var OS; (function (OS) { let application; (function (application) { class BaseEditorModel { /** * Creates an instance of BaseEditorModel. * * @param {Antedit} app parent app * @param {GUI.tag.TabBarTag} tabbar tabbar DOM element * @param {HTMLElement} editorarea editor container DOM element * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ constructor(app, tabbar, editorarea) { this.container = editorarea; this.currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandle(); this.tabbar = tabbar; this.editorSetup(editorarea); = app; this.editormux = false; this.onstatuschange = undefined; this.on("focus", () => { if (this.onstatuschange) this.onstatuschange(this.getEditorStatus()); }); this.on("input", () => { if (this.editormux) { this.editormux = false; return false; } if (!this.currfile.dirty) { this.currfile.dirty = true; this.currfile.text += "*"; return this.tabbar.update(undefined); } }); this.on("changeCursor", () => { if (this.onstatuschange) this.onstatuschange(this.getEditorStatus()); }); this.tabbar.ontabselect = (e) => { return this.selecteTab($(; }; this.tabbar.ontabclose = (e) => { const it =; if (!it) { return false; } if (! { return this.closeTab(it); }"YesNoDialog", { title: __("Close tab"), text: __("Close without saving ?"), }).then((d) => { if (d) { return this.closeTab(it); } return this.focus(); }); return false; }; } /** * Find a tab on the tabbar corresponding to a file handle * * @private * @param {EditorFileHandle} file then file handle to search * @returns {number} * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ findTabByFile(file) { const lst = this.tabbar.items; const its = (() => { const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) { const d = lst[i]; if (d.hash() === file.hash()) { result.push(i); } } return result; })(); if (its.length === 0) { return -1; } return its[0]; } /** * Create new tab when opening a file * * @private * @param {EditorFileHandle} file * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ newTab(file) { file.text = file.basename ? file.basename : file.path; if (!file.cache) { file.cache = ""; } file.textModel = this.newTextModelFrom(file); this.currfile.selected = false; file.selected = true; //console.log cnt this.tabbar.push(file); } /** * Close a tab when a file is closed * * @private * @param {GUI.tag.ListViewItemTag} it reference to the tab to close * @returns {boolean} * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ closeTab(it) { this.tabbar.delete(it); const cnt = this.tabbar.items.length; if (cnt === 0) { this.openFile("Untitled".asFileHandle()); return false; } this.tabbar.selected = cnt - 1; return false; } /** * Select a tab by its index * * @private * @param {number} i tab index * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ selecteTab(i) { //return if i is @tabbar.get "selidx" const file = this.tabbar.items[i]; if (!file) { return; } //return if file is @currfile if (this.currfile !== file) { this.currfile.textModel = this.getTexModel(); this.currfile.selected = false; this.currfile = file; } this.editormux = true; this.setTextModel(file.textModel); if (this.onstatuschange) this.onstatuschange(this.getEditorStatus()); this.focus(); } /** * Select an opened file, this will select the corresponding tab * * @param {(EditorFileHandle | string)} file * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ selectFile(file) { const i = this.findTabByFile(file.asFileHandle()); if (i !== -1) { this.tabbar.selected = i; } } /** * Open a file in new tab. If the file is already opened, * the just select the tab * * * @param {EditorFileHandle} file file to open * @returns {void} * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ openFile(file) { //find tab const i = this.findTabByFile(file); if (i !