowerCase();\n };\n Parser2.prototype.peekDelim = function(text) {\n return TokenType.Delim === this.token.type && text === this.token.text;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.peek = function(type) {\n return type === this.token.type;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.peekOne = function() {\n var types = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n types[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n return types.indexOf(this.token.type) !== -1;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.peekRegExp = function(type, regEx) {\n if (type !== this.token.type) {\n return false;\n }\n return regEx.test(this.token.text);\n };\n Parser2.prototype.hasWhitespace = function() {\n return !!this.prevToken && this.prevToken.offset + this.prevToken.len !== this.token.offset;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.consumeToken = function() {\n this.prevToken = this.token;\n this.token = this.scanner.scan();\n };\n Parser2.prototype.mark = function() {\n return {\n prev: this.prevToken,\n curr: this.token,\n pos: this.scanner.pos()\n };\n };\n Parser2.prototype.restoreAtMark = function(mark) {\n this.prevToken = mark.prev;\n this.token = mark.curr;\n this.scanner.goBackTo(mark.pos);\n };\n Parser2.prototype.try = function(func) {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = func();\n if (!node) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n return node;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.acceptOneKeyword = function(keywords) {\n if (TokenType.AtKeyword === this.token.type) {\n for (var _i = 0, keywords_1 = keywords; _i < keywords_1.length; _i++) {\n var keyword = keywords_1[_i];\n if (keyword.length === this.token.text.length && keyword === this.token.text.toLowerCase()) {\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.accept = function(type) {\n if (type === this.token.type) {\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.acceptIdent = function(text) {\n if (this.peekIdent(text)) {\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.acceptKeyword = function(text) {\n if (this.peekKeyword(text)) {\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.acceptDelim = function(text) {\n if (this.peekDelim(text)) {\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.acceptRegexp = function(regEx) {\n if (regEx.test(this.token.text)) {\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseRegexp = function(regEx) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Identifier);\n do {\n } while (this.acceptRegexp(regEx));\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype.acceptUnquotedString = function() {\n var pos = this.scanner.pos();\n this.scanner.goBackTo(this.token.offset);\n var unquoted = this.scanner.scanUnquotedString();\n if (unquoted) {\n this.token = unquoted;\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n }\n this.scanner.goBackTo(pos);\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.resync = function(resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens) {\n while (true) {\n if (resyncTokens && resyncTokens.indexOf(this.token.type) !== -1) {\n this.consumeToken();\n return true;\n } else if (resyncStopTokens && resyncStopTokens.indexOf(this.token.type) !== -1) {\n return true;\n } else {\n if (this.token.type === TokenType.EOF) {\n return false;\n }\n this.token = this.scanner.scan();\n }\n }\n };\n Parser2.prototype.createNode = function(nodeType) {\n return new Node(this.token.offset, this.token.len, nodeType);\n };\n Parser2.prototype.create = function(ctor) {\n return new ctor(this.token.offset, this.token.len);\n };\n Parser2.prototype.finish = function(node, error, resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens) {\n if (!(node instanceof Nodelist)) {\n if (error) {\n this.markError(node, error, resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens);\n }\n if (this.prevToken) {\n var prevEnd = this.prevToken.offset + this.prevToken.len;\n node.length = prevEnd > node.offset ? prevEnd - node.offset : 0;\n }\n }\n return node;\n };\n Parser2.prototype.markError = function(node, error, resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens) {\n if (this.token !== this.lastErrorToken) {\n node.addIssue(new Marker(node, error, Level.Error, void 0, this.token.offset, this.token.len));\n this.lastErrorToken = this.token;\n }\n if (resyncTokens || resyncStopTokens) {\n this.resync(resyncTokens, resyncStopTokens);\n }\n };\n Parser2.prototype.parseStylesheet = function(textDocument) {\n var versionId = textDocument.version;\n var text = textDocument.getText();\n var textProvider = function(offset, length) {\n if (textDocument.version !== versionId) {\n throw new Error("Underlying model has changed, AST is no longer valid");\n }\n return text.substr(offset, length);\n };\n return this.internalParse(text, this._parseStylesheet, textProvider);\n };\n Parser2.prototype.internalParse = function(input, parseFunc, textProvider) {\n this.scanner.setSource(input);\n this.token = this.scanner.scan();\n var node = parseFunc.bind(this)();\n if (node) {\n if (textProvider) {\n node.textProvider = textProvider;\n } else {\n node.textProvider = function(offset, length) {\n return input.substr(offset, length);\n };\n }\n }\n return node;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseStylesheet = function() {\n var node = this.create(Stylesheet);\n while (node.addChild(this._parseStylesheetStart())) {\n }\n var inRecovery = false;\n do {\n var hasMatch = false;\n do {\n hasMatch = false;\n var statement = this._parseStylesheetStatement();\n if (statement) {\n node.addChild(statement);\n hasMatch = true;\n inRecovery = false;\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.EOF) && this._needsSemicolonAfter(statement) && !this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n this.markError(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected);\n }\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon) || this.accept(TokenType.CDO) || this.accept(TokenType.CDC)) {\n hasMatch = true;\n inRecovery = false;\n }\n } while (hasMatch);\n if (this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!inRecovery) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n this.markError(node, ParseError.UnknownAtRule);\n } else {\n this.markError(node, ParseError.RuleOrSelectorExpected);\n }\n inRecovery = true;\n }\n this.consumeToken();\n } while (!this.peek(TokenType.EOF));\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseStylesheetStart = function() {\n return this._parseCharset();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseStylesheetStatement = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return this._parseStylesheetAtStatement(isNested);\n }\n return this._parseRuleset(isNested);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseStylesheetAtStatement = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n return this._parseImport() || this._parseMedia(isNested) || this._parsePage() || this._parseFontFace() || this._parseKeyframe() || this._parseSupports(isNested) || this._parseViewPort() || this._parseNamespace() || this._parseDocument() || this._parseUnknownAtRule();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._tryParseRuleset = function(isNested) {\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (this._parseSelector(isNested)) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma) && this._parseSelector(isNested)) {\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return this._parseRuleset(isNested);\n }\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseRuleset = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n var node = this.create(RuleSet);\n var selectors = node.getSelectors();\n if (!selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(isNested))) {\n return null;\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(isNested))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SelectorExpected);\n }\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement = function() {\n return this._parseUnknownAtRule();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration = function() {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return this._parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement();\n }\n return this._parseDeclaration();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._needsSemicolonAfter = function(node) {\n switch (node.type) {\n case NodeType.Keyframe:\n case NodeType.ViewPort:\n case NodeType.Media:\n case NodeType.Ruleset:\n case NodeType.Namespace:\n case NodeType.If:\n case NodeType.For:\n case NodeType.Each:\n case NodeType.While:\n case NodeType.MixinDeclaration:\n case NodeType.FunctionDeclaration:\n case NodeType.MixinContentDeclaration:\n return false;\n case NodeType.ExtendsReference:\n case NodeType.MixinContentReference:\n case NodeType.ReturnStatement:\n case NodeType.MediaQuery:\n case NodeType.Debug:\n case NodeType.Import:\n case NodeType.AtApplyRule:\n case NodeType.CustomPropertyDeclaration:\n return true;\n case NodeType.VariableDeclaration:\n return node.needsSemicolon;\n case NodeType.MixinReference:\n return !node.getContent();\n case NodeType.Declaration:\n return !node.getNestedProperties();\n }\n return false;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseDeclarations = function(parseDeclaration) {\n var node = this.create(Declarations);\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n return null;\n }\n var decl = parseDeclaration();\n while (node.addChild(decl)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.CurlyR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (this._needsSemicolonAfter(decl) && !this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon, TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (decl && this.prevToken && this.prevToken.type === TokenType.SemiColon) {\n decl.semicolonPosition = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n }\n decl = parseDeclaration();\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.CurlyR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightCurlyExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR, TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseBody = function(node, parseDeclaration) {\n if (!node.setDeclarations(this._parseDeclarations(parseDeclaration))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftCurlyExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR, TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSelector = function(isNested) {\n var node = this.create(Selector);\n var hasContent = false;\n if (isNested) {\n hasContent = node.addChild(this._parseCombinator());\n }\n while (node.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector())) {\n hasContent = true;\n node.addChild(this._parseCombinator());\n }\n return hasContent ? this.finish(node) : null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseDeclaration = function(stopTokens) {\n var custonProperty = this._tryParseCustomPropertyDeclaration(stopTokens);\n if (custonProperty) {\n return custonProperty;\n }\n var node = this.create(Declaration);\n if (!node.setProperty(this._parseProperty())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ColonExpected, [TokenType.Colon], stopTokens || [TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n if (this.prevToken) {\n node.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n if (!node.setValue(this._parseExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.PropertyValueExpected);\n }\n node.addChild(this._parsePrio());\n if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._tryParseCustomPropertyDeclaration = function(stopTokens) {\n if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^--/)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(CustomPropertyDeclaration);\n if (!node.setProperty(this._parseProperty())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ColonExpected, [TokenType.Colon]);\n }\n if (this.prevToken) {\n node.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n var propertySet = this.create(CustomPropertySet);\n var declarations = this._parseDeclarations(this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n if (propertySet.setDeclarations(declarations) && !declarations.isErroneous(true)) {\n propertySet.addChild(this._parsePrio());\n if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n this.finish(propertySet);\n node.setPropertySet(propertySet);\n node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset;\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n }\n var expression = this._parseExpr();\n if (expression && !expression.isErroneous(true)) {\n this._parsePrio();\n if (this.peekOne.apply(this, __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], stopTokens || [], false), [TokenType.SemiColon, TokenType.EOF], false))) {\n node.setValue(expression);\n if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n node.addChild(this._parseCustomPropertyValue(stopTokens));\n node.addChild(this._parsePrio());\n if (isDefined(node.colonPosition) && this.token.offset === node.colonPosition + 1) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.PropertyValueExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseCustomPropertyValue = function(stopTokens) {\n var _this = this;\n if (stopTokens === void 0) {\n stopTokens = [TokenType.CurlyR];\n }\n var node = this.create(Node);\n var isTopLevel = function() {\n return curlyDepth === 0 && parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0;\n };\n var onStopToken = function() {\n return stopTokens.indexOf(_this.token.type) !== -1;\n };\n var curlyDepth = 0;\n var parensDepth = 0;\n var bracketsDepth = 0;\n done:\n while (true) {\n switch (this.token.type) {\n case TokenType.SemiColon:\n if (isTopLevel()) {\n break done;\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.Exclamation:\n if (isTopLevel()) {\n break done;\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.CurlyL:\n curlyDepth++;\n break;\n case TokenType.CurlyR:\n curlyDepth--;\n if (curlyDepth < 0) {\n if (onStopToken() && parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0) {\n break done;\n }\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftCurlyExpected);\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.ParenthesisL:\n parensDepth++;\n break;\n case TokenType.ParenthesisR:\n parensDepth--;\n if (parensDepth < 0) {\n if (onStopToken() && bracketsDepth === 0 && curlyDepth === 0) {\n break done;\n }\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected);\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.BracketL:\n bracketsDepth++;\n break;\n case TokenType.BracketR:\n bracketsDepth--;\n if (bracketsDepth < 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftSquareBracketExpected);\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.BadString:\n break done;\n case TokenType.EOF:\n var error = ParseError.RightCurlyExpected;\n if (bracketsDepth > 0) {\n error = ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected;\n } else if (parensDepth > 0) {\n error = ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected;\n }\n return this.finish(node, error);\n }\n this.consumeToken();\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._tryToParseDeclaration = function(stopTokens) {\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (this._parseProperty() && this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return this._parseDeclaration(stopTokens);\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseProperty = function() {\n var node = this.create(Property);\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (this.acceptDelim("*") || this.acceptDelim("_")) {\n if (this.hasWhitespace()) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n }\n if (node.setIdentifier(this._parsePropertyIdentifier())) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parsePropertyIdentifier = function() {\n return this._parseIdent();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseCharset = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Charset)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.String)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseImport = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@import")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Import);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.URIOrStringExpected);\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) {\n node.setMedialist(this._parseMediaQueryList());\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseNamespace = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@namespace")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Namespace);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral())) {\n node.addChild(this._parseIdent());\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.URIExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseFontFace = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@font-face")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(FontFace);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseViewPort = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@-ms-viewport") && !this.peekKeyword("@-o-viewport") && !this.peekKeyword("@viewport")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(ViewPort);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseKeyframe = function() {\n if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.AtKeyword, this.keyframeRegex)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Keyframe);\n var atNode = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.setKeyword(this.finish(atNode));\n if (atNode.matches("@-ms-keyframes")) {\n this.markError(atNode, ParseError.UnknownKeyword);\n }\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseKeyframeIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseKeyframeSelector.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseKeyframeIdent = function() {\n return this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Keyframe]);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseKeyframeSelector = function() {\n var node = this.create(KeyframeSelector);\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) {\n return null;\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.PercentageExpected);\n }\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._tryParseKeyframeSelector = function() {\n var node = this.create(KeyframeSelector);\n var pos = this.mark();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) {\n return null;\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.accept(TokenType.Percentage)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSupports = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@supports")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Supports);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.addChild(this._parseSupportsCondition());\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseSupportsDeclaration.bind(this, isNested));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSupportsDeclaration = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n if (isNested) {\n return this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(true);\n }\n return this._parseStylesheetStatement(false);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSupportsCondition = function() {\n var node = this.create(SupportsCondition);\n if (this.acceptIdent("not")) {\n node.addChild(this._parseSupportsConditionInParens());\n } else {\n node.addChild(this._parseSupportsConditionInParens());\n if (this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^(and|or)$/i)) {\n var text = this.token.text.toLowerCase();\n while (this.acceptIdent(text)) {\n node.addChild(this._parseSupportsConditionInParens());\n }\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSupportsConditionInParens = function() {\n var node = this.create(SupportsCondition);\n if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n if (this.prevToken) {\n node.lParent = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._tryToParseDeclaration([TokenType.ParenthesisR]))) {\n if (!this._parseSupportsCondition()) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ConditionExpected);\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.ParenthesisR], []);\n }\n if (this.prevToken) {\n node.rParent = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n } else if (this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) {\n var pos = this.mark();\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n var openParentCount = 1;\n while (this.token.type !== TokenType.EOF && openParentCount !== 0) {\n if (this.token.type === TokenType.ParenthesisL) {\n openParentCount++;\n } else if (this.token.type === TokenType.ParenthesisR) {\n openParentCount--;\n }\n this.consumeToken();\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n } else {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [], [TokenType.ParenthesisL]);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMediaDeclaration = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n if (isNested) {\n return this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(true);\n }\n return this._parseStylesheetStatement(false);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMedia = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@media")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Media);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaQueryList())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.MediaQueryExpected);\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseMediaDeclaration.bind(this, isNested));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMediaQueryList = function() {\n var node = this.create(Medialist);\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaQuery())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.MediaQueryExpected);\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaQuery())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.MediaQueryExpected);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMediaQuery = function() {\n var node = this.create(MediaQuery);\n var pos = this.mark();\n this.acceptIdent("not");\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n if (this.acceptIdent("only")) {\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (this.acceptIdent("and")) {\n node.addChild(this._parseMediaCondition());\n }\n } else {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n node.addChild(this._parseMediaCondition());\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseRatio = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(RatioValue);\n if (!this._parseNumeric()) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!this.acceptDelim("/")) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n if (!this._parseNumeric()) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.NumberExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMediaCondition = function() {\n var node = this.create(MediaCondition);\n this.acceptIdent("not");\n var parseExpression = true;\n while (parseExpression) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [], [TokenType.CurlyL]);\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL) || this.peekIdent("not")) {\n node.addChild(this._parseMediaCondition());\n } else {\n node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeature());\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [], [TokenType.CurlyL]);\n }\n parseExpression = this.acceptIdent("and") || this.acceptIdent("or");\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMediaFeature = function() {\n var _this = this;\n var resyncStopToken = [TokenType.ParenthesisR];\n var node = this.create(MediaFeature);\n var parseRangeOperator = function() {\n if (_this.acceptDelim("<") || _this.acceptDelim(">")) {\n if (!_this.hasWhitespace()) {\n _this.acceptDelim("=");\n }\n return true;\n } else if (_this.acceptDelim("=")) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n if (node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureName())) {\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken);\n }\n } else if (parseRangeOperator()) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken);\n }\n if (parseRangeOperator()) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken);\n }\n }\n } else {\n }\n } else if (node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) {\n if (!parseRangeOperator()) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.OperatorExpected, [], resyncStopToken);\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureName())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [], resyncStopToken);\n }\n if (parseRangeOperator()) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseMediaFeatureValue())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected, [], resyncStopToken);\n }\n }\n } else {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [], resyncStopToken);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMediaFeatureName = function() {\n return this._parseIdent();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMediaFeatureValue = function() {\n return this._parseRatio() || this._parseTermExpression();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseMedium = function() {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n if (node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parsePageDeclaration = function() {\n return this._parsePageMarginBox() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parsePage = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@page")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Page);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (node.addChild(this._parsePageSelector())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parsePageSelector())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parsePageDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parsePageMarginBox = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(PageBoxMarginBox);\n if (!this.acceptOneKeyword(pageBoxDirectives)) {\n this.markError(node, ParseError.UnknownAtRule, [], [TokenType.CurlyL]);\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parsePageSelector = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident) && !this.peek(TokenType.Colon)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Node);\n node.addChild(this._parseIdent());\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseDocument = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@-moz-document")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Document);\n this.consumeToken();\n this.resync([], [TokenType.CurlyL]);\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseStylesheetStatement.bind(this));\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseUnknownAtRule = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(UnknownAtRule);\n node.addChild(this._parseUnknownAtRuleName());\n var isTopLevel = function() {\n return curlyDepth === 0 && parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0;\n };\n var curlyLCount = 0;\n var curlyDepth = 0;\n var parensDepth = 0;\n var bracketsDepth = 0;\n done:\n while (true) {\n switch (this.token.type) {\n case TokenType.SemiColon:\n if (isTopLevel()) {\n break done;\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.EOF:\n if (curlyDepth > 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightCurlyExpected);\n } else if (bracketsDepth > 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected);\n } else if (parensDepth > 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n } else {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n case TokenType.CurlyL:\n curlyLCount++;\n curlyDepth++;\n break;\n case TokenType.CurlyR:\n curlyDepth--;\n if (curlyLCount > 0 && curlyDepth === 0) {\n this.consumeToken();\n if (bracketsDepth > 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected);\n } else if (parensDepth > 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n break done;\n }\n if (curlyDepth < 0) {\n if (parensDepth === 0 && bracketsDepth === 0) {\n break done;\n }\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftCurlyExpected);\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.ParenthesisL:\n parensDepth++;\n break;\n case TokenType.ParenthesisR:\n parensDepth--;\n if (parensDepth < 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected);\n }\n break;\n case TokenType.BracketL:\n bracketsDepth++;\n break;\n case TokenType.BracketR:\n bracketsDepth--;\n if (bracketsDepth < 0) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftSquareBracketExpected);\n }\n break;\n }\n this.consumeToken();\n }\n return node;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseUnknownAtRuleName = function() {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n if (this.accept(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return node;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseOperator = function() {\n if (this.peekDelim("/") || this.peekDelim("*") || this.peekDelim("+") || this.peekDelim("-") || this.peek(TokenType.Dashmatch) || this.peek(TokenType.Includes) || this.peek(TokenType.SubstringOperator) || this.peek(TokenType.PrefixOperator) || this.peek(TokenType.SuffixOperator) || this.peekDelim("=")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Operator);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseUnaryOperator = function() {\n if (!this.peekDelim("+") && !this.peekDelim("-")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseCombinator = function() {\n if (this.peekDelim(">")) {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim(">")) {\n if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim(">")) {\n node.type = NodeType.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant;\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n }\n node.type = NodeType.SelectorCombinatorParent;\n return this.finish(node);\n } else if (this.peekDelim("+")) {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.type = NodeType.SelectorCombinatorSibling;\n return this.finish(node);\n } else if (this.peekDelim("~")) {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.type = NodeType.SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings;\n return this.finish(node);\n } else if (this.peekDelim("/")) {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptIdent("deep") && !this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim("/")) {\n node.type = NodeType.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant;\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSimpleSelector = function() {\n var node = this.create(SimpleSelector);\n var c = 0;\n if (node.addChild(this._parseElementName())) {\n c++;\n }\n while ((c === 0 || !this.hasWhitespace()) && node.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelectorBody())) {\n c++;\n }\n return c > 0 ? this.finish(node) : null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody = function() {\n return this._parsePseudo() || this._parseHash() || this._parseClass() || this._parseAttrib();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseSelectorIdent = function() {\n return this._parseIdent();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseHash = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Hash) && !this.peekDelim("#")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.IdentifierSelector);\n if (this.acceptDelim("#")) {\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !node.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n } else {\n this.consumeToken();\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseClass = function() {\n if (!this.peekDelim(".")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.ClassSelector);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !node.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseElementName = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.ElementNameSelector);\n node.addChild(this._parseNamespacePrefix());\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseSelectorIdent()) && !this.acceptDelim("*")) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseNamespacePrefix = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.NamespacePrefix);\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) && !this.acceptDelim("*")) {\n }\n if (!this.acceptDelim("|")) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseAttrib = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.BracketL)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(AttributeSelector);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.setNamespacePrefix(this._parseNamespacePrefix());\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n if (node.setOperator(this._parseOperator())) {\n node.setValue(this._parseBinaryExpr());\n this.acceptIdent("i");\n this.acceptIdent("s");\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.BracketR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parsePseudo = function() {\n var _this = this;\n var node = this._tryParsePseudoIdentifier();\n if (node) {\n if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n var tryAsSelector = function() {\n var selectors = _this.create(Node);\n if (!selectors.addChild(_this._parseSelector(false))) {\n return null;\n }\n while (_this.accept(TokenType.Comma) && selectors.addChild(_this._parseSelector(false))) {\n }\n if (_this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return _this.finish(selectors);\n }\n return null;\n };\n node.addChild(this.try(tryAsSelector) || this._parseBinaryExpr());\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._tryParsePseudoIdentifier = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Colon)) {\n return null;\n }\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.PseudoSelector);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.hasWhitespace()) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n this.accept(TokenType.Colon);\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._tryParsePrio = function() {\n var mark = this.mark();\n var prio = this._parsePrio();\n if (prio) {\n return prio;\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parsePrio = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Exclamation)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Prio);\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Exclamation) && this.acceptIdent("important")) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseExpr = function(stopOnComma) {\n if (stopOnComma === void 0) {\n stopOnComma = false;\n }\n var node = this.create(Expression);\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr())) {\n return null;\n }\n while (true) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (stopOnComma) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n this.consumeToken();\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr())) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseNamedLine = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.BracketL)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.GridLine);\n this.consumeToken();\n while (node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) {\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.BracketR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightSquareBracketExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseBinaryExpr = function(preparsedLeft, preparsedOper) {\n var node = this.create(BinaryExpression);\n if (!node.setLeft(preparsedLeft || this._parseTerm())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!node.setOperator(preparsedOper || this._parseOperator())) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n if (!node.setRight(this._parseTerm())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected);\n }\n node = this.finish(node);\n var operator = this._parseOperator();\n if (operator) {\n node = this._parseBinaryExpr(node, operator);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseTerm = function() {\n var node = this.create(Term);\n node.setOperator(this._parseUnaryOperator());\n if (node.setExpression(this._parseTermExpression())) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseTermExpression = function() {\n return this._parseURILiteral() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseIdent() || this._parseStringLiteral() || this._parseNumeric() || this._parseHexColor() || this._parseOperation() || this._parseNamedLine();\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseOperation = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.addChild(this._parseExpr());\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseNumeric = function() {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.Num) || this.peek(TokenType.Percentage) || this.peek(TokenType.Resolution) || this.peek(TokenType.Length) || this.peek(TokenType.EMS) || this.peek(TokenType.EXS) || this.peek(TokenType.Angle) || this.peek(TokenType.Time) || this.peek(TokenType.Dimension) || this.peek(TokenType.Freq)) {\n var node = this.create(NumericValue);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseStringLiteral = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.String) && !this.peek(TokenType.BadString)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.StringLiteral);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseURILiteral = function() {\n if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^url(-prefix)?