String.prototype.getlink = function(root) { return API.REST + "/VFS/get/" + this.abspath(root); } String.prototype.asBase64 = function () { const tmp = encodeURIComponent(this); return btoa( tmp.replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (match, p1) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16)) ) ); }; String.prototype.abspath = function(root) { const list = this.split("://"); if(list.length == 1) { return root + "/" + this; } const proto = list[0]; const arr = list[1].split("/"); if(proto === "pkg") { const pkg = arr.shift(); if(API.pkgs[pkg]) { return API.pkgs[pkg].path + "/" + arr.join("/"); } } if(proto === "sdk") { return `pkg://libantosdk/${arr.join("/")}`.abspath(root); } return this; } const API = { REST: "", jobhandle: {}, modules: {}, pkgs:{} }; class AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { this.job = data; } result(data) { const result = { id:, type: "result", error: false, result: data }; postMessage(result); } error(msg) { const result = { id:, type: "result", error: msg, result: false }; postMessage(result); } log_info(data) { postMessage({ id:, type: "log", error: false, result: data }); } log_error(data) { postMessage({ id:, type: "log", error: true, result: data }); } get(url, type) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true); if(type) { req.responseType = type; } req.onload = function() { if (req.readyState === 4 && req.status === 200) { resolve(req.response); } else { this.log_error(req.statusText); reject(req.statusText); } }; req.send(null); }); } post(url, data, type) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true); req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); if(type) { req.responseType = type; } req.onload = function() { if (req.readyState === 4 && req.status === 200) { try { const json = JSON.parse(req.response); resolve(json); } catch (e) { resolve(req.response); } } else { this.log_error(req.statusText); reject(req.statusText); } }; req.send(JSON.stringify(data)); }); } read_files(files) { return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => { try{ let promises = []; for(let file of files) { promises.push(this.meta(file.abspath(this.job.root))); } await Promise.all(promises); promises = []; for(let file of files) { promises.push(this.get(file.getlink(this.job.root))); } const contents = await Promise.all(promises); resolve(contents); } catch (e) { this.log_error(e.toString()); reject(e); } }); } cat(files, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.read_files(files) .then((results) => { resolve(`${data}\n${results.join("\n")}`); }) .catch((e) => { reject(e); this.log_error(e.toString()); }); }); } save_file(file, data, t) { return new Promise((res,rej) => { this.b64(t,data) .then((enc) => {"/VFS/write", { path: file.abspath(this.job.root), data: enc }) .then(d => { if(d.error){ this.log_error(`Unable to saved to ${file}: ${d.error}`); return rej(d.error); } this.log_info(`${file} saved`); res(d); }) .catch(e1 => { this.log_error(`Unable to saved to ${file}: ${e1.toString()}`); rej(e1); }); }) .catch((e) => { this.log_error(`Unable to saved to ${file}: ${e.toString()}`); rej(e); }); }); } b64(t, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(t === "base64") return resolve(data); let m = t === "object" ? "text/plain" : t; if(!t) m = "text/plain"; if (t === "object" || typeof data === "string") { let b64; if (t === "object") { b64 = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4).asBase64(); } else { b64 = data.asBase64(); } b64 = `data:${m};base64,${b64}`; return resolve(b64); } else { //blob const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(data); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); return (reader.onerror = (e) => reject(e)); } }); } delete(files) { const promises = []; for(const file of files) { promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{"/VFS/delete", {path: file.abspath(this.job.root)}) .then(r => { if(r.error) { this.log_error(`${file}:${r.error}`); return reject(r.error); } this.log_info(`${file} deleted`); return resolve(r.result); }) .catch(e =>{ this.log_error(e.toString()); reject(e); }); })); } return Promise.all(promises); } mkdir(list) { return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => { try { if (list.length === 0) { return resolve(true); } const dir = list.splice(0, 1)[0]; const ret = await"/VFS/mkdir", {path: dir.abspath(this.job.root)}); if(ret.error) { this.log_error(`${dir}: ${ret.error}`); return reject(ret.error); } this.log_info(`${dir} created`); await this.mkdir(list); resolve(true); } catch (e) { this.log_error(e.toString()); reject(e); } }); } copy(files, to) { const promises = []; for (const path of =>f.abspath(this.job.root))) { promises.push(new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const file = path.split("/").filter(s=>s!="").pop(); const tof = `${to}/${file}`; const meta = await this.meta(path); if (meta.type === "dir") { await this.mkdir([tof]); const dirs = await this.scandir(path); const files = => v.path); if (files.length > 0) { await this.copy(files, tof); } resolve(undefined); } else { const ret = await this.read_files([path], "arraybuffer"); const blob = new Blob([ret[0]], { type: meta.mime}); await this.save_file(tof, blob,"binary"); this.log_info(`COPIED: ${path} -> ${tof}`); resolve(undefined); } } catch (error) { this.log_error(error.toString()); reject(error); } })); } return Promise.all(promises); } meta(path) { const file = path.abspath(this.job.root); return new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{"/VFS/fileinfo", {path:file}) .then(json =>{ if(json.error) { this.log_error(`${file}: ${json.error}`); return reject(json.error); } return resolve(json.result); }) .catch(e => { this.log_error(e.toString()); resolve(e); }); }); } scandir(path) { return new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{"/VFS/scandir", {path:path.abspath(this.job.root)}) .then(json =>{ if(json.error) return reject(json.error); return resolve(json.result); }) .catch(e =>{ this.log_error(e.toString()); resolve(e); }); }); } execute() {} } class UnknownJob extends AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { super(data); } execute() { this.log_error("Unknown job " + this.job.cmd); this.error("Unknown job " + this.job.cmd); } } class SDKSetup extends AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { super(data); } execute() { for(let k in { API[k] =[k]; } this.result("ANTOS Sdk set up"); } } class LoadScritpJob extends AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { super(data); } execute() { try { for(let lib of { if(!API.modules[lib]) { this.log_info("Importing module:" + lib); importScripts(lib); API.modules[lib] = true; } else { console.log("Module " + lib + " is already loaded"); } } this.log_info("All Modules loaded" ); this.result(; } catch(e) { this.error(e); } } } class VFSJob extends AntOSDKBaseJob { constructor(data) { super(data); } execute() { const arr = this.job.cmd.split("-"); if(arr.length > 1) { switch (arr[1]) { case 'cat':,"") .then(data => { this.save_file(, data) .then(r => this.result(r)) .catch(e1 => this.error(e1)); }) .catch(e => this.error(e)); break; case 'rm': this.delete( .then(d => this.result(d)) .catch(e => this.error(e)); break; case 'mkdir': this.mkdir( .then(d => this.result(d)) .catch(e => this.error(e)); break; case 'cp': this.copy(, .then(d => this.result(d)) .catch(e => this.error(e)); break; default: this.error("Unknown command: " + this.job.cmd); } } else { this.error("Unknown command: " + this.job.cmd); } } } API.jobhandle["sdk-import"] = LoadScritpJob; API.jobhandle["sdk-setup"] = SDKSetup; API.jobhandle["vfs-cat"] = VFSJob; API.jobhandle["vfs-rm"] = VFSJob; API.jobhandle["vfs-mkdir"] = VFSJob; API.jobhandle["vfs-cp"] = VFSJob; onmessage = (e) => { try{ if(API.jobhandle[]) { return (new API.jobhandle[](; } (new UnknownJob(; } catch(error) { const result = { id:, type: "result", error: error.toString(), result: false }; postMessage(result); } }