== -1) { this.tabbar.selected = i; return; } if (file.path.toString() === "Untitled") { this.newTab(file); return; } .then((d) => { file.cache = d || ""; return this.newTab(file); }) .catch((e) => { return"Unable to open: {0}", file.path), e); }); } /** * write a file * * @private * @param {EditorFileHandle} file * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ write(file) { this.currfile.cache = this.getValue(); file.write("text/plain") .then((d) => { file.dirty = false; file.text = file.basename; this.tabbar.update(undefined); }) .catch((e) =>"Unable to save file: {0}", file.path), e)); } /** * Save the current opened file * * @return {*} {void} * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ save() { this.currfile.cache = this.getValue(); if (this.currfile.basename) { return this.write(this.currfile); } return this.saveAs(); } /** * Save the current file as another file * * @public * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ saveAs() {"FileDialog", { title: __("Save as"), file: this.currfile, }).then((f) => { let d = f.file.path.asFileHandle(); if (f.file.type === "file") { d = d.parent(); } this.currfile.setPath(`${d.path}/${}`); this.write(this.currfile); }); } /** * Get all dirty file handles in the editor * * @return {*} {EditorFileHandle[]} * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ dirties() { const result = []; for (let v of Array.from(this.tabbar.items)) { if (v.dirty) { result.push(v); } } return result; } /** * Context menu handle for the editor * * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ set contextmenuHandle(cb) { this.container.contextmenuHandle = cb; } /** * Close all opened files * * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ closeAll() { this.tabbar.items = []; this.resetEditor(); } /** * Check whether the editor is dirty * * @return {*} {boolean} * @memberof BaseEditorModel */ isDirty() { return this.dirties().length > 0; } } application.BaseEditorModel = BaseEditorModel; })(application = OS.application || (OS.application = {})); })(OS || (OS = {})); var OS; (function (OS) { let application; (function (application) { /** * Wrapper model for the ACE text editor * * @export * @class MonacoEditorModel * @extends {BaseEditorModel} */ class MonacoEditorModel extends OS.application.BaseEditorModel { /** * Creates an instance of MonacoEditorModel. * @param {MonacoEditorModel} app MonacoEditorModel instance * @param {GUI.tag.TabBarTag} tabbar tabbar element * @param {HTMLElement} editorarea main editor container element * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ constructor(app, tabbar, editorarea) { super(app, tabbar, editorarea); } /** * Reset the editor * * @protected * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ resetEditor() { this.setValue(""); // TODO create new textmodel } /** * Get a text model from the current editor session * * @protected * @return {*} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getTexModel() { return { model: this.editor.getModel(), position: this.editor.getPosition() }; } /** * Set text model to current editor session * * @protected * @param {*} model * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ setTextModel(model) { this.editor.setModel(model.model); if (model.position) { this.editor.setPosition(model.position); this.editor.revealLineInCenter(model.position.lineNumber); } } /** * Create new editor model from file * * @protected * @param {EditorFileHandle} file * @return {*} {*} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ newTextModelFrom(file) { if (file.path.toString() === "Untitled") { return { model: monaco.editor.createModel(file.cache, "textplain") }; } const uri = monaco.Uri.parse(file.path); const model = monaco.editor.getModel(uri); if (model) { return { model: model }; } return { model: monaco.editor.createModel(file.cache, undefined, uri) }; } /** * Get language modes * * @return {*} {GenericObject[]} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getModes() { //const list = []; //return list; return monaco.languages.getLanguages(); } /** * Set the editor theme * * @param {string} theme theme name * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ setTheme(theme) { } /** * Set editor language mode * * The mode object should be in the following format: * ```ts * { * text: string, * mode: string * } * ``` * * @param {GenericObject} m language mode object * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ setMode(m) { } /** * Setup the editor * * @protected * @param {HTMLElement} el editor container DOM * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ editorSetup(el) { this.editor = monaco.editor.create(el, { value: "", language: 'textplain' }); if (!MonacoEditorModel.modes) { MonacoEditorModel.modes = {}; monaco.languages.getLanguages().forEach((el) => { MonacoEditorModel.modes[] = el; }); } } /** * Register to editor event * * @param {string} evt_str event name * @param {() => void} callback callback function * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ on(evt_str, callback) { switch (evt_str) { case "input": this.editor.onDidChangeModelContent(callback); break; case "focus": this.editor.onDidFocusEditorText(callback); break; case "changeCursor": this.editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(callback); break; default: break; } } /** * Resize the editor * * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ resize() { if (this.editor) this.editor.layout(); } /** * Focus on the editor * * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ focus() { if (this.editor) this.editor.focus(); } /** * Get language mode from path * * @protected * @param {string} path * @return {*} {GenericObject} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getModeForPath(path) { return {}; } /** * Get the editor status * * @return {*} {GenericObject} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getEditorStatus() { const pos = this.editor.getPosition(); const mode = MonacoEditorModel.modes[this.editor.getModel().getModeId()]; return { row: pos.lineNumber, column: pos.column, line: this.editor.getModel().getLineCount(), langmode: { text: mode.aliases[0], mode: mode }, file: this.currfile.path }; } /** * Get editor value * * @return {*} {string} * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ getValue() { return this.editor.getValue(); } /** * Set editor value * * @param {string} value * @memberof MonacoEditorModel */ setValue(value) { this.editor.setValue(value); } getEditor() { return this.editor; } } application.MonacoEditorModel = MonacoEditorModel; })(application = OS.application || (OS.application = {})); })(OS || (OS = {})); __monaco_public_path__ = "VFS/get/" + "pkg://MonacoCore/bundle/".asFileHandle().path + "/"; var OS; (function (OS) { let application; (function (application) { /** * A simple yet powerful code/text editor. * * Antedit is the default text editor shipped with * AntOS base system. It is based on the Monaco editor * which power the VS Code IDE. * * @export * @class Antedit * @extends {BaseApplication} */ class Antedit extends application.BaseApplication { /** *Creates an instance of Antedit. * @param {AppArgumentsType[]} args application arguments * @memberof Antedit */ constructor(args) { super("Antedit", args); this.currdir = undefined; } /** * Main application entry point * * @returns {void} * @memberof Antedit */ main() { this.extensions = {}; this.eum = new EditorModelManager(); this.fileview = this.find("fileview"); this.sidebar = this.find("sidebar"); this.bottombar = this.find("bottombar"); this.langstat = this.find("langstat"); this.editorstat = this.find("editorstat"); this.filestat = this.find("current-file-lbl"); this.logger = new Logger(this.find("output-tab")); this.split_mode = true; this.fileview.fetch = (path) => new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) { let dir; if (typeof path === "string") { dir = path.asFileHandle(); } else { dir = path; } try { const d = await dir .read(); if (d.error) { return reject(d.error); } return resolve(d.result); } catch (e) { return reject(__e(e)); } }); let file = "Untitled".asFileHandle(); if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) { this.addRecent(this.args[0].path); if (this.args[0].type === "dir") { this.currdir = this.args[0].path.asFileHandle(); } else { file = this.args[0].path.asFileHandle(); this.currdir = file.parent(); } } if (!this.setting.recent) this.setting.recent = []; const wrapper = this.find("wrapper"); $(wrapper).css('visibility', 'hidden'); monaco.editor.setTheme("vs-dark"); // add editor instance this.eum .add(new OS.application.MonacoEditorModel(this, this.find("left-tabbar"), this.find("left-editorarea"))) .add(new OS.application.MonacoEditorModel(this, this.find("right-tabbar"), this.find("right-editorarea"))); this.eum.onstatuschange = (st) => this.updateStatus(st); $(wrapper).css('visibility', 'visible'); this.setup();; /*this.load(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { require.config({ paths: { 'vs': "pkg://MonacoCore/vs".asFileHandle().getlink() }}); require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], () => { resolve(undefined); }); }))*/ } /** * Set up the text editor * * @private * @returns {void} * @memberof Antedit */ setup() { this.fileview.onfileopen = (e) => { if (! || ! { return; } if ( === "dir") { return; } this.addRecent(; return; }; this.fileview.onfileselect = (e) => { if (! || ! { return; } if ( === "dir") { return; }; }; this.on("resize", () => this.eum.resize()); this.on("focus", () =>; this.fileview.contextmenuHandle = (e, m) => { m.items = [ { text: "__(New file)", id: "new" }, { text: "__(New folder)", id: "newdir" }, { text: "__(Rename)", id: "rename" }, { text: "__(Delete)", id: "delete" }, ]; m.onmenuselect = (e) => { return this.ctxFileMenuHandle(e); }; return; }; this.bindKey("ALT-N", () => this.menuAction("new")); this.bindKey("ALT-O", () => this.menuAction("open")); this.bindKey("ALT-F", () => this.menuAction("opendir")); this.bindKey("CTRL-S", () => this.menuAction("save")); this.bindKey("ALT-W", () => this.menuAction("saveas")); this.fileview.ondragndrop = (e) => { const src =; const des =; return src .move(`${des}/${src.basename}`) .then(function (d) { const p1 = des; const p2 = src.parent().path; if (p1.length < p2.length) {; .from.parent.update(p2); } else { .from.parent.update(p2);; } }) .catch((e) => this.error(__("Unable to move file/folder"), e)); }; this.on("filechange", (data) => { let { path } = data.file; if (data.type === "file") { ({ path } = data.file.parent()); } return this.fileview.update(path); }); this.find("logger-clear").onbtclick = () => { this.logger.clear(); }; if (this.setting.showBottomBar === undefined) { this.setting.showBottomBar = false; } this.loadExtensionMetaData(); this.toggleSideBar(); this.toggleSplitMode(); this.applyAllSetting(); } /** * Update the editor status bar * * @private * @memberof Antedit */ updateStatus(stat = undefined) { if (!stat) stat =; this.editorstat.text = __("Row {0}, col {1}, lines: {2}", stat.row, stat.column, stat.line); if (stat.langmode) this.langstat.text = stat.langmode.text; this.filestat.text = stat.file; let win = this.scheme; if (win.apptitle != stat.file) win.apptitle = stat.file; } /** * Show or hide the SideBar * * @memberof Antedit */ toggleSideBar() { if (this.currdir) { $(this.sidebar).show(); this.fileview.path = this.currdir.path; } else { $(this.sidebar).hide(); } this.trigger("resize"); } showOutput(toggle = false) { if (toggle) this.showBottomBar(true); this.bottombar.selectedIndex = 0; } /** * Apply [[showBottomBar]] from user setting value * * @protected * @param {string} k * @memberof Antedit */ applySetting(k) { if (k == "showBottomBar") { this.showBottomBar(this.setting.showBottomBar); } } /** * Show or hide the bottom bar and * save the value to user setting * * @param {boolean} v * @memberof Antedit */ showBottomBar(v) { this.setting.showBottomBar = v; if (v) { $(this.bottombar).show(); } else { $(this.bottombar).hide(); } this.trigger("resize"); } /** * toggle the bottom bar * * @memberof Antedit */ toggleBottomBar() { this.showBottomBar(!this.setting.showBottomBar); } toggleSplitMode() { const right_pannel = this.find("right-panel"); const right_editor = this.eum.editors[1]; const left_editor = this.eum.editors[0]; if (this.split_mode) { // before hide check if there is dirty files if (right_editor.isDirty()) { this.notify(__("Unable to disable split view: Please save changes of modified files on the right panel")); return; } right_editor.closeAll(); $(right_pannel).hide(); this.split_mode = false; left_editor.focus(); } else { $(right_pannel).show(); this.split_mode = true; right_editor.openFile("Untitled".asFileHandle()); right_editor.focus(); } this.trigger("resize"); } /** * File menu definition * * @private * @returns {GUI.BasicItemType} * @memberof Antedit */ fileMenu() { const recent = => { return { text: i }; }); return { text: __("File"), nodes: [ { text: __("New"), dataid: "new", shortcut: "A-N" }, { text: __("Open Recent"), dataid: "recent", nodes: recent, onchildselect: (e, r) => { const handle =; handle.onready().then((meta) => { if (!meta) { return; } if (meta.type == "dir") { this.currdir = handle; this.toggleSideBar(); } else {; } }); } }, { text: __("Open"), dataid: "open", shortcut: "A-O" }, { text: __("Open Folder"), dataid: "opendir", shortcut: "A-F", }, { text: __("Save"), dataid: "save", shortcut: "C-S" }, { text: __("Save as"), dataid: "saveas", shortcut: "A-W", }, ], onchildselect: (e, r) => { return this.menuAction(, r); }, }; } /** * Context menu definition * * @private * @param {GUI.TagEventType} e * @returns {void} * @memberof Antedit */ ctxFileMenuHandle(e) { const el =; if (!el) { return; } const data =; if (!data) { return; } let file = this .fileview.selectedFile; let dir = this.currdir; if (file && file.type === "dir") { dir = file.path.asFileHandle(); } if (file && file.type === "file") { dir = file.path.asFileHandle().parent(); } switch ( { case "new": if (!dir) { return; } this.