/* * ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development"). * This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files. * It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools. * If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/) * or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false". * If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/). */ (self["webpackChunkbrowser_esm_webpack"] = self["webpackChunkbrowser_esm_webpack"] || []).push([["vendors-node_modules_monaco-editor_esm_vs_basic-languages_ruby_ruby_js"],{ /***/ "./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/ruby/ruby.js": /*!************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/ruby/ruby.js ***! \************************************************************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"conf\": () => (/* binding */ conf),\n/* harmony export */ \"language\": () => (/* binding */ language)\n/* harmony export */ });\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.\r\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\r\nvar conf = {\r\n comments: {\r\n lineComment: '#',\r\n blockComment: ['=begin', '=end']\r\n },\r\n brackets: [\r\n ['(', ')'],\r\n ['{', '}'],\r\n ['[', ']']\r\n ],\r\n autoClosingPairs: [\r\n { open: '{', close: '}' },\r\n { open: '[', close: ']' },\r\n { open: '(', close: ')' },\r\n { open: '\"', close: '\"' },\r\n { open: \"'\", close: \"'\" }\r\n ],\r\n surroundingPairs: [\r\n { open: '{', close: '}' },\r\n { open: '[', close: ']' },\r\n { open: '(', close: ')' },\r\n { open: '\"', close: '\"' },\r\n { open: \"'\", close: \"'\" }\r\n ],\r\n indentationRules: {\r\n increaseIndentPattern: new RegExp('^\\\\s*((begin|class|(private|protected)\\\\s+def|def|else|elsif|ensure|for|if|module|rescue|unless|until|when|while|case)|([^#]*\\\\sdo\\\\b)|([^#]*=\\\\s*(case|if|unless)))\\\\b([^#\\\\{;]|(\"|\\'|/).*\\\\4)*(#.*)?$'),\r\n decreaseIndentPattern: new RegExp('^\\\\s*([}\\\\]]([,)]?\\\\s*(#|$)|\\\\.[a-zA-Z_]\\\\w*\\\\b)|(end|rescue|ensure|else|elsif|when)\\\\b)')\r\n }\r\n};\r\n/*\r\n * Ruby language definition\r\n *\r\n * Quite a complex language due to elaborate escape sequences\r\n * and quoting of literate strings/regular expressions, and\r\n * an 'end' keyword that does not always apply to modifiers like until and while,\r\n * and a 'do' keyword that sometimes starts a block, but sometimes is part of\r\n * another statement (like 'while').\r\n *\r\n * (1) end blocks:\r\n * 'end' may end declarations like if or until, but sometimes 'if' or 'until'\r\n * are modifiers where there is no 'end'. Also, 'do' sometimes starts a block\r\n * that is ended by 'end', but sometimes it is part of a 'while', 'for', or 'until'\r\n * To do proper brace matching we do some elaborate state manipulation.\r\n * some examples:\r\n *\r\n * until bla do\r\n * work until tired\r\n * list.each do\r\n * something if test\r\n * end\r\n * end\r\n *\r\n * or\r\n *\r\n * if test\r\n * something (if test then x end)\r\n * bar if bla\r\n * end\r\n *\r\n * or, how about using class as a property..