$/i)) {\n return null;\n }\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.URILiteral);\n this.accept(TokenType.Ident);\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n this.scanner.inURL = true;\n this.consumeToken();\n node.addChild(this._parseURLArgument());\n this.scanner.inURL = false;\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseURLArgument = function() {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.String) && !this.accept(TokenType.BadString) && !this.acceptUnquotedString()) {\n return null;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseIdent = function(referenceTypes) {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Identifier);\n if (referenceTypes) {\n node.referenceTypes = referenceTypes;\n }\n node.isCustomProperty = this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^--/);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseFunction = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(Function);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseFunctionIdentifier())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n if (node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {\n this.markError(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseFunctionIdentifier = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Identifier);\n node.referenceTypes = [ReferenceType.Function];\n if (this.acceptIdent("progid")) {\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Ident) && this.acceptDelim(".")) {\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseFunctionArgument = function() {\n var node = this.create(FunctionArgument);\n if (node.setValue(this._parseExpr(true))) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Parser2.prototype._parseHexColor = function() {\n if (this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Hash, /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})$/g)) {\n var node = this.create(HexColorValue);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n };\n return Parser2;\n}();\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/utils/arrays.js\nfunction findFirst(array, p) {\n var low = 0, high = array.length;\n if (high === 0) {\n return 0;\n }\n while (low < high) {\n var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);\n if (p(array[mid])) {\n high = mid;\n } else {\n low = mid + 1;\n }\n }\n return low;\n}\nfunction includes(array, item) {\n return array.indexOf(item) !== -1;\n}\nfunction union() {\n var arrays = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n arrays[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n var result = [];\n for (var _a2 = 0, arrays_1 = arrays; _a2 < arrays_1.length; _a2++) {\n var array = arrays_1[_a2];\n for (var _b = 0, array_1 = array; _b < array_1.length; _b++) {\n var item = array_1[_b];\n if (!includes(result, item)) {\n result.push(item);\n }\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/cssSymbolScope.js\nvar __extends2 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar Scope = function() {\n function Scope2(offset, length) {\n this.offset = offset;\n this.length = length;\n this.symbols = [];\n this.parent = null;\n this.children = [];\n }\n Scope2.prototype.addChild = function(scope) {\n this.children.push(scope);\n scope.setParent(this);\n };\n Scope2.prototype.setParent = function(scope) {\n this.parent = scope;\n };\n Scope2.prototype.findScope = function(offset, length) {\n if (length === void 0) {\n length = 0;\n }\n if (this.offset <= offset && this.offset + this.length > offset + length || this.offset === offset && this.length === length) {\n return this.findInScope(offset, length);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Scope2.prototype.findInScope = function(offset, length) {\n if (length === void 0) {\n length = 0;\n }\n var end = offset + length;\n var idx = findFirst(this.children, function(s) {\n return s.offset > end;\n });\n if (idx === 0) {\n return this;\n }\n var res = this.children[idx - 1];\n if (res.offset <= offset && res.offset + res.length >= offset + length) {\n return res.findInScope(offset, length);\n }\n return this;\n };\n Scope2.prototype.addSymbol = function(symbol) {\n this.symbols.push(symbol);\n };\n Scope2.prototype.getSymbol = function(name, type) {\n for (var index = 0; index < this.symbols.length; index++) {\n var symbol = this.symbols[index];\n if (symbol.name === name && symbol.type === type) {\n return symbol;\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n Scope2.prototype.getSymbols = function() {\n return this.symbols;\n };\n return Scope2;\n}();\nvar GlobalScope = function(_super) {\n __extends2(GlobalScope2, _super);\n function GlobalScope2() {\n return _super.call(this, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE) || this;\n }\n return GlobalScope2;\n}(Scope);\nvar Symbol2 = function() {\n function Symbol3(name, value, node, type) {\n this.name = name;\n this.value = value;\n this.node = node;\n this.type = type;\n }\n return Symbol3;\n}();\nvar ScopeBuilder = function() {\n function ScopeBuilder2(scope) {\n this.scope = scope;\n }\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.addSymbol = function(node, name, value, type) {\n if (node.offset !== -1) {\n var current = this.scope.findScope(node.offset, node.length);\n if (current) {\n current.addSymbol(new Symbol2(name, value, node, type));\n }\n }\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.addScope = function(node) {\n if (node.offset !== -1) {\n var current = this.scope.findScope(node.offset, node.length);\n if (current && (current.offset !== node.offset || current.length !== node.length)) {\n var newScope = new Scope(node.offset, node.length);\n current.addChild(newScope);\n return newScope;\n }\n return current;\n }\n return null;\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.addSymbolToChildScope = function(scopeNode, node, name, value, type) {\n if (scopeNode && scopeNode.offset !== -1) {\n var current = this.addScope(scopeNode);\n if (current) {\n current.addSymbol(new Symbol2(name, value, node, type));\n }\n }\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.visitNode = function(node) {\n switch (node.type) {\n case NodeType.Keyframe:\n this.addSymbol(node, node.getName(), void 0, ReferenceType.Keyframe);\n return true;\n case NodeType.CustomPropertyDeclaration:\n return this.visitCustomPropertyDeclarationNode(node);\n case NodeType.VariableDeclaration:\n return this.visitVariableDeclarationNode(node);\n case NodeType.Ruleset:\n return this.visitRuleSet(node);\n case NodeType.MixinDeclaration:\n this.addSymbol(node, node.getName(), void 0, ReferenceType.Mixin);\n return true;\n case NodeType.FunctionDeclaration:\n this.addSymbol(node, node.getName(), void 0, ReferenceType.Function);\n return true;\n case NodeType.FunctionParameter: {\n return this.visitFunctionParameterNode(node);\n }\n case NodeType.Declarations:\n this.addScope(node);\n return true;\n case NodeType.For:\n var forNode = node;\n var scopeNode = forNode.getDeclarations();\n if (scopeNode && forNode.variable) {\n this.addSymbolToChildScope(scopeNode, forNode.variable, forNode.variable.getName(), void 0, ReferenceType.Variable);\n }\n return true;\n case NodeType.Each: {\n var eachNode = node;\n var scopeNode_1 = eachNode.getDeclarations();\n if (scopeNode_1) {\n var variables = eachNode.getVariables().getChildren();\n for (var _i = 0, variables_1 = variables; _i < variables_1.length; _i++) {\n var variable = variables_1[_i];\n this.addSymbolToChildScope(scopeNode_1, variable, variable.getName(), void 0, ReferenceType.Variable);\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.visitRuleSet = function(node) {\n var current = this.scope.findScope(node.offset, node.length);\n if (current) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = node.getSelectors().getChildren(); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var child = _a2[_i];\n if (child instanceof Selector) {\n if (child.getChildren().length === 1) {\n current.addSymbol(new Symbol2(child.getChild(0).getText(), void 0, child, ReferenceType.Rule));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.visitVariableDeclarationNode = function(node) {\n var value = node.getValue() ? node.getValue().getText() : void 0;\n this.addSymbol(node, node.getName(), value, ReferenceType.Variable);\n return true;\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.visitFunctionParameterNode = function(node) {\n var scopeNode = node.getParent().getDeclarations();\n if (scopeNode) {\n var valueNode = node.getDefaultValue();\n var value = valueNode ? valueNode.getText() : void 0;\n this.addSymbolToChildScope(scopeNode, node, node.getName(), value, ReferenceType.Variable);\n }\n return true;\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.visitCustomPropertyDeclarationNode = function(node) {\n var value = node.getValue() ? node.getValue().getText() : "";\n this.addCSSVariable(node.getProperty(), node.getProperty().getName(), value, ReferenceType.Variable);\n return true;\n };\n ScopeBuilder2.prototype.addCSSVariable = function(node, name, value, type) {\n if (node.offset !== -1) {\n this.scope.addSymbol(new Symbol2(name, value, node, type));\n }\n };\n return ScopeBuilder2;\n}();\nvar Symbols = function() {\n function Symbols2(node) {\n this.global = new GlobalScope();\n node.acceptVisitor(new ScopeBuilder(this.global));\n }\n Symbols2.prototype.findSymbolsAtOffset = function(offset, referenceType) {\n var scope = this.global.findScope(offset, 0);\n var result = [];\n var names = {};\n while (scope) {\n var symbols = scope.getSymbols();\n for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {\n var symbol = symbols[i];\n if (symbol.type === referenceType && !names[symbol.name]) {\n result.push(symbol);\n names[symbol.name] = true;\n }\n }\n scope = scope.parent;\n }\n return result;\n };\n Symbols2.prototype.internalFindSymbol = function(node, referenceTypes) {\n var scopeNode = node;\n if (node.parent instanceof FunctionParameter && node.parent.getParent() instanceof BodyDeclaration) {\n scopeNode = node.parent.getParent().getDeclarations();\n }\n if (node.parent instanceof FunctionArgument && node.parent.getParent() instanceof Function) {\n var funcId = node.parent.getParent().getIdentifier();\n if (funcId) {\n var functionSymbol = this.internalFindSymbol(funcId, [ReferenceType.Function]);\n if (functionSymbol) {\n scopeNode = functionSymbol.node.getDeclarations();\n }\n }\n }\n if (!scopeNode) {\n return null;\n }\n var name = node.getText();\n var scope = this.global.findScope(scopeNode.offset, scopeNode.length);\n while (scope) {\n for (var index = 0; index < referenceTypes.length; index++) {\n var type = referenceTypes[index];\n var symbol = scope.getSymbol(name, type);\n if (symbol) {\n return symbol;\n }\n }\n scope = scope.parent;\n }\n return null;\n };\n Symbols2.prototype.evaluateReferenceTypes = function(node) {\n if (node instanceof Identifier) {\n var referenceTypes = node.referenceTypes;\n if (referenceTypes) {\n return referenceTypes;\n } else {\n if (node.isCustomProperty) {\n return [ReferenceType.Variable];\n }\n var decl = getParentDeclaration(node);\n if (decl) {\n var propertyName = decl.getNonPrefixedPropertyName();\n if ((propertyName === "animation" || propertyName === "animation-name") && decl.getValue() && decl.getValue().offset === node.offset) {\n return [ReferenceType.Keyframe];\n }\n }\n }\n } else if (node instanceof Variable) {\n return [ReferenceType.Variable];\n }\n var selector = node.findAParent(NodeType.Selector, NodeType.ExtendsReference);\n if (selector) {\n return [ReferenceType.Rule];\n }\n return null;\n };\n Symbols2.prototype.findSymbolFromNode = function(node) {\n if (!node) {\n return null;\n }\n while (node.type === NodeType.Interpolation) {\n node = node.getParent();\n }\n var referenceTypes = this.evaluateReferenceTypes(node);\n if (referenceTypes) {\n return this.internalFindSymbol(node, referenceTypes);\n }\n return null;\n };\n Symbols2.prototype.matchesSymbol = function(node, symbol) {\n if (!node) {\n return false;\n }\n while (node.type === NodeType.Interpolation) {\n node = node.getParent();\n }\n if (!node.matches(symbol.name)) {\n return false;\n }\n var referenceTypes = this.evaluateReferenceTypes(node);\n if (!referenceTypes || referenceTypes.indexOf(symbol.type) === -1) {\n return false;\n }\n var nodeSymbol = this.internalFindSymbol(node, referenceTypes);\n return nodeSymbol === symbol;\n };\n Symbols2.prototype.findSymbol = function(name, type, offset) {\n var scope = this.global.findScope(offset);\n while (scope) {\n var symbol = scope.getSymbol(name, type);\n if (symbol) {\n return symbol;\n }\n scope = scope.parent;\n }\n return null;\n };\n return Symbols2;\n}();\n\n// node_modules/vscode-uri/lib/esm/index.js\nvar LIB;\nLIB = (() => {\n "use strict";\n var t = { 470: (t2) => {\n function e2(t3) {\n if (typeof t3 != "string")\n throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(t3));\n }\n function r2(t3, e3) {\n for (var r3, n2 = "", o = 0, i = -1, a2 = 0, h = 0; h <= t3.length; ++h) {\n if (h < t3.length)\n r3 = t3.charCodeAt(h);\n else {\n if (r3 === 47)\n break;\n r3 = 47;\n }\n if (r3 === 47) {\n if (i === h - 1 || a2 === 1)\n ;\n else if (i !== h - 1 && a2 === 2) {\n if (n2.length < 2 || o !== 2 || n2.charCodeAt(n2.length - 1) !== 46 || n2.charCodeAt(n2.length - 2) !== 46) {\n if (n2.length > 2) {\n var s = n2.lastIndexOf("/");\n if (s !== n2.length - 1) {\n s === -1 ? (n2 = "", o = 0) : o = (n2 = n2.slice(0, s)).length - 1 - n2.lastIndexOf("/"), i = h, a2 = 0;\n continue;\n }\n } else if (n2.length === 2 || n2.length === 1) {\n n2 = "", o = 0, i = h, a2 = 0;\n continue;\n }\n }\n e3 && (n2.length > 0 ? n2 += "/.." : n2 = "..", o = 2);\n } else\n n2.length > 0 ? n2 += "/" + t3.slice(i + 1, h) : n2 = t3.slice(i + 1, h), o = h - i - 1;\n i = h, a2 = 0;\n } else\n r3 === 46 && a2 !== -1 ? ++a2 : a2 = -1;\n }\n return n2;\n }\n var n = { resolve: function() {\n for (var t3, n2 = "", o = false, i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !o; i--) {\n var a2;\n i >= 0 ? a2 = arguments[i] : (t3 === void 0 && (t3 = process.cwd()), a2 = t3), e2(a2), a2.length !== 0 && (n2 = a2 + "/" + n2, o = a2.charCodeAt(0) === 47);\n }\n return n2 = r2(n2, !o), o ? n2.length > 0 ? "/" + n2 : "/" : n2.length > 0 ? n2 : ".";\n }, normalize: function(t3) {\n if (e2(t3), t3.length === 0)\n return ".";\n var n2 = t3.charCodeAt(0) === 47, o = t3.charCodeAt(t3.length - 1) === 47;\n return (t3 = r2(t3, !n2)).length !== 0 || n2 || (t3 = "."), t3.length > 0 && o && (t3 += "/"), n2 ? "/" + t3 : t3;\n }, isAbsolute: function(t3) {\n return e2(t3), t3.length > 0 && t3.charCodeAt(0) === 47;\n }, join: function() {\n if (arguments.length === 0)\n return ".";\n for (var t3, r3 = 0; r3 < arguments.length; ++r3) {\n var o = arguments[r3];\n e2(o), o.length > 0 && (t3 === void 0 ? t3 = o : t3 += "/" + o);\n }\n return t3 === void 0 ? "." : n.normalize(t3);\n }, relative: function(t3, r3) {\n if (e2(t3), e2(r3), t3 === r3)\n return "";\n if ((t3 = n.resolve(t3)) === (r3 = n.resolve(r3)))\n return "";\n for (var o = 1; o < t3.length && t3.charCodeAt(o) === 47; ++o)\n ;\n for (var i = t3.length, a2 = i - o, h = 1; h < r3.length && r3.charCodeAt(h) === 47; ++h)\n ;\n for (var s = r3.length - h, c = a2 < s ? a2 : s, f2 = -1, u = 0; u <= c; ++u) {\n if (u === c) {\n if (s > c) {\n if (r3.charCodeAt(h + u) === 47)\n return r3.slice(h + u + 1);\n if (u === 0)\n return r3.slice(h + u);\n } else\n a2 > c && (t3.charCodeAt(o + u) === 47 ? f2 = u : u === 0 && (f2 = 0));\n break;\n }\n var l = t3.charCodeAt(o + u);\n if (l !== r3.charCodeAt(h + u))\n break;\n l === 47 && (f2 = u);\n }\n var p = "";\n for (u = o + f2 + 1; u <= i; ++u)\n u !== i && t3.charCodeAt(u) !== 47 || (p.length === 0 ? p += ".." : p += "/..");\n return p.length > 0 ? p + r3.slice(h + f2) : (h += f2, r3.charCodeAt(h) === 47 && ++h, r3.slice(h));\n }, _makeLong: function(t3) {\n return t3;\n }, dirname: function(t3) {\n if (e2(t3), t3.length === 0)\n return ".";\n for (var r3 = t3.charCodeAt(0), n2 = r3 === 47, o = -1, i = true, a2 = t3.length - 1; a2 >= 1; --a2)\n if ((r3 = t3.charCodeAt(a2)) === 47) {\n if (!i) {\n o = a2;\n break;\n }\n } else\n i = false;\n return o === -1 ? n2 ? "/" : "." : n2 && o === 1 ? "//" : t3.slice(0, o);\n }, basename: function(t3, r3) {\n if (r3 !== void 0 && typeof r3 != "string")\n throw new TypeError(\'"ext" argument must be a string\');\n e2(t3);\n var n2, o = 0, i = -1, a2 = true;\n if (r3 !== void 0 && r3.length > 0 && r3.length <= t3.length) {\n if (r3.length === t3.length && r3 === t3)\n return "";\n var h = r3.length - 1, s = -1;\n for (n2 = t3.length - 1; n2 >= 0; --n2) {\n var c = t3.charCodeAt(n2);\n if (c === 47) {\n if (!a2) {\n o = n2 + 1;\n break;\n }\n } else\n s === -1 && (a2 = false, s = n2 + 1), h >= 0 && (c === r3.charCodeAt(h) ? --h == -1 && (i = n2) : (h = -1, i = s));\n }\n return o === i ? i = s : i === -1 && (i = t3.length), t3.slice(o, i);\n }\n for (n2 = t3.length - 1; n2 >= 0; --n2)\n if (t3.charCodeAt(n2) === 47) {\n if (!a2) {\n o = n2 + 1;\n break;\n }\n } else\n i === -1 && (a2 = false, i = n2 + 1);\n return i === -1 ? "" : t3.slice(o, i);\n }, extname: function(t3) {\n e2(t3);\n for (var r3 = -1, n2 = 0, o = -1, i = true, a2 = 0, h = t3.length - 1; h >= 0; --h) {\n var s = t3.charCodeAt(h);\n if (s !== 47)\n o === -1 && (i = false, o = h + 1), s === 46 ? r3 === -1 ? r3 = h : a2 !== 1 && (a2 = 1) : r3 !== -1 && (a2 = -1);\n else if (!i) {\n n2 = h + 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n return r3 === -1 || o === -1 || a2 === 0 || a2 === 1 && r3 === o - 1 && r3 === n2 + 1 ? "" : t3.slice(r3, o);\n }, format: function(t3) {\n if (t3 === null || typeof t3 != "object")\n throw new TypeError(\'The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type \' + typeof t3);\n return function(t4, e3) {\n var r3 = e3.dir || e3.root, n2 = e3.base || (e3.name || "") + (e3.ext || "");\n return r3 ? r3 === e3.root ? r3 + n2 : r3 + "/" + n2 : n2;\n }(0, t3);\n }, parse: function(t3) {\n e2(t3);\n var r3 = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" };\n if (t3.length === 0)\n return r3;\n var n2, o = t3.charCodeAt(0), i = o === 47;\n i ? (r3.root = "/", n2 = 1) : n2 = 0;\n for (var a2 = -1, h = 0, s = -1, c = true, f2 = t3.length - 1, u = 0; f2 >= n2; --f2)\n if ((o = t3.charCodeAt(f2)) !== 47)\n s === -1 && (c = false, s = f2 + 1), o === 46 ? a2 === -1 ? a2 = f2 : u !== 1 && (u = 1) : a2 !== -1 && (u = -1);\n else if (!c) {\n h = f2 + 1;\n break;\n }\n return a2 === -1 || s === -1 || u === 0 || u === 1 && a2 === s - 1 && a2 === h + 1 ? s !== -1 && (r3.base = r3.name = h === 0 && i ? t3.slice(1, s) : t3.slice(h, s)) : (h === 0 && i ? (r3.name = t3.slice(1, a2), r3.base = t3.slice(1, s)) : (r3.name = t3.slice(h, a2), r3.base = t3.slice(h, s)), r3.ext = t3.slice(a2, s)), h > 0 ? r3.dir = t3.slice(0, h - 1) : i && (r3.dir = "/"), r3;\n }, sep: "/", delimiter: ":", win32: null, posix: null };\n n.posix = n, t2.exports = n;\n }, 447: (t2, e2, r2) => {\n var n;\n if (r2.r(e2), r2.d(e2, { URI: () => d, Utils: () => P }), typeof process == "object")\n n = process.platform === "win32";\n else if (typeof navigator == "object") {\n var o = navigator.userAgent;\n n = o.indexOf("Windows") >= 0;\n }\n var i, a2, h = (i = function(t3, e3) {\n return (i = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(t4, e4) {\n t4.__proto__ = e4;\n } || function(t4, e4) {\n for (var r3 in e4)\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e4, r3) && (t4[r3] = e4[r3]);\n })(t3, e3);\n }, function(t3, e3) {\n if (typeof e3 != "function" && e3 !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(e3) + " is not a constructor or null");\n function r3() {\n this.constructor = t3;\n }\n i(t3, e3), t3.prototype = e3 === null ? Object.create(e3) : (r3.prototype = e3.prototype, new r3());\n }), s = /^\\w[\\w\\d+.-]*$/, c = /^\\//, f2 = /^\\/\\//;\n function u(t3, e3) {\n if (!t3.scheme && e3)\n throw new Error(\'[UriError]: Scheme is missing: {scheme: "", authority: "\'.concat(t3.authority, \'", path: "\').concat(t3.path, \'", query: "\').concat(t3.query, \'", fragment: "\').concat(t3.fragment, \'"}\'));\n if (t3.scheme && !s.test(t3.scheme))\n throw new Error("[UriError]: Scheme contains illegal characters.");\n if (t3.path) {\n if (t3.authority) {\n if (!c.test(t3.path))\n throw new Error(\'[UriError]: If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character\');\n } else if (f2.test(t3.path))\n throw new Error(\'[UriError]: If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")\');\n }\n }\n var l = "", p = "/", g = /^(([^:/?#]+?):)?(\\/\\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/, d = function() {\n function t3(t4, e3, r3, n2, o2, i2) {\n i2 === void 0 && (i2 = false), typeof t4 == "object" ? (this.scheme = t4.scheme || l, this.authority = t4.authority || l, this.path = t4.path || l, this.query = t4.query || l, this.fragment = t4.fragment || l) : (this.scheme = function(t5, e4) {\n return t5 || e4 ? t5 : "file";\n }(t4, i2), this.authority = e3 || l, this.path = function(t5, e4) {\n switch (t5) {\n case "https":\n case "http":\n case "file":\n e4 ? e4[0] !== p && (e4 = p + e4) : e4 = p;\n }\n return e4;\n }(this.scheme, r3 || l), this.query = n2 || l, this.fragment = o2 || l, u(this, i2));\n }\n return t3.isUri = function(e3) {\n return e3 instanceof t3 || !!e3 && typeof e3.authority == "string" && typeof e3.fragment == "string" && typeof e3.path == "string" && typeof e3.query == "string" && typeof e3.scheme == "string" && typeof e3.fsPath == "string" && typeof e3.with == "function" && typeof e3.toString == "function";\n }, Object.defineProperty(t3.prototype, "fsPath", { get: function() {\n return A2(this, false);\n }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }), t3.prototype.with = function(t4) {\n if (!t4)\n return this;\n var e3 = t4.scheme, r3 = t4.authority, n2 = t4.path, o2 = t4.query, i2 = t4.fragment;\n return e3 === void 0 ? e3 = this.scheme : e3 === null && (e3 = l), r3 === void 0 ? r3 = this.authority : r3 === null && (r3 = l), n2 === void 0 ? n2 = this.path : n2 === null && (n2 = l), o2 === void 0 ? o2 = this.query : o2 === null && (o2 = l), i2 === void 0 ? i2 = this.fragment : i2 === null && (i2 = l), e3 === this.scheme && r3 === this.authority && n2 === this.path && o2 === this.query && i2 === this.fragment ? this : new y(e3, r3, n2, o2, i2);\n }, t3.parse = function(t4, e3) {\n e3 === void 0 && (e3 = false);\n var r3 = g.exec(t4);\n return r3 ? new y(r3[2] || l, O(r3[4] || l), O(r3[5] || l), O(r3[7] || l), O(r3[9] || l), e3) : new y(l, l, l, l, l);\n }, t3.file = function(t4) {\n var e3 = l;\n if (n && (t4 = t4.replace(/\\\\/g, p)), t4[0] === p && t4[1] === p) {\n var r3 = t4.indexOf(p, 2);\n r3 === -1 ? (e3 = t4.substring(2), t4 = p) : (e3 = t4.substring(2, r3), t4 = t4.substring(r3) || p);\n }\n return new y("file", e3, t4, l, l);\n }, t3.from = function(t4) {\n var e3 = new y(t4.scheme, t4.authority, t4.path, t4.query, t4.fragment);\n return u(e3, true), e3;\n }, t3.prototype.toString = function(t4) {\n return t4 === void 0 && (t4 = false), w(this, t4);\n }, t3.prototype.toJSON = function() {\n return this;\n }, t3.revive = function(e3) {\n if (e3) {\n if (e3 instanceof t3)\n return e3;\n var r3 = new y(e3);\n return r3._formatted = e3.external, r3._fsPath = e3._sep === v ? e3.fsPath : null, r3;\n }\n return e3;\n }, t3;\n }(), v = n ? 1 : void 0, y = function(t3) {\n function e3() {\n var e4 = t3 !== null && t3.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n return e4._formatted = null, e4._fsPath = null, e4;\n }\n return h(e3, t3), Object.defineProperty(e3.prototype, "fsPath", { get: function() {\n return this._fsPath || (this._fsPath = A2(this, false)), this._fsPath;\n }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }), e3.prototype.toString = function(t4) {\n return t4 === void 0 && (t4 = false), t4 ? w(this, true) : (this._formatted || (this._formatted = w(this, false)), this._formatted);\n }, e3.prototype.toJSON = function() {\n var t4 = { $mid: 1 };\n return this._fsPath && (t4.fsPath = this._fsPath, t4._sep = v), this._formatted && (t4.external = this._formatted), this.path && (t4.path = this.path), this.scheme && (t4.scheme = this.scheme), this.authority && (t4.authority = this.authority), this.query && (t4.query = this.query), this.fragment && (t4.fragment = this.fragment), t4;\n }, e3;\n }(d), m = ((a2 = {})[58] = "%3A", a2[47] = "%2F", a2[63] = "%3F", a2[35] = "%23", a2[91] = "%5B", a2[93] = "%5D", a2[64] = "%40", a2[33] = "%21", a2[36] = "%24", a2[38] = "%26", a2[39] = "%27", a2[40] = "%28", a2[41] = "%29", a2[42] = "%2A", a2[43] = "%2B", a2[44] = "%2C", a2[59] = "%3B", a2[61] = "%3D", a2[32] = "%20", a2);\n function b(t3, e3) {\n for (var r3 = void 0, n2 = -1, o2 = 0; o2 < t3.length; o2++) {\n var i2 = t3.charCodeAt(o2);\n if (i2 >= 97 && i2 <= 122 || i2 >= 65 && i2 <= 90 || i2 >= 48 && i2 <= 57 || i2 === 45 || i2 === 46 || i2 === 95 || i2 === 126 || e3 && i2 === 47)\n n2 !== -1 && (r3 += encodeURIComponent(t3.substring(n2, o2)), n2 = -1), r3 !== void 0 && (r3 += t3.charAt(o2));\n else {\n r3 === void 0 && (r3 = t3.substr(0, o2));\n var a3 = m[i2];\n a3 !== void 0 ? (n2 !== -1 && (r3 += encodeURIComponent(t3.substring(n2, o2)), n2 = -1), r3 += a3) : n2 === -1 && (n2 = o2);\n }\n }\n return n2 !== -1 && (r3 += encodeURIComponent(t3.substring(n2))), r3 !== void 0 ? r3 : t3;\n }\n function C(t3) {\n for (var e3 = void 0, r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) {\n var n2 = t3.charCodeAt(r3);\n n2 === 35 || n2 === 63 ? (e3 === void 0 && (e3 = t3.substr(0, r3)), e3 += m[n2]) : e3 !== void 0 && (e3 += t3[r3]);\n }\n return e3 !== void 0 ? e3 : t3;\n }\n function A2(t3, e3) {\n var r3;\n return r3 = t3.authority && t3.path.length > 1 && t3.scheme === "file" ? "//".concat(t3.authority).concat(t3.path) : t3.path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 && (t3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 65 && t3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 90 || t3.path.charCodeAt(1) >= 97 && t3.path.charCodeAt(1) <= 122) && t3.path.charCodeAt(2) === 58 ? e3 ? t3.path.substr(1) : t3.path[1].toLowerCase() + t3.path.substr(2) : t3.path, n && (r3 = r3.replace(/\\//g, "\\\\")), r3;\n }\n function w(t3, e3) {\n var r3 = e3 ? C : b, n2 = "", o2 = t3.scheme, i2 = t3.authority, a3 = t3.path, h2 = t3.query, s2 = t3.fragment;\n if (o2 && (n2 += o2, n2 += ":"), (i2 || o2 === "file") && (n2 += p, n2 += p), i2) {\n var c2 = i2.indexOf("@");\n if (c2 !== -1) {\n var f3 = i2.substr(0, c2);\n i2 = i2.substr(c2 + 1), (c2 = f3.indexOf(":")) === -1 ? n2 += r3(f3, false) : (n2 += r3(f3.substr(0, c2), false), n2 += ":", n2 += r3(f3.substr(c2 + 1), false)), n2 += "@";\n }\n (c2 = (i2 = i2.toLowerCase()).indexOf(":")) === -1 ? n2 += r3(i2, false) : (n2 += r3(i2.substr(0, c2), false), n2 += i2.substr(c2));\n }\n if (a3) {\n if (a3.length >= 3 && a3.charCodeAt(0) === 47 && a3.charCodeAt(2) === 58)\n (u2 = a3.charCodeAt(1)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (a3 = "/".concat(String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32), ":").concat(a3.substr(3)));\n else if (a3.length >= 2 && a3.charCodeAt(1) === 58) {\n var u2;\n (u2 = a3.charCodeAt(0)) >= 65 && u2 <= 90 && (a3 = "".concat(String.fromCharCode(u2 + 32), ":").concat(a3.substr(2)));\n }\n n2 += r3(a3, true);\n }\n return h2 && (n2 += "?", n2 += r3(h2, false)), s2 && (n2 += "#", n2 += e3 ? s2 : b(s2, false)), n2;\n }\n function x(t3) {\n try {\n return decodeURIComponent(t3);\n } catch (e3) {\n return t3.length > 3 ? t3.substr(0, 3) + x(t3.substr(3)) : t3;\n }\n }\n var _ = /(%[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z])+/g;\n function O(t3) {\n return t3.match(_) ? t3.replace(_, function(t4) {\n return x(t4);\n }) : t3;\n }\n var P, j = r2(470), U = function(t3, e3, r3) {\n if (r3 || arguments.length === 2)\n for (var n2, o2 = 0, i2 = e3.length; o2 < i2; o2++)\n !n2 && o2 in e3 || (n2 || (n2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(e3, 0, o2)), n2[o2] = e3[o2]);\n return t3.concat(n2 || Array.prototype.slice.call(e3));\n }, I = j.posix || j;\n !function(t3) {\n t3.joinPath = function(t4) {\n for (var e3 = [], r3 = 1; r3 < arguments.length; r3++)\n e3[r3 - 1] = arguments[r3];\n return t4.with({ path: I.join.apply(I, U([t4.path], e3, false)) });\n }, t3.resolvePath = function(t4) {\n for (var e3 = [], r3 = 1; r3 < arguments.length; r3++)\n e3[r3 - 1] = arguments[r3];\n var n2 = t4.path || "/";\n return t4.with({ path: I.resolve.apply(I, U([n2], e3, false)) });\n }, t3.dirname = function(t4) {\n var e3 = I.dirname(t4.path);\n return e3.length === 1 && e3.charCodeAt(0) === 46 ? t4 : t4.with({ path: e3 });\n }, t3.basename = function(t4) {\n return I.basename(t4.path);\n }, t3.extname = function(t4) {\n return I.extname(t4.path);\n };\n }(P || (P = {}));\n } }, e = {};\n function r(n) {\n if (e[n])\n return e[n].exports;\n var o = e[n] = { exports: {} };\n return t[n](o, o.exports, r), o.exports;\n }\n return r.d = (t2, e2) => {\n for (var n in e2)\n r.o(e2, n) && !r.o(t2, n) && Object.defineProperty(t2, n, { enumerable: true, get: e2[n] });\n }, r.o = (t2, e2) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t2, e2), r.r = (t2) => {\n typeof Symbol != "undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t2, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(t2, "__esModule", { value: true });\n }, r(447);\n})();\nvar { URI, Utils } = LIB;\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/utils/resources.js\nvar __spreadArray2 = function(to, from, pack) {\n if (pack || arguments.length === 2)\n for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {\n if (ar || !(i in from)) {\n if (!ar)\n ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);\n ar[i] = from[i];\n }\n }\n return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));\n};\nfunction dirname(uriString) {\n return Utils.dirname(URI.parse(uriString)).toString();\n}\nfunction joinPath(uriString) {\n var paths = [];\n for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n paths[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];\n }\n return Utils.joinPath.apply(Utils, __spreadArray2([URI.parse(uriString)], paths, false)).toString();\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/pathCompletion.js\nvar __awaiter = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n function adopt(value) {\n return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) {\n resolve(value);\n });\n }\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) {\n function fulfilled(value) {\n try {\n step(generator.next(value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n function rejected(value) {\n try {\n step(generator["throw"](value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n function step(result) {\n result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);\n }\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\n });\n};\nvar __generator = function(thisArg, body) {\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() {\n if (t[0] & 1)\n throw t[1];\n return t[1];\n }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f2, y, t, g;\n return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() {\n return this;\n }), g;\n function verb(n) {\n return function(v) {\n return step([n, v]);\n };\n }\n function step(op) {\n if (f2)\n throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");\n while (_)\n try {\n if (f2 = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done)\n return t;\n if (y = 0, t)\n op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\n switch (op[0]) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n t = op;\n break;\n case 4:\n _.label++;\n return { value: op[1], done: false };\n case 5:\n _.label++;\n y = op[1];\n op = [0];\n continue;\n case 7:\n op = _.ops.pop();\n _.trys.pop();\n continue;\n default:\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {\n _ = 0;\n continue;\n }\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) {\n _.label = op[1];\n break;\n }\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {\n _.label = t[1];\n t = op;\n break;\n }\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) {\n _.label = t[2];\n _.ops.push(op);\n break;\n }\n if (t[2])\n _.ops.pop();\n _.trys.pop();\n continue;\n }\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\n } catch (e) {\n op = [6, e];\n y = 0;\n } finally {\n f2 = t = 0;\n }\n if (op[0] & 5)\n throw op[1];\n return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\n }\n};\nvar PathCompletionParticipant = function() {\n function PathCompletionParticipant2(readDirectory) {\n this.readDirectory = readDirectory;\n this.literalCompletions = [];\n this.importCompletions = [];\n }\n PathCompletionParticipant2.prototype.onCssURILiteralValue = function(context) {\n this.literalCompletions.push(context);\n };\n PathCompletionParticipant2.prototype.onCssImportPath = function(context) {\n this.importCompletions.push(context);\n };\n PathCompletionParticipant2.prototype.computeCompletions = function(document, documentContext) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var result, _i, _a2, literalCompletion, uriValue, fullValue, items, _b, items_1, item, _c, _d, importCompletion, pathValue, fullValue, suggestions, _e, suggestions_1, item;\n return __generator(this, function(_f2) {\n switch (_f2.label) {\n case 0:\n result = { items: [], isIncomplete: false };\n _i = 0, _a2 = this.literalCompletions;\n _f2.label = 1;\n case 1:\n if (!