Ant = this class ShowCase extends this.OS.GUI.BaseApplication constructor: (args) -> super "ShowCase", args main: () -> bt = @find 'bttest' bt.set "onbtclick", (e) => @error "test error" @observable.on "btclick", (e) => @notify "button clicked" @observable.on "menuselect", (e) => @notify list = @find 'list' list.set "data", [ { text: "some thing with avery long text" }, { text: "some thing 1", closable: true }, { text: "some thing 2", iconclass: "fa fa-camera-retro fa-lg" }, { text: "some thing 3" }, { text: "some thing 4" }, { text: "some thing 5" } ] list.unshift { text: "shifted el" } list.set "onlistselect", (e) => @notify( sw = @find 'switch' sw.set "onchange", (e) => @notify spin = @find 'spin' spin.set "onchange", (e) => @notify menu = @find 'menu' menu.set "items", @menu() list.contextmenuHandle = (e, m) => m.set "items", @menu() e grid = @find 'grid' grid.set "oncelldbclick", (e) => @notify "on dbclick", e grid.set "onrowselect", (e) => @notify "on rowselect", @observable.on "cellselect", (e) -> console.log "observable", e grid.set "header", [{ text: "header1", width: 80 }, { text: "header2" }, { text: "header3" }] grid.set "rows", [ [{ text: "text 1" }, { text: "text 2" }, { text: "text 3" }], [{ text: "text 4" }, { text: "text 5" }, { text: "text 6" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "Subgrid on columns and rows. Subgrid on columns, implicit grid rows. Subgrid on rows, defined column tracks" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }], [{ text: "text 7" }, { text: "text 8" }, { text: "text 9" }] ] tdata = { name: 'My Tree', nodes: [ { name: 'hello', iconclass:'fa fa-car'}, { name: 'wat' }, { name: 'child folder', nodes: [ { name: 'child folder', nodes: [ { name: 'hello' }, { name: 'wat' } ] }, { name: 'hello' }, { name: 'wat' }, { name: 'child folder', nodes: [ { name: 'hello' }, { name: 'wat' } ] } ] } ] } tree = @find 'tree' tree.set "data", tdata tree.set "ontreeselect", (e) => @notify "treepath" tree.set "ontreedbclick", (e) => @notify "treedbclick", e @observable.on "treedbclick", (e) => @notify "observable treedbclick", e slider = @find 'slider' slider.set "onchange", (v) => @notify v cal = @find 'cal' cal.set "ondateselect", (e) => @notify e pk = @find 'cpk' pk.set "oncolorselect", (e) => @notify e pk.set "oncolorselect", (e) => @notify e fileview = @find 'fileview' fileview.set "fetch", (path) -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> dir = path.asFileHandle() (d) -> p = dir.parent().asFileHandle() p.filename = "[..]" p.type = "dir" return reject d.error if d.error d.result.unshift p resolve d.result fileview.set "path", "home:///" viewoption = @find 'viewoption' viewoption.set "data", [ { text: "icon" }, { text: "list" }, { text: "tree" } ] viewoption.set "onlistselect", (e) => @notify"data").text fileview.set "view","data").text dllist = @find "dialoglist" btrun = @find "btrundia" dllist.set "data", [ { text: "Prompt dialog", id: "prompt" }, { text: "Calendar dialog", id: "calendar" }, { text: "Color picker dialog", id: "colorpicker" }, { text: "Info dialog", id: "info" }, { text: "YesNo dialog", id: "yesno" }, { text: "Selection dialog", id: "selection" }, { text: "About dialog", id: "about" }, { text: "File dialog", id: "file" }, { text: "Text dialog", id: "text" } ] btrun.set "onbtclick", (e) => item = dllist.get "selectedItem" return unless item switch item.get("data").id when "prompt" @openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: "Prompt review", value: "txt data", label: "enter value" }) .then (d) => @notify d when "calendar" @openDialog("CalendarDialog", { title: "Calendar" }) .then (d) => @notify d when "colorpicker" @openDialog("ColorPickerDialog") .then (d) => @notify d when "info" @openDialog("InfoDialog", { title: "Info application", name: "Show case", date: "10/12/2014", description: "the brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" }) .then (d) -> when "yesno" @openDialog("YesNoDialog", { title: "Question ?", text: "Do you realy want to delete file ?" }) .then (d) => @notify d when "selection" @openDialog("SelectionDialog", { title: "Select data ?", data: [ { text: "Option 1" }, { text: "Option 2" }, { text: "Option 3", iconclass: "fa fa-camera-retro fa-lg" } ] }) .then (d) => @notify d.text when "about" @openDialog("AboutDialog" ) .then (d) => when "file" @openDialog("FileDialog", { title: "Select file ?", #root: "home:///", mimes: ["text/*", "dir"], file: "Untitled".asFileHandle() }) .then (f, name) => @notify f, name when "text" @openDialog("TextDialog", { title: "Text dialog review", value: "txt data" }) .then (d) => @notify d else return mnFile: () -> #@notify file arr = { text: "__(File)", child: [ { text: "__(New file)", dataid: "#{@name}-mkf", shortcut: 'C-F' }, { text: "__(New folder)", dataid: "#{@name}-mkdir", shortcut: 'C-D' }, { text: "__(Open with)", dataid: "#{@name}-open", child: @apps }, { text: "__(Upload)", dataid: "#{@name}-upload", shortcut: 'C-U' }, { text: "__(Download)", dataid: "#{@name}-download" }, { text: "__(Share file)", dataid: "#{@name}-share", shortcut: 'C-S' }, { text: "__(Properties)", dataid: "#{@name}-info", shortcut: 'C-I' } ], onchildselect: (e) => @notify "child", e } return arr mnEdit: () -> { text: "__(Edit)", child: [ { text: "__(Rename)", dataid: "#{@name}-mv", shortcut: 'C-R' }, { text: "__(Delete)", dataid: "#{@name}-rm", shortcut: 'C-M' }, { text: "__(Cut)", dataid: "#{@name}-cut", shortcut: 'C-X' }, { text: "__(Copy)", dataid: "#{@name}-copy", shortcut: 'C-C' }, { text: "__(Paste)", dataid: "#{@name}-paste", shortcut: 'C-P' } ], onchildselect: (e) => console.log "child", e } menu: () -> menu = [ @mnFile(), @mnEdit(), { text: "__(View)", child: [ { text: "__(Refresh)", dataid: "#{@name}-refresh", onmenuselect: (e) -> console.log "select", e }, { text: "__(Sidebar)", switch: true, checked: true }, { text: "__(Navigation bar)", switch: true, checked: false }, { text: "__(Hidden files)", switch: true, checked: true, dataid: "#{@name}-hidden" }, { text: "__(Type)", child: [ { text: "__(Icon view)", radio: true, checked: true, dataid: "#{@name}-icon", type: 'icon' }, { text: "__(List view)", radio:true, checked: false, dataid: "#{@name}-list", type: 'list' }, { text: "__(Tree view)", radio:true, checked: false, dataid: "#{@name}-tree", type: 'tree' } ], onchildselect: (e) -> console.log "child", e }, ], onchildselect: (e) => console.log "child", e }, ] menu ShowCase.singleton = true this.OS.register "ShowCase", ShowCase