namespace OS { export namespace API { export interface LibGitGraphOptions { commits_per_page?: number, x_offset?: number, y_offset?: number, target: HTMLElement, popup_height?: number } interface CommitData { hashes: { commit: string, parents: string, tree: string }, author: { date: string, name: string, email: string }, committer:{ date: string, name: string, email: string }, extra: string, message: string, branches?: string[], // helper values for redering domel?: HTMLParagraphElement, cx?: number, color?: string }; interface LineData { x_offset: number, y_offset: number, next_commit: string, current_commit: string, beginning: boolean, color: string, } type OpenDiffCallback = (file: VFS.BaseFileHandle[]) => void; interface LineConverging { src: LineData[], dest: LineData } export class LibGitGraph { private _base_dir: VFS.BaseFileHandle; private options: LibGitGraphOptions; private lines_data: LineData[]; private commits: GenericObject; private oldest_commit_date: string; private svg_element: SVGElement; private commits_list_element: HTMLDivElement; private current_y_offset: number; private load_more_el: HTMLParagraphElement; private commit_detail_el: HTMLDivElement; private current_head: CommitData; private _on_open_diff:OpenDiffCallback; constructor(option: LibGitGraphOptions) { this._base_dir = undefined; this.lines_data = []; this.commits = {}; this.oldest_commit_date = undefined; this.svg_element = undefined; this.commits_list_element = undefined; this.load_more_el = undefined; this.commit_detail_el = undefined; this.current_head = undefined; this._on_open_diff = undefined; this.options = { commits_per_page: 100, x_offset: 24, y_offset: 24, target: undefined, popup_height: 250 }; for(const k in option) { this.options[k] = option[k]; } this.current_y_offset = this.options.y_offset; this.init_graph(); } set base_dir(v: VFS.BaseFileHandle) { this._base_dir = v; if(v) { this.render_next(); } } private gen_color(x:number): string { let n = x + 11; const rgb = [0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { rgb[i%3] <<= 1; rgb[i%3] |= n & 0x01; n >>= 1; } return '#' + rgb.reduce((a, c) => (c > 0x0f ? c.toString(16) : '0' + c.toString(16)) + a, ''); } private meta(): PackageMetaType { return OS.setting.system.packages['GitGraph']; } private call(request: GenericObject): Promise { return new Promise(async (ok, reject) => { request.args.base_dir = this._base_dir.path; let cmd = { path: this.meta().path + "/api/api.lua", parameters: request } let data = await API.apigateway(cmd, false); if(!data.error) { ok(data.result); } else { reject(API.throwe(__("LibGitGrapth server call error: {0}", data.error))); } }); } private load(before?: string): Promise { let request = { action: 'log', args: { n_commits: this.options.commits_per_page.toString(), before: before?before:null } } return; } private error(e: Error) { announcer.oserror(__("GitGraph error: {0}", e.toString()), e); } set on_open_diff(c: OpenDiffCallback) { this._on_open_diff = c; } private init_graph() { if(! { return this.error(API.throwe("Target element is undefined")); } $( .css("overflow-y", "auto") .css("overflow-x", "hidden") .css("display", "block") .css("position", "relative"); this.svg_element = this.make_svg_el("svg",{ width: this.options.x_offset, height: this.options.y_offset }); $(this.svg_element) .css("display", "block") .css("position", "absolute") .css("left", "0") //s.css("z-index", 10) .css("top", "0"); $(;; const div = $("
") .css("position", "absolute") .css("left", "0") .css("top", "0") .css("width", "100%") .css("padding-top",`${this.options.y_offset / 2}px`); this.commits_list_element = div[0] as HTMLDivElement;; const p = $("

") .css("height", `${this.options.y_offset}px`) .css("display", "block") .css("padding", "0") .css("margin", "0") .css("line-height",`${this.options.y_offset}px`) .css("vertical-align", "middle"); p.addClass("git_grapth_load_more"); p.on("click", (e) => this.render_next()); p.text(__("More").__()); this.load_more_el = p[0] as HTMLParagraphElement; this.commits_list_element.appendChild(this.load_more_el); const popup = $("