(_i < _a2.length))\n return [3, 5];\n literalCompletion = _a2[_i];\n uriValue = literalCompletion.uriValue;\n fullValue = stripQuotes(uriValue);\n if (!(fullValue === "." || fullValue === ".."))\n return [3, 2];\n result.isIncomplete = true;\n return [3, 4];\n case 2:\n return [4, this.providePathSuggestions(uriValue, literalCompletion.position, literalCompletion.range, document, documentContext)];\n case 3:\n items = _f2.sent();\n for (_b = 0, items_1 = items; _b < items_1.length; _b++) {\n item = items_1[_b];\n result.items.push(item);\n }\n _f2.label = 4;\n case 4:\n _i++;\n return [3, 1];\n case 5:\n _c = 0, _d = this.importCompletions;\n _f2.label = 6;\n case 6:\n if (!(_c < _d.length))\n return [3, 10];\n importCompletion = _d[_c];\n pathValue = importCompletion.pathValue;\n fullValue = stripQuotes(pathValue);\n if (!(fullValue === "." || fullValue === ".."))\n return [3, 7];\n result.isIncomplete = true;\n return [3, 9];\n case 7:\n return [4, this.providePathSuggestions(pathValue, importCompletion.position, importCompletion.range, document, documentContext)];\n case 8:\n suggestions = _f2.sent();\n if (document.languageId === "scss") {\n suggestions.forEach(function(s) {\n if (startsWith(s.label, "_") && endsWith(s.label, ".scss")) {\n if (s.textEdit) {\n s.textEdit.newText = s.label.slice(1, -5);\n } else {\n s.label = s.label.slice(1, -5);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n for (_e = 0, suggestions_1 = suggestions; _e < suggestions_1.length; _e++) {\n item = suggestions_1[_e];\n result.items.push(item);\n }\n _f2.label = 9;\n case 9:\n _c++;\n return [3, 6];\n case 10:\n return [2, result];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n PathCompletionParticipant2.prototype.providePathSuggestions = function(pathValue, position, range, document, documentContext) {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var fullValue, isValueQuoted, valueBeforeCursor, currentDocUri, fullValueRange, replaceRange, valueBeforeLastSlash, parentDir, result, infos, _i, infos_1, _a2, name, type, e_1;\n return __generator(this, function(_b) {\n switch (_b.label) {\n case 0:\n fullValue = stripQuotes(pathValue);\n isValueQuoted = startsWith(pathValue, "\'") || startsWith(pathValue, \'"\');\n valueBeforeCursor = isValueQuoted ? fullValue.slice(0, position.character - (range.start.character + 1)) : fullValue.slice(0, position.character - range.start.character);\n currentDocUri = document.uri;\n fullValueRange = isValueQuoted ? shiftRange(range, 1, -1) : range;\n replaceRange = pathToReplaceRange(valueBeforeCursor, fullValue, fullValueRange);\n valueBeforeLastSlash = valueBeforeCursor.substring(0, valueBeforeCursor.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);\n parentDir = documentContext.resolveReference(valueBeforeLastSlash || ".", currentDocUri);\n if (!parentDir)\n return [3, 4];\n _b.label = 1;\n case 1:\n _b.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);\n result = [];\n return [4, this.readDirectory(parentDir)];\n case 2:\n infos = _b.sent();\n for (_i = 0, infos_1 = infos; _i < infos_1.length; _i++) {\n _a2 = infos_1[_i], name = _a2[0], type = _a2[1];\n if (name.charCodeAt(0) !== CharCode_dot && (type === FileType.Directory || joinPath(parentDir, name) !== currentDocUri)) {\n result.push(createCompletionItem(name, type === FileType.Directory, replaceRange));\n }\n }\n return [2, result];\n case 3:\n e_1 = _b.sent();\n return [3, 4];\n case 4:\n return [2, []];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n return PathCompletionParticipant2;\n}();\nvar CharCode_dot = ".".charCodeAt(0);\nfunction stripQuotes(fullValue) {\n if (startsWith(fullValue, "\'") || startsWith(fullValue, \'"\')) {\n return fullValue.slice(1, -1);\n } else {\n return fullValue;\n }\n}\nfunction pathToReplaceRange(valueBeforeCursor, fullValue, fullValueRange) {\n var replaceRange;\n var lastIndexOfSlash = valueBeforeCursor.lastIndexOf("/");\n if (lastIndexOfSlash === -1) {\n replaceRange = fullValueRange;\n } else {\n var valueAfterLastSlash = fullValue.slice(lastIndexOfSlash + 1);\n var startPos = shiftPosition(fullValueRange.end, -valueAfterLastSlash.length);\n var whitespaceIndex = valueAfterLastSlash.indexOf(" ");\n var endPos = void 0;\n if (whitespaceIndex !== -1) {\n endPos = shiftPosition(startPos, whitespaceIndex);\n } else {\n endPos = fullValueRange.end;\n }\n replaceRange = Range.create(startPos, endPos);\n }\n return replaceRange;\n}\nfunction createCompletionItem(name, isDir, replaceRange) {\n if (isDir) {\n name = name + "/";\n return {\n label: escapePath(name),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Folder,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(replaceRange, escapePath(name)),\n command: {\n title: "Suggest",\n command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"\n }\n };\n } else {\n return {\n label: escapePath(name),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.File,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(replaceRange, escapePath(name))\n };\n }\n}\nfunction escapePath(p) {\n return p.replace(/(\\s|\\(|\\)|,|"|\')/g, "\\\\$1");\n}\nfunction shiftPosition(pos, offset) {\n return Position.create(pos.line, pos.character + offset);\n}\nfunction shiftRange(range, startOffset, endOffset) {\n var start = shiftPosition(range.start, startOffset);\n var end = shiftPosition(range.end, endOffset);\n return Range.create(start, end);\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/cssCompletion.js\nvar __awaiter2 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n function adopt(value) {\n return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) {\n resolve(value);\n });\n }\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) {\n function fulfilled(value) {\n try {\n step(generator.next(value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n function rejected(value) {\n try {\n step(generator["throw"](value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n function step(result) {\n result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);\n }\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\n });\n};\nvar __generator2 = function(thisArg, body) {\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() {\n if (t[0] & 1)\n throw t[1];\n return t[1];\n }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f2, y, t, g;\n return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() {\n return this;\n }), g;\n function verb(n) {\n return function(v) {\n return step([n, v]);\n };\n }\n function step(op) {\n if (f2)\n throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");\n while (_)\n try {\n if (f2 = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done)\n return t;\n if (y = 0, t)\n op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\n switch (op[0]) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n t = op;\n break;\n case 4:\n _.label++;\n return { value: op[1], done: false };\n case 5:\n _.label++;\n y = op[1];\n op = [0];\n continue;\n case 7:\n op = _.ops.pop();\n _.trys.pop();\n continue;\n default:\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {\n _ = 0;\n continue;\n }\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) {\n _.label = op[1];\n break;\n }\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {\n _.label = t[1];\n t = op;\n break;\n }\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) {\n _.label = t[2];\n _.ops.push(op);\n break;\n }\n if (t[2])\n _.ops.pop();\n _.trys.pop();\n continue;\n }\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\n } catch (e) {\n op = [6, e];\n y = 0;\n } finally {\n f2 = t = 0;\n }\n if (op[0] & 5)\n throw op[1];\n return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\n }\n};\nvar localize4 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar SnippetFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet;\nvar retriggerCommand = {\n title: "Suggest",\n command: "editor.action.triggerSuggest"\n};\nvar SortTexts;\n(function(SortTexts2) {\n SortTexts2["Enums"] = " ";\n SortTexts2["Normal"] = "d";\n SortTexts2["VendorPrefixed"] = "x";\n SortTexts2["Term"] = "y";\n SortTexts2["Variable"] = "z";\n})(SortTexts || (SortTexts = {}));\nvar CSSCompletion = function() {\n function CSSCompletion2(variablePrefix, lsOptions, cssDataManager) {\n if (variablePrefix === void 0) {\n variablePrefix = null;\n }\n this.variablePrefix = variablePrefix;\n this.lsOptions = lsOptions;\n this.cssDataManager = cssDataManager;\n this.completionParticipants = [];\n }\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.configure = function(settings) {\n this.defaultSettings = settings;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getSymbolContext = function() {\n if (!this.symbolContext) {\n this.symbolContext = new Symbols(this.styleSheet);\n }\n return this.symbolContext;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.setCompletionParticipants = function(registeredCompletionParticipants) {\n this.completionParticipants = registeredCompletionParticipants || [];\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.doComplete2 = function(document, position, styleSheet, documentContext, completionSettings) {\n if (completionSettings === void 0) {\n completionSettings = this.defaultSettings;\n }\n return __awaiter2(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var participant, contributedParticipants, result, pathCompletionResult;\n return __generator2(this, function(_a2) {\n switch (_a2.label) {\n case 0:\n if (!this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider || !this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory) {\n return [2, this.doComplete(document, position, styleSheet, completionSettings)];\n }\n participant = new PathCompletionParticipant(this.lsOptions.fileSystemProvider.readDirectory);\n contributedParticipants = this.completionParticipants;\n this.completionParticipants = [participant].concat(contributedParticipants);\n result = this.doComplete(document, position, styleSheet, completionSettings);\n _a2.label = 1;\n case 1:\n _a2.trys.push([1, , 3, 4]);\n return [4, participant.computeCompletions(document, documentContext)];\n case 2:\n pathCompletionResult = _a2.sent();\n return [2, {\n isIncomplete: result.isIncomplete || pathCompletionResult.isIncomplete,\n items: pathCompletionResult.items.concat(result.items)\n }];\n case 3:\n this.completionParticipants = contributedParticipants;\n return [7];\n case 4:\n return [2];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.doComplete = function(document, position, styleSheet, documentSettings) {\n this.offset = document.offsetAt(position);\n this.position = position;\n this.currentWord = getCurrentWord(document, this.offset);\n this.defaultReplaceRange = Range.create(Position.create(this.position.line, this.position.character - this.currentWord.length), this.position);\n this.textDocument = document;\n this.styleSheet = styleSheet;\n this.documentSettings = documentSettings;\n try {\n var result = { isIncomplete: false, items: [] };\n this.nodePath = getNodePath(this.styleSheet, this.offset);\n for (var i = this.nodePath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var node = this.nodePath[i];\n if (node instanceof Property) {\n this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(node.getParent(), result);\n } else if (node instanceof Expression) {\n if (node.parent instanceof Interpolation) {\n this.getVariableProposals(null, result);\n } else {\n this.getCompletionsForExpression(node, result);\n }\n } else if (node instanceof SimpleSelector) {\n var parentRef = node.findAParent(NodeType.ExtendsReference, NodeType.Ruleset);\n if (parentRef) {\n if (parentRef.type === NodeType.ExtendsReference) {\n this.getCompletionsForExtendsReference(parentRef, node, result);\n } else {\n var parentRuleSet = parentRef;\n this.getCompletionsForSelector(parentRuleSet, parentRuleSet && parentRuleSet.isNested(), result);\n }\n }\n } else if (node instanceof FunctionArgument) {\n this.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument(node, node.getParent(), result);\n } else if (node instanceof Declarations) {\n this.getCompletionsForDeclarations(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof VariableDeclaration) {\n this.getCompletionsForVariableDeclaration(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof RuleSet) {\n this.getCompletionsForRuleSet(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof Interpolation) {\n this.getCompletionsForInterpolation(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof FunctionDeclaration) {\n this.getCompletionsForFunctionDeclaration(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof MixinReference) {\n this.getCompletionsForMixinReference(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof Function) {\n this.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument(null, node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof Supports) {\n this.getCompletionsForSupports(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof SupportsCondition) {\n this.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition(node, result);\n } else if (node instanceof ExtendsReference) {\n this.getCompletionsForExtendsReference(node, null, result);\n } else if (node.type === NodeType.URILiteral) {\n this.getCompletionForUriLiteralValue(node, result);\n } else if (node.parent === null) {\n this.getCompletionForTopLevel(result);\n } else if (node.type === NodeType.StringLiteral && this.isImportPathParent(node.parent.type)) {\n this.getCompletionForImportPath(node, result);\n } else {\n continue;\n }\n if (result.items.length > 0 || this.offset > node.offset) {\n return this.finalize(result);\n }\n }\n this.getCompletionsForStylesheet(result);\n if (result.items.length === 0) {\n if (this.variablePrefix && this.currentWord.indexOf(this.variablePrefix) === 0) {\n this.getVariableProposals(null, result);\n }\n }\n return this.finalize(result);\n } finally {\n this.position = null;\n this.currentWord = null;\n this.textDocument = null;\n this.styleSheet = null;\n this.symbolContext = null;\n this.defaultReplaceRange = null;\n this.nodePath = null;\n }\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.isImportPathParent = function(type) {\n return type === NodeType.Import;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.finalize = function(result) {\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.findInNodePath = function() {\n var types = [];\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n types[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n for (var i = this.nodePath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var node = this.nodePath[i];\n if (types.indexOf(node.type) !== -1) {\n return node;\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty = function(declaration, result) {\n return this.getPropertyProposals(declaration, result);\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getPropertyProposals = function(declaration, result) {\n var _this = this;\n var triggerPropertyValueCompletion = this.isTriggerPropertyValueCompletionEnabled;\n var completePropertyWithSemicolon = this.isCompletePropertyWithSemicolonEnabled;\n var properties = this.cssDataManager.getProperties();\n properties.forEach(function(entry) {\n var range;\n var insertText;\n var retrigger = false;\n if (declaration) {\n range = _this.getCompletionRange(declaration.getProperty());\n insertText = entry.name;\n if (!isDefined(declaration.colonPosition)) {\n insertText += ": ";\n retrigger = true;\n }\n } else {\n range = _this.getCompletionRange(null);\n insertText = entry.name + ": ";\n retrigger = true;\n }\n if (!declaration && completePropertyWithSemicolon) {\n insertText += "$0;";\n }\n if (declaration && !declaration.semicolonPosition) {\n if (completePropertyWithSemicolon && _this.offset >= _this.textDocument.offsetAt(range.end)) {\n insertText += "$0;";\n }\n }\n var item = {\n label: entry.name,\n documentation: getEntryDescription(entry, _this.doesSupportMarkdown()),\n tags: isDeprecated(entry) ? [CompletionItemTag.Deprecated] : [],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, insertText),\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Property\n };\n if (!entry.restrictions) {\n retrigger = false;\n }\n if (triggerPropertyValueCompletion && retrigger) {\n item.command = retriggerCommand;\n }\n var relevance = typeof entry.relevance === "number" ? Math.min(Math.max(entry.relevance, 0), 99) : 50;\n var sortTextSuffix = (255 - relevance).toString(16);\n var sortTextPrefix = startsWith(entry.name, "-") ? SortTexts.VendorPrefixed : SortTexts.Normal;\n item.sortText = sortTextPrefix + "_" + sortTextSuffix;\n result.items.push(item);\n });\n this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(participant) {\n if (participant.onCssProperty) {\n participant.onCssProperty({\n propertyName: _this.currentWord,\n range: _this.defaultReplaceRange\n });\n }\n });\n return result;\n };\n Object.defineProperty(CSSCompletion2.prototype, "isTriggerPropertyValueCompletionEnabled", {\n get: function() {\n var _a2, _b;\n return (_b = (_a2 = this.documentSettings) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.triggerPropertyValueCompletion) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(CSSCompletion2.prototype, "isCompletePropertyWithSemicolonEnabled", {\n get: function() {\n var _a2, _b;\n return (_b = (_a2 = this.documentSettings) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.completePropertyWithSemicolon) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue = function(node, result) {\n var _this = this;\n var propertyName = node.getFullPropertyName();\n var entry = this.cssDataManager.getProperty(propertyName);\n var existingNode = node.getValue() || null;\n while (existingNode && existingNode.hasChildren()) {\n existingNode = existingNode.findChildAtOffset(this.offset, false);\n }\n this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(participant) {\n if (participant.onCssPropertyValue) {\n participant.onCssPropertyValue({\n propertyName,\n propertyValue: _this.currentWord,\n range: _this.getCompletionRange(existingNode)\n });\n }\n });\n if (entry) {\n if (entry.restrictions) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = entry.restrictions; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var restriction = _a2[_i];\n switch (restriction) {\n case "color":\n this.getColorProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "position":\n this.getPositionProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "repeat":\n this.getRepeatStyleProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "line-style":\n this.getLineStyleProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "line-width":\n this.getLineWidthProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "geometry-box":\n this.getGeometryBoxProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "box":\n this.getBoxProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "image":\n this.getImageProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "timing-function":\n this.getTimingFunctionProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n case "shape":\n this.getBasicShapeProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n this.getValueEnumProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n this.getCSSWideKeywordProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n this.getUnitProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n } else {\n var existingValues = collectValues(this.styleSheet, node);\n for (var _b = 0, _c = existingValues.getEntries(); _b < _c.length; _b++) {\n var existingValue = _c[_b];\n result.items.push({\n label: existingValue,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), existingValue),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n }\n this.getVariableProposals(existingNode, result);\n this.getTermProposals(entry, existingNode, result);\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getValueEnumProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n if (entry.values) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = entry.values; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var value = _a2[_i];\n var insertString = value.name;\n var insertTextFormat = void 0;\n if (endsWith(insertString, ")")) {\n var from = insertString.lastIndexOf("(");\n if (from !== -1) {\n insertString = insertString.substr(0, from) + "($1)";\n insertTextFormat = SnippetFormat;\n }\n }\n var sortText = SortTexts.Enums;\n if (startsWith(value.name, "-")) {\n sortText += SortTexts.VendorPrefixed;\n }\n var item = {\n label: value.name,\n documentation: getEntryDescription(value, this.doesSupportMarkdown()),\n tags: isDeprecated(entry) ? [CompletionItemTag.Deprecated] : [],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertString),\n sortText,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value,\n insertTextFormat\n };\n result.items.push(item);\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCSSWideKeywordProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var keywords in cssWideKeywords) {\n result.items.push({\n label: keywords,\n documentation: cssWideKeywords[keywords],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), keywords),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n for (var func in cssWideFunctions) {\n var insertText = moveCursorInsideParenthesis(func);\n result.items.push({\n label: func,\n documentation: cssWideFunctions[func],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function,\n insertTextFormat: SnippetFormat,\n command: startsWith(func, "var") ? retriggerCommand : void 0\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForInterpolation = function(node, result) {\n if (this.offset >= node.offset + 2) {\n this.getVariableProposals(null, result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getVariableProposals = function(existingNode, result) {\n var symbols = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ReferenceType.Variable);\n for (var _i = 0, symbols_1 = symbols; _i < symbols_1.length; _i++) {\n var symbol = symbols_1[_i];\n var insertText = startsWith(symbol.name, "--") ? "var(".concat(symbol.name, ")") : symbol.name;\n var completionItem = {\n label: symbol.name,\n documentation: symbol.value ? getLimitedString(symbol.value) : symbol.value,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Variable,\n sortText: SortTexts.Variable\n };\n if (typeof completionItem.documentation === "string" && isColorString(completionItem.documentation)) {\n completionItem.kind = CompletionItemKind.Color;\n }\n if (symbol.node.type === NodeType.FunctionParameter) {\n var mixinNode = symbol.node.getParent();\n if (mixinNode.type === NodeType.MixinDeclaration) {\n completionItem.detail = localize4("completion.argument", "argument from \'{0}\'", mixinNode.getName());\n }\n }\n result.items.push(completionItem);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getVariableProposalsForCSSVarFunction = function(result) {\n var allReferencedVariables = new Set();\n this.styleSheet.acceptVisitor(new VariableCollector(allReferencedVariables, this.offset));\n var symbols = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ReferenceType.Variable);\n for (var _i = 0, symbols_2 = symbols; _i < symbols_2.length; _i++) {\n var symbol = symbols_2[_i];\n if (startsWith(symbol.name, "--")) {\n var completionItem = {\n label: symbol.name,\n documentation: symbol.value ? getLimitedString(symbol.value) : symbol.value,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(null), symbol.name),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Variable\n };\n if (typeof completionItem.documentation === "string" && isColorString(completionItem.documentation)) {\n completionItem.kind = CompletionItemKind.Color;\n }\n result.items.push(completionItem);\n }\n allReferencedVariables.remove(symbol.name);\n }\n for (var _a2 = 0, _b = allReferencedVariables.getEntries(); _a2 < _b.length; _a2++) {\n var name = _b[_a2];\n if (startsWith(name, "--")) {\n var completionItem = {\n label: name,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(null), name),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Variable\n };\n result.items.push(completionItem);\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getUnitProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n var currentWord = "0";\n if (this.currentWord.length > 0) {\n var numMatch = this.currentWord.match(/^-?\\d[\\.\\d+]*/);\n if (numMatch) {\n currentWord = numMatch[0];\n result.isIncomplete = currentWord.length === this.currentWord.length;\n }\n } else if (this.currentWord.length === 0) {\n result.isIncomplete = true;\n }\n if (existingNode && existingNode.parent && existingNode.parent.type === NodeType.Term) {\n existingNode = existingNode.getParent();\n }\n if (entry.restrictions) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = entry.restrictions; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var restriction = _a2[_i];\n var units2 = units[restriction];\n if (units2) {\n for (var _b = 0, units_1 = units2; _b < units_1.length; _b++) {\n var unit = units_1[_b];\n var insertText = currentWord + unit;\n result.items.push({\n label: insertText,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Unit\n });\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionRange = function(existingNode) {\n if (existingNode && existingNode.offset <= this.offset && this.offset <= existingNode.end) {\n var end = existingNode.end !== -1 ? this.textDocument.positionAt(existingNode.end) : this.position;\n var start = this.textDocument.positionAt(existingNode.offset);\n if (start.line === end.line) {\n return Range.create(start, end);\n }\n }\n return this.defaultReplaceRange;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getColorProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var color in colors) {\n result.items.push({\n label: color,\n documentation: colors[color],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), color),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Color\n });\n }\n for (var color in colorKeywords) {\n result.items.push({\n label: color,\n documentation: colorKeywords[color],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), color),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n var colorValues = new Set();\n this.styleSheet.acceptVisitor(new ColorValueCollector(colorValues, this.offset));\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = colorValues.getEntries(); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var color = _a2[_i];\n result.items.push({\n label: color,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), color),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Color\n });\n }\n var _loop_1 = function(p2) {\n var tabStop = 1;\n var replaceFunction = function(_match, p1) {\n return "${" + tabStop++ + ":" + p1 + "}";\n };\n var insertText = p2.func.replace(/\\[?\\$(\\w+)\\]?/g, replaceFunction);\n result.items.push({\n label: p2.func.substr(0, p2.func.indexOf("(")),\n detail: p2.func,\n documentation: p2.desc,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this_1.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n insertTextFormat: SnippetFormat,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function\n });\n };\n var this_1 = this;\n for (var _b = 0, _c = colorFunctions; _b < _c.length; _b++) {\n var p = _c[_b];\n _loop_1(p);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getPositionProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var position in positionKeywords) {\n result.items.push({\n label: position,\n documentation: positionKeywords[position],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), position),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getRepeatStyleProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var repeat in repeatStyleKeywords) {\n result.items.push({\n label: repeat,\n documentation: repeatStyleKeywords[repeat],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), repeat),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getLineStyleProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var lineStyle in lineStyleKeywords) {\n result.items.push({\n label: lineStyle,\n documentation: lineStyleKeywords[lineStyle],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), lineStyle),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getLineWidthProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = lineWidthKeywords; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var lineWidth = _a2[_i];\n result.items.push({\n label: lineWidth,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), lineWidth),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getGeometryBoxProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var box in geometryBoxKeywords) {\n result.items.push({\n label: box,\n documentation: geometryBoxKeywords[box],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), box),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getBoxProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var box in boxKeywords) {\n result.items.push({\n label: box,\n documentation: boxKeywords[box],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), box),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Value\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getImageProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var image in imageFunctions) {\n var insertText = moveCursorInsideParenthesis(image);\n result.items.push({\n label: image,\n documentation: imageFunctions[image],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function,\n insertTextFormat: image !== insertText ? SnippetFormat : void 0\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getTimingFunctionProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var timing in transitionTimingFunctions) {\n var insertText = moveCursorInsideParenthesis(timing);\n result.items.push({\n label: timing,\n documentation: transitionTimingFunctions[timing],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function,\n insertTextFormat: timing !== insertText ? SnippetFormat : void 0\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getBasicShapeProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n for (var shape in basicShapeFunctions) {\n var insertText = moveCursorInsideParenthesis(shape);\n result.items.push({\n label: shape,\n documentation: basicShapeFunctions[shape],\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function,\n insertTextFormat: shape !== insertText ? SnippetFormat : void 0\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForStylesheet = function(result) {\n var node = this.styleSheet.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);\n if (!node) {\n return this.getCompletionForTopLevel(result);\n }\n if (node instanceof RuleSet) {\n return this.getCompletionsForRuleSet(node, result);\n }\n if (node instanceof Supports) {\n return this.getCompletionsForSupports(node, result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionForTopLevel = function(result) {\n var _this = this;\n this.cssDataManager.getAtDirectives().forEach(function(entry) {\n result.items.push({\n label: entry.name,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(_this.getCompletionRange(null), entry.name),\n documentation: getEntryDescription(entry, _this.doesSupportMarkdown()),\n tags: isDeprecated(entry) ? [CompletionItemTag.Deprecated] : [],\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n });\n });\n this.getCompletionsForSelector(null, false, result);\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForRuleSet = function(ruleSet, result) {\n var declarations = ruleSet.getDeclarations();\n var isAfter = declarations && declarations.endsWith("}") && this.offset >= declarations.end;\n if (isAfter) {\n return this.getCompletionForTopLevel(result);\n }\n var isInSelectors = !declarations || this.offset <= declarations.offset;\n if (isInSelectors) {\n return this.getCompletionsForSelector(ruleSet, ruleSet.isNested(), result);\n }\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarations(ruleSet.getDeclarations(), result);\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForSelector = function(ruleSet, isNested, result) {\n var _this = this;\n var existingNode = this.findInNodePath(NodeType.PseudoSelector, NodeType.IdentifierSelector, NodeType.ClassSelector, NodeType.ElementNameSelector);\n if (!existingNode && this.hasCharacterAtPosition(this.offset - this.currentWord.length - 1, ":")) {\n this.currentWord = ":" + this.currentWord;\n if (this.hasCharacterAtPosition(this.offset - this.currentWord.length - 1, ":")) {\n this.currentWord = ":" + this.currentWord;\n }\n this.defaultReplaceRange = Range.create(Position.create(this.position.line, this.position.character - this.currentWord.length), this.position);\n }\n var pseudoClasses = this.cssDataManager.getPseudoClasses();\n pseudoClasses.forEach(function(entry2) {\n var insertText = moveCursorInsideParenthesis(entry2.name);\n var item = {\n label: entry2.name,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(_this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n documentation: getEntryDescription(entry2, _this.doesSupportMarkdown()),\n tags: isDeprecated(entry2) ? [CompletionItemTag.Deprecated] : [],\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function,\n insertTextFormat: entry2.name !== insertText ? SnippetFormat : void 0\n };\n if (startsWith(entry2.name, ":-")) {\n item.sortText = SortTexts.VendorPrefixed;\n }\n result.items.push(item);\n });\n var pseudoElements = this.cssDataManager.getPseudoElements();\n pseudoElements.forEach(function(entry2) {\n var insertText = moveCursorInsideParenthesis(entry2.name);\n var item = {\n label: entry2.name,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(_this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n documentation: getEntryDescription(entry2, _this.doesSupportMarkdown()),\n tags: isDeprecated(entry2) ? [CompletionItemTag.Deprecated] : [],\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function,\n insertTextFormat: entry2.name !