class HyperLinkDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog constructor: () -> super "HyperLinkDialog", HyperLinkDialog.scheme main: () -> super.main() txtText = @find "txtText" txtLink = @find "txtLink" if @data and txtText.value = txtLink.value = $(txtText).prop('disabled', @find("btnCancel").onbtclick = (e) => @quit() @find("btnOk").onbtclick = (e) => data = text: txtText.value, link: txtLink.value, readonly:, action: @handle data if @handle @quit() HyperLinkDialog.scheme = """
""" class FormatDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog constructor: () -> super "FormatDialog", FormatDialog.scheme main: () -> super.main() @ui = aligment: left:@find("swleft"), right:@find("swright"), center:@find("swcenter"), justify:@find("swjustify") spacing: left: @find("spnleft"), right: @find("spnright"), top: @find("spntop"), bottom: @find("spnbottom"), lineheight: @find("spnlheight") padding: left: @find("pspnleft"), right: @find("pspnright"), top: @find("pspntop"), bottom: @find("pspnbottom"), style: bold: @find("swbold"), italic: @find("switalic"), underline: @find("swunderline"), color: @find("txtcolor"), bgcolor: @find("bgcolor") font: family: @find("lstfont"), size: @find("spnfsize") formats: @find("lstformats") @initStyleObject() @preview = ($(@find "preview").find "p")[0] $(@preview) .css "padding", "0" .css "margin", "0" @initUIEvent() #@previewStyle() initStyleObject: ()-> # init the format object @currentStyle = aligment: @_api.switcher("left", "right", "center", "justify"), spacing: left:0 top:0, right:0, bottom:0, lineheight: 0 padding: left:0 top:0, right:0, bottom:0 style: bold:false, italic: false, underline: false, color: undefined, bgcolor: undefined font: family: undefined, size: 12 initUIEvent: () -> set = (e, o, k ,f) => @ui[o][k][e] = (r) => v = r v = f r if f @currentStyle[o][k] = v @previewStyle() for k,v of @ui.aligment set "onswchange", "aligment", k, ((e) => for k,v of @ui.spacing set "onvaluechange", "spacing", k, ((e) => for k,v of @ui.padding set "onvaluechange", "padding", k, ((e) => for k,v of set "onswchange", "style", k, ((e) => if k isnt "color" and k isnt "bgcolor" set "onvaluechange", "font", "size" $( (e) => @openDialog "ColorPickerDialog" .then (d) => = d @previewStyle() $( (e) => @openDialog "ColorPickerDialog" .then (d) => = d @previewStyle() #font = if and set "onlistselect", "font", "family", ( (e) => #format list @ui.formats.selected = -1 = if and @ui.formats.onlistselect = (e) => @fromODFStyleFormat @ui.formats.selected = 0 (@find "btok").onbtclick = (e) => @saveCurrentStyle() (@find "btx").onbtclick = (e) => @quit() (@find "bt-clone").onbtclick = (e) => @clone() clone: ()-> selected = @ui.formats.selectedItem return unless selected selected = @openDialog "PromptDialog", { title: __("Clone style: {0}", selected.text), label: __("New style name:") } .then (d) => return @notify __("Abort: no style name is specified") unless d and d.trim() isnt "" newstyle = @parent.editorSession.cloneParagraphStyle, d @ui.formats.push { text:d, name: newstyle } @ui.formats.selected = ( - 1) @notify __("New style: {0} added", newstyle) saveCurrentStyle: () -> selected = @ui.formats.selectedItem return unless selected selected = odfs = "style:paragraph-properties": "fo:margin-top": + "mm" "fo:margin-left": @currentStyle.spacing.left + "mm" "fo:margin-bottom": @currentStyle.spacing.bottom + "mm" "fo:margin-right": @currentStyle.spacing.right + "mm" "fo:padding-top": + "mm" "fo:padding-left": @currentStyle.padding.left + "mm" "fo:padding-bottom": @currentStyle.padding.bottom + "mm" "fo:padding-right": @currentStyle.padding.right + "mm" "fo:line-height": if @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight > 0 then @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight + "mm" else "normal" "fo:text-align": @currentStyle.aligment.selected || "left" "style:text-properties": "fo:font-weight": if then "bold" else "normal" "fo:font-style": if then "italic" else "normal" "style:text-underline-style": if then "solid" else "none" "fo:font-size": @currentStyle.font.size + "pt" "fo:font-name": "fo:color": if then else "#000000" "fo:background-color": if then else "transparent" @parent.editorSession.updateParagraphStyle, odfs @notify __("Paragraph format [{0}] is saved", selected.text) fromODFStyleFormat: (odfs) -> @initStyleObject() cssUnits = new core.CSSUnits() findFont = (name) => items = item = v for v in items when v.text is name return undefined unless item return item # spacing style = @parent.editorSession.getParagraphStyleAttributes(['style:paragraph-properties'] if style = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-top'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.left = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-left'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.right = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-right'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.bottom = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:margin-bottom'], 'mm') || 0 = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-top'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.padding.left = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-left'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.padding.right = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-right'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.padding.bottom = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:padding-bottom'], 'mm') || 0 @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight = cssUnits.convertMeasure(style['fo:line-height'], 'mm') || 4.2 # 1em = 4,2175176mm @currentStyle.aligment[style['fo:text-align']] = true if style['fo:text-align'] style = @parent.editorSession.getParagraphStyleAttributes(['style:text-properties'] if style = style['fo:font-weight'] is 'bold' = style['fo:font-style'] is 'italic' = true if style['style:text-underline-style'] and style['style:text-underline-style'] isnt 'none' @currentStyle.font.size = parseFloat style['fo:font-size'] = findFont style['style:font-name'] = { hex: style['fo:color'] } if style['fo:color'] = { hex: style['fo:background-color'] } if style['fo:background-color'] @previewStyle() previewStyle: () -> #console.log "previewing" # reset ui @ui.aligment.left.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.left @ui.aligment.right.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.right = @ui.aligment.justify.swon = @currentStyle.aligment.justify @ui.spacing.left.value = @currentStyle.spacing.left @ui.spacing.right.value = @currentStyle.spacing.right = @ui.spacing.bottom.value = @currentStyle.spacing.bottom @ui.spacing.lineheight.value = @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight @ui.padding.left.value = @currentStyle.padding.left @ui.padding.right.value = @currentStyle.padding.right = @ui.padding.bottom.value = @currentStyle.padding.bottom = = = @ui.font.size.value = @currentStyle.font.size #console.log @currentStyle if items = item = i for v, i in items when v.text is = item if item >= 0 $( "background-color", if then else "#000000" $( "background-color", if then else "transparent" # set the preview css el = $ @preview el.css "text-align", if @currentStyle.aligment.selected then @currentStyle.aligment.selected else "left" el.css "margin-left", @currentStyle.spacing.left + "mm" el.css "margin-right", @currentStyle.spacing.right + "mm" el.css "margin-top", + "mm" el.css "margin-bottom", @currentStyle.spacing.bottom + "mm" el.css "padding-left", @currentStyle.padding.left + "mm" el.css "padding-right", @currentStyle.padding.right + "mm" el.css "padding-top", + "mm" el.css "padding-bottom", @currentStyle.padding.bottom + "mm" el .css "font-weight", "normal" .css "font-style", "normal" .css "text-decoration", "none" .css "line-height", "normal" el.css "font-weight", "bold" if el.css "font-style", "italic" if el.css "text-decoration", "underline" if el.css "color", if then else "#000000" el.css "background-color", if then else "transparent" el.css "font-size", @currentStyle.font.size + "pt" el.css "font-family", if el.css "line-height", @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight + "mm" if @currentStyle.spacing.lineheight > 0 FormatDialog.scheme = """

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet diam vestibulum massa malesuada quis dignissim libero blandit. Duis sit amet volutpat nisl.
