local args=... local handle = {} local result = function(data) return { error = false, result = data } end local error = function(msg) return {error = msg, result = false} end local exec = function(host, rcmd, decode) local user = SESSION.user if not user then return nil end local cmd = "ssh -tt "..user.."@"..host.." "..rcmd if decode then cmd = cmd.." --format \\'{{json .}}\\'" end local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, 'r')) local s = assert(f:read('*a')) f:close() if decode then s = s:gsub('[\n\r]+', ',') return JSON.decodeString("["..s.."null]") else return s end end handle.list_image = function(data) local res = exec(data.host, "docker image ls", true) if not res then return error("Unable to fetch image list") end -- inspect images for i,v in ipairs(res) do v.Detail = exec(data.host, "docker image inspect "..v.ID, true)[1] v.text = v.Detail.RepoTags[1] if not v.text or v.text == "" then v.text = v.ID end end return result(res) end handle.list_container = function(data) local res = exec(data.host, "docker ps -a -f ancestor="..data.image, true) if not res then return error("Unable to fetch container list") end for i,v in ipairs(res) do v.Detail = exec(data.host, "docker container inspect "..v.ID, true)[1] v.text = v.Names if v.Detail.State.Running then v.iconclass = "fa fa-circle running" else v.iconclass = "fa fa-circle stop" end end return result(res) end handle.run_container = function(data) local res = exec(data.host, "docker start "..data.id, false) res = res:gsub('[\n\r]+', '') if res == data.id then return result("OK") else return error(res) end end handle.pull_image = function(data) local res = exec(data.host, "docker pull "..data.image, false) return result(std.b64encode(res)) end handle.rm_image = function(data) local res = exec(data.host, "docker rmi "..data.id.."; sleep 2", false) return result(res) end handle.create_container = function(data) local cmd = "docker run " for k,v in pairs(data.parameters) do k = k:gsub(" ", "") if k:len() == 1 then cmd = cmd.." -"..k.." \""..v.."\" " else if k:match("^e_.*") then cmd = cmd.." -e \""..k:gsub("e_","").."="..v.."\" " else cmd = cmd.." --"..k if v ~= "" then cmd = cmd.."=\""..v.."\" " end end end end cmd = cmd.."--detach=true "..data.image local res = exec(data.host, cmd, false) return result(res) end handle.stop_container = function(data) local res = exec(data.host, "docker stop "..data.id, false) res = res:gsub('[\n\r]+', '') if res == data.id then return result("OK") else return error(res) end end handle.rm_container = function(data) local res = exec(data.host, "docker stop "..data.id, false) res = res:gsub('[\n\r]+', '') if res == data.id then local res = exec(data.host, "docker rm "..data.id, false) res = res:gsub('[\n\r]+', '') if res == data.id then return result("OK") else error(res) end else return error(res) end end if args.action and handle[args.action] then return handle[args.action](args.args) else return error("Invalid action parameter") end