\r\n *\r\n * class Test\r\n * def endpoint\r\n * self.class.endpoint || routes\r\n * end\r\n * end\r\n *\r\n * (2) quoting:\r\n * there are many kinds of strings and escape sequences. But also, one can\r\n * start many string-like things as '%qx' where q specifies the kind of string\r\n * (like a command, escape expanded, regular expression, symbol etc.), and x is\r\n * some character and only another 'x' ends the sequence. Except for brackets\r\n * where the closing bracket ends the sequence.. and except for a nested bracket\r\n * inside the string like entity. Also, such strings can contain interpolated\r\n * ruby expressions again (and span multiple lines). Moreover, expanded\r\n * regular expression can also contain comments.\r\n */\r\nvar language = {\r\n tokenPostfix: '.ruby',\r\n keywords: [\r\n '__LINE__',\r\n '__ENCODING__',\r\n '__FILE__',\r\n 'BEGIN',\r\n 'END',\r\n 'alias',\r\n 'and',\r\n 'begin',\r\n 'break',\r\n 'case',\r\n 'class',\r\n 'def',\r\n 'defined?',\r\n 'do',\r\n 'else',\r\n 'elsif',\r\n 'end',\r\n 'ensure',\r\n 'for',\r\n 'false',\r\n 'if',\r\n 'in',\r\n 'module',\r\n 'next',\r\n 'nil',\r\n 'not',\r\n 'or',\r\n 'redo',\r\n 'rescue',\r\n 'retry',\r\n 'return',\r\n 'self',\r\n 'super',\r\n 'then',\r\n 'true',\r\n 'undef',\r\n 'unless',\r\n 'until',\r\n 'when',\r\n 'while',\r\n 'yield'\r\n ],\r\n keywordops: ['::', '..', '...', '?', ':', '=>'],\r\n builtins: [\r\n 'require',\r\n 'public',\r\n 'private',\r\n 'include',\r\n 'extend',\r\n 'attr_reader',\r\n 'protected',\r\n 'private_class_method',\r\n 'protected_class_method',\r\n 'new'\r\n ],\r\n // these are closed by 'end' (if, while and until are handled separately)\r\n declarations: [\r\n 'module',\r\n 'class',\r\n 'def',\r\n 'case',\r\n 'do',\r\n 'begin',\r\n 'for',\r\n 'if',\r\n 'while',\r\n 'until',\r\n 'unless'\r\n ],\r\n linedecls: ['def', 'case', 'do', 'begin', 'for', 'if', 'while', 'until', 'unless'],\r\n operators: [\r\n '^',\r\n '&',\r\n '|',\r\n '<=>',\r\n '==',\r\n '===',\r\n '!~',\r\n '=~',\r\n '>',\r\n '>=',\r\n '<',\r\n '<=',\r\n '<<',\r\n '>>',\r\n '+',\r\n '-',\r\n '*',\r\n '/',\r\n '%',\r\n '**',\r\n '~',\r\n '+@',\r\n '-@',\r\n '[]',\r\n '[]=',\r\n '`',\r\n '+=',\r\n '-=',\r\n '*=',\r\n '**=',\r\n '/=',\r\n '^=',\r\n '%=',\r\n '<<=',\r\n '>>=',\r\n '&=',\r\n '&&=',\r\n '||=',\r\n '|='\r\n ],\r\n brackets: [\r\n { open: '(', close: ')', token: 'delimiter.parenthesis' },\r\n { open: '{', close: '}', token: 'delimiter.curly' },\r\n { open: '[', close: ']', token: 'delimiter.square' }\r\n ],\r\n // we include these common regular expressions\r\n symbols: /[=> where decl is the current opening declaration (like 'class')\r\n root: [\r\n // identifiers and keywords\r\n // most complexity here is due to matching 'end' correctly with declarations.\r\n // We distinguish a declaration that comes first on a line, versus declarations further on a line (which are most likey modifiers)\r\n [\r\n /^(\\s*)([a-z_]\\w*[!?=]?)/,\r\n [\r\n 'white',\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n 'for|until|while': {\r\n token: 'keyword.$2',\r\n next: '@dodecl.$2'\r\n },\r\n '@declarations': {\r\n token: 'keyword.$2',\r\n next: '@root.$2'\r\n },\r\n end: { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' },\r\n '@keywords': 'keyword',\r\n '@builtins': 'predefined',\r\n '@default': 'identifier'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n /[a-z_]\\w*[!?=]?/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n 'if|unless|while|until': {\r\n token: 'keyword.$0x',\r\n next: '@modifier.$0x'\r\n },\r\n for: { token: 'keyword.$2', next: '@dodecl.$2' },\r\n '@linedecls': { token: 'keyword.$0', next: '@root.