namespace OS { export namespace GUI { export namespace tag { class TextureListItem extends ListViewItemTag { protected itemlayout(): TagLayoutType { return { el: "div", children: [ { el: "img", ref: "img" }, { el: "p", ref: "name" } ] }; } protected ondatachange(): void { const v =; const img = this.refs.img as HTMLImageElement; const uri = (v.path as string).asFileHandle().getlink(); img.src = uri; $(; } protected init(): void { this.closable = true; } protected reload(d?: any): void { } } define("afx-shader-texture-item", TextureListItem); } } export namespace application { declare var ace: any; declare var THREE: any; class AddTextureDialog extends GUI.BasicDialog { constructor() { super("AddTextureDialog", AddTextureDialog.scheme); } main(): void { super.main(); const inputs = $("input", this.scheme); (this.find("btnOk") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = (e) => { let cdata: GenericObject = {}; for (const el of inputs) { let input = el as HTMLInputElement; if (input.value.trim() == "") { return this.notify(__("All fields should be filled")); } cdata[] = input.value.trim(); } if (this.handle) this.handle(cdata); this.quit(); }; (this.find("btnFile") as GUI.tag.ButtonTag).onbtclick = (e) => { this.openDialog("FileDialog", { title: __("Select image file"), type: "file", mimes: ["image/.*"] }) .then((d) => { (this.find("txtPath") as HTMLInputElement).value = d.file.path; }) }; } } AddTextureDialog.scheme = `\
\ `; class ShaderEditor { static frg_template: string; private ums: any[]; private glsl_values: string[]; private cursors: any[]; private editor: any; private current_idx: number; private editormux:boolean; private gl_compiling_ctx: WebGLRenderingContext; renderer: ShaderRenderer; private tmp_canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; private _filehandle: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle; private _onfilechange: (t: string) => void; private _ontextureadded: (data: GenericObject) => void; constructor(domel: HTMLElement, renderer: ShaderRenderer) { this.glsl_values = [ShaderEditor.frg_template, ""]; this.renderer = renderer; this.ums = [new ace.UndoManager(), new ace.UndoManager()]; this.current_idx = -1; this.tmp_canvas = $("")[0] as HTMLCanvasElement; this.gl_compiling_ctx = this.tmp_canvas.getContext("webgl"); this._filehandle = undefined; this.editormux = false; ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools"); this._onfilechange = (v) =>{}; this._ontextureadded = (t) => {}; this.editor = ace.edit(domel); this.editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: true, enableLiveAutocompletion: true, enableSnippets: true, highlightActiveLine: true, //fontSize: "9pt" }); this.editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(true); this.editor.session.setMode("ace/mode/glsl"); this.editor.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai"); this.cursors = [ this.editor.getCursorPosition(), this.editor.getCursorPosition() ]; this.editor.on("input", (e) => { const value = this.editor.getValue(); const stype = this.current_idx == 0 ? this.gl_compiling_ctx.FRAGMENT_SHADER: this.gl_compiling_ctx.VERTEX_SHADER; const errors = this.compile(value, stype); if(this.filehandle.dirty === false && !this.editormux) { this.filehandle.dirty = true; this._onfilechange(`${this.filehandle.path}*`); } if(this.editormux) { this.editormux = false; } if(errors) { const reg_str = "ERROR:\\s*([0-9]+):([0-9]+):\\s*(.*)\\n"; const matches = errors.match(new RegExp(reg_str, "g")); if(matches) { this.editor.getSession().setAnnotations( => { const err_data = match.match(new RegExp(reg_str)); let ret = {}; if(err_data) { ret = { row: parseInt(err_data[2]) - 1, column: 0, text: err_data[3], type: "error" }; } return ret; }) ); } } else { this.editor.getSession().setAnnotations([]); this.glsl_values[this.current_idx] = value; this.renderer.apply_mat(this.glsl_values[0], this.glsl_values[1]); } }); } public set onfilechange(fn:(v: string) => void) { this._onfilechange = fn; } public set ontextureadded(fn:(v:GenericObject)=> void) { this._ontextureadded = fn; } public set filehandle(v: API.VFS.BaseFileHandle) { this._filehandle = v;; } public get filehandle(): API.VFS.BaseFileHandle { return this._filehandle; } read() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (this._filehandle === undefined) { this.renderer.textures.length = 0; this._filehandle = "Untitled".asFileHandle(); this._onfilechange(this._filehandle.path); this.glsl_values = [ShaderEditor.frg_template, ""]; if(this.current_idx != 2 && this.current_idx != -1) { this.editormux = true; this.editor.setValue(this.glsl_values[this.current_idx]); } this._ontextureadded(undefined); return resolve(undefined); } try { const data = await"json"); this.glsl_values[0] = data.source[0]; this.glsl_values[1] = data.source[1]; if(this.current_idx != 2 && this.current_idx != -1) { this.editormux = true; this.editor.setValue(this.glsl_values[this.current_idx]); } this._ontextureadded(undefined); for(const v of data.textures) { this._ontextureadded(v); } this._onfilechange(this._filehandle.path); resolve(undefined); } catch(e) { reject(e); } }); } write(p: string) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let path = p; const error = __("Unknown save path"); if(!path) { if(this._filehandle === undefined) return reject(error); path = this._filehandle.path; } if(path === "Untitled") { return reject(error); } try{ this._filehandle.setPath(path); const data = {} as GenericObject; if(this.current_idx != 2) { this.glsl_values[this.current_idx] = this.editor.getValue(); } data.source = this.glsl_values; data.textures = => { return { name:, path: v.path }; }); this.filehandle.cache = data; const ret = await this.filehandle.write("object"); this._filehandle.dirty = false; this._onfilechange(`${this.filehandle.path}`); resolve(undefined); } catch(e) { reject(e); } }); } private compile(code: string, type: number) { // Compiles either a shader of type gl.VERTEX_SHADER or gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER let shader = this.gl_compiling_ctx.createShader( type ); this.gl_compiling_ctx.shaderSource( shader, code ); this.gl_compiling_ctx.compileShader( shader ); let errors: string = undefined; if ( !this.gl_compiling_ctx.getShaderParameter(shader, this.gl_compiling_ctx.COMPILE_STATUS) ) { errors = this.gl_compiling_ctx.getShaderInfoLog( shader ); } this.gl_compiling_ctx.deleteShader(shader); return errors; } edit(index:number): void { if(index < 0) { return; } if(index != 2 && this.current_idx != 2) { if(index === 0) { this.glsl_values[1] = this.editor.getValue(); this.cursors[1] = this.editor.getCursorPosition(); } else if(index === 1) { this.glsl_values[0] = this.editor.getValue(); this.cursors[0] = this.editor.getCursorPosition(); } } else if(index == 2) { this.glsl_values[this.current_idx] = this.editor.getValue(); this.cursors[this.current_idx] = this.editor.getCursorPosition(); this.current_idx = index; return; } this.current_idx = index; this.editormux = true; this.editor.getSession().setUndoManager(new ace.UndoManager()); this.editor.setValue(this.glsl_values[index]); this.editor.getSession().setUndoManager(this.ums[index]); const c = this.cursors[index]; this.editor.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView( { row: c.row, column: c.column, }, 0.5 ); this.editor.selection.moveTo( c.row, c.column ); this.editor.focus(); } cleanup(): void { this.renderer.cleanup(); $(this.tmp_canvas).remove(); } resize(): void { this.editor.resize(); this.renderer.viewport_resize(); } }; class ShaderRenderer { /** * Private variables for viewport */ private renderer: any; private scene: any; private camera: any; private ani_request_id: number; private uniforms: GenericObject; private mesh: any; private clock: any; needupdateTexture: boolean; textures: any[]; constructor(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) { this.textures = []; this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas:canvas, alpha: true }); this.renderer.autoClearColor = false; this.clock = new THREE.Clock(); = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( -1, // left 1, // right 1, // top -1, // bottom -1, // near, 1, // far ); this.needupdateTexture = false; this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 'white', }); const plane = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(2, 2); this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(plane, material); this.scene.add(this.mesh); this.uniforms = { u_resolution: { value: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, u_time: { value: 0.0 }, u_mouse: { value: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, }; this.viewport_resize(); this.ani_request_id = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.viewport_render()); } private viewport_render(): void { if(this.needupdateTexture) { this.update_textures(); this.needupdateTexture = false; } this.uniforms.u_time.value = this.clock.getElapsedTime(); try{ this.renderer.render(this.scene,; } catch(e) { console.error(e); } this.ani_request_id = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.viewport_render()); } viewport_resize(): void { const canvas = this.renderer.domElement; const width = canvas.clientWidth; const height = canvas.clientHeight; this.uniforms.u_resolution.value.x = width; this.uniforms.u_resolution.value.y = height; const needResize = canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height; if (needResize) { this.renderer.setSize(width, height, false); } } cleanup(): void { console.log("Stop the animation before quitting..."); window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.ani_request_id); } private update_textures(): void { for(const key in this.uniforms) { if(["u_resolution", "u_time", "u_mouse"].indexOf(key) === -1) { this.uniforms[key] = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 'black', }); } } for(const v of this.textures) { this.uniforms[] = {value: v.texture}; } console.log(this.uniforms); } apply_mat(fragment_shader:string, vertex_shader: string): void { const empty_main = "void main(){}"; const opts = { fragmentShader: fragment_shader.trim() === ""?empty_main: fragment_shader, uniforms: this.uniforms, vertexShader: undefined }; if(vertex_shader.trim() != "") opts.vertexShader = vertex_shader; const mat = new THREE.ShaderMaterial(opts); this.mesh.material = mat; console.log(this.uniforms); } } ShaderEditor.frg_template = `\ #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif // uniform vec2 u_resolution; // uniform vec2 u_mouse; uniform float u_time; void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(abs(sin(u_time)),0.0,0.0,1.0); }\ `; /** * * @class ShaderPlayground * @extends {BaseApplication} */ export class ShaderPlayground extends BaseApplication { /** * Private variable for tab and editor */ private tabbar: GUI.tag.TabBarTag; private editor: ShaderEditor; constructor(args: AppArgumentsType[]) { super("ShaderPlayground", args); } main(): void { this.init_editor(); this.init_textures_list(); this.bindKey("ALT-N", () => { return this.newFile(); }); this.bindKey("ALT-O", () => { return this.openFile(); }); this.bindKey("CTRL-S", () => { return this.saveFile(); }); } /** * Init the editor for fragment and * vertex shader */ private init_editor(): void { this.tabbar = this.find("tabbar") as GUI.tag.TabBarTag; this.tabbar.items = [ { text: __("Fragment"), iconclass: "bi bi-palette" }, { text: __("Vertex"), iconclass: "bi bi-intersect" }, { text: __("Textures"), iconclass: "bi bi-image-alt" } ]; this.tabbar.ontabselect = (_e) => { this.selectTab(); }; this.editor = new ShaderEditor( this.find("editor-container"), new ShaderRenderer(this.find("viewport") as HTMLCanvasElement)); this.on("resize", (e) =>{ this.editor.resize(); }); this.editor.onfilechange = (v: string) => { (this.scheme as GUI.tag.WindowTag).apptitle = v; }; this.editor.ontextureadded = (v: GenericObject) => { this.add_texture(v); } this.editor.filehandle = undefined; this.tabbar.selected = 0; } private add_texture(data: GenericObject): void { { const listview = this.find("texture-list") as GUI.tag.ListViewTag; if(!data) { this.editor.renderer.textures = []; = this.editor.renderer.textures; this.editor.renderer.needupdateTexture = true; return; } const loader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); const texture = loader.load(data.path.asFileHandle().getlink()); texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping; texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; data.texture = texture; listview.push(data); this.editor.renderer.needupdateTexture = true; } } private init_textures_list(): void { const listview = this.find("texture-list") as GUI.tag.ListViewTag; listview.buttons = [ { text: "__(Add texture)", iconclass: "bi bi-plus", onbtclick: (_e: any) => { this .openDialog(new AddTextureDialog()) .then((data) => this.add_texture(data)); } } ]; listview.itemtag = "afx-shader-texture-item"; listview.onitemclose = (e) => { this.editor.renderer.needupdateTexture = true; return true; }; this.add_texture(undefined); } private selectTab(): void { const index = this.tabbar.selected as number; if(index === 2) { $(this.find("editor-container")).hide(); $(this.find("texture-list")).show(); } else { $(this.find("editor-container")).show(); $(this.find("texture-list")).hide(); } this.editor.edit(index); } menu() { return [ { text: "__(File)", nodes: [ { text: "__(New)", dataid: "new", shortcut: 'A-N' }, { text: "__(Open)", dataid: "open", shortcut: 'A-O' }, { text: "__(Save)", dataid: "save", shortcut: 'C-S' } ], onchildselect: (e) => { switch ( { case "new": return this.newFile(); case "open": return this.openFile(); case "save": return this.saveFile(); } } } ]; } private ignore_unsaved(): Promise { return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) =>{ if(this.editor.filehandle.dirty === true) { const r = await this.ask({ title: __("Unsaved shader"), text: __("Ignore unsaved file?") }); if(!r) { return resolve(false); } return resolve(true); } return resolve(true); }); } private async newFile() { const ignore = await this.ignore_unsaved(); if(!ignore) return; this.editor.filehandle = undefined; } private async openFile() { try{ const ignore = await this.ignore_unsaved(); if(!ignore) return; const d = await this.openDialog("FileDialog",{ title: __("Open file"), mimes: this.meta().mimes }); this.editor.filehandle.setPath(d.file.path); await; } catch(e) { this.error(__(e.toString()), e); } } private async saveFile() { if (this.editor.filehandle.path !== "Untitled") { return this.editor.write(undefined); } const f = await this.openDialog("FileDialog",{ title: __("Save as"), file: this.editor.filehandle }); let handle = f.file.path.asFileHandle(); if(f.file.type === "file") { handle = handle.parent(); } try{ await this.editor.write(`${handle.path}/${}`); } catch(e) { this.error(__(e.toString()), e); } } protected cleanup(e: any): void { if(this.editor.filehandle.dirty) { this.ignore_unsaved() .then((d) =>{ if(d) { this.editor.filehandle.dirty = false; this.quit(true); } }); e.preventDefault(); return; } this.editor.cleanup(); } } /** * Application dependenicies preload */ ShaderPlayground.dependencies = [ "pkg://libthreejs/main.js", "pkg://ACECore/core/ace.js", "pkg://ACECore/path.js", "pkg://ACECore/core/ext-language_tools.js", "pkg://ShaderPlayground/glslx.js" ]; } }