class DiffEditor extends @OS.application.BaseApplication constructor: ( args ) -> super "DiffEditor", args main: () -> @editor_cnt = @find "diffeditor" @fileview = @find "fileview" @fileview.fetch = (path) => return new Promise (resolve, reject) => path.asFileHandle().read() .then (d) => return reject(d.error) if d.error return resolve(d.result) .catch (e) => return reject(__e(e)) @fileview.onfileopen = (e) => return unless and return if is "dir" return @openFile @currdir = undefined ace.config.set('basePath', "scripts/ace") ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools") @modelist = ace.require("ace/ext/modelist") list = [] for v in @modelist.modes list.push { text: v.caption, mode: v.mode } @langlist = @find("langmode") = list @langlist.onlistselect = (e) => @editors.left.getSession().setMode @editors.right.getSession().setMode @differ = new AceDiff({ # ace: window.ace, element: @editor_cnt, theme: "ace/theme/monokai", left: { content: '', }, right: { content: '', } }) @editors = @differ.getEditors() opts = { enableBasicAutocompletion: true, enableSnippets: true, enableLiveAutocompletion: true, highlightActiveLine: true, highlightSelectedWord: true, behavioursEnabled: true, #wrap: true, fontSize: "10pt", showInvisibles: true, } @editors.left.setOptions(opts) @editors.right.setOptions(opts) @editors.left.current_file = undefined @editors.right.current_file = undefined @editors.left.afx_label = @find("left-file") @editors.right.afx_label = @find("right-file") @editors.left.mux = false @editors.right.mux = false @on "resize", () => @editors = @differ.getEditors() @editors.left.resize() @editors.right.resize() $('.acediff__left .ace_scrollbar-v',@editor_cnt).scroll(() => @editors.right.session.setScrollTop(@editors.left.session.getScrollTop())) $('.acediff__right .ace_scrollbar-v', @editor_cnt).scroll(() => @editors.left.session.setScrollTop(@editors.right.session.getScrollTop())) @editors.left.on "focus", (e) => @current_editor = @editors.left @editors.right.on "focus", (e) => @current_editor = @editors.right @editors.left.on "input", (e) => return @editors.left.mux = false if @editors.left.mux return @editors.left.afx_label.text = __("Temporary file") unless @editors.left.current_file return if @editors.left.current_file.dirty @editors.left.current_file.dirty = true @editors.left.afx_label.text += "*" @editors.right.on "input", (e) => return @editors.right.mux = false if @editors.right.mux return @editors.right.afx_label.text = __("Temporary file") unless @editors.right.current_file return if @editors.right.current_file.dirty @editors.right.current_file.dirty = true @editors.right.afx_label.text += "*" @current_editor = @editors.left @current_editor.focus() @bindKey "ALT-O", () => @menuAction("open") @bindKey "ALT-F", () => @menuAction("opendir") @bindKey "CTRL-S", () => @menuAction("save") @toggleSideBar() toggleSideBar: () -> if @currdir $(@fileview).show() @fileview.path = @currdir.path else $(@fileview).hide() @trigger("resize") menu: () -> return [ { text: __("File"), nodes: [ { text: __("Open"), dataid: "open", shortcut: "A-O" }, { text: __("Open Folder"), dataid: "opendir", shortcut: "A-F", }, { text: __("Save"), dataid: "save", shortcut: "C-S" } ], onchildselect: (e) => @menuAction( } ] openFile: (file) -> @current_editor.mux = true .then (d) => file.cache = d @current_editor.current_file = file @current_editor.afx_label.text = file.path @current_editor.setValue d, -1 # select current mode m = @modelist.getModeForPath(file.path) item = i for v,i in when v.mode is m.mode return unless item isnt undefined @langlist.selected = item menuAction:(dataid) -> switch dataid when "open" @openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Open file"), mimes: ["text/.*", "application/json", "application/javascript"], } .then (f) => @openFile(f.file.path.asFileHandle()) when "opendir" @openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Open folder"), mimes: ["dir"], }) .then (f) => @currdir = f.file.path.asFileHandle() @toggleSideBar() when "save" fn = (ed) => return unless ed.current_file and ed.current_file.dirty ed.current_file.cache = ed.getValue() ed.current_file.write("text/plain") .then (r) => ed.current_file.dirty = false ed.afx_label.text = ed.current_file.path @notify __("File {0} saved", ed.current_file.path) .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to save to: {0}", ed.current_file.path), e fn @editors.left fn @editors.right else return console.log(dataid) cleanup: (evt) -> dirty = false dirty = true if @editors.left.current_file and @editors.left.current_file.dirty dirty = true if @editors.right.current_file and @editors.right.current_file.dirty if dirty evt.preventDefault() @ask { title: __("Unsaved changes"), text: __("Ignore modification ?")} .then (d) => return unless d @editors.left.current_file.dirty = false @editors.right.current_file.dirty = false @quit() else @differ.destroy() DiffEditor.dependencies = [ "os://scripts/ace/ace.js", "os://scripts/ace/ext-themelist.js", "os://scripts/ace/ext-language_tools.js", "pkg://AceDiff/main.js", "pkg://AceDiff/main.css" ] @OS.register "DiffEditor", DiffEditor