$0' },\r\n end: { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' },\r\n '@keywords': 'keyword',\r\n '@builtins': 'predefined',\r\n '@default': 'identifier'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n [/[A-Z][\\w]*[!?=]?/, 'constructor.identifier'],\r\n [/\\$[\\w]*/, 'global.constant'],\r\n [/@[\\w]*/, 'namespace.instance.identifier'],\r\n [/@@[\\w]*/, 'namespace.class.identifier'],\r\n // here document\r\n [/<<[-~](@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@heredoc.$1' }],\r\n [\r\n /[ \\t\\r\\n]+<<(@heredelim).*/,\r\n { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@heredoc.$1' }\r\n ],\r\n [/^<<(@heredelim).*/, { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@heredoc.$1' }],\r\n // whitespace\r\n { include: '@whitespace' },\r\n // strings\r\n [/\"/, { token: 'string.d.delim', next: '@dstring.d.\"' }],\r\n [/'/, { token: 'string.sq.delim', next: '@sstring.sq' }],\r\n // % literals. For efficiency, rematch in the 'pstring' state\r\n [/%([rsqxwW]|Q?)/, { token: '@rematch', next: 'pstring' }],\r\n // commands and symbols\r\n [/`/, { token: 'string.x.delim', next: '@dstring.x.`' }],\r\n [/:(\\w|[$@])\\w*[!?=]?/, 'string.s'],\r\n [/:\"/, { token: 'string.s.delim', next: '@dstring.s.\"' }],\r\n [/:'/, { token: 'string.s.delim', next: '@sstring.s' }],\r\n // regular expressions. Lookahead for a (not escaped) closing forwardslash on the same line\r\n [/\\/(?=(\\\\\\/|[^\\/\\n])+\\/)/, { token: 'regexp.delim', next: '@regexp' }],\r\n // delimiters and operators\r\n [/[{}()\\[\\]]/, '@brackets'],\r\n [\r\n /@symbols/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n '@keywordops': 'keyword',\r\n '@operators': 'operator',\r\n '@default': ''\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n [/[;,]/, 'delimiter'],\r\n // numbers\r\n [/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*/, 'number.hex'],\r\n [/0[_oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*/, 'number.octal'],\r\n [/0[bB][01](_?[01])*/, 'number.binary'],\r\n [/0[dD]@decpart/, 'number'],\r\n [\r\n /@decimal((\\.@decpart)?([eE][\\-+]?@decpart)?)/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n $1: 'number.float',\r\n '@default': 'number'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n ],\r\n // used to not treat a 'do' as a block opener if it occurs on the same\r\n // line as a 'do' statement: 'while|until|for'\r\n // dodecl. where decl is the declarations started, like 'while'\r\n dodecl: [\r\n [/^/, { token: '', switchTo: '@root.$S2' }],\r\n [\r\n /[a-z_]\\w*[!?=]?/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n end: { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' },\r\n do: { token: 'keyword', switchTo: '@root.$S2' },\r\n '@linedecls': {\r\n token: '@rematch',\r\n switchTo: '@root.$S2'\r\n },\r\n '@keywords': 'keyword',\r\n '@builtins': 'predefined',\r\n '@default': 'identifier'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n { include: '@root' }\r\n ],\r\n // used to prevent potential modifiers ('if|until|while|unless') to match\r\n // with 'end' keywords.\r\n // modifier.x where decl is the declaration starter, like 'if'\r\n modifier: [\r\n [/^/, '', '@pop'],\r\n [\r\n /[a-z_]\\w*[!?=]?/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n end: { token: 'keyword.$S2', next: '@pop' },\r\n 'then|else|elsif|do': {\r\n token: 'keyword',\r\n switchTo: '@root.