== insertText ? SnippetFormat : void 0\n };\n if (startsWith(entry2.name, "::-")) {\n item.sortText = SortTexts.VendorPrefixed;\n }\n result.items.push(item);\n });\n if (!isNested) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = html5Tags; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var entry = _a2[_i];\n result.items.push({\n label: entry,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), entry),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n });\n }\n for (var _b = 0, _c = svgElements; _b < _c.length; _b++) {\n var entry = _c[_b];\n result.items.push({\n label: entry,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), entry),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n });\n }\n }\n var visited = {};\n visited[this.currentWord] = true;\n var docText = this.textDocument.getText();\n this.styleSheet.accept(function(n) {\n if (n.type === NodeType.SimpleSelector && n.length > 0) {\n var selector2 = docText.substr(n.offset, n.length);\n if (selector2.charAt(0) === "." && !visited[selector2]) {\n visited[selector2] = true;\n result.items.push({\n label: selector2,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(_this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), selector2),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n });\n }\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n });\n if (ruleSet && ruleSet.isNested()) {\n var selector = ruleSet.getSelectors().findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);\n if (selector && ruleSet.getSelectors().getChildren().indexOf(selector) === 0) {\n this.getPropertyProposals(null, result);\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarations = function(declarations, result) {\n if (!declarations || this.offset === declarations.offset) {\n return result;\n }\n var node = declarations.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);\n if (!node) {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, result);\n }\n if (node instanceof AbstractDeclaration) {\n var declaration = node;\n if (!isDefined(declaration.colonPosition) || this.offset <= declaration.colonPosition) {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(declaration, result);\n } else if (isDefined(declaration.semicolonPosition) && declaration.semicolonPosition < this.offset) {\n if (this.offset === declaration.semicolonPosition + 1) {\n return result;\n }\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, result);\n }\n if (declaration instanceof Declaration) {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(declaration, result);\n }\n } else if (node instanceof ExtendsReference) {\n this.getCompletionsForExtendsReference(node, null, result);\n } else if (this.currentWord && this.currentWord[0] === "@") {\n this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, result);\n } else if (node instanceof RuleSet) {\n this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForVariableDeclaration = function(declaration, result) {\n if (this.offset && isDefined(declaration.colonPosition) && this.offset > declaration.colonPosition) {\n this.getVariableProposals(declaration.getValue(), result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForExpression = function(expression, result) {\n var parent = expression.getParent();\n if (parent instanceof FunctionArgument) {\n this.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument(parent, parent.getParent(), result);\n return result;\n }\n var declaration = expression.findParent(NodeType.Declaration);\n if (!declaration) {\n this.getTermProposals(void 0, null, result);\n return result;\n }\n var node = expression.findChildAtOffset(this.offset, true);\n if (!node) {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(declaration, result);\n }\n if (node instanceof NumericValue || node instanceof Identifier) {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(declaration, result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForFunctionArgument = function(arg, func, result) {\n var identifier = func.getIdentifier();\n if (identifier && identifier.matches("var")) {\n if (!func.getArguments().hasChildren() || func.getArguments().getChild(0) === arg) {\n this.getVariableProposalsForCSSVarFunction(result);\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForFunctionDeclaration = function(decl, result) {\n var declarations = decl.getDeclarations();\n if (declarations && this.offset > declarations.offset && this.offset < declarations.end) {\n this.getTermProposals(void 0, null, result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForMixinReference = function(ref, result) {\n var _this = this;\n var allMixins = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ReferenceType.Mixin);\n for (var _i = 0, allMixins_1 = allMixins; _i < allMixins_1.length; _i++) {\n var mixinSymbol = allMixins_1[_i];\n if (mixinSymbol.node instanceof MixinDeclaration) {\n result.items.push(this.makeTermProposal(mixinSymbol, mixinSymbol.node.getParameters(), null));\n }\n }\n var identifierNode = ref.getIdentifier() || null;\n this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(participant) {\n if (participant.onCssMixinReference) {\n participant.onCssMixinReference({\n mixinName: _this.currentWord,\n range: _this.getCompletionRange(identifierNode)\n });\n }\n });\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getTermProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n var allFunctions = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ReferenceType.Function);\n for (var _i = 0, allFunctions_1 = allFunctions; _i < allFunctions_1.length; _i++) {\n var functionSymbol = allFunctions_1[_i];\n if (functionSymbol.node instanceof FunctionDeclaration) {\n result.items.push(this.makeTermProposal(functionSymbol, functionSymbol.node.getParameters(), existingNode));\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.makeTermProposal = function(symbol, parameters, existingNode) {\n var decl = symbol.node;\n var params = parameters.getChildren().map(function(c) {\n return c instanceof FunctionParameter ? c.getName() : c.getText();\n });\n var insertText = symbol.name + "(" + params.map(function(p, index) {\n return "${" + (index + 1) + ":" + p + "}";\n }).join(", ") + ")";\n return {\n label: symbol.name,\n detail: symbol.name + "(" + params.join(", ") + ")",\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n insertTextFormat: SnippetFormat,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function,\n sortText: SortTexts.Term\n };\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition = function(supportsCondition, result) {\n var child = supportsCondition.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);\n if (child) {\n if (child instanceof Declaration) {\n if (!isDefined(child.colonPosition) || this.offset <= child.colonPosition) {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(child, result);\n } else {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationValue(child, result);\n }\n } else if (child instanceof SupportsCondition) {\n return this.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition(child, result);\n }\n }\n if (isDefined(supportsCondition.lParent) && this.offset > supportsCondition.lParent && (!isDefined(supportsCondition.rParent) || this.offset <= supportsCondition.rParent)) {\n return this.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty(null, result);\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForSupports = function(supports, result) {\n var declarations = supports.getDeclarations();\n var inInCondition = !declarations || this.offset <= declarations.offset;\n if (inInCondition) {\n var child = supports.findFirstChildBeforeOffset(this.offset);\n if (child instanceof SupportsCondition) {\n return this.getCompletionsForSupportsCondition(child, result);\n }\n return result;\n }\n return this.getCompletionForTopLevel(result);\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForExtendsReference = function(extendsRef, existingNode, result) {\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionForUriLiteralValue = function(uriLiteralNode, result) {\n var uriValue;\n var position;\n var range;\n if (!uriLiteralNode.hasChildren()) {\n uriValue = "";\n position = this.position;\n var emptyURIValuePosition = this.textDocument.positionAt(uriLiteralNode.offset + "url(".length);\n range = Range.create(emptyURIValuePosition, emptyURIValuePosition);\n } else {\n var uriValueNode = uriLiteralNode.getChild(0);\n uriValue = uriValueNode.getText();\n position = this.position;\n range = this.getCompletionRange(uriValueNode);\n }\n this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(participant) {\n if (participant.onCssURILiteralValue) {\n participant.onCssURILiteralValue({\n uriValue,\n position,\n range\n });\n }\n });\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionForImportPath = function(importPathNode, result) {\n var _this = this;\n this.completionParticipants.forEach(function(participant) {\n if (participant.onCssImportPath) {\n participant.onCssImportPath({\n pathValue: importPathNode.getText(),\n position: _this.position,\n range: _this.getCompletionRange(importPathNode)\n });\n }\n });\n return result;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.hasCharacterAtPosition = function(offset, char) {\n var text = this.textDocument.getText();\n return offset >= 0 && offset < text.length && text.charAt(offset) === char;\n };\n CSSCompletion2.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function() {\n var _a2, _b, _c;\n if (!isDefined(this.supportsMarkdown)) {\n if (!isDefined(this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities)) {\n this.supportsMarkdown = true;\n return this.supportsMarkdown;\n }\n var documentationFormat = (_c = (_b = (_a2 = this.lsOptions.clientCapabilities.textDocument) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.completion) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.completionItem) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.documentationFormat;\n this.supportsMarkdown = Array.isArray(documentationFormat) && documentationFormat.indexOf(MarkupKind.Markdown) !== -1;\n }\n return this.supportsMarkdown;\n };\n return CSSCompletion2;\n}();\nfunction isDeprecated(entry) {\n if (entry.status && (entry.status === "nonstandard" || entry.status === "obsolete")) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\nvar Set = function() {\n function Set2() {\n this.entries = {};\n }\n Set2.prototype.add = function(entry) {\n this.entries[entry] = true;\n };\n Set2.prototype.remove = function(entry) {\n delete this.entries[entry];\n };\n Set2.prototype.getEntries = function() {\n return Object.keys(this.entries);\n };\n return Set2;\n}();\nfunction moveCursorInsideParenthesis(text) {\n return text.replace(/\\(\\)$/, "($1)");\n}\nfunction collectValues(styleSheet, declaration) {\n var fullPropertyName = declaration.getFullPropertyName();\n var entries = new Set();\n function visitValue(node) {\n if (node instanceof Identifier || node instanceof NumericValue || node instanceof HexColorValue) {\n entries.add(node.getText());\n }\n return true;\n }\n function matchesProperty(decl) {\n var propertyName = decl.getFullPropertyName();\n return fullPropertyName === propertyName;\n }\n function vistNode(node) {\n if (node instanceof Declaration && node !== declaration) {\n if (matchesProperty(node)) {\n var value = node.getValue();\n if (value) {\n value.accept(visitValue);\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n styleSheet.accept(vistNode);\n return entries;\n}\nvar ColorValueCollector = function() {\n function ColorValueCollector2(entries, currentOffset) {\n this.entries = entries;\n this.currentOffset = currentOffset;\n }\n ColorValueCollector2.prototype.visitNode = function(node) {\n if (node instanceof HexColorValue || node instanceof Function && isColorConstructor(node)) {\n if (this.currentOffset < node.offset || node.end < this.currentOffset) {\n this.entries.add(node.getText());\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n return ColorValueCollector2;\n}();\nvar VariableCollector = function() {\n function VariableCollector2(entries, currentOffset) {\n this.entries = entries;\n this.currentOffset = currentOffset;\n }\n VariableCollector2.prototype.visitNode = function(node) {\n if (node instanceof Identifier && node.isCustomProperty) {\n if (this.currentOffset < node.offset || node.end < this.currentOffset) {\n this.entries.add(node.getText());\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n return VariableCollector2;\n}();\nfunction getCurrentWord(document, offset) {\n var i = offset - 1;\n var text = document.getText();\n while (i >= 0 && \' \t\\n\\r":{[()]},*>+\'.indexOf(text.charAt(i)) === -1) {\n i--;\n }\n return text.substring(i + 1, offset);\n}\nfunction isColorString(s) {\n return s.toLowerCase() in colors || /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(s);\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/selectorPrinting.js\nvar __extends3 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar localize5 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar Element = function() {\n function Element3() {\n this.parent = null;\n this.children = null;\n this.attributes = null;\n }\n Element3.prototype.findAttribute = function(name) {\n if (this.attributes) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = this.attributes; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var attribute = _a2[_i];\n if (attribute.name === name) {\n return attribute.value;\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n Element3.prototype.addChild = function(child) {\n if (child instanceof Element3) {\n child.parent = this;\n }\n if (!this.children) {\n this.children = [];\n }\n this.children.push(child);\n };\n Element3.prototype.append = function(text) {\n if (this.attributes) {\n var last = this.attributes[this.attributes.length - 1];\n last.value = last.value + text;\n }\n };\n Element3.prototype.prepend = function(text) {\n if (this.attributes) {\n var first = this.attributes[0];\n first.value = text + first.value;\n }\n };\n Element3.prototype.findRoot = function() {\n var curr = this;\n while (curr.parent && !(curr.parent instanceof RootElement)) {\n curr = curr.parent;\n }\n return curr;\n };\n Element3.prototype.removeChild = function(child) {\n if (this.children) {\n var index = this.children.indexOf(child);\n if (index !== -1) {\n this.children.splice(index, 1);\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n };\n Element3.prototype.addAttr = function(name, value) {\n if (!this.attributes) {\n this.attributes = [];\n }\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = this.attributes; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var attribute = _a2[_i];\n if (attribute.name === name) {\n attribute.value += " " + value;\n return;\n }\n }\n this.attributes.push({ name, value });\n };\n Element3.prototype.clone = function(cloneChildren) {\n if (cloneChildren === void 0) {\n cloneChildren = true;\n }\n var elem = new Element3();\n if (this.attributes) {\n elem.attributes = [];\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = this.attributes; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var attribute = _a2[_i];\n elem.addAttr(attribute.name, attribute.value);\n }\n }\n if (cloneChildren && this.children) {\n elem.children = [];\n for (var index = 0; index < this.children.length; index++) {\n elem.addChild(this.children[index].clone());\n }\n }\n return elem;\n };\n Element3.prototype.cloneWithParent = function() {\n var clone = this.clone(false);\n if (this.parent && !(this.parent instanceof RootElement)) {\n var parentClone = this.parent.cloneWithParent();\n parentClone.addChild(clone);\n }\n return clone;\n };\n return Element3;\n}();\nvar RootElement = function(_super) {\n __extends3(RootElement2, _super);\n function RootElement2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n return RootElement2;\n}(Element);\nvar LabelElement = function(_super) {\n __extends3(LabelElement2, _super);\n function LabelElement2(label) {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n _this.addAttr("name", label);\n return _this;\n }\n return LabelElement2;\n}(Element);\nvar MarkedStringPrinter = function() {\n function MarkedStringPrinter2(quote) {\n this.quote = quote;\n this.result = [];\n }\n MarkedStringPrinter2.prototype.print = function(element) {\n this.result = [];\n if (element instanceof RootElement) {\n if (element.children) {\n this.doPrint(element.children, 0);\n }\n } else {\n this.doPrint([element], 0);\n }\n var value = this.result.join("\\n");\n return [{ language: "html", value }];\n };\n MarkedStringPrinter2.prototype.doPrint = function(elements, indent) {\n for (var _i = 0, elements_1 = elements; _i < elements_1.length; _i++) {\n var element = elements_1[_i];\n this.doPrintElement(element, indent);\n if (element.children) {\n this.doPrint(element.children, indent + 1);\n }\n }\n };\n MarkedStringPrinter2.prototype.writeLine = function(level, content) {\n var indent = new Array(level + 1).join(" ");\n this.result.push(indent + content);\n };\n MarkedStringPrinter2.prototype.doPrintElement = function(element, indent) {\n var name = element.findAttribute("name");\n if (element instanceof LabelElement || name === "\\u2026") {\n this.writeLine(indent, name);\n return;\n }\n var content = ["<"];\n if (name) {\n content.push(name);\n } else {\n content.push("element");\n }\n if (element.attributes) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = element.attributes; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var attr = _a2[_i];\n if (attr.name !== "name") {\n content.push(" ");\n content.push(attr.name);\n var value = attr.value;\n if (value) {\n content.push("=");\n content.push(quotes.ensure(value, this.quote));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n content.push(">");\n this.writeLine(indent, content.join(""));\n };\n return MarkedStringPrinter2;\n}();\nvar quotes;\n(function(quotes2) {\n function ensure(value, which) {\n return which + remove(value) + which;\n }\n quotes2.ensure = ensure;\n function remove(value) {\n var match = value.match(/^[\'"](.*)["\']$/);\n if (match) {\n return match[1];\n }\n return value;\n }\n quotes2.remove = remove;\n})(quotes || (quotes = {}));\nvar Specificity = function() {\n function Specificity2() {\n this.id = 0;\n this.attr = 0;\n this.tag = 0;\n }\n return Specificity2;\n}();\nfunction toElement(node, parentElement) {\n var result = new Element();\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = node.getChildren(); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var child = _a2[_i];\n switch (child.type) {\n case NodeType.SelectorCombinator:\n if (parentElement) {\n var segments = child.getText().split("&");\n if (segments.length === 1) {\n result.addAttr("name", segments[0]);\n break;\n }\n result = parentElement.cloneWithParent();\n if (segments[0]) {\n var root = result.findRoot();\n root.prepend(segments[0]);\n }\n for (var i = 1; i < segments.length; i++) {\n if (i > 1) {\n var clone = parentElement.cloneWithParent();\n result.addChild(clone.findRoot());\n result = clone;\n }\n result.append(segments[i]);\n }\n }\n break;\n case NodeType.SelectorPlaceholder:\n if (child.matches("@at-root")) {\n return result;\n }\n case NodeType.ElementNameSelector:\n var text = child.getText();\n result.addAttr("name", text === "*" ? "element" : unescape(text));\n break;\n case NodeType.ClassSelector:\n result.addAttr("class", unescape(child.getText().substring(1)));\n break;\n case NodeType.IdentifierSelector:\n result.addAttr("id", unescape(child.getText().substring(1)));\n break;\n case NodeType.MixinDeclaration:\n result.addAttr("class", child.getName());\n break;\n case NodeType.PseudoSelector:\n result.addAttr(unescape(child.getText()), "");\n break;\n case NodeType.AttributeSelector:\n var selector = child;\n var identifier = selector.getIdentifier();\n if (identifier) {\n var expression = selector.getValue();\n var operator = selector.getOperator();\n var value = void 0;\n if (expression && operator) {\n switch (unescape(operator.getText())) {\n case "|=":\n value = "".concat(quotes.remove(unescape(expression.getText())), "-\\u2026");\n break;\n case "^=":\n value = "".concat(quotes.remove(unescape(expression.getText())), "\\u2026");\n break;\n case "$=":\n value = "\\u2026".concat(quotes.remove(unescape(expression.getText())));\n break;\n case "~=":\n value = " \\u2026 ".concat(quotes.remove(unescape(expression.getText())), " \\u2026 ");\n break;\n case "*=":\n value = "\\u2026".concat(quotes.remove(unescape(expression.getText())), "\\u2026");\n break;\n default:\n value = quotes.remove(unescape(expression.getText()));\n break;\n }\n }\n result.addAttr(unescape(identifier.getText()), value);\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\nfunction unescape(content) {\n var scanner = new Scanner();\n scanner.setSource(content);\n var token = scanner.scanUnquotedString();\n if (token) {\n return token.text;\n }\n return content;\n}\nvar SelectorPrinting = function() {\n function SelectorPrinting2(cssDataManager) {\n this.cssDataManager = cssDataManager;\n }\n SelectorPrinting2.prototype.selectorToMarkedString = function(node) {\n var root = selectorToElement(node);\n if (root) {\n var markedStrings = new MarkedStringPrinter(\'"\').print(root);\n markedStrings.push(this.selectorToSpecificityMarkedString(node));\n return markedStrings;\n } else {\n return [];\n }\n };\n SelectorPrinting2.prototype.simpleSelectorToMarkedString = function(node) {\n var element = toElement(node);\n var markedStrings = new MarkedStringPrinter(\'"\').print(element);\n markedStrings.push(this.selectorToSpecificityMarkedString(node));\n return markedStrings;\n };\n SelectorPrinting2.prototype.isPseudoElementIdentifier = function(text) {\n var match = text.match(/^::?([\\w-]+)/);\n if (!match) {\n return false;\n }\n return !!this.cssDataManager.getPseudoElement("::" + match[1]);\n };\n SelectorPrinting2.prototype.selectorToSpecificityMarkedString = function(node) {\n var _this = this;\n var calculateScore = function(node2) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = node2.getChildren(); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var element = _a2[_i];\n switch (element.type) {\n case NodeType.IdentifierSelector:\n specificity.id++;\n break;\n case NodeType.ClassSelector:\n case NodeType.AttributeSelector:\n specificity.attr++;\n break;\n case NodeType.ElementNameSelector:\n if (element.matches("*")) {\n break;\n }\n specificity.tag++;\n break;\n case NodeType.PseudoSelector:\n var text = element.getText();\n if (_this.isPseudoElementIdentifier(text)) {\n specificity.tag++;\n } else {\n if (text.match(/^:not/i)) {\n break;\n }\n specificity.attr++;\n }\n break;\n }\n if (element.getChildren().length > 0) {\n calculateScore(element);\n }\n }\n };\n var specificity = new Specificity();\n calculateScore(node);\n return localize5("specificity", "[Selector Specificity](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Specificity): ({0}, {1}, {2})", specificity.id, specificity.attr, specificity.tag);\n };\n return SelectorPrinting2;\n}();\nvar SelectorElementBuilder = function() {\n function SelectorElementBuilder2(element) {\n this.prev = null;\n this.element = element;\n }\n SelectorElementBuilder2.prototype.processSelector = function(selector) {\n var parentElement = null;\n if (!(this.element instanceof RootElement)) {\n if (selector.getChildren().some(function(c) {\n return c.hasChildren() && c.getChild(0).type === NodeType.SelectorCombinator;\n })) {\n var curr = this.element.findRoot();\n if (curr.parent instanceof RootElement) {\n parentElement = this.element;\n this.element = curr.parent;\n this.element.removeChild(curr);\n this.prev = null;\n }\n }\n }\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = selector.getChildren(); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var selectorChild = _a2[_i];\n if (selectorChild instanceof SimpleSelector) {\n if (this.prev instanceof SimpleSelector) {\n var labelElement = new LabelElement("\\u2026");\n this.element.addChild(labelElement);\n this.element = labelElement;\n } else if (this.prev && (this.prev.matches("+") || this.prev.matches("~")) && this.element.parent) {\n this.element = this.element.parent;\n }\n if (this.prev && this.prev.matches("~")) {\n this.element.addChild(new LabelElement("\\u22EE"));\n }\n var thisElement = toElement(selectorChild, parentElement);\n var root = thisElement.findRoot();\n this.element.addChild(root);\n this.element = thisElement;\n }\n if (selectorChild instanceof SimpleSelector || selectorChild.type === NodeType.SelectorCombinatorParent || selectorChild.type === NodeType.SelectorCombinatorShadowPiercingDescendant || selectorChild.type === NodeType.SelectorCombinatorSibling || selectorChild.type === NodeType.SelectorCombinatorAllSiblings) {\n this.prev = selectorChild;\n }\n }\n };\n return SelectorElementBuilder2;\n}();\nfunction isNewSelectorContext(node) {\n switch (node.type) {\n case NodeType.MixinDeclaration:\n case NodeType.Stylesheet:\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction selectorToElement(node) {\n if (node.matches("@at-root")) {\n return null;\n }\n var root = new RootElement();\n var parentRuleSets = [];\n var ruleSet = node.getParent();\n if (ruleSet instanceof RuleSet) {\n var parent = ruleSet.getParent();\n while (parent && !isNewSelectorContext(parent)) {\n if (parent instanceof RuleSet) {\n if (parent.getSelectors().matches("@at-root")) {\n break;\n }\n parentRuleSets.push(parent);\n }\n parent = parent.getParent();\n }\n }\n var builder = new SelectorElementBuilder(root);\n for (var i = parentRuleSets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var selector = parentRuleSets[i].getSelectors().getChild(0);\n if (selector) {\n builder.processSelector(selector);\n }\n }\n builder.processSelector(node);\n return root;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/cssHover.js\nvar CSSHover = function() {\n function CSSHover2(clientCapabilities, cssDataManager) {\n this.clientCapabilities = clientCapabilities;\n this.cssDataManager = cssDataManager;\n this.selectorPrinting = new SelectorPrinting(cssDataManager);\n }\n CSSHover2.prototype.configure = function(settings) {\n this.defaultSettings = settings;\n };\n CSSHover2.prototype.doHover = function(document, position, stylesheet, settings) {\n if (settings === void 0) {\n settings = this.defaultSettings;\n }\n function getRange2(node2) {\n return Range.create(document.positionAt(node2.offset), document.positionAt(node2.end));\n }\n var offset = document.offsetAt(position);\n var nodepath = getNodePath(stylesheet, offset);\n var hover = null;\n for (var i = 0; i < nodepath.length; i++) {\n var node = nodepath[i];\n if (node instanceof Selector) {\n hover = {\n contents: this.selectorPrinting.selectorToMarkedString(node),\n range: getRange2(node)\n };\n break;\n }\n if (node instanceof SimpleSelector) {\n if (!startsWith(node.getText(), "@")) {\n hover = {\n contents: this.selectorPrinting.simpleSelectorToMarkedString(node),\n range: getRange2(node)\n };\n }\n break;\n }\n if (node instanceof Declaration) {\n var propertyName = node.getFullPropertyName();\n var entry = this.cssDataManager.getProperty(propertyName);\n if (entry) {\n var contents = getEntryDescription(entry, this.doesSupportMarkdown(), settings);\n if (contents) {\n hover = {\n contents,\n range: getRange2(node)\n };\n } else {\n hover = null;\n }\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (node instanceof UnknownAtRule) {\n var atRuleName = node.getText();\n var entry = this.cssDataManager.getAtDirective(atRuleName);\n if (entry) {\n var contents = getEntryDescription(entry, this.doesSupportMarkdown(), settings);\n if (contents) {\n hover = {\n contents,\n range: getRange2(node)\n };\n } else {\n hover = null;\n }\n }\n continue;\n }\n if (node instanceof Node && node.type === NodeType.PseudoSelector) {\n var selectorName = node.getText();\n var entry = selectorName.slice(0, 2) === "::" ? this.cssDataManager.getPseudoElement(selectorName) : this.cssDataManager.getPseudoClass(selectorName);\n if (entry) {\n var contents = getEntryDescription(entry, this.doesSupportMarkdown(), settings);\n if (contents) {\n hover = {\n contents,\n range: getRange2(node)\n };\n } else {\n hover = null;\n }\n }\n continue;\n }\n }\n if (hover) {\n hover.contents = this.convertContents(hover.contents);\n }\n return hover;\n };\n CSSHover2.prototype.convertContents = function(contents) {\n if (!this.doesSupportMarkdown()) {\n if (typeof contents === "string") {\n return contents;\n } else if ("kind" in contents) {\n return {\n kind: "plaintext",\n value: contents.value\n };\n } else if (Array.isArray(contents)) {\n return contents.map(function(c) {\n return typeof c === "string" ? c : c.value;\n });\n } else {\n return contents.value;\n }\n }\n return contents;\n };\n CSSHover2.prototype.doesSupportMarkdown = function() {\n if (!isDefined(this.supportsMarkdown)) {\n if (!isDefined(this.clientCapabilities)) {\n this.supportsMarkdown = true;\n return this.supportsMarkdown;\n }\n var hover = this.clientCapabilities.textDocument && this.clientCapabilities.textDocument.hover;\n this.supportsMarkdown = hover && hover.contentFormat && Array.isArray(hover.contentFormat) && hover.contentFormat.indexOf(MarkupKind.Markdown) !== -1;\n }\n return this.supportsMarkdown;\n };\n return CSSHover2;\n}();\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/cssNavigation.js\nvar __awaiter3 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n function adopt(value) {\n return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) {\n resolve(value);\n });\n }\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) {\n function fulfilled(value) {\n try {\n step(generator.next(value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n function rejected(value) {\n try {\n step(generator["throw"](value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n function step(result) {\n result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);\n }\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\n });\n};\nvar __generator3 = function(thisArg, body) {\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() {\n if (t[0] & 1)\n throw t[1];\n return t[1];\n }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f2, y, t, g;\n return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() {\n return this;\n }), g;\n function verb(n) {\n return function(v) {\n return step([n, v]);\n };\n }\n function step(op) {\n if (f2)\n throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");\n while (_)\n try {\n if (f2 = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done)\n return t;\n if (y = 0, t)\n op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\n switch (op[0]) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n t = op;\n break;\n case 4:\n _.label++;\n return { value: op[1], done: false };\n case 5:\n _.label++;\n y = op[1];\n op = [0];\n continue;\n case 7:\n op = _.ops.pop();\n _.trys.pop();\n continue;\n default:\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {\n _ = 0;\n continue;\n }\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) {\n _.label = op[1];\n break;\n }\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {\n _.label = t[1];\n t = op;\n break;\n }\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) {\n _.label = t[2];\n _.ops.push(op);\n break;\n }\n if (t[2])\n _.ops.pop();\n _.trys.pop();\n continue;\n }\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\n } catch (e) {\n op = [6, e];\n y = 0;\n } finally {\n f2 = t = 0;\n }\n if (op[0] & 5)\n throw op[1];\n return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\n }\n};\nvar localize6 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar startsWithSchemeRegex = /^\\w+:\\/\\//;\nvar startsWithData = /^data:/;\nvar CSSNavigation = function() {\n function CSSNavigation2(fileSystemProvider, resolveModuleReferences) {\n this.fileSystemProvider = fileSystemProvider;\n this.resolveModuleReferences = resolveModuleReferences;\n }\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findDefinition = function(document, position, stylesheet) {\n var symbols = new Symbols(stylesheet);\n var offset = document.offsetAt(position);\n var node = getNodeAtOffset(stylesheet, offset);\n if (!node) {\n return null;\n }\n var symbol = symbols.findSymbolFromNode(node);\n if (!symbol) {\n return null;\n }\n return {\n uri: document.uri,\n range: getRange(symbol.node, document)\n };\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findReferences = function(document, position, stylesheet) {\n var highlights = this.findDocumentHighlights(document, position, stylesheet);\n return highlights.map(function(h) {\n return {\n uri: document.uri,\n range: h.range\n };\n });\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findDocumentHighlights = function(document, position, stylesheet) {\n var result = [];\n var offset = document.offsetAt(position);\n var node = getNodeAtOffset(stylesheet, offset);\n if (!node || node.type === NodeType.Stylesheet || node.type === NodeType.Declarations) {\n return result;\n }\n if (node.type === NodeType.Identifier && node.parent && node.parent.type === NodeType.ClassSelector) {\n node = node.parent;\n }\n var symbols = new Symbols(stylesheet);\n var symbol = symbols.findSymbolFromNode(node);\n var name = node.getText();\n stylesheet.accept(function(candidate) {\n if (symbol) {\n if (symbols.matchesSymbol(candidate, symbol)) {\n result.push({\n kind: getHighlightKind(candidate),\n range: getRange(candidate, document)\n });\n return false;\n }\n } else if (node && node.type === candidate.type && candidate.matches(name)) {\n result.push({\n kind: getHighlightKind(candidate),\n range: getRange(candidate, document)\n });\n }\n return true;\n });\n return result;\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.isRawStringDocumentLinkNode = function(node) {\n return node.type === NodeType.Import;\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findDocumentLinks = function(document, stylesheet, documentContext) {\n var linkData = this.findUnresolvedLinks(document, stylesheet);\n var resolvedLinks = [];\n for (var _i = 0, linkData_1 = linkData; _i < linkData_1.length; _i++) {\n var data = linkData_1[_i];\n var link = data.link;\n var target = link.target;\n if (!target || startsWithData.test(target)) {\n } else if (startsWithSchemeRegex.test(target)) {\n resolvedLinks.push(link);\n } else {\n var resolved = documentContext.resolveReference(target, document.uri);\n if (resolved) {\n link.target = resolved;\n }\n resolvedLinks.push(link);\n }\n }\n return resolvedLinks;\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findDocumentLinks2 = function(document, stylesheet, documentContext) {\n return __awaiter3(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var linkData, resolvedLinks, _i, linkData_2, data, link, target, resolvedTarget;\n return __generator3(this, function(_a2) {\n switch (_a2.label) {\n case 0:\n linkData = this.findUnresolvedLinks(document, stylesheet);\n resolvedLinks = [];\n _i = 0, linkData_2 = linkData;\n _a2.label = 1;\n case 1:\n if (!