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: "__(New file)", label: "__(File name)", }).then(async (d) => { const fp = `${dir.path}/${d}`.asFileHandle(); try { const r = await fp.write("text/plain"); return this.fileview.update(dir.path); } catch (e) { return this.error(__("Fail to create: {0}", e.stack), e); } }); break; case "newdir": if (!dir) { return; } this.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: "__(New folder)", label: "__(Folder name)", }).then(async (d) => { try { const r = await; return this.fileview.update(dir.path); } catch (e) { return this.error(__("Fail to create: {0}", dir.path), e); } }); break; case "rename": if (!file) { return; } this.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: "__(Rename)", label: "__(File name)", value: file.filename, }).then(async (d) => { if (d === file.filename) { return; } file = file.path.asFileHandle(); dir = file.parent(); try { const r = await file.move(`${dir.path}/${d}`); return this.fileview.update(dir.path); } catch (e) { return this.error(__("Fail to rename: {0}", file.path), e); } }); break; case "delete": if (!file) { return; } this.openDialog("YesNoDialog", { title: "__(Delete)", iconclass: "fa fa-question-circle", text: __("Do you really want to delete: {0}?", file.filename), }).then(async (d) => { if (!d) { return; } file = file.path.asFileHandle(); dir = file.parent(); try { const r = await file.remove(); return this.fileview.update(dir.path); } catch (e) { return this.error(__("Fail to delete: {0}", file.path), e); } }); break; default: } } /** * Add a file to recent files setting * * @private * @param {string} file * @memberof Antedit */ addRecent(file) { if (!this.setting.recent) this.setting.recent = []; if (this.setting.recent.includes(file)) { return; } this.setting.recent.push(file); if (this.setting.recent.length > 10) this.setting.recent = this.setting.recent.slice(0, 10); } /** * Menu action definition * * @private * @param {string} dataid * @param {Antedit} [r] * @returns {void} * @memberof Antedit */ menuAction(dataid, r) { let me = this; if (r) { me = r; } switch (dataid) { case "new": return"Untitled".asFileHandle()); case "open": return me .openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Open file"), mimes: Array.from(me.meta().mimes).filter((v) => v !== "dir"), }) .then((f) => { this.addRecent(f.file.path);; }); case "opendir": return me .openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Open folder"), mimes: ["dir"], }) .then(function (f) { me.addRecent(f.file.path); me.currdir = f.file.path.asFileHandle(); return me.toggleSideBar(); }); case "save": return; case "saveas": return; default: return console.log(dataid); } } /** * Cleanup the editor before exiting. * * @param {BaseEvent} evt * @returns {void} * @memberof Antedit */ cleanup(evt) { let v; const dirties = this.eum.dirties(); if (dirties.length === 0) { // cleanup all extension for (let k in this.extensions) { if (this.extensions[k] && this.extensions[k].cleanup) { this.extensions[k].cleanup(); } } return; } evt.preventDefault(); this.openDialog("YesNoDialog", { title: "__(Quit)", text: __("Ignore all unsaved files: {0} ?", (() => { const result1 = []; for (v of Array.from(dirties)) { result1.push(v.filename); } return result1; })().join(", ")), }).then((d) => { if (d) { for (v of Array.from(dirties)) { v.dirty = false; } return this.quit(false); } }); } /** * Application menu definition * * @returns {GUI.BasicItemType[]} * @memberof Antedit */ menu() { return [ this.fileMenu(), { text: "__(View)", nodes: [ { text: "__(Toggle bottom bar)", dataid: "bottombar" }, { text: "__(Toggle split view)", dataid: "splitview" } ], onchildselect: (e, r) => { switch ( { case "bottombar": return this.toggleBottomBar(); case "splitview": return this.toggleSplitMode(); break; default: break; } r; }, }, ]; } /** * Load the extension meta data from `extension.json` file * * @memberof AntEdit */ loadExtensionMetaData() { this.loadExtensionMetaFromFile(`${this.meta().path}/extensions/extensions.json`) .catch((e) => { return this.error(__("Cannot load extension meta data"), e); }); } /** * Load extension meta-data from specific