class AntunnelService extends OS.application.BaseService constructor: (args) -> super "AntunnelService", args @text = __("Tunnel") @iconclass = "fa fa-close" @is_connect = false @rsub = undefined @nodes = [ {text: __("Connect"), id: 1}, {text: __("Disconnect"), id: 2}, {text: __("Enter uri"), id: 3}, {text: __("Exit"), id: 4} ] @onchildselect = (e) => @action e init: () -> # @start() if @systemsetting.system.tunnel_uri @watch 1500, () => new_status = false new_status = true if Antunnel.tunnel isnt undefined return unless new_status isnt @is_connect @is_connect = new_status @iconclass = "fa fa-circle" @iconclass = "fa fa-close" unless @is_connect @update() OS.onexit "cleanupAntunnel", () => return new Promise (resolve, reject) => Antunnel.tunnel.close() if Antunnel.tunnel @quit() resolve(true) action: (e) -> ask = () => @_gui.openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: __("Tunnel uri"), label: __("Please enter tunnel uri"), value: "wss://localhost/tunnel" }) .then (uri) => return unless uri and uri isnt "" @systemsetting.system.tunnel_uri = uri @start() switch when 1 return if @is_connect if @systemsetting.system.tunnel_uri @start() else ask() when 2 Antunnel.tunnel.close() if Antunnel.tunnel when 3 Antunnel.tunnel.close() if Antunnel.tunnel ask() when 4 @rsub.close() if @rsub Antunnel.tunnel.close() if Antunnel.tunnel @quit() update: () -> super.update() if(@is_connect) @rsub = new Antunnel.Subscriber("rcmd") @rsub.onopen = () => console.log("Subscribed to rcmd topic") @rsub.onerror = (e) => console.log e @rsub = undefined @rsub.onmessage = (e) => @runcmd(new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode( if @rsub.onclose = () => @rsub = undefined console.log("rcmd closed") Antunnel.tunnel.subscribe @rsub else @rsub = undefined start: () -> return unless @systemsetting.system.tunnel_uri return if Antunnel.tunnel Antunnel.init(@systemsetting.system.tunnel_uri).then (t) => @notify __("Tunnel now connected to the server at: {0}", @systemsetting.system.tunnel_uri) .catch (e) => Antunnel.tunnel.close() if Antunnel.tunnel @error __("Unable to connect to the tunnel: {0}", e.toString()), e awake: () -> runcmd: (code) -> try new Function(code)() catch e console.log(e) this.OS.register "AntunnelService", AntunnelService