(_i < linkData_2.length))\n return [3, 6];\n data = linkData_2[_i];\n link = data.link;\n target = link.target;\n if (!(!target || startsWithData.test(target)))\n return [3, 2];\n return [3, 5];\n case 2:\n if (!startsWithSchemeRegex.test(target))\n return [3, 3];\n resolvedLinks.push(link);\n return [3, 5];\n case 3:\n return [4, this.resolveRelativeReference(target, document.uri, documentContext, data.isRawLink)];\n case 4:\n resolvedTarget = _a2.sent();\n if (resolvedTarget !== void 0) {\n link.target = resolvedTarget;\n resolvedLinks.push(link);\n }\n _a2.label = 5;\n case 5:\n _i++;\n return [3, 1];\n case 6:\n return [2, resolvedLinks];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findUnresolvedLinks = function(document, stylesheet) {\n var _this = this;\n var result = [];\n var collect = function(uriStringNode) {\n var rawUri = uriStringNode.getText();\n var range = getRange(uriStringNode, document);\n if (range.start.line === range.end.line && range.start.character === range.end.character) {\n return;\n }\n if (startsWith(rawUri, "\'") || startsWith(rawUri, \'"\')) {\n rawUri = rawUri.slice(1, -1);\n }\n var isRawLink = uriStringNode.parent ? _this.isRawStringDocumentLinkNode(uriStringNode.parent) : false;\n result.push({ link: { target: rawUri, range }, isRawLink });\n };\n stylesheet.accept(function(candidate) {\n if (candidate.type === NodeType.URILiteral) {\n var first = candidate.getChild(0);\n if (first) {\n collect(first);\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (candidate.parent && _this.isRawStringDocumentLinkNode(candidate.parent)) {\n var rawText = candidate.getText();\n if (startsWith(rawText, "\'") || startsWith(rawText, \'"\')) {\n collect(candidate);\n }\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n });\n return result;\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findDocumentSymbols = function(document, stylesheet) {\n var result = [];\n stylesheet.accept(function(node) {\n var entry = {\n name: null,\n kind: SymbolKind.Class,\n location: null\n };\n var locationNode = node;\n if (node instanceof Selector) {\n entry.name = node.getText();\n locationNode = node.findAParent(NodeType.Ruleset, NodeType.ExtendsReference);\n if (locationNode) {\n entry.location = Location.create(document.uri, getRange(locationNode, document));\n result.push(entry);\n }\n return false;\n } else if (node instanceof VariableDeclaration) {\n entry.name = node.getName();\n entry.kind = SymbolKind.Variable;\n } else if (node instanceof MixinDeclaration) {\n entry.name = node.getName();\n entry.kind = SymbolKind.Method;\n } else if (node instanceof FunctionDeclaration) {\n entry.name = node.getName();\n entry.kind = SymbolKind.Function;\n } else if (node instanceof Keyframe) {\n entry.name = localize6("literal.keyframes", "@keyframes {0}", node.getName());\n } else if (node instanceof FontFace) {\n entry.name = localize6("literal.fontface", "@font-face");\n } else if (node instanceof Media) {\n var mediaList = node.getChild(0);\n if (mediaList instanceof Medialist) {\n entry.name = "@media " + mediaList.getText();\n entry.kind = SymbolKind.Module;\n }\n }\n if (entry.name) {\n entry.location = Location.create(document.uri, getRange(locationNode, document));\n result.push(entry);\n }\n return true;\n });\n return result;\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.findDocumentColors = function(document, stylesheet) {\n var result = [];\n stylesheet.accept(function(node) {\n var colorInfo = getColorInformation(node, document);\n if (colorInfo) {\n result.push(colorInfo);\n }\n return true;\n });\n return result;\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.getColorPresentations = function(document, stylesheet, color, range) {\n var result = [];\n var red256 = Math.round(color.red * 255), green256 = Math.round(color.green * 255), blue256 = Math.round(color.blue * 255);\n var label;\n if (color.alpha === 1) {\n label = "rgb(".concat(red256, ", ").concat(green256, ", ").concat(blue256, ")");\n } else {\n label = "rgba(".concat(red256, ", ").concat(green256, ", ").concat(blue256, ", ").concat(color.alpha, ")");\n }\n result.push({ label, textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, label) });\n if (color.alpha === 1) {\n label = "#".concat(toTwoDigitHex(red256)).concat(toTwoDigitHex(green256)).concat(toTwoDigitHex(blue256));\n } else {\n label = "#".concat(toTwoDigitHex(red256)).concat(toTwoDigitHex(green256)).concat(toTwoDigitHex(blue256)).concat(toTwoDigitHex(Math.round(color.alpha * 255)));\n }\n result.push({ label, textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, label) });\n var hsl = hslFromColor(color);\n if (hsl.a === 1) {\n label = "hsl(".concat(hsl.h, ", ").concat(Math.round(hsl.s * 100), "%, ").concat(Math.round(hsl.l * 100), "%)");\n } else {\n label = "hsla(".concat(hsl.h, ", ").concat(Math.round(hsl.s * 100), "%, ").concat(Math.round(hsl.l * 100), "%, ").concat(hsl.a, ")");\n }\n result.push({ label, textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, label) });\n return result;\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.doRename = function(document, position, newName, stylesheet) {\n var _a2;\n var highlights = this.findDocumentHighlights(document, position, stylesheet);\n var edits = highlights.map(function(h) {\n return TextEdit.replace(h.range, newName);\n });\n return {\n changes: (_a2 = {}, _a2[document.uri] = edits, _a2)\n };\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.resolveModuleReference = function(ref, documentUri, documentContext) {\n return __awaiter3(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var moduleName, rootFolderUri, documentFolderUri, modulePath, pathWithinModule;\n return __generator3(this, function(_a2) {\n switch (_a2.label) {\n case 0:\n if (!startsWith(documentUri, "file://"))\n return [3, 2];\n moduleName = getModuleNameFromPath(ref);\n rootFolderUri = documentContext.resolveReference("/", documentUri);\n documentFolderUri = dirname(documentUri);\n return [4, this.resolvePathToModule(moduleName, documentFolderUri, rootFolderUri)];\n case 1:\n modulePath = _a2.sent();\n if (modulePath) {\n pathWithinModule = ref.substring(moduleName.length + 1);\n return [2, joinPath(modulePath, pathWithinModule)];\n }\n _a2.label = 2;\n case 2:\n return [2, void 0];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.resolveRelativeReference = function(ref, documentUri, documentContext, isRawLink) {\n return __awaiter3(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var relativeReference, _a2;\n return __generator3(this, function(_b) {\n switch (_b.label) {\n case 0:\n relativeReference = documentContext.resolveReference(ref, documentUri);\n if (!(ref[0] === "~" && ref[1] !== "/" && this.fileSystemProvider))\n return [3, 2];\n ref = ref.substring(1);\n return [4, this.resolveModuleReference(ref, documentUri, documentContext)];\n case 1:\n return [2, _b.sent() || relativeReference];\n case 2:\n if (!this.resolveModuleReferences)\n return [3, 7];\n _a2 = relativeReference;\n if (!_a2)\n return [3, 4];\n return [4, this.fileExists(relativeReference)];\n case 3:\n _a2 = _b.sent();\n _b.label = 4;\n case 4:\n if (!_a2)\n return [3, 5];\n return [2, relativeReference];\n case 5:\n return [4, this.resolveModuleReference(ref, documentUri, documentContext)];\n case 6:\n return [2, _b.sent() || relativeReference];\n case 7:\n return [2, relativeReference];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.resolvePathToModule = function(_moduleName, documentFolderUri, rootFolderUri) {\n return __awaiter3(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var packPath;\n return __generator3(this, function(_a2) {\n switch (_a2.label) {\n case 0:\n packPath = joinPath(documentFolderUri, "node_modules", _moduleName, "package.json");\n return [4, this.fileExists(packPath)];\n case 1:\n if (_a2.sent()) {\n return [2, dirname(packPath)];\n } else if (rootFolderUri && documentFolderUri.startsWith(rootFolderUri) && documentFolderUri.length !== rootFolderUri.length) {\n return [2, this.resolvePathToModule(_moduleName, dirname(documentFolderUri), rootFolderUri)];\n }\n return [2, void 0];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n CSSNavigation2.prototype.fileExists = function(uri) {\n return __awaiter3(this, void 0, void 0, function() {\n var stat, err_1;\n return __generator3(this, function(_a2) {\n switch (_a2.label) {\n case 0:\n if (!this.fileSystemProvider) {\n return [2, false];\n }\n _a2.label = 1;\n case 1:\n _a2.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);\n return [4, this.fileSystemProvider.stat(uri)];\n case 2:\n stat = _a2.sent();\n if (stat.type === FileType.Unknown && stat.size === -1) {\n return [2, false];\n }\n return [2, true];\n case 3:\n err_1 = _a2.sent();\n return [2, false];\n case 4:\n return [2];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n return CSSNavigation2;\n}();\nfunction getColorInformation(node, document) {\n var color = getColorValue(node);\n if (color) {\n var range = getRange(node, document);\n return { color, range };\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction getRange(node, document) {\n return Range.create(document.positionAt(node.offset), document.positionAt(node.end));\n}\nfunction getHighlightKind(node) {\n if (node.type === NodeType.Selector) {\n return DocumentHighlightKind.Write;\n }\n if (node instanceof Identifier) {\n if (node.parent && node.parent instanceof Property) {\n if (node.isCustomProperty) {\n return DocumentHighlightKind.Write;\n }\n }\n }\n if (node.parent) {\n switch (node.parent.type) {\n case NodeType.FunctionDeclaration:\n case NodeType.MixinDeclaration:\n case NodeType.Keyframe:\n case NodeType.VariableDeclaration:\n case NodeType.FunctionParameter:\n return DocumentHighlightKind.Write;\n }\n }\n return DocumentHighlightKind.Read;\n}\nfunction toTwoDigitHex(n) {\n var r = n.toString(16);\n return r.length !== 2 ? "0" + r : r;\n}\nfunction getModuleNameFromPath(path) {\n if (path[0] === "@") {\n return path.substring(0, path.indexOf("/", path.indexOf("/") + 1));\n }\n return path.substring(0, path.indexOf("/"));\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/lintRules.js\nvar localize7 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar Warning = Level.Warning;\nvar Error2 = Level.Error;\nvar Ignore = Level.Ignore;\nvar Rule = function() {\n function Rule2(id, message, defaultValue) {\n this.id = id;\n this.message = message;\n this.defaultValue = defaultValue;\n }\n return Rule2;\n}();\nvar Setting = function() {\n function Setting2(id, message, defaultValue) {\n this.id = id;\n this.message = message;\n this.defaultValue = defaultValue;\n }\n return Setting2;\n}();\nvar Rules = {\n AllVendorPrefixes: new Rule("compatibleVendorPrefixes", localize7("rule.vendorprefixes.all", "When using a vendor-specific prefix make sure to also include all other vendor-specific properties"), Ignore),\n IncludeStandardPropertyWhenUsingVendorPrefix: new Rule("vendorPrefix", localize7("rule.standardvendorprefix.all", "When using a vendor-specific prefix also include the standard property"), Warning),\n DuplicateDeclarations: new Rule("duplicateProperties", localize7("rule.duplicateDeclarations", "Do not use duplicate style definitions"), Ignore),\n EmptyRuleSet: new Rule("emptyRules", localize7("rule.emptyRuleSets", "Do not use empty rulesets"), Warning),\n ImportStatemement: new Rule("importStatement", localize7("rule.importDirective", "Import statements do not load in parallel"), Ignore),\n BewareOfBoxModelSize: new Rule("boxModel", localize7("rule.bewareOfBoxModelSize", "Do not use width or height when using padding or border"), Ignore),\n UniversalSelector: new Rule("universalSelector", localize7("rule.universalSelector", "The universal selector (*) is known to be slow"), Ignore),\n ZeroWithUnit: new Rule("zeroUnits", localize7("rule.zeroWidthUnit", "No unit for zero needed"), Ignore),\n RequiredPropertiesForFontFace: new Rule("fontFaceProperties", localize7("rule.fontFaceProperties", "@font-face rule must define \'src\' and \'font-family\' properties"), Warning),\n HexColorLength: new Rule("hexColorLength", localize7("rule.hexColor", "Hex colors must consist of three, four, six or eight hex numbers"), Error2),\n ArgsInColorFunction: new Rule("argumentsInColorFunction", localize7("rule.colorFunction", "Invalid number of parameters"), Error2),\n UnknownProperty: new Rule("unknownProperties", localize7("rule.unknownProperty", "Unknown property."), Warning),\n UnknownAtRules: new Rule("unknownAtRules", localize7("rule.unknownAtRules", "Unknown at-rule."), Warning),\n IEStarHack: new Rule("ieHack", localize7("rule.ieHack", "IE hacks are only necessary when supporting IE7 and older"), Ignore),\n UnknownVendorSpecificProperty: new Rule("unknownVendorSpecificProperties", localize7("rule.unknownVendorSpecificProperty", "Unknown vendor specific property."), Ignore),\n PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay: new Rule("propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay", localize7("rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay", "Property is ignored due to the display."), Warning),\n AvoidImportant: new Rule("important", localize7("rule.avoidImportant", "Avoid using !important. It is an indication that the specificity of the entire CSS has gotten out of control and needs to be refactored."), Ignore),\n AvoidFloat: new Rule("float", localize7("rule.avoidFloat", "Avoid using \'float\'. Floats lead to fragile CSS that is easy to break if one aspect of the layout changes."), Ignore),\n AvoidIdSelector: new Rule("idSelector", localize7("rule.avoidIdSelector", "Selectors should not contain IDs because these rules are too tightly coupled with the HTML."), Ignore)\n};\nvar Settings = {\n ValidProperties: new Setting("validProperties", localize7("rule.validProperties", "A list of properties that are not validated against the `unknownProperties` rule."), [])\n};\nvar LintConfigurationSettings = function() {\n function LintConfigurationSettings2(conf) {\n if (conf === void 0) {\n conf = {};\n }\n this.conf = conf;\n }\n LintConfigurationSettings2.prototype.getRule = function(rule) {\n if (this.conf.hasOwnProperty(rule.id)) {\n var level = toLevel(this.conf[rule.id]);\n if (level) {\n return level;\n }\n }\n return rule.defaultValue;\n };\n LintConfigurationSettings2.prototype.getSetting = function(setting) {\n return this.conf[setting.id];\n };\n return LintConfigurationSettings2;\n}();\nfunction toLevel(level) {\n switch (level) {\n case "ignore":\n return Level.Ignore;\n case "warning":\n return Level.Warning;\n case "error":\n return Level.Error;\n }\n return null;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/cssCodeActions.js\nvar localize8 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar CSSCodeActions = function() {\n function CSSCodeActions2(cssDataManager) {\n this.cssDataManager = cssDataManager;\n }\n CSSCodeActions2.prototype.doCodeActions = function(document, range, context, stylesheet) {\n return this.doCodeActions2(document, range, context, stylesheet).map(function(ca) {\n var textDocumentEdit = ca.edit && ca.edit.documentChanges && ca.edit.documentChanges[0];\n return Command.create(ca.title, "_css.applyCodeAction", document.uri, document.version, textDocumentEdit && textDocumentEdit.edits);\n });\n };\n CSSCodeActions2.prototype.doCodeActions2 = function(document, range, context, stylesheet) {\n var result = [];\n if (context.diagnostics) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = context.diagnostics; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var diagnostic = _a2[_i];\n this.appendFixesForMarker(document, stylesheet, diagnostic, result);\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n CSSCodeActions2.prototype.getFixesForUnknownProperty = function(document, property, marker, result) {\n var propertyName = property.getName();\n var candidates = [];\n this.cssDataManager.getProperties().forEach(function(p) {\n var score = difference(propertyName, p.name);\n if (score >= propertyName.length / 2) {\n candidates.push({ property: p.name, score });\n }\n });\n candidates.sort(function(a2, b) {\n return b.score - a2.score || a2.property.localeCompare(b.property);\n });\n var maxActions = 3;\n for (var _i = 0, candidates_1 = candidates; _i < candidates_1.length; _i++) {\n var candidate = candidates_1[_i];\n var propertyName_1 = candidate.property;\n var title = localize8("css.codeaction.rename", "Rename to \'{0}\'", propertyName_1);\n var edit = TextEdit.replace(marker.range, propertyName_1);\n var documentIdentifier = VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.create(document.uri, document.version);\n var workspaceEdit = { documentChanges: [TextDocumentEdit.create(documentIdentifier, [edit])] };\n var codeAction = CodeAction.create(title, workspaceEdit, CodeActionKind.QuickFix);\n codeAction.diagnostics = [marker];\n result.push(codeAction);\n if (--maxActions <= 0) {\n return;\n }\n }\n };\n CSSCodeActions2.prototype.appendFixesForMarker = function(document, stylesheet, marker, result) {\n if (marker.code !== Rules.UnknownProperty.id) {\n return;\n }\n var offset = document.offsetAt(marker.range.start);\n var end = document.offsetAt(marker.range.end);\n var nodepath = getNodePath(stylesheet, offset);\n for (var i = nodepath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var node = nodepath[i];\n if (node instanceof Declaration) {\n var property = node.getProperty();\n if (property && property.offset === offset && property.end === end) {\n this.getFixesForUnknownProperty(document, property, marker, result);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n };\n return CSSCodeActions2;\n}();\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/lintUtil.js\nvar Element2 = function() {\n function Element3(decl) {\n this.fullPropertyName = decl.getFullPropertyName().toLowerCase();\n this.node = decl;\n }\n return Element3;\n}();\nfunction setSide(model, side, value, property) {\n var state = model[side];\n state.value = value;\n if (value) {\n if (!includes(state.properties, property)) {\n state.properties.push(property);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction setAllSides(model, value, property) {\n setSide(model, "top", value, property);\n setSide(model, "right", value, property);\n setSide(model, "bottom", value, property);\n setSide(model, "left", value, property);\n}\nfunction updateModelWithValue(model, side, value, property) {\n if (side === "top" || side === "right" || side === "bottom" || side === "left") {\n setSide(model, side, value, property);\n } else {\n setAllSides(model, value, property);\n }\n}\nfunction updateModelWithList(model, values2, property) {\n switch (values2.length) {\n case 1:\n updateModelWithValue(model, void 0, values2[0], property);\n break;\n case 2:\n updateModelWithValue(model, "top", values2[0], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "bottom", values2[0], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "right", values2[1], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "left", values2[1], property);\n break;\n case 3:\n updateModelWithValue(model, "top", values2[0], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "right", values2[1], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "left", values2[1], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "bottom", values2[2], property);\n break;\n case 4:\n updateModelWithValue(model, "top", values2[0], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "right", values2[1], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "bottom", values2[2], property);\n updateModelWithValue(model, "left", values2[3], property);\n break;\n }\n}\nfunction matches(value, candidates) {\n for (var _i = 0, candidates_1 = candidates; _i < candidates_1.length; _i++) {\n var candidate = candidates_1[_i];\n if (value.matches(candidate)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction checkLineWidth(value, allowsKeywords) {\n if (allowsKeywords === void 0) {\n allowsKeywords = true;\n }\n if (allowsKeywords && matches(value, ["initial", "unset"])) {\n return false;\n }\n return parseFloat(value.getText()) !== 0;\n}\nfunction checkLineWidthList(nodes, allowsKeywords) {\n if (allowsKeywords === void 0) {\n allowsKeywords = true;\n }\n return nodes.map(function(node) {\n return checkLineWidth(node, allowsKeywords);\n });\n}\nfunction checkLineStyle(valueNode, allowsKeywords) {\n if (allowsKeywords === void 0) {\n allowsKeywords = true;\n }\n if (matches(valueNode, ["none", "hidden"])) {\n return false;\n }\n if (allowsKeywords && matches(valueNode, ["initial", "unset"])) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\nfunction checkLineStyleList(nodes, allowsKeywords) {\n if (allowsKeywords === void 0) {\n allowsKeywords = true;\n }\n return nodes.map(function(node) {\n return checkLineStyle(node, allowsKeywords);\n });\n}\nfunction checkBorderShorthand(node) {\n var children = node.getChildren();\n if (children.length === 1) {\n var value = children[0];\n return checkLineWidth(value) && checkLineStyle(value);\n }\n for (var _i = 0, children_1 = children; _i < children_1.length; _i++) {\n var child = children_1[_i];\n var value = child;\n if (!checkLineWidth(value, false) || !checkLineStyle(value, false)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\nfunction calculateBoxModel(propertyTable) {\n var model = {\n top: { value: false, properties: [] },\n right: { value: false, properties: [] },\n bottom: { value: false, properties: [] },\n left: { value: false, properties: [] }\n };\n for (var _i = 0, propertyTable_1 = propertyTable; _i < propertyTable_1.length; _i++) {\n var property = propertyTable_1[_i];\n var value = property.node.value;\n if (typeof value === "undefined") {\n continue;\n }\n switch (property.fullPropertyName) {\n case "box-sizing":\n return {\n top: { value: false, properties: [] },\n right: { value: false, properties: [] },\n bottom: { value: false, properties: [] },\n left: { value: false, properties: [] }\n };\n case "width":\n model.width = property;\n break;\n case "height":\n model.height = property;\n break;\n default:\n var segments = property.fullPropertyName.split("-");\n switch (segments[0]) {\n case "border":\n switch (segments[1]) {\n case void 0:\n case "top":\n case "right":\n case "bottom":\n case "left":\n switch (segments[2]) {\n case void 0:\n updateModelWithValue(model, segments[1], checkBorderShorthand(value), property);\n break;\n case "width":\n updateModelWithValue(model, segments[1], checkLineWidth(value, false), property);\n break;\n case "style":\n updateModelWithValue(model, segments[1], checkLineStyle(value, true), property);\n break;\n }\n break;\n case "width":\n updateModelWithList(model, checkLineWidthList(value.getChildren(), false), property);\n break;\n case "style":\n updateModelWithList(model, checkLineStyleList(value.getChildren(), true), property);\n break;\n }\n break;\n case "padding":\n if (segments.length === 1) {\n updateModelWithList(model, checkLineWidthList(value.getChildren(), true), property);\n } else {\n updateModelWithValue(model, segments[1], checkLineWidth(value, true), property);\n }\n break;\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n return model;\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/lint.js\nvar localize9 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar NodesByRootMap = function() {\n function NodesByRootMap2() {\n this.data = {};\n }\n NodesByRootMap2.prototype.add = function(root, name, node) {\n var entry = this.data[root];\n if (!entry) {\n entry = { nodes: [], names: [] };\n this.data[root] = entry;\n }\n entry.names.push(name);\n if (node) {\n entry.nodes.push(node);\n }\n };\n return NodesByRootMap2;\n}();\nvar LintVisitor = function() {\n function LintVisitor2(document, settings, cssDataManager) {\n var _this = this;\n this.cssDataManager = cssDataManager;\n this.warnings = [];\n this.settings = settings;\n this.documentText = document.getText();\n this.keyframes = new NodesByRootMap();\n this.validProperties = {};\n var properties = settings.getSetting(Settings.ValidProperties);\n if (Array.isArray(properties)) {\n properties.forEach(function(p) {\n if (typeof p === "string") {\n var name = p.trim().toLowerCase();\n if (name.length) {\n _this.validProperties[name] = true;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n }\n LintVisitor2.entries = function(node, document, settings, cssDataManager, entryFilter) {\n var visitor = new LintVisitor2(document, settings, cssDataManager);\n node.acceptVisitor(visitor);\n visitor.completeValidations();\n return visitor.getEntries(entryFilter);\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.isValidPropertyDeclaration = function(element) {\n var propertyName = element.fullPropertyName;\n return this.validProperties[propertyName];\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.fetch = function(input, s) {\n var elements = [];\n for (var _i = 0, input_1 = input; _i < input_1.length; _i++) {\n var curr = input_1[_i];\n if (curr.fullPropertyName === s) {\n elements.push(curr);\n }\n }\n return elements;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.fetchWithValue = function(input, s, v) {\n var elements = [];\n for (var _i = 0, input_2 = input; _i < input_2.length; _i++) {\n var inputElement = input_2[_i];\n if (inputElement.fullPropertyName === s) {\n var expression = inputElement.node.getValue();\n if (expression && this.findValueInExpression(expression, v)) {\n elements.push(inputElement);\n }\n }\n }\n return elements;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.findValueInExpression = function(expression, v) {\n var found = false;\n expression.accept(function(node) {\n if (node.type === NodeType.Identifier && node.matches(v)) {\n found = true;\n }\n return !found;\n });\n return found;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.getEntries = function(filter) {\n if (filter === void 0) {\n filter = Level.Warning | Level.Error;\n }\n return this.warnings.filter(function(entry) {\n return (entry.getLevel() & filter) !== 0;\n });\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.addEntry = function(node, rule, details) {\n var entry = new Marker(node, rule, this.settings.getRule(rule), details);\n this.warnings.push(entry);\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.getMissingNames = function(expected, actual) {\n var expectedClone = expected.slice(0);\n for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {\n var k = expectedClone.indexOf(actual[i]);\n if (k !== -1) {\n expectedClone[k] = null;\n }\n }\n var result = null;\n for (var i = 0; i < expectedClone.length; i++) {\n var curr = expectedClone[i];\n if (curr) {\n if (result === null) {\n result = localize9("namelist.single", "\'{0}\'", curr);\n } else {\n result = localize9("namelist.concatenated", "{0}, \'{1}\'", result, curr);\n }\n }\n }\n return result;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitNode = function(node) {\n switch (node.type) {\n case NodeType.UnknownAtRule:\n return this.visitUnknownAtRule(node);\n case NodeType.Keyframe:\n return this.visitKeyframe(node);\n case NodeType.FontFace:\n return this.visitFontFace(node);\n case NodeType.Ruleset:\n return this.visitRuleSet(node);\n case NodeType.SimpleSelector:\n return this.visitSimpleSelector(node);\n case NodeType.Function:\n return this.visitFunction(node);\n case NodeType.NumericValue:\n return this.visitNumericValue(node);\n case NodeType.Import:\n return this.visitImport(node);\n case NodeType.HexColorValue:\n return this.visitHexColorValue(node);\n case NodeType.Prio:\n return this.visitPrio(node);\n case NodeType.IdentifierSelector:\n return this.visitIdentifierSelector(node);\n }\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.completeValidations = function() {\n this.validateKeyframes();\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitUnknownAtRule = function(node) {\n var atRuleName = node.getChild(0);\n if (!atRuleName) {\n return false;\n }\n var atDirective = this.cssDataManager.getAtDirective(atRuleName.getText());\n if (atDirective) {\n return false;\n }\n this.addEntry(atRuleName, Rules.UnknownAtRules, "Unknown at rule ".concat(atRuleName.getText()));\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitKeyframe = function(node) {\n var keyword = node.getKeyword();\n if (!keyword) {\n return false;\n }\n var text = keyword.getText();\n this.keyframes.add(node.getName(), text, text !== "@keyframes" ? keyword : null);\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.validateKeyframes = function() {\n var expected = ["@-webkit-keyframes", "@-moz-keyframes", "@-o-keyframes"];\n for (var name in this.keyframes.data) {\n var actual = this.keyframes.data[name].names;\n var needsStandard = actual.indexOf("@keyframes") === -1;\n if (!needsStandard && actual.length === 1) {\n continue;\n }\n var missingVendorSpecific = this.getMissingNames(expected, actual);\n if (missingVendorSpecific || needsStandard) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = this.keyframes.data[name].nodes; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var node = _a2[_i];\n if (needsStandard) {\n var message = localize9("keyframes.standardrule.missing", "Always define standard rule \'@keyframes\' when defining keyframes.");\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.IncludeStandardPropertyWhenUsingVendorPrefix, message);\n }\n if (missingVendorSpecific) {\n var message = localize9("keyframes.vendorspecific.missing", "Always include all vendor specific rules: Missing: {0}", missingVendorSpecific);\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.AllVendorPrefixes, message);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitSimpleSelector = function(node) {\n var firstChar = this.documentText.charAt(node.offset);\n if (node.length === 1 && firstChar === "*") {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.UniversalSelector);\n }\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitIdentifierSelector = function(node) {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.AvoidIdSelector);\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitImport = function(node) {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.ImportStatemement);\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitRuleSet = function(node) {\n var declarations = node.getDeclarations();\n if (!declarations) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!declarations.hasChildren()) {\n this.addEntry(node.getSelectors(), Rules.EmptyRuleSet);\n }\n var propertyTable = [];\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = declarations.getChildren(); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var element = _a2[_i];\n if (element instanceof Declaration) {\n propertyTable.push(new Element2(element));\n }\n }\n var boxModel = calculateBoxModel(propertyTable);\n if (boxModel.width) {\n var properties = [];\n if (boxModel.right.value) {\n properties = union(properties, boxModel.right.properties);\n }\n if (boxModel.left.value) {\n properties = union(properties, boxModel.left.properties);\n }\n if (properties.length !== 0) {\n for (var _b = 0, properties_1 = properties; _b < properties_1.length; _b++) {\n var item = properties_1[_b];\n this.addEntry(item.node, Rules.BewareOfBoxModelSize);\n }\n this.addEntry(boxModel.width.node, Rules.BewareOfBoxModelSize);\n }\n }\n if (boxModel.height) {\n var properties = [];\n if (boxModel.top.value) {\n properties = union(properties, boxModel.top.properties);\n }\n if (boxModel.bottom.value) {\n properties = union(properties, boxModel.bottom.properties);\n }\n if (properties.length !== 0) {\n for (var _c = 0, properties_2 = properties; _c < properties_2.length; _c++) {\n var item = properties_2[_c];\n this.addEntry(item.node, Rules.BewareOfBoxModelSize);\n }\n this.addEntry(boxModel.height.node, Rules.BewareOfBoxModelSize);\n }\n }\n var displayElems = this.fetchWithValue(propertyTable, "display", "inline-block");\n if (displayElems.length > 0) {\n var elem = this.fetch(propertyTable, "float");\n for (var index = 0; index < elem.length; index++) {\n var node_1 = elem[index].node;\n var value = node_1.getValue();\n if (value && !value.matches("none")) {\n this.addEntry(node_1, Rules.PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, localize9("rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplayInlineBlock", "inline-block is ignored due to the float. If \'float\' has a value other than \'none\', the box is floated and \'display\' is treated as \'block\'"));\n }\n }\n }\n displayElems = this.fetchWithValue(propertyTable, "display", "block");\n if (displayElems.length > 0) {\n var elem = this.fetch(propertyTable, "vertical-align");\n for (var index = 0; index < elem.length; index++) {\n this.addEntry(elem[index].node, Rules.PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, localize9("rule.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplayBlock", "Property is ignored due to the display. With \'display: block\', vertical-align should not be used."));\n }\n }\n var elements = this.fetch(propertyTable, "float");\n for (var index = 0; index < elements.length; index++) {\n var element = elements[index];\n if (!this.isValidPropertyDeclaration(element)) {\n this.addEntry(element.node, Rules.AvoidFloat);\n }\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < propertyTable.length; i++) {\n var element = propertyTable[i];\n if (element.fullPropertyName !== "background" && !this.validProperties[element.fullPropertyName]) {\n var value = element.node.getValue();\n if (value && this.documentText.charAt(value.offset) !== "-") {\n var elements_1 = this.fetch(propertyTable, element.fullPropertyName);\n if (elements_1.length > 1) {\n for (var k = 0; k < elements_1.length; k++) {\n var value_1 = elements_1[k].node.getValue();\n if (value_1 && this.documentText.charAt(value_1.offset) !== "-" && elements_1[k] !== element) {\n this.addEntry(element.node, Rules.DuplicateDeclarations);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n var isExportBlock = node.getSelectors().matches(":export");\n if (!isExportBlock) {\n var propertiesBySuffix = new NodesByRootMap();\n var containsUnknowns = false;\n for (var _d = 0, propertyTable_1 = propertyTable; _d < propertyTable_1.length; _d++) {\n var element = propertyTable_1[_d];\n var decl = element.node;\n if (this.isCSSDeclaration(decl)) {\n var name = element.fullPropertyName;\n var firstChar = name.charAt(0);\n if (firstChar === "-") {\n if (name.charAt(1) !