file * * @private * @param {string} path * @return {*} {Promise} * @memberof AntEdit */ loadExtensionMetaFromFile(path) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { path .asFileHandle() .read("json") .then((d) => { for (let extension of d) { for (let act of extension.actions) { this.eum.addAction(extension, act, (e_name, a_name) => { this.loadAndRunExtensionAction(e_name, a_name, extension.root); }); } } resolve(); }) .catch((e) => { reject(__e(e)); }); }); } /** * Load extension then run an action * * @param name extension name * @param action action name * @memberof AntEdit */ loadAndRunExtensionAction(name, action, root) { //verify if the extension is load if (!Antedit.extensions[name]) { //load the extension let path = `${this.meta().path}/extensions/${name}/main.js`; if (root) path = `${root}/main.js`; this._api .requires(path, true) .then(() => this.runExtensionAction(name, action)) .catch((e) => { return this.error(__("unable to load extension: {0}", name), e); }); } else { this.runExtensionAction(name, action); } } /** * Run an extension action from the command palette * * @private * @param {string} name extension name * @param {string} action action name * @returns {void} * @memberof AntEdit */ runExtensionAction(name, action) { if (!this.extensions[name]) { if (!Antedit.extensions[name]) { return this.error(__("Unable to find extension: {0}", name)); } this.extensions[name] = new Antedit.extensions[name](this); } if (!this.extensions[name][action]) { return this.error(__("Unable to find action: {0}", action)); } this.extensions[name].preload() .then(() => this.extensions[name][action]()) .catch((e) => { return this.error(__("Unable to preload extension"), e); }); } } application.Antedit = Antedit; /** * Helper class to manager several instances * of editor models * * @class EditorModelManager */ class EditorModelManager { /** * Creates an instance of EditorModelManager. * @memberof EditorModelManager */ constructor() { this.active_editor = undefined; this.models = []; } get editors() { return this.models; } set contextmenuHandle(cb) { for (let ed of this.models) { ed.contextmenuHandle = cb; } } /** * Get the active editor model * * @readonly * @type {BaseEditorModel} * @memberof EditorModelManager */ get active() { return this.active_editor; } /** * Add a model to the manager * * @param {BaseEditorModel} model * @memberof EditorModelManager */ add(model) { this.models.push(model); if (!this.active_editor) this.active_editor = model; model.on("focus", () => { this.active_editor = model; }); return this; } addAction(extension, action, callback) { const ed_action = { id: `${}:${}`, label: `${extension.text.__()}: ${action.text.__()}`, /* keybindings: [ monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.F10, // chord monaco.KeyMod.chord(monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KEY_K, monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KEY_M) ]*/ precondition: null, keybindingContext: null, contextMenuGroupId:, //contextMenuOrder: 1.5, run: () => callback(, }; for (let ed of this.models) { const editor = ed.getEditor(); if (!editor.getAction( editor.addAction(ed_action); } } set onstatuschange(cb) { for (let ed of this.models) { ed.onstatuschange = cb; } } dirties() { let list = []; for (let ed of this.models) { list = list.concat(ed.dirties()); } return list; } /** * Resize all editor * * @memberof EditorModelManager */ resize() { for (let ed of this.models) { ed.resize(); } } } /** * This class handles log output to the Editor output container * * @class Logger */ class Logger { /** * Creates an instance of Logger. * @param {HTMLElement} el target container * @memberof Logger */ constructor(el) { = el; } /** * Log level info * * @param {string|FormattedString} s * @memberof Logger */ info(s) { this.log("info", s, true); } /** * Log level warning * * @param {string|FormattedString} s * @memberof Logger */ warn(s) { this.log("warn", s, true); } /** * Log level error * * @param {string|FormattedString} s * @memberof Logger */ error(s) { this.log("error", s, true); } /** * Log a string to target container * * @private * @param {string} c class name of the appended log element * @param {string|FormattedString} s log string * @param {boolean} showtime define whether the logger should insert datetime prefix * in the log string * @memberof Logger */ log(c, s, showtime) { let el = $("
