# Copyright 2017-2018 Xuan Sang LE # AnTOS Web desktop is is licensed under the GNU General Public # License v3.0, see the LICENCE file for more information # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. class BloggerCategoryDialog extends this.OS.GUI.BasicDialog constructor: () -> super "BloggerCategoryDialog", { tags: [ { tag: "afx-label", att: "data-height = '20', text = 'Pick a parent'" }, { tag: "afx-tree-view" }, { tag: "afx-label", att: "data-height = '20', text = 'Category name'" }, { tag: "input", att: "type = 'text' data-height = '20'" } ], width: 200, height: 300, resizable: true, buttons: [ { label: "0k", onclick: (d) -> sel = (d.find "content1").get "selectedItem" return d.notify __("Please select a parent category") unless sel val = (d.find "content3").value return d.notify __("Please enter category name") if val is "" and not d.data.selonly return d.notify __("Parent can not be the category itself") if d.data.cat and d.data.cat.id is sel.id d.handler { p: sel, value: val } if d.handler d.quit() }, { label: "Cancel", onclick: (d) -> d.quit() } ], filldata: (d) -> return unless d.data #console.log d.data tree = d.find "content1" tree.set "data", d.data.tree if d.data.tree if d.data.cat it = (tree.find "id", d.data.cat.pid)[0] tree.set "selectedItem", it (d.find "content3").value = d.data.cat.name #(d.find "content0").set "text", d.data.label #(d.find "content1").value = d.data.value if d.data.value xtra: (d) -> $( d.find "content3" ).keyup (e) -> (d.find "bt0").trigger() if e.which is 13 } # This dialog is use for cv section editing class BloggerCVSectionDiaglog extends this.OS.GUI.BaseDialog constructor: () -> super "BloggerCVSectionDiaglog" init: () -> @render "#{@path()}/cvsection.html" main: () -> me = @ @scheme.set "apptitle", @title @editor = new SimpleMDE element: @find "contentarea" status: false toolbar: false ($ (@select '[class = "CodeMirror-scroll"]')[0]).css "min-height", "50px" ($ (@select '[class="CodeMirror cm-s-paper CodeMirror-wrap"]')[0]).css "min-height", "50px" @on "vboxchange", () -> me.resizeContent() inputs = me.select "[input-class='user-input']" (($ v).val me.data[v.name] for v in inputs ) if me.data @editor.value me.data.content if me.data and me.data.content (me.find "section-publish").set "swon", (if Number(me.data.publish) then true else false) (@find "bt-cv-sec-save").set "onbtclick", (e) -> data = {} console.log inputs data[v.name] = ($ v).val() for v in inputs data.content = me.editor.value() return me.notify __("Title or content must not be blank") if data.title is "" and data.content is "" #return me.notify "Content must not be blank" if data.content is "" data.id = me.data.id if me.data and me.data.id if (me.find "section-publish").get "swon" data.publish = 1 else data.publish = 0 me.handler data if me.handler me.quit() me.resizeContent() resizeContent: () -> container = @find "editor-container" children = ($ container).children() cheight = ($ container).height() - 30 ($ children[1]).css("height", cheight + "px") # this dialog is for send mail class BloggerSendmailDiaglog extends this.OS.GUI.BaseDialog constructor: () -> super "BloggerCVSectionDiaglog" init: () -> @render "#{@path()}/sendmail.html" @subdb = new @.parent._api.DB("subscribers") main: () -> # get db me = @ @maillinglist = @find "email-list" title = (new RegExp "^#+(.*)\n", "g").exec @data.content (@find "mail-title").value = title[1] content = (@data.content.substring 0, 500) + "..." (@find "contentarea").value = BloggerSendmailDiaglog.template.format @data.id, content, @data.id @subdb.find {}, (d) -> return me.error __("Cannot fetch subscribers data: {0}", d.error) if d.error for v in d.result v.text = v.name v.switch = true v.checked = true me.maillinglist.set "items", d.result (@find "bt-sendmail").set "onbtclick", (e) -> items = me.maillinglist.get "items" emails = [] emails.push v.email for v in items when v.checked is true return me.notify __("No email selected") if emails.length is 0 # send the email data = path: "#{me.parent.path()}/sendmail.lua", parameters: to: emails, title: (me.find "mail-title").value, content: (me.find "contentarea").value me._api.post "system/apigateway", data, (d) -> me.notify "Sendmail: {0}".format d me.quit() , (e, s) -> console.log e me.error __("Error sending mail: {0}", e.responseText) BloggerSendmailDiaglog.template = """ Hello, Xuan Sang LE has just published a new post on his blog: https://blog.lxsang.me/post/id/{0} ========== {1} ========== Read the full article via: https://blog.lxsang.me/post/id/{2} You receive this email because you have been subscribed to his blog. Have a nice day, Sent from Blogger, an AntOS application """