== "-") {\n if (!this.cssDataManager.isKnownProperty(name) && !this.validProperties[name]) {\n this.addEntry(decl.getProperty(), Rules.UnknownVendorSpecificProperty);\n }\n var nonPrefixedName = decl.getNonPrefixedPropertyName();\n propertiesBySuffix.add(nonPrefixedName, name, decl.getProperty());\n }\n } else {\n var fullName = name;\n if (firstChar === "*" || firstChar === "_") {\n this.addEntry(decl.getProperty(), Rules.IEStarHack);\n name = name.substr(1);\n }\n if (!this.cssDataManager.isKnownProperty(fullName) && !this.cssDataManager.isKnownProperty(name)) {\n if (!this.validProperties[name]) {\n this.addEntry(decl.getProperty(), Rules.UnknownProperty, localize9("property.unknownproperty.detailed", "Unknown property: \'{0}\'", decl.getFullPropertyName()));\n }\n }\n propertiesBySuffix.add(name, name, null);\n }\n } else {\n containsUnknowns = true;\n }\n }\n if (!containsUnknowns) {\n for (var suffix in propertiesBySuffix.data) {\n var entry = propertiesBySuffix.data[suffix];\n var actual = entry.names;\n var needsStandard = this.cssDataManager.isStandardProperty(suffix) && actual.indexOf(suffix) === -1;\n if (!needsStandard && actual.length === 1) {\n continue;\n }\n var expected = [];\n for (var i = 0, len = LintVisitor2.prefixes.length; i < len; i++) {\n var prefix = LintVisitor2.prefixes[i];\n if (this.cssDataManager.isStandardProperty(prefix + suffix)) {\n expected.push(prefix + suffix);\n }\n }\n var missingVendorSpecific = this.getMissingNames(expected, actual);\n if (missingVendorSpecific || needsStandard) {\n for (var _e = 0, _f2 = entry.nodes; _e < _f2.length; _e++) {\n var node_2 = _f2[_e];\n if (needsStandard) {\n var message = localize9("property.standard.missing", "Also define the standard property \'{0}\' for compatibility", suffix);\n this.addEntry(node_2, Rules.IncludeStandardPropertyWhenUsingVendorPrefix, message);\n }\n if (missingVendorSpecific) {\n var message = localize9("property.vendorspecific.missing", "Always include all vendor specific properties: Missing: {0}", missingVendorSpecific);\n this.addEntry(node_2, Rules.AllVendorPrefixes, message);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitPrio = function(node) {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.AvoidImportant);\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitNumericValue = function(node) {\n var funcDecl = node.findParent(NodeType.Function);\n if (funcDecl && funcDecl.getName() === "calc") {\n return true;\n }\n var decl = node.findParent(NodeType.Declaration);\n if (decl) {\n var declValue = decl.getValue();\n if (declValue) {\n var value = node.getValue();\n if (!value.unit || units.length.indexOf(value.unit.toLowerCase()) === -1) {\n return true;\n }\n if (parseFloat(value.value) === 0 && !!value.unit && !this.validProperties[decl.getFullPropertyName()]) {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.ZeroWithUnit);\n }\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitFontFace = function(node) {\n var declarations = node.getDeclarations();\n if (!declarations) {\n return false;\n }\n var definesSrc = false, definesFontFamily = false;\n var containsUnknowns = false;\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = declarations.getChildren(); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var node_3 = _a2[_i];\n if (this.isCSSDeclaration(node_3)) {\n var name = node_3.getProperty().getName().toLowerCase();\n if (name === "src") {\n definesSrc = true;\n }\n if (name === "font-family") {\n definesFontFamily = true;\n }\n } else {\n containsUnknowns = true;\n }\n }\n if (!containsUnknowns && (!definesSrc || !definesFontFamily)) {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.RequiredPropertiesForFontFace);\n }\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.isCSSDeclaration = function(node) {\n if (node instanceof Declaration) {\n if (!node.getValue()) {\n return false;\n }\n var property = node.getProperty();\n if (!property) {\n return false;\n }\n var identifier = property.getIdentifier();\n if (!identifier || identifier.containsInterpolation()) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitHexColorValue = function(node) {\n var length = node.length;\n if (length !== 9 && length !== 7 && length !== 5 && length !== 4) {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.HexColorLength);\n }\n return false;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prototype.visitFunction = function(node) {\n var fnName = node.getName().toLowerCase();\n var expectedAttrCount = -1;\n var actualAttrCount = 0;\n switch (fnName) {\n case "rgb(":\n case "hsl(":\n expectedAttrCount = 3;\n break;\n case "rgba(":\n case "hsla(":\n expectedAttrCount = 4;\n break;\n }\n if (expectedAttrCount !== -1) {\n node.getArguments().accept(function(n) {\n if (n instanceof BinaryExpression) {\n actualAttrCount += 1;\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n });\n if (actualAttrCount !== expectedAttrCount) {\n this.addEntry(node, Rules.ArgsInColorFunction);\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n LintVisitor2.prefixes = [\n "-ms-",\n "-moz-",\n "-o-",\n "-webkit-"\n ];\n return LintVisitor2;\n}();\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/cssValidation.js\nvar CSSValidation = function() {\n function CSSValidation2(cssDataManager) {\n this.cssDataManager = cssDataManager;\n }\n CSSValidation2.prototype.configure = function(settings) {\n this.settings = settings;\n };\n CSSValidation2.prototype.doValidation = function(document, stylesheet, settings) {\n if (settings === void 0) {\n settings = this.settings;\n }\n if (settings && settings.validate === false) {\n return [];\n }\n var entries = [];\n entries.push.apply(entries, ParseErrorCollector.entries(stylesheet));\n entries.push.apply(entries, LintVisitor.entries(stylesheet, document, new LintConfigurationSettings(settings && settings.lint), this.cssDataManager));\n var ruleIds = [];\n for (var r in Rules) {\n ruleIds.push(Rules[r].id);\n }\n function toDiagnostic(marker) {\n var range = Range.create(document.positionAt(marker.getOffset()), document.positionAt(marker.getOffset() + marker.getLength()));\n var source = document.languageId;\n return {\n code: marker.getRule().id,\n source,\n message: marker.getMessage(),\n severity: marker.getLevel() === Level.Warning ? DiagnosticSeverity.Warning : DiagnosticSeverity.Error,\n range\n };\n }\n return entries.filter(function(entry) {\n return entry.getLevel() !== Level.Ignore;\n }).map(toDiagnostic);\n };\n return CSSValidation2;\n}();\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/scssScanner.js\nvar __extends4 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar _FSL2 = "/".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _NWL2 = "\\n".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _CAR2 = "\\r".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _LFD2 = "\\f".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _DLR2 = "$".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _HSH2 = "#".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _CUL2 = "{".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _EQS2 = "=".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _BNG2 = "!".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _LAN2 = "<".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _RAN2 = ">".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _DOT2 = ".".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _ATS2 = "@".charCodeAt(0);\nvar customTokenValue = TokenType.CustomToken;\nvar VariableName = customTokenValue++;\nvar InterpolationFunction = customTokenValue++;\nvar Default = customTokenValue++;\nvar EqualsOperator = customTokenValue++;\nvar NotEqualsOperator = customTokenValue++;\nvar GreaterEqualsOperator = customTokenValue++;\nvar SmallerEqualsOperator = customTokenValue++;\nvar Ellipsis = customTokenValue++;\nvar Module2 = customTokenValue++;\nvar SCSSScanner = function(_super) {\n __extends4(SCSSScanner2, _super);\n function SCSSScanner2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n SCSSScanner2.prototype.scanNext = function(offset) {\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_DLR2)) {\n var content = ["$"];\n if (this.ident(content)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, VariableName, content.join(""));\n } else {\n this.stream.goBackTo(offset);\n }\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_HSH2, _CUL2])) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, InterpolationFunction);\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_EQS2, _EQS2])) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, EqualsOperator);\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_BNG2, _EQS2])) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, NotEqualsOperator);\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_LAN2)) {\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_EQS2)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, SmallerEqualsOperator);\n }\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_RAN2)) {\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChar(_EQS2)) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, GreaterEqualsOperator);\n }\n return this.finishToken(offset, TokenType.Delim);\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_DOT2, _DOT2, _DOT2])) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, Ellipsis);\n }\n return _super.prototype.scanNext.call(this, offset);\n };\n SCSSScanner2.prototype.comment = function() {\n if (_super.prototype.comment.call(this)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!this.inURL && this.stream.advanceIfChars([_FSL2, _FSL2])) {\n this.stream.advanceWhileChar(function(ch) {\n switch (ch) {\n case _NWL2:\n case _CAR2:\n case _LFD2:\n return false;\n default:\n return true;\n }\n });\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n };\n return SCSSScanner2;\n}(Scanner);\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/scssErrors.js\nvar localize10 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar SCSSIssueType = function() {\n function SCSSIssueType2(id, message) {\n this.id = id;\n this.message = message;\n }\n return SCSSIssueType2;\n}();\nvar SCSSParseError = {\n FromExpected: new SCSSIssueType("scss-fromexpected", localize10("expected.from", "\'from\' expected")),\n ThroughOrToExpected: new SCSSIssueType("scss-throughexpected", localize10("expected.through", "\'through\' or \'to\' expected")),\n InExpected: new SCSSIssueType("scss-fromexpected", localize10("expected.in", "\'in\' expected"))\n};\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/scssParser.js\nvar __extends5 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar SCSSParser = function(_super) {\n __extends5(SCSSParser2, _super);\n function SCSSParser2() {\n return _super.call(this, new SCSSScanner()) || this;\n }\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseStylesheetStatement = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return this._parseWarnAndDebug() || this._parseControlStatement() || this._parseMixinDeclaration() || this._parseMixinContent() || this._parseMixinReference() || this._parseFunctionDeclaration() || this._parseForward() || this._parseUse() || this._parseRuleset(isNested) || _super.prototype._parseStylesheetAtStatement.call(this, isNested);\n }\n return this._parseRuleset(true) || this._parseVariableDeclaration();\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseImport = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@import")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Import);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.URIOrStringExpected);\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.URIOrStringExpected);\n }\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) {\n node.setMedialist(this._parseMediaQueryList());\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseVariableDeclaration = function(panic) {\n if (panic === void 0) {\n panic = [];\n }\n if (!this.peek(VariableName)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(VariableDeclaration);\n if (!node.setVariable(this._parseVariable())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ColonExpected);\n }\n if (this.prevToken) {\n node.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n if (!node.setValue(this._parseExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableValueExpected, [], panic);\n }\n while (this.peek(TokenType.Exclamation)) {\n if (node.addChild(this._tryParsePrio())) {\n } else {\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^(default|global)$/)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.UnknownKeyword);\n }\n this.consumeToken();\n }\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseMediaCondition = function() {\n return this._parseInterpolation() || _super.prototype._parseMediaCondition.call(this);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseMediaFeatureName = function() {\n return this._parseModuleMember() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseIdent() || this._parseVariable();\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseKeyframeSelector = function() {\n return this._tryParseKeyframeSelector() || this._parseControlStatement(this._parseKeyframeSelector.bind(this)) || this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._parseMixinContent();\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseVariable = function() {\n if (!this.peek(VariableName)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Variable);\n this.consumeToken();\n return node;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseModuleMember = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(Module);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Module]))) {\n return null;\n }\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.acceptDelim(".") || this.hasWhitespace()) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseVariable() || this._parseFunction())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierOrVariableExpected);\n }\n return node;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseIdent = function(referenceTypes) {\n var _this = this;\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Ident) && !this.peek(InterpolationFunction) && !this.peekDelim("-")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Identifier);\n node.referenceTypes = referenceTypes;\n node.isCustomProperty = this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /^--/);\n var hasContent = false;\n var indentInterpolation = function() {\n var pos = _this.mark();\n if (_this.acceptDelim("-")) {\n if (!_this.hasWhitespace()) {\n _this.acceptDelim("-");\n }\n if (_this.hasWhitespace()) {\n _this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n }\n return _this._parseInterpolation();\n };\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Ident) || node.addChild(indentInterpolation()) || hasContent && this.acceptRegexp(/^[\\w-]/)) {\n hasContent = true;\n if (this.hasWhitespace()) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return hasContent ? this.finish(node) : null;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseTermExpression = function() {\n return this._parseModuleMember() || this._parseVariable() || this._parseSelectorCombinator() || _super.prototype._parseTermExpression.call(this);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseInterpolation = function() {\n if (this.peek(InterpolationFunction)) {\n var node = this.create(Interpolation);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseExpr()) && !this._parseSelectorCombinator()) {\n if (this.accept(TokenType.CurlyR)) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.CurlyR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightCurlyExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseOperator = function() {\n if (this.peek(EqualsOperator) || this.peek(NotEqualsOperator) || this.peek(GreaterEqualsOperator) || this.peek(SmallerEqualsOperator) || this.peekDelim(">") || this.peekDelim("<") || this.peekIdent("and") || this.peekIdent("or") || this.peekDelim("%")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Operator);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return _super.prototype._parseOperator.call(this);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseUnaryOperator = function() {\n if (this.peekIdent("not")) {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return _super.prototype._parseUnaryOperator.call(this);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration = function() {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return this._parseKeyframe() || this._parseImport() || this._parseMedia(true) || this._parseFontFace() || this._parseWarnAndDebug() || this._parseControlStatement() || this._parseFunctionDeclaration() || this._parseExtends() || this._parseMixinReference() || this._parseMixinContent() || this._parseMixinDeclaration() || this._parseRuleset(true) || this._parseSupports(true) || _super.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement.call(this);\n }\n return this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._tryParseRuleset(true) || _super.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration.call(this);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseDeclaration = function(stopTokens) {\n var custonProperty = this._tryParseCustomPropertyDeclaration(stopTokens);\n if (custonProperty) {\n return custonProperty;\n }\n var node = this.create(Declaration);\n if (!node.setProperty(this._parseProperty())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ColonExpected, [TokenType.Colon], stopTokens || [TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n if (this.prevToken) {\n node.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n var hasContent = false;\n if (node.setValue(this._parseExpr())) {\n hasContent = true;\n node.addChild(this._parsePrio());\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n node.setNestedProperties(this._parseNestedProperties());\n } else {\n if (!hasContent) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.PropertyValueExpected);\n }\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseNestedProperties = function() {\n var node = this.create(NestedProperties);\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseExtends = function() {\n if (this.peekKeyword("@extend")) {\n var node = this.create(ExtendsReference);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.getSelectors().addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SelectorExpected);\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n node.getSelectors().addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector());\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Exclamation)) {\n if (!this.acceptIdent("optional")) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.UnknownKeyword);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody = function() {\n return this._parseSelectorCombinator() || this._parseSelectorPlaceholder() || _super.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody.call(this);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseSelectorCombinator = function() {\n if (this.peekDelim("&")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.SelectorCombinator);\n this.consumeToken();\n while (!this.hasWhitespace() && (this.acceptDelim("-") || this.accept(TokenType.Num) || this.accept(TokenType.Dimension) || node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) || this.acceptDelim("&"))) {\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseSelectorPlaceholder = function() {\n if (this.peekDelim("%")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.SelectorPlaceholder);\n this.consumeToken();\n this._parseIdent();\n return this.finish(node);\n } else if (this.peekKeyword("@at-root")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.SelectorPlaceholder);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseElementName = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = _super.prototype._parseElementName.call(this);\n if (node && !this.hasWhitespace() && this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n return node;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._tryParsePseudoIdentifier = function() {\n return this._parseInterpolation() || _super.prototype._tryParsePseudoIdentifier.call(this);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseWarnAndDebug = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@debug") && !this.peekKeyword("@warn") && !this.peekKeyword("@error")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Debug);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.addChild(this._parseExpr());\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseControlStatement = function(parseStatement) {\n if (parseStatement === void 0) {\n parseStatement = this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this);\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return null;\n }\n return this._parseIfStatement(parseStatement) || this._parseForStatement(parseStatement) || this._parseEachStatement(parseStatement) || this._parseWhileStatement(parseStatement);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseIfStatement = function(parseStatement) {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@if")) {\n return null;\n }\n return this._internalParseIfStatement(parseStatement);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._internalParseIfStatement = function(parseStatement) {\n var node = this.create(IfStatement);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.setExpression(this._parseExpr(true))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n this._parseBody(node, parseStatement);\n if (this.acceptKeyword("@else")) {\n if (this.peekIdent("if")) {\n node.setElseClause(this._internalParseIfStatement(parseStatement));\n } else if (this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n var elseNode = this.create(ElseStatement);\n this._parseBody(elseNode, parseStatement);\n node.setElseClause(elseNode);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseForStatement = function(parseStatement) {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@for")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(ForStatement);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.setVariable(this._parseVariable())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (!this.acceptIdent("from")) {\n return this.finish(node, SCSSParseError.FromExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (!this.acceptIdent("to") && !this.acceptIdent("through")) {\n return this.finish(node, SCSSParseError.ThroughOrToExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, parseStatement);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseEachStatement = function(parseStatement) {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@each")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(EachStatement);\n this.consumeToken();\n var variables = node.getVariables();\n if (!variables.addChild(this._parseVariable())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!variables.addChild(this._parseVariable())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n }\n this.finish(variables);\n if (!this.acceptIdent("in")) {\n return this.finish(node, SCSSParseError.InExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, parseStatement);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseWhileStatement = function(parseStatement) {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@while")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(WhileStatement);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, parseStatement);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseFunctionBodyDeclaration = function() {\n return this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._parseReturnStatement() || this._parseWarnAndDebug() || this._parseControlStatement(this._parseFunctionBodyDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseFunctionDeclaration = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@function")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(FunctionDeclaration);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Function]))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseFunctionBodyDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseReturnStatement = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@return")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.ReturnStatement);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseMixinDeclaration = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@mixin")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(MixinDeclaration);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Mixin]))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n if (node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseRuleSetDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseParameterDeclaration = function() {\n var node = this.create(FunctionParameter);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseVariable())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (this.accept(Ellipsis)) {\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n if (!node.setDefaultValue(this._parseExpr(true))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableValueExpected, [], [TokenType.Comma, TokenType.ParenthesisR]);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseMixinContent = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@content")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(MixinContentReference);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n if (node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseMixinReference = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@include")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(MixinReference);\n this.consumeToken();\n var firstIdent = this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Mixin]);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(firstIdent)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.acceptDelim(".") && !this.hasWhitespace()) {\n var secondIdent = this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Mixin]);\n if (!secondIdent) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.CurlyR]);\n }\n var moduleToken = this.create(Module);\n firstIdent.referenceTypes = [ReferenceType.Module];\n moduleToken.setIdentifier(firstIdent);\n node.setIdentifier(secondIdent);\n node.addChild(moduleToken);\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n if (node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseFunctionArgument())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n }\n if (this.peekIdent("using") || this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n node.setContent(this._parseMixinContentDeclaration());\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseMixinContentDeclaration = function() {\n var node = this.create(MixinContentDeclaration);\n if (this.acceptIdent("using")) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.CurlyL]);\n }\n if (node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseParameterDeclaration())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.CurlyL]);\n }\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n this._parseBody(node, this._parseMixinReferenceBodyStatement.bind(this));\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseMixinReferenceBodyStatement = function() {\n return this._tryParseKeyframeSelector() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseFunctionArgument = function() {\n var node = this.create(FunctionArgument);\n var pos = this.mark();\n var argument = this._parseVariable();\n if (argument) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n if (this.accept(Ellipsis)) {\n node.setValue(argument);\n return this.finish(node);\n } else {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n }\n } else {\n node.setIdentifier(argument);\n }\n }\n if (node.setValue(this._parseExpr(true))) {\n this.accept(Ellipsis);\n node.addChild(this._parsePrio());\n return this.finish(node);\n } else if (node.setValue(this._tryParsePrio())) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseURLArgument = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = _super.prototype._parseURLArgument.call(this);\n if (!node || !this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n var node_1 = this.create(Node);\n node_1.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr());\n return this.finish(node_1);\n }\n return node;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseOperation = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n while (node.addChild(this._parseListElement())) {\n this.accept(TokenType.Comma);\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseListElement = function() {\n var node = this.create(ListEntry);\n var child = this._parseBinaryExpr();\n if (!child) {\n return null;\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n node.setKey(child);\n if (!node.setValue(this._parseBinaryExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n } else {\n node.setValue(child);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseUse = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@use")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Use);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.StringLiteralExpected);\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) {\n if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /as|with/)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.UnknownKeyword);\n }\n if (this.acceptIdent("as") && (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Module])) && !this.acceptDelim("*"))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierOrWildcardExpected);\n }\n if (this.acceptIdent("with")) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.ParenthesisR]);\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseModuleConfigDeclaration())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected);\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseModuleConfigDeclaration())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected);\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.accept(TokenType.EOF)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseModuleConfigDeclaration = function() {\n var node = this.create(ModuleConfiguration);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseVariable())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon) || !node.setValue(this._parseExpr(true))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableValueExpected, [], [TokenType.Comma, TokenType.ParenthesisR]);\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Exclamation)) {\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.acceptIdent("default")) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.UnknownKeyword);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseForward = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@forward")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Forward);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.StringLiteralExpected);\n }\n if (this.acceptIdent("with")) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.ParenthesisR]);\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseModuleConfigDeclaration())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected);\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseModuleConfigDeclaration())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableNameExpected);\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) {\n if (!this.peekRegExp(TokenType.Ident, /as|hide|show/)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.UnknownKeyword);\n }\n if (this.acceptIdent("as")) {\n var identifier = this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Forward]);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(identifier)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.acceptDelim("*")) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.WildcardExpected);\n }\n }\n if (this.peekIdent("hide") || this.peekIdent("show")) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseForwardVisibility())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierOrVariableExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.accept(TokenType.EOF)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseForwardVisibility = function() {\n var node = this.create(ForwardVisibility);\n node.setIdentifier(this._parseIdent());\n while (node.addChild(this._parseVariable() || this._parseIdent())) {\n this.accept(TokenType.Comma);\n }\n return node.getChildren().length > 1 ? node : null;\n };\n SCSSParser2.prototype._parseSupportsCondition = function() {\n return this._parseInterpolation() || _super.prototype._parseSupportsCondition.call(this);\n };\n return SCSSParser2;\n}(Parser);\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/scssCompletion.js\nvar __extends6 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar localize11 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar SCSSCompletion = function(_super) {\n __extends6(SCSSCompletion2, _super);\n function SCSSCompletion2(lsServiceOptions, cssDataManager) {\n var _this = _super.call(this, "$", lsServiceOptions, cssDataManager) || this;\n addReferencesToDocumentation(SCSSCompletion2.scssModuleLoaders);\n addReferencesToDocumentation(SCSSCompletion2.scssModuleBuiltIns);\n return _this;\n }\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.isImportPathParent = function(type) {\n return type === NodeType.Forward || type === NodeType.Use || _super.prototype.isImportPathParent.call(this, type);\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionForImportPath = function(importPathNode, result) {\n var parentType = importPathNode.getParent().type;\n if (parentType === NodeType.Forward || parentType === NodeType.Use) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a2 = SCSSCompletion2.scssModuleBuiltIns; _i < _a2.length; _i++) {\n var p = _a2[_i];\n var item = {\n label: p.label,\n documentation: p.documentation,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(importPathNode), "\'".concat(p.label, "\'")),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Module\n };\n result.items.push(item);\n }\n }\n return _super.prototype.getCompletionForImportPath.call(this, importPathNode, result);\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.createReplaceFunction = function() {\n var tabStopCounter = 1;\n return function(_match, p1) {\n return "\\\\" + p1 + ": ${" + tabStopCounter++ + ":" + (SCSSCompletion2.variableDefaults[p1] || "") + "}";\n };\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.createFunctionProposals = function(proposals, existingNode, sortToEnd, result) {\n for (var _i = 0, proposals_1 = proposals; _i < proposals_1.length; _i++) {\n var p = proposals_1[_i];\n var insertText = p.func.replace(/\\[?(\\$\\w+)\\]?