") .css("position", "absolute") .css("top", "0") .css("height", this.options.popup_height + "px") .css("display", "none") .css("user-select", "text") .addClass("git_grapth_commit_detail"); this.commit_detail_el = popup[0] as HTMLDivElement;; } private render_next() { if(this._base_dir == undefined) { return; } this.load(this.oldest_commit_date) .then((data: CommitData[]) => { if(this.oldest_commit_date) { // remove the first commit as it is already in // the graph data.shift(); } this.draw_graph(data); }) .catch(e=>this.error(e)) } private make_svg_el(tag: string, attrs: GenericObject) { const el= document.createElementNS('', tag); for (var k in attrs) el.setAttribute(k, attrs[k]); return el; } private max_line_off_x():number { if(this.lines_data.length == 0) return 0; return Math.max.apply(Math, => o.x_offset)) } private update_line_data(commit: CommitData, y_offset: number): LineConverging { const parent_commits = commit.hashes.parents.split(" "); // get the list of child lines const children = this.lines_data.filter((line) => line.next_commit == commit.hashes.commit); let merge: LineConverging = { src: [], dest: undefined } if (children.length === 0 ) { // add new line let line: LineData = { next_commit: parent_commits[0], x_offset: this.max_line_off_x() + this.options.x_offset, current_commit: commit.hashes.commit, beginning: true, y_offset: y_offset , color: this.gen_color(this.lines_data.length), }; this.lines_data.push(line); merge.dest = line; } else { let min_offset_x = Math.min.apply(Math, => o.x_offset)); let line: LineData = undefined; for (let el of children){ if(el.x_offset == min_offset_x) { line = el; line.next_commit = parent_commits[0]; line.current_commit = commit.hashes.commit; line.y_offset = y_offset; } else { this.lines_data.splice(this.lines_data.indexOf(el), 1); merge.src.push(el); } } merge.dest = line; } if(parent_commits.length === 2) { let line: LineData = undefined; line = this.lines_data.filter(l=>l.next_commit == parent_commits[1])[0]; if(!line) { // add new line line = { next_commit: parent_commits[1], x_offset: this.max_line_off_x() + this.options.x_offset, current_commit: commit.hashes.commit, beginning: true, y_offset: y_offset + this.options.y_offset, color: this.gen_color(this.lines_data.length), }; this.lines_data.push(line); } else { line.y_offset = y_offset + this.options.y_offset; } merge.src.push(line); } return merge; } private draw_line(_x1: number,_y1: number, _x2: number, _y2: number, color: string, stroke?:number): SVGElement { let line_opt: GenericObject ={ stroke: color, fill: 'none', "stroke-width": 1.5 }; if(stroke) { line_opt['stroke-width'] = stroke; } if(_x1 == _x2) { line_opt.d = `M ${_x1},${_y1} L ${_x2},${_y2}`; } else { let x1 = _x1; let y1 = _y1; let x2 = _x2; let y2 = _y2; let dx = Math.abs(x2-x1); let dy = Math.abs(y2 -y1); if(_y1 < _y2) { x1 = _x2; y1 = _y2; x2 = _x1; y2 = _y1; } line_opt.d = `M ${x1},${y1} C ${x1},${y1 - dy} ${x2},${y2 + dy} ${x2},${y2}`; } const line = this.make_svg_el("path", line_opt); return line; } private gen_commit_data_header(name: string| FormattedString, value: string): HTMLParagraphElement { const p = $("

") .css("display","block"); p[0].innerHTML = `${name.__()}: ${value}`; return p[0] as HTMLParagraphElement; } private open_popup(commit: CommitData) { const el = commit.domel; if(!el) return; $(this.commit_detail_el).empty(); const position = $(el).position(); const bbox = (this.svg_element as SVGAElement).getBBox(); const off_left = bbox.x + bbox.width + this.options.x_offset / 2; const svg = this.make_svg_el("svg",{ width: + 5, height: this.options.y_offset }); $(svg) .css("display", "block") .css("position", "absolute") .css("left", "0") .css("top", "-2px"); svg.appendChild(this.draw_line( 0, this.options.y_offset/2,, this.options.y_offset/2, commit.color, )); /* svg.appendChild( this.make_svg_el("circle",{ cx: - 1, cy: this.options.y_offset/2, r:4, fill: commit.color, "stroke-width": 0.0 }) );*/ $(this.commit_detail_el) .css("border", "2px solid " + commit.color) .css("color", commit.color) .append( $("

") .css("position","absolute") .css("height", this.options.y_offset) .css("left", .css("padding-left", .append(svg) .append($("").text('[X]') .css("cursor", "pointer")) .addClass("git_grapth_commit_detail_ctrl") .on("click",(e) =>{ $(this.commit_detail_el) .css("display", "none") .empty(); })); const left = $("
") .css("display", "block") .css("overflow-y", "auto") .css("overflow-x", "hidden") .css("flex", "1") .css("border-right", "1px solid " + commit.color) .addClass("git_grapth_commit_detail_left"); const right = $("
") .css("display", "block") .css("overflow-y", "auto") .css("overflow-x", "hidden") .css("flex", "1") .addClass("git_grapth_commit_detail_right"); // display left.append(this.gen_commit_data_header(__("Commit"), commit.hashes.commit)); left.append(this.gen_commit_data_header(__("Parents"), commit.hashes.parents)); left.append(this.gen_commit_data_header(__("Author"), `${} <${}>`)); left.append(this.gen_commit_data_header(__("Date"), (new Date( )); left.append( $("
                    .css("white-space", "pre-wrap")
                    .then((files) =>
                        const ul = $('