$S2'\r\n },\r\n '@linedecls': {\r\n token: '@rematch',\r\n switchTo: '@root.$S2'\r\n },\r\n '@keywords': 'keyword',\r\n '@builtins': 'predefined',\r\n '@default': 'identifier'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n { include: '@root' }\r\n ],\r\n // single quote strings (also used for symbols)\r\n // sstring. where kind is 'sq' (single quote) or 's' (symbol)\r\n sstring: [\r\n [/[^\\\\']+/, 'string.$S2'],\r\n [/\\\\\\\\|\\\\'|\\\\$/, 'string.$S2.escape'],\r\n [/\\\\./, 'string.$S2.invalid'],\r\n [/'/, { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@pop' }]\r\n ],\r\n // double quoted \"string\".\r\n // dstring.. where kind is 'd' (double quoted), 'x' (command), or 's' (symbol)\r\n // and delim is the ending delimiter (\" or `)\r\n dstring: [\r\n [/[^\\\\`\"#]+/, 'string.$S2'],\r\n [/#/, 'string.$S2.escape', '@interpolated'],\r\n [/\\\\$/, 'string.$S2.escape'],\r\n [/@escapes/, 'string.$S2.escape'],\r\n [/\\\\./, 'string.$S2.escape.invalid'],\r\n [\r\n /[`\"]/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n '$#==$S3': { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@pop' },\r\n '@default': 'string.$S2'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n ],\r\n // literal documents\r\n // heredoc. where close is the closing delimiter\r\n heredoc: [\r\n [\r\n /^(\\s*)(@heredelim)$/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n '$2==$S2': [\r\n 'string.heredoc',\r\n { token: 'string.heredoc.delimiter', next: '@pop' }\r\n ],\r\n '@default': ['string.heredoc', 'string.heredoc']\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n [/.*/, 'string.heredoc']\r\n ],\r\n // interpolated sequence\r\n interpolated: [\r\n [/\\$\\w*/, 'global.constant', '@pop'],\r\n [/@\\w*/, 'namespace.class.identifier', '@pop'],\r\n [/@@\\w*/, 'namespace.instance.identifier', '@pop'],\r\n [\r\n /[{]/,\r\n {\r\n token: 'string.escape.curly',\r\n switchTo: '@interpolated_compound'\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n ['', '', '@pop'] // just a # is interpreted as a #\r\n ],\r\n // any code\r\n interpolated_compound: [\r\n [/[}]/, { token: 'string.escape.curly', next: '@pop' }],\r\n { include: '@root' }\r\n ],\r\n // %r quoted regexp\r\n // pregexp.. where open/close are the open/close delimiter\r\n pregexp: [\r\n { include: '@whitespace' },\r\n // turns out that you can quote using regex control characters, aargh!\r\n // for example; %r|kgjgaj| is ok (even though | is used for alternation)\r\n // so, we need to match those first\r\n [\r\n /[^\\(\\{\\[\\\\]/,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n '$#==$S3': { token: 'regexp.delim', next: '@pop' },\r\n '$#==$S2': { token: 'regexp.delim', next: '@push' },\r\n '~[)}\\\\]]': '@brackets.regexp.escape.control',\r\n '~@regexpctl': 'regexp.escape.control',\r\n '@default': 'regexp'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n { include: '@regexcontrol' }\r\n ],\r\n // We match regular expression quite precisely\r\n regexp: [\r\n { include: '@regexcontrol' },\r\n [/[^\\\\\\/]/, 'regexp'],\r\n ['/[ixmp]*', { token: 'regexp.delim' }, '@pop']\r\n ],\r\n regexcontrol: [\r\n [\r\n /(\\{)(\\d+(?:,\\d*)?)(\\})/,\r\n [\r\n '@brackets.regexp.escape.control',\r\n 'regexp.escape.control',\r\n '@brackets.regexp.escape.control'\r\n ]\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n /(\\[)(\\^?)/,\r\n [\r\n '@brackets.regexp.escape.control',\r\n { token: 'regexp.escape.control', next: '@regexrange' }\r\n ]\r\n ],\r\n [/(\\()(\\?