                    .attr("class", `code-pad-log-${c}`);
                if (showtime) {
                    let date = new Date();
                    let prefix = date.getDate() + "/"
                        + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "/"
                        + date.getFullYear() + " "
                        + date.getHours() + ":"
                        + date.getMinutes() + ":"
                        + date.getSeconds();
                    el.text(`[${prefix}]: ${s.__()}`);
                else {
             * Print a log message without prefix
             * @param {string|FormattedString} s text to print
             * @memberof Logger
            print(s) {
                this.log("info", s, false);
             * Empty the log container
             * @memberof Logger
            clear() {
        Antedit.Logger = Logger;
        Antedit.dependencies = [
    })(application = OS.application || (OS.application = {}));
})(OS || (OS = {}));

var OS;
(function (OS) {
     * @class EditorBaseExtension
    class EditorBaseExtension {
        constructor(name, app) {
   = app;
   = name;
         * @returns {Promise}
         * @memberof EditorBaseExtension
        preload() {
            return OS.API.require(OS.application.Antedit.extensions[].dependencies);
         * @protected
         * @returns {string}
         * @memberof EditorBaseExtension
        basedir() {
            return `${}/extensions/${}`;
         * @protected
         * @param {(string | FormattedString)} m
         * @returns {void}
         * @memberof EditorBaseExtension
        notify(m) {
         * @protected
         * @param {(string | FormattedString)} m
         * @param {Error} e
         * @returns {void}
         * @memberof EditorBaseExtension
        error(m, e) {
            return, e);
         * @protected
         * @return {AnteditLogger} editor logger
         * @memberof EditorBaseExtension
        logger() {
            if (! {
            else {
         * @protected
         * @param {string} file
         * @returns {Promise>}
         * @memberof EditorBaseExtension
        metadata(file) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (! {
                    return reject(OS.API.throwe(__("Current folder is not found")));
                    .then((data) => {
                    if (!data.root && {
                        data.root =;
                    .catch((e) => {
                    // try to ask user to select a folder
          "FileDialog", {
                        title: __("Select build directory"),
                        mimes: ["dir"]
                        .then((d) => {
                            .then((data) => {
                            if (!data.root) {
                                data.root = d.file.path;
                            .catch((e1) => reject(e1));
                        .catch((e1) => reject(OS.API.throwe(__("Unable to read meta-data"))));
    EditorBaseExtension.dependencies = [];
    OS.application.Antedit.extensions = {};
    OS.application.Antedit.EditorBaseExtension = EditorBaseExtension;
    class EditorExtensionMaker extends EditorBaseExtension {
        constructor(app) {
            super("EditorExtensionMaker", app);
        create() {
                .openDialog("FileDialog", {
                title: "__(New CodePad extension at)",
                file: { basename: __("ExtensionName") },
                mimes: ["dir"],
                .then((d) => {
                return this.mktpl(d.file.path,;
        build(callback) {
                .then(async (meta) => {
                try {
                    const jsrc = await => `${meta.root}/${v}`), "");
                    await `${meta.root}/build/debug/main.js`
                    await `${meta.root}/build/debug/extension.json`
                    await OS.API.VFS.copy( => `${meta.root}/${v}`), `${meta.root}/build/debug`);
                    this.logger().info(__("Files generated in {0}", `${meta.root}/build/debug`));
                    if (callback)
                catch (e) {
                    return this.logger().error(__("Unable to build extension:{0}", e.stack));
                .catch((e) => this.logger().error(__("Unable to read meta-data:{0}", e.stack)));
        run() {
                .then(async (meta) => {
                if (!meta || !meta.meta || !
