importScripts('typescript.min.js'); const tslib = {}; const SDK_URL = ""; class TSJob extends AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { super(data); } execute(){ if(!ts) { const e_msg = "typescript module is not loaded"; this.log_error(e_msg); return this.error(e_msg); } switch (this.job.cmd) { case 'ts-import': this.importlib(); break; case 'ts-compile': this.compile(); break; case 'ts-antos-sdk': this.load_sdk(); break; default: const err_msg = `Unkown job ${this.job.cmd}`; this.log_error(err_msg); return this.error(err_msg); } } importlib() { if(!ts) { const e_msg = "typescript module is not loaded"; this.log_error(e_msg); return this.error(e_msg); } this.read_files( .then((results) => { for(let i in { const lib =[i]; if(!tslib[lib]) { tslib[lib] = ts.createSourceFile(lib, results[i], ts.ScriptTarget.Latest); this.log_info(`Typescript library ${lib} loaded`); } } this.result("Typescript libraries loaded"); }) .catch((e) => { this.log_error("Fail to load Typescript module"); this.error(e); }); } async load_sdk() { let version = "master"; if( && { version =; } const files = [ `${SDK_URL}/${version}/core.d.ts`, `${SDK_URL}/${version}/jquery.d.ts`, `${SDK_URL}/${version}/antos.d.ts`, ]; try{ const promises = []; const load = []; for(let file of files) { if(!tslib[file]) { load.push(file); this.log_info(`Loading library ${file}`); promises.push(this.get(file, undefined)); } } const results = await Promise.all(promises); for(let i in load) { const lib = load[i]; tslib[lib] = ts.createSourceFile(lib, results[i], ts.ScriptTarget.Latest); this.log_info(`Typescript library ${lib} loaded`); } this.result("Typescript libraries loaded"); } catch(e) { this.log_error(e.toString()); } } compile() { let files = []; const src_files = {}; for(let i in tslib) { files.push(i); src_files[i] = tslib[i]; } files = files.concat(; this.read_files( .then((contents) => { for(let i in contents) { const m =[i]; src_files[m] = ts.createSourceFile(m, contents[i], ts.ScriptTarget.Latest); } let js_code = ""; const host = { fileExists: (path) => { return src_files[path] !== undefined; }, directoryExists: (path) => { return true; }, getCurrentDirectory: () => "/", getDirectories: () => [], getCanonicalFileName: (path) => path, getNewLine: () => "\n", getDefaultLibFileName: () => "", getSourceFile: (path) => src_files[path], readFile: (path) => undefined, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => true, writeFile: (path, data) => js_code = `${js_code}\n${data}` }; const compile_options = { "target": "es6", "skipLibCheck": true, "downlevelIteration": true }; // Allow user override compile options if( { for(let k in { compile_options[k] =[k]; } } console.log("TS compile options", compile_options); const program = ts.createProgram(files,compile_options , host); const result = program.emit(); const diagnostics = result.diagnostics.concat((ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program))); const errors = []; if (diagnostics.length > 0) { diagnostics.forEach(diagnostic => { let err_msg = ""; if (diagnostic.file) { let { line, character } = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start); let message = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n"); err_msg = `${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`; } else { err_msg = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n"); } errors.push(err_msg); this.log_error(err_msg); }); return this.error(errors); } // write to file this.save_file(,js_code) .then(r => { if(r.error) { this.log_error(error); return this.error(r.error); } this.result(; }) .catch(e1 => this.error(e1)); }) .catch(e => this.error(e)); } } API.jobhandle["ts-import"] = TSJob; API.jobhandle["ts-compile"] = TSJob; API.jobhandle["ts-antos-sdk"] = TSJob;