[:=!])/, ['@brackets.regexp.escape.control', 'regexp.escape.control']],\r\n [/\\(\\?#/, { token: 'regexp.escape.control', next: '@regexpcomment' }],\r\n [/[()]/, '@brackets.regexp.escape.control'],\r\n [/@regexpctl/, 'regexp.escape.control'],\r\n [/\\\\$/, 'regexp.escape'],\r\n [/@regexpesc/, 'regexp.escape'],\r\n [/\\\\\\./, 'regexp.invalid'],\r\n [/#/, 'regexp.escape', '@interpolated']\r\n ],\r\n regexrange: [\r\n [/-/, 'regexp.escape.control'],\r\n [/\\^/, 'regexp.invalid'],\r\n [/\\\\$/, 'regexp.escape'],\r\n [/@regexpesc/, 'regexp.escape'],\r\n [/[^\\]]/, 'regexp'],\r\n [/\\]/, '@brackets.regexp.escape.control', '@pop']\r\n ],\r\n regexpcomment: [\r\n [/[^)]+/, 'comment'],\r\n [/\\)/, { token: 'regexp.escape.control', next: '@pop' }]\r\n ],\r\n // % quoted strings\r\n // A bit repetitive since we need to often special case the kind of ending delimiter\r\n pstring: [\r\n [/%([qws])\\(/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.(.)' }],\r\n [/%([qws])\\[/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.[.]' }],\r\n [/%([qws])\\{/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.{.}' }],\r\n [/%([qws])' }],\r\n [/%([qws])(@delim)/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qstring.$1.$2.$2' }],\r\n [/%r\\(/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.(.)' }],\r\n [/%r\\[/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.[.]' }],\r\n [/%r\\{/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.{.}' }],\r\n [/%r' }],\r\n [/%r(@delim)/, { token: 'regexp.delim', switchTo: '@pregexp.$1.$1' }],\r\n [/%(x|W|Q?)\\(/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.(.)' }],\r\n [/%(x|W|Q?)\\[/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.[.]' }],\r\n [/%(x|W|Q?)\\{/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.{.}' }],\r\n [/%(x|W|Q?)' }],\r\n [/%(x|W|Q?)(@delim)/, { token: 'string.$1.delim', switchTo: '@qqstring.$1.$2.$2' }],\r\n [/%([rqwsxW]|Q?)./, { token: 'invalid', next: '@pop' }],\r\n [/./, { token: 'invalid', next: '@pop' }] // recover\r\n ],\r\n // non-expanded quoted string.\r\n // qstring...\r\n // kind = q|w|s (single quote, array, symbol)\r\n // open = open delimiter\r\n // close = close delimiter\r\n qstring: [\r\n [/\\\\$/, 'string.$S2.escape'],\r\n [/\\\\./, 'string.$S2.escape'],\r\n [\r\n /./,\r\n {\r\n cases: {\r\n '$#==$S4': { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@pop' },\r\n '$#==$S3': { token: 'string.$S2.delim', next: '@push' },\r\n '@default': 'string.$S2'\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n ],\r\n // expanded quoted string.\r\n // qqstring...\r\n // kind = Q|W|x (double quote, array, command)\r\n // open = open delimiter\r\n // close = close delimiter\r\n qqstring: [[/#/, 'string.$S2.escape', '@interpolated'], { include: '@qstring' }],\r\n // whitespace & comments\r\n whitespace: [\r\n [/[ \\t\\r\\n]+/, ''],\r\n [/^\\s*=begin\\b/, 'comment', '@comment'],\r\n [/#.*$/, 'comment']\r\n ],\r\n comment: [\r\n [/[^=]+/, 'comment'],\r\n [/^\\s*=begin\\b/, 'comment.invalid'],\r\n [/^\\s*=end\\b.*/, 'comment', '@pop'],\r\n [/[=]/, 'comment']\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n};\r\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://browser-esm-webpack/./node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/ruby/ruby.js?"); /***/ }) }]);