class OpenPage extends this.OS.application.BaseApplication constructor: ( args ) -> super "OpenPage", args main: () -> # load session class #if not OpenPage.EditorSession # require ["webodf/editor/EditorSession"], (ES) -> # OpenPage.EditorSession = ES @eventSubscriptions = new core.EventSubscriptions() @initToolbox() @userid = "#{@systemsetting.user.username}@#{@pid}" #file = "home://welco@odt" #file = "#{@_api.handler.get}/home://welcome.odt" #@canvas.load file #odfContainer = new odf.OdfContainer file, (c) -> # @canvas.setOdfContainer c, false @currentStyle = "" if @args and @args.length > 0 then @open @args[0].path else @newdoc() @resource = fonts: [] formats: [] @bindKey "ALT-N", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-New" @bindKey "ALT-O", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Open" @bindKey "CTRL-S", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Save" @bindKey "ALT-W", () => @actionFile "#{@name}-Saveas" menu: () -> menu = [{ text: "__(File)", nodes: [ { text: "__(New)", dataid: "#{@name}-New", shortcut: "A-N" }, { text: "__(Open)", dataid: "#{@name}-Open", shortcut: "A-O" }, { text: "__(Save)", dataid: "#{@name}-Save", shortcut: "C-S" }, { text: "__(Save as)", dataid: "#{@name}-Saveas", shortcut: "A-W" } ], onchildselect: (e) => @actionFile }] menu actionFile: (e) -> saveas = () => @openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Save as"), file: @currfile } .then (f) => d = f.file.path.asFileHandle() d = d.parent() if f.file.type is "file" @currfile.setPath "#{d.path}/#{}" @save() switch e when "#{@name}-Open" @openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Open file"), mimes: @meta().mimes } .then (f) => @open f.file.path when "#{@name}-Save" #@currfile.cache = @editor.value() return @save() if @currfile.basename saveas() when "#{@name}-Saveas" saveas() when "#{@name}-New" @newdoc() newdoc: () -> blank = "#{@meta().path}/blank.odt" @open blank, true open: (p,b) -> @pathAsDataURL(p) .then (r) => @closeDocument() if @editorSession @initCanvas() OdfContainer = new odf.OdfContainer, (c) => @canvas.setOdfContainer c, false return @currfile = "Untitled".asFileHandle() if b if @currfile then @currfile.setPath p else @currfile = p.asFileHandle() @scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename @notify __("File {0} opened", p) .catch (e) => @error __("Problem read file {0}", e.toString()), e save: () -> return unless @editorSession container = @canvas.odfContainer() return @error __("No document container found") unless container container.createByteArray (ba) => # create blob @currfile.cache = new Blob [ba], { type: "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" } @currfile.write "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" .then (r) => @notify __("File {0} saved", @currfile.basename) @scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename @currfile.dirty = false @editorFocus() .catch (e) => @error __("Cannot save file: {0}", e.toString()), e , (err) => @error __("Cannot create byte array from container: {0}", err.toString() || ""), err initToolbox: () -> @basictool = undo: @find("btundo"), redo: @find("btredo"), bold: @find("btbold"), italic:@find("btitalic"), underline:@find("btunderline"), strike: @find("btstrike"), note: @find("btnote"), link: @find("btlink"), unlink: @find("btunlink"), image:@find("btimage"), ac: @find("btac"), al: @find("btal"), ar: @find("btar"), aj: @find("btaj"), indent: @find("btindent"), outdent: @find("btoutdent"), fonts: @find("font-list"), fontsize: @find("font-size"), styles: @find("format-list"), zoom: @find("slzoom") format: @find("btformat") fn = (name, el) => if name is "fonts" or name is "styles" act = "onlistselect" else if name is "fontsize" or name is "zoom" act = "onvaluechange" else act = "onbtclick" el[act] = (e) => return unless @directFormattingCtl return unless @[name] @[name](e) @editorFocus() for name, el of @basictool fn name, el (@find "btzoomfix").onbtclick = (e) => @zoom { data: 100 } @basictool.zoom.onvaluechanging = (e) => zlb = @find "lbzoom" zlb.text = Math.floor( + "%" initCanvas: () -> el = @find "odfcanvas" el.setAttribute "translate", "no" el.classList.add "notranslate" @canvas = new odf.OdfCanvas(el) @documentChanged = (e) => return if @currfile.dirty @currfile.dirty = true @scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename + "*" #console.log e @metaChanged = (e) => return if @currfile.dirty @currfile.dirty = true @scheme.apptitle = @currfile.basename + "*" #console.log e @textStylingChanged = (e) => @updateToolbar e @paragrahStyleChanged = (e) => return unless e.type is "style" items = item = i for v, i in items when is e.styleName return unless item isnt undefined @currentStyle = e.styleName @basictool.styles.selected = item @styleAdded = (e) => return unless is 'paragraph' items = item = v for v in items when is return if item stylens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" el = @editorSession.getParagraphStyleElement dtext = el.getAttributeNS stylens, 'display-name' @basictool.styles.push { text: dtext , name: }, true #@resource.formats.push {text: dtext,} @updateSlider = (v) => value = Math.floor v*100 @basictool.zoom.value = value zlb = @find "lbzoom" zlb.text = value + "%" @canvas.enableAnnotations true, true @canvas.addListener "statereadychange", ()=> @session = new ops.Session(@canvas) viewOptions = editInfoMarkersInitiallyVisible: false, caretAvatarsInitiallyVisible: