class JarvisControl extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication constructor: ( args ) -> super "JarvisControl", args main: () -> @batterychart = $(@find("battery-area")).epoch({ type: 'time.line', axes: ['bottom', 'left', "right"], range: [2500, 4300] data: [{ label: "Battery", values: [] }] }) @tempchart = $(@find("temp-area")).epoch({ type: 'time.line', axes: ['bottom', 'left', "right"], range: [0, 100], data: [{ label: "Temperature", values: [] }] }) @memchart = $(@find("mem-area")).epoch({ type: 'time.gauge', value: 0 }) @diskchart = $(@find("disk-area")).epoch({ type: 'time.gauge', value: 0 }) @cpuchart = $(@find("cpu-area")).epoch({ type: 'time.gauge', value: 0 }) checklib = () => if not Antunnel.tunnel @error __("The Antunnel service is not started, please start it first") .catch (e) => @error e.toString(), e @quit() else @tunnel = Antunnel.tunnel @sub = new Antunnel.Subscriber("notification") @sub.onopen = () => #@sub.send Antunnel.Msg.DATA, new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode("Hello") console.log("Subscribed to notification channel") @_gui.pushService("JarvisControl/JarvisService") @sub.onerror = (e) => @error __("Error: {0}", new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(, e #@sub = undefined @sub.onmessage = (e) => obj = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode( if # update the battery @display obj @sub.onclose = () => @sub = undefined @notify __("Unsubscribed to the notification service") @quit() Antunnel.tunnel.subscribe @sub @on "resize", () => el = @find("battery-area") @batterychart.option("width", $(el).width()) @batterychart.option("height", $(el).height()) el = @find("temp-area") @tempchart.option("width", $(el).width()) @tempchart.option("height", $(el).height()) checklib() display: (data) -> mem_percent = parseFloat(data.mem.match(/([0-9\.]+)%/)[1]) @memchart.push mem_percent / 100.0 @find("mem-text").text = data.mem disk_percent = parseFloat(data.disk.match(/([0-9\.]+)%/)[1]) @diskchart.push disk_percent / 100.0 @find("disk-text").text = data.disk cpu_percent = parseFloat(data.cpu.match(/([0-9\.]+)$/)[1]) @cpuchart.push cpu_percent / 100.0 @find("cpu-text").text = data.cpu @batterychart.push [{time: (new Date()).timestamp(), y: data.battery}] @find("bat-text").text = __("Battery Usage: {0} mv ({1}%)", data.battery, Math.round(data.battery_percent)) @tempchart.push [{time: (new Date()).timestamp(), y: data.temp}] @find("temp-text").text = __("CPU temperature: {0} C", data.temp) cleanup: () -> return unless @sub @sub.close() JarvisControl.singleton = true this.OS.register "JarvisControl", JarvisControl