class Docify extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication constructor: ( args ) -> super "Docify", args main: () -> @catview = @find "catview" @catview.buttons = [ { text: "", iconclass: "fa fa-plus-circle", onbtclick: (e) => @openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: __("Category"), label: __("Name")}) .then (d) => @exec("insert", { table: "categories", data: { name: d } }) .then (r) => return @error r.error if r.error @cat_refresh() .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to insert category: {0}", e.toString()) .catch (e) => @error e.toString() }, { text: "", iconclass: "fa fa-minus-circle", onbtclick: (e) => item = @catview.selectedItem return unless item @ask({ text:__("Do you realy want to delete: `{0}`",}) .then (d) => return unless d @exec("delete", {table:"categories", id: parseInt(}) .then (d) => return @error d.error if d.error @cat_refresh() .catch (e) => @error __("Unable delete category: {0}", e.toString()) }, { text: "", iconclass: "fa fa-pencil-square-o", onbtclick: (e) => item = @catview.selectedItem return unless item @openDialog("PromptDialog", { title: __("Category"), label: __("Name"), value: }) .then (d) => @exec("update", { table: "categories", data: { id: parseInt(, name: d } }) .then (r) => return @error r.error if r.error @cat_refresh() .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to update category: {0}", e.toString()) .catch (e) => @error e.toString() } ] @find("bt-add-doc").onbtclick = (e) => @openDialog new DocDialog @initialize() cat_refresh: () -> @exec("fetch", "categories") .then (d) => v.text = for v in d.result = d.result .catch (err) => @error __("Unable to fetch categories: {0}", err.toString()) initialize: () -> # Check if we have configured docpath if @setting.docpath # check data base @initdb() else # ask user to choose a docpath @openDialog "FileDialog", { title:__("Please select a doc path"), mimes: ['dir'] } .then (d) => @setting.docpath = d.file.path @_api.setting() @initdb() .catch (msg) => @error msg.toString(), msg exec: (action, args) -> cmd = path: "#{@path()}/api.lua", parameters: action: action, docpath: @setting.docpath, args: args return @call(cmd) initdb: () -> return @error __("No configured docpath") unless @setting.docpath # fetch the categories from the database @exec("init") .then (d) => return @error d.error if d.error @notify d.result # load categories @cat_refresh() .catch (e) => @error __("Unable to init database: {0}", e.toString()) menu: () -> [ { text: "__(View)", nodes: [ { text: "__(Owners)", id:"owners", shortcut: "A-O"}, { text: "__(Preview)", id:"preview", shortcut: "A-P"} ], onchildselect: (e) => @fileMenuHandle } ] fileMenuHandle:(id) -> switch id when "owners" @openDialog new OwnerDialog(), { title: __("Owners")} when "preview" @openDialog new FilePreviewDialog() this.OS.register "Docify", Docify