# Copyright 2017-2018 Xuan Sang LE # AnTOS Web desktop is is licensed under the GNU General Public # License v3.0, see the LICENCE file for more information # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. class MarkOn extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication constructor: (args) -> super "MarkOn", args main: () -> markarea = @find "markarea" @container = @find "mycontainer" @previewOn = false if @args and @args.length > 0 @currfile = @args[0].path.asFileHandle() else @currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandle() @editormux = false @editor = new SimpleMDE element: markarea autoDownloadFontAwesome: false autofocus: true tabSize: 4 indentWithTabs: true toolbar: [ "bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "quote", "code", "unordered-list", "ordered-list", "|", "link", "image", "table", "horizontal-rule", "|", { name: "preview", className: "fa fa-eye no-disable", action: (e) => @previewOn = !@previewOn SimpleMDE.togglePreview e #if(self.previewOn) toggle the highlight #{ # var container = self._scheme.find(self,"Text") # .$element.getElementsByClassName("editor-preview"); # if(container.length == 0) return; # var codes = container[0].getElementsByTagName('pre'); # codes.forEach(function(el){ # hljs.highlightBlock(el); # }); # //console.log(code); #} } ] @editor.codemirror.on "change", () => return if @editormux if @currfile.dirty is false @currfile.dirty = true @scheme.set "apptitle", "#{@currfile.basename}*" @on "hboxchange", (e) => @resizeContent() @bindKey "ALT-N", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-New" @bindKey "ALT-O", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Open" @bindKey "CTRL-S", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Save" @bindKey "ALT-W", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Saveas" @resizeContent() @open @currfile resizeContent: () -> children = ($ @container).children() titlebar = (($ @scheme).find ".afx-window-top")[0] toolbar = children[1] statusbar = children[4] cheight = ($ @scheme).height() - ($ titlebar).height() - ($ toolbar).height() - ($ statusbar).height() - 40 ($ children[2]).css("height", cheight + "px") open: (file) -> #find table return if file.path is "Untitled" file.dirty = false file.read() .then (d) => @currfile = file @editormux = true @editor.value d @scheme.set "apptitle", "#{@currfile.basename}" @editormux = false .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to open: {0}", file.path), e save: (file) -> file.write("text/plain") .then (d) => return @error __("Error saving file {0}: {1}", file.basename, d.error) if d.error file.dirty = false file.text = file.basename @scheme.set "apptitle", "#{@currfile.basename}" .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to save file: {0}", file.path), e menu: () -> menu = [{ text: "__(File)", child: [ { text: "__(New)", dataid: "#{@name}-New", shortcut: "A-N" }, { text: "__(Open)", dataid: "#{@name}-Open", shortcut: "A-O" }, { text: "__(Save)", dataid: "#{@name}-Save", shortcut: "C-S" }, { text: "__(Save as)", dataid: "#{@name}-Saveas", shortcut: "A-W" } ], onchildselect: (e) => @actionFile e.data.item.get("data").dataid }] menu actionFile: (e) -> saveas = () => @openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Save as"), file: @currfile }) .then (f) => d = f.file.path.asFileHandle() d = d.parent() if f.file.type is "file" @currfile.setPath "#{d.path}/#{f.name}" @save @currfile switch e when "#{@name}-Open" @openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Open file") }) .then (f) => @open f.file.path.asFileHandle() when "#{@name}-Save" @currfile.cache = @editor.value() return @save @currfile if @currfile.basename saveas() when "#{@name}-Saveas" @currfile.cache = @editor.value() saveas() when "#{@name}-New" @currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandle() @currfile.cache = "" @editor.value("") cleanup: (evt) -> return unless @currfile.dirty evt.preventDefault() @.openDialog("YesNoDialog", { title: __("Quit"), text: __("Quit without saving ?") }).then (d) => if d @currfile.dirty = false @quit() MarkOn.dependencies = [ "os://scripts/mde/simplemde.min.js", "os://scripts/mde/simplemde.min.css" ] this.OS.register "MarkOn", MarkOn