class OnlyOffice extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication constructor: ( args ) -> super "OnlyOffice", args @eid = "id#{Math.random().toString(36).replace(".","")}" main: () -> @isActive = false @currfile = undefined @iframe = undefined if @args and @args.length > 0 @currfile = @args[0].path.asFileHandle() @placeholder = @find "editor-area" = @eid @on "focus", (e) => @isActive = true if @iframe el = $("#id_viewer_overlay", @iframe) el = $("#ws-canvas-graphic-overlay", @iframe) if el.length is 0 el.trigger("click") if el.length > 0 @on "blur", (e) => @isActive = false @find("btn-open-file").onbtclick = (e) => @openFile() @find("btn-new-doc").onbtclick = (e) => @create("word") @find("btn-new-cell").onbtclick = (e) => @create("sheet") @find("btn-new-slide").onbtclick = (e) => @create("slide") @open() if @currfile create: (type) -> ext = undefined ext = "docx" if type is "word" ext = "xlsx" if type is "sheet" ext = "pptx" if type is "slide" return @error __("Unkown file type") unless ext @openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Save file as"), type: "dir", file: "home://Untitled.#{ext}".asFileHandle() } .then (d) => file = "#{d.file.path}/#{}".asFileHandle() # copy file to destination model = "#{@path()}/templates/model.#{ext}".asFileHandle() model .read("binary") .then (d) => blob = new Blob([d], { type:, }) file.cache = blob file .write( .then (r) => file.cache = undefined @currfile = file @open() .catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e .catch (err) => @error err.toString(), err openFile: () -> @openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Open file"), type: "file", mimes: @meta().mimes } .then (f, name) => @currfile = f.file.path.asFileHandle() @open() editorReady: () -> @iframe = $('iframe[name="frameEditor"]', @scheme).contents()[0] return unless @iframe $(@iframe).on "mousedown, mouseup, click", (e) => return if @isActive @trigger "focus" open: () -> return unless @currfile @iframe = undefined @history = undefined @exec("token", {file: @currfile.path}) .then (d) => return @error d.error if d.error @access_token = d.result.sid @currfile.onready() .then (meta) => #key = "#{@systemsetting.user.username}:#{@currfile.path}:#{meta.mtime}" #key = key.hash().toString() @scheme.apptitle = @currfile.path $(@placeholder).empty() @editor.destroyEditor() if @editor @editor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor(@eid, { events: { onAppReady: (e) => @editorReady(e), onRequestCreateNew: () => @newDocument(), onRequestSaveAs: (e) => @saveAs(e), onRequestHistory: () => @loadHistory(), onRequestHistoryData: (e) => @loadHistoryData(e), onRequestHistoryClose: (e) => @closeHistory(e), onRequestRestore: (e) => @restoreVersion(e) }, document: { fileType: @currfile.ext, key: d.result.key, title: @currfile.filename, url: @currfile.getlink() + "?" + @access_token }, documentType: @getDocType(@currfile.ext), editorConfig: { user: { id:, name: @systemsetting.user.username }, customization: { compactHeader: false, #autosave: false, #forcesave: true }, callbackUrl: @uapi("save") } }); .catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e restoreVersion: (e) -> return if is @history.version @exec("restore", { version:, file: @currfile.path }) .then (d) => @error d.error if d.error @notify d.result if d.result @loadHistory() .catch (e) => @error e.toString(),e @loadHistory() closeHistory: (e) -> @open() loadHistoryData: (e) -> fn = (h,v) => return h if h.version is v return fn h.previous, v if h.previous return undefined data = fn @history, @editor.setHistoryData({ error:__("No data found").__()}) unless data path = "home://.office/#{@history.hash}" hdata = { changesUrl: "#{path}/#{data.key}.zip".asFileHandle().getlink()+ "?" + @access_token, key: data.key, url: "#{path}/#{data.key}".asFileHandle().getlink()+ "?" + @access_token, version: data.version } if data.previous hdata.previous = { key: data.previous.key, url: "#{path}/#{data.previous.key}".asFileHandle().getlink()+ "?" + @access_token } hdata.url = @currfile.getlink()+ "?" + @access_token if data.version is @history.version # console.log(hdata) @editor.setHistoryData {hdata} loadHistory: () -> @history = undefined @exec("history", { file: @currfile.path }) .then (d) => return @editor.refreshHistory({error: d.error}) if d.error @history = d.result history = {} history.currentVersion = d.result.version history.history = [] fn = (list, obj) => list.push { changes: obj.changes, created: obj.create, key: obj.key, user: obj.user, version: obj.version } return unless obj.previous fn list, obj.previous fn history.history, d.result console.log history @editor.refreshHistory(history) .catch (e) => @editor.refreshHistory({ error: e.toString()}) @error e.toString(), e getDocType: (ext) -> return "word" if "doc,docx,epub,odt".split(",").includes(ext) return "cell" if "csv,ods,xls,xlsx".split(",").includes(ext) return "slide" if "odp,ppt,pptx".split(",").includes(ext) return "none" saveAs: (e) -> return unless rfile = @openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Save file as"), type: "dir", file: "home://#{}".asFileHandle() } .then (d) => file = "#{d.file.path}/#{}" # copy file to destination @exec("duplicate", { remote:, as: file }).then (r) => return @error r.error if r.error return if @getDocType(file.asFileHandle().ext) is "none" @currfile = file.asFileHandle() @open() .catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e newDocument: () -> @openDialog "SelectionDialog", { title: __("Create new"), data:[ { text: __("Open a file"), iconclass: "fa fa-folder-open", type: "open" }, { text: __("Document"), iconclass: "fa fa-file-word-o", type: "word" }, { text: __("Spreadsheet"), iconclass: "fa fa-file-excel-o", type: "sheet" }, { text: __("Presentation"), iconclass: "fa fa-file-powerpoint-o", type: "slide" }, ] } .then (d) => switch d.type when "open" @openFile() else @create(d.type) uapi: (action) -> return "#{@_api.REST}/system/apigateway?ws=0&path=#{@path()}/api.lua&action=#{action}&file=#{@currfile.path}&#{@access_token}" exec: (action, args) -> cmd = path: "#{@path()}/api.lua", parameters: action: action, args: args return @call(cmd) cleanup: () -> @editor.destroyEditor() if @editor @editor = undefined OnlyOffice.dependencies = [ "" ] this.OS.register "OnlyOffice", OnlyOffice this.extensionParams = { url: "" } # dirty hack that allow subdomain iframes access each other # FIXME: may be the domain should be defined by ATOS API document.domain = "" if document.domain is ""