false, caretBlinksOnRangeSelect: true @editorSession = new OpenPage.EditorSession(@session,@userid, { viewOptions: viewOptions, directTextStylingEnabled: true, directParagraphStylingEnabled: true, paragraphStyleSelectingEnabled: true, paragraphStyleEditingEnabled: true, imageEditingEnabled: true, hyperlinkEditingEnabled: true, annotationsEnabled: true, zoomingEnabled: true, reviewModeEnabled: false }) @initFontList @editorSession.getDeclaredFonts() @initStyles @editorSession.getAvailableParagraphStyles() #fix annotation problem on canvas #console.log $("office:body").css "background-color", "red" # basic format @directFormattingCtl = @editorSession.sessionController.getDirectFormattingController() @directFormattingCtl.subscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged @directFormattingCtl.subscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged @editorSession.subscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, @paragrahStyleChanged # hyper link controller @hyperlinkController = @editorSession.sessionController.getHyperlinkController() @eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription @editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCursorMoved, ()=> @updateHyperlinkButtons() @eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription @editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, ()=> @updateHyperlinkButtons() @eventSubscriptions.addFrameSubscription @editorSession, OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphStyleModified, ()=> @updateHyperlinkButtons() #annotation controller @annotationController = @editorSession.sessionController.getAnnotationController() #image controller @imageController = @editorSession.sessionController.getImageController() #imageController.subscribe(gui.ImageController.enabledChanged, enableButtons) #text controller @textController = @editorSession.sessionController.getTextController() # zoom controller @zoomHelper = @editorSession.getOdfCanvas().getZoomHelper() @zoomHelper.subscribe gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, @updateSlider @updateSlider @zoomHelper.getZoomLevel() # format controller @editorSession.subscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCommonStyleCreated, @styleAdded @editorSession.sessionController.setUndoManager new gui.TrivialUndoManager() @editorSession.sessionController.getUndoManager().subscribe gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, @documentChanged @editorSession.sessionController.getMetadataController().subscribe gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged, @metaChanged op = new ops.OpAddMember() op.init { memberid: @userid, setProperties:{ "fullName": @userid, "color": "blue" } } @session.enqueue([op]) @editorSession.sessionController.insertLocalCursor() @editorSession.sessionController.startEditing() @fontsize {data: @basictool.fontsize.value} #console.log @editorSession.getDeclaredFonts() # initFontList: (list) -> v.text = for v in list @resource.fonts = [] @resource.fonts.push { text: v.text, name: } for v in list = list initStyles: (list) -> list.unshift {name:"", displayName: 'Default style' } v.text = v.displayName for v in list @resource.formats.push { text: v.text, name: } for v in list = list updateToolbar: (changes) -> # basic style (@basictool.bold.selected = changes.isBold) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'isBold' (@basictool.italic.selected = changes.isItalic) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'isItalic' (@basictool.underline.selected = changes.hasUnderline) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'hasUnderline' (@basictool.strike.selected = changes.hasStrikeThrough) if changes.hasOwnProperty 'hasStrikeThrough' if changes.hasOwnProperty "fontSize" size = changes.fontSize size = 12 if size is undefined if @basictool.fontsize.value isnt size @basictool.fontsize.value = size @selectFont changes.fontName if changes.hasOwnProperty "fontName" #pharagraph style = changes.isAlignedLeft if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedLeft" = changes.isAlignedRight if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedRight" = changes.isAlignedCenter if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedCenter" @basictool.aj.selected = changes.isAlignedJustified if changes.hasOwnProperty "isAlignedJustified" updateHyperlinkButtons: (e) -> selectedLinks = @editorSession.getSelectedHyperlinks() @basictool.unlink.enable = selectedLinks.length > 0 selectFont: (name) -> items = item = i for v, i in items when is name return unless item isnt undefined @basictool.fonts.selected = item editorFocus: () -> @editorSession.sessionController.getEventManager().focus() bold: (e) -> #console.log @, e @directFormattingCtl.setBold (not @basictool.bold.selected) italic: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.setItalic (not @basictool.italic.selected) underline: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.setHasUnderline (not @basictool.underline.selected) strike: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.setHasStrikethrough (not @basictool.strike.selected) fonts: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.setFontName fontsize: (e) -> # present the value change from enter infinity loop @directFormattingCtl.setFontSize al: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.alignParagraphLeft() ar: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.alignParagraphRight() ac: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.alignParagraphCenter() note: (e) -> @annotationController.addAnnotation() aj: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.alignParagraphJustified() indent: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.indent() outdent: (e) -> @directFormattingCtl.outdent() link: (e) -> # get the link first textSerializer = new odf.TextSerializer() selection = @editorSession.getSelectedRange() linksInSelection = @editorSession.getSelectedHyperlinks() linkTarget = if linksInSelection[0] then odf.OdfUtils.getHyperlinkTarget(linksInSelection[0]) else "http://" data = link: linkTarget, text: "", readonly: true, action: "new" if selection and selection.collapsed and linksInSelection.length == 1 # selection is collapsed within a single link # text in this case is read only data.text = textSerializer.writeToString linksInSelection[0] data.action = "edit" else if selection and !selection.collapsed # user select part of link or a block of text # user convert a selection to a link data.text = textSerializer.writeToString selection.cloneContents() else data.readonly = false @openDialog new HyperLinkDialog(), {title: "__(Insert/edit link)", data: data} .then (d) => selectionController = @editorSession.sessionController.getSelectionController() if d.readonly # edit the existing link if d.action is "edit" selectedLinkRange = selection.cloneRange() selectedLinkRange.selectNode(linksInSelection[0]) selectionController.selectRange(selectedLinkRange, true) @hyperlinkController.removeHyperlinks() @hyperlinkController.addHyperlink else @hyperlinkController.addHyperlink, d.text linksInSelection = @editorSession.getSelectedHyperlinks() selectedLinkRange = selection.cloneRange() selectedLinkRange.selectNode(linksInSelection[0]) selectionController.selectRange(selectedLinkRange, true) unlink: (e) -> @hyperlinkController.removeHyperlinks() undo: (e) -> @editorSession.undo() redo: (e) -> @editorSession.redo() pathAsDataURL: (p) -> return new Promise (resolve, error) => fp = p.asFileHandle()"binary").then (data) => blob = new Blob [data], { type: } reader = new FileReader() reader.onloadend = () => return error(@throwe __("Unable to load file {0}", p)) if reader.readyState isnt 2 resolve {data: reader.result, fp: fp } reader.readAsDataURL blob .catch (e) => error __e e ### if not isText else (data) => # convert to base64 b64 = btoa data dataurl = "data:#{};base64," + b64 resolve { reader: {result: dataurl}, fp:fp } ### image: (e) -> @openDialog "FileDialog", { title: __("Select image file"), mimes: ["image/.*"] } .then (f) => p = f.file.path @pathAsDataURL(p) .then (r) => hiddenImage = new Image() = "absolute" = "-99999px" document.body.appendChild hiddenImage hiddenImage.onload = () => content =",") + 1) #insert image @textController.removeCurrentSelection() @imageController.insertImage, content, hiddenImage.width, hiddenImage.height document.body.removeChild hiddenImage hiddenImage.src = .catch (e) => @error __("Couldnt load image {0}", p), e styles: (e) -> return if is @currentStyle @editorSession.setCurrentParagraphStyle zoom: (e) -> #console.log "zooming", e return unless @zoomHelper @zoomHelper.setZoomLevel format: (e) -> @openDialog new FormatDialog(), { title: __("Add/Modify paragraph format"), data: @resource } .then (d) => return closeDocument: (f) -> # finish editing return unless @editorSession and @session @eventSubscriptions.unsubscribeAll() @editorSession.sessionController.endEditing() @editorSession.sessionController.removeLocalCursor() # remove user op = new ops.OpRemoveMember() op.init { memberid: @userid } @session.enqueue [op] # close the session @session.close (e) => return @error __("Cannot close session {0}", e.toString()), e if e @editorSession.sessionController.getMetadataController().unsubscribe gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged, @metaChanged @editorSession.sessionController.getUndoManager().unsubscribe gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, @documentChanged @directFormattingCtl.unsubscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged @directFormattingCtl.unsubscribe gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged, @textStylingChanged @editorSession.unsubscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalParagraphChanged, @paragrahStyleChanged @zoomHelper.unsubscribe gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, @updateSlider @editorSession.unsubscribe OpenPage.EditorSession.signalCommonStyleCreated, @styleAdded # destry editorSession @editorSession.destroy (e) => return @error __("Cannot destroy editor session {0}", e.toString()), e if e @editorSession = undefined # destroy session @session.destroy (e) => return @error __("Cannot destroy document session {0}", e.toString()), e if e core.Async.destroyAll [@canvas.destroy], (e) => return @error __("Cannot destroy canvas {0}", e.toString()), e if e @notify "Document closed" f() if f @session = undefined @annotationController = undefined @directFormattingCtl = undefined @textController = undefined @imageController = undefined @ZoomHelper = undefined @metaChanged = undefined @documentChanged = undefined @textStylingChanged = undefined @paragrahStyleChanged = undefined @updateSlider = undefined @styleAdded = undefined @basictool.fonts.selected = -1 @basictool.styles.selected = -1 # cleanup: (e) -> if @editorSession e.preventDefault() @closeDocument ()=> @quit() this.OS.register "OpenPage", OpenPage