                    return this.logger().error(__("Invalid extension meta-data"));
                try {
                    const path = `${meta.root}/build/debug/main.js`;
                    if (OS.API.shared[path]) {
                        delete OS.API.shared[path];
                    await OS.API.requires(path);
                    if ([] &&[].cleanup) {
          [] = new OS.application.Antedit.extensions[](;
                    for (let v of meta.meta.actions) {
              , v, (e_name, a_name) => {
                  , a_name, `${meta.root}/build`);
          , 'editor.action.quickCommand');
                catch (e) {
                    return this.logger().error(__("Unable to run extension:{0}", e.stack));
                .catch((e) => this.logger().error(__("Unable to read meta-data:{0}", e.stack)));
        release() {
                .then(async (meta) => {
       () => {
                    try {
                        await OS.API.VFS.mkar(`${meta.root}/build/debug`, `${meta.root}/build/release/${}.zip`);
                        this.logger().info(__("Archive created at {0}", `${meta.root}/build/release/${}.zip`));
                    catch (e) {
                        return this.logger().error(__("Unable to create archive: {0}", e.stack));
                .catch((e) => this.logger().error(__("Unable to read meta-data: {0}", e.stack)));
        install() {
                .openDialog("FileDialog", {
                title: "__(Select extension archive)",
                mimes: [".*/zip"],
                .then(async (d) => {
                try {
                    await this.installZip(d.file.path);
                    this.logger().info(__("Extension installed"));
                catch (e) {
                    return this.logger().error(__("Unable to install extension: {0}", e.stack));
        installFromURL() {
                .openDialog("PromptDialog", {
                title: __("Enter URI"),
                label: __("Please enter extension URI:")
                .then(async (v) => {
                if (!v)
                try {
                    await this.installZip(v);
                    this.logger().info(__("Extension installed"));
                catch (e) {
                    return"Unable to install extension: {0}", v));
         * @private
         * @param {string} path
         * @param {string} name
         * @memberof EditorExtensionMaker
        mktpl(path, name) {
            const rpath = `${path}/${name}`;
            const dirs = [
            const files = [
                ["main.tpl", `${rpath}/${name}.js`],
                ["meta.tpl", `${rpath}/extension.json`],
            OS.API.VFS.mkdirAll(dirs, true)
                .then(async () => {
                try {
                    await OS.API.VFS.mktpl(files, this.basedir(), (data) => {
                        return data.format(name, `${path}/${name}`);
           = rpath.asFileHandle();
                catch (e) {
                    return this.logger().error(__("Unable to create extension template: {0}", e.stack));
                .catch((e) => this.logger().error(__("Unable to create extension directories: {0}", e.stack)));
         * @private
         * @param {string} path
         * @returns {Promise}
         * @memberof EditorExtensionMaker
        installZip(path) {
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                try {
                    await OS.API.requires("os://scripts/jszip.min.js");
                    const data = await path.asFileHandle().read("binary");
                    const zip = await JSZip.loadAsync(data);
                    const d = await zip.file("extension.json").async("uint8array");
                    const meta = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(d));
                    const pth = this.ext_dir(;
                    const dir = [pth];
                    const files = [];
                    for (let name in zip.files) {
                        const file = zip.files[name];
                        if (file.dir) {
                            dir.push(pth + "/" + name);
                        else if (name != "extension.json") {
                    if (dir.length > 0) {
                        await OS.API.VFS.mkdirAll(dir, true);
                        await this.installFiles(files, zip, meta);
                    else {
                        await this.installFiles(files, zip, meta);
                catch (e) {
        ext_dir(en) {
            return `${}/extensions/${en}`;
         * @private
         * @param {string[]} files
         * @param {*} zip
         * @param {GenericObject} meta
         * @returns {Promise}
         * @memberof EditorExtensionMaker
        installFiles(files, zip, meta) {
            if (files.length === 0) {
                return this.installMeta(meta);
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                try {
                    const file = files.splice(0, 1)[0];
                    const path = `${this.ext_dir(}/${file}`;
                    const d = await zip.file(file).async("uint8array");
                    const r = await path.asFileHandle()
                        .setCache(new Blob([d], { type: "octet/stream" }))
                    if (r.error) {
                        return reject(r.error);
                    await this.installFiles(files, zip, meta);
                catch (e) {
         * @private
         * @param {GenericObject} meta
         * @returns {Promise}
         * @memberof EditorExtensionMaker
        installMeta(meta) {
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                const file = `${this.ext_dir("")}/extensions.json`.asFileHandle();
                try {
                    const data = await"json");
                    const names = [];
                    for (let v of data) {
                    const idx = names.indexOf(;
                    if (idx >= 0) {
                        data.splice(idx, 1);
                    try {
                        await file.setCache(data).write("object");
                        return resolve();
                    catch (e) {
                        return reject(__e(e));
                catch (e_1) {
                    // try to create new file
                    try {
                        await file.setCache([meta]).write("object");
                        return resolve();
                    catch (e_2) {
                        return reject(__e(e_2));
    OS.application.Antedit.extensions.EditorExtensionMaker = EditorExtensionMaker;
})(OS || (OS = {}));