/g, this.createReplaceFunction());\n var label = p.func.substr(0, p.func.indexOf("("));\n var item = {\n label,\n detail: p.func,\n documentation: p.desc,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function\n };\n if (sortToEnd) {\n item.sortText = "z";\n }\n result.items.push(item);\n }\n return result;\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForSelector = function(ruleSet, isNested, result) {\n this.createFunctionProposals(SCSSCompletion2.selectorFuncs, null, true, result);\n return _super.prototype.getCompletionsForSelector.call(this, ruleSet, isNested, result);\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getTermProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n var functions = SCSSCompletion2.builtInFuncs;\n if (entry) {\n functions = functions.filter(function(f2) {\n return !f2.type || !entry.restrictions || entry.restrictions.indexOf(f2.type) !== -1;\n });\n }\n this.createFunctionProposals(functions, existingNode, true, result);\n return _super.prototype.getTermProposals.call(this, entry, existingNode, result);\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getColorProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n this.createFunctionProposals(SCSSCompletion2.colorProposals, existingNode, false, result);\n return _super.prototype.getColorProposals.call(this, entry, existingNode, result);\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty = function(declaration, result) {\n this.getCompletionForAtDirectives(result);\n this.getCompletionsForSelector(null, true, result);\n return _super.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty.call(this, declaration, result);\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForExtendsReference = function(_extendsRef, existingNode, result) {\n var symbols = this.getSymbolContext().findSymbolsAtOffset(this.offset, ReferenceType.Rule);\n for (var _i = 0, symbols_1 = symbols; _i < symbols_1.length; _i++) {\n var symbol = symbols_1[_i];\n var suggest = {\n label: symbol.name,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), symbol.name),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function\n };\n result.items.push(suggest);\n }\n return result;\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionForAtDirectives = function(result) {\n var _a2;\n (_a2 = result.items).push.apply(_a2, SCSSCompletion2.scssAtDirectives);\n return result;\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionForTopLevel = function(result) {\n this.getCompletionForAtDirectives(result);\n this.getCompletionForModuleLoaders(result);\n _super.prototype.getCompletionForTopLevel.call(this, result);\n return result;\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionForModuleLoaders = function(result) {\n var _a2;\n (_a2 = result.items).push.apply(_a2, SCSSCompletion2.scssModuleLoaders);\n return result;\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.variableDefaults = {\n "$red": "1",\n "$green": "2",\n "$blue": "3",\n "$alpha": "1.0",\n "$color": "#000000",\n "$weight": "0.5",\n "$hue": "0",\n "$saturation": "0%",\n "$lightness": "0%",\n "$degrees": "0",\n "$amount": "0",\n "$string": \'""\',\n "$substring": \'"s"\',\n "$number": "0",\n "$limit": "1"\n };\n SCSSCompletion2.colorProposals = [\n { func: "red($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.red", "Gets the red component of a color.") },\n { func: "green($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.green", "Gets the green component of a color.") },\n { func: "blue($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.blue", "Gets the blue component of a color.") },\n { func: "mix($color, $color, [$weight])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.mix", "Mixes two colors together.") },\n { func: "hue($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.hue", "Gets the hue component of a color.") },\n { func: "saturation($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.saturation", "Gets the saturation component of a color.") },\n { func: "lightness($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.lightness", "Gets the lightness component of a color.") },\n { func: "adjust-hue($color, $degrees)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.adjust-hue", "Changes the hue of a color.") },\n { func: "lighten($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.lighten", "Makes a color lighter.") },\n { func: "darken($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.darken", "Makes a color darker.") },\n { func: "saturate($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.saturate", "Makes a color more saturated.") },\n { func: "desaturate($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.desaturate", "Makes a color less saturated.") },\n { func: "grayscale($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.grayscale", "Converts a color to grayscale.") },\n { func: "complement($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.complement", "Returns the complement of a color.") },\n { func: "invert($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.invert", "Returns the inverse of a color.") },\n { func: "alpha($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.alpha", "Gets the opacity component of a color.") },\n { func: "opacity($color)", desc: "Gets the alpha component (opacity) of a color." },\n { func: "rgba($color, $alpha)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.rgba", "Changes the alpha component for a color.") },\n { func: "opacify($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.opacify", "Makes a color more opaque.") },\n { func: "fade-in($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.fade-in", "Makes a color more opaque.") },\n { func: "transparentize($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.transparentize", "Makes a color more transparent.") },\n { func: "fade-out($color, $amount)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.fade-out", "Makes a color more transparent.") },\n { func: "adjust-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.adjust-color", "Increases or decreases one or more components of a color.") },\n { func: "scale-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.scale-color", "Fluidly scales one or more properties of a color.") },\n { func: "change-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.change-color", "Changes one or more properties of a color.") },\n { func: "ie-hex-str($color)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.ie-hex-str", "Converts a color into the format understood by IE filters.") }\n ];\n SCSSCompletion2.selectorFuncs = [\n { func: "selector-nest($selectors\\u2026)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.selector-nest", "Nests selector beneath one another like they would be nested in the stylesheet.") },\n { func: "selector-append($selectors\\u2026)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.selector-append", "Appends selectors to one another without spaces in between.") },\n { func: "selector-extend($selector, $extendee, $extender)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.selector-extend", "Extends $extendee with $extender within $selector.") },\n { func: "selector-replace($selector, $original, $replacement)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.selector-replace", "Replaces $original with $replacement within $selector.") },\n { func: "selector-unify($selector1, $selector2)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.selector-unify", "Unifies two selectors to produce a selector that matches elements matched by both.") },\n { func: "is-superselector($super, $sub)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.is-superselector", "Returns whether $super matches all the elements $sub does, and possibly more.") },\n { func: "simple-selectors($selector)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.simple-selectors", "Returns the simple selectors that comprise a compound selector.") },\n { func: "selector-parse($selector)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.selector-parse", "Parses a selector into the format returned by &.") }\n ];\n SCSSCompletion2.builtInFuncs = [\n { func: "unquote($string)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.unquote", "Removes quotes from a string.") },\n { func: "quote($string)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.quote", "Adds quotes to a string.") },\n { func: "str-length($string)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.str-length", "Returns the number of characters in a string.") },\n { func: "str-insert($string, $insert, $index)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.str-insert", "Inserts $insert into $string at $index.") },\n { func: "str-index($string, $substring)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.str-index", "Returns the index of the first occurance of $substring in $string.") },\n { func: "str-slice($string, $start-at, [$end-at])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.str-slice", "Extracts a substring from $string.") },\n { func: "to-upper-case($string)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.to-upper-case", "Converts a string to upper case.") },\n { func: "to-lower-case($string)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.to-lower-case", "Converts a string to lower case.") },\n { func: "percentage($number)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.percentage", "Converts a unitless number to a percentage."), type: "percentage" },\n { func: "round($number)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.round", "Rounds a number to the nearest whole number.") },\n { func: "ceil($number)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.ceil", "Rounds a number up to the next whole number.") },\n { func: "floor($number)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.floor", "Rounds a number down to the previous whole number.") },\n { func: "abs($number)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.abs", "Returns the absolute value of a number.") },\n { func: "min($numbers)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.min", "Finds the minimum of several numbers.") },\n { func: "max($numbers)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.max", "Finds the maximum of several numbers.") },\n { func: "random([$limit])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.random", "Returns a random number.") },\n { func: "length($list)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.length", "Returns the length of a list.") },\n { func: "nth($list, $n)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.nth", "Returns a specific item in a list.") },\n { func: "set-nth($list, $n, $value)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.set-nth", "Replaces the nth item in a list.") },\n { func: "join($list1, $list2, [$separator])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.join", "Joins together two lists into one.") },\n { func: "append($list1, $val, [$separator])", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.append", "Appends a single value onto the end of a list.") },\n { func: "zip($lists)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.zip", "Combines several lists into a single multidimensional list.") },\n { func: "index($list, $value)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.index", "Returns the position of a value within a list.") },\n { func: "list-separator(#list)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.list-separator", "Returns the separator of a list.") },\n { func: "map-get($map, $key)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.map-get", "Returns the value in a map associated with a given key.") },\n { func: "map-merge($map1, $map2)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.map-merge", "Merges two maps together into a new map.") },\n { func: "map-remove($map, $keys)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.map-remove", "Returns a new map with keys removed.") },\n { func: "map-keys($map)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.map-keys", "Returns a list of all keys in a map.") },\n { func: "map-values($map)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.map-values", "Returns a list of all values in a map.") },\n { func: "map-has-key($map, $key)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.map-has-key", "Returns whether a map has a value associated with a given key.") },\n { func: "keywords($args)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.keywords", "Returns the keywords passed to a function that takes variable arguments.") },\n { func: "feature-exists($feature)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.feature-exists", "Returns whether a feature exists in the current Sass runtime.") },\n { func: "variable-exists($name)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.variable-exists", "Returns whether a variable with the given name exists in the current scope.") },\n { func: "global-variable-exists($name)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.global-variable-exists", "Returns whether a variable with the given name exists in the global scope.") },\n { func: "function-exists($name)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.function-exists", "Returns whether a function with the given name exists.") },\n { func: "mixin-exists($name)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.mixin-exists", "Returns whether a mixin with the given name exists.") },\n { func: "inspect($value)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.inspect", "Returns the string representation of a value as it would be represented in Sass.") },\n { func: "type-of($value)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.type-of", "Returns the type of a value.") },\n { func: "unit($number)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.unit", "Returns the unit(s) associated with a number.") },\n { func: "unitless($number)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.unitless", "Returns whether a number has units.") },\n { func: "comparable($number1, $number2)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.comparable", "Returns whether two numbers can be added, subtracted, or compared.") },\n { func: "call($name, $args\\u2026)", desc: localize11("scss.builtin.call", "Dynamically calls a Sass function.") }\n ];\n SCSSCompletion2.scssAtDirectives = [\n {\n label: "@extend",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@extend", "Inherits the styles of another selector."),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@at-root",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@at-root", "Causes one or more rules to be emitted at the root of the document."),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@debug",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@debug", "Prints the value of an expression to the standard error output stream. Useful for debugging complicated Sass files."),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@warn",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@warn", "Prints the value of an expression to the standard error output stream. Useful for libraries that need to warn users of deprecations or recovering from minor mixin usage mistakes. Warnings can be turned off with the `--quiet` command-line option or the `:quiet` Sass option."),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@error",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@error", "Throws the value of an expression as a fatal error with stack trace. Useful for validating arguments to mixins and functions."),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@if",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@if", "Includes the body if the expression does not evaluate to `false` or `null`."),\n insertText: "@if ${1:expr} {\\n\t$0\\n}",\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@for",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@for", "For loop that repeatedly outputs a set of styles for each `$var` in the `from/through` or `from/to` clause."),\n insertText: "@for \\\\$${1:var} from ${2:start} ${3|to,through|} ${4:end} {\\n\t$0\\n}",\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@each",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@each", "Each loop that sets `$var` to each item in the list or map, then outputs the styles it contains using that value of `$var`."),\n insertText: "@each \\\\$${1:var} in ${2:list} {\\n\t$0\\n}",\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@while",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@while", "While loop that takes an expression and repeatedly outputs the nested styles until the statement evaluates to `false`."),\n insertText: "@while ${1:condition} {\\n\t$0\\n}",\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@mixin",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@mixin", "Defines styles that can be re-used throughout the stylesheet with `@include`."),\n insertText: "@mixin ${1:name} {\\n\t$0\\n}",\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@include",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@include", "Includes the styles defined by another mixin into the current rule."),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@function",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@function", "Defines complex operations that can be re-used throughout stylesheets."),\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n }\n ];\n SCSSCompletion2.scssModuleLoaders = [\n {\n label: "@use",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@use", "Loads mixins, functions, and variables from other Sass stylesheets as \'modules\', and combines CSS from multiple stylesheets together."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/use" }],\n insertText: "@use $0;",\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n },\n {\n label: "@forward",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.@forward", "Loads a Sass stylesheet and makes its mixins, functions, and variables available when this stylesheet is loaded with the @use rule."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/forward" }],\n insertText: "@forward $0;",\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword\n }\n ];\n SCSSCompletion2.scssModuleBuiltIns = [\n {\n label: "sass:math",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.sass:math", "Provides functions that operate on numbers."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/math" }]\n },\n {\n label: "sass:string",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.sass:string", "Makes it easy to combine, search, or split apart strings."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/string" }]\n },\n {\n label: "sass:color",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.sass:color", "Generates new colors based on existing ones, making it easy to build color themes."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/color" }]\n },\n {\n label: "sass:list",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.sass:list", "Lets you access and modify values in lists."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/list" }]\n },\n {\n label: "sass:map",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.sass:map", "Makes it possible to look up the value associated with a key in a map, and much more."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/map" }]\n },\n {\n label: "sass:selector",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.sass:selector", "Provides access to Sass\\u2019s powerful selector engine."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/selector" }]\n },\n {\n label: "sass:meta",\n documentation: localize11("scss.builtin.sass:meta", "Exposes the details of Sass\\u2019s inner workings."),\n references: [{ name: "Sass documentation", url: "https://sass-lang.com/documentation/modules/meta" }]\n }\n ];\n return SCSSCompletion2;\n}(CSSCompletion);\nfunction addReferencesToDocumentation(items) {\n items.forEach(function(i) {\n if (i.documentation && i.references && i.references.length > 0) {\n var markdownDoc = typeof i.documentation === "string" ? { kind: "markdown", value: i.documentation } : { kind: "markdown", value: i.documentation.value };\n markdownDoc.value += "\\n\\n";\n markdownDoc.value += i.references.map(function(r) {\n return "[".concat(r.name, "](").concat(r.url, ")");\n }).join(" | ");\n i.documentation = markdownDoc;\n }\n });\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/lessScanner.js\nvar __extends7 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar _FSL3 = "/".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _NWL3 = "\\n".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _CAR3 = "\\r".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _LFD3 = "\\f".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _TIC = "`".charCodeAt(0);\nvar _DOT3 = ".".charCodeAt(0);\nvar customTokenValue2 = TokenType.CustomToken;\nvar Ellipsis2 = customTokenValue2++;\nvar LESSScanner = function(_super) {\n __extends7(LESSScanner2, _super);\n function LESSScanner2() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n LESSScanner2.prototype.scanNext = function(offset) {\n var tokenType = this.escapedJavaScript();\n if (tokenType !== null) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, tokenType);\n }\n if (this.stream.advanceIfChars([_DOT3, _DOT3, _DOT3])) {\n return this.finishToken(offset, Ellipsis2);\n }\n return _super.prototype.scanNext.call(this, offset);\n };\n LESSScanner2.prototype.comment = function() {\n if (_super.prototype.comment.call(this)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!this.inURL && this.stream.advanceIfChars([_FSL3, _FSL3])) {\n this.stream.advanceWhileChar(function(ch) {\n switch (ch) {\n case _NWL3:\n case _CAR3:\n case _LFD3:\n return false;\n default:\n return true;\n }\n });\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n };\n LESSScanner2.prototype.escapedJavaScript = function() {\n var ch = this.stream.peekChar();\n if (ch === _TIC) {\n this.stream.advance(1);\n this.stream.advanceWhileChar(function(ch2) {\n return ch2 !== _TIC;\n });\n return this.stream.advanceIfChar(_TIC) ? TokenType.EscapedJavaScript : TokenType.BadEscapedJavaScript;\n }\n return null;\n };\n return LESSScanner2;\n}(Scanner);\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/parser/lessParser.js\nvar __extends8 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar LESSParser = function(_super) {\n __extends8(LESSParser2, _super);\n function LESSParser2() {\n return _super.call(this, new LESSScanner()) || this;\n }\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseStylesheetStatement = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return this._parseVariableDeclaration() || this._parsePlugin() || _super.prototype._parseStylesheetAtStatement.call(this, isNested);\n }\n return this._tryParseMixinDeclaration() || this._tryParseMixinReference() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseRuleset(true);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseImport = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@import") && !this.peekKeyword("@import-once")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Import);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Ident)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n do {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n break;\n }\n } while (this.accept(TokenType.Ident));\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseURILiteral()) && !node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.URIOrStringExpected, [TokenType.SemiColon]);\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) {\n node.setMedialist(this._parseMediaQueryList());\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parsePlugin = function() {\n if (!this.peekKeyword("@plugin")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Plugin);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseStringLiteral())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.StringLiteralExpected);\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SemiColonExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseMediaQuery = function() {\n var node = _super.prototype._parseMediaQuery.call(this);\n if (!node) {\n var node_1 = this.create(MediaQuery);\n if (node_1.addChild(this._parseVariable())) {\n return this.finish(node_1);\n }\n return null;\n }\n return node;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseMediaDeclaration = function(isNested) {\n if (isNested === void 0) {\n isNested = false;\n }\n return this._tryParseRuleset(isNested) || this._tryToParseDeclaration() || this._tryParseMixinDeclaration() || this._tryParseMixinReference() || this._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin() || this._parseStylesheetStatement(isNested);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseMediaFeatureName = function() {\n return this._parseIdent() || this._parseVariable();\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseVariableDeclaration = function(panic) {\n if (panic === void 0) {\n panic = [];\n }\n var node = this.create(VariableDeclaration);\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (!node.setVariable(this._parseVariable(true))) {\n return null;\n }\n if (this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n if (this.prevToken) {\n node.colonPosition = this.prevToken.offset;\n }\n if (node.setValue(this._parseDetachedRuleSet())) {\n node.needsSemicolon = false;\n } else if (!node.setValue(this._parseExpr())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.VariableValueExpected, [], panic);\n }\n node.addChild(this._parsePrio());\n } else {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n node.semicolonPosition = this.token.offset;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseDetachedRuleSet = function() {\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (this.peekDelim("#") || this.peekDelim(".")) {\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!this.hasWhitespace() && this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n var node = this.create(MixinDeclaration);\n if (node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma) || this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter())) {\n this.markError(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [], [TokenType.ParenthesisR]);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n } else {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n }\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n return null;\n }\n var content = this.create(BodyDeclaration);\n this._parseBody(content, this._parseDetachedRuleSetBody.bind(this));\n return this.finish(content);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseDetachedRuleSetBody = function() {\n return this._tryParseKeyframeSelector() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._addLookupChildren = function(node) {\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseLookupValue())) {\n return false;\n }\n var expectsValue = false;\n while (true) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.BracketL)) {\n expectsValue = true;\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseLookupValue())) {\n break;\n }\n expectsValue = false;\n }\n return !expectsValue;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseLookupValue = function() {\n var node = this.create(Node);\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.BracketL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n if ((node.addChild(this._parseVariable(false, true)) || node.addChild(this._parsePropertyIdentifier())) && this.accept(TokenType.BracketR) || this.accept(TokenType.BracketR)) {\n return node;\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseVariable = function(declaration, insideLookup) {\n if (declaration === void 0) {\n declaration = false;\n }\n if (insideLookup === void 0) {\n insideLookup = false;\n }\n var isPropertyReference = !declaration && this.peekDelim("$");\n if (!this.peekDelim("@") && !isPropertyReference && !this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(Variable);\n var mark = this.mark();\n while (this.acceptDelim("@") || !declaration && this.acceptDelim("$")) {\n if (this.hasWhitespace()) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.AtKeyword) && !this.accept(TokenType.Ident)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n if (!insideLookup && this.peek(TokenType.BracketL)) {\n if (!this._addLookupChildren(node)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n }\n return node;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseTermExpression = function() {\n return this._parseVariable() || this._parseEscaped() || _super.prototype._parseTermExpression.call(this) || this._tryParseMixinReference(false);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseEscaped = function() {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.EscapedJavaScript) || this.peek(TokenType.BadEscapedJavaScript)) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.EscapedValue);\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n if (this.peekDelim("~")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.EscapedValue);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.accept(TokenType.String) || this.accept(TokenType.EscapedJavaScript)) {\n return this.finish(node);\n } else {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.TermExpected);\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseOperator = function() {\n var node = this._parseGuardOperator();\n if (node) {\n return node;\n } else {\n return _super.prototype._parseOperator.call(this);\n }\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseGuardOperator = function() {\n if (this.peekDelim(">")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Operator);\n this.consumeToken();\n this.acceptDelim("=");\n return node;\n } else if (this.peekDelim("=")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Operator);\n this.consumeToken();\n this.acceptDelim("<");\n return node;\n } else if (this.peekDelim("<")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Operator);\n this.consumeToken();\n this.acceptDelim("=");\n return node;\n }\n return null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration = function() {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return this._parseKeyframe() || this._parseMedia(true) || this._parseImport() || this._parseSupports(true) || this._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin() || this._parseVariableDeclaration() || _super.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclarationAtStatement.call(this);\n }\n return this._tryParseMixinDeclaration() || this._tryParseRuleset(true) || this._tryParseMixinReference() || this._parseFunction() || this._parseExtend() || _super.prototype._parseRuleSetDeclaration.call(this);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseKeyframeIdent = function() {\n return this._parseIdent([ReferenceType.Keyframe]) || this._parseVariable();\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseKeyframeSelector = function() {\n return this._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin() || _super.prototype._parseKeyframeSelector.call(this);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody = function() {\n return this._parseSelectorCombinator() || _super.prototype._parseSimpleSelectorBody.call(this);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseSelector = function(isNested) {\n var node = this.create(Selector);\n var hasContent = false;\n if (isNested) {\n hasContent = node.addChild(this._parseCombinator());\n }\n while (node.addChild(this._parseSimpleSelector())) {\n hasContent = true;\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (node.addChild(this._parseGuard()) && this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n break;\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n node.addChild(this._parseCombinator());\n }\n return hasContent ? this.finish(node) : null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseSelectorCombinator = function() {\n if (this.peekDelim("&")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.SelectorCombinator);\n this.consumeToken();\n while (!this.hasWhitespace() && (this.acceptDelim("-") || this.accept(TokenType.Num) || this.accept(TokenType.Dimension) || node.addChild(this._parseIdent()) || this.acceptDelim("&"))) {\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseSelectorIdent = function() {\n if (!this.peekInterpolatedIdent()) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.SelectorInterpolation);\n var hasContent = this._acceptInterpolatedIdent(node);\n return hasContent ? this.finish(node) : null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parsePropertyIdentifier = function(inLookup) {\n if (inLookup === void 0) {\n inLookup = false;\n }\n var propertyRegex = /^[\\w-]+/;\n if (!this.peekInterpolatedIdent() && !this.peekRegExp(this.token.type, propertyRegex)) {\n return null;\n }\n var mark = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(Identifier);\n node.isCustomProperty = this.acceptDelim("-") && this.acceptDelim("-");\n var childAdded = false;\n if (!inLookup) {\n if (node.isCustomProperty) {\n childAdded = this._acceptInterpolatedIdent(node);\n } else {\n childAdded = this._acceptInterpolatedIdent(node, propertyRegex);\n }\n } else {\n if (node.isCustomProperty) {\n childAdded = node.addChild(this._parseIdent());\n } else {\n childAdded = node.addChild(this._parseRegexp(propertyRegex));\n }\n }\n if (!childAdded) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n if (!inLookup && !this.hasWhitespace()) {\n this.acceptDelim("+");\n if (!this.hasWhitespace()) {\n this.acceptIdent("_");\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype.peekInterpolatedIdent = function() {\n return this.peek(TokenType.Ident) || this.peekDelim("@") || this.peekDelim("$") || this.peekDelim("-");\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._acceptInterpolatedIdent = function(node, identRegex) {\n var _this = this;\n var hasContent = false;\n var indentInterpolation = function() {\n var pos = _this.mark();\n if (_this.acceptDelim("-")) {\n if (!_this.hasWhitespace()) {\n _this.acceptDelim("-");\n }\n if (_this.hasWhitespace()) {\n _this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n }\n return _this._parseInterpolation();\n };\n var accept = identRegex ? function() {\n return _this.acceptRegexp(identRegex);\n } : function() {\n return _this.accept(TokenType.Ident);\n };\n while (accept() || node.addChild(this._parseInterpolation() || this.try(indentInterpolation))) {\n hasContent = true;\n if (this.hasWhitespace()) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return hasContent;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseInterpolation = function() {\n var mark = this.mark();\n if (this.peekDelim("@") || this.peekDelim("$")) {\n var node = this.createNode(NodeType.Interpolation);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseIdent())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected);\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.CurlyR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightCurlyExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._tryParseMixinDeclaration = function() {\n var mark = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(MixinDeclaration);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier()) || !this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n if (node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma) || this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getParameters().addChild(this._parseMixinParameter())) {\n this.markError(node, ParseError.IdentifierExpected, [], [TokenType.ParenthesisR]);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n node.setGuard(this._parseGuard());\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.CurlyL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n return this._parseBody(node, this._parseMixInBodyDeclaration.bind(this));\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseMixInBodyDeclaration = function() {\n return this._parseFontFace() || this._parseRuleSetDeclaration();\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier = function() {\n var identifier;\n if (this.peekDelim("#") || this.peekDelim(".")) {\n identifier = this.create(Identifier);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !identifier.addChild(this._parseIdent())) {\n return null;\n }\n } else if (this.peek(TokenType.Hash)) {\n identifier = this.create(Identifier);\n this.consumeToken();\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n identifier.referenceTypes = [ReferenceType.Mixin];\n return this.finish(identifier);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parsePseudo = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.Colon)) {\n return null;\n }\n var mark = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(ExtendsReference);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.acceptIdent("extend")) {\n return this._completeExtends(node);\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return _super.prototype._parsePseudo.call(this);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseExtend = function() {\n if (!this.peekDelim("&")) {\n return null;\n }\n var mark = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(ExtendsReference);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(TokenType.Colon) || !this.acceptIdent("extend")) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n return this._completeExtends(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._completeExtends = function(node) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.LeftParenthesisExpected);\n }\n var selectors = node.getSelectors();\n if (!selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(true))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SelectorExpected);\n }\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!selectors.addChild(this._parseSelector(true))) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.SelectorExpected);\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseDetachedRuleSetMixin = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.AtKeyword)) {\n return null;\n }\n var mark = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(MixinReference);\n if (node.addChild(this._parseVariable(true)) && (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL))) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._tryParseMixinReference = function(atRoot) {\n if (atRoot === void 0) {\n atRoot = true;\n }\n var mark = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(MixinReference);\n var identifier = this._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier();\n while (identifier) {\n this.acceptDelim(">");\n var nextId = this._parseMixinDeclarationIdentifier();\n if (nextId) {\n node.getNamespaces().addChild(identifier);\n identifier = nextId;\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n if (!node.setIdentifier(identifier)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n var hasArguments = false;\n if (this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n hasArguments = true;\n if (node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma) || this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n identifier.referenceTypes = [ReferenceType.Mixin];\n } else {\n identifier.referenceTypes = [ReferenceType.Mixin, ReferenceType.Rule];\n }\n if (this.peek(TokenType.BracketL)) {\n if (!atRoot) {\n this._addLookupChildren(node);\n }\n } else {\n node.addChild(this._parsePrio());\n }\n if (!hasArguments && !this.peek(TokenType.SemiColon) && !this.peek(TokenType.CurlyR) && !this.peek(TokenType.EOF)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(mark);\n return null;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseMixinArgument = function() {\n var node = this.create(FunctionArgument);\n var pos = this.mark();\n var argument = this._parseVariable();\n if (argument) {\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.Colon)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n } else {\n node.setIdentifier(argument);\n }\n }\n if (node.setValue(this._parseDetachedRuleSet() || this._parseExpr(true))) {\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseMixinParameter = function() {\n var node = this.create(FunctionParameter);\n if (this.peekKeyword("@rest")) {\n var restNode = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!this.accept(Ellipsis2)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.DotExpected, [], [TokenType.Comma, TokenType.ParenthesisR]);\n }\n node.setIdentifier(this.finish(restNode));\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n if (this.peek(Ellipsis2)) {\n var varargsNode = this.create(Node);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.setIdentifier(this.finish(varargsNode));\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n var hasContent = false;\n if (node.setIdentifier(this._parseVariable())) {\n this.accept(TokenType.Colon);\n hasContent = true;\n }\n if (!node.setDefaultValue(this._parseDetachedRuleSet() || this._parseExpr(true)) && !hasContent) {\n return null;\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseGuard = function() {\n if (!this.peekIdent("when")) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(LessGuard);\n this.consumeToken();\n node.isNegated = this.acceptIdent("not");\n if (!node.getConditions().addChild(this._parseGuardCondition())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ConditionExpected);\n }\n while (this.acceptIdent("and") || this.accept(TokenType.Comma)) {\n if (!node.getConditions().addChild(this._parseGuardCondition())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ConditionExpected);\n }\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseGuardCondition = function() {\n if (!this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n return null;\n }\n var node = this.create(GuardCondition);\n this.consumeToken();\n if (!node.addChild(this._parseExpr())) {\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseFunction = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = this.create(Function);\n if (!node.setIdentifier(this._parseFunctionIdentifier())) {\n return null;\n }\n if (this.hasWhitespace() || !this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisL)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n return null;\n }\n if (node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument())) {\n while (this.accept(TokenType.Comma) || this.accept(TokenType.SemiColon)) {\n if (this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n break;\n }\n if (!node.getArguments().addChild(this._parseMixinArgument())) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.ExpressionExpected);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.accept(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n return this.finish(node, ParseError.RightParenthesisExpected);\n }\n return this.finish(node);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseFunctionIdentifier = function() {\n if (this.peekDelim("%")) {\n var node = this.create(Identifier);\n node.referenceTypes = [ReferenceType.Function];\n this.consumeToken();\n return this.finish(node);\n }\n return _super.prototype._parseFunctionIdentifier.call(this);\n };\n LESSParser2.prototype._parseURLArgument = function() {\n var pos = this.mark();\n var node = _super.prototype._parseURLArgument.call(this);\n if (!node || !this.peek(TokenType.ParenthesisR)) {\n this.restoreAtMark(pos);\n var node_2 = this.create(Node);\n node_2.addChild(this._parseBinaryExpr());\n return this.finish(node_2);\n }\n return node;\n };\n return LESSParser2;\n}(Parser);\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/lessCompletion.js\nvar __extends9 = function() {\n var extendStatics = function(d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {\n d2.__proto__ = b2;\n } || function(d2, b2) {\n for (var p in b2)\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b2, p))\n d2[p] = b2[p];\n };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function(d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\nvar localize12 = loadMessageBundle();\nvar LESSCompletion = function(_super) {\n __extends9(LESSCompletion2, _super);\n function LESSCompletion2(lsOptions, cssDataManager) {\n return _super.call(this, "@", lsOptions, cssDataManager) || this;\n }\n LESSCompletion2.prototype.createFunctionProposals = function(proposals, existingNode, sortToEnd, result) {\n for (var _i = 0, proposals_1 = proposals; _i < proposals_1.length; _i++) {\n var p = proposals_1[_i];\n var item = {\n label: p.name,\n detail: p.example,\n documentation: p.description,\n textEdit: TextEdit.replace(this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), p.name + "($0)"),\n insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,\n kind: CompletionItemKind.Function\n };\n if (sortToEnd) {\n item.sortText = "z";\n }\n result.items.push(item);\n }\n return result;\n };\n LESSCompletion2.prototype.getTermProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n var functions = LESSCompletion2.builtInProposals;\n if (entry) {\n functions = functions.filter(function(f2) {\n return !f2.type || !entry.restrictions || entry.restrictions.indexOf(f2.type) !== -1;\n });\n }\n this.createFunctionProposals(functions, existingNode, true, result);\n return _super.prototype.getTermProposals.call(this, entry, existingNode, result);\n };\n LESSCompletion2.prototype.getColorProposals = function(entry, existingNode, result) {\n this.createFunctionProposals(LESSCompletion2.colorProposals, existingNode, false, result);\n return _super.prototype.getColorProposals.call(this, entry, existingNode, result);\n };\n LESSCompletion2.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty = function(declaration, result) {\n this.getCompletionsForSelector(null, true, result);\n return _super.prototype.getCompletionsForDeclarationProperty.call(this, declaration, result);\n };\n LESSCompletion2.builtInProposals = [\n {\n "name": "if",\n "example": "if(condition, trueValue [, falseValue]);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.if", "returns one of two values depending on a condition.")\n },\n {\n "name": "boolean",\n "example": "boolean(condition);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.boolean", \'"store" a boolean test for later evaluation in a guard or if().\')\n },\n {\n "name": "length",\n "example": "length(@list);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.length", "returns the number of elements in a value list")\n },\n {\n "name": "extract",\n "example": "extract(@list, index);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.extract", "returns a value at the specified position in the list")\n },\n {\n "name": "range",\n "example": "range([start, ] end [, step]);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.range", "generate a list spanning a range of values")\n },\n {\n "name": "each",\n "example": "each(@list, ruleset);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.each", "bind the evaluation of a ruleset to each member of a list.")\n },\n {\n "name": "escape",\n "example": "escape(@string);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.escape", "URL encodes a string")\n },\n {\n "name": "e",\n "example": "e(@string);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.e", "escape string content")\n },\n {\n "name": "replace",\n "example": "replace(@string, @pattern, @replacement[, @flags]);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.replace", "string replace")\n },\n {\n "name": "unit",\n "example": "unit(@dimension, [@unit: \'\']);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.unit", "remove or change the unit of a dimension")\n },\n {\n "name": "color",\n "example": "color(@string);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.color", "parses a string to a color"),\n "type": "color"\n },\n {\n "name": "convert",\n "example": "convert(@value, unit);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.convert", "converts numbers from one type into another")\n },\n {\n "name": "data-uri",\n "example": "data-uri([mimetype,] url);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.data-uri", "inlines a resource and falls back to `url()`"),\n "type": "url"\n },\n {\n "name": "abs",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.abs", "absolute value of a number"),\n "example": "abs(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "acos",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.acos", "arccosine - inverse of cosine function"),\n "example": "acos(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "asin",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.asin", "arcsine - inverse of sine function"),\n "example": "asin(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "ceil",\n "example": "ceil(@number);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.ceil", "rounds up to an integer")\n },\n {\n "name": "cos",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.cos", "cosine function"),\n "example": "cos(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "floor",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.floor", "rounds down to an integer"),\n "example": "floor(@number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "percentage",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.percentage", "converts to a %, e.g. 0.5 > 50%"),\n "example": "percentage(@number);",\n "type": "percentage"\n },\n {\n "name": "round",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.round", "rounds a number to a number of places"),\n "example": "round(number, [places: 0]);"\n },\n {\n "name": "sqrt",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.sqrt", "calculates square root of a number"),\n "example": "sqrt(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "sin",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.sin", "sine function"),\n "example": "sin(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "tan",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.tan", "tangent function"),\n "example": "tan(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "atan",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.atan", "arctangent - inverse of tangent function"),\n "example": "atan(number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "pi",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.pi", "returns pi"),\n "example": "pi();"\n },\n {\n "name": "pow",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.pow", "first argument raised to the power of the second argument"),\n "example": "pow(@base, @exponent);"\n },\n {\n "name": "mod",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.mod", "first argument modulus second argument"),\n "example": "mod(number, number);"\n },\n {\n "name": "min",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.min", "returns the lowest of one or more values"),\n "example": "min(@x, @y);"\n },\n {\n "name": "max",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.max", "returns the lowest of one or more values"),\n "example": "max(@x, @y);"\n }\n ];\n LESSCompletion2.colorProposals = [\n {\n "name": "argb",\n "example": "argb(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.argb", "creates a #AARRGGBB")\n },\n {\n "name": "hsl",\n "example": "hsl(@hue, @saturation, @lightness);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hsl", "creates a color")\n },\n {\n "name": "hsla",\n "example": "hsla(@hue, @saturation, @lightness, @alpha);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hsla", "creates a color")\n },\n {\n "name": "hsv",\n "example": "hsv(@hue, @saturation, @value);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hsv", "creates a color")\n },\n {\n "name": "hsva",\n "example": "hsva(@hue, @saturation, @value, @alpha);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hsva", "creates a color")\n },\n {\n "name": "hue",\n "example": "hue(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hue", "returns the `hue` channel of `@color` in the HSL space")\n },\n {\n "name": "saturation",\n "example": "saturation(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.saturation", "returns the `saturation` channel of `@color` in the HSL space")\n },\n {\n "name": "lightness",\n "example": "lightness(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.lightness", "returns the `lightness` channel of `@color` in the HSL space")\n },\n {\n "name": "hsvhue",\n "example": "hsvhue(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hsvhue", "returns the `hue` channel of `@color` in the HSV space")\n },\n {\n "name": "hsvsaturation",\n "example": "hsvsaturation(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hsvsaturation", "returns the `saturation` channel of `@color` in the HSV space")\n },\n {\n "name": "hsvvalue",\n "example": "hsvvalue(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.hsvvalue", "returns the `value` channel of `@color` in the HSV space")\n },\n {\n "name": "red",\n "example": "red(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.red", "returns the `red` channel of `@color`")\n },\n {\n "name": "green",\n "example": "green(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.green", "returns the `green` channel of `@color`")\n },\n {\n "name": "blue",\n "example": "blue(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.blue", "returns the `blue` channel of `@color`")\n },\n {\n "name": "alpha",\n "example": "alpha(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.alpha", "returns the `alpha` channel of `@color`")\n },\n {\n "name": "luma",\n "example": "luma(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.luma", "returns the `luma` value (perceptual brightness) of `@color`")\n },\n {\n "name": "saturate",\n "example": "saturate(@color, 10%);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.saturate", "return `@color` 10% points more saturated")\n },\n {\n "name": "desaturate",\n "example": "desaturate(@color, 10%);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.desaturate", "return `@color` 10% points less saturated")\n },\n {\n "name": "lighten",\n "example": "lighten(@color, 10%);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.lighten", "return `@color` 10% points lighter")\n },\n {\n "name": "darken",\n "example": "darken(@color, 10%);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.darken", "return `@color` 10% points darker")\n },\n {\n "name": "fadein",\n "example": "fadein(@color, 10%);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.fadein", "return `@color` 10% points less transparent")\n },\n {\n "name": "fadeout",\n "example": "fadeout(@color, 10%);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.fadeout", "return `@color` 10% points more transparent")\n },\n {\n "name": "fade",\n "example": "fade(@color, 50%);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.fade", "return `@color` with 50% transparency")\n },\n {\n "name": "spin",\n "example": "spin(@color, 10);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.spin", "return `@color` with a 10 degree larger in hue")\n },\n {\n "name": "mix",\n "example": "mix(@color1, @color2, [@weight: 50%]);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.mix", "return a mix of `@color1` and `@color2`")\n },\n {\n "name": "greyscale",\n "example": "greyscale(@color);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.greyscale", "returns a grey, 100% desaturated color")\n },\n {\n "name": "contrast",\n "example": "contrast(@color1, [@darkcolor: black], [@lightcolor: white], [@threshold: 43%]);",\n "description": localize12("less.builtin.contrast", "return `@darkcolor` if `@color1 is> 43% luma` otherwise return `@lightcolor`, see notes")\n },\n {\n "name": "multiply",\n "example": "multiply(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "screen",\n "example": "screen(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "overlay",\n "example": "overlay(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "softlight",\n "example": "softlight(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "hardlight",\n "example": "hardlight(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "difference",\n "example": "difference(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "exclusion",\n "example": "exclusion(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "average",\n "example": "average(@color1, @color2);"\n },\n {\n "name": "negation",\n "example": "negation(@color1, @color2);"\n }\n ];\n return LESSCompletion2;\n}(CSSCompletion);\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/services/cssFolding.js\nfunction getFoldingRanges(document, context) {\n var ranges = computeFoldingRanges(document);\n return limitFoldingRanges(ranges, context);\n}\nfunction computeFoldingRanges(document) {\n function getStartLine(t) {\n return document.positionAt(t.offset).line;\n }\n function getEndLine(t) {\n return document.positionAt(t.offset + t.len).line;\n }\n function getScanner() {\n switch (document.languageId) {\n case "scss":\n return new SCSSScanner();\n case "less":\n return new LESSScanner();\n default:\n return new Scanner();\n }\n }\n function tokenToRange(t, kind) {\n var startLine = getStartLine(t);\n var endLine = getEndLine(t);\n if (startLine !== endLine) {\n return {\n startLine,\n endLine,\n kind\n };\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n var ranges = [];\n var delimiterStack = [];\n var scanner = getScanner();\n scanner.ignoreComment = false;\n scanner.setSource(document.getText());\n var token = scanner.scan();\n var prevToken = null;\n var _loop_1 = function() {\n switch (token.type) {\n case TokenType.CurlyL:\n case InterpolationFunction: {\n delimiterStack.push({ line: getStartLine(token), type: "brace", isStart: true });\n break;\n }\n case TokenType.CurlyR: {\n if (delimiterStack.length !== 0) {\n var prevDelimiter = popPrevStartDelimiterOfType(delimiterStack, "brace");\n if (!prevDelimiter) {\n break;\n }\n var endLine = getEndLine(token);\n if (prevDelimiter.type === "brace") {\n if (prevToken && getEndLine(prevToken) !== endLine) {\n endLine--;\n }\n if (prevDelimiter.line !== endLine) {\n ranges.push({\n startLine: prevDelimiter.line,\n endLine,\n kind: void 0\n });\n }\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n case TokenType.Comment: {\n var commentRegionMarkerToDelimiter_1 = function(marker) {\n if (marker === "#region") {\n return { line: getStartLine(token), type: "comment", isStart: true };\n } else {\n return { line: getEndLine(token), type: "comment", isStart: false };\n }\n };\n var getCurrDelimiter = function(token2) {\n var matches2 = token2.text.match(/^\\s*\\/\\*\\s*(#region|#endregion)\\b\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\*\\//);\n if (matches2) {\n return commentRegionMarkerToDelimiter_1(matches2[1]);\n } else if (document.languageId === "scss" || document.languageId === "less") {\n var matches_1 = token2.text.match(/^\\s*\\/\\/\\s*(#region|#endregion)\\b\\s*(.*?)\\s*/);\n if (matches_1) {\n return commentRegionMarkerToDelimiter_1(matches_1[1]);\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n var currDelimiter = getCurrDelimiter(token);\n if (currDelimiter) {\n if (currDelimiter.isStart) {\n delimiterStack.push(currDelimiter);\n } else {\n var prevDelimiter = popPrevStartDelimiterOfType(delimiterStack, "comment");\n if (!prevDelimiter) {\n break;\n }\n if (prevDelimiter.type === "comment") {\n if (prevDelimiter.line !== currDelimiter.line) {\n ranges.push({\n startLine: prevDelimiter.line,\n endLine: currDelimiter.line,\n kind: "region"\n });\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n var range = tokenToRange(token, "comment");\n if (range) {\n ranges.push(range);\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n prevToken = token;\n token = scanner.scan();\n };\n while (token.type !== TokenType.EOF) {\n _loop_1();\n }\n return ranges;\n}\nfunction popPrevStartDelimiterOfType(stack, type) {\n if (stack.length === 0) {\n return null;\n }\n for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (stack[i].type === type && stack[i].isStart) {\n return stack.splice(i, 1)[0];\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\nfunction limitFoldingRanges(ranges, context) {\n var maxRanges = context && context.rangeLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE;\n var sortedRanges = ranges.sort(function(r1, r2) {\n var diff = r1.startLine - r2.startLine;\n if (diff === 0) {\n diff = r1.endLine - r2.endLine;\n }\n return diff;\n });\n var validRanges = [];\n var prevEndLine = -1;\n sortedRanges.forEach(function(r) {\n if (!(r.startLine < prevEndLine && prevEndLine < r.endLine)) {\n validRanges.push(r);\n prevEndLine = r.endLine;\n }\n });\n if (validRanges.length < maxRanges) {\n return validRanges;\n } else {\n return validRanges.slice(0, maxRanges);\n }\n}\n\n// node_modules/vscode-css-languageservice/lib/esm/data/webCustomData.js\nvar cssData = {\n "version": 1.1,\n "properties": [\n {\n "name": "additive-symbols",\n "browsers": [\n "FF33"\n ],\n "syntax": "[ && ]#",\n "relevance": 50,\n "description": "@counter-style descriptor. Specifies the symbols used by the marker-construction algorithm specified by the system descriptor. Needs to be specified if the counter system is \'additive\'.",\n "restrictions": [\n "integer",\n "string",\n "image",\n "identifier"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "align-content",\n "values": [\n {\n "name": "center",\n "description": "Lines are packed toward the center of the flex container."\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-end",\n "description": "Lines are packed toward the end of the flex container."\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-start",\n "description": "Lines are packed toward the start of the flex container."\n },\n {\n "name": "space-around",\n "description": "Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container, with half-size spaces on either end."\n },\n {\n "name": "space-between",\n "description": "Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container."\n },\n {\n "name": "stretch",\n "description": "Lines stretch to take up the remaining space."\n }\n ],\n "syntax": "normal | | | ? ",\n "relevance": 62,\n "description": "Aligns a flex container\\u2019s lines within the flex container when there is extra space in the cross-axis, similar to how \'justify-content\' aligns individual items within the main-axis.",\n "restrictions": [\n "enum"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "align-items",\n "values": [\n {\n "name": "baseline",\n "description": "If the flex item\\u2019s inline axis is the same as the cross axis, this value is identical to \'flex-start\'. Otherwise, it participates in baseline alignment."\n },\n {\n "name": "center",\n "description": "The flex item\\u2019s margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line."\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-end",\n "description": "The cross-end margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line."\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-start",\n "description": "The cross-start margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line."\n },\n {\n "name": "stretch",\n "description": "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."\n }\n ],\n "syntax": "normal | stretch | | [ ? ]",\n "relevance": 86,\n "description": "Aligns flex items along the cross axis of the current line of the flex container.",\n "restrictions": [\n "enum"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "justify-items",\n "values": [\n {\n "name": "auto"\n },\n {\n "name": "normal"\n },\n {\n "name": "end"\n },\n {\n "name": "start"\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-end",\n "description": \'"Flex items are packed toward the end of the line."\'\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-start",\n "description": \'"Flex items are packed toward the start of the line."\'\n },\n {\n "name": "self-end",\n "description": "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the end side of the item, in the appropriate axis."\n },\n {\n "name": "self-start",\n "description": "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the start side of the item, in the appropriate axis.."\n },\n {\n "name": "center",\n "description": "The items are packed flush to each other toward the center of the of the alignment container."\n },\n {\n "name": "left"\n },\n {\n "name": "right"\n },\n {\n "name": "baseline"\n },\n {\n "name": "first baseline"\n },\n {\n "name": "last baseline"\n },\n {\n "name": "stretch",\n "description": "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."\n },\n {\n "name": "save"\n },\n {\n "name": "unsave"\n },\n {\n "name": "legacy"\n }\n ],\n "syntax": "normal | stretch | | ? [ | left | right ] | legacy | legacy && [ left | right | center ]",\n "relevance": 53,\n "description": "Defines the default justify-self for all items of the box, giving them the default way of justifying each box along the appropriate axis",\n "restrictions": [\n "enum"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "justify-self",\n "values": [\n {\n "name": "auto"\n },\n {\n "name": "normal"\n },\n {\n "name": "end"\n },\n {\n "name": "start"\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-end",\n "description": \'"Flex items are packed toward the end of the line."\'\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-start",\n "description": \'"Flex items are packed toward the start of the line."\'\n },\n {\n "name": "self-end",\n "description": "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the end side of the item, in the appropriate axis."\n },\n {\n "name": "self-start",\n "description": "The item is packed flush to the edge of the alignment container of the start side of the item, in the appropriate axis.."\n },\n {\n "name": "center",\n "description": "The items are packed flush to each other toward the center of the of the alignment container."\n },\n {\n "name": "left"\n },\n {\n "name": "right"\n },\n {\n "name": "baseline"\n },\n {\n "name": "first baseline"\n },\n {\n "name": "last baseline"\n },\n {\n "name": "stretch",\n "description": "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."\n },\n {\n "name": "save"\n },\n {\n "name": "unsave"\n }\n ],\n "syntax": "auto | normal | stretch | | ? [ | left | right ]",\n "relevance": 53,\n "description": "Defines the way of justifying a box inside its container along the appropriate axis.",\n "restrictions": [\n "enum"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "align-self",\n "values": [\n {\n "name": "auto",\n "description": "Computes to the value of \'align-items\' on the element\\u2019s parent, or \'stretch\' if the element has no parent. On absolutely positioned elements, it computes to itself."\n },\n {\n "name": "baseline",\n "description": "If the flex item\\u2019s inline axis is the same as the cross axis, this value is identical to \'flex-start\'. Otherwise, it participates in baseline alignment."\n },\n {\n "name": "center",\n "description": "The flex item\\u2019s margin box is centered in the cross axis within the line."\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-end",\n "description": "The cross-end margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-end edge of the line."\n },\n {\n "name": "flex-start",\n "description": "The cross-start margin edge of the flex item is placed flush with the cross-start edge of the line."\n },\n {\n "name": "stretch",\n "description": "If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched."\n }\n ],\n "syntax": "auto | normal | stretch | | ? ",\n "relevance": 72,\n "description": "Allows the default alignment along the cross axis to be overridden for individual flex items.",\n "restrictions": [\n "enum"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "all",\n "browsers": [\n "E79",\n "FF27",\n "S9.1",\n "C37",\n "O24"\n ],\n "values": [],\n "syntax": "initial | inherit | unset | revert",\n "relevance": 52,\n "references": [\n {\n "name": "MDN Reference",\n "url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/all"\n }\n ],\n "description": "Shorthand that resets all properties except \'direction\' and \'unicode-bidi\'.",\n "restrictions": [\n "enum"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "alt",\n "browsers": [\n "S9"\n ],\n "values": [],\n "relevance": 50,\n "references": [\n {\n "name": "MDN Reference",\n "url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/alt"\n }\n ],\n "description": "Provides alternative text for assistive technology to replace the generated content of a ::before or ::after element.",\n "restrictions": [\n "string",\n "enum"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "animation",\n "values": [\n {\n "name": "alternate",\n "description": "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction."\n },\n {\n "name": "alternate-reverse",\n "description": "The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction."\n },\n {\n "name": "backwards",\n "description": "The beginning property value (as defined in the first @keyframes at-rule) is applied before the animation is displayed, during the period defined by \'animation-delay\'."\n },\n {\n "name": "both",\n "description": "Both forwards and backwards fill modes are applied."\n },\n {\n "name": "forwards",\n "description": "The final property value (as defined in the last @keyframes at-rule) is maintained after the animation completes."\n },\n {\n "name": "infinite",\n "description": "Causes the animation to repeat forever."\n },\n {\n "name": "none",\n "description": "No animation is performed"\n },\n {\n "name": "normal",\n "description": "Normal playback."\n },\n {\n "name": "reverse",\n "description": "All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified."\n }\n ],\n "syntax": "#",\n "relevance": 82,\n "references": [\n {\n "name": "MDN Reference",\n "url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/animation"\n }\n ],\n "description": "Shorthand property combines six of the animation properties into a single property.",\n "restrictions": [\n "time",\n "timing-function",\n "enum",\n "identifier",\n "number"\n ]\n },\n {\n "name": "animation-delay",\n "syntax": "